Till; OMAHA DAILY BKK rOL'NDKD U T EDWARD ROBE WATER. VICTOR HOPKWATER, KDITOR. Kntrel at Omaha postofflia as second class matter. TIvRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Sunday Koe, una year '! Saturday Hr. rne year 1 W I 'ally Hp (without Sunday), on year.. 4 "0 laily lira and Sunday, on year COM DKL1VKHED BY CARhlER. Evening H-a (without Sunday), par mo..l Kxeiiln iiee twlth Hundayi, per month. .6c fully Hi a (inc lulling Hunrtay), per month kj l;aiiy iiee (without Sunday), par month. .ou Addrexa all t omplalnts oC Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Liapartment. OKK1CES. Omaha Tha Dee ilulHllns South Omaha. N. Twenty-fourth1 8t. Council HlulfM-16 bcott HI. Lincoln 10 Little Building. Chicago IMa Marquette Building. Kunaua Cltv helian e Hulliilng. New lork-24 Weat Thirty-third 8t. W aahlngton-7'.iS Fourteenth Bt., N. W. CORHK8FONUENCK. Cutnmunlcatlona relating to news and ed itorial matter ahould be addressed Omaha lice, Kdilorlal Department REMITTANCES Keinlt by dratt, expreaa or postal order, ayabl to 1 he Bee fubllshlng Company, only 2-cent stamps received In payment of nail accounts, personal checks except on Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted. Silencing the Jingoes. ,n vt uncertainty In .thieving It. they ....,, . . . Ihave, It It understood, listened. to d if - Truly, the Jingoes who preach wftr with Japan have fallen upon hard i fer'nt 'ounsrl. .. . , , . - , nder the seniority rule La toilette, times Events of the last few weeks ..... cummins, tiapp, Bourne, uristow ana hi va rnmhltiArt I r HI ar rH It ihAm 011- .ii.. Tk. . ., ,. , lothers of their group will come in for in vi i iiq urn II rill J w m bi Washington wis a severe blow to them, but not final. Kven though it went through with the avowed 'en- I dorsement of the Taclflc coast states doDlrable committee places. It Iniean a stronger hold for them on leg- j filiation than would be' possible were ) the old rule, that formerly denied sloner to supervise and control the . road work done by the different coun- j ties no is to make It fit together. Ne- I bracks wlil be left far behind In the good roads movement If the present legislature fails to do Its duty in this may j respect. The Bee's Letter Box Contributions ea Timely -ejects STot KaoeeeHaa! Two Hundred Words Are lamed from Our Bleeders. Sixty Year Standard FKBRUAItV CIRCULATION. 47,21 State of .Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: Liwlght Williams, circulation mansger of The Bee Publishing Coinpsny. being duly sworn, nays thst the average dally circu lation, lens spoiled, unusod and returned toples. lor the month of February mil, was 4 1, 6-1. UWiOHT W1LLIAM9, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of March, 1811. (Seal.) HO BERT HUNTER, Notary Public. Sabeertbers leaTinst tha elty tem porarily should have The Bee nailed te beu. Address will be changes' aa tflta ea requested. That wag a tough Jolt Jack Frost gave the ice map, anyway. Not even Its name could keep the battleship Texas out of the discard. It Is a smart man who can tell where radicalism begins ind conserva tism ends. It did not silence the agitators. They ame back with that scare story of an Iterlor alliance between Mexico and apan as the real reason for the pres ident sending troops to the Texas border. The president considered this ca ard serious enough to demand his personal attention, so he sent for the apanese minister and to him declared that it was without foundation in fact and expressed the wish that this word be transmitted to the emperor of apan. The emperor's reply Is an ex pression of Implicit faith In the friend ship of our government and a reaffirm- ng of good will toward us. Neither government has suspected the other of sinister motives or movements, the most complete friendship exists be- ween the two nations and under the provisions of the new treaty they ought to come Into even closer rela- tloni. All this series of events ought to suffice to allay the most sensitive feel- ngs and convince our people that this persistent agitation of trouble between the United States and Japan is the irrational utterance of Irresponsible persons. Even on the Pacific toaU the majority sentiment Is against It. Seattle refused to take seriously the last big anti-Japanese demonstration and the California legislature has de feated the alien land law bill, designed to dlscrlmnate against the orientals n the right of owning realty. All these things must have their influence and do. They ought to put an end to this pernicious jingoism : for the best In terests of the two countries cannot but suffer indirectly by Its continuation. Abe Reuf says a sebra