Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 U i T"
rrrTTTi tttV" rt
' m ,1. i t
Tresident of Water Company Says
They Want All the Money. 1
Hnl ys It t for Ihr City to nnlM
lint No Wnrri from the llmih
Wnlrr Rnnrd nn Ihf Kit-
llnfrr'a Report.
If the (Ity votes bonds seiirefratln more I
ti:i IvO'.Om, as yugicrsU-d ' the Water;
hard. (o take over the Omaha water
p'nnt. the Water company will not accept j
the proposition f ithered by the Water j
itosid ri ich was the ultimatum of Then-
iinif '. Woodbury, president of the water
company, who hi 1 1 iu n cniuha Monday J
li HnTnVM'TT1mDi H
Brsndsis 1 t ITJ ijj jj j j
l i r-1 inrirr--ir f 1111111 umiiiinmiiiii., ijinn, ,m
I he Wat' T l'o. rd proposes to pay to the
ntci (ompanv. In the event that the
1 ..iida nrr voted by the people, IH.j.Tii.i'iki. j
mr rppia'.ser awinl. ami to deposit suf- 1
. I'nl fund to the Interest differ- I
. 1 1 . which me now ln'inK llllKated in the!
K.i,nb limit of ihe I'nlted States". Then;
t.l .. It.,, ulniif n nil nnerntp it I
Ti a' : 'KP.fPi.oii J would any strongly,
. 1 i;i ver I" accepted by the Water enm
ii.riv,' k.i I ' I Mr. Woodbury. "We shall
iii-MT i;r. ci- HiIk plant upon a partial
I u;. 11 i-ni mill allow iiu-lloni to be lltl
jj.U'I. li M.vnin to me thai It was the
hnuli: of fiB.lliinen to bi ng up a. ipira.
lion m in.' eifventh hour which la likely
lo irnolie li. .11. the -it and Water com
l'.in. . In .11.11'on expi-nse and dolay.
look 1. pun the .t'KOiiition as adopted
L. the Water l.ihmI as more political Ih, in
pi.iciunl lor III' i'i that the cane on 1
tin' i. cine ill liu- n"CifiL' performance In i
n-i tor luiuitm on .Muy IT In the I'nited j
Mutea of appeals. By iinieemeiit of'
l". Hi rallies we dope tu art the case ail
ur.cnl no thaL ll "III be hi 11). I iiuriiiK the j
MM week In May. ll in not unlikely that
e wll Kt a decision early In June, so
.lint tliw proposition oi takliiK over the
vorks In accoi dance Willi the terms of the
1 (solution ih not very pertinent at thla
tune "
Jlo Word from Water Hoard.
Mr. Woodbury tinted Unit his company
had not reenved any reply from the Water
l.naid i.-auvu 10 the installation uf the
t :oi one main.
'I he etlKincer the Water board brought
here from .51. I,uuia went over the ground
tlioroiiKhry, and 1 presume made aome ire- 1
omnicnuatluir to the boaid. However, we
l.avc heard tiulliinp from that body, and
I uon t suppose that ut will for a time.
,Nu doubt the buaid dva.rea to consider Mr.
Ldlid'a biiKM-slMiiis and will then favor us
vnll a reply." said Mr. Woodbury.
'I ho company has iccoRnized for a Jong
time the need uf m. new main to Florence.
InlM we expect the works to be taken
ever thla year It la Impossible to say what
complication!! tr.ny arise to delay the trans
it r, t onrfeljfit rll1' It seems good business
inetlwida thai steps should be taken at
once toward layliiR the new main. It will
be an absolute necessity for the city lo
construct thla main.
11 work In bik'un at once It can be
completed b thla fall. The reason with
us for making the offer to lay the main' Is
that the city needa it. The coFt will run
In the neighborhood of 4fp0,000, if castiron
Is used. Hut it It. Is laid with steel pipes
the cost will aggregate about $300,000. I am
Inclined lo the opinion that if the com
pany was laying the main for Itself It
vu tild use the steel pipe for the reason
that this pipe will do the work required
and will not burst, no matter how much
pn ssurc Is put on It."
Mr. Woodbury denies that his visit to
t malm had anything to do 'with the deal
with the city. He says he came In the
course of business and does not expect to
see any members of the Water board.
"However, If the Water board has any
pn positions to submit to the company
the members know where I can be found,"
h' declared.
"All that I can say In regard to the dif
ference between the city and company is
that we want our money and the officials
will not throw anything In the way that
locks io a ' complete settlement. Hut no
pi.rtlal payments go." concluded the presi
dent of the company.
Mill Send Abatement of Anatatratlonn
In Wrlllnir from SI. I.onla.
