Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1911, Image 1

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he Omaha Daily Bee
for Nebraska Kain: colder.
For Iowa Haln; coldor.
trit, fc water, ft ! m mmit
lewre thn Iwt of entertain-
(, inatrwot loa, iiMBBt.
OMAHA, MONDAY MOHN1XQ, M Alia I 27, 1011 TEX PA(U;s.
Cold Wave Strikes
Nebraska, with High
So Say All of Us
Two Hundred Thousand Persons File
from Improvised Morgue Contain
ing Fire-Charred Bodies.
Winds and Snowfall
Dispatches from Towns Out in State
Tell of Blizzard, with Damage
to Property.
Francisco de la Barra Selected as
Minister of Foreign Relations of
Mexican Administration.
Minister of Finance Will Still Retain
His Present Place.
American Ambassador Will Start from
Washington Today.
Friends Anticipate Action of Chief
Executive of Republic.
seaor 4r In Ram Mara Majority of
Inntrrrrtmi Will Be atlefled with
ntlormi to Re Initiated hr
w Cabinet.
irxw casistzt xzkbebs.
Mlnlater of Finance Jose Yves Llmin
tour. Mlnlater of Foreign Relations Fran
eiaco de la Barra.
Mlnlater of Justice Demetrlo Sodl.
Minister of Communications Norbeto
Doming ux.
Minister of Fomento Manuel Maro
guln. Minister of Education Jorde Vera
MEXICO CITY. Msrch Francisco de
lj. Barra, Mexican ambassador to the
United State, was yesterday named minis
ter of foreign relation of the Mexican
cabinet by President Dial Kenor de la
Harra ha telegraphed his acceptance from
Although nn official announcement has
been made, It 1 known that five of the
new member of President Diaz cabinet
have been selected and It la almost certain
Kenor Jose Yves Llmantour will remain as
minister of finance. .
Other'srll &ona beside thenar do la Uarra
at minister of foreign relation are: i
Demetrlo Sodl. judge of the supreme'
court, minister of Justice, succeeding Jus
tlno Fernande.
Nirbeto Domlnguez. poatmnater general,
department of communications, succeeding
Leander Fernande.
Manuel Maroquln, well known civil en
gineer, department of fomento (promotion
of colon IxuttoTt and Industry), succeeding
Olcgarln Molina.
Jorde Vera Estanol. an attorney, mlnla
ter of education, succeeding Justo Sierra.
Ho far aa political announcement la con
cerned. Mexico City Is as Ignorant tonight
a.' It was yesterday. Until tonight officials
at the Ktate department expected to be able
to give out the names of the men ap
pointed, but at 7:.10 tonight it was said the
administration would make no announce
ment before next week.
It Is barely possible changes may then
be made In the list of those now selected.
For the departments of War and Interior
no hint has been given as to their In
cumbents. Heyes Returns to Army.
General Ilernsrdo Reyes, now In Italy,
ho by many was believed to he slated for
the post of secretary of War and Marine
Is returning to Mexico, but not to serve
! iLk'aullv he um'l- ACr0rd,n"!M iKod.'i'lM ?on.cYf
l a nlgn auinoru.t ne win return to serve; Maine. New Hampshire, Delaware, West
In the army.
With the exception of .ieneral Diaz hi,,,-
self there Is no msn In Mexico whom the
Mexican people credit with greater mill- '
tary genius than C.eneral Reyes, and It Is
believed the mere knowledge of the ract
that he is to he sent Into the field would
do much to break the spirit of the revolu
tion. ith the changes in the cabinet, reforms
will be enacted, It i currently reported,
which will Include changes in the electoral
System, effective suifraee In the election
cf state go ei nnients and a reformation of
the poaers of the jefes politico. It is said
a full program of these reforms will be
given In the president s message next Sat
urday at the oprnlng of congress.
That the a'lmliil-fiiticin's policy of re
form now has an fxc rllfnl chance of being
(Continued on Second Tags )
Forecast for Monday :
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fooler In east
Missouri- 1 n-i 1 1 . ,1
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nd colder.
