Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 14
l..i t 1 Il "Tt'f WiiBUnT SATURDAY, 4) I i ! l A li A TS'C v cl r a. ii i wu r v m mm .- - m A . ' -r-, . r M m "m u.ct;l 7 ' . ' . I IV- - i . -v r 1 1 "ir- - ' i i 'J.r.-1 ttt i r . 1 1 n , - , - i l"L IT ' T'-,TT-.-J- 1 X V. V. - J ' , 'Bllg'-. Xl." ' i y m r ' . . i i i ci t r rr i-9m4 t- -v. t . ia a w a . j. - s . vti j 3y .. A ILL a fi WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR EASTER (Continued.) HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED MALE h If 1 1 Wul ada received, at ny -oms, bt to loaara proper clanslficiflon mast be presented before 12 o'clock m. 'o ihe evening edition and before 7:30 tor morning and Bandar edltlont. Wast ada received after aucb bonrt rill have theli- first UaerUnn under Ue beading "Too Late to Cla4Mlf.rt CASH nATEsToR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One InaerUon. 1 M cent ier word and 1 cent per vrord for eacU eubaeqaeut ln eertlon. Kacli insertion made on odd days, 1H ceuu per word. 1.60 per Une per montb. Uatea appljr to either Tbe Daily or Bun dm lie. Aiwaje count tlx ward to a Ium. Waal ada for Tbelle may be left at ay of tbe following drag etoree one la your "corner druggiat" tbey are all branch offlcea for ibe Dee and your ad will be Inserted Jest a promptly and on tbe aaine rates aa at tbe main otiice la Tbe lie buJtdlag, eeventeetb and larnan street. Aibach, W. C. ttth and rarnam. Baurn Drug Co., UX N. 1MB OC farausK. B. A. IM Irouth lStti Ht. Aisason Phsruiauy, bsnson, Msb. iJsinis I srk I'tmriiiscy, Kid and Cuming. llaks-itsuisn, t&it Mbsrnian Ave. CUItuD Kill t'baxmaoy, KU Mllltmry A vs. Csughlln. C. K., ta and rlsrcs 81s. t'rtjwr Pnariuac. into and tAtte Bta. Counsy liariucy. klOi South let a Kb CsrnisJt, Kniu. ut- bouih 1Mb U Kblsr, P. M., 2soa tevsnwortb UU Foster Arnoldl. US Uortb tbth ttk ifrsytag, j. J., mil Xortn Mtb Ht. Frsstsr Drue Co., Uul Nsrtb Mtb 8b FlcKtmcs iJtut co jf iorsnco, Nsu. Ursen a I'hsnusLy, Fark Avs. and Faclrltt UrssnoUKh. U. A., 1U6 tkortb lotb Bt. Ureenousu, ul. A., loth sod Hickory Bta Uoiden 1'twu.aoy, Utb and LvaworUL llaydsn, Wtlllaia, 'iMM fsrotm Bt Uuuconi Wrk i-Daiuiacy, looi a. Mh Avs. UlDterlong Lru Co., Hist Ave. and ITar Barn bt Hoist, John, CZ4 North 16th 8U Huft. A. J., U4 Lesvsoworth Bt. Joiianson lru Co.. iiiib and bpauldlng. Kln, 11. b., t.S Karnsin Bt Kountza I'lacs i'barumcy. Hisg4 N. I4th bt Mares. 1 rod i.. Join Central Blvd. Patrick Krujf Co., l&Jl N. Mlb BU Peyton I'harmacy, 2M boutn Win Bt tiaratosa Lirun Co.. 4tb and Arnsa Avs. Bchaalsr a Cut fries lrug blors. llh and ChtuuKO Hts Buhasfer, August, 26S1 North 16th Bt. fcchuildi, i. x., Mlh end Cuming bta. Walnut liul Inarmao. suth and Cuming. DEATHS AMD Fl'SKKAL NOTICES. DODSON David, afd 42, Match 21. Funeral Bunday afternoon ijrom resl dencn. 1V17 Chicago street, at l:iw P. ni. Trinity Cathedral, at 2 y. m. Interment, Prospect Hill cemetery, Friends Invited. EIXXCK Lucy A, at the residence of her sister. Mrs. J. . aiaxneia. ITiinorai yarviCtB will be t the North rreshyterlaii church, Nineteenth and Ohio. riunday, aiarcn u, at p. x neuu. w vlted. interment at Van Wirt, O, KN08TKUM Charles A., Aged 78, died at the residence of his dau-iiler, Mrs. Ai Von Trott. 273 Charles. Funeral Sunday, March W, S p. m. from residence, interment .Prospect niuy CAHU OK TIIAK8 v rlh to thank all friends and rela tives who so kindly assisted us In the lllnens and death of our mother and wife and Thank them for their beautiful floral CAKl"BA. KAL'SCHEIT AND FAMILY. V wish to thunk our friends and nelkb bors for their kindness during ths Illness and death ot our beloved father and also f,u- their beautiful Moral tribute. KOHH HUUiltS, MARY HUGHES, JOHN HI Kill US. I'iiTfciK iiUUHt MKB KATHEHINli HOWE, MHS. PAT1UCK CONliR. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors, a I ho Mondumln lodge No. Ill, -T. I'. A. anu Mak'lc City lodge No. 840, M. B. A., tor tln'ir klndnens and floral offerings during .the sickness and death of our son. Klchurd. MR8. W. U BLHKB AND FAMILY. LODGE NOTICE. The funeral of our late brother David J. Dodxon will be held at Trinity cathedral at S o'clock p. m. bunduy, March z. All mem. bera of banner lodge. No. 11. F. V. of A. are reutiested to meet at 1717 Chicago St., at 1M o'clock and go In a body to the cathedral. J. li. mason. Secy. A. LANG FELT, t M. MAK HIAOK LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Is- Name and resldenre: Age Millard A. Swlgart. Hastings Amelia llauer, Omaha Clinton Atken, Martinsville, N. Y.,.. Mary Schneuier. Decorah, Ia Fred M. Zotxman, Omaha Margaret Kaderclt, Omaha Otto Hardrup, Omaha i Christina M. Hansen, Omaha 1IIHTH9 AND DEATHS. Births 7.. and Rena Respass, 110 South Thirty-fifth, boy; George and Cora UcRoy t3 North Twenty-seventh street, girl; Charles and Dora Foley ai0 Grant Btreet. girl; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter, 1&J6 North Seventeenth street, girl; Charles and Marie Dawson, 114 Miami street, girl; W. R. and Honor Balrd. -vM5 North Eighteenth street, boy; George and lleluia Craig, 3JuJ Spald ing street, girl, W. O. and Minnie Edholm, Ames avenue, boy; Olaf and Anna Lundberg, 601 Brlgga street, Florence, boy: Nels and ChrlBtlne Hoist, Fifty-sixth and Dodge street, boy; William and Emma MulJoon. 