is' prettier than a horse. What suggested stripes to the man? ir me democrats want to make a real hit they will make the extra ses sion extra short. Stage Manager Bryan had better hurry or be will not get all the parts assigned by April 4. "Twenty-two plow companies merge." News Item. That is what we may call a "gang" plow. As a compromise candidate for sen ator In New York why has no one pro posed the Honorable Dick CrokerT Those bloodhounds evidently do better in the south, where they are not so particular about catching the right negro. What are the advantages of com mission form of city government as against our precious ($8,250,000) Water board? Those young Americans who have been taken prisoners of war in Mexico probably would not do it again If they had the chance. The Washington Post says "Honors' ble Blue-eyed 'Billy' Sheehan would make a dandy glue ad." Yes, or sticking plaster. holce places to these aspiring young senators, effaced. Mr. Bryan Is out with a plea to progressive democrats" in the senate to unite with progressive republicans to secure committees "not merely to pay personal compliments, but to carry out the peoples will." Per haps, however, even that can be done to the satisfaction of the progressive republicans without disturbing this heretofore offensive rule. A Credit Mark for the Governor The taxpayers of Douglas county owe Governor Aldrich a credit mark for Interposing his veto to stop the salary grab that Was to give four dep uty county attorneys not less than $2,000 apiece for devoting a portion of their time to public service. The Bee expressed its opinion vig orously of this bill at the time it was log-rolled through the legislature urging the same reasons against It that are embodied In the governor's veto message. With the possible ex ception of the chief deputy none of the deputy county attorneys have any good reason to complain of being either underpaid or overworked, and this bill would never have gotten started except for' the fact that one of the deputies Is the lsw partner of one of our state senators. President Woodbury for the water company insists that they are eager and anxious to complete tne sale of the water plant to the city, but that they are not willing to turn over their property In exchange for another law suit. In other words, the water com pany seems to have stolen the Water board's slogan "Not next year, or next month, but now,' A Democratio Dilemma. A plague of place hunters has al ready appeared on the horizon of democratic hopes at Washington, fore boding more trouble than the wheel horses of the party like to think about. The hungry horde of office- seekers has already pitched Its tent n Washington, ready to march against he keepers of the pie counter as soon as congress convenes next week in ex- ra Besslon. Fairly reliable observers count at least three men for every job and as the positions number 500, that means 1,600 applicants. How are the other 1,000 to be appeased? Ah, that is the question that Just now haunts so many of these majority members of the house, under whose reorganization the distribution is to be made. Wise and seasoned politicians have not deceived themselves as to the dan ger that lurks In the wake of a dis appointed office-seeker. Champ Clark, as speaker, may change front on every vital issue that comes before the house and alienate half his democratic brethren In the house, but Champ Clark would rather" a dozen times do that than to offend these long-suffer ing hangers-on for a government job. Distribution of chairmanships snd committeeships and the reorganiza tion of the house all are minor mat ters as compared with this task of parceling out 600 plums to 1,600 mouths. The democrat who can suc cessfully solve that problem Is the democrat the party needs Just now as its Moses to lead it out of the wilder ness. Among other things that conduces to the Increase of crime is the leniency of some of our judges who have gotten the habit of turning convicted offend ers loose with suspended sentences to go out and repeat their performances. How times change. Here Is our amiable democratic contemporary burying an important announcement from Mr. Bryan in an obscure place on the third page, while giving Roose velt front page space. An F.sreptlon rioted. Washington Post. Mr. Bryan aays that the newspapers shouldn't print stories of crimes, but how much advertising would he ever hare re ceved If they hadn't played up that-one of '78? "It should be understood that the party Is more to be considered than the Individual." Richard Croker. Still, Boss Murphy stands pat. No wonder Senor Reyes appeals to President Diss as a good man for. war secretary. The