Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha " Daily Bee
Kor Nebraska -Fair: cooler.
For low Fair.
Women Best Buyers
The paper that it read bj women
bring- beit returns to advertiser
yraaclaco I. Madero, Sr., Sayi Nego
tiations with Goyernment Practi
cally Are Completed.
"Vice Presidency Will Be Abolished
for Time Being.
President Will Plead Weariness of
His Many Year.
Tfw HIiMn af l'orls Affairs t
Beeom De Fuvtn President and
Call an Kleetlon I.lman
tour Mar B Candidate.
SAN ANTONIO, March M.-Franclsco I
Madero. sr., father of th lnaurrecto leader.
on his arrival here today, declared that
peace In Mexico wu assurred. probably
within ten day.
Diplomatic exchanges had proceeded suf
ficiently, Benor Madero added, to make It
afe to atate that the offices of vice pres
ident at present occupied by Benor Corral
whom he called obnoxious, will be abol
Ished, for the time being at least.
The predicted resignation of Corral will
leave the functions of the office of vice
president to the new foreign minister de
la Uarra. Benor Madcro said )lai will
nave his face by remaining In office for
four or six months and then resign. lie
will plead the weariness of his many years.
It will then fall to de la Barra to become
defacto president and to call an election
The administration party, It Is said, will
choose Llmantour, the minister of finance,
as Its candidate for the highest office In
the land.
Hi nor Madero said he was not certain
whether Llmantour would accept the nom
ination, but believed that It would be
tendered him. He said the meeting place
of the plenipotentiaries had not been de
termined on, but It probably would be Ban
Benor Madero, accompanied by his son
Mtistavo. arrived here this morning and
repaired to the home of his son, Alfonso.
Ie la Barra Is expected to arrive here
'Very Interesting;," Maya De la Barra
ST. LOL'lS. March 28. Francisco Leon de
la Barra, recently appointed minister of
foreign relations of Mexico, who arrived
here lust night on his way to Mexico City,
left his hotel early today to tour the bus!
m-ss section of thelclty. He reiterated his
Intention of departing for the Mexican
capital at 8:30 a' clock tonight. ,He ref
to discuss the prospects of peace In Mexico
putting off his questioners with the state
ment that he la not In touch with the af
fairs there. "Very Interesting," was the
only comment Francisco Leon de la Barra
the new minister of foreign relatione of
Mexico, when he read -the Associated Prees
dispatches which outlined his becoming
vice president and later de facto president.
L la Barra said ha had no Instructions
t stop In Ban Antonio for a conference.
Hennrt Credited la Mexico City.
MEXICO CITT, March 28. The report
that President tla will resign Is regarded
as not wholly without foundation though
the date of such action Is contingent on
re-establlshment of peace.
Bemt-offlclally It was stated today that
President Dial has no Intention of going
abroad as has also been reported, the same
authority saying that it was not Improbable
that General Dlas would seek retirement.
The members of the new cabinet with the
exception of Francisco Leon de la Barra,
who has not yet arrived took the oath of
office today.
Guerilla Warfare Abandoned.
EL PASO, March 18. Guerilla warfare
has been formally abandoned by the Mexi
can lnsurrectos according to a decree is
sued by Francisco I. Madero and made
public here today. The decree organises
the entire republic of Mexico into seven
groups of states, each group to be known
as a war sone. and the lnsurrectos In each
group to constitute a corps. Army ranks
and the promise of a law giving pensions
to widows and children are announced
Madero becomes "supreme head of the
Insurgent army."
One of the objects of Madero in abolish
Ing guerilla warfare, which consists In the
fighting of disorganised bands. Is to in
(Continued on Second Page.)
For Nebraska Fair; colder.
For Iowa Kalr.
Shippers' Bulletin Prepare thirty-six
hour shipments north and east for tempera
turea of 20 to degrees above sero; wet
for 14 to It) degrees above; shipments south
can be made with safety.
Tempera tares
Omaha Yesterday
Hour. !.
6 a. m M
S a. m M
T a. m M
( a. m
9 a. m 8.1
li a. nt U
II a. m M
1J m U
1 p. in i
I p. m M
I p. in , St
4 p, m l
( .. m
i. in M
7 p. in fti
I p. m t
l uparallt e I
Highest today
I. u next today
Mean UmiK-raiure ..
