Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1911, Image 11
TI1K NKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MATUTT 2. 1011. The (ecg ne agaziiie p)afe Her Husband's Voice ' f'". H" BY AMERE MAN. Ths exrlustveness of the heights Is , nothing to the exrluslveness of the depths, i Though It t"", Kipling's "Tnmlinson" l diecnver that hell l nut a free port of rnliv. any on who moves Into a suburb must, realize In a very short time urni, i hold I time that, uhliA smletv above stairs may rail, the o.iems of the local kitchens m rencly aloof from newcomer. Vv hlle the neighbors In Mountalnvllle hail Ir.miplly left cards at the home of the i Tout Graduate Hub). and and the Amateur ite, Mary, the Helpful Handmaiden, re-J nialned utterly unrecognized by the social arbiters below stair. Hh had gone rellii-i lously to man and Lenten devotions as 1 well. JBut no one spoke to her. "i--iTh deposed quei-n of Ktnland, who ruled I -()vr the basement on the left, gamd I haughtily over the head of the Helpful Handmaiden when they mat on their way to fhurib. I.ven though the exlh-d empress who controlled the culinary destiny of the fam ily on tha right had occupied the very neat eet at a special meeting railed to form a local "ladles- auxiliary" of the A. O. II.. he remained totally unaware of Mary's existence. Of course, Mary returned acorn for scorn. "It's aort of lonesome out here," she con fided to the Amateur Wife. "For, of course, riut'ain, I couldn't be expected to apeoclate With the kind of trash that's employed cut here. A woman of my edu cation would scarcely take notice of their employers, ma'am." As the Amateur Wife hud found many of her new neighbors delightful she failed utterly to understand the Handmaiden's altitude. Hut suddenly, without any apparent rea son, the barriers of "below stairs" were let down and the submerged social leaders of Mountalnvllle vied with each other for Mary'a favor, ; Even the Amateur Wife did not suspect that she was personally responsible for the k'trhen cabinet's change of policy. But she had confided to a friend next door that Mary possessed a savings bank book, ind.i the news having gotten down the dumbwaiter In some ways Mary's stock iiisii risen accoraingiy. i) "If you please, ma'am. I'd like to have dinner, a little earlier than uual. I'm n lug to a party," Mary announced. Almost as pleased as Mary herself, the Amateur Wife consented to the change In the dinner hour, and even persuaded the Post Graduate Husband that out of defer ence to the Helpful Handmaiden's party, he must come home an.hour earlier. Many came home at 3 o'clock the next morning, and all that day an air of gloom thick aa a November fog, overcast her ntenanee. Tha breakfast was exercrable! Mary'a deterioration, which was marked end rapidly progressive, dated from that hour. she had begun by changing the dinner hour. . ' - It was on the second week of her social ' vetlon that she decided to change her lie. j . ' Sirs. Manit." she Inquired one morning rre"femo"vlni? the 'breakfast 'dishes; "do i like the nsme May?" ' Certainly. "' answered the Amateur .ITe "it's a very pretty ham." Mm 4 ffft I'M Ejcliev-in' YOU OP MY PCPSFNCE AT I THE. END OF THE MOUTH, SAID MAfcf. i "lint not !o pretty a Mary, onserveu the Post tiraduale Husband, diplomatic ally. "I'm thinking differently," declared Marv, with some abruptness. "So III be ui.klntr vou to call me May hereafter If you've no objection." The Post Graduate Husband frowned, hut as he could find no reason In law or ethics for his objection he said nothing. Therefore Mary's letters came addressed to the shorter and more frivolous name, and when she telephoned the orders to the butcher and grocer she opened all conversa tion with a conscious giggle and "This Is May McGarry speakln.' " And she wore pink bows in her hair! Indeed the Amateur Wife suspected her of annexing for that purpose Woof-Woof's best neck ribbon. The Helpful Handmaiden got up later and later, and her cooking, which had never suggested any great respect for the human stomach or even the human palate, Cot worse and