BOWLING CAPlAirtS TO MEET Freiident Weber Calls League Heads Into Session. WILL CLOSE SEASON MAY FIRST Gamp to He Wtixrit In IV r mil F.arlr rials af achrdule Man far later-trUr Tonrnry at M. Joseph. Mr4alf f Irtmpt for tap Vfrb. roMMFRCIAL I.EAOTE. (Keyt's Alleys.) Monday Hirycle Indians va Frank's ?oita. Tuesdav Pete Lnrha v. A. Krlck Son. Tborartay St. Jamea va. O'Hrlen's Monte ChrlKto. Friday Rrndesaard Crnwn vs. Luxus. MAGIC CITY LF.AtH'K. tfiarlow'a Alleys, Xouth Omuha ) Morula v J. B. Walking S: Co. vs. Mar tin n Tigers. Wednesday Oarlow'a Coll vs. Omaha Pa'-king company. Friday Culkln'a Cuba va. Hushes Paint aompany. METRO POLITA N LKAGCE. fKeyte Alleys.) Mondav Sunklsts va. Derby Woolens. Tueeriay Heaellna Mlxera va. DlPtx ThuradayHluggpra va. Harvey's I'oltii. Friday I'afa Comets va. Idlewilds. IHXJ8TKR LEAGUE. (Francisco's Alley ) Monday Yousem'a Colts va. Mascppaa; Ruffner Tailoring Co. va. Omaha Rod and Uun rlub. 1 Friday Rangpra a. TVoplea Ftore. OMAHA LEAOl'E. (Franolaco'a Alleys.) Tuesday Jetters va. Advos; Wroth'a Hpe slals va. Btors Trlumpha. Thuraday J. B. Cross vs. Reios; Metl lirvs. va. Hoapea. MERCANTILE LEAGUE. (Francisco's Alleys.) Monday-Ak-8ar-Bene va. U. B. Cleaners. Tuesday A. O. U. W. No. 17 va. Stors Juniors. Wednesday Carpenters va. Metropolitans. Thuraday Equitable. Idfe vs. B. H. Us. Friday Onlmods va. Kamos. President Weber of the Omaha league baa railed a meeting of tha captain for this morning at 11 o'clock, the purpose of which will be to aettla what grievances exist batween a few of the leading teama. Definite action la expected to be taken so that tha achedul can be completed be fora tha aeaaon become too far advanced. 81x weoka of regular bowling atlll remains and thla with a number of poatponed aeries will run tha league away up Into the month af May. Aa tha Boostar league will finish Ha achedule thla weak and aa It uaea the earn allaya aa tha Omaha league an at tempt will ba made at tha meeting today to advaaoa aa many games aa poeslble to flnlah tha Season not later than May 1. Many of tha bowlars ara enthugiaetia golf and but ball player and It la feared that uataaa tha aeaaon la shortened that many of tha teama will ba compelled to shoot without a full quota of men. Nvvr Altera la It. Joe. "Pa KlnMatnan" of St. Joaeph. who la wall known among tha Omaha bowlera, has formed a partnership with Bowler lie Cauiey of that city and that they ara constructing a now aat of allaya there, whloh When oomplotad will ba tha equal of any to ba found In tha Mlaaourl valley. It ss thalr Intention to hold an InUr-clty tournament Saturday and Bunday, April 1 and 1 Kanaaa City. toa Moines, Omaha and othar towns In tha Immediate vlotnlty have baaa aaked to send teams. From alxteeA to' twenty teams ara exported to enter. Tha entry tea will ba $26 par team, tha auraa to ba divided Into three moneys. la. addition to thla tha management has offered oaah priaea for tha high team tingle game, high Individual aeries and high Individual alngla game, Aa tha allaya will not ba uaed until tha opening of tha tournament thla should got aa aa Inducement for many teama ta an tar. At tha laat tournamant held at Bt. Joaeph laat fall tha Meta taain of thla city won flrrt monay, Shooting a vary nloo total. A I least iwo uiwnt to enter tha praaant contest. B. V. Parkins, known to tha Omaha men aa "Duffy," la secretary of tha meet and any team wiahtng to make application for an try oaa do so by addrasalng him, car Of tha Apax bowling allaya. lat Taaraar at Keyfe. Tha laat tournament of tha aeaaon Is scheduled to take place on tha Keyt base ment allaya commencing Bunday, April IS, and running; for three daya, winding up on Tueeday, April la There Will ba three main event, alnglea, tw-ia an aad three-men teams, each avent ta ba finished la a day. The tournamant will be a handicap af fair, aa average of 19 per game to ba tha aeraton mark and any bowler averaging leaa than 180 In any league In tha city will ba allowed to oompeta In tha tourna tnent. Many apaclal priaea have been offered by merchant fur coiitesta and thla lu addl Uun to tha usual split of the entrance money ought to Injluce many of the young)- bowlera to enter. Uaala af tha Allen Paul Cbadd haa a clue as to tha fellow that atola hie goat. Jlmiule Bilk la In fine ahape Just at thla time and la surely giving that basement a genuine cleaning. The Omaha Heddng company haa cinched flrat piaoe In the I loo tor ieaguo. wiuun sloae Ita aeaaon una wees. Herb Oarlew Is still ahootlng those pot sanies and winning every time, lie surety nets some system w ma iiikuiivw. John Mongol haa helped tha Hospa team wonderfully, but claliua he la not quite guud enough to win all the gainea aiuiie. Llnta ajid kelson, new mm In the Creecen league, are oomlng fast and ahnw mighty good lor auen now men at me game. Jaekaoa of the Diet team la a dandy nroeveut for next aeaeon. lie ha tn geods and abould make good within a year VIU1 Krvt la totnlng back with a rush, My but how that big fellow Is clouting them keepa all the outfielders on the run. Laa Munungion nae mm a, iw a"- Wltli the Omaha Boddlng company team Just to ahow the buys iww the boa cn ahool. Jtmmv Ilaster la atill ustk that drop ball with good effect, and la making sum it thoae would-bo pot ahoutcnt go lo tha wuoda. Dr. Hunt finally broke Into tha win col umn: It waa a lung road, but atlll had It turn. The dootor haa been ahootlng In tough luck.. Ppeedy Younger olalma tha chainptonahlp. of tha pin breakers. He and Johnny 1-alid ara called tha "kindling wood kid ' by tha Management. Dick Ruhneldar la still working on that odc ball and If be oan only stick to It for a ceatury or ao will bo able to solve the oomblnatloa. 