Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    -a u jh r""ra t a t v- r tu tu;ri m t"
Founded nr kuward RPREWATER.
F:nijrri t Omaha postotflce as second-
Sunday Hee. tint year WS"
faturday Hee. one year L I ''
Iially Hee (without .Sunday), una year.. 4
Jiaily He ami Sunday, on year SOU
Kimlni H (without Sunday, per mo .Z:
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delivery to City Circulation Department.
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Kansas City Reliance Hullding.
.New York -; West Thlrty-thlid St
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Communications relating to new and ed
itorial matter aliould he addressed Omaha
Hee, bdilonal Department
Itetmt ii dtaft. expiesa 01 postal older.
!': able to The Hee I'lil'lii-hing ' oinpany
t.'Dly ?-ient stamps receHed In payment of
mail acc ount Persona: hee k except nn
Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted.
Heat of Nebisska, t oiinty of Douglas, sa: Williams, circulation manager of
'the bee Publishing Company, being duly
worn, fays that tna average dally clrou
lailon. less spoiled, unused and returned
copies, for the month of February It'll, was
Circulation Manager.'
Suhsf rliied In my presence and sworn to
brfoia me this 1st iav ot March. 111.
itieal.l HuBEKl H L'NTEK,
Notary Public.
taharrt bera leaving the rll lem
porarllr akoald hate The Bee
natlea) to them, tddrrea vrlll be
rhaaged aa eftrn aa reqaeaied.
Perhaps w dared the March
too soon.
"Nor cast
look behind,'
one longing, lingering
Old Man Winter.
To our fire wardens: tiet busy be
fore rather than after the luquest.
Help! Help! Help save Omaha's
precious ($8,250,000) Water board.
Dr. Woodrow Wilson has shown
that scholars can also run steam roll
ers. I.ucky, for our democratic friends
that Bryan's birthday la celebrated but
once a year.
Senator Kern declares Mr. Dryan's
future is secure. It ought to be, even
at S per cent.
Kvldently the weather man mislaid
his almanac, but may be expected to
find it soon again.
It seems as If our Nebraska legisla
ture were having difficulty in locating
ita terminal facilities.
At any rata. Colonel Roosevelt has
not 'been hissed yet for ridiculing
Lorimer'a vindication.
Senator Lorlmer says the "hand of
Providence" retained his seat for him.
Why blame that on the Lord?
New York's cry ia for a "Free man
by a free legislature." It may ?et it
after another legislature Is elected.
Mr. Carnegie has given away $183,
250,000, which must bring him down
perilously close to his last $400,000,
000. It remains to be seen whether
those bloodhounds can earn appoint
ment to permanent Jobs on the police
It might be well to explain that the
department of fomento in the Mexican
government is for the promotion of
colonisation. '
Nonetheless, this one little blow
does not' Justify Dr. Hick's prophecy
of a "atem-winder." Colonel Welch
is still ahead.
Uncle Joe does not care to occupy
the room Champ Clark had, adjoining
the refrigeration plant. No cold stor
age for him yet.
The latest demonstration over ' a
harem skirt occurred on Chestnut
street In Philadelphia. Highly ap
propriate name for the street.
One of the Joe Bailey sort of papers
saya 'he has the broadest grasp on
public questions of any statesman. So
he really is a statesman, la heT
The old guard democratic organs
think Governor Wilson is disrupting
his party by ordering out of his office
men who virtually call him a liar.
If Shortstop Blackburn of the Chi
cago White Sox has really fallen heir
to $$,000,000, th umpires will not do
a thing to him when they go to fine
Mr. Bryan will simply have to ac
cept the nomination next year and run
a fourth time to keep within hearing
distance of Carter Harrison as the
champion long distance multiplex can
didate. Trust those nonpartisan democrats
In the legislature to let nothing get
iway from them that looks like grist
on thalr political mill. Republicans
must not let themselves be fooled Into
carrying water to the democratic mill
Municipal campaigns are brewing
all around Omaha In our suburban
towns where the same battles are
betng fought on a small scale that we
have her when the poaaesssion of the
rlty hall la at stake. Perhaps Omaha
raa learn something by watching how
do It la Benson and Florence.
