Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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    - - " 1 T I - t M i
MAKCTI 28, inn.
tContinued )
LOANS' to home owner end hom build
ers, with privilege of makir.g partial pay
tnenta irml annually.
603 Flint National Bank BM.
real estate first mortgages
for ha i.e.
.Vnv of the following limns:
Two of $2.7 n ! I'T" each.
One nf on 2" acres,
( n of on :i.v acres
AH due In four yeara, abundantly secured
nnd will sell t net buver 8 per cent. Fur
iher psrtlotilars on application.
305 First Nat l Hank Hid..
Telephone. Tyler 1070. Omaha, Neb.
7v ANTED City loan a Peters Truat Co.
1'epreaentlng the rtnn Mutual T.lfa Ina
n with assets of ovar $117.0110.000. I an
prepared to acocpl all tha good loans of
fered on Improved Cmaha raal state,
p.uainsea and residence loana made without
City National bank Bldg.
W ANTED City loana and warrant. W.
I amain fcmltn b Co.. UfO Farnara St.
Farm Mortgages
nlas on hand and for sale at amounts
from :) to $3.0n0.
4i: New York Life Bldg.
t, 0-311 Brandela Thaatar Bldg.
OARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life. 1600
to tKiO.OUO on Improved itroiraivjr. No delay.
MONET TO LOAN Pay na Investment Co.
FiTjO to 10(Ki mads promptly. F.
TV fad Wead Bldg . ISiat and Farrarn.
ticturesae gi. Uwmim Boata.
WebT limn from
fyirtnlghtlr rrora
plenH4 aceoerr. shortest liwit tuw nla
Anr Hatlsrar Asent. or
aUUAN CO., Ueneral Areata,
Ill lukM BIto.. tjhleaeo.
FIngle or Round Trip Tickets between New
York and Hootch. English. Irish and all
principal Continental points at attractive
i at es. Send for Book of Informations
Superior Aecoininodatlons, Excellent Cul
iilne. Apply Promptly for Reservation to
locul agents of Anchor Line or HENDER
UU.N BROS.. General Agents, Chicago, ill.
WHEEL chair; must be cheap.
W HI J. Omaha Be.
WANTED Invalid adjustable,
chair, 245 Bryant St., Co. Bluffs.
BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture,
tarpeta, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 31 VL
WILL pay cash for 6-room modern cot
tase. bath and one bedroom on ground
lloor; no fuiicy price. A. T. Ayera, 40i Sew
ard .
ANTED--Ciood, big tent; give deacrlp
n mill pi ice. II li'JO, Hee.
WANTED Room and board In strlotly
private family, man and wife, first class.
Reference exchanged. Address S. UU, Bee.
.-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, by
May 1; two In lamlly. 123, Bee.
POEITIOh by tnoroughly experienced
bookkeeper and acoouaurnu good refer
eiitBS. Addraas B Ilk. bn.
1'OSITION as night watchman; sober and
reliable. U 760. Bee.
PORTER for private
Webster WOO.
WANTED Position In drug store or gen
eral merchandise store; am registered In
Nebraska; can give best of referencea.
Write J. G. Woolsey, Hubbell. Neb.
EVERYONE wants his druggist or con
fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep
o ltrien's candy. " If M. E. Anlonyhogh,
2.KW Vinton St.. will bring this ad to The
Bee and Identify himself within three days
he will receive an order for a 0c box of
this candy.
Omaha, Neb.. February 10, 1911. Sealed
proposals, In triplicate, will be received her
ana by Quartermasters at tha posts named
herein, until 10 a. m . central standard time,
April 1, 1911, for furnishing Wood. Coal and
Charcoal during tits fiscal year ending June
30, 1912, at Omaha Depot. Omaha. Forts
Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Nebraaka;
Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas;
Forts D. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyom
ing; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort
Meade, South Dakota. Information furn
ished on application hare or to Quarter
masters at stations named. Envelopes con
taining proposals should bs marked "Pro
posals for Fuel." and addressed to Lieu
tenant Colonel D. K. McCarthy, C. Q. M.
F10-11M 15-16-2S-29
, Metal Market.
Standard .copper, weak; spot. March, April,
May and June, 111.7041 11. 85. London market
dull: spot. 54 6s 3d; futures, 54 lM 9.
Arrivals reported at New York today, 60
tons. Custom house returns show exports
of 17.J7 tons ao far this month, lxical
dealera quote lake copper at fl2-374'd)
12 50; electrolytic, t!3 2.Val3 374: cast
ing. fUflUii 12.124. Tin. quiet; spot and
March. 40.We41. 26;. April. f40.75u41.O0; May,
840 typ40.!6; June, .Wj).TI. London
market firm: epot, tisti His; lutures, tmo 0".
Lead. steady; 84. 4tH)4 50 New York;
S4 874oM 424. East St. Louis; 36 45vi6.5;
Eaat St. Louis; London. 13. Spelter,
easier; fft.Knift. New York; f6.45'Cr6 6u East
St. Louis, lmdon, 123. Antl. mony, dull;
Cookaon's. f.uVu'SSO. Iron, Cleveland war
rants, 47a 74d In lxindon. Locally Iron
waa quiet. No. 1 foundry northern, SU-76
tilt.26; No. 3 northern. No. 1 southern and
No. 1 southern aoft, fi5.DO4jl6.CIO.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. March 17. -COFFEE Mar
ket opened quiet at a decline of 4u7 points
In sympathy wtth lower European oables.
owing to holidays there were no cables
from Braail and businea rsmalned very
quiet during the entire suasion. Prtoea Im
proved somewhat during the afternoon,
however, on a little demand from trade In
terest a In the absence of prompt asllera and
the market closed steady, net unchanged
to Z points higher. Sales, 7,260 bags; March,
April and May. 104tc; June. 10.47c; July.
18 41o; August. 10.37O; September, 10 30o; Oc
tober, 10c; November, 9 97c; Uecember,
January and February, 9 do. Havre olosed
at a net decline of MMa frana Hamburg
waa V.04 pfg. lower. New York warehouse
deliveries on Saturday were 4.722 bags,
against 81,376 bags fur tha corresponding
day last year, hpot coffee, quiet; BJo, No.
7. H4e; Santoa. No. 4, Uo. Mild, quiet;
Cordova. 134)l6c, nominal.
Dry Oooaa Hukit.
Lonsdale. 4 4 bleached cottons were cut
during the day to a taala of 7o net for
pot goods. This chaJige Is In keeping
with the revisions in otner uieacned cot
tons made last week. Trade lor the day
In dry goods waa quiet, with many reports
being olroutatad. of further curtailment In
1,111 operations. Dress goods demand la
eiy narrow.
Vtalbla Saaply f Grain.
NEW YORK, March ST. The visible sup
ply of grain In the United States Saturday.
March t. aa comialed by the New York
Produoa exchanga waa aa follows: Wheat,
S514JI.0U0 hashels; decrease. 1,413 00 bu.
Corn, 11.7V4U4 bu. : decrease. 7si.x) bu,
Oata. 13.7iil.OuO bu. ; deoreaae. 739 On) bu. Rye.
li bu ; deorease, 34 uuu bu. Barley, Llt6.
M bu.; deoiaaaa, le'.Ou) bu.
Weather Reaction Have Little Ef
fect in Wheat Situation.
Ilomralle Vlalhle Sapply la Perreaaed
torn Trade ondltfoaa A re
Practically 1 nrhaaaed
( losing Prlcea.
OMAHA. March 29. 1M1.
There was nothing In sight to change the
heaviness in tho wheat market today hut
the firmness In Uverpool rabies. The
northwest had both rain and snow since
the clone of the markets Saturday.
There Is a little better demand for the
cash wheat at this decline In prices, but
has not been sufficient to cause any real
The world shipments of wheat were large
for the Inst week and this was offset to
some extent by a decrease In our domestic
Conditions nre unchanged In the corn
trade. The, movement Is more liberal than
was expected In face of the decline In
cash prices. The IlKht shipping demand and
slack export trade Is discouraging to buy
ers 'J he market has had a fair decline,
however, and heavy feeding operations on
bullish features.