4731 Parker street, boy. 1 maths Robert Glenger, 46 years, 4:37 Burdette street; Anna Garrison, 67 years. Thirty-sixth and Cuming streets; Baby Ilemmlngsen. North Twenty-eighth avenue; Estehr L. McClelland, 4 years, 16 North Sixteenth Btreet; Elisabeth Ru- bach 41 years, l.vls North Twentieth Btreet; Evelyn Alfred, 1 year. 2710 Howard street; John Adam, years, Douglas county hos pital. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO& embalmiira. 1614 Clilran SL D. 1658. B-loaa DUFFY BOLAND undertakers. T. 18,1 (r f'V Electric Pianos, Music Boxes, Pea OlAJ i. nui ajid Athletic Machtnes. Cash Mn,.Viiu.j r payments. Omaha Auto HC4llH .3 mmUj vending Machine Co . 8T24 Leavenworth. TeL liaruey 240. A-248. VACU UM CLEAN EIJS" U. F. WURN. epUclaa. t Brandela Bldg. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. HORN BY Blue Print Co.. U Bee Bldg. Mr. Business Man We can furnish you reliable, competent eln on short notice. You want this kind f einDloves-and we want to give" them to you. The next time one of your force ulls. see us at once, we will nil tne place with the bent employee the city affords. Remember to call on us ths next time. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 2706 Fa. mam St. j,sloleadto,!4puntllcmfgfdgf dakwd wd d STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bid. D. 2807. WHICH Is ths chesper, common paint t $1.76 or 1200 per gallon that covers 4n4 guars feet and wears ons year, or Sher win-Williams' paint at 12.25 per gallon that rovers more than 000 square feet and wears five years 7 Ws are agents for hherwln Wllllams' paints and varnishes. Carter lead nl keystone. Big reductions this week In wall paper. BAIiKElt BROS. PAINT CO., 1WH Karnam. Doug. 47tiO Ind. A-3821. ASH PITS KVERTKODT In Omaha has been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm hers to do ths work with any artificial brick, stons or concrete. ' Henry Ween, brick and cement contractor. Douglas soli. TWENTY per csnt less than Omaha prices HUM D. (UKAI1UHS CU., Twenty-fourth and D Bta, South Omaha, MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATH. china firing. 870 Brandela BIdg. TsL Web. U7a DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all 10 orders. Catalogues free. Sherman st Mcconneil Drug Co.. omana, Meb. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. TeL Douglas C44, GUf' NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and sanitary. 10th Floor Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. MA(iUAIU Van ft Storage. Pack. move. tors and ship H. H. goeda. D. 1408. B-142S. F.D ROTHF.RY Bchuta No, t run cigars. -aie in connection, ui . i4tb Bt Filters, filter repairs. U10 Howard. D. 8818. JOHN CANE, 1101 8. JEth Avs.. trims voor trees ana grapevines, n. iiU4; A-Bbis. B. H. Cola Sign Co.. n. 87tit. pil Farnarn. MONEY gfw LOAN-LOW sums to I Bee Bids. Phone Do ua. XDoi. UNION LOAN CO. Fence Iron and Wire. Champion Fence Co., 16th and Jackson Hts. Tel. Douglas 1590. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKJNS. 818 & 1STH. UPSTAIRS.V OMAHA Furniture Repair works, also re ccvflrlng chairs. 815 S. Wtb. Doug. 2481. ABSOLUTELY FREE A whole box of Spearmint Chewing Gum. One of the best gums made. 10 packages, 60 sticks FREE to introduce new goods. No agents. No selling. Just send name.. Western Fac tories Co., A-26, Des Moines, Ia. PATTON'g SUN PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. ANNOUNCE to the world aa you go through that O'Brien's Is the best candv to buy. If H. H. Reynolds, 2219 Maple St.. win Dring tins aa to ine Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60o box oflt. LYNCH BROS. . vJim REPAIR WORK. J708 Jetskson Mi. D. 1477. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, baths. 107 8. 14th Banltarri fas tadiee or gentlemen. Always open. , ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths XLWti ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences ctieaper than wnod- last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. Charlea S. McConnell. nuhllo 814 Oiu. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel Doug. 814. IF YOU have anything to build or repair, let me know. 1 give you low figures and good work. Tel. Webster 8159. or oall 3318 Parker St. announcement of the faoe that Farreils syrup Is delicious and Is given away Dy The Bee. If G. Schroeder, 3510 t ass bt., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60o can of this ryrup. AUTOMOBILES Fmash. up your auto," "SKID Into a post. "TEAR vour tnn And bring it to the ben place la Omaha for an ainas or repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Bta. CAMERON V ",r ? , . w. .uua, urauDii given. mm Bo. lsia. tsuu. wu. irucse as a sutos stored. WRITE for list of automobile bargalaa. c.- r i cuencasuD auio CO., Omaha. t DUE BILL, good on Chalmers or Hudson automobile; sell cheap. P. o. Box run MLt-ONE 1810 E. M. F., 8678 oimiuerg, is-jij bouth lsth Street. u-iiuKSr.PiWER Oldsmohila Touring Car, 84W extras, good condition, all new tires; sell very cheap; take In runabout on . ttii, Hrownull Block, Lincoln, lVD. TO BUY or sell an auto. C. J. Canan. Motorcycles. Write tor "t ud motorcycle We . csrry a full line of motorcycle paria. P. tun ASK A CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In er out of busineat QANGESTAD. SU4 Bee Bldg. 11. . call e D. 8W7. A FEW hundred dollars mora ni complete capital atock of company bslng ergatilsed to engage in legitimate anl ruuiauia Business, sale lavestiuaot A sue. JTO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE THE FOR BALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, moo.y maker: town 4.0U0. Address Lock Box 8B6. Carroll la. THE opportunity will end soon to get Updike's flour free at The Bee. The Pride of Omaha Is too good to miss. Ask your grocer. If J. P. Johnson. 27u2 Ruggles Bt., will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an order for twelve-pound aack of tills flour. ADMINISTRATION RALE OF GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK at Casey, la., 60 miles west of Des Moines, on Rock Island. Stock was I1R.0O0, but will Invoice now around 87.0UO. All goods are new, a fire less than four years ago hav ing destroyed the former building and stock. Will sell or rent building 4tx80. Business has run forty years and been equal to any between Pes - Moines and Omaha. No trades, only cash or good paper. A golden opportunity for a good merchant. Address Burns & Cunningham, (Adm). FOR SALE A new grocery atock In a new building In a new location In a good neighborhood In Omaha. Good reasons for selling. Price and terms to suit. Would consider land or city real estate for r-rt or all. Stock will Invoice upwards of 12,000. Low rental, good trade, rare chance for right man. Do not anawer unless you mean business. Owner, 4o9 Paxton Block. 18 INVESTMENT This Is the amount paid by a Kansas City. Mo., Jobbing house last year. It is now Increasing Its capital stork. This in crease to be used to expand the business. Full Information and complete statement upon application. Address O. K Rollins (Certified Public Accountant), 1516 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. t I A BIG PAYING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A large stock of general merchandise for sale, consisting of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, gents' furnishings, furni ture, hardware, farm machinery, vehicles, pump goods, grains; a tin shop In connec tion. This store IS located in a thickly set tled portion of the dry farming district of eastern Colorado. Average daily sales for the month of January, 1911, 8175. For fur ther Information address Y-82, care Omaha Bee. THE FIXTURES and stock of the Grand Department Store will b- offered for puti llo sale at the store at 10th and P Sts., Lincoln. Neb., on April 4. 1911. af-10 a. in. The stock consists of boots, shoes, notions, dry goods, furniture, millinery, ladles' fur nishings, men's furnishings, and Invoices about 830,000, Including fixtures. Invoices are rcady for the Inspection of prospective buyers. Write or inquire of B. F. Snavelv, trustee, 412 Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. Auto 'phone 1646, Bell 648. WANTED Trustworthy, competent man with 86,000 oash for permanent local store, both wholesale and retail, In well known Staple line; 8200 a month and all expenses and liberal share of profits; large well known house, established many years, of fers excellent opening for steady, 'capable man; favorable investment; high olass business; right man should make 26.000 a year or better; large future prospects. References required. For particulars ad dress Y 129. care Bee. PATENTS THAT PERFECT AND PAY. Books, Advices. Search and "KrRT7'T,- List of Inventions Wanted. A ivxjij Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Lawr, 622 F St., N. W. Washington, D. C CORPORATIONS Am prepared to take over large stock or bond issues established going concerns; strictly commission basis. Promoters and schemers Ignored. Commission Broker, 417 Taber Building, New York. WILL sell furnished room house, long established, finely furnished. Madison square district. Price 82,000 cash. Income 82,624. Rent 81.310. Big bargain, 63 LexJng ton Ave., New York. FOR SALE Controlling interest and management, with salary, of a well estab llshed business; field unlimited; requires 816,000 cash; good reason for selling; state past business experience. Address mos H. Pratt. 