"1 1 1 i n l ivrJTl ) M AH ATI i; r w A ATM A i ;n rL"l 1 1 1." Nebraska- PRIMARY FINDS ALL READY Office Force of City Clerk tributes Supplies. Di- GARDEN ON VERGE OF WAR HinLaMrra and lowktn ftsperted to Meet la Battle for Land, Aorord - lasT to Asjeat of Federal tcovernmrnta (.Kr"" a Stuff Correwponflent i.INCOI.N, Msrrh IT. (Sj.eolal.) Tho office force of the city dirk ha beon busy fo rthe last three day netting together the supplies of ptk"IIs, books and ballot boxen f.ir distribution In the various wards for ue at the city primary tomorrow. A few eleventh-hour char nee were made Jn the (.triolein of some of the precincts. The ballots distributed Monday to the judges will bear names and party detona tions In .part as follows: Hrpabllvan. Kor Mayor Vote for One. AI.VIN H. ARMSTRONG Republican IKJN I,. IjOVK Reput.llcan - Kor Treasurer- oVte forOne. GKOROK lATTON Republican For City Clerk-- Vote for One. WII.I,IAM A. flAWFS Republican HOHl.HE C. OZ.MAN Republican WALTKR A. LKKSK Republican For City Attorney oVte for One. KRKI '. FOSTKK Republican C. C. KUANSUL'RtJ Republican For Councilman, Second Ward- vote ror tine. DOLPH LKBftACK, JR. Democrat For Mayor T1IDMAH COCHRANE ... KOBKRT MAl-ONB For Treasurer J. II. UL.KAHON For Cltv Clerk C. II. HOHMA NX 1 1 EN It T RlNOAMAX For City Attorney THOMAS J DOYI.K . Republican Vote for One. Iemocrat Jemucrat Vote for One. Democrat oVte for yne Democrat Democrat oVte for One. Democrat For Councilman, Second Ward Vote for One. MICHAEL, BAUER Democrat Koclallat. For Mavor Vote for One. C. R. Oyler Socialist lowboys Mar Klht. That conditions In Garden county have reaeched such a staxe that an outbreak may coma any hour when Klnkalders and towboys will mix In gory struggle for the land la the story that was brought to Uncoln today by an agent of the federal government who has been Investi gating the trouble between homesteaders and ranchmen. Every homesteader and every ranchman In the territory between Oshkosh and Rlngham goes heavily armed these days. Whenever there Is a knock ait the door, a homesteader selxes his trusty rifle and presents Its muzzle to the door before he admits the Intruder. No family among the homesteaders thinks of retiring for the night without piling the windows full of sods fearing a night attack at tack from tha ranchmen and their hangers on. , The homesteaders havi formed a "Homesteaders' .Protective association,'" which la gradually taking In all of tha ettlera who are not tied up with the few lanchmen who have been feeding their cattle on the rich grasses of the govern ment land for yearn. This association Is a secret order and it la somewhat similar to the night riders' association of the home state. ' Us leaders are just as (earless and the war will be a war of extermination If it breaks out. Many' People, Attend . Desnler Corn Show Two Thousand People Visit Little City and See Live Stock Show. DPBHLHR. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) Deshler'a big corn show, live stock ex hibit and sales day Friday, was a success. Two thousand people Visited the largest graded by the Deehler band. They were met by officials ef the company and were shown through the entire plant, which was In full operation. A parade of live stock hesded by the band opened tha afternoon exercises. After the Nebraska Corn Song, by the children of the Deshler schools In the opera house, and a couple of drills. Prof. Val Keyser of tha atate university lec tured ob "Co-operation of Town and Coun try." Ha waa followed by William Enst ; of Tecumaeh who gave an Illustrated talk . on "Peed Corn Selection." There waa a large showing of corn, which after the award of premiums, waa aold at auction. 1 Business houses were decorated and epe- cla salesmen from the wholesale houses gave demonstrations of various lines, cof , fee, cracker, canned roods, randy, cocoa, ' etc. A largo room In charge of a commlt tet of women, was tastefully decorated . with school and fancy work, furnished with easy chairs and was used aa a rest room. Csndy corn souvenirs were given. I POSTMASTER C0RBIN AT REYNOLDS IN TROUBLE Official la In Cnstody of I'nlted States Inspector and Creditors Trylnar l to Settle with Carle Sam. .VaIRBCRT. March 17.