Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 5

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lowt Senator Goes on Becord in Favor
cf Treaty with Canada.
n km Prtrflli la RrntTH f ram 1
nimt He ll. M.t (Uo
M Rays.
! and under th stats. Th w .iroen did not
f'rit to put tb'lr ra'lrad tickets till
m sy-all chant. In ron purs to throw
tne off tVe tr. k.""
Tn. railroad offuials at Coffejvilie wer
a'armod aa 10 why the tram whlrh left
Ier,sep.h. only twelv. miles away, nearly
"n t'rne did not arrlv Th. train rtnn
T!i at Coffetvlll and the tratrme. who
I were to bring It to Kansas City were i!t-
i Inf
I Harry fc) i.f , the waiting conductor told
of th ten, two bourn,
j "W telegraphed Van Rut-en. Ark., aaid
! he. " but could get no tra" of th. train
rr V'TNFP. March :4 PefVP- ''jm - 1 f:"r'm' thought It had born m-kf4 and
mine of Iowa dec-issed Canadian rerlpd- !x,r""1 sboard killed. A few minutes be-
twre the Orant club of this r'ty , " rriv1 " Coffeyvtlle. the railroad
tonight Mr Cummins mid: icffklal ordered a special reilef train made
Tor ten ream 1 nv ben dlvau nr i ur ' ro wreck."
t-ab reciprocity with Canada from the! ld f C ar form n.t.
standpoint cf ore wi n has pr.fonndlyl be : KANSAS CITT. Mc . March ?4 The train
'iev-d that the conditions of rrodu'-ii n in reached Kans city at 11 19 o clock The
'unmix an compared with the condi'lons In ' !d of the ntr car waa cntire'y torn
off hy one of the foxir explosions of nitro
glycerine. The fourth explosion threw the door cf
the safe off. through the express across the
nr. and tore the hole in the .de of the
Two or three persons who rot inside the
Ini and tt went by the board with 1 ttle
how cf res'stance. '
Tawwer Watrr HIM Passed.
In the nt the Tanner bill allowing
tha Omaha Water hoard to !! water to
other municipalities waa paawed
The Crontn bill making a S-ml'.l vy for
ataia aid to county bridge and the Nil
raising the ray of Juror from I: to K
per diem were also passed.
The governor aent up a special mann
to aay that ha baa iod th Init atlve
and referendum bilL Tbia action wa
merely formal, aa th concurrent resolu
tion could hav. for to the secretary of
tat and hav bee submitted to th
peopi without action from th chief ex
ecute re.
rondeI tat we hould del with It upon
an entirely d fferent oasia than that which
e roen1r In niakinr up our renral
tariffs with ohr railona
' My conclulone ik often epreed. re
main urchned. and my de-r tor fair i
llll.t.! TltROt UH i
rrifrn-x relation with oir northern ' press car here pi what the rubber had
nelahbvr were never troner than at th
present moment, although t aee. aa rerT
open-eyed ohrver m'Mt e. that the de
velopment of th dominion in manufacture
in the Ian decade and th conetquent
rnrthnine of her protective pollcjr ha l
reOy narrowed the field for the adran
ta(eu application of commercial reclproc
)tr; tat ' to say. it U Tastlr more d.ffi
cult now than then to eecur an equivalent
for anv concession that w may b wil!in
to mak In our dutlei upon !ta Imports Into
our country. If a little of th enthuaiasm
which Is now ao abundant In some quarter
had been available then, the I'nlted ftte
cwJid hav mad a better bargain than it
i possible to maka at th present time.
Mast Be la Treatr Fena.
Mr. Cummlna then referred to th pro
posal that th desired tariff changes shail
not take th formal shape of a treaty. The
speaker said h did not mention this weak
ness In th arrant meet with any hostile
plrtt and that hie attttud toward th
matter will probably not be changed on
account of It. "! mention It." said Mr. !
tmmlns. "for ths purpose of pritijg
my preference for th adjustment of our
relations with Canada through a treaty
'hat would embrace positive obligation on
both sides, and which would prortd that
when either party withdraws from It that
Ipso factor It would ceas to b obligatory
upon tho other.'
