Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 5

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Sif?f?r in the Charter Bill Affect
Yiadact Cost.
f United PrbvteTiBn church, is North i
roe-ny-third stiwst. morning and vetilng.
Bia City l.eaaae.
culklns- cubs
nrrs halt eztsxse tjtos cm
I Ifr irtwrorv (.tee ta Llweela sad
MM Warm will Drl.
He. Wla Dlerlata Klr4
Haw It Waa 1 1 tar.. U
Name. 1st M. VI Toil.
TSumm 1:7 l. l! i7
I'uikins ."7 1 1 .'4
Pr an 14 it U7 ti.l
Tra.'v :;,7 r J
.lirnl li il ill
Totaia 71" Sal t
Annual Literary Treat Enjoyed at the
Hiffh School Friday.
'nini feeling was aroused in f"uih '
''nish 'rtMiy w Netl it Was 'nnte)l j
that th hsrer bill, aa It paused tha sen-
roatained a "sleeper." tmpoaing upon
m taxpayer half tha coat of wwtlm
' "ft y Anoraey Henrv C. Murphy and Aa
awarw Attorney Winter immediately went
in Lincoln and had an Interview wfth
Fmator Tuinor, wtia dlsrtaimed all re
epnn nihility and positively stated that no
li h proviaton waa la the bill when It
went to ha engrossed. Tha city attorney
draped an amendment to In bill to ba
piaretl before the hmise eliminating tha ah
. eriifmabla action
"Tiiu can aay absolutely." staled Mr.
Murphs lat night, "that there will be no
irh an unjust proposal as that tha tax
pa t pay bait of tha coat of erect
lag viaducts."
rr inaicAa mat in lawnion mw
(inrnilmnil waa 4j to irmi or tnne mys
terious movements, aa bo described them.
That take pisrs at the legislature
He added that tha Omaha Waler board,
had tried to get an amendment introduced
nwuiniu a two-thirde vote to tarry any
apevtal election. "This attempt." he said,
to Interfere In our affair waa defeated,
and now a bill Una been Introduced Into
lhe Douse by Representative McArdla to
give effect to the Sams Intention.''
Im ejulowaasow's ia.
It waa stared by a saloon keeper
night that tha bunding companie had com
bined together to Increase tha bonds from
fca ui tux
vrhy should this bo dona" ha asked.
Trier ta no mora risk her than In Omaha
Rmh ...
K ruae
Baatr . .
i... l
'7 '
VlkHmwi Mmtan Adtt-eaa tha
Trarken wf Itmaia at Wftlaaj
Hrl4 la T. M. C. A. Haildlac
Tritmr Aft
Tolais KS
.Jal llty li !.
Tha annual Joint rntln of ail the llt-
- ' ararr anoletlea of tha Omaha HSh school
1 tvaii held Fr'dar afternoon. The aociotiea
fhe Wen lle arhool beat tha baa ball , Ai-iA- mtn four Imrwa attidv ball
team of the Hih,and aihool by tha m . tm n each
room. Tha Lincoln. Browntnr Franda
1 to .
The women of ft. Martin elmf-h wtll
har a iimkit Mill at aJ North Twenty
th'rd airerft today
A. I,. Hunter left yeaterda afternoon
with ma mother for stanoerry. Mo. Brt.
Hunter haa apent tha winter with her aoa
and itaiiRhter-ln-law
The Epworth
di at church wii
Wlllard and German! eoetattea Joln4 In ona
program. Elmer Campbell, repreaentlnaj
tha Unc-oin aoataty. gave a aaano bole.
Ella.betb Raaney of tha Browning eodety
read an onalnai poem, "Have lomT' which
. h. . i. . i !, iiimi in wrttlna
hoid a nirnmuf aaie in ! Louie atratbucker of tha Francia Wlllard
behaif of the new cnurcti at UJ .North ' ., pk-HmI "Kentuev PhlkieoPhy.' The
Tw-nty-founn atreet today Lincoln society, which la compoead of bovs
he serond hall af the wmoit of the drill1 . , ,.,,.. . -nt-r as
team of the M.irtern Woodmen of Amerlra. - u"1 im comparaUvely a new society, was
amn No. KM, wtll be given tha evening of represented by Judson Squires. Helta
March a. In Running s hall. Latey. Lewis Poff snd Robert Loomis.
Vanlll .Java a-d SI died yesterday in !T1im fnur hnva aava a lirely debate. "Ra-
.'oiim maha horv Lai. The funeral wll be , , n.. n-t... attould
teai hipg. He cited many Inetanrea bear
ing upon this theme.
J. . W. Crabtr sp-ke on self Improve- 1
ment. j
Mr. . took tba ara of W. I Ste-
phens. who was announced to speak. Ha ;
recounted the events of the meeting held ,
In Lincoln recently, when Omaha waa de
cided upon aa the net meeting place of I
tbe atata Ta'her-' aaMor.iation.
Superintendent Tavldaon of the Omaha
schools paid a glowing tribute to Mtsa .
