THE OMAHA SUNDAY PEE: MARCH 2fi. 1011. HSS S. vS EXPANDED METAL STEEL PLASTERING LATSI is the fire-prof substitute fr the inflammable wood- lath. ii Prevents Cracking and Falling of Piaster on 7ails and Ceiling. Adopted by the U. S. Govern ment and used everywhere in all good buildings. Write for circular. NORTHWESTERN EXPANDED METAL CO. 84 Van Gurtn Stret, CHICAC9 Tl 1 EL It J aw BUILDER Construction of Roof Important Arthur C. CImhi, Architect. MR. CLAUSEN'S BOOK "Tha Art, BcUnc and ntlmnt of Homebuilding;." 30 chapters. 3') Uluntratlons. It rover a wide rarine ot aub.lei ta, In cluding the planning of bungalow, suburban and city homf-n. costlnpt from J2.0W to $.'0,000. Itttlng con traits, chooslna; materials, proper de sign ot entrance, windows, fire places, etc. New third edition. Price, postpaid, II. Ou. Address, Arthur C. Ciansen, Archi tect, 1138-37-38 Lnmbir Exchange, BlinneapoliB, Minnesota. DtsB "lake It an Enduring Home 3 Build How We offor yon the best grade stones and the greatest experlenre In cement building stones. Your order for sidewalks, steps, basements, porch floor, retaining walls, reinforced concrete houses, etc., will bring best results when placed with us. IdealCement Stone Co. Mala Office and Yard, 17 tit ft CnuUngr Bta. Phones, Douglas 4438, Omaha, JTeb. Factory nd Tard31it and Spanldlng- Bta. Phones) Doug. 4438. T VT,-.7.. Money flo Loan for building purposes. Funds advanced to pay contractors -as building 'progresses. Partial payments, accepted on in terest, da tes.r Interest, payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS '' 503 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha. IhiUKlas 1018. Ind., A-1618. You Don't Have To Pay High Rent For Us ' This store Is not' located in the high rent district and is enabled to sell for less monev than firms in the heart of the business section must demand. We give you high quality wall pajers for low money. Our kitchen blocks and imitation tiles, worth 20c and ,' 25c, sell for 10c and VlVc. Cut-out borders are priced at from 8c to 15c per yard. Crown effects sell at from 8c to ' 121-iC each. IVI. L. ENDRES ' 2410 Ames Avenue ( Both I'ltonra: Webster 2138; Independent 11-2138. ' njwaiiimi HE style, construction and ma terials required tn the construc tion of the roof seldom receive the attention which the Import ance of the subject merits. The style of roofs vary to such a considerable extent, that It la Im possible tq lay down hard and fast exiles governing- the design of this part of Hje house. A roof that would look well on a cottage, might not look well on a large house, but the style adopted for one home of a certain style might look all right on another home of the same slxe, but a different design. It Is a matter which only one who has had considerable experience In the planning of a home can work out to a satisfactory result in each Individual case. The materials which enter Into the con struction of a roof, however, Is a sub- Ject in which all homebullders should be interested. When a homebullder goes to his architect or contractor, he usually has de cided on what material he will use In the '!?,fi if. .'i", -IjHUUfT" I 111 ''wniiiw iiiif ""TiWi innniii ijjm Tjui " "' The Host Important Feature cf Your Home is the Furnace You w.iuM be lnilteil If a sulrs nmn told you that ail suits were alike, nil one prico and on ns good as another. I (ou t lt any one try tn tell you that furnaces, wall plpen or registers are all alike. There i a difference, ami it will pay you to find out. You will be better satisfied If von , , , Know what Kxcelsi ,r safe, sunlturv 7."" i"i'" way imperial registers snouid te useil. nn.i hv n Marvel or l-.x-elsior furnace difters from the ordinary kind It doeni't ' cost von snv moie to list, our to,ls If v..,, l,Ui. .. ...