! tteeord.
1(11. U10. UM. I
Tenitx-rature and precipitation departurea
(VuW the normal;
Normal temperature 4t
Total excess since Mareh 1..... !43
Ncriml precipitation Winch ncv for the day M Inch
Total precipitation since Msro'l 1 .TO tnen
IVllclency since March t Ml Inch
I'eft'-lenoy cor. period. ll l.JOlnchea
WfMtMicy for cor. period, 1W).. .Ti Inch
ltBorls from statlvae at 1 f. M,
ritat'on and State Tern. High- Pretjp-
of Weather.
Cheyenne, cloudy .
Wvenooit. cloudy IS t .
I m r, cloudy M 01 .M
! Mulncs, l ert cloudy .. U .04
iKxtse City, clear M M .
I tn'rr part cloud fc .
North Platte. -art cloudy.. W M .'
. on e'ia. cler 3 M X
) Pu.b'o cloudy M l .04
lU'.ld Ctiy. cloudy U t4 .w)
' ' rlt l-ks Oty. clear jJ a .
tianta r a, clrar M u2 .oj
eliertdan, cloudy M '
S!wu Oty. cloudy U 44 .01
Valentine, cloudy U 64 .00
T laalcates trace of precllpltation.
U A. WKUsii. Local rorecaster.
Resigned as Secretary of Interior.
Abbatemaggio Tells
of Row Which Led
to His Confession
Twenty Thousand Dollars Stolen from
House and Leaders Take it All Ex
cept Small Sum. "
VITERBO, Italy, March 28.-The trial of
the Camorrlsts. the adjournment of which
on Friday Interrupted the recital of the in
former, Abbatemaggio, was continued to
day. Abbatemaggio, In the last three days,
has received many letters and telegrams
congratulating him on his 'confession and
also has been the recipient of many threats
of what Is In More for one who violates
his vow as a member of "the beautiful
reformed society."
A few correspondents seem bent on mak
ing sport of the situation. Then there are
the inevitable theatrical proportions. One
who describes himself as Bam Charing, an
agen at Milan of an American theatrical
house, offers the Informer $200 a day for
the privilege of exhibiting him In the
United Btates. This Impressed Abbate
maggio, who exclaimed: "Wouldn't It be
funny if, after being shut In a cage like
a bird, I were to go to America and be
come a lion."
Continuing hts revelations today Abbate
maggio described a burglary committed
by the Camorrlsts at the home of Count
Dauqulno In Naples, In which he partici
pated. There was a quarrel over the
division of the booty, which amounted to
$20,000. ' The leaders In the Camorra, In
cluding Cuoccolo, for whose murder the
thirty-six prisoners1 are being tried, Enrico
Alfano, the alleged head of the organiza
tion, and De Maiinla' demanded so large a
share of the spoils that none of those who
artlrelv TIArMcJnAtMl fn th rrtVrlA nwftl vt
more than $50. One Camorrlst who gofT
nothing denounced the burglars; to the
police and some of them were Imprisoned.
Pennsylvania Will
Investigate Hard
; Coal Combination
Resolution Looking Toward Finding
Out Relations Between Mine Oper
ators, Bankers, Railroads.
HARRTSBURG, Pa.. March A sweep
ing legislative Investigation of the anthra
cite coal Industry In Pennsylvania Is pro
posed la a concurrent resolution Intro
duced In the general assembly which haa
In view the . enactment of laws for the
protection of the public and the reduction
of the cost of coal.
As an indication that the proposed In
vestigation will be thorough the committee
Is empowered to Inquire into the relations
between the companies and the great bank
ing houses which are said to be closely af
filiated wtlh them and which usually con
duct their financial operations.
The resolution, which Is understood to
have the approval of the republican leaders,
gives the committee power to Investigate
tbe matter of freight rates, It being al
leged In the resolution that the rates for
anthracite coal are much higher than those
for bituminous coal.
Strike Probable in
Kock Island Arsenal
Men Object to Recent Order Pro
hibiting Them from Holding Po
litical Offioes.