1115 O St, Lincoln, Neb. MANY BARGAINS In grain elevators are offered In eaoh number of tbe Grain Deal era' Journal, Chicago, 111. Copy, 10c. PATENTS SECURED or money re funded. Send sketch for free report as to patentability. Guide book ana what to invent (with Ust of Inventions wanted) sent free. One million dollars offered for inventions. Patents advertised free in World'a Progress; sample free. Victor J Evans & Ce., Washington. D. C ONLY DRUG STORE In small western Iowa town: clear 82,000 year easy. Permit and prescribing doctors, uoou ueai. a a dress Y . care Bee.- pathnt your own Ideas; It paya; send ketch invention lor xree opinion ana illus trated irulde book: no patent, no cnarge Bunyea Patents co.t ruiom is, wanning- ton, u. CAPITAL FOR CORPORATIONS Place for sale your Industrial anu mining stock Issues for prompt action wun uoruon, iai- colm & Co., Cincinnati, u., rirsi ruati Bank. No advance iee.- IWRSTORS We paid 30 per cent dividends in 1910; still have some stock to sell. Send for booklet, rroiuaoie invest ment. Empire investment t,o., r,aai Liver pool, Ohio. BARBER shop and pool room for sale In good live town; only one In town ot ;; must sell at once; owier uusinwo. auuieh Y 132, care alee. mu 8ALEr- First-class moving pic ture theater in this city, paying big money. Investigate yourself. E 917 Bee A MAN with some capital to become director m good company, aaarui jl yus. Bee. C A C3 A T1V fi Real Estate Loans and UAOAU1 V-. insurance. I Ant your nronertv for sale or rent FIA8T MORT GAGE FARM LAND COUPON bonds to net 1 rr cent semi-annually; fully secured and safe, 2200 85u0 aad VJti each. Corner 14lh and Douglas. fiRNTH' FURNISHINGS, dry goods, no. tlnna. etc. Three good opportunities, niiMhle fur man or woman. Invoices ILiiW, tl 960 and to. wo. WILLIAMS, 411 Mo- Cague Bldg. PARTNERS WANTED in various kind of business. Cash required, 81.000. 21,5oO, 21 8io, 82,000 and 24.000. All win stand in veatisatlon. See WILLIAMS. 411 Mo Cague Bldg., 15th and Dodge Sts RESTAURANT, lunch and rooming busi ness near depot, net rent 830. Price, 81.000. Huslneas good and pa s well. See WIL LIAMS, 411 McCegue Bldg. POOL AND CIGAR business, very best location, one of Omaha's best paying places for sale reasonable. Part on time. For particulars see WILLIAMS, Room 411 McCagus Building. MANAGER, want, In well established of fice bualuess; must Invest 22 Ouo; safe and profitable Investment and good salary to right man. WILLIAMS, 411 MuCagus building. l"th and Dodge Sta CIGAR STORE, good one, on 16th St.. very low rent Price 22.500. Receipts 3ro0. a month; good paying place. See WIL LIAMS, Room-411 McCague Building TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. ltn and Dorcas. cn your money w J (7 you by one of tt f ifS sale houses of v U Twombley. 220 1 cn your money will be guaranteed tne Disseai wnoie- Omaha. H. D. Board of Trade INTEREST IN GOOD BUSINESS Ft SALE. ML'BT BELL AT UNCJd. PHONE DOUGLAS 64t. A BARGAIN. 80 shares of United Wireless preferred stock transferable. 83.25 a share. Need the money. Address P til. Bee. FOR SALE All or half of a paying drug store In Rocky Ford, Colo.; owner Is going away. Address Box 844. PHYSICIAN'S complete equipment. In cluding large library. X-ray machine, elec tric motor. Instruments, disk cabinets, ssfe, various pieces of furniture. For particulars write J 906, Bee. SEE C. J. Canan for quick results. PROMOTHR3 Don't delay; Investigate today. Wyoming oil lands for sale; 260-bhl. producing well within 2 miles. Waycrosa Oil Co., 411 16th St., Denver, Colo. 4 WANTED Buyera for Salt Creek fWyo.) oil producing land; good title; proposition for promoters. Mountain Realty Corp., 1S1 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. One-half Interest In Omaha corporation making 88,0n0 to 810.000 -a year above ex penses. Best paying proposition in Omaha. Price 85.0UO for Immediate sale. Address L 907, Bee. EVERYONE wants his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep O'Brien's candy. If L. Welsch, 824 N. 86th St., will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself within three days he wiss recleve an order for a 6oc box of this candy. Raomlng Houses For Bale. 7-ROOM modern flat, newly furnished; walking distance; possession April 1. P. 872. Bee. 12 rooms, modern, close In; doing good business. Phone Webster 6H. ROOMING house, to buy or sell. Canan. J. WILL sacrifice strictly modern, nicely furnished lo-room flat; fine location and trade. Make me an offer. Tel. Web. 21 7. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, ha'r dressing, hair goodm City Natl. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROY. 1666 Fernam Bt Douglas 6407. DANCING Misses Simpson & Coll. W. 2491. W. 630i MORAN1V8 15th and Harney. Doug 3it DENTISTS PAILFY MACH. M floor. Paxtg. p 10S8. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency Inc., bonded, 428-8 Paxton Blk. .Doug. 1319; Ind. A-1319. v , THERE ia everything In finding out where the beat Is. If 1-els LInd. 3337 So. 24th, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c box of O'Brien's candy. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 1711. First clasa tailoring dressmkg. 1818 Dodge LADIES want to buy it. but It is given away at The Bee that a O'Brien's delicious 60o candy. If Olaf Johnson, 133 N. 37th St. will bring this aa to ine ne-s wunm mree days he will receive an order on his con fectioner for a pound of this delicious candy, FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. Bast entrance. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1218. 1. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas S0S0. PRETTY flowers and Farrell'a ayrup. Where th eflrst grow the later Is con sumed. If P. C. McCarthy. 2O08 Ohio St., will hrlm th s ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60o can of this delicious syrup. FRUIT TREES o2T"iySS1 Shrubs and Rose bushes. Omaha sales rround. 2th and Cuming. D. 8S14. South Omaha salesground, 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO., Benson, Neb. 10th and Nebraska. Home office Benson 634. HE8B BWOBODA. 1418 Farnam Bt, A. DONAOHUE. 1807 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001 BRJkNDElS cut Flewer dept.; new store. Flewere sad s bra be. C. 8. HARRISON'S ssleot nursery. York Neh.. offers home crown fruit, shade. hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies ana iris catalogue ready. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO. Sides Ground 19th and Douglas Full line of nursery stock. Ornamental shrubbery, roses, fruit and shade trees. Phones: Residence. D. 44i8; Office, D. 8262. FINE gooseberries and black raspberry plants; cheap. F. Mundlen, win ana oust. or phone Benson svJ FOR EASTER WALL PAPER We are prepared to fill orders for the latest and best paper at the best price. Let us estimate for you. Rose Wall Paper Co., r arJm. RUFFNER TAILORING COMPANY U4 S 15h St. Max Morris the well known tailor. makes ladles and gen tlemen's suits. Lowest prices. 801 Brown Blk DOWNEY EASTER MILLINERY. 1618 N. 24th St. Doug. 7692. Harry Martin. Tailor, 607H Paxton block. NEW, rough straw street' hats at McMahon Millinery Co., 1514 Dougla 22.26. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE Barber Shop and Pool. 315 North 16th St. ny 5-cer,l cigar free with shave or hair A cut. BIRD'S nursery cherry trees are ready to plant now. If Mrs. F. A. Kenke, 8714 8. loth, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days she will receive an order for a 50c cilery tree. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to us; we will willow them into willow plumes. We also steam and curl Willow plumes, 16c up. Pearl Plume Co., room 1. Paxton Blk. PURE field and garden seeds. Younk ermaa Seed Co., Co. Bluffs. Ia Adellght hair food grows hair; see Mint Frayer. Megeath Stat y Co., 16th at Farnarn Zimmerman Crowe Furniture Co.. 1718 Leavenwerth. Get our pian. Nuf said. MRS. M. T. IRWIN, 848 Brandels theater. China decorating and firing. Easter cards VIRGINIA DARE WINE-75c a large bottle Klein Liquor House. 623 N. 16th St FRENKLE presses and cleans men's or ladles' suits, sIbo repairing. 822 8. 24lh. SOL S. GOLDSTROM. liquor dealer, Eouth Omana. Jug and bottle trade dlrsct to consume'.'. Bend fur price list. Ladies' Old Uat3 r.laTrurnlsh hats, feathers and flowers cleaned and dyed. Miss Pepper, 614 S. 2th St., H. 8WJS. J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography; pictures enlarged. Studio. 21 8. 15th St. DO I GET THEM. S00 more subscriptions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns 82.O0O for some charity to be de cided by my subscribers. I do not handle the money, but the Interest will Insure an Income of 810 a month for life. Do 1 get your renewals. Price 81.60 each. Urgent. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. First-class Dressmaking, 2715 Dewey Ave. TAILOR-MADE and dress hats, 22.50 to 16.00. Crosstown Millinery, J420 Cuming St. Dress pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Soth 'phones. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 103 S. 15th St. P A AfTT.V Liquor House, full measure j. nuiixii and pure goods, our motto. Emll Hansen, Prop., 1223 Chicago St. I REWILLOW old ostrich feathers, take orders for all kinds of plumes, millinery work. Prices reasonable. Mrs. G. Phlfer, 2501 St Mary's Ave. Doug. 8324. VOl? the next ten days I am giving free y-,1Xl one bottle of perfume with each dollar's worth of my specialties. Mme. Frayer, 16th and Farnam. T, VOX wishes to announce his re v moval from 2K22 Leavenworth St. to 2901 Farnam. He will be pleased to meet his old cuatomers as "well as many new ones, iiarney oi. Jewelry keep the late things In gold and silver In quality meet the purse. 1507 liarnev St. 0RPI1EUM JEWELRY CO. FIRST class dressmaking. 22)4 Mason. EASTER Farrell's svrun mav he enter. the year round. If Jacob Kragler, 2103 Ohio St.. will bring this ad to The Bee wttnin three. days and identify hlmse f he will receive an order for a 50c can of this fine sy ip.' ' . hjELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aad talftitanrt. WANTED Experienced Jewelry sales. ladles at once. Bennett Co. WOMEN Sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent profit. Make 210 dally. Full or part time. Beginners investigate. Strong Knit. Box 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa Factory end Trades. WANTED For Anrll. dressmaker bv the day; only first-class worker need apply. 62Si & 2Cth Ave. GIRLS wanted to press ladles' garments. 2907 Leavenworth. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors, 236-240 City Nat l Bank. D. 2396. Clerical and Office. TWO stenographers and bookkeepers, $43- 260. Office clerk, fM. No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldg STENOGRAPHERS are In great demand at the present time. Call and we will place you on short notlrtv CO-OPERA 11 VK rtTJf 'UttUNCKi CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. Hoasekeepers and Domestics. NEAT girl for general housework. 430T Lafayette Ave. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 408 Davenport St. WANTED A second girl to assist with children; good wages. 6o5 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework and plain cooking. waBhlng done out; none but ex perienced, competent gins need apply, tall Chicago St. Phone Harney 2134. WAITRESS-Apply Manager Omaha General Hospital. WIDOWER desires housekeeper; two In family: must be good couk. J. C. R., Box 656, Sidney, la.-- W ANTED Girl for general housework: good wages. 1701 Park Ave. WANTED A oompetent girl for general bousewurk; small family; good wages. Ill 6. 26th St WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. atibO Woolworth Ave. Mra Dr. Wearae. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 1733 S. 17th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry. 2010 N. 20tb St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 627 8. 26th Ava WANTED A neat girl for general house work; no laundiy. 4lo7 Davenport St. WANTED Girl for general housework; 4813 Dodge Bt WANTED Maid for general housework. 138 N. Sth Ave WANTED Girl fot general bousework; no cooking or washing. 2423 Cass St WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry; care of two children. 1046 Georgia Ave. 'WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages; small family. 1U20 s. 36tn Ave. y WANTED Girl for general housework; (16 8. 87th 8t I WANTE.Dr?'r' chl?d"r.n ulnS0 land care i.r two children. Harney WANTED An experienced girl for gen sral bousework. 1M Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral bousework. 1U2 n. ith St- WANTED A competent girl for general bousework; uo laundry; family of twe. Grant Bt WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral bousework; await tajully. 2918 a. 8tfe ront'd. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral bousework. 812 B, 2otn St. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; reference 001 S. SMh St - WANTED Girl for general housework, three In family. 1724 Spalding Bt WANTED A white girl housework. 1708 lke St. for genera. WANTED Girl for general housework; references. H. Gross. 601 S. 22d St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 922 8. 33d St. WANTElf-An experienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. 8532 Harney St. WANTED A young girl for genera) bousework. 824 N. atth St WANTED A competent girl for house work. 1212 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 616 So. 22d St. WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 4128 Isard St. WANTED A girl tor general bousework; (our In family. 2216 Miami. WANTED Young girl to work In candy store and restaurant combined. Lock Boa 14. Kennard, Neb. a . WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; one who can cook. JiM S. td St WANTED A girl for general housework. Adolph Paulson. Bennington. Nebraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 3027 Chicago St. WANTED A nice girl for general house work; no laundry. 