( r v. . . 1 X 'sl I . 4A. tiPfin hfn DllttfliD tn nut tt...4. X'i liim; or. t you (!e(rr. w will Hell ill root to von an If Villi llUVa n fnviirita fiit-it ...... ..... ,. tt crenu n rood ni1 Hp Knows w will miII ii can hitnt u t II Mll I install thm for' y mi. Omaha Stove Repair Works - - i wgqrinrLnji aftAivuuuuiAAAj nnn ft I construction of his roof, especially the top surface. Before coming to a definite de cision In this matter, he should give certain facts due attention. The cheapest roof Is one of the many composition roofings which come In sheets, and are cemented Into place. While a few of them are guaranteed to last a number of years, free of repair to the owner, the most of them will last hardly half as long as a good cedar shingle roof, and the un slghtllness of most makes of this kind of roofing makes It Impossible to use them, and retain a harmony of appearance be tween the roof and the rest of the house. For buildings of lesser Importance, such as the garage or barn, and various farm buildings, different makes of composition roofing serve very well as long as they last, and are not expensive to put on, re quiring but a fraction of the labor neces sary to put on a shingle root, and the raw material being cheaper to begin with. The life of a wood shingle roof Is from ten yeurs to twenty years, depending upon the quality of the shingles used, the slant of the roof, and the severity of the cli mate. If the roof has too low a slant, the water will not be shed from them rapidly, and soaking In. will In time rot out the shingles much faster than If the pitch You can got fho best attention KltOM 17. 17. SilERVJOOO Kloctrlcal Contracting. Wiring for Light, Power and Electric Bells. Agents for Hawthorne Motors. 1212 IWUNAM Street, OMAHA. l'lionrs: JIoiikUh 703:1; Ind., A.U'JOl. Ksiimales Cheerfully Furnished. j"""'"- .n..n I,,, u Onion Sets Red Wethersficds and Danoas Yellows -AT 5c per Quart ctrcne THAT ;UOW. xi:r;i) any Nebraska Seed Go. 10i:i HOWAUI) STKFKT. Tlioilo Kouulr.s 12UI. It Belongs (Continued on I'age 3, Column 6.) 3-e ter.P Rr-sR. Porch T CLN-r I OOUSRIUM. LL I ran- .rr0 Iqfptoo w(jsT I. tJUiOIKC, OOOK.-J ' a U oli ffi Bvhtkjv rXiTcrtrH U 1 ' l I , . IP OlMIMQ R.OOM 11 i-f--11 i fDi :f J j .t-a.Ki-o- JfcoJl M ctl 0 pi-.oo, ooo " ujx iiti rj t n R.jcrPTioH ' CLSJrl i U tlAUL. j' 3 I LrviNGr Room. rcTT I9.--0. lft-e" Lie?R.-SRYr-,i I , Ivctrr. e5irr Vzjk -tJlji v-1 .y.-.L j 75twr JF ' 1 - Porch '4 lo'-'sas'-o ma q " EiM.. PoRtrti I , rrre f,ED j I! -M CriNr-lDt-d 11 J Chamolr. 'OK'" L! I , 1 . Si ITT 1 D hB 1 14"' r"'" u 3 s g s 1 riaaaHKi adaMf DM I ll ii 'CmaMDLR. JJXUn-asaiI n a j- n t CLPD OtOOND-r"LSOR. ' Dt-t? tats-Mo -e7o 'sR.Tt-JVTz.-C-Cui't.M Arch'-Mirsisc--pvDLirrvIiNM f-lKST riOOR-. Building Notes of the Week When You UKcover T , 7i 7 the Leak Call . . . LjOtlQ & VOaSO Up.lo-Uale Sanitary Plumbing and Heating 4O04 North Twcntylourth St. They'll s you great spans. Estimate on work furnished on application. ' Faonst Webstar 48. roscn ?"" J SKTION1 rOOCM IfltlDI I 'BnEHEC! , j : tCTIOPl PORCH WINDOW and DOOR SCREENS ado Up and Put Up Qjnaha IVindow Scrcon Co. W taka tnaaaaramasta nod fi tlmataa fr. lUitement fli North lOtli Ktreet, OnMtha. Telephone Douglas 4002. Tre.asure-House For Home Builders Our (leparttiit'iit ot" interior dct'orating offers this spring, a lnrjje assortment of most beautiful iniers, tlrap eries, eurtiiins, cretonnes, ete., for'inakinft your home heuu tiful. Hetilly we have a treasure-house for one who is pre paring to get his home in shape for summer. Our selee Jions are outof-the ordinary distinctive and will give your home an atmosphere in harmony with nature. KxjKTts from this 'department will call at your home, take measurements and later submit plans for your ap proval. Our racialists, qualified by long years of exper ience, are always ready to give suggestions without charge. Before you place an order it will be greatly to your benefit to consult with our experts. Hiller Stewart CBeaton Co. THE TAG-POLICY HOUSE Established 1884. 