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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1911)
if EVERYBODY READ 3 BEE. WAMT A D 3 9 O I" 1 I vy HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED WALE EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT Aetata u4 SaJt loatlaaed. Faralahea Hoems Caatlnaeil. Ksrsl.ard Hooms Contlnwed. FOR RENT Verv deslrsbls furnlnheil BAT.KSMAN WANTED OR AND OPPOR TUNITY FOR INDUSTRIOUS MEN NOW UVINO OUTSIDE OF OMAHA. A PROFI TABLE) BUSINESS WITHOUT CAPITAL. WORM MONEY THAN IN KEEPING STORE, IN SELLING SEXTON'S CEIE URATKD TEAS, COFFEES AND GRO CERIESTHE FINEST AND MOST WM PLETH LJNE IN AMERICA. TO FARM ERH, STOCKMEN. HOTEIJJ. KKHl'A I' R A NTS AND LAHOE CONSUMERS. COM. MISSIONS ADVANCED. BUM l-MDNTHLVN PM1LKMKNT8. WRITE TODAY GIV ING REFERENCE. JOHN SEXTON & COMPANY, IMPORTERS at WHOLE SALE GROCERIES, LAKE at FRANK LIN 8TS., CHICAGO. MAD RACK- for agency; you mar be chosen; mrtm $76 every week. J. Hodson. N. Y., sold 22 In 1 days I profit $40.7(h; M. Clark, Mnnt., 48 firm week (profit .; Home Comfort scrubbing machine: power ful vibration; scrubs floors. linoleums, tc; no stooping, wetting hands: abolishes hand bruahea, buckets, clotha, self-feeding, self-cleansing, self-sudsing ; child opeiaiea aally. price, $3.25; women all buv; weighs t pounds, eaally carried; now Irresistible; free sample; credit; exclusive terrltorv; hurry postal. Sanitary Supply Co., Box Use. Sta. F, Toledo, Ohio SELL concentrated liquor extracts; agents wanted Immediately, every locality, to sell "Zand' Concentrated Extracts for making "llouor at home:" quick aalea large profits; enormous demand; make th genuine article; aavea consumer 60 per oent; strictly legitimate no government or tat license required; greatest agents proposition ever offered: carry goods In pocket; deliver as you sell: absolutely new to ooosumer; used by liquor dealers tor years. Write for free booklet. "Secrets of Maklna- Liouora at Home. " and success ful selling plan. Universal Import Co., 17 Pearl bt. Cincinnati, Ohio.' AGENTS Stop right her. Something new. $46 to $. a week. Sells on sight. 1(X) per cent profit. No charge for territory, New Automatic Raxor Sharpener abao lutely guaranteed for life. One agent without experience, took 27 orders first day out iaworn statement); 28 orders next day. Profit for two days, $79.50. 400.000 sold In four months. phenomenal money maker. Men everywhere are excited over the mys terious acouracy and perfection of this little machine. Writ today for full de tails, free. We want 1.000 agents In ex clusive territory, at once. Address, The Nevrrfall Company, 1017 Coltou Bldg., J olrdo, O." AGENTS my bin free colored cir cular, showing real photographs and test! monlals of men who are making KiO to $85 a week. Ainu thrilling life size pictures of the machine they sell, which la needed in every home, office, factory, shop and by automobile and motor boat owners. Ad dress Sales Manager, United Mfg. Co., 1W Mill St., l.eipxlc, O AGENTS Here's $40 to $60 weekly; new Invention for coal oil lamps, fits any common burner; makes a brilliant white light, don't smuki- or smell, listen: Krel- er. Mo., made $21 one Saturday: Halt) man. Wis., cleared $12 first day. Low In price; sell one for every lamp. No ex perlence necessarv. Not sold In stores. Free sample; exclusive tctrltory. Write quick. The Sidney Falrehlld Co., 2"3 Fair Child Hlilg.. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Salesmen to handle an side line our new patented machine especially designed and adapted for minting hotel menus. To be sold direct to hotels. Very liberal commissions References required. Address for full particulars The American Menugraph company. e4 Century Uldi;., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED, AGENTS Make $5 to $25 per day selling the Clnch Tire Repair Kit; re pairs a punotured automol.he tire wttnout cement In one minute. Kvny auto owner needH one; biK profits; illnstcated booklet and particulars free. Write today. Rose Merchandise Co., 80S Wabash Ave., Kan sas City, Mo. BRAND New Whirlwind Seller for Hust lersmen or women; everywhere. Low- priced massage machine. Everybody buys, Operated by running water. Guaranteed Women craxy for It. Fastest seller of age Serge Burton sold 12 flint day. 100 per cent froflt to agent. Information and territory ree, but don't delav. Send name on postal today. The Hluckstone Co., 247 Cotton bldg., Toledo, O CAN YOU SELL Florida land? Op portunlty to Increase your Income by rep resenting an old established company oper atlna In Florida. II you can sen rrui farms on Installment write for details. Big commissions. Tampa Tarpon Springs Land Co., Tampa, Fla. WANTED Agerts in every town; sells on sight; big commission; write today, Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk, Omaha. EXPERIENCED HARDWARE AND Tool, SALESMAN; REFERENCES RE QUIRED. APPLY BY LETTER. JAb. MORTON & SONS CO.. 1511-13 DODGE. WANTED Two Fpeclalty salesmen for Nebraska. Work small towna, sell ciders and phosphates. 