Significant Change of Attitude.
For years In Ibis country certain
struggle has been waged against what
railed t rum-iloni inatloti in politics.
. !The movement took more active form
noon after Theodore Roosevelt became
.president In the fall of 19(tl. Todav
... ... ... .
11 nag decisive results to snow tnai it
has not been a failure. One of the j
most manifest la to he fn.mrf In the
changed attitude of the large Indus-
trial interests toward the government
and th people at large. 1'ornierly , in
theory at least, these big Interests con-
tented themselves by having sent t0 scarcely begun, for an inestimable aup
congresa and the legislatures men i''1 of 011 iB et witnin ":0 bo8onl ":'
upon whom thev could rely. They did !the parth and 8n,e of lh" newer wrl!s
not find it necessary to take the peo- jare Proving to be the most prodigious,
pie Into tbeir confidence, or do them j ;
the favor of discussing their business j Wanted A Winner,
with them. If, in addition to cam-, The keen Washington correspondent,
palgn contributions, anything rise sizing up the political trade winds, Is
w ere net essary. they sent their agents I letting it be know n that the demo
to congress and the legislatures to add jcratic party thinks It has a chance of
!the finishing touches. The lobbyists I
I are not entirely obselete today, but
they and their bosses are certainly
more meek than they used to be. jpediency, not principle. Is the thing
A striking object lesson of thlslJust now; the ability to get votes Is
change that has been wrought is fur-I the determining factor. The demo
ntshed In the action of the American ii'at on whom all faction would
Woolen company in now arguing its more readily unite and who could
casis in the public prints." It is spend- i offer the best promise of rutting into
Ing thousands upon thousands of dol
lars in legitimate publicity, setting
forth in carefully studied detail its
reasons for objecting to any reduction
In the celebrated schedule "K" of the
present tariff law. Its writers discuss
every phase pf the business, together
with the company's treatment or its
employes, its innovation of building
comfortable homes for them, which
are rented at reasonable rates. te
condition of the raw material market
and everything connected with the
woolen iuduslry. In h current high
class magazine one of these paid for
articles comprises sixteen pages of
reading matter.
And other big industries are doing
likewise. They are going before the
people with their case, they are will
ing to debate with them and explain
what ten years, and less, ago, they
would have said was none of their
business. It is an evidence of a transi
tion In the right direction. Our peo
ple will never deny a fair hearing to
'any Interest, threat or small, but it Is
a great thing to bring powerful Insti
tutions to realize that they cannot
longer Ignore the public In matters of
vital public concern.
Ready for. Public Control.
The American Telephone and Tele
graph company, commonly known as
the Bell system, in its annual report,
makes a frank appeal fop a single
ownership of telephone lines through
out the country under proper govern
mental regulation. That much prog
ress toward this end has been made
may be gathered from thlB statement:
Wherever It could be legally doue and
done with the acquiescence of the public,
opposition companies have been acquired
and merged into the Bell system.
The report declares that since these
merges began the cost of construction,
including toll lines, per exchange sta
tion, has steadily decreased, from $199
in 1960 to $142 in 1910, and corre
spondingly there has been an average
decrease for the annual charge for ex
change service, from $44.68 in 1900
to $31.28 in 1910. The taxes paid in
1910 were more than 5 per cent of
gross earnings, 16.4 per rent of the
net earnings and 1.4 per cent of its
valuation of its telephone plants.
The contention is made, and fairly
so, that the telephone should be as
universal as the highways, extending
I from one man's door to another's, and
that rates should be made thoroughly
popular and reasonable. This, It is
contended, could be best done' under
one ownership and fair regulation.