-(Special. R. A. Mrauer. a I nlted States lnxpector of ! naatlnc". Neb.. Is at Reynolds, In this county. Investigating the deficiency in the poatofflce receipts at that point. Mr Brauer. while cheeking over the postoffice accounts at Reynolds, found that F. A. Oirbln. postmaster, waa short about $2,675. Corbln has been postmaster at Reynolds but a short time, having succeeded Mrs. '"Webster, who lives In this city. Corbln conducts a general store at Rey- Holds. It Is allege.! that he wrote out money orders when paying his creditors. Ills creditors have taken charge of his ; store at Reynolds and will endeavor to square his deficiency with Cnclo Sara and ; the various mercantile houses. He is in ; tba custody of the I'nlted States Inspector and It Is thought that he can square all , his accounts. Mr. Corbla la a young man and has , wife and five child run. i.t.m.blU Tnrna Tnrtle. .TBCVMSBH. Neb.. March !7.-(Bpecial.) Olander T. Toung of Cook and a party of traveling men experienced a lively auto mobile mishap. In which no one was In Jured. Mr. Toung and tha three traveling men were In Young's machine, going along at a very good rate of aieed. Mr. Toung, who was driving, released hla hold from the steering gear for a second and in that . time one wheel (if the machine struck small stone In such a manner aa to Inter file with the gear so that the machine completely turned turtle. Just how all the men escaped without serious Injury cannot be understood. The machine waa consider ably damaged. Ueud Prleea for Cattle. l'ESHLER. Neb.. March J7. (Special. ) At the Ernst Shorthorn sale yesterday ten hi ad of cattle aold for 11.087, the top, a htifer, Rose lilooni TSU. In calf to Star rt.uo r5;s, sold tor sm.t. Nebraska Mr. Bryan Advises Care by Senators Sayi Democrats May Be Able to Induce Progressive Republicans to Pull Few Chestnuts. LINCOLN. Neb., March 2T Concerning the reorganisation of the senate, W. J. Hryan today said: "The democrats of the senate -tiave a duty to perform at the very opening of the extra session, namely the reorganiza tion of that body. The democrats are still In the minority, but they will have the selection of the democratic members of the various committees and acting wlth the progressive republicans they cannot only secure Increased representation on the committees, but they can make the com mittees represent the sentiment of the senate. There are eome standpat demo crats in the senate whose sympathies are with the standpat republicans rather than with the progressive republicans, but there are not as many of the standpat demo crats aa there were T fore March 4, and there will probably not be so many two years from now as thera are now. The standpat democrats and republicans are now In control of the best committee asHlgnments and they may expect to keep them In spite of the factthat they no longer represent the sentiment of a ma jority of that body. It seems likely to be a question of seniority against pub lic Interest a question of individual ambition against the wefare of the people. It Is not difficult to determine which Bide to take In such a controversy. It may flatter a man's vanity to allow him to mis represent his party or the country, but It Is not democracy. "If public officials even senators are public servants, if they are selected to do for the people what the people want done, then there can be no question that com mittees should be made up, not merely to pay personal compliments, but to carry out the people'a will." Cash is Waiting for Bridget McGratle esaaassaaaBasi v Seven Hundred and Eighty Dollars to Her Credit with the Clerk of Kimball County. KIM BALL. Neb., March 26. (Special Telegram.) Wanted, girl to prove title to $TS0. This la the sum at the disposal of Bridget McOratle whenever she may appear and prove her identity. The money la In charge of the county clerk. Peter and Mary Miller, who owned a half section of Kimball county land, on February 5, gave a mortgage on the property to Erlck J. Nelson for $100. Later they gave a quit claim deed to the land to Bridget McGratle. .. In those days land In this county waa not considered worth much and tha taxes accumulated unpaid. The interest on tha mortgage ran up and In November, 1907, Erlck Nelson foreclosed his- mortgage and the half aectlon waa sold at sheriff's sale. It brought more than $1,000. After the mortgage and costs were paid a residue of $780 remained to the credit of Bridget. All efforts to find her have failed. On tha note signed by Miller and his wife tha address of 138 Townsend street. Chicago.