'If THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2fi. 1011. V FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued ) W) ACHES CLEAR. In Knox Co , Neb., 44 miles S. K. of Niobrara, no Improvement. I'r1r 12. Mo. aix) v acres-clear. In M. I 'lair Co., Mo., unimproved land. Price fj..vw. Want stock of groceries, merchan dls or Omaha, property. Will t.cal together or separately. TMK MIDLAND CO. 674 Rrandels Hldg. Omaha. WE exchange proprtles nf merit. II H. Culver. H2-A1J N. V. Life. Douglas 7Wfi. TO EXCHANGE A cholra running stock1 ef merchandise. Invoice about $5,i0, want Minnesota farm. Address Box M, Here ford Colo. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to noma owner and noma hulld ra. with prlvlleia of muting partial pay aoecta semi-annually, W. H THOMAS t Flrat National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTOAUE3 FUR HALE. Any of the following loans: Two of t2;) on ls acres rai h. One of :,iKi on 200 acres. tine of $."i,tx) on 350 acres AH due In four yearn, abundantly secured and will eell to net buyer per tent. Fur ther particular on application. THIO GRAIN KELT COMPANY 30C First Nat I Hank T'ldg.. Telephone, Tyler 1070. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Cltv loana. Petsrs Truat Co. CHEAP MONKT. Representing tha rtnn Mutual Ufa Ina Co.. with asseta of ovar $117,000,000 I lit prepared to acoi-pl all tha good loana of fered on Improved Omaha real aetata Puslnesa and realdaoca loana made without data. - THOMAS PRENNAV City National bank Bid Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for sale at amounts from l.)"0 to 13. CA BENSON & MYERS, 41: New York Ufa Hldg. VOW RATES, BKM1S-CARLDERO COs 110-411 Brandela Theater Uldg. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. rarnara Smith & Co.. Itai Farnam Su GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. T. Life. $6W to IWQ.QUW ott improved proii No delay. Fdrm TJq Mortgages Net to the Investor W'a want to net In touch with people who have, from $:n upward to Invest In care fully selected flrat mortgnges on Improved Nebraska farnia. Such Investments are ab solutely aufe, aa trtiKta cannot manipulate, nor panic disturb them. Call or write ua for full detail. KIOKE-HKAD1.V INVESTMENT CO.. Sol Omaha National Bank Hldg., Omaha. CITT and Farm. JOHN N. FKKNZKH. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 New Omaha National Hank Building. 5 per cent to 6 per cent PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. OARVIN BROS.. $54 Omaha Nat Bank Hldg. Phone Douglas 952. $100 to $10 000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Weed Bldg . Uia and Furraro. STEAMSHIPS auju UN pMtsrssqae' It. Lawreiwe ftoele. WMkly Satlinn troea ttONTTtAli TO LIVERPOOL. OLASOOW " LONDON. HAVKI. Praate Fortnlgbtlv from rnrLADILPHIA ea BOSTON te OUtlOOW kelMMll eoeaery. ahnetvet ihhim U ni ' any lUllesr Acent, or " " ' ALLAN CO., General Atala tit jsskaoa it.. Ukloaaa. ANCHOR LINK-STEAMSHIPS NEW TCOIIK, LONDONDERRY AND QLASUOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York and Hcotch. English. Irish and all principal Continental point at attractive rale. Bend for Hook of Information. Superior Accommodation, Excellent Cul alne. Apply Promptly for Reservation to local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS.. General Agents, Chicago, 111. WANTED TO BUY WHEEL chair; must be cheap. Wrlto. "W 913. Omaha Dee. WANTED invalid adjustable ohalr, 243 Bryant St.. Co. Bluff. wheel BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3971. WILL pay cash for -room modern cot tage, bath and one bedroom on ground floor; no fancy price. A. T. Ayers, 4C7 Sew ard. WANTED (ood, big tent; give descrip tion and price. H Bit), Pee. WANTED to know who want to buy a lot. C, J, Canan, 71 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg RESTAURANT In city. C. J. Canan. WANTED Slightly used second hand rubber tire top buggy. Phone Doug. l2Ji. EVERY up-to-date grocer sell I'pdike's Pride of Omaha. If W. Malcolm, 1111 No. 19th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an order for a a 12-pound sack of thla flour. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room and board In strictly private family, man and wife, first class. Reference exchanged. Addicts S. 912, Be. COUPLE without children, want I or )T room house In good section: must have barn or garage; want to do business with owner who would appreciate careful tenant. O 910. Bee. CLIENT (two In family), wishes modern rottaae or apartment bv April 1; location no object, but neighborhood must he Al; no shack. LIST YOT'R HOfSES WITH VS. WE II AVE THE CLIENTS. THE V HIU-KEHM CO. B7 Brandel Bldg. bnugla SXfiV B.MAI.I, furnished flat or eot'age. modern er not considered; no children; reference furniahrd. Address H 915. Bee 5-ROOM col l ii sr. modern except heat, bv May 1; two In family. L. H33. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant: food refer eDcea. Address B TTL . PRACTICAL NCRSE. Webster 1114. POSITION as night watchman; sober and reliable. U Tbo, Bee. PORTER for private home. Phone Webster tM0. EXPERIENCED hanker, formerly con nected with large trust company and at rrestnt assistant cashier of national hank n Pennsylvania, desires position aa cashier cf small or medium sued bank i the West. Can make amall investment. Will deal with principals only. Address 131. Bee WANTED Position In drug store cr gen eral merchandise store; am re-rMteref In Nshraska; con give hi of ref-rencea. Write J. G. U'oolsey, Huhlell. Nrl REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! or TITI.K. N Midland Guarantee en Trust enrapaa bonded abstracter. 1714 Psrnam PETER JKS3EN. jr. Co. Tel. Dou HM H. U. NeaJe. t& Omhs Nat l Bank Bldg M- T. bKINNAN (bonded). $24 Brandeis Te, REAL ESTATE Continued ) ntC.lL, ESTATE DIvAIERI, RFED ARPTRACT CO., Est. prompt service; get our price:. Prandela Theater. REAL F.STATE TITLE TRl'ST CO., Fif teenth fioor. City Ntt I. Dank Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR I A IK Going Into Business Must Have Money This Is the opportunity you have been waiting for 8-room, modern house, with hardwood finish, tiled hath, hot water heat and everything first class. Cost the owner Jo.o'O five yenis hkd. The house could not he replaced for what It cost and the lot Is worth more than he paid for It. Will consider any reasonable offer, l.ct ua show you the property and then tell ua what you will give for it. Close In Home Owner Moving to Lincoln 8-room modern house, with oak finish, oak floors, hot water heat, etc.; lot 32x128 feet on "th fit., south of Dewey Ave. Price I'i.lXO. House built In lifiT; good neigh, borhood. close to churches and schools and within walking distance. Un Georgia Ave., North of Leavenworth One of those fine old homes on this beau tiful street. 10 rooms on first and second floors, and 3 finished rooms on third floor. East front lot. with 4-foot terrace, extra good neighborhood. Prh'e $i,2iK. The house alone Is worth the price. It you want more ground, wc can sell you the adjoining lot lor J.t"0. A Beautiful Home Hall, parlor, conservatory, dining room. kitchen, one bedroom or den and bath on first floor; three bedrooms on second floor; lot 4"xl3H feet; cement walks, paving new and paid for. This house has hurdwood finish, hardwood floors and all modern conveniences, and Is located In a good neighborhood, two blocks from car line. Price 4.."xio, easy terms. The Home of Mrs. Harford Corner of 29th and Hickory Sts. For Kale at a Bargain An extra well built 12-room house, with all modern conveniences. Including hard- woon rinlsli. hardwood floor, mantel and grate, bookcases built in; laundry tubs and c.atern; south and east front corner lot; very sightly location; convenient to street cars, churches and schools. Price 113.500. Easy terms. Special reasons for selling. A 7-Room Bungalow One of those beautiful bungalows front ing south on -pledge St., In Dundee, hard wood finish and oak floors and every con venience. Price 5,SM. Also one 5-room bungalow on Same street a gem with hot water heat. Price $5,600. J. H. Dumont & Son Sole Agents Phone D. 6M. ltiflS Farnam St., Omaha. ANOR'"PLACE Reautiful home sites in one of the nicest parts of the north end, located at 2?th and Fowler avenue. Limited building restrictions. All new homes in the neighborhood are modern. Ya block from paved street. 