1 Chief Brlgga la working hard to get bet ter guntrvl of that Klddoll hook. It is coal lug htm something, too, but ba la atlcklng Just tha aama. Jim any Blakaney haa at last steadied aa la tae daya of old and la going to do hla beat to try and make It four etralght tor the Ueta Broa. Iamb la atlll holding down tha heavy end of the HartU y a Colta. Pretty hard Job tor auuh a young boaler, but he aurely la rapable alright. , The Btora Malta will ba seen In action agalnat the Kourkee today. If bowling I a eunditloner thoy ought to be In fine ahai (or a battle. Captain letter I going to ue same Hughe white paJsvf to cover the record if the team fur thia aeason, but has promised better things la tha fall. Ohneaorg high for tha Twin Oak pHie oa the Commercial league alley with a fin total of P0 Martin la leading the baaament men with SM. Weeka ta on of the biggest hoot era In tha Coreuierhial league, but on account of being a member of en of the trailing taauav ao gua giwoat unnoticed. If he Tf a tnenibcr of a Irading tram they wmild call Mm a ehark. I'la Ht (larlnw m eontlmica a thouah It wan mid''aMtn. Tlip S.mUi Omtha hn arc loval to (inrlow and know ciidiikIi to Mlik around fnxd allcya. Johnnv lird markp'l up n .Ti? a fpw wpt-ka sko and has about hroke all the F'lna on the nllpy trylnit to rleat. Opp a hat pped that kid lian Hill Schneider la mill able to roll a rii'caslonally. Bill and Herman Beaelln are Kli.g to hot a matc h aame fur the cham-pli-nehlp of the orlBinal mlnera. Moran haa been rettlne ino manv splits t mark up any hirh eeore Me uaed to mlaa l.oule alturet her. but now Ita rIKht aniare In the now all the time lies Moinea Jnnp Ik maklna trouble for thi rerord maker In the Mercantile league Khootln a total In hie second r.TiPH In the leaRiie la going some. I;r Izer of thp Ixn ha dropped Into the lour Kindred -la? In the match aame thla week. Tlil la the flrat lime thla aeaaon that Fred line dropped below the coveted Run. McMartln hot the flrat big total Kln.e rolling hla record amaher early In the fujun. during iaat week's play, getting three In a row better than JO each. Jim Moyna reminds one of Washington Johnson. Ma sure ha the sneed and it would make a hueher green with envy to ape him shoot thoae faat onea over. Anderson's league of racking houee mag nates continue to grow each week and Some nf the novice nf a few weeks ago are dpvplnplng Into real pin artists. Jody nilham haa balked at the healing (tame and has put all his energy lato the Holly nail club interests. Jody la com- known as the Krab Kaptain. M. V. Hall and Old Reliable Hull are a hard nut to crack, as many of the South Omaha men will admit. No team haa yet been found that could get their gnat. But very few p'na a'parat the leaders in the merry-go-round on the basement al leys, the scores being: Moran and Barton. 1M; Imnhar and Barton, 1.170: oillnam and Gallup. 1.1'; Jackson and Silk, 1.113. Iplnpkl could not work a strike with that truck team and la now trying to In duce the ownera of the Omaska autn to loan him the big fellow for a night's play. Open scores: to the world merry-go-round, Zimmerman and Anderson. 1.222: Krltcher and Anderson, 1.2f; Toman and rerkla. 1,1'IR; Toman and Wartchow, 1.1H0. General t'tt of the Postofflc 81uc- gprs Is a bit alow on rpportlng postponed game and will have to hurry with the report if ha wants to please thoae (Tellur ites. ' McCormlck Is about as good shortstop as ho Is bowler. Don't know whether that Is good recommendation or not, at least Gllham won't sign him. That seems suffi cient. Bill Voss haa been flirting around those cellar leaguers lately. It Is rumored about that he Intends to have a new BrndeRaard team that will ba composed of Cellaretles only. It beglna to look as though the Btora Trlumpha ara going to take down the money for first place this season. It will be a hard uphill fight to displace them from now on. ' Rammv Winters believes hla luck will change with the seasona, as he has Juat found a new robin's neat and It also had an egg in It. He takea thla as an omn of a change In luck. Tha MoCord-Brady Advoa are keeping up the clip that wins. ' Too bad these fallows couldn't have started earlier In tha season. Would surely have made trouble for the present leaders. Fitzgerald haa a new Invention to keep Mm from going over the foul line. It la called tha Black Marie, and whenever It comes Into contact with anything of a black color It stlckf-llke glue. Joe loS la a favorite among tha cellar bowlera. where ha haa been shooting this winter, and they are preparing to give him a great aend-off when he pitches his first game for the Rourkea. Myron Btuna ahot eleven strike In one gams at Columbus In tha Btort-Columbua match laat week, drawing a split In the other frame, and finishing with the high total of the aeaaon for tha Columbus allays. Tha Fiuitabla I tha only team In tha Mercantile ahootlng tha same men that they atarted tha aeaaon .with and yet they have never been In danger of loalng tha lead. Captain Vultea must ba soma mana ger. Tha call of tha base ball manacera will be tha signal for many of tha bowlera to leave the ajleya for tha diamond. At least fifty well known bowlera of thla city ara professional or eeml-professlonal bass ball men. Tha basement alleys at Kevt'a have been uaed mora thla aeaaon than at any time since they were built. Many a good young bowler played hla first game at thla place and Is now sacking leaguea higher up. It a a good training ground. Dick Taft found a horseshoe with eight badly bent nails attached, ao Immediately started for the alleys to try for the Twin Oaka prise. Ha atarted out with eight wide open frame and ever sine then ha keepa ahy of lucky charms. Rill Martin haa been a bit off since ahont. Itig that fifty-game match with Btunz. but aeema to have entirely recovered again and I Itching for a return match. If he can't get Ptuns