- la written In pencil, and it waa supposed Bridget also lived In Chicago. The chief of polios there says there Is no such name In the directory. The mortgage waa witnessed by Nels N. Gllnbore and A. E. Boderlln and waa acknowledged by AnOrew N. Boderlln, of Chicago. Nebraska City Will Clean I p. NEBRA8K ATITY, Neb.. March 27. (Spe cial.) Frank Carson has been appointed special health officer by Mayor L. F. Jack son, who has started a crusade to force the cttlxena In general to -clean up and more especially this week ao ti to have the city looking tidy when the Southwest ern Teachers' association cornea here the latter part of the week. The citizens and Commercial club have Joined with the teachers here to properly entertain those of the teachers who come' here during the n.ectlng. All of the houses of tha city will be thrown open to them and they will be given the freedom of the city during their stay. Woman Drop Dead at Dnnbar. NKVBRASK ACTTT, Neb., March 27. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Luddlngton of Dunbar was stooping over the bed of her mother, who ay sick, when she fell to the floor and ex pired before a physician could be summoned. A physlolan who called stated that her death was caused by heart failure. She had not been sick, but waa tired out. waiting upon bar sick mother. Her funeral took place yesterday. She waa 60 years of age and leaves a son, mother and two brothers. ebraska Newa Notes. SARGRNT A garage. 48x 60. with e. ment floor ,1a being constructed by W. T. Cropper, opposite the Peterson blacksmith shop on the east aide of town. SARGENT A much-needed freight house s being built by the Burllnsrton railroad at this point. It la sixty feet long and Joins the preaent station building on the weal. CAMBRIDGE The farm house nf rw.r Woods. living ten miles northwnxt nf I'am. bridge, was destroyed by fire Saturday af ternoon. 1 he property waa partly covered by Insurance. NEBRASKA CITT Mrs. Mike Schreiner. while going down a pair of s lairs to her cellar at home, fell and broke her collar oone ana waa seriously Injured Internally loubts are entertained regarding her re covery. NEBRASKA CITY A delelratlnn old fiddlers who took part In the carnival held here In January have decided to go to Omaha on Friday and enter the conttut there. Mayor 1 Hikes of Mtnersvllle and "Doc" Crook of Barney, will head the delegation. NEBRASKA CITT-Word has been re ceived In this city of the serious illness of Rev. Ell Ruber at Gettysburg, i-a.. and no hopes are entertained for tils recovery. He was the minister who built the Luth eran church in thla city, and for many years waa its pastor and waa prominently connected with the early hlatory of thla city. FAIRBURT A tennis club has been or ganised In thla city and the following of ficers elected for the current year: is. A. W under, president; V. H. Weaaler, vice president; F. K. Bradley, secretary: Har old McLucas, treasurer. It la the Inten tion to fix up a court in the city park near the athletic grounds and they will play a number of games. SCOTT'S BLUFF The news from Wash ington that the secretary of the Interior had approved the recommendation of the local water users' association as endorsed by Engineers Weiss and Waltars has sot the wheels to going under the government project. While It waa not ail that waa asked for, It la probable that all or nearly all wlU make it go. FA lRBl'RY There is quits a diversity of opinion among the farmers and fruit growers In this vicinity aa to the amount of damage dona to the fruit and young vegrtablea caused by the snowstorm and severe freese of Sunday night. Consider able snow fell, which was accompanied by a high northwestern wind. Thla was fol lowed by an Intense freese. SCOTT S BLUFF The slogan of good roada la In the air here and work on a large scale has been begun. Many of the roada leading Into town are betng graded and topped with gravel. Brtdaee are In most rases mad of concrete, and siphoned so that the top of the covering will he on Nebraska the road grade. The heavy tonnage of beets, alfalfa and potato crops require roads that will stand up under three and four ton loads. SA R JSST The Farmers' Institute of Urgent held Its first annual program Wednesday afternoon and evening of lat week at Abbott's hall. A. H. Brooks gave talk on "Seed Corn ": Mrs. Penny, a paper on "Poultrv ; j. i. iteam gave nts experi ence with tree planting In Custer county, and these topics were Interestingly acus.ea n their turn. At the evening session W. P. (rooks talked on "Wheat : Mr. Heam talked on "The Farmer and His Farm," and a question box brought out some very interesting dlscusnlons. Music was fur nished by the Sargent Concert band and xume local singers. NEBRASKA CITT-Post D of the Travel ers' Protective association held its annual meeting lat evening at which time they elected the following officers: President. W. P. Sargeant: vice president. O. A. ltischof. secretary ; E. J. von tilllern; mem ber of state board of directors, John R tiolden. Delegates to the