2423 California St WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 622V4 Central Ave., Fort Dodge. C. H. Adams. WANTED A neat girl for general house work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 1648 N. 19lh Bt WANTED A competent girl to Hth housewoik. Mtl S. 29th St. assist WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. THREE competent girls for general housework; good wages. Harney 674S WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral .housework. 120 N. 42d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 3221 Pacific St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1338 S. 35th Ave.-r WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 2229 N. 19th St. WANTED Al cook: neat In appearance. 4S35 Dodge St r WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry. 601 8. 38th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 8042 Cass Bt GOOD girl for general housework, wages 86.00. 4i0S Davenport. Harney 2479. WANTED A good laundress at the Creche. 1124 Harney. AN experienced girl; must be able cook; family of two. References; good wages. I. Zlegler. 701 S. 87th St Mlacellnneoes. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Younj Women s Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding placet or otherwise assisted. Look fur our trav eler's aid at the Union station. A GOOD girl wanted to work In grocery store, one with some bookkeeping experi ence, li. A, Simmon. 922 Douglas St. LADIES Big money made doing the new Hermann permanent hair wive. A patent process that transforms straight hair into naturally wavy. We also teach all branches of beauty culture. Write for particulars, Moler college. Chlcgo, 111. THREE women wanted Immediately to take 3 months' practical course In mater nity nursing. Weekly salary 315-225 com manded on completion. Tuition Including board and room In hospital only S100. Ap plication by lettergram preferred. National Maternity Hospital, 1430 Wells St., Chicago. LADIES make shields. $1.44 per dozen. Material furnished responsible women. Stamped envelope for particulars. Empire Supply Co., Dept. 336, Milwaukee, Wis. LADIES make your supporters; $12 per hundred: no canvassing: material fur nished. Stamped envelope for particulars. Wubaah Supply Co., Dt-pt B, 174 Chicago.' LADIES and girls wanted to decorate sofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary, s. latn. HELP WANTED MALE Agrenta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. WANTED Land agents for the different localities In Nebraska, to sell land In an Irrigation project In Wyoming. The beat proposition of Its kind on the market to day. Robert C. Druesedow & Co., Sales Agents, 8u0 New Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Ne liraska with staple line; high commissions: $100 monthly advance and permanent po sition to right man. Jess il. Smith Co. Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN Specialty; to sell high grsde account register (flreorool); exclu slve territory; liberal commission. Apply. stating age, experience, references. Hi Champion Register Co., Cleveland, Ohio WE PAY $30 a month salary and furnish rig and all expenses to Introduce poultry and stock powders; new plsn; steady work. Blgler Co., X 866, Springfield, HI. AGENTS TO SELL horse brushes, sweeps, dusters, brooms, mops, etc ; a standard line with a reputation behind It Men with horse and vehicle preferred: a good opening for agents every place. Box 34, Blanchester, Ohio. Housekeepers aad Domestics " Listen to what a prominent land owner in Dakota says of Tlee Want Ads: "That ad I ran in the Bee brought me 27 inquiries and pad handsomely. C. A. JOHNSON, Fairfax, S. D. ontlnnnl. WANTED-live representative, with salesinanatilllty and Borne capital, for un occupied territory, to take ageix y of largn Motor Truck Company with national repu tation. Highest Hunk and Commercial Referemes, who have perfected a Motor Truck dining vhe last four years, at an expense of over 8."iO,'M, that for simplicity of control and economy of operation, is ad mitted by experts Die best on the innrknt. These trucks are being used by Isigcst firms in the country. Right party can net $:.0oo to $lo,0iO a year. rite for terrltoi ; Investigate this opportunity. Nothing ev'rr. offered has the same possibilities. The Motor Truck Business Is the leading Indus try of the country. It will require from $2,000 to $5,0n thst Is secured at all tlmes to handle an agency. State territory pre ferred. Georse C. Miller Co., 701-703 Pabst Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. SELL Texas Gulk Coast Irrigated lands In heart of Artesian Belt. Monthly pay ment plant. We plant onions, strawberries, figs, oranges; cultivate, market crop and deliver when In bearing. Proceeds from crops guaranteed to meet deferred pay ments. Liberal commissions to experienced salesmen. Texas Land Development Co, S16 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. A HUSTLER In each