Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Morris, the Oklahoma White Fighter, Knocks Out Mike Schreck in Sixth Round :
Oklahoma "White Hope" Wins in
Sixth Round of Bout.
Former Kaalneer lompletelr Ont
rluiri Hla Oppniifnl B"k lUm
AtHiit Hint at Will from
Klmt Round.
SAPfLPA, Okl . March 28. Carl Morrt,
the Oklahoma "white hope," ollmbed a step
nearer the championship here thin after
noon by knocking out Mike Schreck of
Cincinnati In the sixth round of a
scheduled flftpen-round bout.
A hard rlmht hook to Hchreoke Jaw,
after the sixth round had none one min
ute and two seconds, ended the battle.
The Cincinnati man fell heavily to the
canvas" and wan counted out by Referee
Kdnard W. Cochran.
There was never a n.oment after the first
round was a minute old that the result
was In doubt. Morris completely outclassed
his opponent. The ex-nKlneer rushed
Hchreck about the ring at will and landed
almost as he pleaxtd. ell showed In this
f.a-ht that he could battle with both hands.
Heretofore his work with -his luft band
had been slow. ,
Kthreck mad a poor showing! He .landed
less than half a dozen clean blows on
Morris. None of them carried force enough
to cause the Oklahoma "hope" any great
Fight by Boonds.
Round 1 The fighters rushed at each
other like panthers. , Morris led off with
a hard right awing for the head, but
missed. They clinched. Morris landing
lefts to the body. The referee broke them,
arid Morris drove a rlKht and left swing to
the head. Another clinch followed, and In
coming out of It the ex-engineer swung
another right to the head and followed It
with a right to the stomach and left to
the head. Bchreck swung wildly with his
left and missed. Morris put a left and a
right to the face.
Round i-Morrn led with a left to the
head. Schreck missed a right to the .head.
Morris drove three rlhts to Kchrecks
stomach, visibly affecting the flying
Dutchman' Morris peppered Hchreck s
face with rights and lefts, the. Cincinnati
man being In distress.' Morris drove two
lefts to the head and then pounded
Uchreck's stomach with two more punches.
They mixed, exchanging -right" and lefts.
They exchanged rights to heads. Morris
sent a stiff right body punch home.
Hchreck pot an uppercut to Morris' chin.
. Morris landed a hard right to the head
as the round ended.
Round it Morris was at his man quickly,
A , V. ..... a loft r ( V. u hnull Hli Jh
short right to the jaw.' Schreck sent a J
right to the .head and received a similar
blow In return. Morris shot rights and
lefts to the head and stomach, distressing
his opponent greatly. Schreck drove a
light right to the head and Morris put a
left to the stomach. Morris floored
Schreck with a left to the Jaw. Morris
was fighting his opponent the second he
regained hlu feet, driving a right to the
stomach and a left and right to the head.
Morris sent three rights and a left to the
head, Schreck trying futilely to cover up.
Morris put a right and a left to the wind.
Hchreck tapped Morris on the head with a
right. Morris drove rights and lefts to
Schreck's Jaw. Schreck retaliated with a
right to the Jaw. Morris put Hchreck down
with a right to the head. Hchreck quickly
regained his feet, only to go down again
from a body punch. Hchreck was on his
knees whan the round ended.
Round Morris missed a left to the
head. He then landed a right to the head
and took a left to the head In exchange.
Morris swung his right to the . wind, and
a moinent later put his right to bctireck's.
face. I They clinched, and Morrla pounded
tiohreck's kidneys. Coming out. of the
ollneh. Morrla put a h'tt and a Tight to
the head. Schreck sent a light left to the
head. Morris drove a left nd right to the
head, rocking Schreck. Hchreck again put
a left to the head. With a hard left' to
the head, Morris knocked Schreck through
the ropes. He was up at the count of
three, but only to run Into a stiff right
to the head. Schreck's face was badly
swollen, due to repeated light and left
punches. Again Morris punched Schreck's
head wtth a left and a right. Hchreck
hooked a right - to Morris' race, but the
ex-englneer brushed It off with a smile.