senor once undertook a little revoluting on his own hook. Come to think of It, why should the president pardon the bankers sent to the federal prisons any more than be ''should pardon smugglers or moonshiners? It seems rather unreasonable that the Judge who fined the Standard OH $29,000 should get a Black Hand let ter. What do these Black-Handers want, anyway? Those American youths on the Texas border who are pining for a few hot times should contain themselves till along about July or August, when things should warm up enough to suit tUem. The Law and Fatal Fires. New York authorities are making a determined effort to fix the blame for the terrible fire which cost 160 lives Grand jury investigations have been conducted with that end in view. As near as has been established this holocaust was due to some form of criminal negligence. If so It ought to be possible to fix the blame, and that done, the penalty of the law should follow automatically. In such matters we are accutorcel to be all too lenient in this country We have gone Into paroxysms of grief when hundreds of lives were snufied out by fire, or mine damp, but not yet baa a wholesome example been made. It has not been due to the Impossibil ity of ascertaining that someone was to blame, nor, In fact, always of find ing who that someone was. It has been due more often to a maudlin mis conception, which allows overwrought sympathy toxoutwelgh justice. When the law plainly specifies that doors to such places as that destroyed In New York and to great theaters, such as the one, In whose destruction 600 Uvea were lost in Chicago, shall swing outward and because of neglect they fall to swing that way, as a re sult of which human lives are sacri ficed, the law should be allowed to operate Irrespective of persons. Good fellowship, political pull or personal standing Is not a safe Influence to yield indulgences and dispensations to the culprits. Possibly If the penalty were more often applied those re sponsible would be more cautious and fewer such disasters would ensue. A Murder and Its Lesson. The unprovoked murder by high' waymen of a prominent and respected business man like Herman B. Conn has shocked the whole community pro foundly. When a man who has shown himself, as Mr. Cohn has, to be enter prising and progressive; who has at tended strictly to bis own business and has thus earned and held the es teem of all who knew him, is shot down without warning It naturally suggests the question, Who may be the next victim of such a Crime? Under the circumstances people are bound to speculate on what has not been done to give us better police pro tection, and where the fault lies. Omaha unquestionably has a smaller police department than It ought to have. In fact, we have been spend ing half again as much money on our fire department as on our police da partment. Another . serious blunder was made by the last democratic leg islature, which increased the pay of policemen all around without Increas ing the police fund, and thus made It necessary actually to reduce the num ber of policemen available for active duty Just at the time when the de mand for police protection was stead ily increasing. We are convinced that Omaha has enjoyed remarkably effi cient police service from the small force maintained, but that offers no excuse for not. having a metropolitan police department' adequate to the needs of a city of 125,000 people scat tered over twenty-five square-wiles. Our old friend, "Bill" Dech, rises to remark that he Is duly thankful to dis cover that he has a defender. "Bill" does not seem to realize that the fel low he Is thanking was really defend ing himself. The Hartford Times has nominated the democratic ticket a little ahead of time, but we have no doubt It will be acceptable in Nebraska at least to one Nebraskan. Its ticket Is Bryan and Foss. It is to be noted that in pleading with Llncolnltes to continue to keep their town dry Mr. Bryan, who lives at Fairvlew, went out of his wsy to make Invidious comparisons with Omaha as a brewery-ridden city. 6U11, Omaha will try to survive this assault as well as It can. This newspaper la the years that have passed has not hesitated to tike Its stand In favor of tha broadest tolerance, whether In medicine, religion, politic or what not. -World-Herald. Oh, come now. People hereabouts have not forgotten how the World Herald bolted Its own party nominees to espouse the cause of the intolerant A. P. A. bigots, who set out to draw a religious line disqualifying for pub lic office. Seniority Rule in the Senate, it reports from political seers at Washington may be relied upon, Mr. Bryan probably is appealing In vain for a coalition