25 per cent commission, $40 weekly advunce. Crown Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN to call on grocers, confec tioners, general stores. $150 monthly and expenHes; yeurly contract. Frisco Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. HIGH GRADE salesman outside of Omaha. Permanent position. $2u0 to $.VW monthly. Call only on butuuess men. $-'5 expenses advanced weekly. No samples to carry. International Co.. Mclntte Bidg., Dayton, o. SALESMEN Best commission offer on earth; new, pleasant: all itt.iilers; sam ples coat pocket; best men earning $."00 to Jl.ouu per month. Muln 1&-1 College, low. City, la. SALESMEN Our side line men clear $5 a day while waiting for trntna; a thor oughly high grade dignified proposition that any salesmen can easily place with retailers In any line. Uobl. Thai., Granite Bhlg., St. Louis, Mo. HIGH grade Salesmen. Our advertising Specialties sell. Side line or exclusive. lib eral commission. Business getters only need apply. C. VE. Krlckson & Co., New ton, la AGENTS Listen: Our "substitute for slot machines" sells like wildfire; no capi tal required; exclusive territory. Anderson Game Co., Anderson, lnd. SOLICITORS-Peat telling hand power vacuum cleaner; olmt rvatlun t-'lass. blower and 16 uttachmeiita: liberal protKsltion to husilois Victor Cleaner Co.. McClurg Bldg., Chicago. MEXICAN HATS -(Sombreros) For Hum mer Resorts, ilentes Carnivals, etc. Ser viceable, cheap I olds like a Panama. Full particulars ROSS iTRIu COMPANY, I-aredo, Texas, (Mexican Border.) CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers In your town: clean profitable hvitinrs built up uulckly with our brands; lour flavors novel packages. Write today. Helmet Co . Cincinnati. O. SEI.K-WRINGINO MOPS. Wa manufactme six styles for all pur luses; pew Inexperienced men make $9 per clay; no lnvesuneut wanted. Soud postal asking for prices and catalogue. We can make you tndenondt nt. Edtard Hllkor Mop Co., H''! Grand Ave., Chicago. IU. SIDE line, pocket samples: 10 minutes. la) commission: high grade men only; no others ned apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, la. IDEAL specialties are choice money makers and asy sellers. Sample and catalogue. Ideal Specialty 4 o , JUQa at Joseph Ave.. St. Joseph. Mo. AGENTS We have learned how to make cod uortratts. theap. Send for sam plea and cut prices on portraits, frames and plll.fw lops. Modtl Portrait Co.. &dv Aa-eata aad Mlnnrs t'ontlnif. SIDE line travelling men ran make easily $60 per week, carrying our most complete and up to date line of advertising fans. Sixty different subjects. Selling season now at height. Write today. Address Fan Dept., P. O. Bog 71. Chicago.' ANY GOOD TRAVELING MAN can add about $38 a week to his present Income with out products ns a side line during usual spare time. Those with more time can make more money. rite us for particulars. Tha Harvey Oil Co.. Cleve land. Ohio. ' WANTED Men to solicit and take orders for our hardy trees, plants and shrubs. Special Inducements to men starting now. Permanent employment. Perry Nursery Co., Perry. Is. AGENTS Our new specialty, lust out. $! to $.r per day, sells at sight. Write to day. Columbine Specialty Co . Dept. 22, Box 471, Boulder, Colo. NOSPI.A8H Water Strainers are winners. $5 00 dally upwards. Send I1' for sample Instructions, clrculats. Nosplasher. 511 Banks, Superior, Wis. AGENTS make $25 to $100 weekly with our proposition; easy work; meet best peo ple; write today. O. G. Guthrie. Box 4Li. Norton, Kan. UTAH VALLEY FRUIT LANDB-A proposition of unusual merit. Agent wan tea. Address R. H. .1 human. Hastings, .-. d. - AOENTS In every city and town; best soiling automobile specialty; large demand for goods; success assured; start at once. Tha Frank Specialty Co., Alliance, Neb. AGENTS Wante.1 Automobile nacesaltv. Can make $26 a day. Kepalra punctures In mi minute. Send for booklet. Automobile Tire Repair Company, Box 454, Lancas ter, Pa. WANTED Agents Legitimate substitute for slot machines, patented. Sells on sight for $1. Particulars. Glsha Company, Anderson, lnd. AGENTS, sclenUflo Invention, Nuway Vacuum Washer, washes clothes by steam. Inside wash txutsr, without labor: 100 per cent profit: sells $5; easily carried. T. H. E. Sales Company. 