Louisa Adams, formerly a teacher In tha
public schools, snd Mirs Lucy A. Elcock.
Miss Adams died In Pitt afield. 111., last
nor than thera waa a year ago." "it
seems to me." he added, "that the bonding
cnwipa iue are forming themaelvea into a
traat to take advantage af those placed In
i irrummani ret where they cannot re-let. "
He mentioned that tho bnnda had been
increased from I1CI to 50 and that in addi
tion the aaloon keepers had to indemnify
he bonding companies to the extent of
Baalaeai Mea'e fltnaer.
For the purpose of Increasing interest
In the mth Omaha Commercial club. It
waa derided at a meeting of the directors
and members yesterday to have a dinner
between April and April 15. A committee
waa named to make the arrangements,
The I dp is that each member shall invite
aome one not a member of the body and
that Invttatlons shall be exf'-ided to cltr
official snd others. At the dinner oppor
tunity will be given for discussion of prop
osttinns concerning the general and com
mercial Interests of the city.
V Daagkten' law (Kflvrra.
The Klng a Daughters of the Klrst Pres
byterian chinch were entertained yeeter
day afternoon by Mrs. Perry Wheeler and
Mrs. V. L. Wheeler at the home of tile
former. ZiJt I street.
During the afternoon the foilowtng were
elected as the officers for the ensuing at
mtu.ihK. Leader, Mrs. Arthur Miller; trice
leader. Mrs. W. Barclays secretary, sitae
Anna M. Duff, treasurer. Mrs. J. W.
aakat Ball Ham a.
The "big Ova' of South Uraaha last
night defeated at basket ball the freahinea
of the Omaha High school by tha scare
of to l. The first half ended with
neither having a decided lead, but la tbe
next anod the "big five" braced up and
practically ran away with their oppoaents.
Morton and Jordan starred for tha South
Omaha boys and Houaman and Norton
for Omaha. The teams will meat agaia
next Thursday on the floor at Omaha.
" t Stun a Desat.
Rev. Newton M --tiler, reoeetly of Spirit
Lake, la., and now of Omaha, wtll give a
lecture In the First Presbyterian church
Sunday evening at 7:& ilia subject will
be "A Suuare Deal," and front this stand
point he will dlscusa certain ecoauiaio.
(juenliona and live Issima. Rev. Mr. Mettlar
was described by ex-Governor B. W. Hook
of K ansae aa a man with a voiea and a
nieaaago aao wants to bear. Ho will alas
sing a asm ka wrote and composed aims-It
Rev. Dr. Wheeler will pro side.
Bos' fteoat Loetaro.
held this morn ng from Larkin a under-
t axing rnomi to Laurel Hill oemetery.
Tbe iDter-clase basket bail championship
of the douth timana high school was de
cided bv a came Fndsv night in which
the junior ciass team defeated the seniors,
by 1 to 17.
t uniMin csat:e No. 63. rtoval Highlanders,
will give a musical entertainment to its
members and friends Monday eveninut In
the hail. 241 s street. All are cordially
invited to attend.
The gtrls from tlie Bla r Hich school
will meet those of the 8"Utii Omaha inetl
tution thfa afternoon in a banket bad
same at the Toung Man s Christian asso
ciation gymnasium.
The following ttirths sre reported: J.
I ISHu. ttt F street, girl; Joseph F'.ala. o
I Twenty-third street, boy: A. F. Hooson.
last L) street, girl: Lew Raamuasen.
MSulwin street, girl.
I The members of the South Omaha aerie
I IM. Fraternal Order of Eaglea. are ex
pel ted to meet Humla morning at i
it clock at the Faain hull for tha purpose
of attending the memorial service in the
Brandeis theater, Oman.
Wossaa Keeps lts Mara Eleetltta to
tiet a srtaa Hat for
Mayor Da hi man haa been stung He ad
mits it. Tha amount of tho sting Is a ISO
bonnet and tho lucky person la Mra F. W.
Bart os, wife of Senator Bartos of Saline
county. Tn company with her husband.
Mrs. bartos called on tho mayor Saturday
morning. When she departed she had an
order for a brand new bonnet in her
pock at book.
Dahitnaa parted with tho money for the
new bonnet with reluctance, as it recalled
unpleasant memories. When the mayor
aspired to the aw vernorahlp of the state.
he was very sanguine of tho vote In Lan
caster county. He whispered in confidence
to Senator Bartoa that ho would carry
Lancaster county hands down.
"Bot you a new hat I carry the county."
challenged .Pahlman. "And to show you
what I think of the bet. I'll agree that
whichever one of ua wins, turns tho hat
over tn Mrs. Bartos."
, "Put It In writing." said Sirs. Bartoa,
who waa areeent when tho bet waa mads.
They did, and yesterday Mrs. Bartos
ep rung tho telling piece of paper on Dahl
man. "Couldn't go back on my own signature."
said Daniman. "And aa I don't r member
of carrying Lancaster county or betas
sleeted governor, guesa tho only thins; I
could do waa to pay."