worre. "Finally one evening, as the Post Grad uate Husband and Hlsc Wife sat In the dining room, the climax came. Mary or Mav In a vivid blue silk dress stood In the doorway. "I seen your're not usln' the parlor th's evenln'," she said. Ingratiatingly, "and I'm erpectln' a few friends. Could I receive them there?" Stunned, speechless, tha Amate,ur Wife could only stare at her. t But the Post Graduate Husband, after a thunderous "No!" spoke strongly, brutally and much to the point. At the end of hie harangue the Haughty and no longer Helpful Handmaiden, Wear ing the air of Mary, Queen of Scots at her execution, gazed loftily past him. Her eyes fixed the shrinking gaxe of the Amateur Wife and slowly, fatefully she spoke words of doom: "I'll be relieving you of my presence at ho end of the monUi," she said. ... And the Poet Graduate Husband and His Amateur Wife sighed a sign of genuine thanksgiving. (Copyright, Mil. by the N. T. Herald Co.) f The Bee's Junior Birthday Rook 1115 IS XJie Uil MWe Celebrate - - . . . . 1 LB-raLWUVOS RU : tomnexr. mi.nMnm matst rauSA anrw mm mm ox m asa iwas j Ay' . 9j I S tS' ftP A A . v f G, h3 ' oi' ro am' roue 1 YnWy V cat J . h C CAST All THE WAf J Xls!?0 JP&f f'L Y ) I II ' ' b " ' sm ii m i mm iYii in hi i - an m m 1 i - -w . amiii izwcMu mm wz88s&)i i i i ten :3T' - -k"JS.t Iff n.Kwrmr, awa-z m i i Mm- e . 11.. ;, T ' ii ii . . ir mi t t.n. ii 1 Tippler's Favor Beer J jj Mamma's Monologue J juvenue joks j TUESDAY, March 28, 1911. 1 ;)- ' - . ' ..--"". 'v . . ' " FItANK DKWEY, i'M2 North Thirty-ninth Street. M.MtHY PKWKY. 'M North Thirty-ninth Street. Loveless Homes as Seen by a Governess j Vn ex-govern rk World,. pa iri tain spw les ol "Family skelel ex-overness, writing In the New passes severe strictures on a of soulety woman, till says: lly skeletons cannot be hidden from a governess. Bh Is not merely la tue home but of it. Provided that one Is lilenscd with the maternal Instinct And a eympathetlc nature, she la often closer to the children of the household than are the patents. She sees parents aa they really aie, through the eyea of their children, Mini she heara the family skeletons rattle, m the children bear them. After twenty years' experience aa 4 gov erness, commanding a good salary and living among both the moderately rich and the Inordinately rich, 1 can honeetly Bay that money and ambition are building etrange barriers between American parents and American children. blood may be thicker than water, but it cannot defy the laws of propinquity and temperament, en- lronment and personal Influence. In thou sands of American bomea today children aie not what their parents make them, but what their teachers, governesses yes, and rvanta make them. In certain fashionable homes the father is more like a visitor than a member of the family circle. His wife belongs not to her children, but to the world. If she Is to hold her own In the social game, she must be always in II When her children aie awakeolDg to their nursery and school life she Is Just returning from a dance or a ball. When her children are preparing for bed ahe is absorbed in dreading for dinner, the play or the cotillon. "Now it's time for you to-atart fBr school, Reggie, darling. Good-bye. No. don't klsa me! How many times must t tell you that and retires late, but she '"as j even less time to her children. When they . come home at noon she has gone to a bridge whist luncheon. After school closes for the day they return to a motherless home, for she Is at a club meeting or a tea or a muUtale. Kvery once In a while a dreadful tragedy overtakes such an unmothered family, a tragedy so appalling that there is no hush ing it up. Police department and press are rrantlcally appealed to. And when the details of the affair are unearthed, the public Is very apt, especially after reading touching accounts of the mother's grief, to exclaim: "What an ungrateful child. Buoh lovely parents and such a charming home." The American parent la the most gener ous in the world, with everything except The official figures for the consumption of alcoholio