Wheat slumped off again on selling pres
sure Induced by the continued bearish
news. Cash values were weak and samples
were tiuoted k to lc lower.
Corn held strong against the decline In
wheat. Support was good and aome ad
vance was registered on covering by shorts.
Cash corn ws.s unchanged.
Clearances were .(lil.ouo bushels ofcorn.
3.000 buslieis of oats and wheat and flour
euual to 47N.0U0 bushels.
Liverpool closed '"ld higher on wheat
and higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard: 2 cars, S3Uc; No. 4
hard: 1 car, 7!(c: No. 2 mixed: 1 car, Mc.
CORN No. 2 white: 1 car. 41c; No. 3
while: 3 cars, 4)c. No. 3 yellow: 6 cars,
)'ic; No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 40Vic; No. 3
mixed: 11 cars, 4o'c; ,0. 4 mixed: 3 cars,
S!iVc. No grade: 1 car, 37'c.
OATS No. 3 white: 2 cars. 28c; No. 4
white; 1 car, 27c; No. .yellow: 1 car, 27c.
Omaha Cash PrB'es.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, KKe: No. 3
hard, sn-4 n s:fc; No. 4 hard. 74r.ioic; re
jected hard. S!tfT!i-V; No. i spring. S3
WV:; No. 4 spring, 7S240; No. 2 durum,
M'.:-V; No. 3 durum, 4iSlc.
CORN No. 2 white. 40Vfc41c: No. t
white. 40(tf4oHc: No. 4 white, IStfiSMo; No.
3 color, :!ipKi.4c; No. 2 yellow, 40V41c;
No. 3 yellow, 4iWjc; No. 4 yellow, 3Mtf
3:'Vic; No. 2. 40fl4oVic; No. 3, SDVifWc ; No.
4, :SV'3n!e.
OATrV-No. 2 white. 2ir2S'.4c; standard,
27'ai1,c- No. I white. 27aac; No. 4
white, 27'iii.27tc; No. 3 yellow, 27K'62'7c;
No. 4 yellow, ZitoZif&c.
BARLEY No. 3. SS4tfl6c; No. 4, 75S7c;
No. 1 feed, 6fj'75c; rejected, iMrTOc.
KY IdNo. 2. WCflSHc; No. 3, (srMC.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn.
Chicago 19 aa
Minneapolis 316
Omaha 84 100
Duluth 1
Features of the Trading and Closing
Prlrea on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, March 27. Wheat today
dropped beneath any previous low level
touched this year. Sufficient reason was
found In the general rains, liberal re
ceipts, large world shipments and alow
cash demand. Closing prlcea were steady
at ,i'i'r"c net decline. latest figures
showed corn Vi'S'Vic up, oats a shade down
to tfi ia gain and provisions 2U.C off to
lUHfi'lBo advance.
With rain or snow every where In both
the spring and winter wheat country, the
market for this cereal at no time suc
ceeded In rallying to the point where the
previous week had ended.
As a matter of fact the most Important
recovering came In the main from shorts
taking profits, although late In the day
there was a little commission house buying.
Some talk of high winds attracted atten
tion, but failed of serious effect. One bad
report came from western Kansas. Much
less even In the way of comfort wag
gathered by the bears from the world
shipments figures. The amount was more
than, 6.mi0.0iX hitahels greater than the
corresponding twelve months before. Dur
ing the session May ranged from 87o to
KSTiss-Sc and wound up at 88c, a net loas
of Sc.
Cash demand was a little better for
corn snd country offerings were light.
May fluctuated between 47o and Whko.
closing firm at Va-V up at 48Hc. No. t
yellow finished at HAfinc.
In oats, the principal feature was free
selling of May against buying of the de
ferred months. May fluctuated from
30ifiS0i4o and closed at SOHo, a net loss of
a shade.
Packers and stock yard houses were
credited with being buyers of provisions.
The outcome on pork was W(i2Vtc. to 12H'3
15c. advance, a gain of a shade to Be for
lard and with ribs strung out from ZHc
aecnne to iMs'ioc Increase In cost.
Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up
dike Oraln company. Telephone Douglas
2474, 70S Brandela building, Omaha:
Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Safy.
Wheat I I I I I
May... WtfH'smiSfSl rs M 1 884
July... S&flSS', 88S!R74(a 88 88U
Hcpt...S8W, 88I87S'37 8814) 88
Corn- I I
May... 47-5 4RV! 47 4RM,!47H1r4
July... 49Vsati 4W4 iS 4MI 4104
Sept... 60!, 61 60 61 &0M
Oata v I I I I
May... KVtF4 soVj SrU4 SO, S04,iff 4
July... 30S-H 30 304 30. 80H
Sept... 3WU-!, VP 30480H4tH
Porg 1
May... 18 90 18 00 16 88 1 Oft 15 88
July... 16 60 16 70 16 60 16 7H 15 67!
May... 8 SO 8 m (00 S 88 8 86
July... 8 67H 8 82H 8 56 8 8 67',
Stpt... tbiS, g 67H 8 60 S 67V, 8 62V,
Ribs I I
May... 8 90 8 974 8 86 8 974 8 90
July... 8 674 8 65 8 674 S 62 S 60
Sept... 8 524 S66 8 624 8 60 8 624
Cash quotations were as follows:
FIjOUR Steady; winter patents, S3.9nr
4.80: winter straights. S3.604H 10; spring
straights. 84urcr4 l0; bakers, 13.01X11)440.
RYE No. I. 9144f9ze.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 7638c; fair
to choice malting. HHoni-jl oi.
HFIEDrt Flag. No. 1 southwestern, $2.88:
No. 1 northwestern, f2.&0. Timothy, fU.80.
Clover. 11550.
PROVISIONS Mess porlt. Pr hbl., fl.75
(ffH.OOi Ird, per ino lba., f8 574. Short ribs.
sides (loose), f8 2.vn9 00; short clear sides
(boxed). t.124&9.25.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 478.000 bu. Primary receipts were
li.U00 bu.. compared with 724.0OO bu. tha
corresponding day a year ago. The visible
supply of wheat In the United States de
creased I,393.0u0 bu. for the week. Tha
amount of breadstuff on ocean passage
Increased 2.640.0a) bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat
30 cars; corn, 342 cars; oata, 127 cars; hogs.
20,000 head.
Chicago Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. t red
S7W4s: No- r,,1- WWHr; No. t hard,
8'iil'.0c: No. 3 hard. StVfT&tc; No. 1 northern
spring. (Ocirfl 00; No. 3 northern spring. W
t9!c; No. 3 spring, 8Sr(Ho. t orn: No.
cash. 4ii4ff4ti,i,c: No. 3 cash. 44'8444c; No.
white, 4o4ifr"o: No. 3 white. 44tf-44kc; No.
1 yellow. 44tt47o: No. 8 yellow, 44445c
Oats: No. 1 cash. 24&30c; No. t white,
3'tK14c: No. 3 white. 804-?rai4c; No,
white. 294,,,3ni,c: standard. 3VWSlc.
BUTTER Weak; creameries, 1522c; dai
ries 14T1W.
EGGS Steady ; receipts. 18 008 cases; at
mark, rases included, lJt134c; firsts, 144o
prime firsts, 16n.
rilEESK Steady; daisies. 1S1'6134!
twins. 11441 12c: voung Americas, 13414c
long horns. 18'-tfi14c.
POTATOES Steady: choice to fancy, 48
(B&oc: fair to good. 4o&f47c.
IMIT-TRY Steady; turkevs, dressed, 19o
hens. live. 15'c: springs, live. 15SC.
VEAL Weak ; 60 to 60 lba , ∾ 60 to
S lbs., cIi1r4c; to 110 its.. o luo.
Cur It Receipts Today : Wheat, 19 ca
corn, M cars: oats, 112 cars. Estimated
Tomorrow: Wheat, 30 cars; corn, 343 cars
oats. 137 cars.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
May. SwhHWo; July. 9&4c: September. 91Sc
raeh. No. 1 hard. 9ic; No. 1 northern. 944
fc4c: No. I northern. KiH34c; .No. 1 white.
FLAX-Closed at t2 40
CORN No. 3 yellow, 434c
tlATS-No. S white, &4'U29c.