So far as competition goes, the tele
phone Is one public utility whose ser
vice to the people is hindered rather
than helped by diverse systems and
ownerships. As far as that is con
cerned,' there has never really been
actual competition between telephone
companies, but the only effect of at
tempted competition has been to force
people to maintain two telephone sys
tems for a while where one would
If the benefits of competition can be
had and the evils avoided by public
control and regulation, that will be
the next step.
California Fuel Oil.
It Is reported that the Standard Oil
has bought from the Southern Pacific
:!the controlling interest in the Asso-
elated Oil company, the chief produc
ing concern of California. If this re
port is correct it means that the Stand
ard has practically gobbled the pro
duction of fuel oil aa well as illumi
nating oil ln this country, for what
other producers exist In California and
elsewhere it can control, as it has
hitherto controlled the Associated, by
manipulating the market price of oil.
The Associated Oil company' wells
are principally in Kern and Loa Ange
les counties. It has done a good deal
of absorbing on its own account, hav
ing a few years ago taken over a num
ber of smaller competitors , I'o a
long period ita output was suppoja
to have been controlled by the Stand
ard, whose tanks and railroad lines
were in close proximity to the prop
erty of the Associated. And tl.o
Southern Pacific has been the Asso
ciated' chief customer. Mr. Har
rhnan himself la said to have arranged
all this soon after the Kern county
fields began to assume large iro por
tion. What baa now been done,
therefore, will scarcely have any revo
lutionary effect, since the Rockefeller
interest has held sway in a way nil
It bad been the unoers'.andlna; that
the Standard Oil did not desire to as-
si .r the proprietorship of these? wells,
but if that were over cirieot then
evidently a different mood has come
over that benevolent iusl I'nlion. H
n UUIU II O I trC B U I " I I I II 1" 'IIMI. II I'
has bought I he . amciated. Unit a
complete nmnopnlr in Hit? proiluciion
mf Imt rnloi m I ri t ' 1 1 f or n ia ui!l lie
"- ' -
formed, and everything Including
Mfe "nf ,h t0a8t POlnta. will pass
to the Standard. Phenomenal
;as has been the development of the
i California fields. If scientists' estl
I mates are correct, the "xploftatlon hag
victory In 1912 If only It can find a
'man who can poll the full party vote
as its presidential nominee. Ex-
the republican vote la the man wanted.
It is a crucial time with the demo
crats and they are willing to do most
'anything to win.
.lust now the two men who loom
largest on the horizon of possibilities
are Cbainp Clark and Governor vYood- t
row Wilson of New Jersey. Govern r
Harmon, of course, is still a factor, j
but iiiH.-much as he fould never r'
cate t'.:? Hryan following, his chances
at present do not seem to compare fa
vorably with those of the Missouri. in
'or the Princeton educator. It is gen-
l.rflllv oitmlttarl tlitf a' H 1 1 A Rrrnn n'ifl
not have the entire naming of the ifti
dldatc, his strength will be sufficient
to prevent the nomination of a man
specially objectionable to him. He lias
indicated a preference for Clark and
a friendship for Wilson.
These two men, then, may be con
sidered as on trial. Governor Wil
son is thus far displaying elements
of personal strength In his fight with
the old democratic state machine, but
whether the apparent victories he -is
achieving there will make or unmake
his chances of the presidential nomi
nation remain to be seen. Final
I judgment cannot be passed on bim
until he has had time to fall or suc
ceed In the reforms he has set" for
himself in boss-ridden New Jersey.
Much the same may be said of Champ
Clark, whose preliminary heat will
begin April 4 as he ascends 'o the
speaker's chair, It must be said that
up to date Clark has proved very
wobbly. He has changed front on at
least three vital Issues within the last
year, giving no promise of sound con
viction or stable leadership. In that,
however, he ehowg himself to be the
antithesis of the resolute Dr. Wilson,
and the typical opportunist in politics,
who, irrespective of all serious quali
fications, may suit exactly, providing
he attracts rather than alienates the
different factions as speaker.
