Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1911, Page 12, Image 12
1 Hhow Pri An- nonnoed IMer Thli Week. ID D 1 " lr'" ' Kt tl ! Watch Windows for An nounce nionM of Itlg Sales I-ater This Week. Special Lots for the Big Purchase Vomen's Spring Apparel An Eastern Jobber's Entire Stock at a Great Price Concession This wonderful sale is attract inp thousands. There are scores and scores of the newest ppring ideas in suits, coat, skirts and dresses. Buy them now for less than they will cost later in the season. Scores of Women's Tailored Suits Every suit In this pur chase Is splendid ex ample of this season's ac cepted spring style. Many are elaborately trimmed while others are thor oughly band tailored. The materials are white serges, nary and black serges, gray and colored worsteds, . hairline wor steds, etc. The variety is remark ably large $10, $15, $19 Women's Long Bilk and Merge Coats- Large satin Inlaid collar and reveres; also embroid ered shantungs, taffetas and worsteds, JJQ Women's Long Serge, Satin and Worsted Coats All newest spring ideas from the New York purchase. Every coat is a new spring model, made of serges, fancies and worsteds, with the large sailor collars and big d QQ reveres navies, blacks, tails, grays, etc., at. . . '. . . ,v"0 XL lit' 'V lb' W .... ir,-, ;! '! :-: Women's Drsss and Walking Skirts at $5.00 Tailored skirts in voiles, taffetas, serges, panamas, etc., plain, embroidered and self strapped trimmed. CC ftft Every skirt worth from $2.00 to $5.00 more, at. . . .VWUU 10c EMBROIDERIES at 5c Yd. ' Thousands of yards fine embroidery edgings, insertions and headings hundreds of pretty designs many baby Cp patterns, worth 10c a yard, at, yard wt tine Wash Laces and Insertions Piatt Vals,, point de Paris, linen torchons filet and crochet effects, cluny curtain laces, etc. all kinds up to Fp 6 inches wide, worth lip to I2V2C a yard, at, yard. ... . . GREAT SPECIAL SALE of SILKS In Our Basement The prettiest line of fancy drees bilks ever shown for waists, dresses and evening gowns. All the latest light and dark colorings, including satin dots, rough weave silks, scroll effects. About 35 (m designs to select from on SRle on basement bargain . jlP an II arc 9 7 Inrhpi wide at varri . '. I ' - , I Special Noon Concerts All Week We liove made special arrangements wltii a team of clever enter tainers to Rive a series of concerts every noon this week. They per form on piano, mandolli. and violin beside. rendering sonK In French, Italian and Knlish. Miss Kda Sklnkle und Mr. P. K. Curmby will prove great favorites at these free recitals In our .-sembly Hooni. ' BRANDEIS STORES M CW5 C53. QfivMfr f Mk uAtd 5W5g e3S . Omaha's Pure Food Center Canned Goods South front offices, arc Cheerful and comfortable The year round You live in your office a third of your life. You have right to a cheerful office with a pleasant outlook. You should treat yourself to an office where you know you will have the best serv ice, as in The Bee Building Room 302 is a choice office facing Farnam Street and the new $1,000,000 court house, with its prospective lawn. It is almost in front of the elevator on the third floor. The room Is 11-8x19-6 In size, and tan be partitioned into a private office and reception room. Could anything' more desir able be asked? Farnam Street offices never remain vacant long on account of the good location. This one rents, per month $'..1.00 Elevatora art now being installed - The Bee Building Company Bee Busines3 Office. 