state convention: A. P. Stafford. K. .1. von Olllern. E. K. Hradlev. A I Ilsle and John W. Stelnhart. W. P. Sergeant was elected delegate to the national convention to be held In Phila delphia In June. An effort will be made to secure the state convention here In 1H12. PETIT JURORS FOR THE FEDERAL COURT DRAWN Are llelliH Here Summoned fur Service Ten. to Appear April Forty-five petit Jurors to serve during the coming term of federal court were drawn yesterday by the Jury commissioner ami Clerk R. C. Hoyt. They are being summoned to appear In court on April 10. the second week of the term. Nearly half of the Jurors drawn 'are farmers, the balance being bankers, editors, merchants and the like. Following la the complete list: . William J. Adams. Fort Crook, farmer. W. A. Anderson, Humphrey, retired far mer. John A. Allen. Valley, butcher. J. M. Babb, Fullerton. coal dealer. ' Thomas A. Bishop, Wlaner, farmer. John Rrubaker. Allen, retired farmer. Oeorge J. Hunch, Schuyler, banker. E. H. Chalmers, Columbus, real estate. E. W. Chllds. Huntington, farmer. R. M. Conklln, Hooper, farmer. D. S. Conrad. Schuyler, garage. S. C. Coffman, Fullerton, farmer, John H. Cooper. Washington, farmer. A. L. Farran, Heemer, farmer. Archie K. Gates. Genoa, bookkeeper. Andrew Oray, Schuyler, farmer. John H. Hansen, Richland, grain dealer. John Harder, Millard, tinner. Charles Harrla, Coleridge, editor. George Harris, Homer, farmer. Jamea M. Hendric. Omaha. M. F. Hotchklsa, Omaha, carpenter. I C. Kelsey, Thurston, farmer. . E. S. I -arson. Friend, farmer. W. YL Langford, Tekamah, retired mer chant. Clarence Manning. Sioux, farmer. Bertel P. Miller, Kennard. farmer. Donald D. McLeod, Schuyler, hardware. Ben L. Peters, Rogers, farmer. James Perkins, Omaha. H VV. Plerpont, Omaha, real estate, John Prokes, Schuyler, farmer. Theodore Reimers, Fullerton. stockman. Hans Rrthwer, Millard, farmer. C. N. Rogers, Hooper, farmer. ' H. J. Rosenbaum. Kennard. farmer. A. J. Ruddy. Albion, real estate. D. B. Wargent, Omaha. C. F. Sorenson, Omaha, motorman. David Stephenson. Fullerton, carpenter George Storey, Fremont, carpenter. Sam W. Stewart. Kennard, farmer. Chester E. Summers, Schuyler, banker. Wallace R. Williams, Blair, editor. W. S. Wright. Omaha, hardware. CHILD SETS HOUSE ON FIRE Homo of William Crane at Presho, S. D., Horns I.Htle One la Nearly Snfforated. MITCHELL, S. P., March 27 (Special.) While William Crane and wife, who live aouth of Presho, in Lyman county, were away from home for a half day, their house and all the contents were burned to the gronnd. The hired girl and their little daughter were left alone at the houae and the former lay down to rest for a short time. The little girl In some way got pos session of some matches and started a fire In the house. Before the girl waa awakened the fire had gained great headway and the house was filled with smoke. She hunted the house over for the little girl and finally found her hid In a remote part and she had to drag the little unconscious one from the house, she herself so weak that It was difficult for her to walk.' There was no in surance. Look Over the Field The successful busi ness man Is the one who advertises wisely. The experienced advertiser uses The Bee, jSmm. The Blue Bell Emblem, the seal of the Bell Telephone System, stands for one of the greatest business instrumentalities in the country a comprehensive association of affiliated com panies co-operating to give universal communication over ten million miles of wire and by means of five million telephones. NATION WIDE COMMUNICATION The Bell Telephone System has in creased the ability of the American busi ness man one hundred per ent in the last decade, by bringing all of the world's greatest -markets into instant calling dis tance, i To the modern business man, the Bell Telephone with its long distance connec tions and emergency advantages, is the most precious asset next to capital itself. And Bell Service, too, means just aa much to the home as to the office. It is the most marvelous convenience that has been added to social life, bringing friends from everywhere into instant communication. BELL LOCAL AND LONQ DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE HAS BEEN EX TENDED AND IMPROVED UNTIL TODAY IT MEETS THE NEEDS OF THE EN TIRE NATION FOR COMMUNICATION THAT IS UNITED, DIRECT AND UNI VERSAL. ; Nebraska Telephone Company e3 GOLDEN JUBILEE OF ITALY Celebration of Anniversary of Na tional Unity Begins. KING 0PFJTS ART EXHIBITION Grandfather of the r reseat Moaarrh Ascended the Throne Fifty Tears A(S, with Title of Kins of Italy. ROME, March 27. The