2 blocks from Ames Ave. car. 3 blocks (two ways) to North Twenty-fourth' car line. All taxes paid to cat of your contract. Very easy terms.o For prircs and appointment Phone Douli- laa m . . ... Look at 4114 Cuming St. A fine 8-nom house in a very desirable location. House has large living room, dltilng room, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor. Pour large bedrooms and bath on the second floor. First-class heating and plumbing throughout. South front DO-ft. lot on asphalt pavecf street within IV- blocks of corner of 40lh and Coming. Owner has made a very low price if sold during the month of .March. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. IBM Harney St. 7 Room House In Dundee Owner desires to sell new modern house, convenient to car; oak finish and fire place down stairs; white enamel and ma hogany finish upstairs. Terms to suit. Phone H. 4S21. VERY desirable 5-room home, modern except heat; place to keep 500 chickens; t:.fn; $:MU down. S per month. Hamilton, io4J No. S'.'th St. NEW MUCK HOUSE 2i.x40, Just being completed; 5 large rooms beside closets, pantry and hath: oak finish, bedrooms havo 2 windows; stairs to stllc; cement cellar with furnace. located on Plnkney. between 24th and 2ith Sta., front ing on I'nlverstty Campus; open for buyers from 2 to 5 Sunday. SAWYER ft LONG, 481 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglaa 73X5. Ind. A-373S. Nice Home Place At IKth and Ppruce. an exceptionally well built 8-room all modern home. Very prettv lot with large shade trees, all kind of ihruhhery. The house is finished in oak and hard pine. Hot water heating plant. Owner will make a substantial cut if aold at once. The Byron Reed Co. Both phones. ' li So. 17th. Vacant Lot $700.00 In Crelghton's First addition, east front, rise 4f'xl3.1, cement sidewalk, city water and gas. A choice lot and cheap price. Payne & Slater Co. ole Agent, hlH Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg 4116 Farnam Street 7-ROOM modern house, stable, nice lann Owner moved lo California; must sell; want offer. GARVIN BROS. ZSt Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg TO CU )SE AN ESTATE MAKE YOUR OFFER '-'Tivl Weunter eU.. a mod. I room house. 2.'..'5 Davenport ft., a fair r cot. with water heat. 27i fcprague St., so entirely new e-rootn cottage. FRED S. HADRA, New Omaha Nat I Bk. Bldg. Doug 4334. AT A SACRIFICE Oanrra' business ctll them to the coast. Must sell their hoin, ; Urge rooms, all icoJern. under feed furnace Built 6 year. Permanent walks Flue view. 2 block ii Kountse Place, l block from Sherman Ave. line. $3) terma. R, W. Bryant. Phone Web. 2213. WE HAVE aeverai customer who are looking for Income-producing pioperty any Klirre from $1 5 to $IUiirt. RIN'OWAI.T MkOS BRAN DEJ3 THE AT Lit BUILDING. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKHTY FOR SALE (Continued.! You Can BUY A GOD HOME At Your Own Price We have two or three homes in the most desirable section of the city; new, modern, (5 to ! rooms, that MUST BE SOLD AT OXCK Owners are going to leave the city and in order to dispose of their property at once, have authorized us to advertise and sell the homes AT A SACRIFICE These are without question the best bargains in the city of Omaha. Only a small amount of cash required; balance on easy terms. YOU WILL SAVE $oU0 TO $i0i)0 If you buy one of these houses. Don't buy your home until you have investigated this. The houses will be sold in a few days; better see us at once. GLOBE INVESTMENT CO., GJ-I Brandeis Theater Building. Thos. Brennan Bargains 16th St. Stores PROMINENT CORNER on 16t!i St., with 4 brick stores; cheapest business property In city, $18,ooo. Income Property CLOSE IN CORNER, 66x132. annual rental 1,6S0, with 4 dwellings; price only $14,000. West Farnatrf TWO NEW, very attractive resi dences, I block from car, prices 6,0im and M.000; only part cash down. FINE RESIDENCE on large corner lot. In most fashionable section, built of pressed brick, hardwood finish and oak floors up and downstairs; fine garage; can be bought for $23,000, much less than Its ccs.t. Old Residences IN LOCATIONS where business Is coming In. Home fine expensive places for leas than half cost; prices, $3,500 to $10,000. Easy terms. E. W. GANNETT, Manager Real Estate Dept. S06-81O City Natlonul Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1264. Strictly Modern Home ONLY $4,000 An 8-room house, oak finish In hall, par lor, living room (with fire place) and din ing room; front and back Stairs, four fine bed rooms, each with big closet, floored garret, full basement with laundry, fine new furnace, beautiful new electric and faa fixtures, splendid new sanitary plumb ing In bath mom and kitchen, full south front lot, 60xlrt, on asphalt paved street. Just two blocks to car; big shade trees; all special paid. Better than many $fi.ooo propprties on the market, and only $4,000 on easy terms. Good neighbors; Walnut Hill district. It la a real bargain. Let us show you. Payne 8c Slater Co. Hole Agent. 