ha la willing to take any body elae on that Wanta to shoot. AUSTRALIA WANTS TROPHY (Continued from Flrat Page.) The British Isle and tha United States might agree to play the tlea In South Africa. Then again South Africa and this country might engage in the ties In Eng land. Or the ties might be decided In thla country. If either plan were followed tha winning nation would go to Australia. Few there are, however, who beileve that any thing Ilka thla will b done, although possible and within the rules governing tha trophy. On account of tha late data aet for tha national championship In thla country this season, tha naming of tha American team must be made before tha playing of tha tournament at Newport. That further complicates the matter. It upholds tha prevailing opinion that the challenging natlona will meet In New Zealand, proba bly at Chriatchurch, early In December. What tha South Africans will accomplish In the match la a problem. There la little play on turf there and thalr leading men have developed their game upon earth courts. THOMPSON DEPEATa JENSEN Hattllag Dane Tosnea Buk Uaaaejg la Twentieth Itaaaal. SHERIDAN, Vo. March 25. (Speolal Telegram.) At the t 1 of the twentieth round, In one of the prettlekt and hardest fought boxing eshlbttlotia aver aaen In j Sheridan, Maurice Thompson rricl.y dem omtrated hla auperloiity over let Jen- sen. Denver'a Battling Dana, and scored the decision. A crowd of mora than l,0u0 here wltneed tha exhibition, which went twenty rounds, and saw the Dane lose the first fight he has ever lost In Sheridan. Only Jnsn's wonderful endurance and remarkable ability to stand hard punish ment saved hi in from a knockout. Ha came neater going to the floor for the count in tha twentieth round than over before In his career: Thompaon outpointed hla opponent throughout tha fight, apparently landing at will. Jenaen teemed unable to fathom the Butte boy s guard and, with tha ex ception of an occasional round, did little damage. Tha Wisconsin kid, known throughout tha weat, matchmakar for the Wyoming Athletic elub. tinder whose ausplcea the exhibition, waa given, rafaread the fight. Tha p.iea fought at 136. A rutura ex hibition will probably be arranged for la the near future. St. raw! Defeat St. Joaaph. r-T JOSEPH. Mo., March 2S.-In the first exhibition game of the eeasoa the Ht. Paul tram of the American aaaoclatlun defeated the Ht. Joseph Western league team today by a ecore of I to 1. Altoa Taw Mankal ahot. ORANOH CITY, la. March 28 Joo Kaalimetter. town marshal of Alton, la., waa liot by unidentified men here early thla morning and la dying. Tha marshal waa attacked la tha streat, Tho aauao la nut kuuwu. Yoeiii'olts Get Two Games of Three from Bedding Co. Yousem Bolls High ToUl for Evening with 625 Beselin Makes & jre of 211 in Oame, In the Rooster league the Htors Main took three from the Rod and Gun club. Hall rolled high total for three games, with i."7. The Yousem Colta took two out of three from the Omaha uh.'.. a r. u ,,, ,,in ioibi rwr trie evening, with . he also had high single game with Scores: VOUHEM B COLT". 1st. 8d. d. Total Trman ... Rice FaUf.ner ., Brugcman Younem .. 17 f.72 F.4 f2t 1 301 171 214 12 212 IF 1S9 1M Irirt 175 Totals 976 IK4 74 8.751 U.-UAMA BtUtlX) CO. 1st. 2d. d. Total. S27 44 4H4 ! 4! Edison Wllley Htlg-r Rose Changstrom Totals ... 197 1J 173 12 m l'Jt 1M lr.i 1X2 1S2 11 1M IIS IS . 907 74 SIS t.V9 STORZ MALTS". 1st. 2d. M. Total. Hall Eaatman McLean lurkee .. Lyons ... m 170 171 1W 196 175 557 541 4fft 4X1 & . 222 . 170 . 17 . 144 149 1R7 IH4 157 Totals 917 W4 772 J.B72 ROD AND GUN CLUB. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. E Blerman Whlttemore Hatch U. Blerman Button m m 149 A M 122 1.T8 lft 111 182 152 3H9 1tt 119 17S 1 172 4 344 681 Totals 700 - 728 741 2.1A9 The Luztis won two out of three games from the Indians last night on tha Metro politan alleys. Kid Berger of the Luxus cracked out a 600 score, while the father of bowling. Herman Beselin, got stronger as tha game went on, making a 211 scora In hla last game. Score: LUX ITS. 1st. 2d. Xd Total unnaaorg 179 lis 170 Nelson Jflfi 175 1BZ Jensen 179 11 17S Beselin 143 lr,7 211 Berger 172 224 212 514 515 ell Totals 87S HH2 PUS 2.723 OMAHA BICYCLE INDIAN. , 1st. Zd. 8d. Total. 179 ltff 141 47 137 1 152 4:4 167 204 as) 679 12 214 17S 574 200 100 301 561 Hlnrlche Noah .... Ooden .., Gil oral th Zarp Totala .M HI 2 80 2,657 Tha ldlewilds took two out of three from tha Independents In the Metropolitan league last night. Dunbar had high game of 18 and high total of 624 for the Idle wilds. Douglaa had high gama of 180 and high total of S7S for tha Independents. Scora: IDLE WILDS. 1st. !d. Sd. Total. Dunbar ik2 17R ttr? ( Moberg 15 117 120 418 rounger laO 156 1M 4S6 Totala 418 47 INDEPENDENTS. 1st. 2d. 180 134 10 i:m 144 159 .104 42 437 1,422 Sd. Total. 12a 44 182 473 149 tit 440 1,307 Nelacn ,., Doubles Btittaln . Totals Three trig daya of the Metropolitan hand icap tournament, April 1, 17 and IS. All ISO men ara eligible. AMATEUR MANAGERS BUSY (Continued from First Page.) mound. Kingdon. who halls from Ken nard, Neb., Is billed aa a alabamlth. Red Kyle, the leather egg star, will try to corner tha hot corner job. A few of tha others' on tha list ara Paul Kelly, Race Horse Kelly, Miller, Riley, McKee, Robin son, Brungardt, Leevey, O'Nell, Haller, Hoya and McNIcols. Phllbln of tha Crelgh ton aquad, who would lit all probability been tha third oorher agent, waa called to Spalding, Neb., hla home, last week on account of hla brother being on the alck list with appendicitis. Oaaalp af tho Aaaatoara. For games with the J. S. Cross team ad dress Joedy Poaplsll, 1206 South Sixth or telephone Red H03. Call Council Bluffs Sflg or address Martin Peterson, (18 Klghth avenue, Council Bluffs, for