Heleea Maa ete Little Chance froas
tho Tan eo Moaey Baars of
His Vt-ttsa.
F. B. Buchmore of EH South Thirty
sixth street waa held up on Leavenworth
street between Nineteenth and Twentieth '
streets at I 3 Saturday morning by two j
men who covered him with their revolvers !
and robbed him of three pocketbooks con-!
talning papers and checke and O In money.
ta Oauka I-a-d aetaolveo rrrsasa
ratal Marts la Gy
Aealateas at Dsnavosv
Gordon Ingram, bob of Mr. and Mrs.
! Thomas J. Ingram, who recently removed
to Denver from South Omaha, was Injured
In aa accident at tho Denver Toung Man's
Christian association gymnasium Friday
It la feared tba young man a injuries are
fatal. His sister. Mrs. Al Hunter of South
Omaha, left tor Denver Saturday morning.
ladoacwelaat fsasasr draata laataaae
of Twaaty Cents) a Day tm
F. A. Crosby, boys secretary for tli
raty of Chioaa-o, will give an illustrated Increase of waa from tS to B. 2s a day
lecture on the Boy Scout movement In 1 has been given tho linemen and installers
'he First Baptist church Sunday evening j of the Independent Telephone company,
it 7 . Every Sunday school supertn- Tha order fur the raise in wages waa Is-
.endeat, teacher and parent ought to hear
thia lacture and learn what the scouts are
&very boy ougm to see the ptclure and
; sued from the office of Lysle I. Abbott.
receiver for tho company. Friday. The In
crease will become effective April L
Twenty men In the employ of the company
will benefit by tho
I? I Tl 5?1 ft it T???
l a are-fa rtoUaea.
ft. Martins Episcopal. Twenty-fourth
and J atrevts. Rev Alfred (J. White, rec
tor. Holy oominonion, S OD a. m. ; (sun-
day school. U) us a. m. ; morning prayer and '
aermoa by the lector at 11 tsj a. m . auu
ct. "A Fight tor a Condltton.'' Evening i
prayer and aermon at 7 J by Rev. W. H.
Baylay. rector of St. John's. Omaha. .
-t. CWuu ut'a KpiacuKsi. t I
and i slvvis. Mumiay school, ions a. m. : J
nornlag prater and sermon. 11 to "a. m.
.L EMward'a Kpiscoiiai, Twenty-sixth
lid Aauta .mivttii ouuiay ac.iuut ai '
3 i a. ui. i
t. Luke a Lutheran. Kev. S. H. Tcnan.
Patir Bible school. 10 US a. m. , OMM-aiag i
worship, 11 -t a m., subject of tha sermon, i
"The surflciency of Chlrat. catechetical
. .ass, p. m . Lithrr leaMTie. 7 u p. m
tiihjoct. The Imitation of Chirt." Mrs.
H. A. Mi rarland. leader Lenten service
on Thuirtiav ev ening at a o cluck.
K-rst rr-ahytcnan church. Twenty-i.'iird 1 Bee will dunaie th uai-rs, and tha girls
nd X str-ets. Rev L'r Wheeler, paiitur j uropoae to make a record in the matter of
HUiie school. u a. m. Preactung at 11
have tne tight of uff rajre. ' The afflrma
ttva debaters. Judson Squires and Keith
Latey, won by unanimous rota. violin
quartet, by Augtista MestgedohU Graoa
Leidy. Freda Paiurttan and Earl Mow,
entitled. "Raaoiutlona,' waa well rendered.
An original story by Ellen Rosen. "Tho
Burglar." proved thrilling. Gertrude
Weitxell gave an interesting esay. en
titled. "The AmMUwi of a High School
ftrl.'' Tho program of these sod -tie waa
alosed by a revresentatlon of "A Country
chool In Germany," which waa acted by
several girts and boys from tha German so
ciety. Joiat ftewstaw.
The Pleiads. Athenian. Hawthorne and
Latin societies aiso gave a program.
HUeanor Lear opened with a piano solo by
.aendelsaubn. Ruth Cewglll. of tho
Pleiades society, recited 'Tho Star. Tho
members of tho Athenian society gave a
debate. "Resolved. That tle United Statea
should fortify tha Panama canaL" Tha
affirmative waa taken by Warren John
son and Edward Partridge, while ths nega
tive was upheld by Charles snook ana
'-.Vard Smith. Theresa Hokanson of the
Hawthorne society gave an amusing reci
tation, entitled. "Simon'a Wlfe'a Mother
Lay SliJt of a Fever." Madge West of this
society gave a violin solo, "Legende." The
Latin society was represented by Philip
JoHnson and Beuhta Byrd. Philip Johnson
read a paper, "The Working Man in An
cient Rome."
The Priocilla Alden. Linlnger Travel,
Ait and Demosthentan societies united in
another room in a unique program. Freda
Paustian, representing the Priscilla Alden
society, gave a violin solo. "Adoration,"
accompanied hy Effie Cleiand. Agnes Niel
sen, representing ths Llninger Travel club.
gave the following Interesting essay, "Mod- i
ern and Colonial Maids." Lola Byrd gave '
an amusing and clever recitation, "Tha
Newly Weds Swear Off." A debate was
given by the members of the Demosthentan
Debating society. The affirmative waa
undertaken by Elbert Wade, while the
nsgsl1"n waa upheld by -Milton Peterson.