It YE No. I. ?trQc.
t,D.U 1 1.M . ,A - . AA
rijOUR First patents. f4 4fif4.76: aivnnd
patents. f4 2V,i4f: Prat clears, 82 IXaJ Ju
second clears, 31 SZ.aa.
Liverpool Grain Market.
dull: No. I red wetarn winter, no stock
futures, quiet; March, la 74d; May, a
7Vd: tuly. 7d.
CORN Spot, steady; Amerloaa mixed.
new. 4s y1; American mixed, old, fs;
tines, (julet; Msv, 4 3Nd. July, 4 &d.
FLOCK Winter patents, dull, at Zii
BUTTER--Creamery. No. 1. delivered to
the retail trade In l ib. cartons. 26c; No. 3.
In 30-lb. tubs. 34c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons,
24c; packing stix k, solid pack, 1.V; dairy. In
(-lb. tubs. ioi;c. Market chaoses every
CHEESE Twins, 145 ir.V; Young Amerl
ras, lSVtc; daisies. HWi lti'c ; triplets, 16Syd)
lte; llmberger, lsc; .No. 1 brick, l'c-jc; im
ported Swiss. 32c; domestic Swiss, Etc; block
6wlss, lfc
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under t lba.
16 per doi.j hens. 16c; cocks, Ho; ducks.
18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 20c; pigeuns, per
dox . tl.W; homer squabs, per dox., ft 00;
fancy aiuabs, per dox., fa &0; No. 1. per
dox.. f30u. Alive: Broilers, lfic; smooth legs,
10"; hefts, llc; stags. 13c; old roosters, ic;
old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese, full
feathered, 9c; turkeys, 17c; guinea fcwla.
25c each;' pigeons, per dot., 00c; homera.
per dox., f3 Ou; squabs, No. 1, per do., f 1 W;
No. I, per dox., oOc; capons, over lba., 14o;
old turkeys, lie.
FISH (all froxen) Pickerel, 9c; white, 7
10c; pike, 9c; trout, lie; large ci apples. 12 1
l.'ic; Spanish mackerel, llc; eel, lc; had
dock, 13c; flounders, 1-c; green catfish. Lie;
roe shad, fl each; ahad roe, per pair, tuc;
frog legs, per dox, iic, salmon, 9c; halibut,
!tc; herring, Sc.
herring, i..
BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 14c; No. X 1J
No. 3. pi'.c. Loin: No. 1. I.h- No. i. UV;
No. 3. 11V. Chuck: No. 1, 7Sc: No. 2, 7'c;
No. a. 7V. Round: No. 1. '.; No. 2, ll'4c;
No. i. 4c. i'late: No. 1, be; No. 2, 5V'j
.no. 8. 6V
FRUITS Apples. Washington Missouri
Pippins, 4-tler, per box, 2.'H; Washington
Red Check l'lpplns. i4, M, w, 1L2 sixes, per
box, ti.iu; Wa-shington Grnos, per box,
32.25; Ben I 'av is, per box, 12.10.' Bananas:
Fancy select, per bunch, f2.2V(i2.uO; Jumbo,
per bunch, f2. 753.75. Dates: Anchor
brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkRs. in boxes, per
box, fiOO; bulk. In 7iMb. boxes, per lb. filc.
Figs: Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., Itic; 5
crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crovn, per lb., 13c.
Urape Fruit: Florida. 4. 64. 64, SO sizes,
per box, 34.00; choice stock, 25c less.
lemons: Llmoneira brand, extra fanc,
:. ;1W) slits, per box, f4.5o; fancy, 3ml, :W
izes, per box. f4.HI; 210 size, 6.iC per box
ess. Oranges: Camella Redlands navels.
96 sizes, per box. S'1.00: 150. 17H and
mailer sizes, f3.25; choice navels. ) y.
:i, sizes. 2.Ki; 1:50 ami smaller sizes, f::.OJ.
ears: California Winter Nellls. per box.
2.75. Strawberries: Louisiana, per 24-plnt
case. t4.oii'u4.25.
VEGETABLES Beans: String and wax.
per hamper, fS.oo'aH.oO. Beets: Per bu..
c. abbage: New York, per lb., IKc.
arrots: Per bu.. 75c. Celery: California
umbo, per doz. bunches, K5c. Cucumbers:
ot house, I't and 2 doz. In box, per doz..
f2.iioti2.25. Eg Plant: Fancy Florida, per
ox., f2.oo. Garlic: Extra fancy, white,
per lb., 15c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf,
per doz., 4fic. Onions: Iowa, red and yel
low, per lb., 2Hc; Indiana, white, per lb., Sc.
Onion Sets: White, per bu., 32 lbs., 11.75;
ellow, per bu., 32 lbs., fl 25; red. per bu ,
lbs., fl.oo. Parsley. Fancy southern.
per doz. bunches, 6(irtlRo. Parsnips: Per
u.. 75c. Potatoes: Early Ohio seed, sand
oil. In sacks, per bu.. fl.00; Genuine Red
River Early Ohio seed, per bu., 11.20; Iowa
and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 75o;
Colorado, per bu., 90c. lAitabagas: Per
lb., lc. Tomatoes: Florida: per 6-baskat
crate, fancy, f2.50; choice, f2.00. Turnips:
er bu., 10C
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: Cnllfornla
oft shell, per lb., ISc; In sack lots, lc less.
Brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c: In sack lots, lc
ess. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 35.25; per doz.,
80c. .Filberts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots,
less. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb., 5c;
small, per lb., to. Peanuts: Roasted, per
lb.. 8c; raw, per lb., Hc Pecans: Large,
per lb., 16c; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts:
Black, per lb., zc; caiirorma, per id., me;
n sack lots, lc less, cider: ew York.
Mott's, per bbl..
f76. Honey: New, 21
frames, S3. 75.
Quotations of the Day on Varloos
NEW YORK, March 27. FLOUR Quiet;
prlng patents. 84.86tu6.10; winter straights,
f3.7rir8.!5; winter patents. 84.104.60; spring
clears, S3.75ff4.15; winter extras No. 1, f3.2o)
3.50; winter extras No. 2. 83.10&3.2r. Re
ceipts, 24.142 bblg.; shipments, 2.W4 bbls.
Rye flour, firm: fair to good, fl.406i4.50;
choice to fancy, f4.&6g4.fiO.
CORNMEAI, Steady ; fine white and
yellow, 31.154U.20; coarse, fl.10tgn.16; kiln
dried, f2.76.
WHEAT spot market. Irregular; No. 2
red, 93V; elevator, and 94 6-6c f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth. fl.064 f. o. b. afloat.
Futures market waa quiet, but prices were
lower under liquidation, due to precipita
tion In the northwest, favorable reports on
winter wheat and poor cash demand, clos
ing, c net lower. May, 94 13-l(WiW44,
closed, 964c; July, 94"S(5M7Ao, closed 944c
Receipts, 66.400 thishels; -shipments, 222.316
CORN Spot market, firm; export No. I.
614c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was
without transactions, closing at vr4f n?t
lower. May closed 654c; July, 64c. Re
ceipts, 46.126 bushels; shipments, 22.49 bush
OATS Spot market easy: standard white,
3c; No. 2. 34c; No. S. 354c; No. 4, 844o.
Futures market was without transactions,
closing nominal. Receipts, 70,150 bushels;
shipments. 3.150 bushels.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
1910 26'fl2!to; 1S, lM&21c; Pacific coast. 1910,
2tJf23c; 1909, 144T17C.
HIDES steady; central America, zoc;
Bogota, 214'5224e-
LEATHER "Quiet: Hemlock nrsta. Z34
G'i64c; second, 214Jf23c; thirds, 194'20c; re
lects. 16W170.
PKtJVlsiOMS PorK, steaay; mess, -'i.ou
tf?:i.75; family, f30.0o21.oo; short clear,
flS.0fttlfl9.00. Beef, steady mess, fl4. 00514.60;
fcrrlly, fl5.60t 16.00; beefhama. f27.00t& 29.00.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
nounds. llf1'Ao: pick sd hams. 12c. Lard.
quiet; middle west prime, $8.764I.85; re
fined, steady; continent, s.3n; &outn Amer
ica. fl0.25: compound. 74'n't'HiC.