ROCK ISLAND, 111.. March . -Labor
troubles are possible la the military stores
and small arms shopa at the Rock Island
arsenal, employing 1,(00 men, as the result
of an order lasued by the War department
prohibiting employes there from holding
political offices.
Notice haa been given of the dismissal
of A. W. Johneon and C. C. Wilson, labor
ers, because they were candidates for com
missioner In Rock Island at the recent
Aldttrnian Charles Borst of tbe seventh
ward and Alderman William Cochran of
the Fifth ward, both employed at the
arsenal, were notified that they must re-
Ing but two months more to serve In the
council, both chose the former course. All
four ars members of the total unions.
This action on the part of ths War de
partment, coming In connection with ths
promised introduction of the Taylor system
of shop management which organised labor
Is opposing, la expected to result in strong
protests to the War department.
Mrasar Passed by Senate) Affects All
Offices Kaeept Jadsjes la Sa.
preiae nnd t Ity Courts.
ST. PAV'U March M. Ths senata this
afternoon by a vote of 48 to paaaed the
Moonan bill providing for the recall of
publio officers.
Officers in Minnesota, excepting Judges
of the supreme court, district and munici
pal courts are subjact to recall wheal peti
tions signed by at least 3& per sent of ths
voters Id districts affeotad ahall bavs beaa
prevented to tha secretary af state.
I ' - - ' '
Foreign Office Telegraphs Min; -at
Peking- that Answer "','lo
matum is Acccp v
Emprror'i Gratification at Termina
tion of Negotiations Expressed.
Legation Thinks Celestial Diplomats
Are Outgeneraled.
N Sympathy with lie of Deceptive
Pbrueeloxr When I. one of I'ror
Jaee la Threatened Mistake
Made at Klrst.
ST. PETERSBl'RO, Marvh 2S.-The Rus
sian foreign office has telegraphed the
Russian minister at Peking that ChlnH's
reply to Russia's ultimatum is Manufac
tory and expressing the emperor's grati
fication at the happy termination of the
PEKINO. March 28. It is suspected In
the legation quarter that a deep design is
afoot, thinly concealed by the Kunso
Chinese exchanges. There is an, inabllty
to reconcile the contrary attitudes of St.
Petersburg an dthe Russian legation here.
AV'hlle the former has been proclaiming
the necessity of military action against
China the latter has declared that the
troops will not be moved.
It la believed the legation's attitude may
be Intended' to encourage the Chinese, who
are always ready to take part in a con
test of cunning. Yesterday's reply of the
Chinese foreign board to the Russian ulti
matum, read superficially, gives the Im
pression that China complies fully with
the demands made, but carefully studied.
It goes a little beyond this and Is replete
with repetitions that China already has
complied In previous replies.
Accordingly, though the legation quarter
mistrusts Russia's intentions, there Is lit
tle sympathy with the Chinese who evince
delight In deceptive phraseology at a mo
mem wnen me loss or a province may be
The members of the other legations gen
erally think that China should have ac
cepted unequivocally the Russian demands
In Its original reply to the Russian note
of February l and so left Russia before
th eWorld without an excuse for aggres-
I sion.
Mrs. Nat Goodwin
is Granted Divorce
Decree Signed by Justice Giegerich
Prohibts Actor from Remarrying
During Life of Former Wife.
NEW YORK, March 28.-An Interlocutory
decree of divorce In favor of Edna Good
rich Goodwin, the aotfess, from her hus
band, Nat C. Goodwin, the comedian, was
signed today by Supreme Court Justice
GleEerich. Miss Goodrich is given per
mission to marry again, but Mr. Goodwin
is denied that permission during the life
time of his former wife.
No alimony was asked by Mrs. Goodwin
In her suit, and the decree carries none.
When they were married In 1H09, a deed
of trust was signed by the comedian con
veying to Miss Goodrich properly In Ban
Francisco and Los Angeles said to be
worth several hundred thousand dollars.
Suit was brought by Miss Goodrich
shortly after the fact of the separation of
actress and comedian became public prop
erty a few months ago.
The decree will become fully effective
upon tho signing of the final decree after
three months have elapsed. . It acts as a
bar upon Mr. Goodwin remarrying In this
state within his former wife's lifetime.
Toaa Blavra. Wha Attempted ta Rob
Meadsw Grove Bank, Given
Ten Years.