Schreck waa In great pain when he went
to his corner.
Round I They exchanged light left tups
Hchreck awung a left to the face. Morris
drove his right fist to the head and then
to the stomach. Schreck came back with
a right to the body. Morris Jolted Hohreek
with a light to the Jaw, and before
Schreck had ceaaed staggering from the
eireot of the blow, pounded In a volley of
rights and lefta to the head. Morris' nose
waa bleeding slightly from a glancing blow
fcolireok sunt to his opponent's nose.
Schreck planted a stiff rlkht to the law
and Morrla drove In a left and a right to
the head. They clinched. Morris put
Suhreok through the ropes with a right to
the Jaw, The round ended with Morris
beating his opponent wtth both hands.
Seemingly at will. The end wu in alrht.
Round Schreck rushed Mortis, landing
rignt ana leit to tne body. They clinched,
nd Morris again beat fich nook's kidneys.
(ohreck landed a right to the Jaw as they
Came OUt Of Close Oimrturi M,,rH. nnhul
Ms opponent and began, peppering In rights
and lefts to the head and body as he
pleased. After the round had gone one
minute and two seconds, Morris hooked a
nam rtgm to schrtok s Jaw and the Cln.
clunati man took the count.
List of Events for Indoor Athletio Meet.
Fifty-Yard lah Intf rsrholnsilc trial heats.
Fifty-Yard iJasil Young Men's Christian association clubs' trial heats.
Flfly-Vaid Iiarti Intercolleptate trial heats.
Fifty-Yard Iash Intercollegiate flnnls.
Fifty-Yard 1'ash Young Men's Christian association clubs' finals.
Fifty-Yard Dash Tnterscholastlc finals.
Fifty-Yard Enah In which the three first men In each of the previous events
, will compete; match event.
Grade school relays.
Relay Race Council Rluffs and South Omaha High schools.
Kiiuipment Relay Fort Crook and Omaha.
w-Yard Handicap
440-Yard Handicap
Relay Itacs Drake and Mornlngslde; Coe, Tarklo and Tabor; Omaha. Kansas
City and Lincoln Young Men's Christian associations.
Fifty-Yard High Hurdles Finals and semi-finals.
Relay Race Iiellevue, Nebraska Wesleyn and I'nlverslty of Omaha.
Relay Race Chicago Athletic association and Kansas City AthietlQ club; each
man 3W yards. '
Fifty-Yard Hurdle '
600-Yard Run x
Relay Race Sioux City, Omaha and York High schools.
Mile Kun-
Kxhlhition by Ted Jed Sokol on parallel bars at same time.
Relay Races Drake and Kansas; Chicago. Michigan and Nebraska.
Field Kvents High Jump, pole vault, putting 12-pound shot (handicap), putting
Ill-pound shot (scratch), will be held In field in center while races are
being run on track.
National Commission Renders Decis
ion in Thre-I Case.
Cabs Release Five Players.
CHICAGO. March ML Five plavers were
released hv Preu'defit Charles Murphv of
the Chicago National league base hall club
today. Catcher Angemeler goes to the
rew itresns olub with a repurchase op.
tlon. ShortBtoli (Vmnv .rw. tiu.'lr ... a,.,..
kane and St. Raul has purchased Beau-
niunt. tiara ana lilchor Cook.
fIIB Laundry Bag says:
" A bunch of collars get an
even start in the raoe.
"But some turn out to be mere
short-distance sprinters.
"While others are there with
the goods when it comes to Ma
rathon work set a hot pace the
whole distance finish strong.
"That's Corliss-Coon Collars.
"They're not 'quitters.
"They make their weekly trips
to the laundry 'and come back
fresh and smiling.
"They hold tho endurance
record !
"Just count the number iff trips
they make to the laundry and
tee for yourself."
$B3& Collars
Preliminary Held by Cornhuakers on
Unirersity Field, .