Tr in ncrnt lire nt Omiilin
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Cold wars warning wa lasued by the
Omaha office of the weather bureau at 8:30
o'clock last night.
Indication pointed to a fall of from six
teen to twenty degrees. At 9 o'clock the
temperature had follen to 3 degrees.
Snow began to fall at o'clock. The
now came down In fine feathery flake
driven before the north wind which bore
In the storm.
Rain, turning Into Know, and high winds
were reported from all over Nebraska.
Dispatches from Hecla said a severe
billiard raged there from early yesterday
morning until S o'clock In the afternoon
The roof of I. H. Brown's lumber yard
In Hecla waa blown off. and verlous acol'
denta were reported throughout the seo
tlnn. The atorm waa preceded by a heavy
rain, which turned Into snow.
Lincoln reported high wlnda and snow
late last night, with falling temperature.
Seeking Balm for
Her Wounded Heart
Miss Deutsch, Actress, Sues Dady,
Millionaire, Charging Breachof
NEW YORK. March K.-tPpeclsl Tele- j tended beyond Twenty-third street, four
gram. )-Harold Dady. son of Michael Dady, block away, and tens of thousands. Im
contractor and Brooklvn political leader, iP'lled by morbid curiosity, were turned
la named as defendant In a suit for IIOO.OOO ia'ay "y the police.
for breach of promise of marriage, filed Nearly a hundred coffins lay In a long
in the sum-eme court today by Miss Rose irow "Pon the pier, awaiting removal or
Deutsch. an actress.
Snores of love letters. In which the young
millionaire referred to Miss Deutsch as
"Sweet Hose," "My Fairest Rose" and
other endearing names, figure In the case.
Miss Deutsch met Dady In Havana. Cuba,
when Bhe was playing In vaudeville there
in the summer of 1D08. Dady was super-
I Intending some dredging operations In
Havana harbor for his father at the time.
According to Miss Deutsch, Bhe wss only
17 years old then and Dady showered her
with his attentions. He sent her flower
and candy and within two weeks after
their meeting proposed marriage to her
six times.
"I told him each time." said the young
actress, "to wait until we returned to New
On December 15. 190K, Mis Deutsch re
turned from Cuba and she declared It was
agreed sl.e and Dady would marry the
following year, when his work In Cuba
would be completed. Soon after her- ar
rival here Miss Deutsch said Dady began
to write the many burning missives upon
which she hopes to recover money damages
for her wounded heart.
iilW-a Ieutach declared the Qrst she knew
of her Cover s nniattlifulness was when site'
read in a New York newspaper in Decem
ber. ISO!), that be had married Mlaa Vera
Campbell, an actress. This, she said, was
just one week after the. date on which
Dady had promised to marry her. Miss
Deutsch said she telephoned to young
Dady a soon as she read the announce
ment of his marriage to Miss Campbell,
thinking some mistake had been made.
"lie admitted he was married," said Mis
Deutsch, "but he told me he was sorry
and didn't know why he had done it.
Four Arms Offlrerc Detailed t
Annual Tour of Military Kdnea.
tlunal Institutions.
WASHINGTON", March 26. Four army
officers have been detailed to make the
annual Inspection of all the military edu-
" ... i . . .i, I. i i young man found hi sweetheart, burned
The officers selected and their field of In- . ....
and blackened, and fell across the coffin
fpectlon are: 1 I a f I '
Captain Harry X. Cotes, Thirteenth cav-; 111 "'
airy. Institution in Wisconsin. .Vtirtn Da- j M'omen Nob nnd Kalnt.
r.. saKr' Af.."nt::!th8bbin1wom -
Mississippi and Alabama. tnat an Improvised hospital ward was
Cuutatn Benjamin T. Simmons, general i fitted uu on the nler. munneri hv nnr.A.
Vlmtnla. Maryland,
t loriua.