H said that the Indications ar that the
only Interests that ran possibly b affected
br free competition with Canada ar agri
culture, lumber and paper-making H be
lieved that the Imports of agricultural pro
ducts, lumber, wood pulp and paper wlU
be lnrrae4 under th proposed arrange
ment. '
"1 am for fr paper." he said, "not
only paper of th valu of 4 cent per
pound or less, but of all paper, aod I am
for It because the paper-makers of this
country have abused the privileges which
haa heretofore been conferred upon thm."
Faraaerw Kvrai FMtlaf.
"It Is my opinion that If the farmer of
the I'nlted Htat Is put upon ven term
with the farmer of Canada. wit respect
to th thing h buys, the proposed ar
rangements will ont Injur him. I go fur
ther and declare that I have no doubt
w hatsoever that th farmer of Tow a. If
given an even chanc In hla purchase
with the farmer of Canada, will find In
the arrangement a aubctantlal advantage.
In mr Judgment tber ar Just two agri
cultural products of Importaac raised In
The scorned booty Included a bundle i
Inches thick of unsigned twenty-dollar
bank notes. Irtended for an Independence
(Kan.) bank.
About the car lay twisted silver coin,
thrown about th floor by the ekplosion.
The registered nail bags were in the cor
ner of the car, wner they were thrown
after betng ransacked.
(t of Booty Overestimated.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March 14 The special
ajrert of the tt. Lout. Iron Mountain 4
Southern railway today received a brief
report of the robbery near Coffeyville.
Kan., of Train 14 Most of the money ob
tained by the robbers, which It was as
serted was less than IW.Qoo, was taken from
the express company.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Math JI.-PureDn-tendent
George F. Johnson of th Pacific
Express compaay. with headquarters here,
said the men who held up anj robbed Iron
Mountain train No. l.H In Oklahoma last
night got no money from the express car.
and all the booty secured consists of a few
"SeaJed packages." th valu of whloh Is
not great. '
1 Appropriation
wt t ewate.
'From a Staff Correpondent
LINCOLN. Xeb . March J- i Special t-!
The house considered bll'.s on passage '
today with the following rescult:
H. R. IT. by Price a board of control
treasure providing for elective board of
control for state Institutions Passed by a,
vote of i ayes. 7 najs.
S K. lis. by tHIie. the stockyards hill.
making them a common carrier " and plac- .
lng them under rearulatory provisions and i
within Jurisdiction of the railway com-:
mission: Passed, 71 ayes; a nays, eight
H R 138, by Orossroan. appropriating
IMP. for conetructlon of new building
at th Omaluk end of th Onrversity
Medical school. Passed, U ayes. 41 nays,
eight absent
H. R tr. by the Joint good roads com
mittee, each county to have a road or
ganization and highway commission, ap
pointed by county boards. In counties of
lf.s than &U.O.I0 population. Passed. 7 ayea.
IS nay a.
H R. IK by Gerdes. providing that in
count! of over 15.OI0 populat'on there
shall b a register of deeds. Passed. 74
ayes, t nay.
H u SA. by Sanborn, appropriating IIS.O')
nog cholera serum plant at the state
by Omaha, but the senate committee re
fused to make this change and Omaha
sill have the question of abolishing the
board tangled up In th question of adopt
ing the commission form.
Plaeirk Bill Passes Heaate.
farm Passed. 74 ayes. I nava.
6. F. 47. by Morehead. creating th office
of register of deeds In counties having li-.M
or more population and lncerases salary
to ll.WO per year. Pascsed. 7 aye. 7. nays, i
The house concurred in senate amend-
menu to 11 .' H. No. 7. the Fries' biU. re-,
lsting to salaries of clerks of district ,
court, also H. R. No. 10, by Frie of How- i
ard. Increasing the pay of petit Jurors, and !
H R. No. 4, th hum reinvestment mess- I
ur. '
H. R 471. by Joint Committee on Roads
and Bridges Provide ttat poll tax may be
worked out or paid in ch. Passed; o
aye. 7 navs i
H. R. LC. by Matrau A Joint reaolutlon
for a constitutional amendment abolishing
the office of public lands and bunding
and creating a non-pamsan board of con
trol of three members to be appointed by !
th governor. Lefe.ted by a vote of 54 :
aye to 41 naa; required a three-fifths
a-furmatlve vote.