TALTjOW Dull; prime city nnaa, 0540;
countrv. 5fft54c.
BUTTER Weak: creamery specials. Z4c;
extras, 224c; first, l&tjDOc; seconds, 16V918c;
creamery held, special, 204f21c; extras, 184
tjl4c; firsts, limine; seconds, iwo'ioc.
t Ilfctsr; Bteaay; state, wnoie mna, spe
cials. 14itil6o: September quality, fancy
colored. 14c; September quality, white, 13
134c; summer and fall make, choice, 134
41 13c; summer and fall make, white, 1141
EGGS Weak : fresh gathered, selected
extras, 173 18c; first, 154rl6c; seconds, 15c;
frsh gathered, dirties. No. 1, 16c; fresh
gathered dirties. No. 2, 14144c; fresh
gafthered checks, lswuitc; weeieun gath
ered. white. 17'uWc.
POrLTKY D'eaaed. Irregular; roasting
chickens, ii!20c; tow is, 144'y Lbc; turkeys,
St. Loots (iearral Market.
ST. LOUIS, March 27. WHEAT Futures
lower; May, 874c; July. 804c; cash lower;
track. Mo. Z red, yie; No. 2 hard, RtiUWic
CORN Higher: May. 4("4c: July. 48ffl
44c: cash lower: track, No. X, 4oB64c;
NO. Z White. 4KttM7C.
OATS Weak; May, 30c; July, 294c; cash
lower; track. No. 3, 304c; Mo. Z white, 32c.
R I rj Unchanged at Hc.
FLOUR Dun; red winter patents, tU.SfEP
4.75; extra fancy and straight, f3.70tav4.10
hard-winter clears, li WiQ lo.
SEED Ttmothv. J6.00WJ 50.
BRAN Higher; racked east track, $1.10(3
1.1L I
H A Y Unchan ged ; timothy, $12.0018 00;
prairie. 812 vwn 15.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lobbing,
fl7.00. Lard, higher; prime steam, fS .46-'u aO
Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra
shorts. 94c; clear ribs, 94c; short clears
9e. Bacon, unchanged, boxed extra
short. 104c; clear ribs, 104c; short clears,
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 13c; springs,
16c: turkeys, lF-'nl6c; ducks, 16c; geese, 8c.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, Hcaioc.
EGGS Lower at 13e.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bhla.
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oata, bu
9 4o0
Kaaaaa C'tty Gratia aad Provtaloas.
May, S64c, bid; July, 634c, bid; September,
il'Sc bid: cash , No. 1, lower; No. 2 hard,
M'u3o; No. 3, 63uv(io; No. I red, 87≻
No. t. 86870.
OATS Unchanged; No. t white, Sl32o;
No. 2 mixed. 3o4''f3l4jO.
RYE No. I. 76fo.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $14.00
CT4 60: choice prairie, 1 1 2.00 i 2 26
(URN-May, 4o4i4o, bid; September.
484c, bid; cash steady; No. I mixed.
444c; No. 3. 4i4u-)4c. No. S white. 44j444u;
No. 3, 4,n4c.
BUTTEK-rOeamery, tftc; firsts, 21c; sec
onds, 19c; packing stock. 13c.
EGGS Extras, lie; firsts. 14c.
Kecelpts. Shipments
, 6o 47.0uO
, 70.CJ0 42.000
3u.UA) U.0UU
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ..
Oats, bu ..
WHEAT No. 1 northera. awirMra; No. I
northern. 9tj97o; May told), Sao.
tlATtV-S4andard. Soeil!c.
HAKL T SavnjpleS, le)i.I.
Stagnation in Securities Market Re
flex of Trade Slowness.
rn Renrlns on Railroads Receiv
ing Especial Attention, as Roads
Are Relieved to Hold Key to
Present Sltaatlon.
NEW YORK. March 27 Increasing slow
ness in most lines of trade Is finding It!
accurate reflection In the stagnation which ;
ch overiaKen tne securities marset. ;
The tone of the market was firm 1
throughout the day with Increasing
strengtli in the afternoon. There was no
apparent reason for the market's strength. .
SlieClllMtlve -it v in nf , V a ( r. .
Portant stocks Incren-xeri In the last hour I
and Union Pacific. Canadian Pacific, ;
Northern Pacific, Norfolk Western.
Atchison. Baltimore Ohio, and the ga.
stocks closed with a net gain of a point or
News bearing on the railroads Is receiv
ing esrx-clal attention as the roads are be
lieved to hold the kev to the present situa
tion as the period of adjustment of new
conditions arising largely from their in-
annny to increase freight rates has now
fairly begun. In this connection the Feb
ruary report of the Baltimore Ohio is of
unusual significance. Although Its gross
earnings fell off bv f 378 WW, expenses were
reduced so heavily that there was a small
increaso In net earnings. Gross earnings
aa a wohle are running up to or a little,
ahead of last year.
European markets were somewhat ir
regular, although alarm as to the situation
In the far eaxt was alia veil bv China's re
ported decision to yield to the demands of
Bonds were steady.
Total sales, par
value, f2.2ss.000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
3?ii SI
l.WKi a M"i JH
! STi r.7"i 57"4
KI 4IS 444 4C,
ino M4 SS't SSH
3i0 60 0
1 8.114
Kin S7'
600 75 75H
9rt) 106 104 ll
47 V.
, H'i
. 1,0110 147 14 141'.',
100 SST as-ti 074
6D0 . St.' .IR'i ,
inn 31', H
. 4,t0 ln4 lot l.n
io lies liJ4 W2
on 12014 no i?n
600 1044 103H l'H4
, l.tno 7s 7RS 74
, 4.100 I21H 31
. l.son n ns "14
. t.lon 14ns 1(4 H 145
. 1400 1:14 121H 1214
. I.n0 14S4 146 14f.4
ht 14 14 14
too MS I" 34
son 24 n as
100 48 41 47
. I. too 1274, IMS 1274
. 4. V) US 62S B2
600 13S 14 138
ino 1s 1M 14
tot) sss Ms MS
100 litis 114S lis
. 3. IO0 103 1024 102
200 t4S 344 24
"0 147S 147i. 147H
o us s.34 s?s
, 1. 700 f,2S 6?S
400 131S lS'M 13!'
400 MS 53 (34
2O0 MS 364 34
. 4.1O0 log 107S 1"
SOO 41 S 41S 41
. 13,400 ions 17 S 10S
. 4. too 124S 1334 124S
. t.000 US 1M 12K4
. 1,400 1074 1074 107S
SAO a 7 7S
700 23 n n
S0O 150 1694
. .. 324
. 17.400 15?S 1M4 167
too MS t3S 3
101) . 97S 7S 74
Sno t4 tS 4
31 4
. t.tftO 117S H"S H7S
300 MS MS 2S
109 lh 5 64 S
700 VIS M4 S
400 114 r 11
COO 4Vi 4(1 S
. 4. 00 17S 176S 17S
ot) 4x4 4t 414
. 90.700 7 74 7S'4
. 1.300 1194 114 111
. 1.400 46 44S 44S
600 4S 4 4
100 17 IT IT
100 4 4 s
400 T 714 72S
. 1 W 174 1734 173 '4
Allls-fTiaimr, pfd
Amalgamated Cupper ....
Amercn AKrictillural
American Beet Susasr.....
American ran
American C & V
American cotton oil
American H. A pfd....
Am. Ic Securities
American Llnaeed
American Locomotive ....
American 8. A R
Am. . A R. pfd
Am. Rtsel Foundries
Am. Sugar Roflrring
American T. A T
American Tobacco pfd
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison pM
Atlantic rkaat 1,1ns
Malttmore A Ohio
Bethlehem Bteel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Ontral Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of Naw Jersey...-
Oheaapcaks A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chicago Great Wsatem...
P. o. w., prd
CMrago A N. W
C, M. A m. P
C. C. a A St. li
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A Southern
Consolidated Oas
(Vm Products
Delaware A Hudson
P. A R, o pfd
Distillers Securities ,
Erie ,
Krla lrt pfd
Brie 2d pfd
General BleetHe
Oreat Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore ctfs. ,
Illinois Ontral
Interhorough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International H arrest er ,
Int. Marine pM.-. . .-. .