From These Foar Me a Are) to Bo
Chosen Later for Helay Bqnad-
Handicap Meet Are
LINCOLN, Neb.. March 28 (Special Tel
egramsThe preliminary elimination meet
to pick a team for the big Indoor aiaet at
Omaha Saturday night to represent the
University of Nebraska waa 'held Monday
evening on the athletic field.
Ia trve fifty-yard dash. May who broke
the university record in the inter-fraternity
meet In the twenty-five yard dash, de
feated the two other veterans. Powers and
Reed, and took the race handily in fast
time; Reed and May and Powers had an
easy time In crowding out the remainder
of the candidate In the sprints.
The relay race which ha attracted the
greatest attention was hard contested,
there being ao unusually large number of
entries. Coach Field finally narrowed the
candidates down to seven men as a result
of the first day's competition.
Those who were selected pn . the relay
Order Made for Dismissal of Alt Coart
Proceed Insre Hew Schedule Mast
Be Dratted hy Neat
CINCINNATI. O., March 28,-Tha Na
tional commission today decided after de
liberation that Waterloo, the club which
recently enjoined the Three-t league
from throwing it out. Is entitled to stay
in. At the same time it Is decided that
Waterloo and Dubuque must dismiss the
court proceeding; recently brought, thus
placing themselves on a footing of good
fellowship with the other teams.
Tho Three-1 league Is ordered to pre
pare a schedule with Waterloo Included, by
April 6. If such a schedule 1 not com
pleted by that time the National commis
sion will take the liberty of making one.
The southern clubs of the Three-1
league, according to this decision mutt
either play ball or become outlaws. Wa
terloo Is thus victor In the struggle, which
was one of the bitterest ever started among
the minor leagues.
Teat of the Decision.
The finding in full follows:
This case comes to the commission on
appeal by President Tearney, representing
four clubs in the Three-1 league, from
a finding made In the case by the National
The commission has siren the matter Its
most careful consider ation and we have
come to the following conclusion.
First The action of the Wcvterloo and
Dubuque clubs in commencing court pro
ceedings with reference to this contro
versy waa entirely unwarranted. Both of
these clubs had their redress to the Na
tional association and if an unsatisfactory
finding was made, an appeal to ths Na
tional commission. We. therefore hold
that all court proceedings must be Im
mediately dismissed.
eecona we rind that the Waterloo Club
has not been legally dropped as a mem
ber of the Three-I league.
Order to Prepare Sehednle.
Third We direct that all of the club
owners of this league assemble at th call
or their president on or before April S, to
adopt a schedule for the playing season
and to take such other action as may be
necessary for the proper operation of the
league during the season of lull and that
on the failure of a maority of their clubs
to agree on any proportion the same shall
be immediately submitted to the National
commission for Its adjudication.
Fourth It is our judgment that the cir
cuit of this' league, as now established, Is
an undesirable one and should be dis
solved at the end of the playing season of
mil ana that any tour clubs of the league
will be entitled to appeal for a dissolu
tion thereof at that time.
r irth in cane the court proceedings are
not dismissed by the Waterloo
C&ptatn University of Michigan Team, Who
W ill be at the Omaha Indoor Meet.
Bicycle Indians
ure Two Games
From Frank's Colts
Solomon Takes Upon Himself Eurdens
of the Flay and Shows Older
Boilers How to Get Fins.
The Omaha Bicycle Indians came near
running up against a snag when they
played the Frank's Colts last night on the
Metropolitan alleys. All ths big chiefs
were In poor form and It was up to Solo-
man, the little papoose to do all the heavy
work, and he certainly did It. getting high
single game of 219 and totals of 60S. Dun
bar of the Colts felt pretty frisky, pulling
out with the high totavs of 642. Tonight.
I'ete Lochs against A. Flick dt Hon.
1st. . 2d. d. Total.
Klauck WT
Soloman lid
Goden ltf
Uilhreath tit
Zarp Ids
Reed led the bunch by a big margin but
the remain Uag sis are closely matched and
the team will probably not be decided upon
till ths day before the meet.
Weekly Handicap Meets.
To stimulate interest In athletics and
particularly In track work. Coach Field de
cided to hold a weekly meet among the
members of the squad to be known as
handicap meets.