If in the meanwhile, however, any
one rises above the democratic dead
line who looks like more vots than
either of those mentioned, he vlll be
acclaimed the true leader, for tt is a
touted winner that is wanted, and
none other need apply.
Our Precious Water Board.
A frantic appeal emanates from the
local democratic organ to save our
precious ($8,260,000) Water board
from being submerged in the floodtide
of the campaign sfor the commission
form of city government. We must
have the commission form of govern
ment, so we are told, to wipe out the
extravagance of a separate council.
Park board, Library board and Police
board, but on no account must we
permit the precious ($8,250,000)
Water board to be harmed by even a
hair. " To give the Water board full
benefit of ita defense we quote:
The World-Herald feels safe ln saylng
that a large majority of those Omaha
people who believe in commission form of
government upon principle are also op
posed to abolishing- the Water board and
turning the water plant over to the ten
der mere lea of the politicians. It waa not
by their consent or by their advice that
the amendment agreed upon by the house
committee to continue the Water board
was left out of the senate bill. And If any
of the boosters ot the bill consent to have
a blow struck at the Water board In the
hope, that by this means they could gain
support for their bill and their plan from
a powerf ul and expected quarter, they may
aa well be warned that they are playing
with fire.
- This Is almost funny. The World
Herald would have us believe that the
commission form boosters are trying
to turn the parks, the' public llbiary,
the police and fire departments, and
the whole city hall "over to the ten
der mercies of the politicians," and
that our present precious ( $8,250,
000) Water board is not now made up
of politicians. The best straight-from-the-shoulder
answer to this
piteous plea that we have seen ia the
following taken from the Western. La
borer: The duplicated renponalblllty ; the dupli
cated boards that are good for the men on
the pay roll, but unelees to the city are
aome of the things the commission form of
government could remedy. But when the
men on the boards are strong enough to
have their own caisea made exceptlona be
cause they wish It. than the sincerity of
the reformers rommencea to turn yellow.
If the commission form Is good and we
believe It la It should be applied on the
square. The new commission should have
turned over to It the whole darned works
of the town without any strings tied to
them. It la silly to except the water board
and Include the police board.
By all means save our procluus
($8,150,000) Water board "from the
tender mercies of the politicians."
One of the humors ot The situation
it the apectaele of the very parties
who used to take such pride, In pro
claiming Lincoln as "Bryan town."
now indignantly and vociferously re
senting the invasion of the statesmsn
from Kairvle to tell the people of
Lincoln whom they should elect as
city officials and how they should run
tlwir city.
The Kuslnesa Men's association of- j
fers a reward for the apprehension of j
the court house dynamiters who I
worked a few thousand dollars dam- i
ages to the property. Good, so far as
It goes. We. however, prefer to offer
our reward for the arrest and con
viction of the murderer who struck ,
down one of our most prominent bust- I
ness men. whose value to the commun
ity cannot be estimated in dollars and
The bellwether of the Water board
insists that he and his followers are
not politicians. So far as putting
through the deal for "immediate
and conipusory" purchase of the water
plant is concerned, they proved beyond
dispute that they are not business
men. In what part of the dictionary
will we find the right definition?
The biggest dynamite bomb that
has been fired recently is the one
thrown out in New York, calling
twenty bank presidents and vice presi
dents to show cause before the grand
The public Is advised that the X-ray
shows the skull of the Honorable
"Jack" Johnson to be one inch thick.
If "Jeff had only known that in time.
What Ml Klit Have Ileen.
Wnll Street Journal.
Colonel Roosevelt wants the "recall."
Ixoks different out of office, but what
might not have happened with such a law
four years ago?
senatorial Myslerr-
St. Ixiuls Olobe-Democrat.
1'resldent Taft has a democratic house on
his hands, and must wall for particulars
before finding out whether the senate Is
not a more puizllng prlie package.