61 Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg. $5,750 Kountz Place Home A fine 8-room home, built about two Sears ago in this beautiful addition. Lo cated at 18os Spencer St. House haa vesti bule entrance. reception hall, parlor, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on the first floor. All finished In oak excepting the kitchen, pantry and rear entry. There are four good bedrooma and bath on the seeond floor. Also stair to attic where two more roc ms could be finished. The interior Is all nicely decorated and papered. First class plumbing and heating throughout. The location la very desirable, only 14 blocks to car and good stores. South front F.C-ft. lot; paved street. The owner Is compelled to move to an other city on account of his business and has made a very low price for quick sale. ou can go direct to the house. If you pre fer. Hastings & Ileyden, 1614 Harney St. DOUBLE CORNER CLOSE IN-CHEAP $1,650 Very Easy Terms Plxty-six ft. on paved street (paving paid); permanent walks on both streets; city water, sewer and gas; plenty nf room to nulld three detached houses; 12 minutes' walk from our office. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. SMALL TRACTS 12V- Acres With New House Of aix rooms, large cellar and cistern, good well, nine acres cultivated, 81 bearing apples trees, all fenced. A sightly location just off Macadam road and one of the choicest Improved tracts near Florence; price $5,600. Might take clear house and lot worth $1 oUO In trade; balance, part cash. GRAVIN BROS. S54 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg Big Bargain New two-story, 6-room bungalow; has reception hall, parlor, dining room and I ltchen on the first floor; dining room has beamed celling, lanelled walla and plate ail, all In oak; two bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Open Sunday from 2 to 6 1. m. Icated at IS! Manderson t. This la a bargain. Don I fall to see It. Phone W ebster fcl. NEW IRRIGATION TOWN. On two transcontinental railroads; three Irrigation projects surrounding; one pro ject within 4 'miles; town Jus starting; closest town 8 miles either way; geograph ical and natural railroad center of richest developing fruit district In Washington state, lits now $40 to $in0. Wilte at once for reservation. Yakiiat Tnwnaite Co., bJl Crary Bldg., Seattle. Wash. $1,G73 CASH $14 30 building and loan; no better built house In Omaha: 7 rooms, lot lllixIM, full basement, space for 4 more rooms. sawed hard pine floors; liti grapevines, all liesr liig; other fruit treee. Fort boulevard, or lUXi Camden Ave . J1, blocks wet-t Fiorenoe i sr. bee this today. i WILLOWS. Phone Hed V.'Ms. o4 Brandeis Building FOR 8AI.K llv home. 101 Evans Ht , t large rooms, modern, cistern, can make terms. Call before I and after i. J. R Salisbury. Web. 16 NINE-ROOM, strictly modern house, near California, on ltth bt.; lot 4JXI04. Sickness reason for aelllng. Must be sold at once. C. O. Edllng, 1 North liHh St. REAL ESTATE CITY FROPF. RT Y FOR MIR (Continued ) A Shrewd Buy Lot Facing Hanscom Park $1,000, Paving Paid Terms: U'2 Cash; a Month Shrewd people pick up lot bargains when Hit run across them. They don't let a good opportunity slip. Here Is Just th kind of a bargain such people are looking for. and the terms "OH. MV!" Think of It. any one can get a home when they sell them that way. The lot Is full slxe, not below grade. Paving tax all paid; per manent walks; tlty water; sewer and gas in street. The mcnthly payments Include Interest. Hastings & Ileyden, 1014 Harney St. J. W. ROBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE bOCG. 521. HOUSES AND LOTS $12,500 Double- modern brick flat, with