After the first few meets the men will
be placed on a handicap basis. Ribbons
will be awarded the winners ot first, sec
ond and third places In each event each
week. Ths idea. Is meeting with' ths ap
proval of the track men.
Brannon, Racely aad Robinson, who have
decided to enter the 'Omaha meet under
Y. M. C. A. colors, despite the ruling that
University freshmen cannot compete, hope
to slip another cs over on ths Corahusker
Athletic board. The trio claim that they
can defeat the varsity relay team and are
willing to back up their assertion. The
chances for a meeting between ths two
teams Is very slim.
these clubs.
tiixth l he Qulncy club, being an inno
cent party in this unfortunate controversy,
should be thoroughly protected and the
commission recommends that If possible
the circuit of the Three-I league be In
creased to ten clubs for a period of one
year and If this cannot be brought about,
all money paid by the Qulncy club for Its
release from the Central association must
be refunded. Immediately.
71 S7 1,606
Sd. Total.
W bit
m Ma
12 4.4
Totals 887
1st. 2d.
Weekes W ZX
Dunbar 17 1SJ
Oleaon 141 U'l
Kerr 1M ltu
Cochran ML U
Totals 10 I0 MH 1.521
The Derby Woolen Mills won two out of
three games from the Maney's Bunklsts In
the Metropolitan league. Lemon had high
game, 192, and high total pins with 608 for
the Derby Woolen Mills. Ortman had high
game, 17i, and high total pins. Hi, tot ths
Sunklsts. Scores:
lai 2i. d. Total.
170 l: Wi
Lemon ...
.. 14
.. 1M
471 447
lxt. lid.
Ortman 178
I-hIM W ltil
uriirin liKi 142
47S 1.433
3d. Total.
167 513
1M .
l&l 4.4
Totals 47 471 47 1,430
League game tor Tuesday, March 2S, be
tween Beselln Mixers and Diets X. C.
In the Booster league the Kuffners won
two out ot three from the Rod and Gun
club. Howell of the Ruffners rolled high
total for three games, with 6S. He also
had high single game with E3. Scores:
1st. Id. Id. Total.
Christensen 151 13 212 678
Rutrkln 16 172 17T fr
Norgaard KU 115 1
Howell 4 l'Jl IH 2il
Melum 171 14 U 4oi
Totals 810 811 8 2.6X
1st. d. Id. Total.
Whltlemore IN! 142 113 d
Brennau. U H4 112 1-i 411
Htraw 161 116 13 4oi
Hat h ! 1W ? 4"2
("iraw '.... 13S ' '12 ' 153 411
Handicap 40 40 40 120
Totala Ki M 112
Tennessee PatT Knocked Down 81s
Times During; Fair Rounds.
MUBltOOEE. OkL, March 28.-Tlra Flynn
of Pueblo, tonight knocked out Al Man
dlno of Chattanooga, Tenn., In the fourth
round of a scheduled fUtsaa-round fight
Mandlno was floored four times In the
fourth round.
The fight was ons of ths bitterest and
most vicious ever staged In this part of
the state. Ths ring was covered with blocd
at ths end of the first round and ths head.
shoulders aad chest of both men were
smeared with crimson when the fight
ended. I
M and too was floored sis times during ths
four rounds. In ths last round Flynn
chopped a right te the jaw during the In
fighting and Mandlno went down. Three
times hs quickly sprung te hla feet, eaeh
time to be floored. Ha was apparently
erased by the blows, the last time spring
ing to his feet with his back to Flyna.
Mis seconds then threw ths sponge into the
Phllatdelpntsv gooeps Charleston.
CHARLESTON. 8. C. March M In the
first of a two-game series the looal South
Atlantic league team was defeated by the
Phliaaeipnia jtauonaie, w to , today. The
locaib oouia do nothing with W 11 helm or
Rowan, the lormer going rive innings with
out allowing a hit.
So Defeat Wichita.