of democratic and re publican progressive senators to set aside the seniority rule in the reorgan isation of that body. According to expert opinion the republican progres sives, who will hold ""the balance of power In the senate, have decided not to disturb this rule against which they Inveighed when they were a powerless minority. This would seem to be a most natu ral position for them to take, for In the coming congress many of them wll have ranking claims of which they would deprive inemseives u tne sen lorlty rule were abolished. For the sake of consistency they may be strongly tempted to help overturn the rule, but ss practical politicians their better judgment will restrain such ac tion. It makes all the difference in the world "whose ox Is gored." The Insurgent republicans have thought that by Ignoring the rule of seniority they could defeat Senator Penrose In his succession of Senator Aldrich 'as head of the finance committee, but when they have figured up what such a victory would cost them, to say noth tin nltk the Game. Wall Street Journal. If every government official who played the stock market were fired, It would be necessary to use the capltol for a poor house and the congressional library for soup kitchen. Aervea the Whole Rare. Springfield Republican. In wrltind to Dr. Booker T. Washington that Impressive note of personal esteem and confidence, President Taft has per formed an Invaluable service to the whole negro race In America. Reform lie fore Promotion. Chicago Tribune. Buffalo Bill might have a better chance of going to the United States senate If he would agree to modify the wild western character of his goatee. It wouldn't har monize with a senatorial toga. National Economy New York Tribune. President Taft's economy commission thinks that $200,000 can be saved annually in the preparation of the government's hydrographlc charts and Weather bureau maps. There Is at present no co-ordination of the work done by two bureaus of two departments, and the natural consequences are friction and waste. The economy com mission will have Its hands full rooting out duplication and unnecessarily divided 're sponsibility In the work of the federal ser vice. BRYAN AND PUSS IS 1918. Ahead of the Game. The democratic bosses guiding the reins on the legislative majority at Lincoln are trying to put through a congressional redisricting measure planned specially for the purpose of helping the democrats bold the dis tricts they have and capture one or two now represented at Washington by republicans. Why should the boundaries of Ne braska's congressional districts be re drawn at this time? Congress has as yet made no reapportionment on the new census. Reapportionment, when It comes, may reduce Nebraska's quota of six to five, In which event the work of redisricting would have to be done all over again by the next legislature., The real reason why the democratic bosses want the Job done right away is that they are in control at present and decidedly uncertain whether they will be in control two years hence. They would redistrlct now In order to edge up on the congressional election next year, and chance having one branch of the legislature, or the gov ernor, to block any changes not to tbelr liking later. Our advice to republicans In the leg islature is not to let the democrats get ahead of the game. Let us keep con gressional districts ' In Nebraska Just as they are until congress makes the new apportionment, when redisricting can be done Intelligently and once for all until the next succeeding census. Featherlrsa Chanteeler and His Proa- peetlre Crowing? Mate. Hartford (Conn.) Times (dem.). In 1KM It was Bryan and Sewall, in 1900 It waa Bryan and Davis, In 1908 It was Bryen and Kern. Few people carry la their memories the names of all the run. nlng mates of the Nebraska man in his various presidential campaigns. As prep arations are now making for the selection of a fourth vice presidential candidate on a Bryan ticket it becomes worth while to "call of the roll." Mr. Bryan has been in Boston lately, ha delivered his lecture, has met his friends and admirers In that section and is re ported to be in a well-pleased state of mind as a result of this visit. Mr. Bryans' special happiness is that e has discovered through his friend, O. F Williams, an available man for the second place on the ticket in 1912 Eugene Noble Foss Is his name "Bryan and Foss" is to be the ticket. Mr. Foss has been In the democratio party just long enough (a little over a year), and Is loaded to Just exactly the right degree with democratic "prin ciples" to make him an Ideal associate of the Nebraska leader. It la true that the thrice defeated