S rooms each, on corner, near high school, very choice. $ 5,50O-Two house,, one modern of 9 and one or room, easi ironi anu ciotie In: rental. $744. $ 3,750 1" acres In Florence, with good s-room houfe and barn, shade and fruit trees, close to car line. $ 2,u00 ti-room cottage and east front lot. on 24th near t urning; owner remov ing from city, must sell: want offer. $ 1,750 -room house and corner lot, 2nth and Manic, one block from car line. t 1,C50 6-room, east front cottage, on Nerth 2itn St., partly modern. VACANT LOTS $l.so0 East front, on 42d north of Dodge. il.Seo r,y-it.. on Cass, paving paid. $1,250 East front, on 27th Ave., fine trees. very signtiy ana close in. M0 Corner, 4th and Cass. no Full lot, on 42d south of Farnam. a:) Full lot. Just east of Dundee. t'25 Full lot. 34th and Taylor. EE "MKJ FOR OTliKR BARGAINS. NEW COTTAGE New 5-ronm one a half story bunga low. Just being completed; large living room; large front bedroom; nice bathroom, with first-class nickel plumbing; electric light: furnace If desired (piping and reg isters ready); full east front lot; cement sidewalk: convenient to 24th and Ames Ave., stores. car lines. schools and churches; built for a home, but owing to change of plana owner haa Instructed an Immediate sale at less than actual cost, $2,250. ERNEST SWEET. 123G City Nat. Bank Bldg. t. 1472. West Davenport Near 3Sth, 60 ft., paved, high ground $.1,2511. Near 37th, 50 ft., paved. $2,000. North 3Sth Ave., near Cass, 50 ft., all ' specials paid. $2,500. Forty-first Kt., 2 corners, near . new cathedral, each 65x111, $1.2o0. , O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat l. Doug, or A-2152. Bemis Park Home $4,500.00 . , On Lincoln boulevard, a fine 7-r. all modern home, oak finish, combination fix tures, decorated throughout, complete In all details. Fine large lot. 50x. Can be shown at any time. Reasonable terms. Payne 3c Slater Co. tilii Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Both Phones. ON 34th STREET, NEAR FARNAM A VERY CHOICE HOME, with oak fin ish and oak floors below; four bed rooms and tiled bath on second floor, servant's rooms and store room on third floor; full basement with laundry, toilet, etc. Lot 60x135 feet. ll.is is one of the choicest strictly mod ern houses on West Farnam Hill; was built 4Hi years ago and is In flrst-cluss condition. Price. $13,5o0. J. II. DUMONT & SON lSOu Farnam t., Omaha. 'Phoue Doug. B'JO. HERE ARE A FEW OF MY BARGAINS 3.-.11 Bouth 2"th 8t., mod. and new 8-r residence 4oxl"7 ft. 1220 North 34th St.. a new 7 r res dence In Hernia Park, 40x167 ft. 4!1 Grant Hi , a new 7-r res six 12ft ft. Five acres near Field club, well Improved and a 5 r house. FRED S. HADRA, &tf New Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. ltoug 4334. Choice1 Houses Can Be Bought on Easy Terms. l-r. house, W. Farnam disc, mod.. $U 500. 7-r. house, W. Farnam dial.. iikmI . $4,5UO. i-r. house. Fowler Ave., mod., $1,000. 7-r. house, all mod.. $30. 3 7-r. houses, all mod.. $3.V). 12 6-r. houses, all mod., fi.stA. 6 5-r. houses, all mod . $2,100. I.OTfl. We have about lou lots in all Darts of tha Icily ranging In price from $M to H.Ooo ! CONSOLIDATED SALES CO., ;03-:i7 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. Jl.TO FOR HALE 6-room house, gas, cistern water, barn; lot 26x124: located on Franklin Bt.. I1 Mucks from 33d St. car line; can he had for $l.2ti0 lr taken within a few days, as it will he for sale only ONE week. A bargain. Also several other bargains on hand, Including city lots snd farm lands. t'llKIH BciVKll. 2:d and Cuming 81. Telephonea: Douglas and Ind. ii ;04. FOt'R-STORV business block. WixU? modern. Income lo per cent on price. tv.MM with $loOj loan at 64 per cent, near liest corner In city of Lincoln. Consider farm or smaller income property for eouliv Hn, 4. tun, ow ner, uncum, jxeo. REAL ESTATE CITY PROI'ERTY FOR HAI.E (Continued ) Reasonable Homes Below we tie offering eight houses, any of which are worth the money, and some are worth mot. Wc honestly think they are good buys and f 1 that they are about the best bunch we have offered for sometime. We do not want you to bother people In the houses, but let us know and we will make arrangements for you to see them. 118 S. 42d St.