WICHITA, Kan. .March 28,-The Chicago
Americaas tirst team today defeated
vv ii'iuia, to a, in a nara-nitting game
here. Hcore: R.H.E.
v icr.ita s y
Chicago 9 13 i
Batteries: Jackson. Burnham and Clem,
mona; Young. Un and Sullivan.
Slashed with Rasor,
wounded with gun or pierced by a rusty
nail, Bucklen s Arnica Salves heals the
trouble. Guaranteed. 25c For, sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Du . rk-i.. . a .i k . ibuque clubs protection under the National
agreement will beat once withdrawn from
wwii. inuuiwi n i n i y , ruwrrs ana nsjou.
From these seven, four men will be picked,
Ilaetlags Toons; Men Think They Are
In Shop to Pall Down
' Honors.
HASTINGS, Neb., March .( Special.)
Tho athletes of ths Young Men's Christian
association have prepared a report of local
scores In different features of gymnasium
work and will send It to ths stats Young
Men's Christian association for compari
son with scores mads In other associations.
Last year Hastings won the state cham
pionship In ths separate contests. Ths
scores made in this year's contest are:
Running High Jump Height. 4 feet and
10 Inches. First, W. Burr; second, U. Craf
ford; third, C. Kohl.
H landing Broad Jump Distance, t feet
and t inches. First, W. Burr; second 11
Turpit; third, C. KohL
(4ne Hundred-Taid Potato Race Time.
11 seconds. First, C. kohl: second, A..
Theobald: third, Budd.
Relay Race, (one-fourth mile with four
men on team) Time, l:24fc. Team com
posed ot Sullivan, swobl. Burr aud Theo-
Mere of M. Stanley (tooleon In
herlts His Stock In St. I.onla
' NntlonaJs.
CLRVELAND. March 28 -By the will ot
M. . Stanley Rnbison. principal: owner of
the St. Louis National league base ball
club, probated here today, a woman will
succeed to his stock. Hhe Is Mrs. Helen
Hathaway Roblson Pritton, daughter of
the late Frank DeHaas Roblson, brother
of Stanley Roblson. Three-fourths of the
estate, Including all the stock In the St.
Louis club, goes to Mrs. Brltton.
Interstate I.ragme Proposed.
BEATRICE, Neb., March 28. (8ecial.)
A move was started here yesterday by
the base ball fans to organize an Inter
stats league, to comprise the towns of
Wllber, Crete, Frlrnd, Beatrice, Fairbury,
Pawnee City, Teeumseh and Marysvllls,
Kan. Two representatives from this, olty
left today to visit these towns with a view
of assisting In perfecting such an organi
sation. ,
York's Baa Ball Schedule.
YORK. Neb.. March 28 8oecian.-In the
new schedule of games adopted by the
Nebraska State league to be Dlaved this
year York opens the season at Seward.
July 4 York is at Superior. While the
fans here would like to have York open
the season at home and hoped for a sched
ule by which some of the big days could
be played here, they acknowledge that
York being the youngest team in the
league It could not expect too much. No
games will be played on Memorial day.
No Sunday games will be played in York.
York plays the windup of the season at
home, where twelve games are scheduled.
Bellas; Boat at St. Joseph Tonlarht.
ST. JOSKPM. Mo., March 28 Tommy
MoFsrland, the Chicago lightweight, will
go fifteen rounds with Jake Barada of
South St. Joseph before the Robldoux Ath
letic club here tonight. Billy Latchey came
from Hot Springs, Ark., to handle McFar
land. A elg-round bout between Eddie Howard
of St. Louis and Jimmy Cain t Slou City
will precede this bout.
Cm be rind Nashville fclasy.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 28. By
tln ely hitting In the sixth inning the Chi
cago Nationals scored five runs this after
coon and took the game easily from the
locals by 8 to 4. Cole pitched the entire
gtme for the visitors, while the locals used
three men in the box.
Topeka nets Troanclnn'.
TOPEKA, Kan., March 28 The second
team ot the Chicago Americans. Including
seven or the last season regular players,
defeated the Topeka team of the Western
league here today by a score of 14 to 1
Score: R.H E.