mixes with tha Council Bluffs Invlnclbles. Addroaa Louie Kocher, 17 2 Ontario atreet. or phone Douglaa 7380 for trouble with tha Americana. f you want a match with tho Farrell Sy-ups drop a card to Wlllard Qutgley, 2111 Maple, or phona Webster 25U5. Debates can be had with the Townsenda by tickling the wire on Webster 2733 or ad dreaa James p. Mullen, 2307 North Twenty-fourth. For combats with tha Store Triumphs addreaa Frank Qulgley, UU Maple atreet. or telephone Douglaa 4034 or Webster tint or A-2034. Dr. Nason will have charge of base ball affairs at Waterloo. Neb. He would Ilka to hear from Omaha teams for Saturday and Sunday games. C. II. Eldrldge la tha director of tha first team at the Nebraska School for the Deaf. For game call Webster 159 during tha day or Benson Mt after t p. tn. He haa made arrangementa to utilise tha Benson baa ball park for their gamea. Tha leador of tha second team at tha Nebraaka School for the Deaf la George Leach. For corneals addreaa him cars of the school or telephone Webster 169. Thoao fast colored boys who established an excellent reputation laat aeason In Ne braska, Iowa, North Dakota. South Da kota and Minnesota, known aa tha Omaha Ulanta, have decided to change their name. Hereafter they will bo known as the Little Mlaacurta. They ara now ready to patch up thalr schedul and would especially like to bear from Mink and Stat league teama for practice scrimmage. Any out-of-town team wiahlng arguments with them addreaa Manager Ford, car Elite pool hall, Four teenth and Dodge streeta. Tell tha hello clerk to ling Douglaa 6801 If you want a bout with tha Advoa. form erly tho White City Ramblers. Sam Felt man ta thalr leader. Telephone Douglas 4743 or address Pat MeAndrawa, 111 North Seventeenth, for lul with .the Holly. Teama wiahlng gamea with the Rangers addreaa Leslie Pickett, 1918 North Twenty- fourth, or telephone Webster 2297 after sis bells. Matters look kind of blue at both the forts. Last seaaon Fort Crook had a faat bunch tha flrat few montha of tha aeason, but whan lieutenant Waat departed for the gold fields of Alaska, baaa ball dropped far below par, and finally the bunch abandoned the field. Tha prospects for the ensuing season are not very bright. At Fort Omaha base; ball Is down and out. From appearanrea It looks aa though tha boys in blue won't bo with us this term. Pat Kenned, a local well known and popular baaa ball toaaer, will captain tha Fan-ell Hyrupa. H la a faat ball player, being especially noted for hla heavy clout ing, knowa tha gama well, and aa he haa had considerable experience aa a leader and knowa how to handle baaa ball play era he ought to ateer tha ettcky chape up Championahlp avenue. At a raoent con flab of tho Hollya George Dougherty waa aiaeud captain. Ha will maka the bos a good general, as h knowa the gunte from A to 7. and la a fin lahed player himaelf. pat McAndrew. the Holly manacer. tied the liardware to a couple of hla warrlora a7d did some switching. The correct lineup la: Rua aam. catcher; Hlckey. pitcher; P. Kelly, flrvt hase; Glllhanl. aecond base. J. Kelly, third baae; iHuighetty. shortatnp; P.rlck aon. Falconer and Bert McAndrewa, out fielders!y tlie Hoctoi bac ball machine held a rousing gathering at which Leon ard Marsh was re-elected manager, with "Hank" Thurbrr captain, and "Red" Guy waa handed the secretary 'and treaaurer Jol. They are noted for playing the teams at tho aiirroundlug burgs, but would like to mix with a few local teams on the Jump off In order to get In condition to thrash the husklea of the country villages. For acraps addreaa U C. Marsh. 724 North Klghteeiith street, South Omaha, Neb.; telephone Pouth 2210. The Hoctors will be togged out In nifty green uniforms, and It might be mentioned that their Is nothing green about them only their ball rags. The following well known gents will be garbed In Hoctor apangles: Guyer, first; Morrell, second; Van Orden, third; Thurber, snort; Hawatszky, left; Moore, center; Clssna, right; March, catch; Deckman and Win ters, pitchers. For fusses with the Council Bluffs Mer chants address Marlon Gibson, 1816 Clark street or telephone Webster Wt,. The "Advos," one nf the fast amateur base ball teams of Omaha, formerly the White City Ramblers, has been organised for the coming seaaon. Bam Feltman will captain the team and Louts Feltman will manage It. P. Iewis, the one-time pitcher of the Rangera, will pitch for the Advos thla year, Karbouskl having bfn obliged to quit because of an Injured arm. The Advos will be open for games after April 2. Tho line-up la as folowg; Hollander, catcher! Iewls, pitcher; Coe, first baae; McGrath, shortstop; Hansen, second base; Probst, third base; Williamson, left field; 8. Feltman, center field; Carmody, right field. . i. Chassis Meeting in Elgin Next August Plam Under Way for Eacei To Hold Trophy Contest for Three Hundred Miles. NEW YORK. March 26-Although the holding up of the national circuit proposi tion makes the dates for automobile racing meets rather uncertain, the road racing section of the American Automobile asso ciation calendar Is taking form. Plans have been completed for the holding of the national stock chassis meeting. Again It will be ataged at Elgin. III. Also, It will take two days, August 25 and 28. The Elgin Road Race association and the Chi cago Motor club report that they have had the American Automobile association's as surance to thla effect. Already plans are under way for the races. At a recent Joint meeting of the two middle west organisations the contest was discussed thoroughly. Three races will be strung over the two days. The course that was used so Successfully last year will again ba chosen. In fact the promoters have progressed so far with their plans that they are In a position to announce a change In the