71 W. Broadway. New York. AGENTS Novel gum vending machine: hall sum; fast seller: big profits; oxidliod brass finish. Writ Mstal Company. Sus quehanna, Pa. WE pay $M) a month salary and furnish rig and all exuansea to Introduce poultry and stock powders; new plan; steady work. uigier Co., JL V HiariOaTlleld, 111. AGENTS Big aretU selling Tusco Kitchen aperlalUes; new Inventions; needed daily In every family: easy sold wbersvsr shown. Utility Supply Co., Dept. U, Cincinnati, O. GROCERY SALESMEN A. brand new advertising novelty for aid Una, A sale ii every town. Liberal oommlsslon. Sales Manager, Box 6. Newton, la. WANTED Experienced salesmen, side line or exclusive; $7.M commission each order. W. 1. McAllister at Co., 122 Michi gan Ave., Chicago. SALESMAN to sell a line of brushes, brooms, sweeps, mopa, etc., on commis sion. A new and attractive proposition tnat win make irom iiuo to saw a month clear money, on commission basis; must deposit $25 guarantee lor samples. A new and very attractive proposition for up-to-date salesman. Tha Hunter Brush Mfg. Co.. Blanchestar, Ohio. AGENTS W AJTTrr Vaeuum meaner. weighing 5 pounds; at Ua fur $; dues the work of mots expensive machines; llvest ptoposltlon ever flared; goad man making big money; demonstration masj.s sale; you can sell 10 machines to one any otner make. P. ft W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., 4ith St., New York. AGENTS make 500 per cent profit eellln "HIGH GRADE POST CARDi." Specs! selling plan; enormous demand; 6.000 var ieties: samples 10c. Particulars free. SULLIVAN CARD CO , 1234 Van Buren St., I hlcago, 111. UNUSUAL CHANCE Hustler with no experience, no cap.ta!, In each locality, can make at least $10 a day selling our $2) guaranteed Adding Machine. One sale a day guarantees you $M) a week profit. Big demand. We help you build permanent profitable business. W rite now for free exclusive agency .plan. Automatic Adding Machine Co.. 319 Broadway, New York. Clerical aaa Office. Office manager,' must be able to Invest $2,000, $140. Of ilea manager, large mall order and ad vertuing concern mv. $. Tiaveling aalesman, mercantile line, estb trade. $lOu. Traveling salesman, oil. $100. City guh-man, salary and commission Thorough experienced bank clerk. $75. Retail clerk, gents' furnishing. $n0. Cashier, hotel, west, $35 and board. Stenographer, $H5. Young man for wholesale house with chance to become salesman, $40. WESTERN REF. ft BOND. ASS'N. Omaha Estab. S years Kansas City. 7U3-3-4 New York Ufa Building. INTELLIGENT young men desiring to learn a business. Graduates of high school preferred. A good oporeunlty to work up to good positions. Address E-'Xil, Bee. WE HAVE POSITIONS open today for accountant, $10, stenographer, $75; dry goods clerk, $76; collector, young man, $60; hotel clerk, $05; candy salesman, $UXi; clerk, gents furnishings. $5. CO-OPH.RA 11 V .JS JUrutnc Ifl CO., 1015-18 City Natl. Bank Bldg i r; ; ; ; v AMTfcii young man xo iaae cnarga of rental dept. of real estate firm; good chance for a hustler to learn the business. Address Look Box 30, Omaha. Neb. THE sreat V. P. R -R. guarantees yon a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address for particulars. H. B. Boyles. Pres. U. P. Telegractir school. Omaha, Nab. WANTED 100 grocery sales men at once. Call or address IM Webster St., Omaha, isao. WANTED Collectors, salesmen, steno graphers, office clerks and bookkeepers: no filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY, 00 Bee Bldg. Faetary aad Trade. Drug stores (anaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Granite and marble letterer; good general workman wanted, steady job; good w ages. J. C Lark in. Norfolk, Neb. Mlscellaaaaaa. YOU ARB WANTED for government position. $)0$ month. Write for Hat of positions open. Franklin Institute. .Iiept. Ul K, Kocbesier, N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTID Send postal for Omaha examination schsdula Franklin Institute. Deat. IM-M. Rochester, N Y. U. S. 1100 MONTHLT AUTOINO. AUTO PCHOoL Omaha. Neb LARG&ST AND B&.ST. WRIT! BOY wanted. lth St. Peterson Bros., 115 So. WANTED At once, men to clean brick at l.eavttt sugar factory. Address J. J Funk. Fremont. Neb. WANTED Collector for city collections, who can invent small sum of money In comosny; good future foe right party; ex pr1rnce unm-ceatary. Apply 4oi Omaha National bank. . B EN -HL"R Wanted 100 men, 25 women. Apply atage door, Brandel theater, Sunday HELP WANTED -MALE l lu rllnnroo 4 nntlanrd. FOR a number of years the navy has etdmvored to fix a high standard for re- i tilts. OuihK to the steadily Increasing demand for nnvx- jHisltions. however, anil the. limited number of ncanrtrs. the Navy department has determined to raise still higher the requirements for enlistment, r.nd to accept onlv picked men - morally, mentally and physically. The navy has much to offer the serious minded young man or hoy over 17. who Is ambitions tn imko his life a success; who is eaaer to win advancement by his own j efforts; and who wants to be assured of rttireinent with a competency In his de clining years. Ne'er-do-wells and adventurers need not trv to Join the navy. Even' should they find" t'hi" service to ?h"irriiKini. and their 1 discharges would lirohablv follow: but an:- honeft. Industrious young man. of sound physique and clean habits, can meet the requirements, and such young men are welcomed. No man Is urged to Join the navy. They arc only asked to Investigate navy life; to talk It over with their parents. Apply at Navy recruiting station,- P. O Bldg., Omaha. Neb., where all questions will be answered willingly by men who have had years