Topexa 1 t 6
Chicago 14 14 0
Bktterleai Beecher, McUrath and Kerns;
Olrr.slead ana Block.
Kansas City Loses (iame.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 28-J-Jos Bir
mir.gham's squad of the Cleveland Ameri
can league base ball team defeated the
Kansas City American association team
here today. Score: R.H.E.
Cleveland - 12 16 6
Kansas City 6 8 2
Batteries: Falkenberg. Young and Smith;
Powell, Owens and James.
St. Joseph Loses Again.
ST. JOSEPH, March 2K. Two home runs
by the second team of the Chicago Ameri
cans were features of the ganie with Ft.
Joxeph today, the score being 13 to 1 for
Chicago. The weather was stormy and
In the Mercantile league the Ak-Sar-Ben
won two from the I'ulted States Cleaners.
Btockweli rolled high total for the Ak.
gar-Bens, with 6t4. Roseubloum rolled high
total for the Clt-auers, with fcaO. Bowers
rolled blub single with 223. Stores:
1st. 2l. Sd. Total.
Stotkwell 11 213 170 W.4
Bowers ITS -23 1) M
Wartchow rie 172 13 621
Totala bb nut 4t4 I.4
1st frl 3d. Total
Kotcher 134 17 146 4S4
i'.oa.'llbloum ) 10 .4 6xp
Tlcers Los (to Memphis.
M7MPH1S, Tenn.. March 28 Memphis
wax better than Detroit at the bat today
and won, 4 to I. For Detroit. Stroud aad
Covington pitched and allowed ten hlu.
Dickson. Blackwood and Loomls for Mem
phis allowed only four.
A Cold. l.aGrPB. wsjee Paenaaonla
Is too often the fatal sequence. Foley's
ITmey and Tar expels the aoM. cheeks the
legrlppe and prevents pneumonia. It la a
prompt and reliable cough medietas that
contains no narcotics. It Is as safe tor our
children as yourself. For sals by all druggists.
Minneapolis Beste l.eiluutoa.
LEXINGTON. Ky.. March X. The Min
neapolis American association team de
feated the I.xington Blue Grass team this
afternoon 10 to 0. The work of the locals
showed lack of practice while the visitors
did gi.'od team work.
livers Brat Loalsvllle.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. March 28 The De
troit Americans defeated Louisville of the
American association today, 8 to 12. Lo
cal pitchers proved easy for the visitors.
Cobb got a home rm.
When you have Rheumatism In your
foot or instep apply Cnamberlaln's Lini
ment and you will get relief. It costs but a
quarter. Why eufpr For sale by all
oealera. . .
Three dollars
Try ThU om-Va
Cough Rwtfdy
CmIi Mttlo, Bnt Dos th Work
4nlekJy, or Money Refnnded.
of granulated sugar
warm water, and stir
utes. Put IU ounces of Pin
cents' worth) In a pint hot
add ths Sugar Syrup. Take
Mix ons pint
with V pint of
for 1 minutes.
x tflftjr oei
tie: then a
a teaspoonful a very ons. two or three
You will And that this simple rem
edy takes hold of a cough more quick
ly than anything else you ever used.
Usually ends a aoep seated cough In
side of 14 hours. Splendid, too, for
whooping cough, chest pains, bron
chitis and othet throat troubles. It
stimulates the appetite and ia slight
ly laxative, which helps end a cough.
This reclps makes mors end better
cough syrup than you could buy
ready mads for 12. St. It keeps per
fectly and tastes pleasantly.
Pinex Is tbs most valuable concen
trated compound of Norway whits
pine extract, and la rich In rulaicol
and all tho natural pine elements
which are so healing- to the mem
branes. Other preparations will not
work in this formula.
This plan of making court syrup
With Pinex and Sugar Kyrup (or
strained honey) has proven so popu
lar throughout ths United States and
Canada that It Is often Imitated. But
the old. successful formula hag nsvsr
been equeieo.
guaranty of absolute satisfaction.
or money promptly reiunuou, w.m
this reolpe. Your druggist has Pinex or
will get It for you. It not, gend to The
finsx Co., Ft, .Wayne, lad.