community ran make 300 tier cent guaranteed selllnir our Shaveiy Razor Guard. We help you build permanent profitable business. Write for our 300 per cent free exclusive Agency Plan for this attachment that makes every razor a Safety Razor. Sample sent post paid for 25o. L. T. Weiss, 2M Taaffe I'l.. Brooklyn. N. Y. GENERAL AGENTS We offer a new device that postlvcly makes I gas rant." burner do the work of 3. Saves over M per cent of the gas. Retails for J2. Large profit. Exclusive terrtlory. Preference given to going organizations now actively selling from house to house, t). it. Speng ler, 37 E. 2h St., N. Y. WANTED Branch Malingers for mail or der business at your own home. Male or female. No canvassing. Mall the ten catalogues and make from $1 to $-'0 t ine young married couple made over $10ii in two months. You can do the same. We furnish everything, outfit, ten catalogues, full particulars, etc., for 10 cents In stamp to pay postage, etc. Address the Yin ail Co., 436 Cortlandt Bldg., New York t'ltv FOR OUR NEW and different . r'i Ing specialties; no competition I I : coin missions; fine side line. I '.linkers' spe cialty Co., St. Joseph, Mo.' SALESMAN Experienced in am I nr. l sell general trade In Nc-l iaska. iin.-v , He, specialty proposition with brand n-w fen lures commission with $1." weekly for e penses; vacancy after April I. The Conn nental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Three pood, energetic 1 -v-men for permanent positions with old es tablished, highly rated firm, to sell ad vertising proposition to retail merchants; worth $HK) weekly1 above expenses to pro ducers; want only reliable men who are willing to furnish good rcfercm s. Ad dress T, 1009 Strauss' VMv.. Chicnuu. Ill MEN ND WOMEN M :ell patented household specialties; I f mulsh I lie ex perience, capital, goods and the nlnn. you simply follow Instructions. .My lin en. "I col lars and Sense." tells you how: sent abso lutely free. Address '. 17. Swat Izleancji, Box SO, Toledo. Ohio.' - Ogden. Utah.' AGENTS Sunlight lit nlgld: our Incan descent Keroaene Mantle Burners f't all lump; burn with or without mantle; ap peal to all using lamps: prices defy com petition; particulars free. Simplex lias light Co., "New York. MEN and women agents, if .mu earn lc-s than $.16 a week, send lor our latest propo sition. Particulars 'ree The Henry Novelty Co., Longford. '"'.i;i $." TO $10 A DAY for reliable nun and women agents; easiest, fastest, best seller ever offered. Nine ptLles to each ten culls, by our special plan: too per cent profit, net to you. Full details free. Aeldress, House hold Co., Agency Division. No. 10, Topeka, Kan. MEN and women earn $7 -dally distribut ing Needlt, something new; every woman wants one; fascinating work; experience unnecessary; outfit free; write today. Neidlt Company, Cincinnati, O. FREE sample. No Splash Waterstralni rs are winners. Dally profit $5 upward. Let us prove It. Send 2c (mailing cost). Seed Filter Co.. New York. WANTED Two men and two ladles to travel, salarv and expenses paid weekly. Call 1918 Farnam. SPECIAL AGENTS 125 PER CENT profit for you; SOO per rent raving lo customers:, no competition: hand rope Mfg. machine. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 738 Brandels Theater Bldg. KEMPER-THOMAS CO., Cincinnati, want traveling men for advertising fans as side line. Quick money, tib to $e0 weekly. Copyrighted designs. Selling sea son now on. Apply Fan Dept. FOR the state of Nebrutska, salesman for full and comprehensive line of domestlo (3 color half-tone and deluxe) and Imported advertising calendurs. Also novelties, plr ques and leather goods. Commissions lib eral. Address Sales Manager. United States Calendar Co., Cincinnati. SALESMEN selling retail trade, to carry side line of ladles' furnishings on commis sion. State territory covered. Wm. E. Hinds, 621 Broadway, New York City. HIGH CLASS salesman $10 to $16 dally; new office specialty; quick sales; as lude spenNlble to the office man as his type writer. Sules Manager, 14, Newton, la $5 DAILY easily earned by anybody un dertaking an easy agency as an extra; ex pert knowledge unnecessary. Write prefer ably In German language to A. BTEEN K EN, AMSTERDAM, HOTTLAND. AOENTS Sell 6 months' guaranteed hosiery; also guaranteed silks. Manufac turer to wearer. Large commissions. Not sold In stores. Free Information. Lenox Works, 6 W. 31st St.. N. Y. AGENTS Make big money selling our new windproof pocket cigar lighter. Every smoker buys on sight. Sells ltse f RATH BUN MFG, CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. WANTED Mandolin agents. Address P. A. Kramer, 1206 tfth St.. Denver. THE TCELESS ICEROX-Hlggest lilt In years. If you re a live one, w rite ipilrk for territory and terms to acents. Iceless Ice box Co., Cleveland. Ohio Aaenls and Salesmen- V V.