H. R. a. bytouc Provides that the state
Insurance department shail have authority
over Inauranc rate and power to prevent
discrimination. Lwfeated by a vote of 41
a) ts to M nays. Five absent and not rotiti
8. F. 74. by Brown, providing that annual
corporation tax coUeoted by the state
Why we sell the most dothing in Omaha is because we know
the value of good clothes and good makers, and place before
you the experienced ideas and productions of the greatest
tailors on earth. We are not ashamed of our clothes, nor the
name label on them. We are proud of the clothes we sell--that
are "made" in the same spirit we sell them RIGHT TO
They're the clothes built by the "House of Kuppenheimer", "Society
Brand," "Schloss Bros." and "Hirsh-Wickwire," $18.00 to $40.00, and they com
poselhe newest shades and perfection of tailoring you can't equal elsewhere.
a v.. FK. ,.js 1
Th Placck reaDDortlonment hill which
ha. been decided upon by the democrats 1 J bfm ? up c,p'1"' "lKk
from the first as the majority's scheme
of redistrtcting the state went through the
passed TV ayes. 9 nays.
8. K. 7. by Keagan. amending the con
stitution so as to permit cities of over
senate this sfiemoon on a straight party I . me. th,lr own charters. Passed j
rot and with It th Alter bill for Judicial gi(; ."W"' Brown, provide that fees !
reapportionment. Th Placek bill la th collet-ted by the secretary of state for the ;
From the number of spring
suits we have been Belling
parent for their boyg, t
are Inclined to believe that
no one else In town haa bora'
eulta for aale.
Still, lta not to be wondered
at. aa one satisfied customer
tells another, and the fame
of our money-Bavlng, long
wearing, stylish spring auita
Is spreading every day.
Come in and aee the hand
some suits we have, and see
what you can aare In price
when you buy here.
At S3.50 84.00 84.50.
S5.00 "P SIO.OO
Ask for the Special School
Suit, with 2 pairs of pacta
t $4.50 "! $5
Tou'll find the overcoat
for spring that we are allow
ing are the results of skill
and workmanship.
Every coat from lis to
$15 la a fine, full, graceful
garment; one that will pre
sent its wearer at hla best
and keep him looking right
all the time.
"SUp-Ona" Si Quite a va
riety from... $5 to $25
About our hats.
The first Is the price, for
you get all exquisite pro
duct at a reasonable, self
respecting price
82.00. 82.50 nl S3
The next attractive thing
Is the hat itself ita atyle
and exclusiveness of design
are there In every line.
These Qualities discriminate
our wearers from the crowd.
Mallory's lUinproof C
Hat ?
Complete l.lne of John H.
Spring Caps, SOc, 75c, tl.OO
i r
J?". "Wfi '
Siprlna Slilrts
The self-consciousness caused by all ill-fit-tlngwlrts
Is a hindrance to any man's com
fort and religion. Come In and see th new
col'Ted ones, whit collars to match, plain
aiid French cuff.
ai-M sad gXOa Swell dnpe-
Spring Underwear
If vou knew a-s much about undrwer as
we do, there would be small use of our boost
ing our lines cf Vassax and Superior a wa
do All we want la to show you how much
better our lines aro than what yon usually
find at any prlc you mr to pay from OOo
to gS.00.
representation of Ikiuglas county from
threw to five senators and from nln t
twalv representative.
Olll Bill t B Law.
Tb boiiM following ths action of yes
terday put the GUIs bill through by a rote
of 71 to II. This will leave the stock yard
law up to the governor and tn spit of
th assertion by Taylor author of th
Taytor-DolesaJ bill that was vetoed, the
governor Is sot expected to show any
aversion to making It a law.
Tne opposition to the bill did not manl
We Make
Uniforms of
Every Description.
the I'nlted States which may. during short j fest Itself becaua Oil la and Taylor and th
leriod) be reduced In prio through th
- free exchange with Canada. These are
wheat and barley, and It haa seemed to me
" for a king time that, so far a Iowa Is
concerned. It would be better for every
farmer and for every acre of laxid In the
state if we allowed Canada to rai all
the wheat that we In Iowa hav hitherto
1-een producing I wtll not top to review
the guestlon. but I believe that every stu
dent who has explored the subject and
who has comprehended th vital necessity
other supporters of stock yards regulation
had ao successfully proved that they con
trolled the situation that resistance was
useless There wer many members who
voted for th bill, although they believed
it to be a law full of faults bscstiM they
dralrd to get th stock yards definitely
and finally out of politic.