Internal tonal Paper
International Pamp ......
Iowa Ontral '
Kansas Cltr sourthern...,
K. C. So. pfd
Iic.lerle Oaa. x-dlr
Ixu1aTllle A NaahTllls...
Minn. A St. Ixiali
M., St. P. A S. S. M
St., K. A T
M., K. A T. pfd
Missouri Pacific ,
National Biscuit
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. M all...
New York CtentraLu.,..
N. T., O. A W
Norfolk A Western.
North American
Northern Puclfle
Pacific Mull - ......1.-.
People's Oaa
P.. C C. A St.
Plttahurg Coal
Pressed Steel far
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Bteel Spring
kepubllo Steal'
Republic Bteel pfd
Rock Island Co
Rock Ialand Co. pfd
St I,. A S. P M pfd ...
St. Lonla 8. W
St. L W. pfd
Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
So. Railway pfd
Tennessee Copper
Texas A Paclflo
T., St. U A W
T . St. L. A W. prd
Vnlon Paclflo
Vnlon Pacific pfd
Vnlted States Realty
Vnlted States Rubber
Vnlted States Steel......
V. 8. Steel pfd
Vtah Copper
Va.-caro. Chemical
Wahaah pfd
Western Maryland
Weetllighmiee Elect do ...
Weatem Vnlon
Wheeling A L. K
Lehigh Valley
Total sales for tha day. lrt too shsres.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. March 27. MONEY On
call, steady, 2424 Pt cent; ruling rate,
24 per cent; closing bid. 24 per cent; of
fered at 24 psr cent. Time loans easy;
sixty days. 24'xK4 per cent; ninety days,
I4r3 per cent; six months, 34 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at 34.8426
for sixty-day bills and at t4.s20 for de
mand; commercial bills.. f4.83"4.
SILVER Bar, 624c; Mexican dollars, 46a
BOND-Government steady; railroad
Closing Quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
r. S. ref. Is, reg... .1014 Int. M. M. 44s
do coupon 10isejapln 4
TJ. S. la. reg 1014 do 4Sa
do coupon 101 SK C So. tat la...
F. 8. 4a. reg 116 I, S. dab. 4a 1SS1...
do coupon 11&SU A N. unl. 4s..
Allls-Chal. let Be.... 77 M . K. A T. lit 4a
Am As. 5a WIS dV gen. 44a
t 4
Am. T A T. CT. 4av.l'4Mo. Pacific 4a 74
Am. Tobacco 4a KS V. R. R. ot M. 44a Ms
do 4a 107SN. Y. O. g. 34a MS
Armour A do. 44-. do eb. V
Atchison gen.
SN. T.. N. H. A H.
do rr. 4a
do ct. 6
A C L 1st 4s.
Bal A Ohio 4a
e.lo 34a
do 8 W. SSs ....
Brook. Tr. er. 4a....
on of Oa. 6a
On. Leather 6a
C. of N. J g 6a...
Chea. A Ohio 4Ss. .
Oo mf. 6a
lhlcago A A. 14s
C B A Q . 4s...
do geo. 4a
loS or. (a
110SN. A W. 1st o. 4s...
4 ton. 4a
MS No. Paotflo 4a
i4 Cdo la
4 0 S. L rfdg. 4a ...
4Penn. cr. 14s 1VU
1S) do con. 4a
, ss Reading gen. 4a....
at la r. f. 4
U104 do gen. 6a
. W'4
. rr
. S
l Sis
. S74
. 71
st. l a. w.
4VS .lo 1st gold 4a..... 404
M S A. L 4a T6S
r go. Pa.-., col. to 944,
C, M. A 8. P. g 14a 24
do cr. 4a as
C R. I. - A P. a. 4a. 71
do let raf. 4 ...... 6
do rfg 4a... 4s8n. Railway 6a...
. .lii S
.. 71S
.. MS
Onto. Ind. 6a.... 744 do gen. 4a
eecnlo. Mid. 4a. 46 Vnlon Pacific 4a..
f A R r. A a. 44a MS do or. 4s
D. A H. CT.
S do lat A rat. 4s.
I). A R. O. 4a.
so ret. 6s... .
eotstlllera' 4s
Brie p. 1. aa...
Oo gao. 4a
t V. 8. Kubbar 4a...
CSV. B. Bteel M as..
T4 Va -Car. cbem. ta
BSWabaah 1st la IMS
Tt do let A ex. 4a Ks
T4 maaem lid 4a .... 44
TO Waac Kleo. ot. 6a... Ms
147S Wla Ontral 4a 14
4a, ser. A.
do eeHea 6
Oea. Bias. a.
111. Ceo. 1st rax. 44. M Mo. Paa. av.
Is M
lnt Mat 4S TS4
1 ateail litantlx.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brrnker
Co., 449 New Omaha National bank build
Bid. Aaked.
S 4
m la
llrt 1U
4 s4
K4 M
H4 1.0
7 M
74 MS
S fcs
S 1
I Vt
t ns
u u
444 4ft
S 14
Amal. C npper. S-year, Sp a. noise .
burrougha Aiding Maeeine
Beneuo sV bool U , IMS
twdalir Packing Oo. U. ltM
rv.lurubua. Nil,. 1 U k 124
Chicago U. W. 1st oata ea. 1
rwmaeter Mill aatg .
ralrmsnt tVeamerr 1st I HT eant..
Iowa Purtland liaroent lat mtg. a
Ranaaa (ll 1. t ks 1U
g. . i'., MAO 4a. 1U1. konaa
Ilanaae city SUMk Tarda stock
Met. St. My.. K C. as, UU
Omaha Covntry Clsb as, 1W1
OniaJia atar la, 1444 ... .....
Omana ACS) SM. kr. aa. vtt
O. A C. B. ak. . t'4. I a ex-41
Omaha A C. Ry. A grides
patina T. A T Sa. ll
Keokf Mamwaha ateU Teiapkucva. ......
Im-siat banit Cn. pM a bonus at
iTrl-l fty It. U. 7
! Slft t In, l14 I'W
Iniun Slwk Vanli took M
London Cloalnai Stocks.
LON I H N, March 2t. American securities
were quiet and featureless during the early
trnding today. At noon prices ranged from
um hanged to Vt above Saturday night s
Closing quotations on stocks were:
Consols. m..ny.. HI H H !uU Illo N 144
do account
. H7 M.. K. A T ai,
. N. V Onlril Ill',
. "Norfolk a W 110't
.112 ilo p(,i 1
l'H Onisrlo W 4!i
.! rennylvnl tt
.zaS Hand Minn 1
. . M Hra.llns to
. - In. Itallwar 2'S
.125 do pftl
. i so r itic ii
,. Vnlon I'ai'lfle HI
, . ;I2H V. 8. Steel ii:,
.. S'" do pict i;
. 4't do pld K
. !K Wt.h 17,
. s do ptd .!
l.if Spanish 4 o
steativ . ai 24 5-lnVI per oz.
Anial. Copper ..
do pfd
Hal Ohio
4'anadtan Pacific
Tim A (Ihlo ..
Ctiliairo O W...
O, M A I P..
! Bears
Henier R.
no pra
do lt pM
o 2d pM
'rna Trunk ..
Illlnolt OlllrSl
Ml.ER Bar
i. r. 1 per cent.
The tate of discount In the open market
for short hills Is 21 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2 3-lt'y2't per cent.
Boston Storks nnd Bonds.
BOSTON. March 27 Closing quotations
011 stocks wore as follows:
32s Mohawk J
aiSNevsds Con 14
15 Mlilealng Mines II
14 North Butte 2tS
4 'North lke 6
12S Old Hominlon 374
17sHe-eila ins
no Parrot t S. A C lis
Amal. Copper ...
A Z. L A ...
Arlanna Com. ..
H. A C. C. A g.
Hutte Coalition .
ChI. A 4' It. ma.
t'al. A
Copper Kange r.
F.nel Butte C. M
ulroux Con
Granby Con
llreene Cansnea
. ...4ti Uulncr
K1? Shannon
0.. 634 Sup. rior
11 Superior A B. M.
. ... Superior A Y. C.