of experience, or write to l ureau of Navigation, Box 209, Navy I)o partment, Washington, D. C WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. CouvmlsHlon paid for bringing students. Barbers make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money-making facilities. Our ceurse saves years of apprenticeship. Graduate como to us for help. Places on trains, steam ships, ofrica buildings, private Darners ana valets. Positions always waiting. Busy sea son soon. Call or writs, Molar Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A No. 1 salesman for wagon; must furnish rood reference, also cash or surety bond; married man preferred; sal ary $55 to $85 per month; last month's aver age salary, o per monin, svuvrumi iu ability and length of service. Call at Al mlto Sanitary Dairy Co.. 1S12 Farnam St. WANTED Man and wife without chil dren to work on small country place near Omaha. Man to do chores and garden work and wife to cook and do general housework for family of three. For the right couple this Is an excellent oppor tunity to secure a situation good for the year round. Address F 918, Bee. $SH MONTHLY to advertise and put out catalogues for co-operative union $46 ex pense allowance. C. H. Emery, X-274, Chi cago. WANTED at ones, 200 young men with nerve to learn aviation. Wa hava booked exhibition flights all over tha country covering tha antlra summer, and we must hava aviators, wa taacn you vne Dusineee. Factory Instruction and trial iiigms on ur own exhibition neio. opeoiai course to out of town students, lr you warn 10 enter the best paid profession and the only nn In which lh la M limit tO tbS mOney any on can make, wrlta Chicago School of Aviation, Dept. WZ, Chicago, in. WANTED MEN to clean marble and rranite inmhutonti In the cemeteries of every city and town. Easy, nice work. Ex rarlinri unnecessary. Make $5 to $10 per day. Particulars free- Louis J. Ooets, Z3i West 44th St., New York City. iioo MONTHLY to younr men for branch offices of big concern. Home system. 14 S. Division St., Buffalo, N. Y." WANTED Gentlemen and ladles to write scenarios (motion picture play plots); new Ideas pay from $50.00 to $200.00. Tha field la wide open. For particulars and full plana address M VIA, Bee. $& PER 100 upward paid tacking signs, distributing advertising matter. No con- vaalug. Bend to stamps, secure price-list. paid and territory. Bhepard a Agency, Lebanon. N. H WANTED Men to prepare tor coming railway man and postofflca examinations. Thousands needed. Average salary $1,100. Write todav for trial exammaAlan. Oar ment, 278, St. Louis, Mo. YOUNG men for railroad firemen, brake men, baggagemen, $75-$100 to start; early promotion; experience unnecessary; state age, weight and height. Address Railway Bureau. 71 Panama Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Railway mall olerks, postofflue clerks and carriers, customs, internal revenue serrloa, etc. Thousands of appointments to be made. Examinations soon In every state. Full particulars as to datea and placea, salaries paid, sample questions previously used, etc., sent free. "Positions Guaranteed" and "Free Tuition" explained; send for clr cular 237. National Cor. Institute, Wash Ington, D. C $ monthly and expenses, either sex, put out catalogues and advertise large mail order house, a Scheffer, TTeas., R 174, Chicago. Wanted For V. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men between tha ages of 18 and 35, citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate hablta. who can sneak, read and wrlta tha Eng- Hah language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City. Ia.; 130 North . Tenth St., Lincoln. Neb.; 110 E. Third St., Grand Island, Neb. HELP WANTED MAI.X AR FBMAI.R ANY Intelligent person may earn good tnooma corresponding for newspapers. Ex perience unnwMitry. Address Press Cor respondence Bureau, Washington, D. C RING HARNEY 6748 for competent help far clerical work. Factory and demestlo help. National Employment agency, Omaha. HELP WANTED EVERYWHERE Im mensely profitable. Particulars for stamp. New Century Co.. Enid, qui. LOST AND FOUND ELKS' lapel button; reward. 624 Omaha National Bank. Douglas 2.. FOUND 'rS.sS'Et FOUND The nicest cherry trees in the country. If O. A. Carson, zzts Ohio BU, will brine this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60a cherry Ires ol Bird s Nursery. LOST A silver purse at the dog shew: $5 reward for Its return to Mrs. Myron 7U Learned, 600 Bee Bldg LOST On down town Dundee car. No. $17 Saturady morning, t o'clock, small alls. gator purse, containing $3. Finder please phone Harney M at once. Reward. LOST Medium-sized trunk. 3006. Phone Har. LOST Fur collar (martin) on southbound Park Line car Saturday afternoon; reward. Please return to 21 us Harney St. FOUND Ths best syrup In the west for pancakes and waff lea. If P. W. Mlkesell, the Potter, apartment 12. will bring thla ad to The Bee within three days and Iden tify himself he will receive an order for a doc can of thla fins syrup. MEDICAL rnwm asedtaal and eargleal trsataeat as Cratghtoa Medical college. 