I N,".r'h, Y'rol,,"5 SrS "W ..nh""
LUiain Howard i. i.aunacn, geueiai
staff. Institutions In barneevllle. Ha ,
I,OUIKlana. I exas. ,tpw mexirti, Arixona.
'.'alltoi ma. .Nevada. Oreaon. Washington,
lt,Uho, Montana. I'tah and Wyoming.
Captain tieorge H. Jamerson, general
staff. Institutions In Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana. Illinois. Kentucky,
Tennessee and Oc.orgla. except Barnes-
vllle. Oa.
Deatk Comes Suddenly
Prlrkett and Mrs.
to Kmltk
SrOCX FAI.T.B. 8. P.. March W (Spe
cial. t-Death came suddenly to two pio
neer residents of South Dakota. One of
them was Smith A. Prlckett, who for some
years had resided on a farm in Charles
... ... ......... u - v -
sudden death, when he complained of not
feeling well. The next morning he seemed
to feel somewhat better and started for '
ihls barn to cio ins customary t nores, out
his customary chores, but 1
'fell to the ground dead before he reached I
the barn. He was born April I. 1X57. at
New motion, ta. ite is surwveu ny a
widow ;ma two sona anci a usugmer. ne
I sidy was shipped to Gravity. la., for
The other pioneer to whom death came
udlen!v wss Mrs. Charles Hawker, living
near Goodwin. Deuel county. She was
suddenly taken violently 111 and soon lapsed
Into unconsciousness, dying a short time
later. A hemorrhage of this brain was
the c ause. She was 79 years of age, and Is
survived by her husband, who Is over
years old.
?2 Mai
ho Kills Gambler with Blow of
His Klst Is exonerated by
t oroner.
P1KKRK. S. v. March -i8pecial Tele
gram i A coroner's jury at Dupree exon-
jeraled Abe Implant from blame In the kill
ing of an unidentified gambler at that
place, with a Mow of his fist. It was al
leged that the slriuier struck laiplant in
the back of I he head after he had agreed
to call the c,uarrel ended and Implant had
started to leave the scene. It was said
In resenting that blow. Implant struck the
Mow nimatlf which caused the death of
hi antagonist.
Single Grave Will Be Last Resting
Place of Many.
Ring Points Out Dead Girl to Sweet
Improvised Hospital Ward Fitted t"p
Pie- to Care for Hysterical
Women Hospital Doora
Are fttormed.
NEW YORK. March. -What will go
down In history as the fire dlaaater of
Washington square entered upon Its after
math tonight with eighty-two of nearly ISO
vlctlma Identified. The official death Hat
has been leaaened rather than Increased.
A revised count shows 141 dead tonight.
with twelve women and girls at death's
oor in the hospitals. One hundred and
fifty, all told, will perhaps conservatively
cover the casualties.
Two hundred thousand persona, the po
lice estimate, Med in a serpentine line to
the pier from the opening of the Impro
vised morgue at 1 o'clock this morning
until late tonight. At times the line ex-
Identification of the charred bodies they
contained. oFrty human forms, so burned,
blackened and distorted that, they cannot
be recognized, lay covered bt white csn
vo In plain pine coffins apart from those
leas horribly mangled. Cnless they are
Identified by the trinkets and Jewelry
found on their blackened limbs, they will
fill a grave of unknown dead.
A signet ring, found clinging to a shred
of flesh on a little girl's finger, made
Identification possible where all other
mean would have failed. A man who had
stood in line six hours wandered aimlessly
among the bodies, seeking his missing
daughters until with a groan he Identified
a heap of charred clothing as their gar-
mtnts. -He collapsed and sought to kill
himself .but the police prevented him, and
he continued the search for hi wife ,also
Girl Finds Sweetheart.
A pale girl bent over a misshapen mass
long and dnubtlngly. Then, with a final
effort, she grasped a hand which protruded
from beneath the canvas, and, with a
shriek, collapsed. The blackened mass,
she sobbed, had been her sweetheart, to
whom ahe had become engaged the night
before the disaster . A ring on his finger
told her of his Identity. Bho asked if the
dead man had had a watch. They brought
It to her; she opened It and gazed at her
own features.