Gretchea Swoboda, representing tho Art
society, gave a piano solo. "The Flat
terer." Haaal Day. representing the Lin
lnger Travel club, read an original story.
"Littia Freckle Nose." Eleanor Patrick
eloped tbe prasn-am with a recitation. "The
Uaatnc of Valiant."
titkera Hoot Jointly.
The Lowell, Margaret Fuller. Elaine and
Webstar societies spent a delightful after
asm. Frances Johnson of the Lowell
society aav a ptaao solo entitled. "The
Last Hope," by Oortachalk. Ulah Renner
of tha Margaret Fuller society gave a
recitation, "Roman and Juliet." A num
ber of 0rim from tho Elaine society con
tributed an original aong. which proved
delightful. Miriam Davis, representing the
Lowell aoclsty. gave an amusing recita
tion, "Her First Call as the Butchers."
The Webstar society waa represented by
Harold Moon and George Grimes in a
4 coats. "Raoolved. That the practlca of
having sponsor in tha Omaha High School
Cadet regiment aa prohibited." The af-
firmatlv waa argued by George Grimes,
whlls the negative waa upheld by Harold
Moon. Luclla Dennis at the Elaine society
closed tho program with a whistling solo.
Teachers an A dels awe al.
'"Concentrater your efforts and reduce
your work to a system." was the advice
given the teachers of the Omaha public
schools yesterday afternoon by .A. H.
Watrhousa. superintendent of schools of
Fremont. Mr. Waterhouse. J. W. Crab
tree, state superintendent of instruction,
and Vernon H. Mayes, principal of the
Lincoln High school, addressed tha teach
ers In the Toung Men's Christian associa
tion auditorium.
Mr. Waterhouas spoke on efficiency in
Vrwiaa Factor!- Taralag Oat Hla
tleea" ta Saly the
x Deeaaad,
ETvery Utile while somebody has heart ;
failure aa a result of reading about old j
violins. Big prices are sometlmee paid tor
genuine old Instrument. Forthwith the,
dazzled reader turns the place upalds j
down until he finds a hitherto neglected I
Instrument. Ho examines the scars. Then '
ha catches eight, through one of tha F i
opening, of an Inscription at which he
squints excitedly. It la an a small obion I
piece of paper pasted on the Inside of the ;
baxdt of the violin and Is Invisible except j
when one peers through ths opening at j
ths left of the bridge The attack of heart j
failure comes then and there It he happens
to read something Ilka this:
: Antonius 9tradlvar1us Cremonensis. : i
FaietMLt Anno 1712. : i
: : I
The paper on which thla startling bit of j
information ta printed Is yellow with ag
and grimy with the accumulated soil of
only two lens than 30S years. At any rate
that's the way It looks to tho enraptured j
discoverer, who forthwith sits down and
write to some dealer tn violins, telling
him of ths possession of a "genuine old
Strad" and askrna; the value of tho same.
Hla enthusiasm Is somewhat dashed
when he receives a perfectly calm reply
from the dealer to the effect that It will
be Impossible to express any opinion tn
regard to tha violin tn question without an
opportunity to examine ft. If Its owner
will send it on by express (prepaid) the
dealer will be very glad, and so on. The
fiddle owner soon sees through it. lie
promptly flgnrea it out that tho dealer is
gtdnt; to lur him Into letting a precious
old Strad out of hla hands with tbe evil
purpose of substituting a modem fak for
it. 1 he haa the price of the jkiurney he
wrap up his precious find, and vowtng net
to be separated front It night or day, h
carriea It personally to a olty dealer for
Southern women writ of thee old In
struments and timidly confess, that a few
hundred dollars In return would make
them richer triaa they have been since be
fore the war. Just about onca In a biua
meant the violin I old. la genuine, is
rello from a master's hands. But mora
often, alaa! It waa "mad in Germany
not so many year ago and Its real value
wouldn't pay for a round trip to tho nearest
town. That aM yellow label Inside Isn't
worth more than any other scran of paper
aa proof that the violin waa mad by tha
man whose nam It bears. Thousanda of
violins mad but yesterday have the mum
ancient ticket Inside. Putting It there ta an
open custom with soma foreign factories.
Detroit Fre Presa.
There- an still a few holders of onr GnM Coupon Bonds that have not yet called and .
selectetl their Pianos. Don't delay, as the time is jrrowinjr short in which you can use
thee Bonds the same a.s Cash on the purchase of any new Piano in the House.
This Is a Goldon Opportunity
for You to Get a Piano
During1 the sale now in procjes?. All pianos are marked in plain figures and we guar
antee our markeil prices to be the lowest at which hiffh-srade pianos are sold for any place,
and we will refund the difference to any purchaser who finds another firm that will sell the
"same thing for less." We buy and sell more pianos than ail Omaha music houses com
bined, and will donate $10,000 to any charitable institution if this assertion is not correct.