.. 4 3 UTuniera, k
.... 31 V. g. SRAM
.... S do pfd
Isle Royala Copper. . ..13 41 tan Con
Kerr Lake 6 6 IM't.h Copper Co..
1 Copper 3.SWInma
m Salle (pper 44Wulverlne
Miami Copper 14
... 44S
... 7S
New York Curb Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by l.opnn A Brynn. meinhers Boston Stock
exchange. 315 South Sixteenth street:
Pay State Oaa..,
14 Newbouse
. 1
i 3S
Uulte Coalition ...
Oil no
Chief Cn
Fraction , .
Kly Central
Ely Con
Onldfleld Florence.
Greene Cananea ...
Nevada Con.
.. 17 Nvsrls-t tsh
.. Ohio Copper
.. 22 Hawhlde Coalition .
.. 14 Ray Central
.. 11 Bwlft Pkg. Co
. . 1 Heara-Roebuck' Co...
.. 4 Silver Pick
.. 22 OJlbway
.. 74 Superior A P
.. 4TonopsJi Mining ...
.. IS Trinity Copper
. S Vnlted Copper
.. 44 North Lake
.. 7S Bohemia
.. 44 Kerr Lake
.. US
New York MlnlnaT Stocks.
NEW YORK. March J7.-Closln ftquota
tions on mining stocks were as follows:
Alice 160 Uttla Chief 1
Com. Tunnel stock. 24 Mexican HO
do bonda 19 Ontario 150
Con. Cal. A Vs 96 Ophlr US
Horn Stlrer 16 'standard loo
Iron SIlTer 160 Yellow Jacket 23
LeadTllle Oon I
Bank 4 learlnas.
OMAHA. March 27 Bank clesrings for
today were 32,347.367.94 and for the corre
sponding date last year fl.142.094.97.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Dull; lc lower; extra western creamery,
25c; nearby prints, 27c.
EGGS Weak, 15c per case lower; Penn
sylvania and other nearby firsts. free
cases, S4.95 per case; current receipts, free
cases, f4.M) per case; western firsts, free
cases, f4 .95 per case; current, receipts, free
cases, ft.HO per case.
CHEESE Weak; New York, full creams,
fancy, September, i:v&134.e; fair to good.
12 124c.
Oils and Hosln.
SAVANNAH. March 27. OILS Turpen
tine, firm; fl.04: Bales, 414 bbls.; receipts,
487 bbls.; shipments, 400 bbls. ; stock, 1.135
ROSIN Firm; sales, 349 bbls.; receipts
1.05H bbls.; shipments, 0.001 bbls.; stocks'.
49..W0 bbls. Quotations: B. fx.15; D, f8.20; R,
fx.25; F. fS.35; O, II, I, fS.374: K, f8.35; M.
fs.424; N, f8.46; W. G., t8.47V4; W. W.,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, March 27. CORN-Hlgher; No.
2 white, 43c; No. i white, 434c; No. 2
yellow, 434c; No. I yellow, 4.Uc; No. 4
yellow, 404c; No. 2 mixed, 434c; No. 3
mixed. 434c: No. 4 mixed. 40Ur no errarla
OATS Steady; No. I white, 80ic; No. 3
white, 2yy4jj30c.
Dnlath brain Market.
DULUTH, March 27. WHEAT No. 1
northern, 95o; No. 2 northern. 92.130: May
96c; September, 924c; July, 86o.
OATS 294c
Sagar Market.
NEW YORK, March 27. SUGAR Raw,
easy; muscovado, 89 test, 8.42c; centrifugal,
9i test, 8.92c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.17c
refined, quiet.
Cotton Market.
changed; middling, 144c; no sales; receipts,
1,36 bates; shipments, 2,077 bales; stock.
21,629 bales.
Wool Market.
ST. I.OUIS, March 27. WOOL -Unchanged:
territory and western mediums,
19220; fine mediums, 16718c; fine, I2ai3c.
Hay Marketr
OMAHA. March 27. HAY No. 1, $11.00;
No. 2, flO.00: packing, f9.00; alfalfa, $1.1. 00.
Straw; Wheat, f5.50; rye, $6.60; oata, f7.00.
Demand for Cattle Strong; Hogs
More Active Sheep Weak.
CHICAGO, March 27. CATTLE Receipts,
17.000 head; market, strong, lOWSc up;
beeves, f5.264j.N0; Texas steers, f4.604i6.70;
western steers, f4.75(Jr5.80; stockers and feed
ers, f4.00fn6.80; cows and heifers, f2.704j6.SO;
calves, to. 257. 25.
HOGS Receipts. 48.000 head; market more
active, early decline partly regained; light,
fH SOiij-7.20; mixed, $6.5tii6.96; heavy, $0.25
6.75; rough, $.26(&S.45; good to choice heavy,
I6 45M76. pigs, $6.50(37.06; bulk of sales,
SHETP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22,000
head; market weak; native, H .uOiki.35;
western, f3.306.45; yearlings, $4.75&5 60;
lambs, native, f5.Oiyg6.5i); western, f5.254f.60.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2,300 head; market 14ijl5c higher;
native shipping and export steers, ft!.uo'''
8 76: dressed beef and butcher steers, f5.60
t7-50; steers under 1,000 pounds, $5.76i4i.I5:
stockers and feeders, $4.6iHf5.75; cows and
heifers. $4.26'(r.25; canners, $2.85rH25; bulls
f.1.7.Vu6.25; calves, t5O0fj7.76; Texas and
Indian steers, f4.5on6.26; cows and heifers
fS 50(6.00.
HOGS Receipts. 9.900 head; market,
steady to 5c higher: pigs a-nd lights, fti.ooijt
7.10; packers, f6.60ra.8O; butchers and best
heavy. $6.7up;7.05.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.500
head; market, steady; native muttons. $.175
ji5.00; lambs, $6.75C !0; culls and bucks,
$2.60X33.26; stockers, $2.O0ta3.25.
Kanaiu City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, i.OCK head, including 1,300 south
erns; market 10c to 15o higher; dressed
beef and export .steers, $6 OuiJti.75; fair to
good, $3.60r.;5.95- western steers. $5 25 ii 6. 15;
mockers and feeders, $4 664; 6.00; southern
steers, $4 764)690; southern cows. $3.o0j4.70;
native cows, $3.u)i(5.50; native heifers, $4.60
(b26; bulls, f-1.0uu6 25; calves, t45t.i7.25.
HK.S Receipts, 10.000 head; market,
steady to 10c lower; bulk of sales, f0.45if
6.76; heavy, fo.45wS 674: packers and butch
ers, fii 454(41,76; lights, fri tii.u') 75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000
head; market. 10s higher: lambs. SS.Kn.
6 35; yearlings, $4 676 75; wethers. $ 4 2iVi
6 25; ewes, $4.Ji6.10; stockers and feeders.
It. Jaaek I.lva Stock Market.
8T. JOSEPH. March 17. CATTLE Re
ceipts. t.CM) head; market l(ili.o higher:
steers, $4 60$ 41 85: cows and heifers, $3.60J
S OU; calves. $3.607.00.
HOGS Raeoelpts. 6.6(41 head: market So
lower; top, fa SO; bulk of salea. fd 4r.ji 56
head, market steady; lavmbs, $4 uou 25.
Stock la Siht.
Receipts of live stock at tha five prlnol
pal western markets yesterday.
. attic, nogs, eneep.
South Omaha
St. Joseph ..,
Kansas City.
Ht Ixiula
I 70
10 uu)
9 IM)
Chicago ......
34 400 Tt.100 $8,000
Persistent Advertising la tha
tt'.g Return.
Ruad to
Killing Cattle Strong to Ten Cents
hen and Lambs In Moderate Sop
ply, While Demand Is Good and
Trices Aronnd Ten
Cents lllaher.
SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., March 17. 1911.
Receipts were: Cattle, llogo. Shee
Estimate Mondav 4,1"0 2. 7
Fame days lant week ... 4,717 4.77X
Hame day 2 weekta ago.. 5.479 svi
Same day 3 weeks auo.. 5.4'W 4 'CJ
Patue dny 4 weeks ago . 5.31U 6.6J8
Same day last year 6.17H 4.4iJ
The follo.vioif table st.ov.s the r
ecu. is
cf enttle, hogs and sheep st ,outh Omaha
for the year to data, as comoarpo "1th ''
1911 1910.