can didate makes the announcement every where he goes that he Is not a presidential candidate. That Is merely a part of the game merely the harmless, permissible dlssulatlon of the man who loves Ms country and his people too well to go back on them when they come again to demand the auadrennlal sacrifice. Once he did keep hla promise not to be a candidate. That was In. 1MM and how melancholy the result! He means to save us such another catastrophe by letting the burden Of de feat fall once more on his own broad shoulders. Should anything happen to disarrange thlscroirram Mr. Bryan stands ready to name the man who shall be nominated in his place. He may consent, If neoessary to the nomination of Woodrow Wilson, at though not to that of Judson Harmon His real preference, however, Is to take the nomination himself, and in that event ne regards the Massachusetts governor aa th most available man to nominate for vice president. The perpetual candidate regards plutocrats with deep distrust at all times, except when they are associated with him In a presidential campaign. At such times he can endure any amount of Ingmacy with them. Whether he will be In the same mood toward Mr. Foss Ifthe hitter run .... ..-,.M ...in tl.l. v..r or.,1 I.I beaten at the polls Is a matter not neces sary to be considered at present. I.iiud Rends I. arts. KKKMONT. Neb.. Msrch 3d -To the Kdl tor of The Ilee: This I a cry for help from the Nebraska (lood Roads associa tion In Its fight for the passage of the joint committee road bills now before the legislature. I ant assuming that you are In accord with the spirit of these measures ' The house has Indefinitely postponed two of the three Important measures of the joint Committee and has passed for third reading the county highway commissioner j bill with many amendments greatly weak ening It. The senate has passed to third reading three of the measures, vlt: the state highway commission bill, state aid for county bill, the county highway com missioner bill, and. It la hoped, that by the time these bills come up again In the house for consideration that enough light can be thrown upon the subject to enable the house to pass the three measures as they stand. 1 do not hesitate to make this request for help because I know that your paper Is vitally Interested In the general pros perity of this state, and we believe there are no measures before the legislature now that will mean so much to the people s wilt these good road measures should they be enacted into laws. The very Idea of Nebraska expending every year approxi mately $3,000,000 on her highways with two-and-a-half-dollar men as supervisors of the expenditures Is ridiculous In the ex treme, and that Is exactly the condition under which our highways are constructed and' maintained. I also wish to call your attention to II. K. 673 which ought to be defeated. DAN V. STEPHENS, Chairman Legislative Committee Nebraska Qoods Roads Association. Wants Physical lhone t'nnneotion. OMAHA, March 27. To the Editor of The Bee: 1 have carefully rend the masterly argument in favor of a legalised telephone monopoly aa presented by the president of the Nebraska Independent Telephone sys tem. In forceful, dignified language he as serts the necessity of a telephone monopoly because: First The present laws do not prevent the absorption of the smaller companies. Second If merger is not legalised, com petition will be abolished by Illegal means. Third There Is no way at present of preserving the Integrity of toll connections. Fourth It will abolish the dual telephone annoyance. Let us examine these arguments In order. The present Junkin anti-trust law in the plainest conceivable language prohibits the creation of monopolies. I have never heard doubt as to the Inclusion of telephone monopoly In ylts prohibitions until within thu last sixty days. If there is any doubt, amend the present bills to prohibit, not permit such monopoly. In the second place we are threatened that jinless monopoly Is permitted, In pursuance of law It will come In spite of law. The Bell trust has been trying Just thst thing for the last fifteen years In this state. Today It has Its back to the wall fighting for Ita life in Nebraska. The third and fourth arguments should be considered together, and the answer is piam ana simple compulsory physical con nection under commission supervision. LT8LE I. ABBOTT. The Bee has been urging from time to time more systematic work for the Improvement of our public roads, and the enactment of leglclatlon necessary to this purpose. The Bee was among the first to advocate the ereation for Nebraska of a slate highway com mis- 8 1(10 EAK3 TO mKmm A Cream of Tartar