Wstersreefed Uaea Cellars
rVERY arirument if in their
ill favor. Not ons point about
hm ran he rriticUed. Suit-
sMe for wear at work or play.
VVnr dm, wbkc cotiu rrcry Uy. Eliniiuia
Unnsrr SUU snS clutM sees. A lew rum wiis
S duos cloth tad "Lttholin U toow-whitc
CWar 2fe eacn. C afft OOcm pair
7 4k B Wsverly rb
Hew lent
f You've
Tbose fascinating, low crown, wide
brim derbies decidedly English; best
line in Omaha. fT" T f fV
and ONLY 2 J KJ
205 North 10th Mreet
16th and Capitol Ave. Hotel Loyal.
sMii; 7iViii:Hii
f j r,.ri - J-
- II -
nil ill
Adding and Subtracting
will "do all your writing
and adding in Your Waif
Visible.Writing-Visible Adding
Remington Typewriter Company
1619 Farnam Street.
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
San Francisco, lx)s Anfrelen, Seattla, Portlanil, (Spokane, etc.,
OXK WAV, daily until April 10 $25.00
Round Trip Rates.
Ran Franctoro, hot Angeles, April 18-20, May 12-14; also daily
June I to September 80 ,
San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, June 5-6, June 10-22. .
Han Francisco, June 27 to July S
Portland, Seattle, Taconia, Vancouver, May 29-81; also daily
June 1 to September 90 ... i . .i . '
Tortland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, June 5-6, June 10-2 2
and June 27 to July 5
Including WuiU Route, 13.(M) higher.
Yellowstone Park Tours.
Side trip from Livingston or Ogden, all accommodations
Going and returning via Gardiner (official entrance), rail, vtage,
and botela for 6 Mi day tour
In via Gardiner, out via Yellowstone, Salt Lake City and
Bcenic Colorado, all accomodations for 6V days
Personally conducted eight day camping tours of the Park,
from Cody
Commencing June 12.
' 60.00
8 1.50
Summer Tours.
Denver and Colorado Springs, commencing June 1.
Glenwood Springs, Colo., commencing June 1
Kstea Park, Colo., commencing Juno 1
Salt Lake City and Ogden, I'tah, commencing June 1
lleadwood, S. 1)., commencing June 1
not Springs, S. 1)., commencing June 1
Sheridan, Manchester and 1 'ark man, Wjo., commencing June 1
Cody, Wyo., commencing June 1
Thermopolis, Wyo., commencing June 1
Homeseekers' Rates.
Denver, let and 3d Tuesdays . .
Colorado Springs, lit and 3d Tuesdays
Cody, Dig Horn JUln. ThermopollH, Wyo., 1st and 3d Tuesday
Millings, Mont,, 1st and 3d Tuesdays
Great Kalis, Mont., 1st and 3d Tuesdays
Butte, Kallspell, Missoula, Mont., 1st and 3d Tuesdays
- i
Free llluatratod publication on rfiiifct "I'o
ctflc CiiiiHt Tours,'' " I'Mllfurnla txcurnlons," "Yellow
stone Turk," Mummer Oullnga in tlie Ulg Horn Moun.
talriM of Wyoming." "HoineMrekers' KuciirHlona to
the West and NorlhweHt." "8i,cial Low Fares. " etc.
I'roiiortlonal farea to muny otlivr dvittlnullonu.
Write or call, describe your iroiohei trlu, and lul
tne help yon I'lan It to make the mobt btlrHitlvu tour
at the least cost.
J. II. HKYXOLIW, City Passenger Ageur,
lMKi larnani Street, Oiiialm, Neh.
Best equipped dental office In ths middle west. Illghent
frade dentmiry at remionabie prices. I-urcelaln lllllnt, Jul
Iks ths too to. All UisUrumsots carslullr slsrlllied alter ears
Corner 10th and Farnam btrnets.
Ooiaua, Aeb.
11 Trnde riupplled t)
bten, rhones VVebnU t
li V if
Biraw 178 172 1J ia
Totals Ul U 2,&Js