Colonel Thonina Ijilrd of the firm of
I. Bird A Holmes, engineers, who was
called to Omaha by the Water board to in
spct the Omaha water plant, left for St.
l.otila without making a report on his
'Colonel ljiird will make a written re
port, which we expect to receive soon,"
said Charles T. Sherman, a member of the
board Monday morning. "Hla report will
almply be ona of detail and will embody
suggestions for the Improvement of the
plant. In line with the contemplated
changes If the city votes bonds to take
over the plant and make such Improve
ment as are deemed necessary.
"We asked Mr. lilrd to study the con
ditions here and make any suggestions
which will relieve the conditions In Flor
ence. Dundee and South Omaha.
' The Water board has not yet considered
the offer ef the Omaha Water company tu
coiistruft the main to Florence or permit
the city to lay It." continued Mr. Sherman.
"We shall take this proposition up at tho
-lent meeting of the board, which will be
irld soon, and discuss plans for the laying
of the main. 1 view the orter of the water
company as one made In good faith. If
t ,e company ran lay the main cheaper than
the city it would be wise to let It do It.
Hut It la a matter of detail which will have
1' be worked out."
White Slavers Trying
to Entice Girls Here
. Watch
Tuesday Specials
IS. 22 and '-'"-inch fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric cni
lnoidcnHl flouiK'ings, corset coverings, insertions and
headings choice designs in Knglisli eyelet, floral, gni
puire, also hlind relief effects. Many worth "))c OCf
a yard big bargain square piled high, at, yard UVVt
Corset Cover Embroideries Wide edges, insertions and
headings hundreds of pretty designs. Many are 1
fine handlooni needlework, inanv are worth 'JUc vd..-"i
Fine Wash Laces and Insertions Piatt Vals., point de
Paris, linen torchons, fancy filet, curtain cluny laces, etc.,
worth up to r"ic a yard big bargain square, (T
at, yard vv
Special in Wash Goods Section Main Fbor
100 pieces of Anderson's iniKrted (linghams finest dress
ginghams manufactured; also woven flaxon
usuallv sold at .''.V a vnrd for Tuesday, at, vard. . . ,wt
Brandeis Practical Spring Hats $5
Hvery woman knows that she can buy hats
that are strictly correct in style at a very
moderate price if she will come to Bran-
deis Stores and select from hundreds )f5''W
smartlv trimmed models. We are show
ing Brandeis Hats at $.").(() that are the A"
equal in every way of most hats that other
uiHIinoi-u -if ill) (III Vow a a 7
group 101 i uesuay at vmw
DRESS SHIELDS In Our Noticn Dept.
Now Is "Dregs Shield" time. For spring gowns, coats, dresses,
shirt waists, etc., It is Important to have the proper shield for each
one. We are making a big showing of all the styles.
Klelnert's tJem Shields -In regu
lar shapes. Size 2, 25c; Bize 3,
2Ko; size 4 30
Klelnert's Kratliprwrfglit Shields.
Size 2, ll)o; size 3, size 4,
2Mt; size 5, 8.1c; size 6, 40c; size
7, 4."c; size 8
Klelnerf'a Shirt Waist Hhicltls
Small, medium or large, pr. 15
Kleineit's Iare Shirt Waist
Shield Per pair 25
Klclnert's IHkIi Point Shields
Size 2, 2iV-; size 3, :tOc; size 4,
:5o; size 5, 40c-; size 6. . . .450
Kleinerfs Gloria Shield A deli
cately scented shield of extra
fine nainsook; size 3, 30c; size
4 35
1 1 J
Kleinert's Princess Slueuis Sizes
2. 3 or 4, at. pair 15
Ohio I M ess Shields Omo coat
shields, in colors tan, brown,
light and dark gray, pr. . . .250
Omo Zouave Shields This is a
detachable shield that may be
worn with different gowns. In
sizes 6, 7 and 8, at. pair. -G00
Naiad Dress Shields Size 2, 20c;
size 3, 25c; size 4 270
Chicago, New Orleans and
Trains Leave Omaha at 6:00 P. fl.
and 7:30 A. M.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, trip itiner
aries and detailed information call at
City Ticket Office, -City National Bank Bldg., or write
Omaha, Neb. District Passenger Agent.
naMiavaasinsatgH n s n a a a h be
'Jlim J 11111 um.
New Spring
Bsc ths Stannlng" ." from Paris ltoAsls
Suits to Fit Every Woman
A Particular Lot at $10.50 and $25.00
They feature durable fabrics up-to-the-minute styles
- exceptionally good workmanship.