NORFOLK, Neb., March 28. Tom Blavln
today pleaded guilty to attempting to rob
the Meadow Grove State bank and was
sentenced by Judge Welch to ten years In
the penitentiary. Three companions have
not been captured.
With Twenty Members Away Jadaja
Keayoa Is Tea Botes Short
f Eleetloa.
DES MOINES, March 28. Today's Joint
ballot for United States senator by the
Iowa legislature: ,
Deemer, 33; Kenyon, &9; Porter, 44; Judge
Martin J. Wade (dem.), 1; paired, 1; absent,
29. Necessary to choice, 6.
With the
... . j i
8TRAT&XJT BOARD O" INSL'RRBCTOs HOLLiNQ WAR COUNCIL Copyright, U U. by George Grantham Bain.
; Si
From th Xw I
Tork Wprld.
A reward of 82.100 will be paid for information leading to the. arrest and con
viction of the murderer who killed Herman B. Conn. Saturday night, March 25.
If more than one deserving claimant, the reward will be equitably divided be
tween them. This reward Is offered at the solicitation of The Bee by tbe follow
ing business firms contributing In equal amounts.
The Bee Publishing Company.....
A. I. Root, Incorporated
The Omaha National bank
Hayden Bros
Thomas Kll Patrick............ .......
First National bank
Merchants National bank....'
Omaha Uas Co........ ...... w
Ralph Kitchen ...
United Statts National bank
The Bennett X. .........4Wr...C -Peters.
. $1000 Additional
is offered by Arthur, Emil and Hugo Brandeis upon the.
, above conditions. .
Detective Agency Employed to Take
Up Pursuit of Assailants.
Coroner's Jarr Iavest Igatloa Ex
pected to Develop Little Be.
Tolvrr Identified Foar Sas- ,
peets Released.
Pursuit of clues pointing , to the possi
bility of the discovery of the Identity of
the murderers of Herman. B. Cohn has set
tled into a relentless, patient study . of
every minute detail of the crime.
The Plnkerton detective agency has been
employed to take up a share In the work.
This move also Indicates that the chase
may early lead to other states and cities
distant from Omaha.
The police are convinced that the mur
derers are beyond question now out of the
The Inquext on the death of Mr. Cohn
will be held by Willis C. Crosby, coroner,
Wednesday afternoon . at 2 o'olock.' The
Inquest can be expected to develop little
which will throw light on the mystery.'
Poar "aspects Freed.
With the close of operations by the de
tective department yesterday, the revolver
with which Mr. Cohn was shot had been
Identified as that used by a highwayman
In a holdup more than a month ago, and
four suspects had been released. Other
(Continued on Second Page.)
RebeL; Army in Mexico
f :
y ,
Inflating it Again
. K "
Reward - .;
Miller, Stewart & Beaton
Carpenter Paper Co
Nebraska Telephone Co.'
M. K. Smith & Co
Omaha Electric Light and Power
Byrne-Hammer Co.:...-........
Pax ton & Gallagher Co
Mets Brothers
100 '
100 .
... 100
... '100
Orchard & Wllhelm..
Forty-Five More
Postal Banks to Be
'.'.Established Soon
Alliance, Neb., .and Centerville,' la.,
Among Cities Designated by Post
master General Hitchcock.
WASHINGTON, March 28. -Postmaster
Gen era r Hitchcock today designated forty
five additional postofflces as postal savings
depositories, In as many states and terri
tories, mostly at industrial centers, where
there are many wage earners. It Is Mr.
Hltchoock's Intention to confine the offices
as' nearly as possible to lnduxtrlal centert
really needing such' banking facilities, par
tlcularly giving consideration to geographi
cal location, postal receipts, foreign money
order business and general .efficiency of
postmasters. Among the new offices desig
nated are:
-Alliance. Neb.; Blsbee, . Arts.; Helena,
Ark.; Santa Crus, Cal.; Canon City. Colo.;
LaSalle, 111.; Gary, lnd.; Centerville, la.;
Manhattan, Kan.; Madlsonvllle, Ky.; Alex
andria,', La.; Mt., Cloud, Minn.; Hannibal,
Mo.: Kallspell, . Mont.; ' Tonopah, Ner.j
Silver City. N. M.; . Devils Lake, N. D.;
Shawnee, Okl.; Astoria, Ore.; Temple, Te.;
Bingham Canyon, Utah; Hoqulam, Wash.;
Rock Springs, Wyo.