413-415-417 South Sixteenth Street Accord ns to the statement of the Ideal Cement Stone company, cement building blocka were never bo popular as they are this spring. Many people have Just come to realize that these stones are durable and that they make a strong house and are perfectly aatlsfactory In overy way. The expanded metal, sold by the North western Expanded Metal company of Chi cago, has had large sales In the west dur ing the last few years. The early orders for 1BU indicate that this year will be a banner one In the history of the company. The picture on this page of an Individual storage room In the fire-proof building of the Omaha Van and Storage companv shows how strongly guarded household goods are when placed In this big building. The doors have rat guards, as shown In the picture, and the rooms are prcof against destruction. W. V. Sherwood Is alwaya ready to fur nish estimates on any electrical contract Ing work. He Is located at 1-12 Farnam street. The pleasant weather of the last few weeka hu Induced many to plant gardens. The Nebraska Seed company reports that the aale of seeds for tills spring has been the heaviest for years. The American weather strip, sold bj( V. H. Turney & Co., is popular with house wives who desire a clean home during the summer months when dust Is shifted through the air In large clouds. This strip la protection against dust. Tha Omaha Window Screen company, 624 North Sixteenth street, has . Just sold screens for the residence of Charles Ston, 1901 Wirt street, and for the two-story building of O. I.ar8cn, 1917 Cuming street. The Barker Bros'. Paint company has se cured the contract for furnishing all the paint, varnish, window glass and photo plate glass used In the construction of the new Wellington hotel on Farnam strtet. The following sales have been made by the Anchor Fence company, 2u7 North Seven teenth street, during the last week; James Oebell, 2205 Monroe street, South Omaha; Mrs. B. Livingston, 22c9 Monroe street, South Omaha; M. Kulakofsky, f. 1 1 South Twenty-first avenue; O. J. Ingwersen, 1122 South Thirty-fourth street; Mrs. A. W. Ferguson. M5 Wirt street; Mrs. C. N. Forbes, 1811 Wirt street, and J. B. West. Twenty-second and Seward streets. There are thousands of people today, liv ing in their own comfortable houses In Omaha, who owe these homes to the as sistance rendered tbem by the Omaha Ian and Building association, and who. If this assistance had been withheld, could never have hoped to secure homes of their own. This association, the pioneer of all building and loan associations In Omaha, Is today In a better condition to assist the worthy home builder and buyer than ever before. Its officers are alwiya glad to explain its plan to all who may wish to avail them selves of this sura and aasy method of ac quiring a home. The Omaha Loan and Building association la now located in the McCague building, northwest corner Fif teenth and Dodge streets. According to W. II. Thomas, the number of people who are making partial payments on real estate loans In Omaha Is rapidly Increasing. I The wrecking of the building at Four teenth and Farnam streets, where the Woodmen structure will be erected, was done by workmen of the Southern Coal and Supply company, Twenty-first anil Paul