'. 9.1
Hogs .,
The followlnrt t
255.3.17 245,413
6.5'.'9 54.'..X',H
4-M.7ii2 3.1.973
ble sIiowh tie imi
15 103
PHoes on hogs at South Onmli.i f.
last several days, with comparli-on
Dates. 1911. 11910. tiooo 'ltox. :i"7 l" t
19.. I 110 611 441 4 3I 10! I 4 9.
?0..l S S64I I A 4i 4 ' 40 ,1 17'
P1..I 6 4R,i10 PT 1 4 73 ?"' 19' r' 11
22.. 6 4fi4'10 401 641 1 S 1 IV R ns
23.. 6 4510 61 1 6 66 4 791 6 16 6 251 5 01
24.. 414 10 6.1! 6 511 1 ' I i -' ' "i
25.. 6N354 10 651 6 6.V 4 VI 6 OS I 15
26 .1 110 631 6 671 6 OH 6 03! 6 20!
27.. 38 6 72 5 22! 6 11 6
5 13 i
Receipts and disposition of live slock at
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in. yes
terday: RECEIPTS.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. A St. P 3
WsbHSh ..- 1
Union Pacific 67
C. A N. W. (east)...
C. N. W. (west).. 34
C. St. P. M. O.. 31
C. B. . (east) 1
C, H. & y. (west)... 33
C., K. I. A P. (east).. 3
C . R. I. AY P (west).. 3
Illinois Central I
Totals 173
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Pkg. Co 4'1 1.0HR
Stvlft and Company CvtS 7:t4
Cudahy Pkg. Co 582 7
Armour & Co 920 173
Schwartxchlld A S 67
Sinclair 4
Murrell 45
W. B. Vansant Co 67
Benton Vansant & L.... '!
Stephens Bros 86
IIII! A Son 149
F. B. Lewis M
Huston A Co 143
J. B. Root A Co L-0
.1. H. Bulla 2
L. Wolf 64
McCreary A Corey 51
S. Wertheimer 25
H F. Hamilton 1K8
Mo. A Kana. Calf. Co... 3
Cllne A Crlsty ; 31
Other buyers 334
Totals 4. 306 2,700
CATTLE Receipts f cattle -were lighter
than usual on a Monday, only 166 cars being
reported in. At the same time other mar
kets, were not overly well supplied and
there was a better feeling at practically all
market points. Beef steers on the handy
weight and lighter order and of good qual
ity were about loc higher and good active
sellers. On th other hand plain cattle and
the kinds that did not find favor In buyers'
eyes were not very active and they did not
fIiow very much improvement. To call the
general market strong to 10c higher would
Just about cover the situation.
Cows and hellers were In good demand
and they, too, sold stronger, being gener
ally quoted as much as 10c higher on the
desirable kinds of killers. The market was
reasonably active and pretty much every
thing changed hands In good season in the
Stockers and feeders were In fairly liberal
supply, but the demand was not so brisk
as It had been a good many days and at
the best prices were no more than steady,
the general tendency to the market, If any
thing, was easier. Still there were some
right good cattle here that sold up to fii.00.
yuotatlons on rattle: Good to choice
beet steers, f6.00&6.25; fair to good beef
steers, $5.76(g6 00; common to fair beef
steers, f4.75i5.76; good to choice cows and
heifers, $4.7.Vy5.O0; fair to good cows and
heifers, f4. 40(8 4.76; common to fair cows
and heifers, $3.iXy4.40; good to choice stock
ers and feeders, $5.3.Vg5.h5; fair to good
stockers and feeders, $5.00(tj5.35; common to
fair stockers and feeders, $4 25a5.00; stock
heifers, f3.75-4.76; veal calves, $4.00Yg7.60;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.75416.00.
No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr.
16 I7 I 20 10 1137 t 16
19 Tl 6 U 41 1)79 6 116
IT ttl 6 34 11 lota o 90
t 777 6 60 It im I Ml
11 797 6 50 11 HJli 6 90
143 6 66 19 11.11 I 9
IT 60U 6 66 16 11M 6 90
89 698 S 40 40 123S M6
10 I'M 6 40 68 Mi 6 95
1 173 I 66 il 1211 S 96
II 101 6 70 I..... 1K 6 00
19 1863 I 70 84 1464 I 00
li 1&3 I 70 21 12H5 I SO
11 1060 6 76 1 .1007 I 00
1 1010 S 75 II 142 S 00
(1 1244 5 76 10 liil 4 OS
26 900 I To 34 1309 S 06
41 1131 t T5 It 1IK6 I 06
I 1008 6 T6 II 1276 6 06
24 1147 I 80 40 1263 I 10
101 1210 6 80 14 134 I L6
U 1123 S 86 1 lal6 I 16
IS 1170 S 66 S 1U S 15
41 1101 S 65 10 Hut 16
14 DOT 6 84 20 MaO S 16
4 907 I 26 T 1020 4 80
3 eS6 t 50 1 4 60
I 1071 I 60 4 Mi 4 )
St 46 4 10 1 1108 4 45
10 low 4 10 18 1041 4 K6
S 941 4 18 I Ion) 4 90
5 HiS 4 40 4 932 4 66
S 1046 4 60 4 U'f,3 6 00
13 lllit 4 65 11 9111 S 00
I li 4 60 6 !.10i 6 00
IT luM 4 60 14 953 6 00
II lul 4 65 I Ilfi7 6 00
4 1'l46 4 20 1 1116 6 00
13 1167 4 16 6 law 6 10
8 1160 4 75 II 1.115 15
18 1016 4 T6 4 11 6 30
I ll'l 4 70 II IS I 30
S 111! 4 76 7 UL'4 6 it
S 697 4 00 4 920 6 16
S 4M 4 30 11 9ii5 6 26
4 664 4 60 7 721 6 36
15 H 4 66 9 llo 6 16
1 441 4 64 98 711 6 46
IT 10M 4 (0 1 IN IM
SI 146 I Of- 7 W.l 6 60
S Ki till I 1170 t 60
1 80 6 u 1 8t6 S 60
S 900 6 10 1 170 t 76
1 la) 4 26 1 1)130 4 80
t 1 0 4 60 1 17uo 4 m
1 1'-) 4 60 1 17 V) 4 kO
S 1626 4 60 1 lhao 4 60
1 luno 4 66 1 1130 4 90
1 lt'O 4 66 1 14110 6 or)
S 1325 4 46 1 670 6 20
1 l'.M 4 76 1 464 t 36
S 116 6 00 S 174 T K
9 SU S 10 1 270 1 60
7 431 ( to 1 11 7 60
1 IS.) f 60 I l:;0 7 60
1 20 S T6 1 140 7 50
1 110 I 00 1 M 6n
1 220 I T6 S 23fi T 50
1 Ill) 7 00 S Ui TM
1 Iu0 7 00 3 136 7 60
tl 477 4 60 IS 649 I 15
It .'. 174 4 TO IT 630 6 36
60S I II 13 aaa I 36
11 640 20 19 6"6 I :ii
21 120 I SI S41 6 46
I TM S 10 II t- 6
T 616 S 10 26 IM
T k) IS 64 Ml I 76
HOGS Refusal of the country to en
courage a falling hog trade was evidenced
this morning by the lightest run In over
two mcnths. Not since the January S has
a supply smaller than 2.7ou head been re
ceived and only on a few occasions during
the months previous did the dally count
fall below the estimate. That the market
was active with the trend of prlcea stronger
goes without saying.
As compared with Saturday's early trade,
values averaged firm. Aa compared with
the dull, weak close on that day. It was a
nickel higher market. Generally strong
would be the moat conservative way of
describing bulk aa compared with bulk at
last week's olosa.
Shippers bought spartngtly. but ths pack
ing demand was reasonably brisk and clear
ance waa tnadi without much selling effort.
Spreads were still narrow and held the
samo relative positions respecting weight
that have featured the trade for soma time
paat. Choice bacon hogs brought beat
nicney and rough. lard grades sold at low
Long strings ranged at 86434.40, these
Quotation applfUig aspeolally to butcher
to 50.