' Oklahoma Frnlt 'Crop Damaa-ed.
' GUTHRIE, Okl., March 28 In the north
western and north central parts of Okla
homa today . high .winds drove clouds of
dust and sand over the country from the
west. 'Frnlt trees are In full bloom. It Is
believed damage to fruit will result.
.... x
' ' '
- ,
i., .- . . ik
7 a- naa ' . . I
Preliminary Statement Sent to Civil
Service Commission.
Two Meet at Cincinnati and tut Over
Kf Ideace la Case Aaralnst Omaha
Postmaster National Bank
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. D March tS.-(Spe-clal
Telegram. Ctvll Service Commissioner
Mclllhenny said today that tha report of
Special 'Ageht ' Moss, who was sent to
Omaha . to : ' Investigate ' ths Tillottson
charges against Postmaster Thomas, had
not been received by the secretary of the
Civil Service commission.
From other sources, however. It was
learned that a preliminary report had been
received from Mr.' Moss, but the final re
port will not be made until Mr. Moss, for
the Civil Service commission and the rep
resentative of the Postofflce department,
have had a chance to confer on the case.
It was reported that this conference was
held today In Cincinnati.
Complete report Is expected to reach the
Postofflce department within a day or two,
and It will be turned over to Postmaster
General Hitchcock at once, who will speed
ily avail himself of its contents, as It In
volves ths president of the Nebraska Poet
masters' association, and necessarily, his
Lather Drake la Waahiagrtoa.
Luther Drake of Omaha Is In Washing
ton, In attendance upon a meeting of the
currency committee of the American Bank
era' association, called for the purpose of
considering the Aldrich plan of monetary
reform. From members of the committee
It Is learned that the Aldrich plan haa
been unanimously approved, with some
modifications . as to details. Today the
committee met with the monetary commis
sion, of which ex-Senator Aldrich Is chair
man, for th purpose of Indicating Its ap
proval In a general way of .he Aldrich
plan, which provides for a form of the
central banking institution.
Condition of Natlaaal Banks.
The abstract of the condition of the na
tlonal banks of Nebraska exclusive of
Omaha, South Omaha and Lincoln at the
close of business on March 7 as reported
to the comptroller of ths currency shows
the averaga reserve held at 16. 7 1 per cent
as compared with 1S.46 per cent on Janu
ary 7. Loans and discounts increase from
Jil.lM.MO to tM,6U,62. Gold coin decreases
from. 11,510,161 to S1.4S,10t; lawful money
reserve from 13,662,891 to 13,602,901; Indi
vidual deposits Increase from $48,646,001 to
New Iwmln"ratloa Order.
Leo Lelchte of Slgourney, John L, Flfer
of Durllngton, Benjamin H. Bowman of
Cedar Rapids, Clayton Pearson of Aalns-
worth, Ferd L. Walter of Burlington, la
has been appointed railway mall clerks.
Civil service examinations will be held
April 29 for rural carriers at Ansley, Ar
cadla, Arlington, Stuart and Waunela,
Krnest G. Belmhart of Palk county, la.
naa been appointed an assistant In the
tobacco Investigation In connection with
the Agricultural department.
Mew Hallay Clerks.
The secretary of the Interior has Issued
tho following order In connection with the
Shoshone Irrigation project In Wyoming
"In pursuance of an act of congress, ap
proved February IX 1911, tha following
order Is promulgated for the purpose of
relieving the present situation on the Sho
shone project In Wyoming, pending ths
Issuanoa of a public notice modifying or
abrogating notices heretofore Issued.
"The action looking to the cancellation
of entries and water rights applications for
failure to make payments when due, hll
be deferred until December 1, 1911, snd
water will be furnished la Irrigation sea
son of 111. la all cases where th payment
Is made, sa or before April SO, UU, of all
operation and maintenanoe charges which
have heretofore become d ue and remain
House Refuses to Reconsider Vote
Passing Appropriation for Omaha
Only Member of Douglas Delegation
Taking This Tack.