17th and Farnam Sis. i n bb a a H i n b b b I I Attend Our B' Kales of Muslin Underwear and It If fc , I I Fine Fmbrolderlee Now Golna; On Prices at I 1 M Ui J Half and !. J -Jr J i : r Vomen's Tailored Suits Fresh and Spring-like Our Ladles' Suit Section Is so crowded with fresh and lovely things that it is hard to tell what to speak of first. Women who like the simple, perfectly cut suits will be interested in some tan and gray as well as nary blue French serges. The jackets are fitted Just enough to look equally well whether one Is plump or, slender. The serge Is very fine and. light, the tailoring of the best, and altogether we doubt if better suits can be found for f 26.00. Other suits are here In a little brighter colors. Gay springtime shades, each is elaborately braided and have Persian or plain white and black striped vestlngs these also are priced Aft : 7Arvv at. After all, why say more a visit will more than be a pleasure for you, to see these pretty suits. Come In Wednesday. Ha'dwa'e Specials Copper Import ed nlckle plat ed Tea Ket tles, No. 8 sl.e, (1.60 val ue. Wednes day t8o T 1 tn b I Irons for pastry work, S styles at, each...8o and 20 extra tamp.. io Fre S. & H. Stamp i Free 8kew!" to Every VisitorBring per dozen, 3Bo v , . , ,. . Dish Mops Your Books bur Wednesday Ha'dwa'e Specials Wire Dish Drainers .49o And 10 extra stamps. Galvanised Sink Strainers 100 And 10 extra stamps. 50c OaivanlKeil Cti amber Pota for 390 Wire Carpet Beaters ,.10o And 10 extra stamps. V e a e t able Brush for. .So Douole stamp on all kinds Paints and Varnishes. The Bennett Co. Invites Yur Attention to It's New and Beautiful Showing of Spring Millinery This is Opening Week The whole section is fairly throbbing with it the leaping pulse of youth and youth's spring time. The glow, the brightness of the season Is on every hand'. You catch the spirit in the shapes, modes and colors. Hundreds of new hats some the ships brought us from Paris over 'the sea. We do not believe that we ever had more to show you for there are large hats,- small hats and hats of every size hats for the girls, young ladies and in fact for ladles of all ages. Come Wednesdayour cordial greeting awaits you. Wednesday Special 200 hats, in blacks and all popular colors, trimmed with fancy feathers or beautiful flower and foliage all different sizes, some large, some small, turbans, tailored hats, etc. each r Af worth from $7.60 to $10.00; choice, Wednesday 7)v 60c Natural Colored Tongee 49c 24-inch pongee of heavy fine qual ity, wears and washes well our regular 69c values; extra q special Wednesday, at 1C Dress Goods Remants 49c All the remnants from our sales for March will go on sale Wednesday. These are goods worth up to $1.00 and come in lengths from 1 to 8 yards; choice Wednesday at : 49c Big Hale of Wash Goods Wednesday New voiles in Alice, tans and brown only with pretty dots, rings, plaids and striped effects, goods that sell regularly at 16c and 19c; Wednesday very special at. :.. Red Letter Day Notion Sale 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen.. 5 Nainsook Dress Shield, 16c' value . &f Bone Collar Buttons, dozen. l Jabot and Veil Pins, each. .5 Belt Pins, all designs, at. .' 5 Fancy Hat Pins', worth 15c. 3 Beauty Pins, .2 on a card, one card for ................ ,1, Gold plated Cuft Links, worth 16c, for 5 . RED LETTER DAY Stationery and Book Specials 100 decorated Napkins loo And 10 stamps I pkga. Shelf 1'aper, assorted col ors 100 And 10 stamps Roll Lunch Paper 10c Ana 10 Stamps Box Flna Stationery, 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes lOo And 10 stamps Uarnolla Servire of standard books by popular authors such . as Clay, Oarnle, Holmes, etc. at , 86c And 20 stamps 3 bottles Carters Black Ink...lOo And 10 stamps S pkg-s. Envelopes lOo And 10 stamps Mi ! I n 10c lL We are o r tocketl on rertaln lines of canned goods, oln to the late- (p3 O nesa of delivery. We hae therefore concluded to inaugurate a special aale V on firm fall f 01 nln Krulta und Kastern VcaetaWeH. 