starting time of the races and a possible betterment of tha policing proposition, effective though If was in 191. On August 25 the Illinois, Kane county gnd Fog River trophy events will be run, while tha big event for the Elgin national trophy for care under 800 cublo Inches dis placement will be held the following day over" a 100-mile course, or thirty-four laps of tb circuit. It waa decided at the meeting that the course for the coming races shall b closed at twenty minutes before tha start, which will take place at U o'olock this year. Instead of 10 o'clock, as waa the case In 1910. , With a later start plenty of time will be afforded the speotatora to reach the van tage point within tha Incloeura, as no one will be allowed to cross the path of the cars after the first machine is under way. An effort will be made to secure federal troops to patrol the course. Laat year the Illinois National Guard did well, but the promoters figure that tha regulars would b an- Innovation and would be better suited to the work. Polo Ponies Are to Have Good Quarters Challengers to Be Well Take Care Of When They Come to inis Side for Match. NEW YORK. March 25. In order that tha Hurllngham pololsta may not ba at a lose for quarters for their poniea when they arrlv,o the American association Informed tha challengers that there would be plenty of stall room at Lakewood. Contrary to rumor, the Americana win continue their practice work at Lakewood when tha English team arrlvea. inera ara two fields at the Georgian court grounds and abundant opportunity wilt be offered both squads for practice. The rumor that tha American team would leave Lakewood upon the appearance of their proapecuva ooDbnents and hold tho fort at Meadow Brook prove to bo entirely without foun datlon. Lawrence Fltxpatrlck, trainer for Harry Payn Whitney, ha received permleelon from tha town council of Lakewood to train tha poniea In hla car on tha fin apeedway In that borough. Ho will uae tha Frank D. Heard atablea as his quarters for tha forty ponies in his care. While the teama wll constantly be In contact at the lakewood grounds, there will be little or no chance to draw a Una on thalr proapetclvo merlta through even im promptu matches, aa, denplte tha prospect of nearly all the preliminary work oeing done at I-akewood, there will bo no play between Engliah and American playere. It Is the intention of tha polo committee to put Into effect the achema for identify Ing the playera by a system of colors, vlsi Blue to Indicate No. 1; yellow, No. 2; red. No. I, and white, back. This was the scheme proposed by Captain E. D. Miller and put Into effect at Rugby, England, some time ago. It was alao pro posed for tho International In 1909, but failed to bo put Into operation. While not definitely decided upon for the Interna tlonal matchea. tha schema will bo given a trial In some of tha early matohea. CHICAGO IK DOOR MEET RESULTS gwlBBsalaar Event Coaeladed a Flrat Wight of C'oateat. CHICAGO. March 25. The flrat event of tha annual Indoor meet of the Wetrn In tercollegiate conference was held tonight at Northwestern university. Athletes from all the Big Eight universities were pres ent. For tho flrat time In the conference tha Indoor meet la being held on a dirt traek under oondrttona similar to thoao of an outdoor meet ,the big field In the gym nasium having tha apace necessary for an outdoor field. The swimming eveiite were oonoluded tonight. Wleconatn. Illlnoia Northwestern and Chicago universities taking all firsts. Jack Johnson Sent to Jail for Twenty-Five Days in San Francisco Pugilist Fields Guilty to Speeding Hit Automobile and is Sent Up by Police Judfe. SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 25 -Jack John son, champion heavyweight pugilist, was sentenced by Acting Police Judge Tread- well to aerva twenty-five daya In the county Jail on a charge .of exceeding the automobile aed limit. Johnson pleaded guilty to tha charge on Thuraday. When sentence was pronounced. Johnson. who has been acting as his own attorney at his numerous appearances before the ocal police kotirls on charges of violating he speed ordinances, asked that some one be appointed to repreaent him. Attorney Greeley, acting for Johnson, then aaked for a stay of execution and an appeal for bond. Judge Treadwell declined to entertain either motion, declaring that such an order could not be made In the case of a defendant who had pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge. Johnson's attorney announced ha would apply to the superior court for a writ of habeas corpus. Shortly after his arrival hera several daya ago Johnson waa convicted by a Jury on a charge nf exceeding the speed limit and a tine of lino was Imposed. He appealed agalnat the fine and waa again arrested on a similar charge while the appeal waa pending. The service of this warrant waa suspended by Chief of Polica Seymour on Johnson's promise to refrain from again violating the speed ordinance. Caught racing through the park Wednes day, he pleaded guilty Thuraday, with to day's sentence ao the result. The sus pended warrant waa also served on blm and n Police Judge Weller'a court today this charge was contlnupd. McBreen in Favor of Bench Managers Secretary of Boston American Club Says Game is Making Change Necessary. NBW YORK, March 25 The discussion as to the relative merits of a bench and a playing manager for a baae ball team is again under way. "I beileve that before long all managers will ba bench managers," said Hugh Mc Breen, aecretary of the Boston Americans. I think the gama la coming to that. Base ball haa gone ahead so. much and come to be so fast that before long tha manager will have all ha can do to sit on tha bench and direct the plays, without attempting to get upon the coaching lines. Managers