Poivdor Uado from Grapi no ALUM JESTS FROM JUDGE. Sec, Lord de Broke Angela, my nuen l leave my fortunes in your hands; Anjjelo You flatterer! Are thev really so small? "I want wife." "This way, sir. sir?" Dcesn't matter ton in the back. pair of button shoes for my What kind do you wish. -Just so they don't but- I snd the hair snd costume of the present dayf "I hear she married beneatH her." "Yes, her husband plays a wretched game of bridge." Washington Herald. I Stella Whst causes her Innomnla? Holla Phe takes so many beauty exer cises before retiring that It Is morning when she finishes Harper s liasar. About the only way an Indian can make an honest llvin' nowadays Is by playln' foot ball or poxln' in front of a cigar store with a bunch of wooden cheroots In tils hand. "What do you consider the rarest thing In the world?" "An ovster containing a pearl that hasn't been damaged " Every dog has his day and every rooster his daybreak. A cluar Is like a woman's dres: yo'i can never Judge the filling by the wrapper. And who," asked the Sunday-school teacher, "who was it that cried, 'Oh, klni;. live forever.'" All the life Insurance aeenta. sug gested the small boy whose father was an adjuster. Aesop was writing his fables. "I hope," he said, "this will not consti tute me a member of the Ananias club. So. althoUKh lie made them short, they were not ugly. Chicago Tribune. Investor (angrily See here! You told me I' d surely clear between five and six hundred dollars on that deal. Broker Well? Investor Well, I've cleared Just $8.76 on it. Broker Then you ve got no kick. That s between 15 and tm, isn't It? Catholic Standard and Times. 'Tell me," said the society woman who had consented to meet the well-known actress, "how you manage about your photographs." uo you mean now i manage to supply the demand for them?" No. How no you manage to have them show tha face you had twenty years ago "I see." said Platers, "that our old friend Bllklns had a strong article In one of tho HoHtun papers the other day." "ltrnllv?" said Ulnks, incredulously. "I'd! never have believed that of old Bilk. What, was It?" "A recipe tor pickled onions." said Slat ers Harper s Weekly. SONNETS OF A CAR CONDUCTOR. me to luch J Chicago News. Gee, this is tough! the promised come Out to a picture show tonight, and, oh I dunno where I'm goin' to raise the dough. For love has put my bsnk book on the bum. Mv purse Is now as empty as a drum. Nary a single red have I to show; t But 1' must have a seed or two. and so) it's up to me to look arouhd for some. 1 haven't Sot a pal that I can touch. r O, I1IU1C IWU l m luwnf, And I will need a dosen times as much Kay, cully, ain't It hades to be broke? Well, as I must dig up the change so. wheres, There's nothln' left but knockln' d some fares. Last night I dreamed the darndest bun' , of rot; Love aa a trolley car I seemed to see Hittln' it up the pike for fslr, and gee. The crowd on board was such a mush lot, Cooln' awav like ringdoves In a cot! Ami dinkv little (.'lipid seemed to be The motorman. Meanwhile, his majesty; Old Harry was collectln' fsres. I thought. And I was slttln' holdln' Mamie's hand, Bwappln' a heap of lovey-dovey guff. Fllln' the soft soap on to beat the band) And handln' out a raft of hothouse) suddenly we hit an open switch And landed, badly battered, in the ditch I Crime Breeding; Tool Halls. OMAHA, March i8 To the Editor of The Bee: 1 believe the Cohn murder was commit ted, not by a seasoned footpad or highway man, but by a novice. I believe many similar crimes In this city of recent years have been committed by youths, whose expert ence in crime has been brief Aa we have found out In many Instances, sdrne of these youths are actuated by no criminal instinct other than to get hold of a little money Many of them are boys in the hab.t of playing pool and want this money for that purpose. They go out to get It by lawless methods, not intending to commit mur der, but are unable to control either I hair-trigger pistol or a weak human Im pulse. Of course, it makes no difference so far as the blackness of the crime 'is concerned. These boys who infest pool rooms have no great amount of money or resources, so when the gambling spirit has complete hold on them, they cut loose and the first thing they know they have perhaps stained their hands with the blood of an Innocent victim. It la an appalling situation when such men as Mr. Cohn are shot down in cold blood. What la the rem edy? If the fault, or any part of It, Ilea In these pool rooms, which are multiplying with amazing rapidity, Isn't the remedy in restriction of these abominable places? I believe they are the most vicious influence in the