Trwable Over Adjowrwnaewt.
Th house today refused to accept the
report of the special commute on ad-
..f ireservma our soli without rwsortln to Jrnment which had named April 4 as
xpena4ve fertiliser, wll lagr tn what I ,he m nd another session of th com- j plant at In,
r.a said. mttte will have to b held and a later CHj i'p f
If but th farosar Into fre comoeti- 3"' fixed.
ir.e report o rcne committee waa ac- ' u,uuu. io pass as amenaeo.
filing of article of Incorporation shall be .
based on autborlxed capital nk. Passed ,
ayea. 0 nays.
9. F. tt. by Bartoa, repealing section of
civil code, requiring actions for trespass 1
to be commenced In the county where the
real estate In question la situated. Passed
ki ayes, w nays.
8. F. W. by OIlls. authorises the for- I
mation of co-operatlv companies or cor
porations to consist of not less than
twenty-five persons for any lawful busi
ness. Including Internal lm Drove men ts.
I Passed to ayes. X nays.
twasnslttee f the Whole.
In th committee of the whole the follow
In action was taken:
8- F. 1C7. by Taxiner Relate to terras of
officers of board of tducaiion in e-uuin
tmi(,a. To pas. -
S. F. 1. by Tanner Change beginning
of board members in South Oman, and
creates two new offices To pass.
H. K. as. by Bailey C.w.s for new wing
to eKamey normal. To be engrossed for
third reading
main at Omaha school for deaf To pass. CINCINNATI. O.. March ?4 Three sup- .
H. It. 1M, by Metxner ltjL.Xtj for Improve- ' . . . v,., a '
ment at state fish haicl.erh. To pss as P'"--htal affidavits against Peter 8win
an ended and Samuel W. Kmlth, judges of the circuit
H R 4sS. by Bushee I7j.k for weak court In Hamilton county, charging not
"irk""? iXtZli m for hating 'onl- b!" nd udlc 'f1"1 ''
tltute fur biind at rebrjika '"in uuruuu m m wun. m
ass. ! pleas for Proecutlng Attorney Henry T.
Jt. It ZZL ty tvB-.w lor 4 launary Hlint hu, alw .h favoritism
i ji ve l i Ii4f aa i sa i svsj iuiii tiin um w a
r r
1 filifl-freMtfCAiPS
jt7 " d
Hosiery for
Men, Women
and Children.
Cincinnati Court
Squabble Will Go
to Supreme Bench!
Affidavits Charge Two Circuit Judges
with Prejudice Againit Judge Gor
man and Friendship for Cox.
-(Q)(Q) IFOSlfQ Fir.'
tion with Canada, common Justice and
cepted unanimously In the aenat. but the ; Slftlaar lesaaatttr' Hewwri.
lower branch confronted by a mor alarm- I New bill on sifting file:
lng list of unfulfilled attempts at law- ! H R 1T4. by Qustafson. amenditig
making decided to hold out for a lf WJurtr"!'--!-dsy-
The sixty legislative days will be up ! H, R- T75. by Murphy, appropriating- a.-
but alM asserting that
exists for Getrge B. Cox. were filed today
: by the prosecutor. The affidavits will be
presented to the chief Justice of the Ohio
bench as reinforcementa for the affidavit
alleging b'.aa and prejudice filed by Mr.
, Hunt late yesterday.
"Abuse of judicial power," wa one of
common decency ru.ulr that w shall buy
in a market as free as that In which th
Canadian farmer buys. To m It Is a
hocking perversion of a sacred principle
to assert that the farmer should suffer
fre competition In everything he sell and I
mdun hlrh protection In everything he i
. . . . . . i . j not horjed for a cessation of legislative i 1 1 H & hv MnUirn aoDroDriatinif
ous woo . " " . , I labor befor ADrll 1. Now with or M lif tM for th construction of a p.rma- .injunction aKalnst his prtxeedin with th
an in wt .uiiumc. " i ,,t , rent steel and cement grandstand
. , . - . . , ... id lis undlsnosed of It seems mor llkelr - .