Twenty Sicilian women became hysteri
cal upon recognising their kin in the pine
coffin. A man whose face was marked
by a sear of flame found his brother among
the dead. The two had worked aide by
side pouring water upon the fire. A cutter
identified his dead sweetheart by their
engagement ring and her purse. It con
tained her week's wages, $3. The bodies of
jtwo sisters, horribly mangled, sat propped
j up In their coffin, while a sobbing brother
j left them to search for his aged mother
! wno also na(I Perished. The fire had left
him without a relative.
I Picked up by a fireman on the eighth
I floor, a blackened hand still clenched a
pitiful purse In It grip. They pried the
j, finders away and released the bag. It
'. contained a small sum of money, keys and
i a rec eipt made out to A. S. Clmmella. A hospital. Hysteria ran riot
i and nurses were busy tending those who
All Huv th.r. nimklul a . . A . - i
J ......... cU ir.uj bwcbui
of dead wagons along the approach to the
pier, taking away those that had been
claimed. The air went stale with an odor
of burnt flesh and for a time the pier
waa cleared. During the brief recess
heavy-eyed attendants rearranged the
baskets of personal effects belonging to
the victims. There waa more than (4.500
In cash In the pocket and purses of the
dead. One -woman had eSOO In her stocking.
Hospital door were stormed by hundred
during the day and night. A cutter, whose
sister worked a few feet away from him
In the doomed factory. Inquired for her
every half hour at 8t. Vincent hospital.
She died between hi visits, and he be
came so violent that the police had to
restrain him. He and she had planned to
! welcome
their aged parents from Russia
one uii me sec nuw.
A woman and a girl, who lay dying
side by side, whispered to sympathetic
nurses their stories of the disaster, rush-
, I
ther words In a rapid stream as I
though fearful that death would check
the recital. The girl died murmuring her
K,Uesonie tale; the woman lingered.
i riiriuUM .nH Keened th
nurse to release
"Why m 1 here? What have I done?"
she moaned a ah sank back into a
troubled sleep, which the surgeon said
wuuld be her last.
I r.,re
it Nor Ik Platte
Ikrratraa Many
for a
I line
NORTH PLATTE. Xeb.. March 3fi.-(Spe-clal
Telegram i Fire broke out at 8 o'clock
last evening In the Commercial hotel. A
high wind was raging and for a time it
was questionable whether even surrounding
buildings could be saved. The fire depart
ment fought the fire with a number of
streams of water with strong pressure and
In forty-five minutes had the fire out. but
the building, which was a frame structure,
was entirely ruined, although the walls
were mostly left standing I'at toddy was
the owner. Hi loss Is fairly covered by
insurance. Mr. Stone conducted the hotel.
It will be Impossible to repair the building,
whtt'h was erected many years agu and haa
bon ui fur several urns before.
' ssjX"- ! ',:,''.1
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Underwood Says Arguments Are Dis
counted in Advance.
No Action Taken by Republican
Minority Concerning Committees
Places to Be Filled or
Ranktnaj Members.
WASHINGTON, March 16. Members tf
the way and mean committee of the
house of representative are not much
exercised by the announcement that west
ern wool growing Interest are preparing to
march upon Washington In force when the
tariff question la considered.
"While I have no authority to say that
wool grower will not be given a hearing,"
aid Chairman Underwood, "lt I my opin
ion that they might Just as well make an
assault npnn OlbrsHs wpon the bouse. '
We know now all tiWitrgumentn that will
be advanced against the revision of sched
ule "K," but there Is no question about
what the house will do. We will make oor
revision and aend It to. the senate and
whether it goe any further remain to be
The comment made by Mr. Underwood
reflect the attitude of the entire majority
of the way and mean committee and the
leaders of the new democratic house.
Acting as a committee on committee the
member of the way and mean committee
have practically completed their labors.