At $19.50-Ktrictly tailored suits of serge, in tan, real
navy blue and gray and brown.
At. $25.00 Nobby suits of serviceable men's wear fab
rics, showing a stylish chalk or hair line.
You Need Spring 1'oat Never have we shown such a fascinating group
of Ladies' Spring Coats some tans and grays, in diagonal tweeds
others excluplve models in soft natural shades. These cost
from $12.50 to $15.00 $19.50 " $25.00
A Straight Tip About Fine Embroideries
We have bo en selling embroideries for years and we have held
sales that never have been equaled for quality and price. Now we
are setting a new record. Never in our history or in the history of
Omaha have as fine embroideries been sold so cheaply. Two i'ems,
simply for example. Come Tuesday.
27-inch natlsle Kmbroidery with Venice open work. In exquisite
patterns, values to $2.25; choice, Tuesday 08
Baby Flouncing, In hemstitched and scalloped edges, all hand loom
work; $1.50 values for G9
20,000 yards to choose from. This sale offers savings of trom
35c. to $1.25 a yard.
a From the Big Muslin Underwear Sale
Five styles of MuBlin Drawers some with hemstitched ruffles, others
are cut circular shape with deep lawn ruffle 39c values, while they
last Tuesday, each 25?
Ten styles of French Corset Covers, some trimmed with dainty lace
and Kngllsh embroidery and insertion, and others have ribbon draw
string at the neck 76c and Sue garments; choice. Tuesday at. -5i)
One group of Gowns, Skirts, Combinations and white and colored lawn
Princess Slips. They are our regular $2.76, $3.00 and $3.75 gar
ments that are mussed from handling, but in perfect shape; your
choice Tuesday k $1.60
Tuesday Specials in White Goods and Linens
3C-Inch white cotton suitings; our 19c values those you admired
so much for your new dress or suit; choice of a host of patterns
Tuesday, yard 114
72-hich unbleached Table Damask, good weight, all new patterns,
worth 4 5c a yard; Tuesday, a special event at 29
Bedding That Tursday, Mike j Special
10c bleached Muslin: a flyer 10 yards limit, at yard 8U
Seamed Bed Sheets; our regular 55c grade to go Tuesday, at,
each 39
K d a n am onoinBnHii am n a nra a n
Very Low Fares
To Callfformla
and Pacific Northwest
Jae advantage of the low fares in effect
Daily March 10th to April lOth, Inclusive
'and take the trip you have had in mind for so long
Rock Island Trains
provide every comfort you'll find nothing lacking
that tends to make your trip a pleasant one.
Superb Dining Car Service
Two Choice Routes.
Via El Paso TImT?? Via Colord9
and lillrMltl nd
New Mexico j Salt Lake
J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent,
Poitoffice Officials Get Possession of
Evidence Showing Plot
Youny Women in East
.iivlnclnK pnxif that gang of white
paiulrrrrs Is working out of Omaha
lias come ti ths attention of the postofflce
Within the lust few wk, no less than a
duen letters written by ;1rls ami young
womrn of the effete east have fullen into
the hands of the postinuMer, every letter
Indicating that soniwn Is at work In an
endeavor lo entice them away from their
The latest tetter that has come under
liotlco Is from a girl In Rensselaer. N. y.
She explains that ll has been held forth
to her thai girls are offered t3 a day and
their washing to rome to Omaha for work
lo private families
The traffickers are working under cover
using the advertising columns of small
dallies In the east to aitead their designing
information. In IU manner. New y0rk.
Pennsylvania and other downeast states
have been flood, d with glaring offers to
guild. girls.
1'eisa I- Johtun Is Metier.
'LKVEUND, O.. ilarrh Tl "Me. Juhn-
n londitloa Is gotitl.", was the state
'it ul Issued tod iy from the k k room of
'.oriner Maor Tom I. lt iiiht
)e was rroorlml sol mi will, a restful
iht. however, rnatiied him to regain son.e
iftlie lost strength.
li('V TafPs Denial Rqmis
Large Force of Men
Rush Big Building
Contractors Making Extra Effort to
Complete Structure on
Four hundred men are working ngalnst
time In the ronelrui'tlon of the I'nlon Paci
fic new headquarters building at Fifteenth
end Dodge streets. They are laying a story
of brick every four das. The contract calls
for the completion of the va.-'t structure
of twelve stories by August 1, ufter which
date the penalty clause takes effect.
Vice President Mohler of the rallroud
company expects the completion on time.
Don't Suffer
With Bunions
1 Khooltn. Scrape
with both parties wounded, demands Hut k
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores
burns or lujurles. J&c. For sale by Peaton
Drug Oo.
is instantly relieved by
We have a ghoe for women that
even though you have bunions you
can wear it with perfect comfort.