4i Now Is the time to procure a supply for the next three months at prices f most reamtnahle for the class of koudi offered for aale. Is Wiitch our oils all this week, and If prices and uuHltty count, you will 3 sojn find it very profttahle to buy liberally of the following;: . i'4 cuir.1 House l!rund r'ears, per can SOo per doa $3.25 J it CHJies H'iuho Grand Hoy ill Ann Cherries, per can 85o per doz. U3.60 t 'JO ttwi Houte liraml Lemon Cllna- I'euches, per can ISC iier doa. (3.00 40 ca&eH Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches per can 18c per doz. 33.00 iiO ,' Aprlcotx, per ran 18o per doz. 93.00 1 dozen cans assorted (one easel , M-iiS IX iTi r innnru f uiivb Kjn. in Kauon cans , S3. 65 fU i lb casea Arnioiir t. 3 lb. iloston liaked Heans. per can 134o per doz. 81.40 G Qwstfg C G-? C33 Cw C-s C Q,S : f Bennett's Big Grocery Specials Bennett's Capitol Flour, 4S-lb. sack 1-BQ Ueiinctt's Capitol Coffeo. pund- pack.ia -, -340 ttc grade Teas, assorted, lb.-. .4M IHc rade Tin, xortoa, tu. Tea tufting, pound pkg ISO ' liennett'a cupitol UuoKWheal, per pkg And 20 stamps iled Cioas Milk, can lOo And 5 stamps Curents, cleaned, threo lba....S9 Ieaiiut Oil, larfte bottle Ooo And 4 'i stamps I'eanut Uil. medium bottle. .. .400 And -to stamps Peanut Oil, small bottle B6o And 10 stamps B. C Pure Maple Myrup, gallon can . . , (1.00 Iluilad Lima Beana with chicken, two 26 And 2 J stamps Monarch Cut Asparagus, large can a&o And 20 stamps 60c can Old Mission Ulpe Olives for 300 Onion' Bets, yellow and red, qt..Bo Snldefa Halad Dreaslng, bottle 5o And JO stamps Queen of Pantry Pastry Flour 24-1 b. anck 11.25 And 40 stamps i i i Hi ,i K..HWja.aismiA-ir,imi www '!' I I ll Bl - R I Hi B H i ! B El Men's $3.50 Shoes Our line of f 3.5ft Men's Shoes meet every requirement of a moderate priced shoe. You can choose from several smart, shapely styles having all the appearance of a $5.00 shoe. The stock is velour crtlf, patent colt and gun metal calf. The shapes are the same as higher priced shoes. is a very popular price for Men's Shoes these days. We were bound to have the best and We've Got Them. Fry Shoe Co. THE 8HOKKS. leth and lkniglas Streets. tesasMLiiijaiiajiaaauaiiisjuiswcag ff I D B y B A NICE FRESH LOAF of Bread from this bakery will show you the utter needlessness of do ing your own baking. No matter how well you do It, we do H as well at least. Why go to all the bother and trouble when you you don't have to and can get as good baking as your own without them? ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 212 North 16th Street. Half Block JTorth of Postofflca. Branch Off loo at rnbUo Karkot 8 LIQUID JOY Ht y ere 5 yXI HE BEER YOU LIKE iHAVf A CASE SENT HDKP JOHN NmS iS22i So. 24th Street Big Bargains In Our Meat Department H oeuo. nco sasa 1MB, A-MIO 12V2 lbs. Loaf Uird, Wednesday ; $1.00 3 lbs. Ijjimb Chops, specinl. 25t 3.000 Lbs. Sugar Cured Hunis, per lb 10VC 3 lb. pail Hex or Silver Iard. 35c Jackdaws The smooth, old, mellow Kye Whiskey. You should keep a bottle In -the home all the time for emergency. J'er full quart, bottled In bond 11.25 Sunkist California Tort and tiherry Wines; per full quart bottle 60c Maryland Rye Whlakey, 6 years old; per full quart, TSc; per ' gallon $300 Tennesnee White Crrn Whiskey Moonshine I, 8 years old; per full quart bottle, 75c; gal.. $2.60 8-year-old Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey; per full quart, $1 Ou; gallon $3.00 Home -made Grape Wine, red or white; per gallon 11.00 Mall and Telephone Orders Promptly tilled. Cacklcy Bros. Wine Merchants 121 