-Beven rooms, all modern. In the best of shape, 2' years old; good neighborhood; cistern, with pump In laundry and kitchen. Price $1,000. 4U23 Dodge St. Seven rooms, all rrjodern; In good condition; cistern In laundry; slate roof. Price $.1,000. 205 ft. Central Blvd. -Seven rooms, all modern; hot water ; heat. Price $4,soo. K15 Frsklne-Five-room cot tage, good condition. Price $:,ooo. 1045 Park Ave. Eight-room all modern house; some re N pairing necessary; good lot, with specials all paid. 104! Park Ave.-Elght rooms, all modern. This house, also, needs some repairing. Full lot. specials all paid. Price $.?.Wlft. ' 3011 Miami St. Eight rooms, all modern; In good condition. Price $2,750. West Farnam District Six rooms on first floor, with room to finish Oiree more rooms on second floor. House Is strictly modern and In fine condition, w Ith good lot. The owner says he Is going to sell thla week, and If you knew- the price you would believe him. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Douglas 2181. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 Rooms, $7,700 104 feet, south front, near Yates fine residence, West Farnam district. House no. new, but large and roomy and put In good condition by former owner, Mr. Dill worth of the B. & M. legal department. Ncn-resldent owner goc the property In exchange and puts this sacrifice price on it, $i,7ou. There are probably fifty people in Omaha who If they knew the actual value of this property would buy It at the price. (This ad Is for thern.) Act quickly. Harrison & Morton, Best Lots West We are Just putting on the market a block of lota on 15th St.; between Dodge and Davenport streets; newiy pa.ea, lots graded, city water, sewer and sidewalks. These are near the Farnam car line and only twenty minutes' walk from downtown. Prices. $x00 to $2100. Call for plat with details of sizes and prlcea. Harrison 8c Morton 91ft Omaha National Bank. Tel. Doug. 314. On B. & M., at 20th 8t.. $12,000. 32000 Sq. ft. Trackage Harrison & Morton 132x132, $40,000 V. P. trackage, heart of wholesale dlf rlct. Harrison & Morton f 7x132 $45,000 Near 2Jd snd Farnam. Owner Just here and advises us to push it, .arrison & Morton 66x132, $125,000 One block of Thompson & Belden's. Harrison & Morton 62 Feet, $7,000 25th Ht., Just off of Farnam. Harrison & Morton 50 Feet, $6,200 25th. Just across St., from the above. Harrison & Morton 44x132, $45,000 Next and east of First National. Harrison 8c Morton 66x132, $35,000 One block of Postoffice. Harrison 8c Morton 66x95, $25,000 3)th, between Farnam and Harney. Harrison & Morton 242x132, $60,000 Farnam, near 25th. Harrison & Morton 60x132, $11,000 Farnam, near 25th. Harrison & Morton Non-Resident Owner Says Sell Boutheast corner S2d and Davenport Sis. 105x115 feet. Ten-room house thoroughly modern and In excellent repair. Thla desirable property must be sold. For price and particulars see Conrad Young S22 Brandela Theater Bldg. 1 Telephone Douglaa 1571. LOT J. block Jl. city; near high athool $2 3u0, assessed $4.0u0. Frank Crawford, Ware blk.. City. REAL ESTATE tlTl" I'ltOPKRTV FOR 8AI.B (Continued) FOR Drplrablo lnvpstnir nt property, row ;ronitr lot. paved street, on car lino. I Vna 1 11(1 I l T. K 1111 lAEn Cm..iK $17,500 Pouthwrst corner of !th and Pacific streets, two old frame Loustn, Out t alnable lot, $S,000 12 room modern house, iiaed atreet, permanent walk, all special taxes lald, half hlock from cur line, south front, lot 66x120. No. 1918 Capitol Avenue, $8,000 Large modern dwelling, lot "6x130, barn, e6t Tront. pael siirtt, .i.l apfflal taxes paid. No. 51S South 26th street. $7,500 Kast front cottage, furnace and bath, paved street, all special taxes paid. No. 2456 South 20th atreet. $l;oo South front cottage, bath, paved street, nil special taxes paid. No. 1816 Corby street. if-'.OOO South front cottage, half block from car line, permanent walk, full lot No. 11216 Seward street, 1 ,201 1 ALFRED C. 20!) First National Hank Building:. HOME-SAVINGS BANK Pay rent to yourself and establish a private savings bank by purchasing a de sirable double house In Kountse Place. Al most new, one block from car. Choice for Investment alone or to occupy one part and rent out the other. Kach side has aix rooms, bath and all modern features that best tenants