There has been a great deal of specula
tion about the chairmanship and the gen
eral Impression is that in general the
seniority rule has been followed, but as
the lists prepared are all subject to change
at the democratic caucus to be held next
Saturday, there will be no official an
nouncement made of the proposed organi
zation In advance of that time. Possibly
it will be the Judgment of the caucus that
all of the committee should not lie or
ganised immediately and this fact is an
additional reason why the way and mean
committee Is trying to keep secret the re
sult of it labors. .
No action has been taken by the repub
lican minority concerning committees. The
republican will have one-third of the mem
bership of each committee and It Is prob
able that moat of the Important places will
be filled by men who are now the ranking
member. It Is likely that a place on ap
propriations will be given to Mr. Cannon,
who waa chairman of that committee prior
to hi elevation to the speakership.
When democratic leader heard that there
was a movement on the part of standpat
republican to make Mr. Cannon the minor
ity leader of the house It was assumed
that he would be given the room In the
basement formerly occupied by Champ
Clark, who Is to be speaker.
"Champ, I don't want that room of
yours." said Uncle Joe, when he heard of
this plan. "Why, It is right up against the
Ice box and I'd have rheumatics In all my
Joints In less than a week."
The room In question adjoins the refrig
etatlng plant at the capitol and Is damp at
tiling. Arrangements then were made bv
room for Mr.
Cannon on the main floor convenient to
the chamber. This action was Intended as
a courtesv to the man who has been In
control of the house reins for so long, and
the action would have been taken whether
Mr. Cannon was elected minority leader or
not. Immediately, however, the anti-Cannon
republicans were aroused, and now it
looks as. if the minority leadership will be
disposed of only after a fight.
Mr. Cannon has told a munber of his
j friends that he does not want the leader
ship of the minority. "I've had my fling."
i he said. Unless urged by standpatters It
I Is not believed he will he a candidate. In
j the event he should not be elected It Is
likely that the contest will be between
j Mann of Illinois and Weeks of Massachu-
setis. Doth would he sure or large follow
intss should they become ac tive candidates.
Few senators have been in the city -dur-
1 ii gthe last week. Some time ago It was i
announced that no effort would be maile to
take up the question of filling varan. -lea on
committees until after the convening of
congreaa In extra session on April 4. All
of the talk that has been heard has been
of 4 entirely Informal natuie. but It Indi
ni ' thai there will be a genuine attempt
of , Kulurs and progressive republicans to
"get together " The promotions to vacant
chairmanships under the seniority rule will
give the progressives a good show, and it
la likely slso that places will he given to
this faction on some of the most Important
committees, sut h aa finance, appropriations
and Judiciary.
- K 'I ';t riJ!!H.-l
Blackhand Letter
is Sent to Judge
v Landis of Chicago
Receives a Letter Threatening His Life
if He Does Not Release from
Custody Gianni Alongi.
CHICAGO, March 2fi (Special Telegram.)
"Judge Landis, federal building. Chicago:
You discharge John Alongi. or we will
kill you as we did to others.
Judge Kenesaw M. Landis of the United
Statea district court, trtday received thiB j
letter threatening his life because he re
fused to discharge Gianni Alongi, charged
vlth writing similar letter to Cartnina
Marsala, K34 Gault Court.
In regard to the letter. Judge Landis said
today :
"I did get an alleged black hand letter.
Lots of -!lte people, too cowardly to sign
their names, write uch letters telling pub
lic offloers how to do their work. Don't
worry about It. These things don't bother
While Judge Landis does not entertain
any fear for his personal safety, govern
ment secret service agents have been work
ing day and night In an effort to find the
The Jury which tried Alongi was out for
twenty-three hours and finally reported to
Judge Landis that It could not agree.
The case will be called up again and will
be vigorously prosecuted.
Bryan Discusses
Liquor Question
Three Thousand People Listen to the
x Arg-uments of Saloons and Their
Part on Lincoln Politics.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LIN'CILN, Neb., March 26. (Special Tel
egram.) With the added attractions of a
brass band and a poem by "Doc" Blxby
3,000 men and women crowded the Audi
torium to hear William Jennings Bryan
discuss the llifuor question as It applies to
Lincoln city politics.