must plan ahead, must ba figuring out the next play and upon the lines they are apt to lose sight of moves they have In their minds In the Immediate duties of coaching. You see a manager coaching at first base one minute and then a situation arises that takes him over to third base and It doesn't seem to me that he can make these moves and at tha aama time plan aa clearl as If he were on the bench without any thing to bother him except planning. Then again, by sitting on the bench all the time with his players around him ha Is con stantly getting their Ideas and finding out Just what they think of what ought to bo dona." Now it Just happens that the Boston Americans have a bench manager, whloh may or may not Influence McBreen's opin ion; but, at any rata It Is -probable that tha secretaries of tha New York, Cincinnati and Brooklyn clubs In tha National league and of tha Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland. Chicago and Waahlngton clubs In the American league would agree with him. Tha secretaries of tho other major league teams would probably declare in favor of tha playing managers, who ara aa follows. Name gnd Club. Position. Chance, Chicago Clubs First base Clarke, Pittsburg Kirates i.ert neia Doom. r"niieieipnia taicner Bresnahan. Ht. ixiula .Cardinals Catcher Tenney, Boston Dovea Flrat base Chase. Yankees First base Wallace, pit. Louis Browns Third base The whole question Is, of course, largely a matter of Individuals and personality and will probably ba a source of argument as long as tha game extsta. Western League Gossip Frank Iabell got busy with the axa last week and dropped flva of his hopefuls from the training squad. Harmon, Lam beth, O'Connell, Underhlll and Dean were tho youngsters aent back lor another ycar'a experience playing on tha smaller leagues. Iszy la having a fast training aeason down at Wichita, the playera working hard and conscientiously for places on the squad and It looks aa If the Witches were going after one of the first places. Up at Des Moines there seems to be a delightful uncertainty as to just what kind of a base ball machine Is going to ba de veloped from the varied material on hand. The experience of the Des Molnss fans during tha least aeason has discouraged them a little. There la plenty of atuff on hand, but until tha players get together next week It will bo Impossible to get Una on the team. The list of players has thirty-one names, eleven of whom ara stranger to the Des Molnoa fans. Topeka haa signed another new pitcher, A. A. Kaufman of Terre Haute, Ind, Kaufman Is a right haader, six feet two Inch tall, and ho la so sure of his posi tion that ha brought hla wife along with him. Another youngster, Karktns, has also been added to tha Topeka staff by Man ager Moore, and ha will try out for on of the regular t wirier Jobs. Topeka will play tha Whlta Box team Monday. Sioux City began Ita training season last week, tha pltchera and catchera reporting first and limbering up a little. Chick Hart man, tho little Sioux player who was so popular with the Omaha fans, even though an enemy, looks like tha star man there thla year. Horrayl Tha Antelopes, baaa ball playera belonging to Lincoln, are to have a special rubber and massage man. Mark Bly, a University of Nebraska athlete. Is on tha job and will poupd tha klnka from tb Holy City bunch. Other hasty reporta from the Antelope announce that Noah Kelley, a youngster In base ball, has been signed aa the new catcher for tha UU aeaaon. Manager Hendricks of Denver announces that he has hope of catching a player or two from the Boaton Red Sox and the Chicago White Box when they visit Denver on their trips. Haetoa Beata New York. Al'QUHTA. Oa., March 28 Th Boston Nationals defeated the New York Amer ican league team here this afternoon, win ning by the aoere of i to a Two pitchers were used by each team. MOTamiK or oobast arrnAxesaTrra. DBI.AWABB Arrltee. Sal lad. Port. rulla NKW York fna Uocola. , MOW ToHH IHSOA Ft NT A AP.EMAJ. SeptrU) VALPAHAIHij .... Marlon VH KENKPJWN... YfcHurUUI HAUKAX Caruiiua. KIW ynHg UVKRPaiL COLUMBIA - Irfmibanll. Ortarla. Rms. at IrelanS gaamua W. W. Harrta. Along Auto Row Happenings of the Week Cars Sold and fi One loralnt lealera Are in t;od aplrlta. The Jackson Automobile company la go ing out to win the big MW-mlle race which will be run on the Indianapolis speedway Decoration day. The .taikaon racing cata rmvf- always acquitted thpmselvps moat creditably In all the events which have starred on many occasions on tha big In dianapolis track, especially In the last big even), which waa run on the Indianapolis rpeedway previous to Its being paved. Thla waa the contest for the Wheeler A Pheb ler trophy In !!. Just to give an Idea of what the conditions were under which cms raced on the speedway before It was paved here la a short account of the moat stren uoua test that these racing care were ever subjected to on the old speedway: The distance of the raca waa 30 miles. There were nineteen cars, nineteen started; at the end of the fiftieth mile seventeen were atill running, the Jackaon In the eighth place. One hundred miles found the Jack son seventh; 12K It had crept forward to fourth place; at ISO miles, half the distance of the race. It led the field by a safe mar gin. The cip was not awarded, but there was Inscribed upon It a record of the re markable performance of the Jackson car. Manager Gould said, In speaking of tho Ford: "Just contemplate on these figures for a minute: Rulldlng S.000 cars In one fac tory and shipping them all In on month. It waa only a short while ago that S.WK) cars represented the entire annual output of tha fairly largo manufacturer of auto mobiles. Think of the enormous force of worktngmen. master mechanlca and gen eral equipment necessary to produce and