Bark to First I'rloclplea.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
When Mexico becomes tranquil again It
will take the view that two terms at most
are enough for the ablest president. It 1
best for republics to keep In touch with
the ballot.
Xmashlnar the Jingoes.
Springfield Republican.
There Is no more ridiculous aspect to the
mobilization affair than the persistent
rumors that Japan is somehow secretly
plotting ln Mexico against the Cnlted
States. President Taft's Invitation to the
Japanese ambassador to meet him at the
White House and receive his personal
assurances that the administration dis
credits these reports utterly was almost
a case of dignifying them by too much at
tention. In Training; for the Job.
Baltimore American.
King- George is going into training for the
strain of the coronation ceremonies. It Is
a strenuous matter to be crowned a king
nowadays,' especially in some countries
where the.' monarch has to be gracefully
self-possessed and prepared to dodge pos
sible' bombs at the same time. In King
George's case, however, It is the strain
only of being pleased and picturesque all
through the week of the ceremonial which
he Is training to meet.
Political Fairmera tailed Down.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
While political farmers have been lament
ing the damage to agriculture by reciproc
ity with Canada, eggs being specified as
an example, an unassuming statistician
comes along with the showing that Canada
buys from the United States from fifteen
to twenty-five times aa many eggs as we
buy from Canada. The same thing Is true
of most other products except the cereals
that Canada can grow on Its virgin north
western soils, and the prlcea of these are
fixed In the world markets.
Problem of Farm Labor.
Philadelphia Record.
The farmers who, following the lure of
cheap and fertile land, have emigrated p
Canada from the western states are not
wholly satisfied with their venture. The
land Is all right, but they encounter the
same difficulty ln Manitoba or Alberta that
confronted them In Illinois and Indiana
the lack of labor. The immigrants who
are flocking to Canada are in the main
either bent upon taking up land for them
selves, and thus increasing Instead of sat
isfying the demand for farm labor, or un
deslroub of outdoor labor. The farmers, also
h.v.e to bid tn the labor market against the
railroad and mining companies. If it were
not for the machlnea, which of late years
have largely taken the place of hand labor
on the farms, the scarcity of unskilled
labor would be still more serious prob
lem. People Talked About
Mrs. Louise Nye Godfrey, whose husband
commanded a warship during the blockade
running In the civil war, and whose father
was captain of a ship seized by the French
pirates In lTfS, died in St. Joseph, Mo.,
aged 92 years.
Discovering a stenographer's red hair ln
her husband s hairbrush, a Kansas City
woman secured a divorce, which ia a tip
to wise huabands to pick out stenographers
who match their own complexion.
The cat that survived the bombardment
ot the San Marcos and tame out of the
turret to ask the rescuers If they had
been filing at anything in particular In sure
of a pension and an honorable mention as
long as It lives.
Th. wife of a Denver man testifies ln
court that during a married life of nineteen
years her husband has got drunk Z.033
tlrneti. Who on blame a man for drown-
lng grief when he lives with a woman who
will keep statistic a like that?
Suspected of being a spy. Ernest Gam
bia, a basso of McKeeaport, Pa., wu re
cently roughly handled by a couple of
Mexican aoldl.ra, and the noted singer
spent several hours In a guardhouse at
Juarez before he waa able to prov. his
Identity and convince th. angry Mexicans
that he waa neutral and had no Intention
of Injuring Mexico.
That waa a aad story of th. man who
put his money In th. Carnegie trust com
pany becaus. he thought Andrew Carnegie
waa actually at th. head of It looting
after Ita affairs. What would Oenrge
Washington think of th. real estate Insur
ance deals put through -by a company
bearing hla nam. and of the. rascality of
auuibarteaa Ueorga Wat
Around New York
Kipplea on the Current of Life
ne Been In the Qreat American
Metropolis from Day to Day
Not very long ago a little gill went
to the niHyoi of .e York with nn appeal
that die nusht he Hllowed to Ihv her
pait in "The Littlest Hrlx-I." Owing to
her youthfulnem. the society for the
Prevention of Crueit. to Chi'dren hal
said "No." Mayor (;.. iit said Yes"
graciously. Appreciating his kindness the
child wrote him this letter.