14th and Daeea sort Sts.: special attentloa paid to confine SBrat sasss: all trsatmeat supervised Sf ollegs professor. 'Phone louglss HIT Cells answered day sad night. CANCER Hospital. 1480 Wells St.. Chi cago, accommodates rases which can not bs properly cared for at home. Serum treat ment employed- Start To Be a Success Monday, April 3 That's the day the Spring Term of Boyles College opens. On that day opportunity will reach out her hand to you. On that day the path to success will be pointed out to you. On trial t Vtat Haw vi-ti. n-1 1 ) V a a h nixmrtnnltv r rssm rr a a vaii ft 1A- paratlon for a successful career as a countant, a wen-paia iciegrapncr, or candidate tor a unitea states civil service position. If you start with the opening of our Spring Term lo make a success out of yourself, you will be filling an Important stenographic, accounting or tele graphy position next fall. You will be earning a splendid salary. You will be started on the road toward success. You will be climbing higher every day. A GOLD MEDAL FREE will be given to the student of the college who shows the most proficiency In this work in eight weeks, beginning April 3. The medal is a work of art, solid gold, In three shades of that desirable metal. Around the outside is wrought a heavy wreath, then the die with the inscription "From the Rem ington Typewriter Company," while In the sunken center is f mbossed a small typewriter, perfect in its dainty details. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL The catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Building. II. B. BOYLES, President. tMAIIA. THE M0SHER- LAMPMAN COLLEGE Makes a specialty of graduating EX PERTS. MOSHER ft LAMPMAN solicit the pat ronage of young people who are ambitious those who want to be among the best. There Is always a strong demand for the services of those who have acquired a high degree of skill. MOSHER ft LAMPMAN hava trained and helped hundreds of students to find positions. Let them help you. For catalogue address MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. MEDICAL (Continued.) HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching. bleeding or protudlng PILES; 50o postpaid; samples free. Sher man ft licConnall Drug Co.. Oman. CORNS Removed In 8 minutes with Dr Woofter's corn remedy; all druggists, 25c. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uura s aad Vaalelae. HORSE, wages and earn ess. Webster 14tl ALT ALVA HAY. Wagner. 01 N. lit. WE buy and sell ail kinds of horse Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. GOOD alfalfa hay. ail easnared. Webster mm. Phone HORSES AT AUCTION At our regular auotlon sale Tuesday anu Wednesday, March 28 and 2s, we will have about 000 horses and mules of all classes, from the choloest drafters, drivers, brooo mares, etc., to the very aheap kind for all Work. A horse for everybody, na matter how good or how cheap, ycu can find It at this sale. All strictly just country horses. We sell out every week and hava ns stale horses on hand. Everything sold under full guarantee and must bs as represented. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday, March 2L SO. OMAHA HORSE AND MULE CO., INC., UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. AUCTION SAiOS of over 600 horses and mulee. Gallup'a regular auction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Thurs day, March SO. Among thla consignment may bs found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about 80 head of second-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sore; they aell cheap and make useful horses to taks out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. I. C. GALLUP. ALMOST new Concord side spring buggy. The owner Is getting an auto, so will sell for halt pries. 2214 North 18th Su Web. 4tWl. EXPRESS or delivery wagons. Parlln- Orendorf Plow Co. have just unloaded sev eral cars of delivery wagons- first-class goods at bedrock prices: see them before you buy. 714 S. 10th St. BLACK mars, runabout and harness for sale, cheap. 125 N. atril AVJbi Vl'H'O-Nlfl II. 1462." money to Loan ALARY AMD CHATTELS NOTHINO BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use $26 or $M to a good advan tage If ao. corns to us. don't gs to a friend. Ws loan nssney on furniture, plaaos er teams without removal, small and easy payments, too la ths wsekly payment ea a Ub loan and $LN la ths weekly payment en a $00 loan for $ weeks. Other amounts is ths same proportion. Writs or phone us and ws will call on you at once. AU business confidential. BTATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Rsom 11 Axllngtoa Blk.. Ulltt Dodgs L i'bones: Dsuglas $40$. Independent A-$4a& tuuiiuumiKmsumstmst inawmtmutui NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC J flKW J. siv lo sow. rtEUYY ruAna 9 This Is a new firm organised by the $ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OJT $ OMAHA TO LOAN I to any honest person owning HOUSE- I HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, stc. or f holding a salaried position, at ths $ rata of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. $ $ JUST THINK. YOU PAY I toe Intel est on $u for ans year. I $ $12& Interest on M for one year. $ t $2. be" Interest on $oO for one year. I ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPOR- $ $ TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS, $ $ Reasonable Appraisement Charges $ I INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, $ $ ROOM JtH. WITHNELL BLDG., $ I N. E Cor. loth and Harney. $ $$$$$$$$$$$$ sM?w$wwtww$mww$$$$f -a s- -a T -r T O LAJA TO LOAN. Corns Is Al I 1 ll H V sn lat u ssplaln I'lUlli-il 'o rstas. Ks- liable credit Credit Co. $0t Paston Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-1411 DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 WP FliATATJ 1614 JBS BtrasL . Up I! LiAXii.U. aelepUoae Red Ul high class stenographer, an expert ac MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Contlaaed. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLaV WOMEN KEEPING HOUSK AND OTH KHS, without security: easr mvminii . Oca In prlbclfai cities. Toiman. Kooss wa iww uiutus suonsi xana Bldg. CUATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1158; A-1J54. O tt 0Y2 ?,n Su"J"e? Property. T.o:iaiegxjtcamge Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEAN! Nu , BXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO-Moi. f1,,;l," Psoklng; fireproof storage. City office. 81 a. litb, Doug. 4. ind. B-u uaaArlA VAN a STORAGE c , cleans $eur iarpts on your flouts, elecuio tauuata " v a. js.a a, kid I'oua. 4itt aanoon iBAJNHMtH-Furniture. ulan. moving, transfer work of till Kinds. 6iss g'm p- m ZJ. : ! . j. jut). OFFERED FOR PENT Beard and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611; A-2611 1HK i;AUrlfi.LX-KS. 10th and IT. Rates: Single. $36 to $40; double. $6 lo $ 11 vi , ii rooms, ensulta or '' iD. w.-,.. " . Kwr ivur mhuss er sran Usmea. W Harney St.- -.r?RR?,")r..r,,m' bu- boms VVaagaltAB a aVUl DW" v MODERN furnUhwl room, with msai. . I. J SU11 T.ww A ssBjaaa ga. UCRUfM. sTA awWSf ATI, VERY 4Blrbl rooma aad board. rfp. ruvc. asm uuum wtu eflvVa. FOR RENT Modern, cosy rooms, closs FOR RENT desirable, board. $420 Cass St. comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board: good 1 . I . I ...... 1 FOR RENT Nice room and best board. 11 I, tiai cu Mica south, single roots. Douglas at. Iurn.voo. 1 ! MODERN, ohssry. dean, oloss In. good mvww wviuiia. ruvn. Aougias ' ' ST. JAMES. Uf 80. 13th: steam h..t r,.. A an .1 C .... - - W vtvin. ami. um, watj, ma up; meaJa Sba BOARD and room, convenient for street car man; oesiraois lor one or two. 2772 FOR RENT Nsat room with board, to refined people. In private boms. 2631 Ham- 11 IUI1 DV. umikable rooms with or without ur.siHABLK board and room, private wit'x, iwv ocaiion, ojd a. sbin Ave. WANTED to room and board, two ladles or cwupie. sa b. inn Bt. VERY nlos front rsom N. lth St and board, lot rvjri is Doara a little girl at school age, u ieavenwortn Bt. Phone A-X72. FOR RENT Ntoely furnished rooms with uuaju, souu lucauon, close in. 8u N. FOR ons or two gentlemen, nicely fur- iiBiieu room wun poara, strictly modern. wi narney. uouf, Tlii. TO A COUPLE, board and room In nri. vate family of two. Hanacome Park dis trict, one diock irom car. G $19, Bee. LARGE beautifully furnished front room, wun aicove, two clothes closets and lava tory, with sxoellent board. 'Phone Harney FaraUbed Raoms. rURNlSIIED room, private family, mod srn, good location, walking distance. 002 O HU CJl. TWO turalabed O N. tota t- raema. TsL Wsosterse.i NICE, single room In private home. Ref erences required. Z04t Dodge. FURNISHED room for ons gentleman iw. n. sin tsi.w TWO nicely furnished rooms, housekeep vuiitni. mi bi. Mary s, fted 4432. CLOSE In. two rooms for llirht hnn. seeping; modern. 24Jo Dodge. FOR KluNT Several acres of land in iNeurasga or lowa to party who can prov mai inert is a oeuer nour made than Lpdlkes. it J. F. Andres, 2Mni RukkI St, will bring this ad to The Bee wltnln three aays and identity himself he will re. calve an order for a 12-pound sack of this nour. FOR RENT Nloaly furnished rooms, ds- strains lor two gentlemen. W)t bt Mary FOR RENT Two alaaby furaishsd st a tut ax. FURNISHED rooms South lith street. with board. 626 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room modem and good location, private family l t arnam bt FOR RENT Neatly furnished room. strictly modern room. 1914 Chicago St. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, d-- irabla for housekeeping. 2202 Farnan St. FOR RENT Modern room, very desira ble. 209 S. Z5tn St. ONE or two front rooms, fine furnlsh- ngs; reasonable price. 