ship 2,600 cars In twenty-eight days, twenty-four working days, 1.600 machines, an averago of IfiO cars per day; value of day'a output over floo.OOO. Each week end the Ford company had an order In with the Michigan Central, one of a number of roads used, for 200 box cara. The output of tho Ford factory for 1D11 will be 30,000 cars. Accept tho combined estimates given out by the various Amerioan motor car manufacturers, of an output of 1F0,000 cars for the present automobile year. Ford alone will build at leaat 80,000 of these cais, or In other words, one car In every five American made cars sold In this country this year will be a Ford." John B. Hulett of the Losler Motor com pany spent ssveral days In Omaha last week, closing up an agency here. Hulett Is elated over the performance of the Lo sler out In Los Angeles last week. Here Is a wire received of the event: "LOS ANGELES, Cal., March ID. Teddy Tetzlaff. driving a Lozler stock chassis, defeated Ralph Do Pulma and his ninety horse power Flat. In 100-mlla match race, breaking world's records all the way. Time as follows: Twenty-five miles, 18 minutes, 223 aeconds, S1H M. P. H.; 60 miles, 36 mlnutea, 2TH seconds, 82 M, P. H. ; 75 miles, M minutes, 60H seconds, 82 M. P. 11.; 100 miles, 1 hour, 14 mlnutea, 20 seconds, SO'i M. P. II. 'Tetxlaff s fastest mile was the nineteenth ap, which h turned In 41 seconds, gaining a mile on tha foreigner. Da Palma drove a consistent race, but tha terrific pace set by the American-made car was too much tor him and at tb finish tha Lozler led by the comfortable margin of six and one half miles." With a total mileage of 24,159 mllea to Ita credit and ST atatea travelled In alnce last July, tho Abbot-Detroit "Bull Dog" arrived in this city from Bioux City, la., at 10 o'clock last night, In chargo of Dr. Chas. a. Perclva), editor of Health Maga zine of New York City, under whose au spices tha proposed 100,000 mile trip tit the Abbott la being made. The car Is attempting the longest auto mobile trip ever before known In the his tory of the Industry 100.000 mllea and Judg ing by Ita performance up to data. It bids fair to accomplish tha feat. The car which Is a 1910 stock car, was purchased from th Kansaa City agent after It had been uaed as a demonstrator for 8.000 miles and been a contestant In many endurance and re liability runs. Tha car Is equipped with American pro ducts entirely, being furnished with Mpllt dorf magneto, Caagraln speedometer, and vacuum carafes for hot or cold dr.nka, according to tha climate, cooking and camping utensils, sleeping bags, block and tackle, shovels, axea, and all tb necessary equipment needed on a trip of the magni tude of this one. At the completion of th 100,000 miles, tha car is to ba torn down and aubjected to an exhaustlv examination by a teghlnal committee composed of prominent automo bile authorities, and It Is conceded that both tha Industry and the Abbott Motor Co. will benefit greatly by what haa been accomplished by this II, 600 American auto mobile. Bo great haa bem tne foreign demand for the light weight model T car manufac tured by tha Ford Motor Company of De troit, that the export ahipplng department of that company have been working over time to fill the foreign orders. Ever since tha flrat of tho year, tha Ford export de partment has been making average dally shipments of eighteen model T cars or over a hundred cara a week, which In It self la an industry thatmany automobile concerns would bo proud of. The destina tions of these cars ara varied, some be ing aent to England, soma to Europe, to Australia, a carload to Africa, another to Japan, in fact every oivlllsad country on the globe haa bad Ita shipments of Ford cars. Tho Omaha Motor Club reporta the fol lowing new mambera for tha past two weeks: liana P. Noble, ltd Brown, JS. M. Eckman, 11. C. Bostwlck. E. F. Folda, J. C. Bbarp, Dr. R. K, Bchlndel, Lou Blck, D. L. Holmoa, J. B. Watklna. Frank U. Kallogg. Uarry F. Trumbull. li. B. Ptrs, Dr. K Q. Ulllmore, Wro. Rochford. Z. II. Clark, W. H. liynea, Hherman Baundera, Walter Q. Hmlth, U. 11. Payne, Danlal Bautn, Jr.; Jamea Corr, Ray Morrla, J. U. White, Henry N. Peters, J. 1L Markal, L. W. prenica, T. A. Mitchell. Dr. E. 1,. DeLaney, Andy tschaffer, E. A. Rose, Jack Bharp, W. B. Cheek. O. II. Brewer. W. W. Fisher, Burt B. Blanchard, D. E. Blser, Rob' t Parks, at. P. Billings. Paul C. Gal lagher, H. D. Bobotker, C. R. Pollard. J. T. Btewart. Th average number of puncturea auto mobile owners repair In tha course of a Summer's motoring Is three. Thla estimate waa aecured for tha Diamond tiro force by W. A. Weygandt. an Akron newspaper correspond rjit. Ills Investigation, made by means of a printed blank sent out by hinuelf and filled in by automobile ownera, ahowed an average mileage for Diamond tlrea of ., 11 miles. Including all makea of tlrea tha aver age of caslnga replaced during tha sea son j three-fourtha of one to each aet In ua and tha avarag of new tube required la ona for ovary l.t-U mllea. Tb average motorist laat aeaaon ran hla car' mllea and tb threa hundred thousand au tomobile ownera traveled LataVTTC.OUl miles. Had the mntortots devoted tbalr time to traveling round tbe world thay would bava circled the globe 2.l time In eight and a half months. Word has Just been received from Por Rlcd that the display of Lr-slef autyc- biles was awarflpd first premium b tki. Insular Fair held at Ban Juan. i. .u.