beverages In thla country show that the per capita consumption of spirits fell from 2.52 gallons In 1840 to 1.S7 gallons i kissing. Is unsanitary?" In 109. ! Since the drinking of spirits Is almost entirely confined to whisky, rum, gin and brandy, It Is apparent that the consump tion of the liquors which contain tha larg est proportion of alcohol has been reduced about half. If the figures for the closing decades of the eighteenth and the early decades of the nineteenth centuries were available, says the Independent, they would show that there waa even more "hard drinking" at this early period. The consumption of wine haa more than doubled from 1&40 to I!). Increasing from .2 to .70 gallons. A large part pf this In crease Is due to the consumption of na tive wines. When the per capita consumption of beer and ale Is considered, the greatest change Is apparent. This has Increased from 1.3 what goes to build character tn children gallons In IS) to 1S.97 gallons In 1S09. To personal Influence. An American mother how great an extent this change Is due will sacrifice her own love of good clothes to ,h German Immigration, which first and good times that her daughter mav 1 came to this country In large numbers have them. She will arrange functions that will advame hor daughter's social interests. She will risk health and eyesight to supply her daughter the band-made rai ment Khlch Is now supposed to be the hall uurk of the truly smart young woman, but she is too absorbed in all this to really get close to her daughter's real life in terestto actually know the real girl. When I bear the world aay of a girl. "What an ungrateful daughter," I catoh myself axklng what had the girl to be grateful for hand-embroidered lingerie or mother-love? We talk about the dangers which surround the working girl, starving Where the family wealth la not so great I for food and suffering for warm clothing the mother must work all the harder to W hat of the girl whose heart is starving achieve soda! aucveaa, bhe rises early In the midst of material luxury? Boy Father to the Man J l.lltle Ceorgte offended a genial visitor and brought uonfuaton dlie upon the adult members of the family In the most Inno cent of manners. "Come here, Bonnie," said the visitor, who luted youngsters, 'and 111 tell you a story." oh, tell tne about your fights!" begged '.irgle, budding man to the backbone. ily tights! Oh I m nut much i f a fighter. I've never done enough fighting ! daddy le speak of." was the laughing reply, j s)uea! ' but"" "Hut." eagerly Interrupted Georgia, "you' must have had fights for I heard papa . it .... - - 1 ...1.4 1 1 . . .mi h . r-. nnm 'i f 1 mm j tv, 1 1 m iviu uiuiuv, j -.. w..w , the f reeteet booae fighters he ever knew'" tiny Jeosie, pricking up her ears. "No, dear. Mr. Uraxton failed In business.' "Oh! child. Head failure!" cried the clever about 1848, Is, of course, problematical, Many of the wine drinking races, like the Italians, after a brief residence In thl country become consumers of beer. Although there has been a great Increase In the total consumption of Intoxicants during the period from 1840 to 1909, there has been a change from those drinks con taining a high percentage of alcohol to those containing a low percentage and this is the one cause for encouragement. "Oh, child, how could you pat the dog? Now we must sterilise your hands all over again and steam them. Th-ie; Now. here ere your antiseptic gloves et your hands Into them quickly." "Here's your Individual car strap, Percy. Be careful not to touch any other. And here are your two tubes of germicide and a vaporlxer; gargle every aven hour from this bottle, and sniff this one every odd hour." Here's your doctor's certificate in it antiseptic case. Show It to the teacher it he insists on cutting out your tonsils again, and tell him I'm aure your adenoids have not grown again since your operation last week." The little girl from the city had been questioning the old farmer, touching on many things about the place. "And now," she said in conclusion, "I'd like to ask you just one thing more." "Fire away," said the farmer, good nat uredly. "What I wanted to know," said the un tiring little questioner, "la. when you have flinched milking the cow, how do you turn It off?" Name and Address. School. Vrar. Florence M. Anderson, Sixty-second and Center Sis.. High 1S Nelle E. Ahdernon. 