Your Donds Aro Ag Good As Cash
During This Sale
Hurry and select the piano you want. Tho Schmoller & Mueller Company stand back
of every piano sold with a positive guarantee that it is perfect, ami if it fails to make good,
you can get a new piano without any additional expense to you. Can we make it any
stronger? This is the policy that has made the Shmoller & Mueller Company a power in
the piano world, ami for 51 years the Lealing Piano House of the West.
1311-1313 F amain. Street.
Doug-. 1625; Ind., A-1625.
Odd Fellow of Council Bluffs Ran
Big- Celibrt-tion.
(Veaeral Greavlile M. Doda; Will Pre.
Bid Wkra the Osnks Odd Fel
lows Will. B G vests f
Their TVetstkawr.
The Odd Fellows' lodge of Fottawat
tamle county. Iowa, have invited the Odd
Fellows' lodges of Douglas count v. Ne
braska, to go ta Council Bluffs on Wednes
day. April 28. and take part in the cele
bration of the ninety-second anniversary
of the Institution of th order.
AU of the Odd Fellows" lodges in Omahs
have appointed committees to work with
tha Council Bluffs committee in perfecting
arrangements for the celebration.
Tha present plana are to have a parade
In tha afternoon, after which a program
of speaking and music will he given at
Dohany's theeUer. General Grenvllle M.
Dodgo will preside aver tho exercisea at
the theater. In tha evening" there will be
dancing and sn entertainment at ths Odd
Fellows' hall.
Th committees from th Omaha lodges
will meet at Odd Fellows' hall nert
Wednsaday evening at S 3 p. m. to discuss
plans for thta event.
feasted and can be admitted, by p ana word
only. Pansy, Clover Leaf, Fern, L- M.
Collin and Nasturtium camps. The b"Ht
esses of this occatdon are Ivy. Daisy. Vio
let, !Tvenrren and Holly camps, with Mr.
M. F. Morrill as chairman.
Tweatr Per Ceat laa-rcasw la
Electrics! laaaatry Dwrlasj
th Tear.
While capital waa very cautious during-
Ladles' auxiliary to the Master numbers; ,mal Jmmr- ,n" ,n,n aa trad
wtll meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. 6elow norm". electrical Industry ex
Frank Morris, 4113 Farnatn street. I perlenced a steady and healthy growth, aa
I evidenced by the following comparative
A card party will be given Friday after
noon by the Art club of tha Minnehaha
council, Degre of Pocononta. at the
Brandeis Pompeian room at 2 o'clock-.
IT", 1J1.
Apparatus msde BTMwn.nm .). m
Railway earnings 620.tino.iae)
Central station sale of
eneriry "3n.(a..1ii
A card party is to be given by Uniform j egrspb iarnVw."."
m iaoiRipd light and
power plant earnings 7E.nno.ons
i Miscellaneous service... &b.0Gu.i)0u
Hive No. 36. Ladies of the Macabees,
Myrtle ball Wednesday afternoon.
Lillian Temple No. 1, Pythian Bisters,
will givs a card party Monday avemng.
March Ti. at Myitis hall. Fifteenth and
Douglas streets.
Omaha-Seymour camp No. 18. of the
Woodmen of the World, will give a Dutch i
lunch and entertainment for men only j
Monday evening at Batight hall. Nine- I
teenth and Kamam streets.
Attractions lax Oaaaaua.
The Man Who Owns Broadway" .at
the ttrandais.
"Artsona ' st the bVivd.
Vaudeville at the Anieruan.
Vaudeville at tun orpneuin.
burmauue at the ilayeiy.
lluriasuue at the ajrug.
Bench allow at til Audi toil inn.
young woman who understudies Vlda Whit
: more. Miss Whltmore was recently out
' of ths cast for several performances on ac
i count of bliwd poisoning.
PwMiei Hssaatrsat Iw Uaiaka.
Articles of incorporation have been filed
PANY recently urganiaed bar and com
posed of some of our most reliable and
enterprising; buatnee men. Thia new com
pany will havo a' capital stock sufficiently j
larsro to enable them to erect GRAND
city and town throughout the stats of Ne
braska, under patents of th International
and Iowa Mausoleum companies, which
will enable th Nebraska company to have
tha exclusive us In this state of ths lat
est and only sanitary devices approved by
all Boards of Health, leading physicians,
undertaker and all thinking people who
are at all familiar with present condi
tions affecting the subject. These Mau
soleums ar oonatnicted of reinforced con
crete, lined with beautiful martua. wherein
our departed loved nes snail have per
manent and perfectly sanitary entombment
above ground.