city, because they entice and en- srare the young. Wa should do some thing to curb them and that at once. A. LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN. Mr. (haifk'i applanation. OMAHA, March 28. -To the Editor of The Bee: I feel that the account In The Bee of the meeting gotten' up by the Klver vlew Impiovement club haa misrepresented my position aa to the protest made against changing the name of the Forest school. James l'ros brought the petitions, which had been prepared by Mr, Tlmmerman, to my place and asked permission to have them left there for signers. He told me there waa to be a meeting Saturday night, when 1 carried the petitions over to them across the street, but had nothing to say and took no other part la the meeting. I am a Bohemian myseir, and could have no objection whatever to the naming of the school after Edward Rose water, and do not want to be charged with being the cause of any protest. JOHN CHADiCK.. ircoos stop FEED these little reservoirs y ry vy v. n A r3 are lhe feature Minnie 9 People Talked About In ona of his merry moods Bill Nye piped Off the situation thusly: "Spring, spring, you giddy young thing." The twelve passengers carried by that French aeroplane weighed 1,315 pounds, or an average ok iduui ih ivuuus, uiua showing that they were small and select parties. Mrs. W. C. Brown, wife of the presi dent of the New York Central, says she Is prepared to do the milking on her hus band's 700-acre Iowa farm, "and It would not be the first time, either," she adds. Mrs. Emma M. Nakulna Is a water rights commissioner under the territorial govern ment in Hawaii. Mrs. Nakulna Is an Amer ican woman, granddaughter of Captain Metcalf of the Eleanor. Uhe lives In Kallhl. A, six months' residence and absence from the state when desired during that term, brings the Reno divorce mill down to such simple requirements that not a murmur of dissatisfaction is heard from old or pros pective customers. 8eats are selling as low as from SIC to yt each on one of tha grandstands that will overlook the coronation parade. Amer icans who care nothing for royalty and consider It all nonaenae, will not find the cost of living too high to prevent them from contributing to the English enter-prlaa A Traajlo Kplaode. Philadelphia Hecord. Captain "Jack" Philip Is dead, and now the Texas, with which he distinguished himself at Santiago, has been sacrificed to gunnery practice by newer and very much more powerful battleships. But the world will never forget that In the hour of vic tory Fhtltp checked the triumphant shouts of hla men, calling out: "Don't cheer boys; the poor devils are dying!" An Airr i'pllft. Baltimore American. A western railroad Is going to put soda fountains on its summer trains. This will, without doubt, add to Its' flst-lcal valuation. R The snappy, rich flavor of gingerbread depends upon the ginger. Use aas sat Sm hast rirrbmi aaa eoofc IMIM latin mrtla. Dea l bar laMpta rlaaar. Oat Taaaa'. It'llraahaae aaraeslaaaaUSsaranaa Onfa, MM. TONS SSOS.. Meieaa. la. ri n The Only SCIENTIFIC Pen Made The Spoon Feed gives a uniform flow ol ink from toe bat. rel to the point pf tha pen. It prevents the flood or blot of ink caused by the beat of the band expanding the air in the barrel. The ink displaced br expaneion settles into the Feed Pockets and is resorted beck to the reservoir. Overflow is impossible i still, there will always be tbe correct supply of ink to feed tka point just m fast or as alow your writing requires. The- perfection of this exclusive patent makes "Waterman's Ideal tbe universally uaed writing implement of the preeent day. There arc other flat feeds but not Spoon Feeds. FROM THE BEST DEALERS EVERYWHERE L. . Waterman Co., ' 173 Broadway, n .N.Y. J 1 $19 Only Round Trip Fare From Iowa and Nebraska Points to Costilla Irrigated Lands (Largest Private Irrigation Project in the United States) In the Famous SAN LUIS VALLEY, Colorado, on TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH (f 19.00 Includes Blefpera an1 Hotel A coniixlttt ins from Iteuver to Costilla IaaihIs and Heturn,. ) It's Springtime There Now It's mild and balmy. Plowing and seeding are In progress. Come with us snd see for yourself. Tbese lands, with yerpetusl wster right, ,60.00 to $65.00 per acre. Note the easy terms one-third down; balance in 2 Va and 5 years thus giving two years' crops before second payment. And not an arre six miles from the railrosxi. Can you equal this anywhere? Just let us know you are going Tuesday, April 4th. We'll make all the arrangements. Phone or write Dept. D. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. ViVa VIaah Xf a Try rra Phones Bell, 4254 Douglas; Auto., 3203-A. V