Mr. Bryan expounded the evils of Intem
perance, statistically and descriptively, und
declared that Lincoln was as good a busi
ness town without saloons as with tnem.
Ho denounced the brewers for what, he
said, was an attempt to hide behind the
German people as a class. He credited
the brewers with the scheme to take the I
capital away from Lincoln and with the
bill which was passed by the legislature
to prevent students In the city from voting.
He declared that. If for no other reason,
Lincoln men ought to keep the saloons
out for the sake of the students. He ad
vocated a system of locker distribution If
liquor must be dispensed. Nowhere In his
speech did he touch upon the peculiar In
fluence which the liquor question has had
in Ills own affairs as a Nebraska demo
crat anil the Grand Island convention was
not mentioned. Senator Selllck presided.
Germany in Fear
of Over Education
Universities and Colleges Turning Out
Graduates Paster than Places Can
Be Found for Them.
BERLIN. M irt h 2ev cSpee lal Cablegram.)
Confronted with facts and figures allow-
lug that the universities of th emplic are j
turning out young lawyers, doctors and
other professional me n at a rate far ex- j
ceeding the growth of the population, cer- '
tain German educators are agitating the
question of limiting the university at
tendance The reports of the higher edu
cational Institutions for the winter terms
Just concluded, show that the number of
graduateei increased last year S per cent,
which is nearly four times the rate at
which the population Is g'owir.g
This does not make allowance for the
still greater number of graduates of the
higher technological schools. The contin
uation of the process, it Is pointed out. will
result In giving Germany a university
trained population far In excess of Its
needs. A lai ge' proportion of the grad
uates are unable to obtain employment.
The peril of over-education Is particularly
obnoxious to the conservative press which
suggests that the presence of a "learned
proletariat" Is a danger to society.
Joint Annual Meeting in Honor of
Departed Brothers.
II. n. Plebarty, C. W. Brltt nnd Habbl
Frederick Cohn the Principal
peakera Rika Attend the
Members of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles of Omaha, South Omaha, Benson
and Florence held their annual memorial
services yesterday morning at the Bran-
dels theater, which waa filled with mem-
ber of the order and their friends. Mayor
Dahlman arid family occupying one of the
south boxes and the lower boxes nn the
north being occupied by member of the
local order of Elk.
After Prof. H. J. Bock's orchestra had
played "Ase'a Death" and Miss Ula M.
Peterson had- sting :'Thera Is .a Land."
Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel
pronounced the Invocation, in which, he
spoke of the good effect of fraternal or
ganizations on aoclety In general and of
the good which the Inculcation of the prin
ciple of the order did.
'Fraternallsm consists chiefly of follow
ing the principle of doing good to people
while they are living Instead of waiting
until they are dead and then strewing
flowers on their graves," eald C. W. Brltt,
who, a chairman of the memorial com
mittee, had most to do in the arrange
ment of the exercises. He spoke of the
theory of the organization whose prime
aim was In promoting the brotherhood of
H. B. Fleharty compared the organiza
tion of the Eagles to a mighty ocean, his
picture being that of a little rivulet
which, he said, was the Individual. It
rises In the mountains, flows over rocks,
Is soon Joined by other little rivulets .and
finally by other combination of little
streams until It forms a mighty ocean. He
spoke of the principle of the order, whic h
are "Liberty. Truth. Justice and Kquality."
William Kennedy, president of the local
order of thel Eagles, presided at the meet
ing. The other musical numbers consisted of
a duet by the Misses Chandler, a vocal
selection, "No Night There." by Mrs.
Charles Martin, and a song. "He Glveth
His Beloved Sleep." by J. Guthrie Gunn.
Committee In Charae.
C. W. Britt was chairman of the me
morial committee and other member were:
Omaha Aerie No. SK Harry Asher. C. M.
Bac hman, Dr. B. H. Chedeck, Tony Cos
tanzo, Ed Sweeney.