celebration of the Jubilee of Italian unity began today with the formal opening by King Victor Em manuel of the International Art exhibition. On Wednesday an Industrial exhibition will be begun at Turin, where In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II, grandfather or the present monarch assumed the title of king of Italy. At midnight a gun was fired from the Janlculum hill and the bell on the capltol waa rung. From that hour the city was astir. Bands were playing patriotic airs, traversed the principal streets, which were bright with lights and gay with flags and bunting. Crowds filled the squares, shout ing "Viva Roma!" The celebration Is offensive to the Holy See and today some of the less orderly at tempted to approach the Vatican. They were met by a strong detachment of police and turned back. During the morning hours King Victor Emmanuel, Queen Helena, the duke of Genoa, the count of Turin, the ministry, diplomats and tha members of parliament and the foreign commissioners of the art exhibition met at the capital. Count Dl San Martino, president of the exhibition com mittee, presided and speches tuned to the patriotic occasion were delivered by Pres ident Manfredl of the senate, President Marcora of the Chamber of Deputies, and Mayor Nathan. King Victor Emmanuel replied with an address that made a deep Impression. The Americans present were Abassador Irish man, Harrison 8. Morris, the United States commissioner to the exhibition, and J. P. Morgan, president of the foreign committee. Address of the Kl. In his address the king recalled that to have the capital the center of united Italy waa the dream of the Latin Poet Dante and "Eternal as Rome" has become a common expression. He continued: "Today the king is here surrounded by free representatives of Parliament and the municipalities of the kingdom, living sym bols of Indissoluble political union and local franchise. "In this national meeting the oath to rendered Italy freer, happier and more re epectedthroughout the world, issues from our breasts with fervor and IrreslBtlbJe enthusiasm. We cannot in a brief time re pair the effects of any centuries lived In servitude. Our nation has had to make titanic efforts to transform debased meas ured Into a free people Jealous of Its rights. "With Rome as Its capital, Italy repre sents tha tranquil co-existence of the churches and the state, the latter guar- Biiiecm luu ana rruurui loerty to re ligion as It does to science." His majesty concluded: "Italy devoted to the Independence of every race, knows how to protect Its own which Is an Inheritance from its ancient and modern history, and will contribute In the work of peace toward progress which la continuous In the direction of higher ideals. Today the Italian flag Is swung to the breexe at the office of the Italian conaular agent, A. Venuta, BIO Brown block, to com memorate the fiftieth anniversary of the union of the various provinces of tha king dom of Italy. SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOLS FORM ORATORICAL LEAGUE State la Divided Into F.laht Districts Final Contest to Be Held in May. MITCHELL, S. D., March 27. (Special.) The high achools of the sfate hffVe organ ized a stato oratorical association and the Initial contest will be held the latter part of May at a point .to be decided upon later. Die state has been divided Into eight dis tricts, with a certain number of counties in each district. This and next week the towns in the districts will hold their local contests to select their representative for the district contest, and at the latter a contestant will be selected to be sent to the state contest, where there will be eight speakers. The contest for the second dis trict will be held at Alexandria. Gold, silver and bronse medals will be awarded the winners. BELL SERVICE What U Matt Display "We are making a display of hats this work in our 1th street window wlmh Is the largest display of men's, boys' and children's hats ever shown in Omaha. In this display, we are devoting two windows to showing the different stages of process that the hat goes through from the time the furleaves the hide of the animal until it reaches you in the finished hat. Our hat department is not merely n department, Imt is a completely equip ped hat store. We have a shape and a style for every face in a complete range of propor tions, and the range of prices is equally comprehensive. Ix't us show you the new spring styles. "BrowningKing s Cq Governor of Wyoming for Land Show Exhibit Carey Expreses His Confidence in the Value of Displays at Land Products Exposition. CHETENNE, Wyo., March 