Pest light
steady with
animals sold as
Saturday's top.
No. A. SH Tr Ho. S4. Pr
14 ?S M tS o '7 ... T4
it f. lie. M M t 40 37
i 41 tS ... S S . .) ... S 40
, l!.;. SO 35 4 7 '
jl . . 6 .1 71 InJ SO 4S 1
Ml H J? I I,1, ;. 141 ... 4 40
M 2,-, ... (If, M t"S ... 40
64 :4 ... 4 3S 71 7 . . S 44
61 5 ... 4 Si 1 aV-4 JS 40
: M7 . . 4 3D 6. M4 1 4
s 77 an ( v, 7 ri 4 an a en
6 m 1M 4 M T6 U ...
43 to ( 36 si rm ... s 40
31 . ... 4 JA tm ... S 44)
73 tw ... 6 So t 1 '7 ... 4
I 47 K..4 ... t ITw a.-, 141 ... 4 44)
7; ill ... 4i 73 ! SO 4 40
57 !l ao ( jn i J3 ... S
40 1 ... I 3;. 71 5 S Ml
i . 1.I-...I - .v lilit supply of sheep and
I Unit) Induced brisk competition among
3 5" lui et a tins morning Hntl anything suitable
12,677 I or killlnit purposes moved rcadliy at flg
19.513 .:rcs riKht arouini a dime higher than thosa
i..-1"! i In (on e at last u, ck cloa. There waa
not vrrv much tariciv to receluts. of
I course, and several phases of the trad
t-1, ,. ,! no actllHl rhsniie
In the lamb I.ihiu Ii of the market sales
tM ie iuigi'ly confined to fed western stock.
Amniils of hooiI quullty, neighing 84
pounds, brought J'1 2f. snd a still better
of ,.rlt.- r-..u I . ... I .. T. 'I'l.. FA win
! .MrxiiMlis ot ciifiscotlence n wule hut the
r viitious liluli prices paid for westerns In-
ilhate a quotation of t'"v.50 or more for
stiotiliing choice on the Mexican order.
Almost every thing arrived In the fleece.
Ho shot n slock list of values holding at
l'..ctnlile FPrcuus of "tkubec under wooled
I uifC
' lifiuand for mutton sheep was equally
'us :iotle as the dmnntl for lambs, but tho
itraile piei-ented a more or less erratic ap-
tl'iuiance because of poor assortment.
assortment. T
ge. moved at , i
r-aslly land ar - jf '
would doubt- a
.Komi i-ihers, llt pound averaj:
i ...25. mill choice ewes would eas
tn I'riim Mexican wethers
less sell at f..35 or better, leaning mar
ket vtus iiuli t and if very small volume.
S'liotailoiiH on sheen and lambs: Good to
choice lambs, (i i.nti.tli; fair to good lambs.
' "t'o J.; huiuly weight yearlings, t5.357t
5 75; heavy cal lings. $5 (ivjiS 35; good to
choice wethers, $;i.tiTB.3."; fair to good
wethers, $4 K5 (t5.iXI, good to choice ewes,
f4 ,75'i5 10; fair to good ewes, f4.40$j4.7i.
Sheep, l ulls to feeders, $3.00514.25.
Representative sales:
Av. Pr.
ewes 8ii 4 23
IIIPJ, CllllS 68 S-00
latijbs 84 6 25
Ititnhs, culls 61 6 50
lainlw SI 6 35
eHt lings 86 6 00
wethers 134 6 26
Inmlis 93 S 20
ewes 118 4 66
1H3 S 00
lambs 83 00
lambs 85 6 80
lambs 97 6 20
lambs 78 6 00
ylgs. Weathers, culls.. 96 6 6n
ewes 99 4 76
lambs 74 6 76
ewes 107 4 75
l!'l western
I 25 western
,4til western
, In western
!47H western
i27 west i rn
I lit) western
213 western
'2)2 western
I 3 hocks ..
1 120 western
I 118 western
i 4H7 western
398 western
j 118 western
, 101 western
Miss Emma Goldman
Talks on Tolstoi,
Artist and Rebel
Says that His Eminence as an Artist
Made Possible His Achievements
as Philosopher.
Miss Emma Goldman, the anarchist
lender, spoke at the Lyric theater Sunday
afternoon to a large and peculiarly repre
sentative audience on "TlsIol, the Artist
ani the Retiel." The audience was repre
sentative In that It Included not only the
anarchistic sympathizers, the socialists.
Interested In the rebel, but also Included
people Interested in tha "artist" and mem
bers of the society world'curlous to hear
the views of the anarchist.
In her talk Miss Goldman gave a graphlo
outline, first of the eminence of Tolstoi
as an artist, and then showed how his
prowess bs an artist made possible his
wonderful achievements as a philosopher,
the great preacher of anarchy. Tolstoi
she named the "Kins; Lear of the twentieth
century," and called his death In the rail
road station the dramatic answer to his
own criticism of the psychology Bhakes
peare In picturing the king who left his
kingdom and wandered In the wilderness
In search of peace.
It was In her consideration of Tolstoi
the rebel that Miss Goldman voiced her
denunciation of the Injustices of the pres.
ent social conditions, showing how Tolstoi
pictured In his book's, rebelled against, and
sought to remedy the unequal struggle be
tween those who have and those who have
not. "You cannot bring about an under
standing between the rich man and the
poor man because they cannot meet on
common ground."
"Again," sho raid, "It Is not charity or
kindness that the poor demands, but his
rights. So long as you create things at the
expense of human life you never have
anVhlng but despair."
In the evening Miss Goldman spoke on
"The Eternal Spirit of Revolution" and
Monday evening she speaks on "The Vlo
tints ot Morality."
Sheehan Will Again
Be Candidate at the
Democratic Caucus
Murphy's Right Hand Man is Now
Expecting Plum to Drop Into
His Lap.
( NEW YORK. March 27 William F.
Sheehan will go before the democratic
caucus to bo called Monday night at
Albany as a candidate for renomlnatlon
for I'nlted Slates senator. Bo much he
affirmed tonight In an open letter to the
democratic members of tho legislature and
In prlvato conversation he told his friends
that he expected another majority en
dorsement. But he Is not the only expectant person.
Daniel Cohalan, right-hand man to Charles
F. Murphy In the councils of Tammany
Hall, would not be surprised If a nomina
tion fell Into his lap.
"My position on the senatorslilp." said
Mr. Sheehan, "has never been a matter
of doubt. 1 reiterate that, under no cir
cumstances, will 1 decline the nomination
given me by unanimous vote of the demo
cratic caucus, nor will I acquiesce In any
suggestion that my name shall not be
presented to any
future democratic cau-
Ion a tens states.
MASON CITY The North Iowa Dairy
association Is planning a thorough and
h steiuatic cumpulain In this section of the
ELDORA Contracts running five years
and worth In tho aggregate about fl5,tM)
were awarded by the county Board of Edu
cation for school textbooks.
OS K A LOOS A Cluzed by typhoid fever
and worried because of the condition of
two of his children, who are also sick of
typhoid Fred Jenkins, aged i years, at
tempted suicide by drinking carbolic acid.
IOWA CITY The annual "nip, Hip,
Hooray" trip of Hie senior law class of
the I nlversity uf Iowa vas made Satur
day, the entire membership of the clans
going to Davenport, la., for an all-day
MASON CITY The funeral of the lata
John H. Stanbery aaa held at $ o'clock
fioui the Methodist church. Home time
prior to his death lie wrote out In detail
the servli es he wished lo be held and
his wishes were carried out in every par
ticular. IOWA CITY With tli taking of the ra-r.uu-cd
examination toiluy, Lieutenant M.
0. Mum ma,. Sixth cavalry, United States
army, the commandant of cadets at the
l iilvei-Kliy of Iowa, attained his ranking
as cuptalu. He Is considered among tho
first tank of national revolver expert.
MASON CITY John Houlahan, who met
death In tha burning of tha Mlildleton
Manufacturing company at Milwaukee,
was a brother of MrS M. J. Poull of this
city and a cousin of Miss Julia Clare. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Poull and Miss Clare left
for Milwaukee and will be present at ttxe