No. lth St. Opp. P. O. Both 'phones. , All ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS correct forms in curreni social usage engraved In ths best manner and punctually delivered when premised. a EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. t ' A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. prinft PHT Weak and nervous men rUUUTUn wno find their power to NFWVFi work and youthful vigor gone as a result of over work 'or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NKHVK FOOD PILLS. The will make you eat and Bleep and b a man aauln. tl Hc.x. I Boxes $3 60 by Mall. IIZM1I k MoCOHITBI.1, SBUO CO. Cor. ISth an 4 Dodge Streets. OWL DtDO COkLFASTT, Cot. 16th and Varna turn. Osaab. 9 m. G. A, Lindquisf & Co. TAILOBi Makes Good Clothes. Conservative Styles and ratters, Selected for Spring. 235-236 P;xton Blk Soo tho Now Dinner Corsots Miss Mara, corset specialist, will pive fittings of those cclobratotl corsets in Corset Iepartmont nil tli week. Sit ths Niw Crown Jswil Tailored Suits $25.00 .. ni Ipll Sm Our But E8r" Boys' Suits Thij'ro Matchless Sure and Attend Our Famous Time Sales IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM At n A. M. Simpson s Prints, worth "c a yard black and white, silver ftrey, Calcutta blup, Mader, etc. 10 yard limit, at, yard 4H At 10 A. M. 8 He bleached yard-wide Sheeting. 10 yd. limit at. yd. J At 2 I M. 59c Sheets, 72x90, round thread, linen finish, heavy; six sheets limit, st, each 30 At 4 I M. 4 2x36 Tillow Slips, round thread, linen finish, remilar 12'ic value; six to a customer at, each 74 Tositively no dealers or peddlers sold or mall orders filled on time sales 10c Batiste, fast colors 5 12 He Batiste, fast colors . . 7 Vi 10c Dress Ginghams 15c Dress Ginghams 1( 7c Apron Ginghams 5 29c Poplin 1S 12 He Huck Towels j) 15c Huck Towels 10 1 Sc large Bath Towels . . . 12 H 15c White Swiss 10 20c White Swiss 15 25c White Fancies 1 () 89c Turkey Red Damask. . . .2r? 39c Table Damask U5 11.60 Napkins $2.00 Napkins S1.2r 2.60 Table Cloths $1.48 $2.00 Table Cloths S1.38 High Grado Wash Goodo Fine silk warp wash goods, best made foulards, rough effects, floral effects, Jacquard effects, French printed effects,' and about 20 dif ferent kinds of silk warp wash goods; price per yard, 75c, Bc, 50 c, 80c and 2,1 French Percales, 160 designs, absolutely fast colors, 36 inches wide, for shirts, waists, wrappers etc. These goods are special cornet, extra finish and the very best percales on the market today. .lStf Irish Dimities, in all the neat new designs, soft finished for the needle; also Irish lawns, fast colors; these goods are mads to sell at 26c a yard; we are introducing them at, yard '. 18c Remember our Genuine Scotch Ginghams, worth from 25c to 39c a yard; on sale now at, yard 154 and 25 Thursday A Big Sale of Fins Embroideries Watch Wednesday even ing papers for the most sensational values in fine embroideries ever offered in Omaha. Friday We will place on sale a big line of all kinds of Real Hand Made (rish Laco Watch Thursday evening papers. See special display To Koap tho Cost of Urlrtf Down It Pays to Trado at Haydn' it ik. ,at Oranulated Sugar. . .11. 14 bars lieat-'Km-All or Ulajnuad O 4B-'lb.P slS-k 'b-i ' iilVh ' i'ateiJt Fiour B lbs.' 'best Hwd Vioked 'ii'aVy Beans for , , . , , i 6 lbs, od Japan Kloa .......... 1 1Q lbs. best white r yellow Coriuneal for l o 10 lbs. llllsU Breakfast Oatmal no 1 lbs. bast Hulk L,aundry Btaroh !I60 1- oa, Jar L,ibby Kxtraot Usef ba till ur Mustard SarJlnes'. cwi...i.o t-lb. can Karly June Peas HO 2- 1 b. can Fancy Wax, cUrlng, Urean or Lima Beans ' 2 Brunuian(lon, J ally con ot Jallo, p pka I.u L.U Soourlna: Soap, per can.... bo HUcxo, for uollahln. per oake la The bt Soda or Oyatar Craokera par lb. o The best Crisp dinger Snaps, lb... fa The beat Crisp Pretsola. per lb. ...,o The best Bulk Peanut Butter, lb.. Ha Fancy 7 -crown Imported Pulled Flu". per lb. lio Batter, XL(S ana Obeese Dowi Awla r'aaoy No. 1 Creamery Butter, 11). 