In the next ag our deacendanta will
wonder at th serBI-barbarism w now
practice In laying ths bodies of our dead
tn common graves of the earth. Wisely
and potently haa It been mid that the
progrewa of civilisation from lower to
higher levels is most surely found In ths
revermMia paid tu the dead by those who
loved them in life. An overpowering
wave of sentiment In favor of a mora civi
lised mode of burial la sweeping the
world. A new light "Mausoleum Entomb
ment" is driving Into oblivion thar grue-
Maarra 'Wemalaa f Assearttraw
The trl-ennial county camp meeting for
the selection of delegates to the state camp
meeting at Fcrmont will be held Wednes
day, April i. tn Modern Woodmen hail,
and will be largely attended. There are
over &.00 members of the Modern Wood
smen of America in Douglas county, snd as
th representation in the convention is
on the ratio or one aeingate ior eacn
twenty-flv members, the attendance will
b a representative gathering. Every dry.
town and village in the county will be
represented in the convention.
RaUlrtsad Saaaait Calls at th Whit
HaaM anal tilvee Oat Optl
alsrl Itatrwrat.
Totals l.d.arr a.SJA0a)
With regard to these figure it may h
said that In a general way th growth of
; electricity la at the rata of about 30 per
I cent per annum over a period now reach
ing twenty-five years. In th above table
the gain in electrical manufacture has been '
taken at about 10 per cent; In electric rail
ways at 10 per cent, which may be slightly
low; In central station -work at 39 per cent,
which la about right; in teiephuny, nearly
I per cent: In telegraphy, about 7 per cent; '
In Isolated plant aenrlca, nearly 30 per cent,
which may be excessive, but Includes a
lot of big power work, mines, battleships,
etc; in miscellaneous service. 90 per cent.
j which also may ba high, but la likely to b
. "Sentiment j correct. In other words, the largest single.
for reciprocity with Canada is growing i item of gain la taken at a low rate, and
steadily, said James J. Hill, who was a
caller at th White House today. "Ths sub
ject Is very little understood In this coun
try aa yet. but It will be in the near future.
Business Is good. There aro no dark spats,
no menace anywhere so far as I can see."
Kaiser's Party at View a.
VIENNA. March 3 Emperor William. I
Empress Autruste Victoria and others 'if
the royal family, who were enroute for
i Corfu, were ute guests today of Emperor
HAM cam No t4S will siva an enter- ' F'rmnri" '""'Pn Hchoenbrunn castie. A
M. camp -o. w win l an enter r(.-pon ,n honor of the emperor
waa given at noon, at which his majesty
met tnose prominent In the government
and the official Ufa of the capital.
this would offset any excess In the smaller
aains assumed at a higher rate. The prog
ress in electro-metallurgy and chemtalrv.
must not be overlooked; the advances mad
hy the electric vehicle must not be forgnt
ten, and there are a dozen or score of minor"
uses hardly dreamed of a year ago.
tainment Tuesday evening, April 4, for Its
members and their friends. Prepartlons
sre being mads to make the affair a not
able one. State Deputy Head Consul E. E.
Kester will b present and deliver an address.
World's Hecerd far MeXortseMat.
LONDON". March "5. K. McKay Edgar s
motorboat Majiie Leaf III showed a won
derful burst of sped In a trtai on tha
Solent today, making knota aa hour.
Thla is claimed as a world's record. Th ;
Maple Leaf Til took part in the motorboat -
J regatta at Monaca a year aajo.
atreet sales. Ths entire proceeds ar to
to be turns over to the fund of the Child
saving institute.
in. subject uf sermon. "1 Am Iniing
Great Wvr and Cannot Come Down. " 1
fauna ieaonia a kn.l..vM. u la I
m. Evening svrvtce. I JU, lecture by Kev. j Ru mong Hitchcock will be aeen t
Nealua Mettler on the subject. "A juara I Bt tna brandeis today, clawing th eaea- i
Oeal." ! meat, dunday morning ilia theater will j
First sWpuat cniiich. Twenty-fifth and l j be used by tna Eagles lor tbair memorial
atresia, llev. C. T. ilsley, pastor. Sunday ' aer-vicee. and Sunday afternowB an even- ,
.. k, . tK J .. I . , . ... ...... n nM.l V for I
- ' .... i.kiiiui mdi-v- j ing w lit oe aevoveu i a 1 ' . fnr
vw. i . a. j,.. . . wmtuvm. r-H-ira j tna coming ua nur o .w.. 3 -
puniaBaaeni.' At the evening service F. A. - 1
Jrosby will address a uiuon aervics on i W han hot weather approaches Law Fieius J
ins bay scout movement. Tha Baptist lares that he will shelve "The Hen
mini TLuUB-vear-old aavaaerv of burial he
William Collier Is planning to appear in around.
a mpsrtuir of his former success. This ,
I i-twiF-i iiiiimiia iks"io i Ail r mujiy ap(jrv-
he may do at the end of his season in i, t(hl,, , .lr .
mausoleum entomliincjic. It elitnliiatea the
dropping of the coffin into ths grave, the
sextun with the readv spade, the agoms-
;lng grief during the first hard rain after
burial. All this lias uo place in today's
civilisation. Two tuousand years sgo. In
I the days of bat ii&riain. those untoward
things were nut repulsive, but today mod
ern refinement finds them revolting. Fralersal Order af Eaales.