It Is a specially constructed
women's shoe, made one size smal
ler at the Instep aud two sizes
wider In the sole. Thla gives a
snug fit over the instep and til ro
ugh the heel and at the same time
allows the foot to rest wholly on
the sole as it should. The stock
is fine soft kid, the soles flexible
and eaBy. They are made in both
button and lace.
Turned Soles
When You Entertain
Ts your Table Sliver all right? If not. have us sell
you some new, modern pieces such if Knives Forks,
Hpnons or odd pieces. Anyway, spend a few minutes In
our store. Ixxik for the name.
S. V. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1516 Douglas Street
Welt Solea
trlf. age., inc., mmd tl.OO.
- 1410 Farnam Strett
Tbe only large office vacant
There is but one large office
vacant. This testifies that
tenants are well satisfied in
The Bee Building
Room 320 is one of the choice corner offices to much
sought lifter. A corner office with windows on two
sides is always cool in summer, and is light us well hs
- airy. There Is a vault In connection which gives more protec
tion to valuable papers, etc. Ask to see this office. Will make
same suitable for tenant and the space can be divided into
three good rooms. I'er month $40.00
; JVew Elevators are now beinj installed.
The Bee Building Co.
Co a Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts.
Now Spring
Styles in
I' l. , RL& stone,;, '.
Lota in
Men's Stet
son Shoes
Tuesda'j Cloak Departmant Specials
100 long spring coats, in tans or black, newest styles, all slr
Included In this special sale.
I'anaiiiA Dross Kkli-t Values to
$7.60,, In colors and black, on
pale Tuesday, at, choice g2.0r
Crown Jewel Suits Hctter than
ever the very choicest styles
and qualities ever shown, at,
choice . . $25
New Wash Oresses Lingeries,
ginghams, chambrays. white
and colors, worth to 7.50, on
sale at $3.93
(Jcnulne llont lirrbtnom Vnder
skirts That sell regularly up
to 12.50, Tues.lay, at . . fK)
New Spring Tailor Suits 2 00 of
them, worth to $2o Oo. all col
ors aud, niamiifU ent bar
gains at $l l.)0
Taffeta and Messallne silk I n
drrsklrts All colors, tlrts In
the lot worth to $15, Tuesday,
choice r.. $.1.05
$1.00 Wool Serges, 69c
All Wool Storm Serges and
French Serges, 42 and 52 Ins.
wide, 25 different shades
spring weights, plenty of navy
and cTeam, regular $1 value,
Monday, at, yd 60
$1.00 Silk Foulards, 59c
Heautlful new all silk Foulards,
In medium and small sizes,
designs polka dots, all sizes,
navy, reseda, tans and all best
colors for spring dross, regu
lar 85c and $1.00 values, at,
yard 50
titra Specials tor Tuesday in Domestic Room
At 9 a. in. 1 case of Fruit of the Loom, genuine-article- 10 yards
limit, at. yard Gt
At lo a. in. 1 case of Amoskeag Apron Checks, genuine article, 10
yards limit, at, yard 5c4
At p. ni. 1 case of Hope, genuine article 10 yards limit, at,
yard G4
At 4 p. m. 1 case 12 Printed Batiste, fast colors, 12 yards limit.
at, yard
$1.00 81x90 round thread, linen finished Sheets 7M
85c Sheets, 72x90, round thread, linen finished
25c Pillow Slips 18
18c Pillow Slips 12s
3 2-Inch Scotch Ginghams. ISc. value 112
32-Inch Scotch Ginghams, 1 !" value 10
High Grade Wash Goods Section
Mercerized Foulards, all the new 1911 spring styles, made to sell
at 18c, fast colors, on sale Tuesday, at lfic
Silk warp Foulards, all the styles and finish of all the fl.Oo silk
grades, washable, fast colors, on sale at 38ck
French Batiste, the finest made, 500 designs, fast colors, very sheer,
at 15
From a to 4 p. m. All the fine White "ioud fioni .0c to 12 00 yard, nti.l
one lifcttern to a customer, exactly HAtr RICE
Big Sale of Dress Trimmings Tueaday
All the Fine Dress Trimmings from the Receiver's
sale of the Tibbs-Hutchings Wholesale stock, will be
placed on sale for the first time Tuesday at less than half
actual cost to import.