Banning Bill Fixed Up to Exempt
Senate Takes Favorable Action on
lllll After (nHlas Down Possible
Taaatloa t nrter Its Provisions
to II nnd red Thonsand.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Msrcn 3S.-Speclal Telcgrsm
The attempt to reconsider the bill ap
propriating llOO.ort) for the medical depart
ment of the I'nlverslty of Nrbraxka to be
finally located at Omaha was defeated in
the house this tnolnltig, u....-ougli Acting
Speaker Quackrnbtisli allowed It to go to a
vote. Immediately after roll call this
morning Hatfield of LancaMer, who has
led the fight for the Lincoln doclois uKsinst
he Omaha school, moved that the recoids
of last night's session be corrected to allow
the insertion of the Kills motion to recon
sider, the bill. ThlH i; necessary if any
reconsideration was to be had as yesterday
was the last day that a reconsideration
could be permitted. Ouackenbush ruled
this motion out of order on a point raised
by Kotouc, who Insisted that the motion
had not been made by Kll:s In time to go
into the record and that he had not htiu
selk asked that It be added to the record.
Hatfield then moved that as a substitute
to adopting the Journal as It stood It khould
be adopted with that motion added. To
give a chance for a roll call upon the merit
of the question the acting speaker allowed
this motion to go, but It was defeated by
41 to 63. Boland was the only member of
the Douglas county delegation who voted
with Hatfield.
The bill will now go to the senate and It
seems quite probable that the upper house
will agree to the expenditure for the good
of the university.
The efforts of K. Beecher Howell to sav
the Water board from destruction ttirouun
the adoption by Omaha of the commission
torm of government were successful this
afternoon when the senate voted to pads
the Banning bill with the Omaha Water
board exempted from Its act.on
The speech of Mr. Hon ell b.f jic lite
ouse committee had this same result when
that body gave its approval to the bill, but
he senate special committee struck out he
peclal provision. Mr. Howell has been
here working for he salvation of the board,
of which he Is a long strvh.g member, ana
finally succeeded. Senators from out li
the stat refused to go Into the details oi
th Omaha water question and acccdaJ
to sav he trouble of 'thinking the' ques
tion out.
Omaha .Charter. Passes.
The Omaha charter bill passed the senate
without a dissenting vote. As ths bill
oame from the committee the tax levy
maximum is cut down $100,000, but other
wise the bill remains as It was when first
amended by the senate committee. The
principal objections that were' made to It
In regard to the rights of property own
ers In deciding upon paving were all met
by the committee as soon as objections
were made.
LeldlKh Makes Mistake. .
Leidlgh of Otoe, In his real for keeping
the voting members of the legislature free
rom Impure Influences, Insisted that Con
gressman Charles II. Sloan be compelled
to leave the floor while a vote was In
progress today. Congressman Sloan had
come on the floor and was xtandlng neui
the Lancaster county delegation talking to
the members. Leidlgh - shouted angrily
that "that man" should be taken off the
floor and the chair ordered the sergeant--at-arms
to lead him away before It was
noticed who he was.
Prince of Hall apologized for the house
and moved that Congressman Sloan be es
corted to a' seat beside the speaker, which
was done by Baker of York while the
house applauded.
Leidlgh saw his mistake and mads hit
personal apology to the member o con
gress. Later th speaker called Mr. Sloan
to the rostrum and he spoke briefly, con
gratulating the members upon their
records, and making a Joke of Leidlgh's
A split In the Lancaster county delega
tion came today over the Eager bill amend
ing the Lincoln charter. The amendment
represented the desire of the wet element
In Lincoln to move th election for city
officers from May to April, so 2i0 or - 300
beet sugar worker can be allowed to vote
before they leave th olty for their sum
mer's work.' These votes ars all wet and
the wets have been trying to find aome
way to count them. Eager was the only
Fine Flour
Free Today
Sec if your name ap
pears in The Bee's
want Ads. of today
offering Updike's
flour free. You don't
have to advertise to
get it. Find your
name and the gift is
The Bee is also giv
ing away today:
O'Brien's Delicious Candy.
Farrell'a Fine Syrup.
American Theater Ticki-i.-.
Bjnl Nursery Cherry Treed.