320 No. 20th St. o sign on house. WILL take two or three refined roomers In fins home. Phone Douglas 6,vs2; lnd. A-296. FOR RENT Desirable front rooms. D ri vets home. 710 N. 22d 8t FURNISHED room in modern house. Ell St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms, good location, lb 16 N. 17th St. FQR RENT Furnished room, modern; n Drlvate family: with or without board: terms reasonable; ana block from Farnam car. 624 N. 41st St. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms. meals If desired. 2tUI Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front room, 122 N. 25th St. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms. private family. 242$ California St. FOR RENT Nice large room, good loca tion. CO N. 17th St. FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly furnished front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 Bo. 24th St. FOR RENT Large steam-heated room with alcove: deslrsbls for thres gen tlemen. $02 N. lth Bt FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms. references required. 623 &. lsth St. FOR RENT Thres neatly furnished rooms, good location, all modern. 71$ S. mn Bt . FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. prlvats family. 641 8. Stth Ave. FOR RENT Largs nicely furnished rooms. $220 Emmet St imn niT.TMT Pleasant couth Knm tfnad location. 241$ Dodgs St. V ItjAI ,bm wnn. a-Aftm In I . . home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance; on 24th St. car line. 220 1. 4 .HI. XWU 60. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms: housekeeping If desired; walking distance. 648 S. 26th Ave. CLOSE IN. nicely furnished, modern room In private family; very desirable for gentlemen; references required. 11121 Chi cago. FOR RENT Desirable front room nri vats family, good location, walking dis tance. 110 N. 24th st DEWEY European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. FOR RENT Largs, newly furnished room, deslrsbls for two people. 2606 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Very pleasant southeaat room, stationary oowi, hot and cold water, desirable for two. $677 Harney St. VERY nlca south room; good location. $70 Farnam Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated room, bath, cold and hot water, modern. 2812 Farnam St FOR RENT Neatly furnished, modern rooms. SU4 Chicago - st NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. $630 Csss Bt W.-.T VV.NT W..IIV emlalll n modern. Breakfast If desired. 11 N. folk Bt MR RENT Nlcsly furnished rooms good location. $707 Farnam St LAJRGB. modern south front room: crl vate family. 114 N. 17th St.. Tel. B-2266. CLEAN, newly papered modern rooms. Reasonable. 1814 Dodge. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms with or without beard; also rooms for light housekeeping; walking oistance. 1811 Cum ing. vn.-.n O BTT T r Im.i . lrrt ivti" - . m " - " . tsuiii ,ui two gentlemen; modern In svery way. la j. jth St. FOR RENT Nice front room for two tentlemen; good location; close in. 2U14 ,eavenworth Bt WALKING distance, two very desirable modern rooms, with or without board, one block from car line. 206 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Ons large front room: good location. 20M Ohio St FOR RENT Nicely furnished front oar lor. 604 So. th St FOR RENT Newly furnished modern room. oi bo. Bin bi. ARE you looking for a large sunny front rsom, modern, oloss In; smaller rooms; home oooked meals if desired. Caail 616 N. tid. R. 6821 FOR RENT Two nloely furnished con nected rooms; on car line. Apt 8, "ins Oakland." - FOR RENT Nlcs front room, all mod ern. 2648 Chicago St SOUTH front room In prlvats family. 1 blocks west of high school on Harney and cross town car line. Call U-3S46. FOR" RENT Modern room, private family, desirable for two ladles, 714 8. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nlcs bed room, private family, modern, good location. $18 N. 25th St. FOR RENT Thres nicely furnlahad rooms, lor neuseaesping. jjmi t arnam St- FOR RENT Nlcs front room for two gentlemen. 624 N. 20th St. GENTLEMEN Neatly furnished room. nice, refined, home. 618 & 26th Avo FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 2310 Webster St. DESIRABLE room for two ladles, pri vate home, near car. breakfast If desired- $326 California St. good location. $406 Dewey Ave FOR RENT Ijirse front room, desirable for two gentlemen. $46$ Harney. FOR RENT Front room, with piano. 410 N. 23d St. FRONT room with alcove: walking dis tance; private family. 2223 Burt. WANTED A nlca and respectable young man to board and room in private rainny. For Information call W. 1IL. NICELY furnished, large front room strictly modern; private family. 1120 8. 22d. Harney 716. Mrs. Dykeman, 614 South 29th street, lays: "I got the best rf suits from the little) ad la The Bee and rented my unfurnished rooms." rooms, for one or two, good location. 2lu Douglas St. FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooms. $H N. 23d St. RENT Modern furnished room. 714 S. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnlBhed room, gen tlemen preferred, breakfaxt If deahed. 