demand. I..arge corner Jot with plenty of ground to build another house for which sewer and water are In. Income Is $70 per year. Price, $7,500. with reasonable terms. C. rt. SHEPARD. Owner. Close in Home Almost new, 8 rooms, strictly modern oak finish downstairs, south front lot. 6ux;, paved street, all paid for; close to Crelgh ton university and High school. Price $3,750. This is a rare bargain. You should ask to see It. BEM1S-CAHLUERG CO., 310-312 Brandeis Theater. AN UP-TO-DATE HOME FOR YOU located at No. 4716 N. Hh, consisting of 6 rooms and bath, with large floored at tic; cemented cellar, with furnace and laundry, sink outside cellarwav. Dining and living room finished In oak, balance In yellow pine; nice window seat. etc. This Is not a cheap built house. If you are In terested go and Inspect It today. Owner living In It. Price $2,750, on very easy terms. 8VEA REAL KSTATE CO.. Red 23M. B0& Omaha Nat I Hank Bldg MUST BE SOLI) THIS WEEK DUNDEE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS $5,5:10 Look at 5fld4 Capitol Ave.; -room. 2-atory (bungalow style), strlrtlv modern, oak and birch finish, beamed ceilings; close to car. If you want a bargain In Dundee see this. Owner will show you through. Birkett & Tebbens 423 Bee Bldg. Phones: V. 4764, A 1754. SPECIAL For one week we are authorised to sell the 8-room, all modern house at 8M7 N. U'th Ave., with 60-ft. frontage, for $2,MJ. Nice shade trees. I.I.KiC 5-r. bungaliw, all modem, south from; good location, paved street; built one year. business lot, 3d west of iOth.on aoutll aide of Lake. 4Sxl22. $1,300. McEachron Realty Co., 'Phone Web. 11. W24 Lake Bt. Eight Rooms Modern 2i Lots and Barn 3C02 Vinton street. About two blocks i from west side car line and one-ha!f block from boulevard, fine fruit and haa trees. Improvements built only four ears and In fine shape. You will admit It Is worth $5.0i0 when you see It. but It must be sold and we want an offer. Armstrong-Walsh Co, Tylei-15Cti. 210 80. 17th Street. SEVEN rcna and reception hall, all fin ished In oak down-staus, hard pine up stairs; hAt water heat, full basement, with laundry. Crelghton a First Addition. 1 an be bought for $5,5u0.00. GALLAGHER & NELSON, t'M Brandela Bldg. Doug. 33S2. NEST EGG or home; large comer lot, good tlireo-ro ni house. Twentieth unci fcpruce; price $l.ioi. Lot alor.e worth the money. Room for tour houaos; casn required ,w; ua.aucj nv lent. C. S. SHEPARD, S004 Wirt Bt.- Suburban Home '1V-2 Acres With G-Room Bungalow On a car line and with all modern con-viiw- vt-t out of the city's hubbub; If too large will subdivide. I)t DOxtt. one block irom car; cement walk, city water, gas and sewer, $200. Also lot, one-half hlock from car, same convenience for 3Jt. Call and see Frank Sterling, 4f55 Grand avenue. EASY PAYMENT. 6- Koom cottage, 2521 Caldwell Ht. Price, $1,400. 7- Room house, 2722 N. 25th Kt. Price. 2,u". b-Itoom cottage, 2o N. d Kt. Price, $2,300. 5- H 00 111 cottage. 2uu3 N. 2:d Bt. Price, IJ.ooO. 6- Room, new bungalow , modern, 2325 N. 27th St. Price, $2.4u0. 7- Room modern house, SUM) Ames Ave., $;:.25n. tt-Huom, new modern bunaluw, Joki Ames Ae. Price. $4,000. 6-Hoom, model n. new house, 2434 lake, P.f). WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO. 411 Karbach Blk. Phone Red A-3M5. FOR SALE 212 Webster St.. house and lot, 5"xl.'xi. Fine lesideni-e lot 222 Webster Kt. Business lot 24th and Hpauldlng. Res ilience lot riil and Laird Hts. For particu laia write D. Altman, S55 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis WANTED A list of farnia In Nebraska for sale. Have many buyers. Give legal numbers, full description and terma In first letter. Howard J. Hill, Broaneil Block, Lincoln, Neb. A HNAP-lSxl32. South Front. 