I The NEBRASKA MA '."OLEUM COM-' The usual weekly meeting of Aerlo :a
i PA NT. thoroughly convinced of the un-I h-'1(1 Thursday svening in ths Kaales
eauitary cuhdltlons of ground burial, have 1 Om rooms. Fourteenth and Harney
Past Worthy President K. s
"I'M Bs Hanged If I Do.
, Ths run of "Artxoi.a ' at the Bod ciusea
Chorus girls of the "Merry Whirl, wnicn , wttn tW(J performances today and sn dun
Is to be at the Krug next week, will itell j day .fternuon tbB flr9, performance of
The Bv on tbe street Monday for ths , .Jlpl- wlll j.ven. In the new bill
benefit f the L nud Saving malum. iut w, . Ml Valnt.n and Miss Ne- I
smith will have the leading roles
! Ortler af Oaltt rellatvve.
South Omaha lodge No. lit wlll put on
the third degree work tomorrow night.
The Douglas County Past Officers' asso
ciation will meet at Odd Fallows hall next
Wednesday evening.
Beacon lodge No. 30 will have two candi
dates for the third degree Tuesday night.
Benson lodge No. SI wlll confer the third
degre on four candidates tomorrow night.
The ninety-second anniversary celebra
tion committees of the Omaha lodge will
meet at Odd Fellowa bail on next Wednes
day evening.
Order ( Ice tt last Claas.
Clan Gordon No. 43, Order of ScottiHh
Clans, met Tuesday evening. Four new
men were Initiated and a grand evening
was sient. It was one of ths btst meet
ings held in many months. A new de
parture was a cornet solo by James C.
Llndsav. Secretary William Kennedy re
cited. Albert Falconer danced, R. t. Wat
son and John G. Gunn sang. H. Mulinde
played a piano solo, and George W. Mo
Dougall was on hand with the pipes.
Clan Gordon and its friends are invited to
attend the memorial services of the Eagles
Sunday at Brandeis theater at 10.30 a. m.
vv.w . A S-,t s, .'-- r i"
The curtain at the Orpheum wilt ring up
at I. Is promptly mis evening. The last
two performances of the road shew will
b presented today The members of tne .
tney nave enjoyed tne
road show declare
in Oman immensely, tne weather
having been propitiuiia and business good.
this rreat movement of mausoleum streets.
ths week starting Sunday matinee.
She wtil bring a doaen ur so minus of new
hats and clothes.
'oung People a union will meet at s.JS .
n. The Bethel Hiuia school at Forty-third
tod I streets meets at J 30 p m . and Brown
Bark achotil. Twentieth and S streets, at
t p. m.
First Christian enures, Twenty-tnird aud
. atraets. Rev. C A. Jordan, pastor, subia
hoot. M a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m. sub
let! of sermon, t hr'st Ih Fnal Speech
it Gei" Toung People s meeting. av p.
m. Preaching. 1 ta. Subject at sertnos,
'The Man of Galilee." The evening sarv--
will be of an axangalisue character.
The Methodist churcB, Rev. J. M. Both
wed, naior. will hold services in ths Odd
ii n .nninrr wee at tn
way and then wait for the mval of . ool m'"'
. . . . n I um-BH. -
days belors reviving aim y
i -..,mr ia- viuia played eigne
inKf.,rnu., weekly in "The summer
Only the performance this afternoon re
mains of the week s engagement of ir-
entomtiment throughout our state. This
same mausoleum entombment I being pro
vided tn every state In the union within
ithe borders of America s most noted ceme
j Office of th oompany have been eetab
J tinned In the new Omaha National bank
The offlcera ar given as H. K, Burket,
'president; F. A. Pinney. Bt-crelary. and
ea the
Widowers' snd peraooaily super "
rebaarsina of three other play
lant enough money in the snow business
to get me tu do It again. ' ltt9
I Iiitii M Dare lr.rttir.r 1 iiHm iIIfmhim 1
Jiajtstics at tne (jayety Theater. ' M Ti...n,.. w u.. i
Florence Bennett -the Columbian GIH and ;Rillph g. Sunderland snd Dr. Jna .
Fay and Hollander have made a world 1 Kouiaky
of fnenda who will plesaantly anticipate I
j tneir return next aaaon. Tonight tne j
amateurs will bold the cuatomary funfet :
1 in competition for taaii nrtxea. The new uauai from
4 allow, -The Big Gayety company." opens!
I a week's stay tomorrow afternoon. !