1st Lot Fancy Braids
For children's dresses
worth' up to 2bc yard ;
Tuesday, choice, i.7xAv
2d Lot Embroid'rd Bands
A beautiful Jine that would
ell regularly up to 5(c
yard, on sale, yard. . 19c
3d Lot Novelty Bands
tilcgant patterns that would
sell in a regular way up to
fi, at, yard .'. 29f
4th Lot Fine Bands
Hig assortment of choice
patterns, regularly worth
$2 yard, on sale, yd. 59
Money-Saving Vail Paper Bargains
11 service rooms, 5c patterns,
roll 2
Kitchen Blocks 4
Din': ok Itooms Upper thirds, at,
ii from
Ited Rooms, with cut-out bor
ders 5 I'P
Tekkos, at 27
at . . .
Itoo ins Lower
Non-Fading Oatmeals, In all col
ors, on sale, roll 23
Metal Irocess Paper Beauti
ful patterns, 60c value, at, per
roll 30
Flour, Flour, Hoar A
Tuesday we sre golriK to held one ot
the larnest lour sale diiys ever held
In Omaha. This flour Is guaranteed
to be made from ths finest wheat
obtainable. You ran have a sack
sent home and, after uiMntr a good
baking out of It, If It Is not as we
sy your money wilt be refunded In
full. Tues.tay. per 48-lb. pack. $1.30
This rns&na 38 per cent saved.
21 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar. . .91.00
10 bars Diamond C, Heat 'Km All or
Lenox Hoap 350
5 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans
10 His. Best Hulled Breakfast Oat
meal for 250
10-lb. sack Best Whits or Yellow
t'ornmeal for 18M0
6 lbs. I loot Jrtp.Jii Rice 19
BromatiKelon, or Jell-O, per
package 7Vo
1- lb. cans AsKorted Soups 7lo
(lu lion rails Table -1nip 330
2- lb. cans Fancy Wax, Htrlng, Oreen
or Lima Ban THo
5 burs Iv.irv Soap 180
Batter and Cheess Down Araln.
Fancy No. I t'reamery Hntter. lb. .85o
Fancy No. 1 'ountrv Buiter, lb... 830
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter,, per
lb 810
Trial Ab.oliiUy'Free
Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, lb . ISO
Full CrMJii Wisconsin "hcese, lh.lfto
Full ('ream Brick Cheese, lb lOo
The Best Strictly Fresh Ekb. doi.leo
Orangss Cheaper Than Apples.
50c size, per dozen 30o
40c size, per dozen 8So
i.0c size, per doxen BOO
ihc size, ner dozen ISO
Bayden's leaks It Possible (or Every
body to Eat rrssh Vefetablas
the Ysar Hound.
Fresh Splnarh, per peck... 800
.1 large bunches fresh Beets loo
S large hunches fresli Carrots .... lOo
3 large bunches fresh Shallot. .. . loo
S large bunches fresh Turnips .... loo
3 large hunches fresh Kadlshes . . . loo
Z huge hends fresh I.euf lettuce.. Bo
Large Head l.eltu-'o. ea..7'sO and Ba
I'le I'lnnt, per bunch 7Ho
? bundles fresh Purvey B
Fancy Cauliflower, per 1U 7He
Fancy Bine Tomatoes, per ih lOo
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lh..l9Ho
Irge headH freh Celery Bo
Kartfe Cucumbers, esoh 10o
Anything In Fresh Vegetables at
summer prices. We Imve It
Plant Tour Onion Bets lo.
Yellow or Hed Onion Kets. quart. Bo
White Wax Onion Sets, misrt. . . ,7Ho
All kinds of Harden Re-ds.
Leui Wktie It'i Beit U Fun
Thinking aoout buying laadT Want
to know what soil and cllmata ara beat
suited tor certalo farming T
Oar Lnd Bureau gives free Information about soil,
rllmats. and conditions In aU paru of the country.
W have gathered data, and caa tell you what you desire
to learn.
Write the Land Information Bureau. Tn
Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb., today
and your Question will get prompt attention.
F?ee EofioFsxiatlon
Best Farus Payer In the WmI,
FiSTULA-Pay when Cured
A mild treatment without nse of chloroform, ether
or other anesthetic. Endorsed by hundreds of our
best citizens. Cars positively guaranteed as I ac
cent no monev until nerf ec.tlw well Efimtnitinn
Free. Writ today or call for my Urge book about rilts, Fistula ana slhsr Bsolal Olteataa,
bich have been my specialty for years.
DR. C ft. TARRY, Suit 224. Bulldlngr, Omaha, Nabraaka
The lluslness Men's Association of Omaha hereby offers a
reward of 92.SOO.OU for tbe arrest and conviction of the H-ri-ti a
tora of the crime of tluaiiiiiing the new Iuuglas County Oourt
Mourn? Marth 24th. 1911. -
H. W. Hunlcls, hmreury.