"Pear Mr. Oavnor: 1 thank ou so
much for allowing me to work In my 1
part In 'The Littlest Rebel.' It has made ,
me so Imppy. sod 1 wish you would come
down to the Colonial theater to Nee me I
play it. I sin sending a pass from the
manager, Air. Percy Williams. I
The. Incident apparently was closed, but J
a few days later "The Littlest Rebel ' j
received a real communication from the
city's chief executive, us follows. i
"My tv-ar Uttle Kriend:. I should lie j
most glad la go and see you play, hut i
you know 1 have an many things to do !
that 1 cannot go. everywhere. 1 am glad
that you are as happy as you say. Kvery
iKidy ought to be happy. It does no good
to be any other way. When anything dis
couraging or annoying happens, Just say
to yourself; 'Well, It Is all right. The I
next time something good will happen ' I
and then you will feel bully. Sincerely !
jours. W. J. tiAYN'UR, Mayor.
Missouri waa not the policeman's native
home, nevertheless "showing'' did him
some good, aa reported in the Sun. Me
had undertaken to settle a row between
two pushcart peddlers who considered u
certain spot on the pavemrnt worth pur
chasing at the price of a blood v nose.
His livelihood, according to the banana
man. depended upon his standing at the
particular spot, and the fhlrt waist peddler
was equally positive that If he moved on
starvation would be his lot. The police
man's prayer for light was cut short by
the arrival ot a woman who wanted to
buy a waist.
"1 wear No. SS." she sa'd. "Here Is a
waist that 1 like, but it looks like a
mighty small 3S."
ii) it on, uigeu me peuuier.
"1 can't right here in the street," she !
"Just step Into this hall." said the ped
dler, "and knock on the door at the left.
The woman will let you try It on there."
Ills look of triumph cowed the banana
man and convinced the policeman.
"See?" he said. "That Is why I have to
stand here. I meet a lot of customers like
that woman, and It isn't every place where
1 can make arrangements for them to
come In and try on."
The banana man moved on.
Ever hear of the Boda shaker heart? It's
a disease developed among fountain at
tendants and is due to the exertion ot mix
ing egg and malted drinks. The rapid,
Jerky movement of the arms greatly ac
celerates the heart action and soon brings
on a permanent high pulse.
"It takes about 300 shakes to mix an
egg drink properly," said a fountain at
tendant, "and ft is not unusual for a man
to mix 100 such drinks In a day. That
makes 30.000 motions in a day or 1.0u0
in a week. The arm muscles get used to
it, but the heart can't stand It."
To meet this situation, as well as to In-
crease the homogeneity of the drink many
of the larger soda fountains have been
equipped with a newly devised electrical
mixer on the order of a revolving egg
beater, that makes 3.0UO revolutions a min
ute and puts out a better drink ln one
fourth the time conaumed by a hand
An unusually peculiar damage suit has
Just been decided In New York by which
the widow of a fire chief has been awarded
$26,000 for the loss of his life in a furni
ture establishment fire. The chief fell
through an open well hole in the building
Into a cellar half filled with water and waa
drowned before he could be rescued. The
open well hole was In violation of a city
ordinance. This suit, with Its large dam
ages, will help to emphasize the highly Im
portant fact that such ordinances are In
tended to prevent Just such accldenta, and
that disregard of them leuds to criminal
and civic liability when a life is lost. There
are many ordinances of the kind held
lightly in regard until a fatal accident
shocks the authorities into enforcement.