streets. W. H. Melersteln, secretary-treasurer and general manager of thi company, directed the work. Not a man was hurt In wrecking that building. This record. Mr. Meicrsteln thinks, is remarka ble, for in all other cities workmen are often killed. It speaks much for the pro tection afforded laborers by this company. Miller, Stewart & Beaton company are offering, a new line of wall papers that have Just arrived from theseast. An expert from the decorating department of this store made a trip to New York for the purpose of buying the spring stock. "A seven-foot cellar Is good," says the management of the Omaha Stove Repair Works, ''but why not have one eight feet deep so that as you walk around your fur-' race you do not have to stoop? Again, on eight-foot cellar gives all the furnace pipes more of an upward slant, a condition which delivers the heat more euatly and is a great saving In fuel. You will save enough fuel In one winter to pay you for that extra one foot of cellar room." M. I Endrea haa received many orders for wall paper and during tha last week has put spring effects Into several homes. Early spring plumbing trade la very brifk. Long It Voase, 4"04 North Twenty fourth street, are doing a large business. I Prices That Double the Value of Hose y You prospective builders shou'd listen to us before buying. We have prices that save money -in very, very many instances half your money. Iok at these: '250,000 bricks, $5.00 per thousand; 100,000 4 foot white pine lath, $11.50 per thousand; joists or planks, 12x8x22, 2x10x22, 2x12x22, $18.00 per thousand; flooring and ceiling, all widths, $1G.OO per thousand; iron posts, beams, anchors, plates and store fronts, 2 cents per pound. We have everything in lumber and the independent prices are not even approached in Omaha. New oak flooring, 2Vi-inch face, at $40.00 per thousand feet. Never before such a price. Our building wrecking operations have enabled us to make these startling reductions. THESE BOTTOM PRICES ARE IN FORCE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT Mail Orders Get Best Attention. Southern Coal (8JL Supply Co. 21st and Paul Streets. Webster 2884; B-3323. 16th and Izard Streets. to You livery dollar spout in repairs and fixtures on a rented house is that much lost. The landlord gets it, as ho does the rent. Kvery dollar you spend on your own home adds that much to its value and beauty, and its YOUUS. Ambitious men see the advantage of owning their own homes. We want to help you in this. We ioau you our money which can be repaid, principal and interest, in monthly payments. Easier than paying rent. No trouble to explain our plan. Omaha Loan & Building Association McCague Bldg., N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. Assets: $4,080,000.00 Reserve Fund: $105,000.00 m',,irn...l.irr..-ll,Tilorillar,. Keep the Dust Cut Jhis Summer Witb tue American Weather Strip It's Dust Proof, but will fit your windows bo they will run with ease. F. H. Turn si & Co. OMAHA. XKK. 305 So. 13th St. I'liono Doug. 093, C. R. Ileflin Co. 1516 Douglas. Upstairs We Duplicate All Kinds of Keys. Trl. Doughts li74. Anchor Fence Company 207 N. 17th St.. Omaha Telephone Red-8 14 Time and Place to Buy Fencing Frank Barker Al Barker Jos. Barker, Jr. Greo. Barker Barker Broo. Paint Co. KIOOH KAKN.IM HTKKKT. . Kolh Ihoio Ik'H, Douglas 4730; IihIoiktiuYiiI, A-JHl. Do you know that you can save 257 on your painting by using absolutely pure material! Sherwin-Williams: Paints and Varnishes, Carter Lead, Keystona, Pure Oils and Colors. AN INDIVIDUAL OCu3 r i i 5 OIIAIIA VAN AND STORAGE CO. AnsOLUTELY FIUKHUOOF Kaia Offlca. 80 Bo. 16th Mt. Branches, 30t o. 17th nd 1180 slo. lata at. 1 a.., v. . TVo.xrl. . A ft.l and Ind.. A-1335.