2429 ractflc St Mason . . . 1897 Hobert Applegate, 2212 Ogden St .Miller l'mk 1905 Alva Barker, 170.1 Castellur St CaHtellar 1900 'Arthur Dearta, 1916 California St Ceutral 1899 Harold Dowlly, The Merrlam Farnam 1902 George C. Deachler. 3331 Fowler Ave Moninoutli Park ...1901 Lottie Cohen, 1116 North Eighteenth St . Cbkh 1899 Edwin Carson. 2222 Miami St .....High 1892 Harry Dewey, 4."..12 North Thirty-ninth St Outial Turk 1901 Frank Dewey, 4532 North Thirty-ninth St Central Park 1900 Clarence Falconbury, 2612 Franklin St High 1895 lone Fogg, 502 North Twentieth St High 1895 Leander Ferrpgute, 417 Poppleton Ave Train 1904 Ethel M. Foyle, 1818 North Eighteenth St High 1895 Katheriue Could, 1919 Hlnney St High 1896 Harry Johnson, 3115 Miami St Howard Kennedy. .1901 iLuludell Kern, 2855 Ohio St High 1895 Arthur Klauschie, 409 Hickory St Train 1899 Edmund Jay Ledyard, 3914 North Eighteenth St. . . .High 1893 Minnie Langer, 1929 South Twenty-first St Cautellar 1898 Stewart Landberg, 824 Hickory St Lincoln 1896 Mildred Murphy, 1837 North Nineteenth St Kellom 1896 Ella Miller, 2322 North Thirtieth St ..Howard Kennedy ..1898 John C. McBrlde, 2228 8outh Eleventh 8t St. Patrick 1898 Harry Madsen, 4518 North Fifteenth 8t Sherman 1904 Joseph Morrlssey, 408 Pierce St Pacific 1900 Isabel Miller, 428 North Twenty-fourth St Saunders 1896 Vesta Melvln, 2743 Crown Point Ave Miller Park 1900 Gertrude Nielsen, 2007 Martha St Castellar ........1896 "Mary 8. O'Donnell, 1605 Cerby St Sared Heart ..;.'. 1 903 Arthur Peterson, 3429 Patrick Ave Frankliu ........1898 Walter P. Qulnn, 2952 South Twenty-ninth Ave. ... Windsor .1899 John H. Itobb, 2743 Crown Point Ave Miller Park 1900 Harry H. Singer, 2022 California St.. High 1893 Inger Smith, 1030 South Fortieth St y Deals 1899 Lily Stace. 1913 Douglas St Central 1899 Hilda Shannon, 3323 Seward High 1894 Eugene E. Simmons, 3009 Haskell St Windsor 1897 Walter Sleborg, 1930 South Twentieth St Castellar .1904 Rood Smith, 4216 Douglaa St Saunders 1902 Antonio Thomas, 2710 South Twentieth Bt St. Patrick 189S Floyd H. Taylor, 5218 North Thirty-eighth St Central Park, 1902 Willie Vomacka, 1031 Dominion St Forem 1905 Lura E. Wllbourn, Thirty-first St. and Ames Ave. . . .Monmouth Park. ..1904 "Now run along, dearie. "Don't breathe when the wind is blowing or any dust fly ing or any people passing. Don't breathe at all if you can help It "Carolyn WellB In Judge. Mrs. Philip Snowden, the English suf fragette, began at a dinner in New York her reply to a toast on "Marriage" with the words: "I once asked a little girl If she knew , what leisure was. " 'Yes,' she replied. 'Leisure Is the place where married people repent.' "New York Tribune. I She Cried "Most Beautifully" Deep breathing, which draws the blood from the brain to the lungs, la one of the most effective cures for insomnia. a pass. Three Heasoas. "1 want a pass." "Pass? Yau're no't entitled to You are not an employe. Sorry." "No, but here the anti-pass law aays free transportation can be granted .to 'necea ssry caretakers of live stock, poultry and fruit 1 Well. I'm going on this trip with an aunt that's a hen there's your poul try; a girl that's a peach there's your fruit; and a nephew that'a a mule there's your live stock. Cilmme a pass." Krle A little girl was visiting Old Point for the first time, and her father took her to bathe In the ocean. Nothing more extensive than the bathtub at home had been her ex perience. As she waded out, tightly holding her father's hand, ehe was presently up to ber neck in the water. "Oh, papa," she exclaimed, "take me out; It's too full." Harper's Magaslne. The villi tor And what la your baby sis ter's name? The Child It's Msbel Elizabeth Gwen dolen Jane, but we haven't told her yet." The Century. J until today," said Mrs. lot of suffering