." ... . .v. w I tn.t th. member will have to stav In Un- 1 H. R. f. bv Matrau. apcrouriatin W I indulged In caustic criticism of the pro
t a nans 1W w vnil v:.ii.s ! . ' i ,k- '.. I .., U,,.,,. J mi I .ewtle tmt In the end snn.n.nreH he '
buy. at th. ssm. tlm. and In th, m. In- I com untn Apr,! . or omger uv u . mor. , j-,,; treminx .lr:Ce. ol,y mMdmW-
rment that lmpo upon hi. fr. trade , " !-- n j Accordingly he again withheld hi. ruUn, ,
, th. thing, he produce, for aa.e. ""t to the chief executive for hi. agna- , p i T) f T 4- Qyvpj, on attorney. ,0 guasn
to All Are Unlawful
Wednesday, but the most sknguln hav , "tr Yx at. nar k purases u.eo vy juoge u.rman wnen
- - . 1 n rniin nmnM i ivn. v in n w-uu in.
t tlie ; Cox case which was served on him. He
Hundreds of Dollars' Worth off Other Qrand Prizes Free
2 I
5 r
ktsg-lc russi
(Continued from Ftrat Psge t
had suoiedd la Inserting a chars of
nilrv-glycwrta Into lb 'through" aaf in
he lursM car. They blew the aaie t J
Matraa Bill Killed ! Mows. 1
Th Matrau nonpartisan board of control
bill, th fret of th bill which are to be
considered on that question, failed to pa,-
this morning by a constitutional majority ,
It rr reived flfty-thiee vote, to forty-lhre .
against and needed, sixty to carry. The ,
Matrau bill represent a democratic party ,
I the Indictment charging perjury.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Bales Against Favoring Certain
Consignors or Consignees.
pievw. wa m:mnw - " Ipledg and the democratic leader hav. u isinsiiToV. March 14 In a decision
fluur Of th car. Tby mad no na.t. t.klL , ,,0, mtewt In It. L-uring handed down bv the Interstate Commerce !
They bad cbuh a traitc position In pf houM th morn)E1 pr1nce of iCommisl.n trlav. involving the shipment '
whkh to stop th trtn. Tby r ti,ul, h r,pubut-an author of a rliJ,r tx(ll. ,t m r.eld that ratesreMncted
least the, mile from any huma hab tv mB,ur,. rmu ,u.nUon of th speaker to u.t of certain shippers snd not !
"on . jto th fact that J. C. Byrne, state chair- ;op,.n , aji re unlawful within th mean- !
Aft- th thr. roan had pent near y aa m,n 0f lne democratic party, was remain- (n, of lhe ln,erstte commerce act.
hwwr ovr th sackse takes from th ,n, auhm the enclour. II w.s ejected j fme to the proceeding which was '
m,U ligbU of two automobile, wer b). ,he ,ergent-at-arm from the Illegal . imtiaites by tne commission. Included prac-
isa drawing near from the direction, of ! )n which hi anxtety over the fai t!rAlT .11 c( the cl-prod jcing rallroada I
tb Oklahoma Ub. A thy cam wiih.u0f the bill had led hlra. iln the M,t I
about M yeads of tb train on tne coun-, Tne defeat of the Matrau bl 1 was due The carr,,, affected are ordered by the '
try road th automobile. wr stopped ; n large nivfcsure to the scheme which commlMion to cease and desist for a pe- !
lb lights were extinguished and men a.J , unmej when the Matrau Mil appeared riljd Jlf mo )eJ-s from M4y jj n,lt from
automobile, disappeared. on the list of tills f..r third reading sevtml ,tlf..r -m practice of maintain ng and
Taft t. A 4 dress Kpl.ropallaw.
WASHINGTON. March 14. President
iiiase ine pnncipai aoaress oeiore tne
K;4scorl ihjrch congreee on April
wren It holds its twenty-ninth annual
mcllng here The delegates and speak
er will I received by me president and
Mrs. Taft on the opening day. The meet
ings will be continued four days
Ask Your Grocer for
P1AXO BUYERS are advised not to buy a
piano now, but to enter this contest, which la the
most stupendous and liberal of any ever undertaken
by a manufacturer. -
Can you solve this Puzzle? It can be done.