"righting microbes haa reached its high
est development in this shop," said a dress
maker, quoted by the Sun, "The principle
of extermination was recommended by a
customer. She is a rampant foe to germs
and she nearly had a fit when she saw
a girl moisten the end of her thread In
her mouth.
-Do you allow that?' she gasped.
"I said, 'Why, yes. What barm Is there
In it?'
" "It Is extremely dangerous,' she said.
I cannot allow my clothes to be made
under such unsanitary conditions."
"Then she recommended that on the table
beside each girl's sewing outfit we place
a small glass bowl, containing a sponge
soaked ln some antiseptic solution and
make the glrla moisten th. end of their
thread on that. The woman waa such a
good cuatomer that we could not afford
to offend her on a question of germs, so
we adopted her suggestion. It has met
with such high favor among other women
who never before had had time to get
scared at microbes that an antiseptic prep
aration is now a part of every girl's out
fit" Although she had failed to get a seat
and waa wavering unateadily as the sub
way train rounded th. curves, she didn't
take her bands from her big pillow muff
to seize a strap. Then ahe got her back
agalntit a side door upright and steadied
herself, but still the hands stayed In the
A look of pain tame over her face, her
bands moved violently ln the muff, and
It didn't take an expert Up reader to aee
that she was saying things under her1
breath that would be startling if uttered
At last the pain became unbearable. She
Jerked her right hand with two fingers
bleeding from the muff and gave a liny
dog's head that followed a slap that made
him howl. Just then the train stopped and
ahe darted through the door.
Compartment culinary utensils are a new
cone-ess. on to the exigencies of light house
keeping in New York. Space ia- at a
premium on gas ranges used, for cooking
In small apacunenta or furnished rooms.
On this account frying pans and saucepans
subdivided by bulkheads, to like the
nautKal term, are now on sale. Fish and
chops. for Instance, may b. cooked
simultaneously on a compartment frying
pan, and two sorts of vegetables can be
1 cooked together without mixing The
utensils double the rooking capacity of a
lone or two burner gas stove, for a lineal
Iof two or three courses may lm prrpaied
at on time Instead of lu relays.
Absolutely Pure
The official Government tests
show Royal Baking Powder to be
an absolutely pure and healthful
grape cream of tartar baking
powder, and care should be taken
to prevent the substitution of any
other brand in its place.
With no other agent can bis
cuit, cake and hot-breads be made
so pure, healthful and delicious.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per round,
and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking
powder in the world. It makes pure, clean, healthful food.
Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts - Free. Send Name and A ddreu.
povl baking pownrn co , mrw vchk.
Fremont, Tribune: Mayor Jim halilmans
astute s.nse of propriety prompts him not
to permit Omaha's welcome sl;n to uiow
for the do(i show. Hut when the women's
clubs or the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union meet there li mnkes the
speeches of welcome himself.
Lincoln Star: Let us hope that the state
teachers who voted to' go to Oma a and j
the Young Men's Christian ussociiit ior.
which held its stale convention there, are
not taking as personal anything thst Is
being said by the country editors about
the class of people who go to Omaha and!
what they go for. j
Heat rice Kxpress: Some of the leaders
in the fight for the adoption of the law
providing for the commission form of rov
ernment go so far as to say that a potent
argument for such a law Is found in the
fact that Jim 1'ahlmnn and his Omaha
lieutenants strenuously oppose It. - Since
Jim loat the governorship he receives hard
knocks from all sides.
Grand Island Free Press: Kverv time
Omaha plans to have trade excursions
Lincoln hops in anil gets busy with a
trade tour over the same route that Omaha
plans for and a few weeks ahead of them
It sort of reminds one of the little circuses
that tour the country ahead of the big
shows. Omaha Is coming out over the
Union Pacific soon and now Lincoln wants
to get here first.