there Is ot So Slaw. Some flings at Philadelphia Are made, but never meant: I don't believe they are so slow They couldn't fast In Lent T. E. M. Loretta's Looking Glass-Holds it Up to "Right Man" Question It Is told of a southern writer that, being the proud poasessor of a prize hog, he lu the bosom of his family repeated the fine old "gag" about using all the hog but the squeal. . Later his small sun rushed Into the pa rental presence, triumphantly bearing a phonograph. "We needn't waste any of that pig. be shouted, "fur I've got tho "I never knew Empson, "what i In the world." "What brought It home to you?" asked Willie Empson. "A woman. 1 never saw anybody In such awful distress. Pour soul, 1 can't think of her even now without crying myself. " Mrs. Empson,' she said 1 don't know how she found out my name, but she dldJ 'I want to ask a favor of you. May I come In?' " 'Certainly,' I said. Come right on In. If there Is anything I can do fur you 1 shall he glad to do it.' " 'There is something you can do,' she said. 'I used to live In this flat. It was, let ma see three, four, five, yes, it was five years ago. 1 occupied the aide room that looks out over the churchyard and that picturesque church.' " 'Yes,' said 1, 'there Is such a room. It ia occupied by my eldest son.' "Then she asked me if she might see the room. " 'I hope you will not think me crazy, she said, 'but I believe I should feel bet ter If I could UBt sit in that room for a few minutes. It Is the dearest spot on earth to me. The greatest Joy and the greatest sorrow of my life were experi enced In that room. Love came to me there, and hope and death. I wunl to see the place again.' Mrs. Empson wiped her eyes. "It was pitiful," she said. "Of course, I showed her the room. She sat down on the edge of the bod and sobbed and cried as if her heart would break. I never felt so sorry- for anybody in my lite. I couldn t stand it to Wilms such gnul. 1 went out and shut the door and left here there to fight It out alone." Mr. Kmpaon'x own voice was husky when he spoke. "Pour woman." he said. "1 guess we don't know half what Is going on In the world. How long did she stay V" About fifteen minutes. 1 only saw her a moment w hen site came out. She had to hulny to catch a train, hue just stopped to thank me and to say goodbye." "Had to catch a train?" said Willie Emp son. "Oh, 1 say!" Then he made a dash for his own roman tic den. "Bhe got away Willi that silver comb and brush, the opera lasee, a pair of cuff buttons and Jlv in cash, "" tali Willi:. "Oh, mother!" Mrs. Empson was indignant hut still sympathetic. "1 don't care If she was a thief," she said. "She certainly knew how to cry the most beautifully of anybody I ever knew." Si. Louis Kepubllc. Stoggs Kept Boring In Daily Health Uint i How do you like your new teacher'' I was ssked of a nice little boy, Just 'mak ing" a freak grade. " Oh, she's all right," ancaered the small one. ' ul she's getting a little old " How eld. dear? What do you call old?" jiieeiloned the curious adult- J Dry hot applications at the painful polnit often do much to relieve neuralgic pains. alt or bran heated and placid ia a bag, which should also be heated, Is a Con venient method of application. OB, she must be !" If she's a day!' i lie quick rvl. came ' Mr. ttraatoa haa gone to the wall- utter failure!"' -mourned Tommy's papa, hreak m tad'nes to Tommx's mamma. "A kat a failure aa we ve had tn )ais" "Wa-U to atari failure, paa7 ' easrUd Mr the Hied. The tki anger Are you guile aure that that was a marriage license you gate me last month? The Official if course! What's the mat ter? f- The stranger Weil, 1 ve lived a slog's Lis ever aitua, My Desr I-oretta: You think there la a "ristit man" for earh girl? You seem to think of so many thing that Interest girls that he ought to come up for eouitldxra tlon. Every girl thinks about him And he Interests women, too, especially if they have married the wrong one. Poetry and ancient history are full of loves of right men and girls And I know some girls who absolutely believe thai there le Just one. the affinity, the "right man.'