24c Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, lb. Ho Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb Ilo Good Dairy Table Butter, lb. Ito Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb. loo The finest fresh BsS letnlaf set ter, pes desea , , , ISO VMM TAIX Or OlUIl KITBII'I ravxsjK TiaiTaii,! rmioas t bunahes fresh Beets, Carrwls, Hha lota. Turnips or Hadlsliea (laise bunahes) loo Fancy freeh Spinach, per peck... 30c Fauoy Klpe Tomatoo. per lb luo heads freah Ieaf lettuce 6a Ldtrge Head Iettuoe, per head,.THo 1 aUilka Celery lOo New Potatoes, per lb, LArge Cucumbers, each, 10c and UVio Oreen Peppers, i for lUo Wax or llrmii Beans, lb 12 So Carload of Xxtra Taney Xlf bland Xaval Oranires on Bale Wednesday Kesular 60o size, per daxen....3uu Regular 4 0c size, ' per dozen. ... 2fm Kesular 80o sire, per dozen. ... 20o Hegular l&o alse, per dozen.... 16o Large Grape Fruit, eaoh Bo qnaxts or Tallow Onion Bets for 86 dow't rnv nnunrnci cincT it cnnr.PT I II UHIUi.uu iifiaji p; PAYO "As the line Is Improved, tiie time is lessened." There is No Better Service than that offered by the Chicago Great Western to ST, PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS Great Western service isn't good by accident it has been care fully planned by master builders, who, through hard work and with the expenditure of millions of dollars, have raised the road well nigh to the point of perfection. Experienced travelers and well posted men know. They call it THE LOGICAL LINE Limited Leave Omaha 8.80 pm " Council niuffa 8.50 pm Express fJ 7.30 am w 7.RO am 10.37 ant 12.06 pm 2.S1 pm 7.4R pm 7.0S pm 7.83 pm Arrive Carroll 1 1.22 pm " Ft. lodge 12.50 am " Mason City 8.10 ant " ' llorhester 9.10 am " St. Paul 7.30 am " Minneapolis 8.10 am Through standard sleepers, chair cars and coaches. Delicious meals served in cafe cars on day trains. On March 5th the train schedules of the Chicago Gre4 Western were shortened and otherwise Improved. New trains were added. ' The Great Wetern Limited between Chicago and the Twin Cities now consists of all steel equipment. Improved equipment was pro vided for the other lines. P. F. BONORDEN, C. P. T. A. I I CORK BELT ROUTE 1512 Farnam Street OmaJi. Neb. Phone Douglas 200. 1 T l "V af MM TH4VKI. Mt rSOISti Boa. ten A-ISOS Twenty- Tours to EUROPE Moderate Cost Bast ManarenaDt ' Maditarranaaa NoriliC.p Cererutioa ' Mmjr Otkm BuOkLSTS RZAT1V THE flLCRIM TOURS, BOSTON. MASS. UTM0MD VKHITCDkl C9. Ats. t,'.Y. ;,.tV,': Persistent Advertising is the Iload t Rig Returns The Dee's Advertising Column Are That Uoad. HAMBURG-AMERICAN AU Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, etc.) l.wuiloii I'arln Hamburg Uml-lli. April I, I P M April 1? PT-i-l. 15. Kliwln, Aujc- Vic. Atrtl W. Itl! 'arltun ft la rl K tlAkragt MHirnti)nf dlrM ,, nd 'nu only ' Taa.bais-Aiuerioaa lAu: lit ItAuevlya w, CUtloacu, Ul or tveal aaeatav. Wateli Sluort Lime ... tO St. LOIIMS' Double Daily Service Ixw Round-Trip Homeseekers' Hates to the tvouth and Bouth . east on First and Third Tuesdays of each month. Low Itouud-Trlp Winter Tourist Hates, tickets on sate daily to Florida, Cuba and all other Winter Tourist Points In the South and Southeast. Ail inforiuaion regarding berths, rates, etc., cheerfully furnisheil. Agent for All Steamship Lines II. C. KHIKI.JJS, a. A. P. I)., Omaha, Neb. Wabaali City Ticket Office, 10th and Kariiuni ht reels. r I ) I: v