I'ender Republic: The other day we re-
troeu iioni toe irci noseu uriKHilt Ol
Omaha a postal card which contained
some Incontrovertible. Indisputable, un
answerable, undeniable, uncontradlctable,
unrefutable and unappealable facts con
cerning crime in prohibition Kansas and
license Nebraska. Of course all the ad
vantage lies with Nebraska. All of which
goes to show that while figures may not
lie, yet In the hands ot a cheerful liar
they can be made to prove any old thing
you want proven.
to "
Iittsburg Despatch: The wildest of all
yurns Is that about Japan having laid a
cable to Guam. Are the little brown men
tolng to sneak In over the wire?
Washington Post: The harem-skirted
fraternity have offered a $100 prize for the
best suffragette song written to the tune
of "Dixie," but when it comes to the
chorus, who will "look away?"
Hoston Transcript: Mr. Jack Johnson,
having been shown to possess the thickest
skull of which science has record, will
doubtless come east next fall and seek con
genial associates In the Massachusetts
Springfield Republican: The appearance
of a millionaire among professional base
ball players is announced. The young man
Inherits the pile, but he proposes to stick
to the game and make a reputation. There
vrt M7crz-.f i i xrzrx t ri
In Its
During all this time it has commanded the, confi
dence of the people. This confidence ia still evidenced
by the daily opening; of nv nccouiita aud the constantly
increasing volume of buslines.
Your account U invited.
i. mi irasnn why he should spoil a hrllllant
career on account it a million or two.
Indianapolis News: It Is said that the
president's new secretary. Mr. 1 lilies, does
ni t pretend to know ail ahout how the gov
ernment of the 1'nited States should be run,
which is a mighty queer attitude for a man
wl.i. has a Washington fob.
Louisville Comiar-.lmivnal: It s a pity
ptace hns been patched up between the
belligerent New Orleans gentlemen, editors
respectively of the Hee And the) Wasp. We
ulways did have a sporting hankering to
see a scrap between those two Insects. ,
"You seem surprised to see me?''
"I am. ;
hy. don t you remember I promlseo
to come In today and settle that hill? '
"Yes. that's why I am surprised."
Houston Post.
Grocer Little pays his bills mora
promptly, now that he's got Ills boys sll
Cashier Yes; every Little helps Chicago
"Poor man. how wore you hurt?" asked
the woman of the mendicant at the door.
"In the war with Mexico." he replied,
having seen a torn page of a acnn.Hist
paper Ituffulo Express.
"Pop. when a man has a theory, does
he theorize'.'"
"Yes. my son."
"Well, when he has sn organ, does he
organize?" Hal limore American.
"He's a star after-dinner speaker. Isn't
"A star? lie's a moon."
"The fuller the brighter "Toledo Hlsde.
"I'm afraid that base ball player la In
a bad way."
"Glass arm?'
"Worse than that. Ills throat Is so sore
he can t speak above a whisper." Wash
ington Herald.
Detroit Kree Fress.
I'll.. Ifi.f ,f u mun In Ilia l,rl, 1. a
The grit that he dally shows; Jf
: ne way ne Manas on tils reet ancl take
Fate's numerous humps and blows. (
A coward can smile w hen there s naught
to fear '
When nothing Ills' progress bars.
Hut It takes a man to stsnd up and cheer
Willie some other fellow stars.
It Isn't the victory after sll
Hut the fight that a brother makes,
The man. who. driven against the wall,
Still stands up erect and takes
1 he blows of fate with his head, held high,
Hleeding and bruised and pale.
Is the mun who'll win In the by and by,
For he Isn't afraid to full.
It's the tiumps you get slid the Jolts you
And the shocks that your courage stands,
The hours of sorrow and vain regret,
The prize that escapes our hands
That test your mettle and prove your
It isn't the blows J ml deal.
Hut the blows you take on the good old
That show If your stuff Is real.
5prmrj brings to each itj little dffam
Of lovf and riche iof field and stream
But sweeter than any dream I see.
Ij the LANPHLR HATifxinq bring
to me.
i rm t tt mi i T3TTTt r3 l 1