21H4 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. double parlors, desirable for four. 2VII Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 1909 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 627 8. 20th St. Fl)R RENT Nicely furnished front rooms, single or enstilte, hot and told water. 223t Farnam t.t MODERN furnished rooms tn prlvat home, 3217 Sherman Ave., phone Web. ISK DESIRABLE single front room. $2 pel week; desirable single room with house keeping privileges, $11 a month. 2111 Douglas. NICELY furnished room, modern, prl- vste family, walking distance, excellent neighborhood. 618 So. 27th St. Harney 6ot LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 21'27 Dodsre, NICE front room, suitable for two; rent reasonable. Slli N. 20th. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern. 1317 Park Ave., Apartment No. 2. SOUTH front room with alcove and cloaet: newly decorated In white enamel; everything modern; fine bathroom; select neighborhood; for one of two gentlemen; price reasonshle. You will liks this If you wll see It Tel. Harney 10K8. FINE sleeping rooms. 1821 Cass. CLOSE IN, nicely furnished, modern room In private family; very desirable for gentlemen; references required. 1821 Chi cago. LARGE front room, splendidly furnished. strictly modern; walking distance. 2;M Dewsy Ave. Douglas WOL FOR RENT The cottage near the park where waffles are served with Farrell's fine evruu mornings. If J. H. Minor. ;.2i Cass St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within tnree days and ldentiry nimseit ns will receive an order for a 60o can of thla fins syrup. Hotels aad Apartmcats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tletnen. THS CHATHAM, 100 B. 13th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge; all out side rooms; steam heat; special week rata. Apartments aad Flats. Tbrea-room modern fist, Scargo Bldg., 6164 N. 24th St, So. Oraana. Hall. 4J Hamgs Bldg. Both Phones. 4-R. apt, St., modern. 1746 S. 27 ih St. Harney 3&6. VERY modern 6-room apartment on Wast Fainain bt., free heat and janitor. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. CHEAPEST, best 4-room flat In city. 220 N. 21. FOR RENT -room apartment In tha Barnard. Tel. Douglas 1886. THE GENOA, 3830 Cass, just completed. Apartments, 6 rooms and servant's room. Every modern convenience. Finest loca tion and neighborhood In Omaha. Sea Janitor. 4-ROOM steam heated flats, dowry buildings. 1610 Chicago St i- ALSATIAN APARTMENTS. Near 86th and Dodge, now fivs room apartments, only four left, beautifully fin ished with oak and decorated throughout with wail paper of your own selection. Heat hot and cold water and janitor ser vice furnished, fine brlolt garage If you want It. 603 So. list Just one left, new five room apartment that has never been occupied, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service Will. be decorated to your taste, cheapest heated apartment In the city, $30.00. AKUaillUiNU WAI.SU CU. Tyler-li3G. 210 So. 17th 8trect Ths Genoa, 8838 Cass, Just completed. Apartments. 6 rooms and servant's room. Every modern convenience, r inext loca tion and neighborhood In Omaha. Sett Janitor. YOUNG couple will shure West Farnam flat with congenial couplu. Address D-H18, Bee. HEATED APARTMENTS. $25-3-r., 1708 Burt St. $42.50 6-r.. 420 South 26th avenue. GEORGE & CO., 802 City Nat. Bank Bldg 07 N. 17TH ST., 6-R., MODERN.... $30.00 1022 CumlnK St., 4-room, modern 22.50 J. W. RASP CO. Doug. 16T3. Apartments for Rent Two 4-room apartments with steam heat and Janitor service, in The New Trov, 3ni Harney St Each $&.0O. Thoa. w. tiatfrn, 207 McCagua Blk., phone D. 1300. SIX-ROOM steatu heated, strictly modern flat 816 S. 13th, t. 4-room flat with bath $15. Also 1-room flat, $10. 1102 S. 12th St. Fell & Plnkertoa Co., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. 8-ROOM STRICTLY modern flat; pret tiest view In Omaha.; on Farnam car Una. 2612 S. 10th St. Famished Housekeeping Hooms. THE MANUEL and Howard apartments for housekeeping; fine furniture; $.'3 to $36: walking distance. 21st and Howard. Kea 4487. FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfur nished reams, walking distance. 1711 How ard bt NEATLY furnlahad rooms for housekeep ing. 1816 California bt FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooms. 808 8. 18th St NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1814 Chicago St FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room for housekeeping. $02 N. 19th St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms; com plete for light housekeeping, $16 per month. 2018 Davenport St THREE modern housekeeping rooms. $. month; coiy front parlor, $3 per week, ua 8. 271h Bt. lrrvst RNT-South room for housekeen. Ing and alsa sleeping room. 2220 Chicago. j LIGHT housekeeping room, la basement, modern. 2310 Douglas. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms. 402 N. $$d. FOR RENT Nloely furnished housekeep ing rooms. 421 N. nth aa Buren St., Chicago, 111. v $ p. m.