. I should love to have you answer this question. PANIHJKA. You are at your old tricks. Pandora. You have let out your disconcerting question, then you coolly sit down on tne box and shut Hope In. I feel like throwing up my hands and pleading In slangy eloquence: "Ask me something easy!" I do not know. The only woman I have known who felt positive about It was one whose "right man" died In the early stages of their engagement. It Is too gruesome to conclude thai the right man is the dead Those ancient lovereeses you refer to mostly died young. The ones who lived long enough to afford any practical data never seemed to get beyond the experi mental point. 'Cleopatra tried out a num ber of men. She mav, in each instance, have believed ahe had found the "right one." Romantic history which fictltionlsts have not embellished takea the ground that she waa peeping over his shoulder, using him aa a prop, while she planned further investigation to see If his imperial master was not the real right tuaa. - But thla Is what I think. If a man comes along who shows no glaring differences from your Ideal, he is the "rlgbt man" for you. And, it he continues not to do any thing to positively prove that he la ths wrong one. I know girls well enough to count on their habit of Idealization, and I predict that you will never find out that be Is nut the "right one." Hut I know women who have had three nil-Lands arid found happiness with all. They could each be the right one. I'nless this Just a suggestion tonirn rhanKe their tastes In men periodically as they do their skins. It s a bit disconcerting to think that the man you marry tomorrow, believing him to be the "right one." may be the wrong one in five or six years But it has happened. Home tlmea the period of rlghtuews Is even shorter. We will not mention our friends; but there was Josephine. She thought Na poleon was the right man when she mar ried him. She eould not have thought it later when he pinched her cheeks to hurt, not In fun and poked her a hen she knelt in prayer, not to siwak of other unmis takable proofs of his unfitness. Do you know, I do not believe there la an answer to this question. It is like) "How eld Is Ann?" But it Is Interesting-. Htoggs Is a very sociable man. He likes to talk with any person with whom he happens to be traveling. He made a trip up the little Miami railroad the other day, and found a seat alongside of a solemn looking man who kept his gaze out of the window. Ktoggs tried to catch his eye so sa to open a conversation with him, but he didn't succeed. FtoRgs offered the man his paper. The man shook his head without looking around. The conductor came along, and Btoggs said to himself. "Purely he must look around now," but lie didn t A man in front handed out two tickets and pointed silently to blOKK s companion. Htogga began to grow uneasy. It waa the longest time he had ever been In a stran ger's company without finding out some thing about him where he was po!nting for, at least. At length the brakeman came wlih some water, and the man turned around to gel some Mtoggs availed himself of the op portunity to say: "doing far east as New York?" "No," growled ths man. Stoggs waited until the stranger had, quaffed a pietty liberal tjuatf. when lie remarked: ' . "New Voik is a dull place at this time of year, anyhow, llebbe you're sulking fop I'iilladi iphia l sue wheihrr tiie old town 4 changed any since the exposHiiin." The surly man gave an impatient ahaka of his head. "Perhaps Cleveland's vour destination T put in Stoggs, not at all disconcerted, "No," ths man growled. "Can't be you're going this roundabout way to Chicago?" To this the stranger didn't offer a reply of any kind. Then Stoxgs rosu up and twiHted around a little, fronting the slranv ger, and said: "I s'pose you've no objection to telling where you are going?" i "Hung It!" cried the man. "I'm going uo for seven years!" Then the deputy sheriff in front told Ktocxs that bed rather not have folks talking to his prisoners, and SlOKgt hadn't anything further to say. Ilailroad, ilu.'g Magazine. , ,