4116 Far nam. K rHjin modern house. Make a cash offer to It. E. Stem. Chula Vlsla, Cal POSSESSION BY APRIL I. !.eang city and will sacrifice to aell at once, our 7-rooiu home, mod. except heat; wortli $3,5u0; If sold this week, $2,700 takes it. Call 1S20 N. 25tli St. 8-R., BATH $4 000. S220 Burt, half block of two car lines; Harney mo umiug; asphalt St. Owner, 8218 Burt 6U Tel. Har ney 1406. REAL ESTATE rnopr.itTt i oh ri.r. (Continued.) CITY SALE of four hrlclt housp. fill mortem, OQfK Ii'aiiiia KENNEDY, Telephone Douglas 72: GOOD HOME $:,750 We have Just listed a good 7-room, alt modern home at 2107 GRAND AVE. on lot Wxinf. feet, paved street, fine lot. shade and fruit trees, fine basement with laundrv sink, gas heater, good plumbing throughout. On the first floor, a reception ' hall with vestibule and coat closet, front and back stairs, nice parlor and dining loom, kitchen and pantry. Three nice bed rooms, sewing room and bathroom on aec tmd floor, stairway to large attic. All walls nlcelv decoratetd: storm windows and screens this Is a complete, warm and well built home, owner lives there and will show you through. NORMS & MARTIN, Phone Doug. 4270. 4O0 Be Bldg.e LOOK AT THESE S41 Parker, 5 rooms, modern hut heat, new; lot 6tixl27. Price $2,S00. Easy terms. 1202 N. 2th St.. 6-room, all modern hungalew. Two corner lots, paved streets. Price, $4,000. 85th and tiavenport, 6 rooms and recep tion hall all modern full lot, paved street. A very nice home. Price $4,250. 2th and Davenport. 7-room, all modern, barn, nice lot paved street, all specials paid. Price $3,750. INVESTMENT lst and Franklin, hew brick flat, all modern, renting- for 4s0 per year. Price $4 2VI ioo'font front near 4Rth and Capitol Ave. Just the place to build three housea. Price $1,000. 33d and Davenport, vacant corner, paved streets. Price $3,501). I O. NEILSEN & CO., "03 Omaha National Bank. Phone D. 2204 A Rare Bargain $400 cash, balance practically like rent will buy you a 7-room house, thoroughly overhauled and In fine condition, large east front lot 50x121. Price only $2,200. Lo cated near 3iith Ave. and Cass Kt. BEM IS-CARLBERG CO., 310-81! Brandeis Theater. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AT COST Just completed for a man who waa trans ferred to another cltv. Fomeone will get a bargain. Price, $100; $300 cash, balance $22 per month. Location 7 blocks West of west side Hanscom park car. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Sd floor Ware Blk., 8. K. Cor. 15th and Farnam Btreets. Telephones: Douglas 17S1. A-11M. A GOOD HOME, IJ.SOO 30th and Blnney, elegant bungalow, new; thoroughly modern. 6 rooms. VACANT $1,250-Hall Place, Vietween Ike and Ohio; cast front on Bherman avenue. $ 50 Ilallsholme, between 15th and bher man Av.; north on Hall Av. $ 600 Hall Place. Lust front, 17th St., be tween Lake and Ohio. $ 350 (Use Addition, north front on Wirt. Petween 2!tth and 3oth. $ 250-Orchard Hill, lot 27, block 17. be tween 3fth and 4oth, on Blondo. HALL D1TRIBUTOR CO., 433 Ramie Bldg. Both Phones TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. KOUNTZE PLACE Live In one, rent the other; 8 and T rooms respectively. Mtrlctly modern In every way. oak finish, one south and cm- enst front. Price for both $7,5y0. Only $:t,it cash required. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d Floor Ware Block, South east Cor. 15th & Farnam Kte. Telephonea: Douglas 1.81; A USX. FORCED TO SELL 32d Ave., South Hanscom Park Eight rooms, entirely modern, open plumbing, combination gas and electric I glit fixtures; city and cistern water; paved street; permanent walks; shade trees; house In fine condition (painted last yer), 52 ft. east frontage; terrace; barn, owner leaving city. Will sell for $8.50. Also two lots adjoining on south (one on a cotnerl for $2.5o0. W. FARNAM SMITH aV CO., 1320 Farnam St. Phones Douglas lis4, independent A-UM. Tine home 6-room, modern house, built by owner. 2 years ago. Everything first class. Walk ing distance. Price $4 6o0. l;'5 South Eighth St. Phone Douglas MOO. "()TVNER LEAVING CITY Brand new, 2-story, 7-room, all modern house; oak floora, combination fixtures; ready to move In. Must aell at once 114 South Thirty-sixth street. Harney lUf or Harney o223. Jl'ST THE PLACE YOU WANT A 4-room house almost nsw has city water and gas. Ixxated on 1 laraa Inia adjoining Crelghton 1st Add., and t more lots $ blka from the above all for $3 Ouo. This Is all of $nno leas than It would cost to duplicate this place. Ask us abeut It at once. SEVA REAL ESTATE CO. Red 1326. $03 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg WEST FARNAM NEW STUCCO HOME $7,000. 319 North 38th Avenue. FAIR ACRES district on West Dedga St , which Is paved for miles beyond. May field lots. $250, cash, balance easy. G J. CANAN.