-w fc.i-4 that It atarted th !h. Hi ling V. engine In an auto In th repair shop inu aid Drummond yesterday, speak of the court house axploslnn. While about twenty windows were broken on me ww ond floor and basement of Drummond a building, the large glaaa windows to hla office on the first floor were not disturbed. Lewis Doty 'made a test Of tho eirength of hla five-ton Sampson truck yesterday by succeaafully pulling a 'nine-ton atone, and at tha same time drawing a wagonJ loaded with a five-ton stone. Kmll tlruenfeldt, flealgner for th Baker Motor Vehicle company, remarked recently In tlevelond, O.: "Now that shaft drtxe In electrics has become so universal. It Is Interesting to recall the prediction mad nine years ago by the Raker company of this city, that shaft drive would supersede chain drlva In both gas rara and elect rlee. The far-sighUdneaa of this prediction is more apparent whan one stops to consider how far back Into th dim past of motor car construction nine yeara takes ua. At that time shaft drive was a mere theory. And that It today la an awonipllshedfact In electrics. Is dua entirely to the years' t-. shaft drive designing dons by Raker en gineers and Its final perfection two year ago In tho Raker electric. "Chain drive manufacturer the country over described tho experiment' aa a foolish waate of power. 'Reautlful In theory,' they said, 'but not In practice; chains are more efficient.' "But after on season a operation, the shaft drive Baker had permanently estab llshed Its superiority. Peeple had seen Its unqualified success In the hands of over 1.000 owners. One world's record after an other afforded still further proof. Chain drive was doomed. "One maker after another hastened to meet tha popular demand by adopting soma form of shaft drive In his 1911 product. "While the Baker shaft la In Una with the best gas car designing, It wab not merely adopted from this source. It was developed after yeara of careful experi menting to meet the special requirements of electric motor power. This was entirely a question of applying the shaft drive prin ciple to the needs of electric vehicles of developing. In fact, a new type of trans mission. This waa a difficult problem and Its successful solution In Baker electrics waa a singular achievement of modern en gineering skill. "The Baker ahaft drive Is not only pioneer; It Is unique. There la none other like It Tn It frlitlon I, a. I.nn --- -. ..MB ..VW, 1 U VJ I . to a minimum by specially designed gear! teeth which afford almost perfect rolilqgV contact. The shaft affords a straight ilrt) drive with universal Joints which enable It to operate without the strain upon gears, bearings and aprtngs Inflicted by a rigid shaft. This accounts for tha wonderful elasticity In the Bakers tranamrsslon. which many other makers believed Impos sible In shaft driven cara. "Shaft drive has come to aiav. U Is clean, silent and efficient. People want It." Motors Flitting Over Florida Beach Sands Thousand! Flock to Race Course , Bee Practice Euni Reo ordi Promised. ' to JACKSONVILLE, Fla March 26Th racing vara whloh are now engaged In practice trials over the Florida ssnds pre paratory to th March 27-SO Atlantic-Pablo Beach racaa ara attracting thousands ol apectatora from Jacksonville and the vicin ity to tha water-washed course. Cart and drlvera ii tha apeed rarnlval ara now on the ground, and th success of the tourna mem . is aeaurea oy me large represents live entry Hat and Intereatlng program events that tha Jacksonville Motor fiut haa ached uled. Without difficulty th rara are attaining upward of aventy-ttv mllea an hour In practice, which la indicative that tha win ner of tha one-mile record trial from a fly ing start will lower the bearh record and capture the world'a championship In addi tion to tho (1,000 cash prize offered by thr promoters. Tha American Automobile associations suspension of tha Case cars will explra March 17. which Is tha opening day of th beach races, thus making the Case can which have been entered eligible to com pete. Tha four daya' program rontalna twenty eight events, and additional amateur event will be added If sufficient entries warrant tha same. Tha largeat list of cars and drivers ssi nominated for a beach meet will compel' and fast time Is assured In every aent The cars which are to via for supremacy represent th beat known American and foreign makea and Include the Bona, Dar racq, Knox, National, E. M. F., Pope Hartford, Warren-Detroit. Cole, v Lam la Bulck, Meroadea, Losler, Bimplei, Case. Marmon, Flat and Herreshoff. WIMMINO CONTEST IS CLOSE Daalela Wlaa from llllaa-ta Maa by a FOw laches, NEW YORK, March 26. One of tha mor remarkable finishes to a swimming ra In thla or any other country waa neased at tha New York Athletic club tf night when C. M. Daniels, tha record holder, again won tha 100-yard amateur athletic union championahlp. Never before waa Daniels ao hard pressed. Only two lnchea behind him was McOllllvray of tha Illlnoia Athletic clui of Chicago, while a few lnchea away R E. Friselle of tha Missouri Athletic clui. of Bt. Louis beat out A. H. Hebner of th Illlnoia Athletic club for third place. Tfc four men were only a fraction of a cono apart aa they touched tha finish mark The tlm of th winner waa 66H eeconda which la four-fifths of a second behind Danlela' own American record for th du tance. with thro turns. CHANOBt tn RUNNIMO PinF LEXINGTON. Kr.. Mareh ft?. Ch.naK in tha rulea of Kentucky racing tod aouDiy important in view of the death I racing In New York, were passed by th Kentucky Racing commission here todav It Is now provided that In meetlnga a tracks whose Immediate territory contain" a population of mora thaa) 109,ou mtnlu Latonla and Louisville no purse at spring meeting shall ba for leas than t" nor at autumn meeting for leas than In clUaa of between 30.000 and Mi p " latlon referring to Lexlngton-the p if" limits ara 1300 and 2U for tha reape. n seasons. After 1911 all guaranteed staiiea ara t IS at aiBAk I a la A Sana. . . a-ivmuiiaa. i us mean that in rea tenia track rouat give )h winner fee in run entries ar,d declaration. In stead of being bald to th guaranteed value, -