South Omaha Aerie No. 154 H. Rotholtz,
F. K. Jones, C. Christiansen.
Benson Aerie No. ia3 rhlllp Saxman.
Christ MortenHcn, Itobert Barr.
I rontaneue Aerie no. 154:: M. B. Thoinn-
; son, E. L. Plate, John Lubold.
1. 1st of the Dead.
The list of the dead brothers In honor
of whose memories the services were held
consists of:
rtnoaiii swnuiusicr r reel i.uiuiien
J. W. Arnold.
William Manning
.Morris Moore
Harry F. Martin
Louis Mlchal
J A. Murphy
Carl Myers
Harry C. Mill
T. B. Murphv
Frank E. Me sires
W illiam McGeers
P.Mattle McVicker
P. A. McKenna
George Nelson
G. T. N'ichelson
I'ennls ii .Wjl
l-alliuel I llw en
hamuel ii mound
Axel i'lers'in
Arthur petersun
Joseph I'ezdlitz
A. M. Potter
Charles J Price
Thomas cjiilnlan
J. C (julnn
G 11 . Richards
C. c. Hot brock
William Kussell
Peter House
William Aspelmen
li. 1'. Baldwin
Charles Bennett
Harry Brant
C. A. Bonnevler
I llnardmun
I Seth T. Cole. P. W
i John federal
1 avld Calhoun
! Frank foulter
j Nat f . c 'oulter
! Bert Campbell
: James f utliiil
III. H. Davis
William 11. Decline
J S. S. 1 i eshcr, sr.
. S. S. 1 irummy
, N. Knrighl
j W. S. Kversale
I J . N. Emernic er
; J H. Foley
Ji'lin I- rev
Patrick Ford, sr.
Sol Frank
U . N. Faulkner
lames C. Frederick
. F. Garret v
V alter Goff
Adolf Kruzb
A. 11. MeiiiiuifM
Frank Hamburg
Jchn W. Hiach,
'loll' Hanson
John Irwin
.lames Johnson
Theeslore Jethnson
fail Jenks
Grant Keith
Win J. Kroilzsch
II 11 Kllngensmith
Thomas Kirklarid
J. p. Kelly
C. H Ijlurer
Kind Lund
I, A. Smith
0. L. Hparllng
II. W. i-nycler
James Sebron
1. Kaufman
Joseph M. .Hmlth
F. H. Seymour
Lee N. Trultt
H A. l nderhill
II. B. Vancanip
E. J. Vanhlll
I. T. Walters
Hoe Williams
H H. Ward
John II. Ward
Herman He-iishause
Frank Dillon
J I.. Constantine
Hobert f. Se-hallc-r
Chris Markeson
ft. Joseph I. uses Hard Game.
SI. JOSEPH. March Vt -In a hard f-njght
game tdav the Hi. Paul tesm of the
An ericsn association defeateti the kit.
Joseph club by a score of 4 to a.
Slaying of Merchant Still
plained Men Run Down
Hounds Give Alibi.
Weapon Dropped in Flight May Lead
to Capture.
Pursuit Ends at La Platte, Twenty
Two Miles Away.
Declare They Were on Train When
Killing Occurred.
n at I'nlnn station ny He Sold
Them Trnneportatlon Antopsy
on Victim Kobbery the
Two men. captured by bloodhounds, are
held for Investigation In connection with
the murder of Herman U. Cohn, who waa
shot and killed near his home early fun
day morning.
John Ihey, farmer, and Henry Mlgnery,
stationary engineer, of Julian, Neb., accord
ing to their statements, are the men held.
in statements made to the police these
men derlare that they took a southbound
Missouri Pacific train out of the city at
midnight, an hour before the killing. E. E.
Smith, ticket agent at the Union station,
corroborated this stattment when he
Identified the men as those to whom he had
sold two tickets to Fort. Crook at 9:30
o'clock Saturday night.
The only tangible clue in connection with
the case is the revolver which the slayer
of Mr. Cohn dropped In his flight. Further
wcrk by the detectives will be in relation
to the weapon of death.