27. (Special.) "Wyoming Is planning a big publicity campaign and one which will bring people to this state. While as yet the plans have not been announced you can expect a big exhibit from this state at the second Omaha Land show." These were the words of Governor J. M. Carey today In conversation with W. O. Va'sley, general manager of the Land show, who Is In the city for a few days In the Interests of the big exhibit. Governor Carey was elected on a plat form of "building up Wyoming" and he expects to be able to show hla people that a publicity campaign will bring splendid results. "We have a good system started," he added. "All the Immigration and pub licity work will be under one head. The men In the new State Board of Immigra tion will be from every section and the whole atate will be represented. We will show the people what can be done In Wyoming, and we are satisfied that when they see what can be done here they will come." In order that the advertiser may get the best results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. The Bee Is that channel Karsped Prisoners Recaptured. SHERIDAN, Wyo., March 27. (Special.) J. A. Hall and Joe West, who escaped from the local Jail several days ago, .were run down by Sheriff Hoop and Deputy Veach near Rosebud, Mont., and are being brought back to Sheridan. Harry Love and George Harrington, who escaped with West and Hall, are still at large. Splendid For Old People When the human system declines the accumulated poisons In the blood cause rheumatic pains in the Joints, muscles and back. These warnings should be promptly relieved and serious Illness avoided by us ing the following prescription, which shows wonderful results even after the first few doses. It will eventually restore physical vigor. "One ounce compound syrup of Karsaparllla; one ounce Torris compound; half pint of high grade whiskey. This to he mixed and used in tablespoonful doses before each meal and at bed time. The bottle to be shaken each time." Any drug gist has these ingredients or will quickly get them for you. Any one can mix them. Thla treatment has the double effect of rheumatism eradlcator and system builder. A prominent local druggist states that this prescription Is constantly being refilled. Those who have tried it are enthusiastic over the results. Adv. TELEPM Means A NEW PHONE EVERY MINUTE As late as 1890, there were only 200,000 Bell Telephones in this country; ten years later there were but 000,000, while today there are more than five million in use, or one to every twenty persons in the United States. Statistics show that there is a new Bell Telephone installed every minute, or 500, 000 every year. In placing this number of instruments, 1,000 miles of wire is strung every day. The Nebraska Telephone Company has connections with 120,000 telephones in 500 Nebraska towns, and this number of con nections is increasing at the rate of 600 every month. D if J r0UrTHINO9 fUKMISHtNGS AND rir 1 mantra I a- 1 a WVyiJhirni as i I vaavem OMAHA. ft. 8. WILCOX, Manage. THE STORE Or THE TOWN. s' GhirardeUi Chocolate Is more economical than any other Cocoa preparation, for it is a perfect blend of cocoa and sugar. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. San Francisco Have your ticket To ( book oi "Dalsir DimH Dl.kaa," which we 'w""4 jfiiMniau' ' will b pleased to sead to anyone interested. ST THE CHICAGO LIMITED is the best equipped Chicago train for all classes of travel. It is brilliantly lighted ( by the dynamo system, with train electrician in charge. Its equipment comprises steel frame chair cars, stand ard and observation sleepers, dining cars of most at tractive design. The schedule, FROM OMAHA AT 6:30 P. M. and into CHICAGO AT 8:07 A. M., approxi mately 13J2 hours, is convenient and is planned at a uniform rate of speed with the aim of comfort, safety and punctuality. The sleeper and dining car service is available at 6:00 P. M. .t.i Other Electric Lighted Chicago Trains. Fast Daylight No. 6 at 7:15 A. M. Mid-Afternoon Train at 4:20 P. M. liiPfi-H'jii litniii: Can we help coming season? 1502 Farnam HlfllTilf'''MBai3Ba HAT8 a anaa Since 1852 read Burlington Late Night Train at 11:40 P. M. you plan your eastern Journey litis CITY TICKET OFFICE Street, Omaha, Neb. I wish to announce that I have the largest line of both foreign and domestic fabrics for spring and sum mer suits that 1 have ever shown, and 1 know how to fashion them into smart gar ments that will express your personality. Fit and work manship guaranteed. It's up to me let me show you. John A. Rylen, TAILOR, 406 So. 15th Street