V. M. f. 1. Iain.
Sunday The buildinii will be open
o ciin . At tr
aervic at Ju lira. ' i.niwh will
eiak uu the aohject. "Plain Wtjinen of tne
bible. ami Mls Jeseie ncbee will iIiik
a.,..n. WmaImt s last may "Hoinsward ; A aociai hour to ayiuc i ail ar.
avugen waiters taat P'ay . ln ,1..- v
"Bound" Is again in rehearsal wn " " me matinee ,.t , Weunea.iav-Ttie music iectui.s hch
i enuraiy new cast. Ths dbuborts i-onttrot 1 !hs American will witness on of ths most ' Th. maa J. K.-ilv is i n on W
'the nshta Tbe piece will be played for enjoyable performance on the atsga laths ! mornings at It. J aie pr., ,n 10 tie very;
1 " 1 r 1 a n. . 1 Ttslllll Haa T h . aitill irM1 ttF llll i Vawa at
Fellow hail, ill N.w-th Twenty-fourth a tew w.ks out of New York snd nn p-.n,. miastreis. The olde ln this . trrtu -pwo Famous Son Writers .
Boor. Sunday school mets I retired till next season. , ,,i mino maaera ia only 17. bach waumaiin and Schubert, a cmaraiive '
F'hher waa in tne chair. Much sal laf action
was expressed at the laige number of
brothers present and over tne success of ;
the memorial committee m aecunng the ,
Brandeis theater for ths memorial serv-
ices. It waa urged upon ail brothers to ,
keep tbe memorial aerv'ces strongly in
view and do everything possible to secure
th brilliant audience mat the handsome ;
new thtater and tha occasion desr s. i
Haral Aebatea.
Beginning next Thursday evening Union
ludga No. 110 will start a series of six c a.d
psrt.ea. followed I y dancing, to be held
on ths last Thursday eveniuic of eacti
'month, i-nuing August liand-paiuted
vesper iehina and other deairabla pnxes will mae
tl'e competition interesting for players 111
tn gainea. Refresh men i will be served
invited at the clae uf tna card pla Ing. and danc
ing ul fuiluay The uunimittee having the
aoiiea of games in charga la uumpuaed of ,
'. F Slingerisnd. Mrs. S'lDer aoO aud
Mrs. v a.M, ,
Mrs. Ceoriti Parker. $
street, third Boor. Sunday school mets 1 retired till next season.
at 1 a. m.. and the preaaihing will a at j
11 a. ax Th Kpworth ! will mtaae at ( V.ncs "The Bai'aaa Primes ' begaa
: clock ln th evening in Bras hall. 3 engaajement in New York not a alngls
Nona Tweaty-fourth atreeC . underaH idy haa baen called upon l '"
u , tar a tn.l.w i I . m, wits the sacewtloa f the
Mtipanyvuf mirth maaers ia only 17
f ths seven aiembers ama his or her
song, leavdlag tne balance of the .omuany.
but tha hit of tha act Is undoubtedly Miss
tJouisv when sn sings "I'm AVfraid af tue !
Big, Big Mo."
ml Schubert.
atudy aitn iiiustrauoas. Myl lkara -I laerl.i.
Bil.le This s on of in serte of lecture: Frlrtav st I n p. m al Modern V (Midiiien ,
on Hum TA Got our tJiKlisn Bioie. ' 1 f Ainenca hall when Ihs following camps
1 u tliriai iiuuiic is wnuiuir inviieu UJ
i of ths Rual NelghiMtra of Amrrli a will Ua
Coltla and C'auirrti.
Mn. lieorge Parker. 41'J Wdter St.,
M.-na-shu, Wis., writes: "SV'tj lia u.sed
Peruua in our family for a number uf
years ami have found it a perfm-tl
reliable iiieillcinu. it soon riu-i tl.e
aysieui of any tii-es uf a cuof'. anu
preveMts Merlons conse.iieiii'es.
"I tiegan using tl for .atarrli. aiaiii
I suffered Willi a good .111411 jrear.
bur hud nut teei
recently Since 1
l.;e iropiiing in 11 fir. mi
tlnue-i. and rTi' 'lead in. I 1
so dtoppe-l .11
pit. 11 a i i 1
'.oil.iiue to
rid of catarrh.
"I l.eartliy recuinuie-iu
eel meiliclne."
.ery a.u 111,11a juli:
,4'-e inaeri i'eruua
m in h not ':tiii!'tii.,(. 1 sin
a 1. -till. 1. a:iu allall
I .jut I 1 ..111 eiitireli
t ia an hnn-
lieauj mail l.UBHn.
Ur Jonn Mc Laugh 11 a, 14. j Schutii Su,
i.'hlrign. 111., ami his ife express tnsir
aiiprectatign of ttie merits of P.rune in
tne toiioaing a-orfls.
"We are inensed to testify as tu ill
nienta of I'eruna In caiws uf catsri Ii.
We were botii troulued Alt'i catarrh of
tl.e r.eud and lungs for several yearn, and
did not aeni 1.1 lol itnytliliii; a liicu
aoulu benefit us.
"Klnuily, on 1 he recniiue-iilation of a
fr:end, w tiM.k Peruua, and ln u abort
time as were on tn road to recovery.
' Now w keen Peruua In me house ail
the time, and wtieu eti.ier of us contract
a cold j few doses wa ill set us rig'it. It
Site aa a preventive of cutarrh, and Is
aINo very fine to b.ulil up toe Htrengtti.
"We t.ellevH It tu be an honest meli- s
cine, well wormy In confluence of 11
. an a." '