The police are fr from convinced that
the men held have any connection with
the case.
Ihey and Mlgnery will be held two
dsys for the Investigation of their state
ments made to the police, which, If proven
true, will establish an alibi.
The chase with the hounds began at S
o'clock In the morning, two hours after
the murder, and continued for more than
tight hours, ending at La Platte. Neb.,
twenty-two mile from the seen of the
murder. ' ' . , , ...
Rlondhonnd on the Trail.
.. -t, ,
The bloodhounds, placed on the trail
two hours after the crime wa committed,
followed a perfectly logical course from
the scene of the killing to a shack a
quarter of a mile south of La Platte,
Nfb., where the two men now under ar
rest were found.
Arrested and brought to the Omaha pbllce
station, the men were examined by Loyal
Cohn. son of the murdered man. He de
clared they had the general appearance
of the men who shot and killed his father.
The men gave their names as John
Lahey, farmer, and Henry Mlgnery, laborer,
and both said they lived In Julian, Nemaha
county, Nebraska.
They were cuddled closely together on a
bench In the shac k to which the dogs led
the posse of police. Pocket knives were
the only weapons found upon them when
searched. The man who did the fatal
shooting of Mr. Cohn threw his weapon
away as he began his attempted escape.
Prisoners Are lletlrent.
Lahey and Mlgnery would give no infor
mation about themselves except to say
that they were not In Omaha last night
at the time they were told the murder oc
curred, at 1 o'clock.
"We caught the 11:5!) Missouri Pacific
train out of Omaha Saturday night en
route to Fort Crook," Lahey told a re-
pcrter for The Bee.
"Pope" and "Lady," the bloodhounds
owned by Dr. J. S. Fulton of Beatrice,
Neb., which won first prizes at the bench
show, cave a remarkable exhibition In
following the trail.
The dogs hud been caged for expressage
to Beatrice when the murder of Mr. Colin
was committed. Police Captain Dempsey
Immediately ordered them Into service.
The two hours following the crime were
spent In locating the ounger Fulton and
Elmer Noffslnger, their trainer. Shortly
before the dogs arrived at the scene It
began to sprinkle and muny persons swatt
ing their arrival to sete them start on the
trail went home, dellevlng the water would
wash out the scent left by tlm murderer.
Hutu Docs Not I nli-rfere.
When Elmer Noffslnger arrived, however,
he expressed himself as pleased over the
fact, us a little water, lie bald, would
freshen the scent.
Dctee live Joe Hell guarded the diivewuv
leading past the house of Frank Hamil
ton where. Loyal Colin, son of the dead
man. who was with hla father when he
I was killed, said the men had Jumped from
j No person being allowed In the driveway
I to confuse the dogs In taking up the
'trail, the bloodhounds had an easy time
In getting a start.
Taken Into the driveway the dogs be
icame unusually excited. They sniffed
about the spot where the murderers Inol
lain and followed Hie drive up to t ho
llumllton Kaiae. whe re llloy waiKcd
j anxiously about for more than a minute.
Then returning down the drive the y hex. in
I I he trail diagonally aero Thli l hi i on I
(street toward the north, the dlri'itlon in
1 whli h Loal Colin bad teiM the. poll, e the
: men had gone. The dogs passed dire tly
! by the spot where the revolver had been
(thrown ami into a lawn ae-roas the street.
.Young Colin had told the police that the
escaping men bad K"H between the
houses, disappearing In the dark. '1 lie
bloodhounds went puit way back between
i the houses and turned out again to tlie
! sidewalk. W ith noses c lose to tl waik
'they piille-ei and tugged uixin Noffslnger
I and exc ite dly returned to the conn r, start
1 in: eaH eui the north able of Docile; slicel.
Hamuli loe llapldl).
i In the drizzling lain ami growiug i burli
ness the niemuiiounus ailllot-l lll.-iappeal ca
freun the sight of the posse following.
Sergeant Maelaeii und Lett' tlvv ilell, Sal-