BtKECTZOVSj Tak My Btunbar fron) 1 to S, ta
elaslTa, and arraag-. tb.a la th. swarws s taat win
ya ad4 tkasx tos;tbr, Trticaily, kortsoatlally and di
acoaally. tb total will V 18 altbar way. Jf anaabar
to b ns4 mor than two tlmw. Work It owt on tbia
or separata plo f paper aad IboIom a lf-ad4ra4
anvalop. Contest do at V. at. rnssday, March
as. ltii. "
26-Piece Silver
Service Set
luni Mak. Oaly Tntt4 Wlta
Interior ruyr Trios taott,
Ob. of th World's
Pluo rrtM
.'ry B t
97 BO
The buHMWi. who bad remained h id- '. ahead of the Trlnce bill. wh.Kh wai . ,, , ... k I
died tn tb. coa ne. airaia 10 too out ot j put on inira reaa .n a aay earner. 1 ai- re r,rtcJej lo ,-hipmen
th window, relaxed ana tne aisorgn- , tenict at juiciidi ine reevrus in oiorr u
:aed tra:a crw got to thetr p ace. When ' hurry the Matrau bill hned the republicans
tne train reached thia city tbe aherlff waa j up aga'nsi It. and Mockrtt wa the only
uglified and with two deputie started oi , minority n en-Ket who cast a tot for it.
horseback soutbsard In pursuit of the s.x The two democrats to tot against It were
tanJits 1 I111 no nd
rawasrrt HI4e talaaklea. rr.- .... ---
With th Matrau Mil otit ot th way th K,T. a. Halt. Pt.weer Ijitsier, I
hoiis passed the Prince bilL providing f or t r.ssc Away mt ladsvr, I
neie ilt board Th vote was r, to 7. i..i
. tanfls on coal, the rates on h
of or for cer- 1
1 tain consignors or consignee, or when the
coal transported is for a particular use
There wer about 4 passengers on the,
iar awj all sere awakened except one
. .... , . t . .
A G. Ureeoamr of Sioux Cltv. la . I demorrala votin for tb bill to mak
1. U .,f th h.i Min.. ..n ih- gK-l tl'eir party pledge for .m board t
"Sum. man, who had been taking a bed
time cigar tn the auiuLlng room, looked
as uun aa the tr.n tui il to see
w bat was wrong.'' Mr Urenantaer aaid
A bullet whistled by the window when h
BouNhV la. March St. .Special Telr
enm -hv. & A. Ha t of tlie
'el.urch. also a pwineer Iowa attomry.
which will iiWiiowed Ma falsv teeth at his home In
but leave j Windsor. Mo. and died ery 1
put his hesd out. so he slammed th
aidow down and pulled th blind quickly
'Lea he raa to th od of tb aisle sbout
114 to tb. passengers, 'ttiw up. tb train
Is tcitig robbed.'
. f control legislation
In th rnat the Sellw k bill.
eiablli-h a nor.partlaaa board
tne nitxie vi ericMiua i luiur isamssers. , i octors examined him and couid rind not
was ordered cngraesed for third reading cause for death until his teeth wer d.-j
and will probably aasa Th senat had ! covered mlicg A pot mortem revealed j
two nonpartisan dius lor consideration, 'his teeth In sioroacn tl was u years
tt 8e..evk bUl aad on. by 4klinv. wLi h 'of a. li moved from br a short twe
mad th members of tb board stjett sgo.
1 1. apvulalBMrt by UB gwmr Th 1
hii left ato doubt about It Men bill was supported as a mor ef-'TOM
twambled for their trousers Women came fevtive aad expeditious treasure than the.
oji of their berths In dresalag gown . Belie k hill, but fxlles was unatl to get ; Ma.
i '.try 00 expvted the robber would ( it o-Jt of th committee of the whole.
. I. tb. car.
I kv.atwe Bill I Killed.
w"",'" Ar " ; Th Kotouc anii-diacmminailoo tnsuranc
"Tbr wa a hurrid conference a to n. srhicn was defeated once before, and'
bat wa the best thtng to do with valu-' reconaidsied. was killed finally th.s morn .
Sbie. ttora on was seat ahead to see all lng fc a tote of U to ii. Tb till wbict f or shears to touch hi hair until Wil
li blind wer pulled down so the rott-ers cam from the stat auditor was to pre- J Hryaa was elected president, died
cvuid not see what w were doing Then th vent foreign Insurance rumiar.ies from today a th resort of a fall down a long
l.wirg rummend Tb woraea passenger drttmg state oni antes out of business br f'iht of stairs H bad kept this vow
wr th coolest on th trata Most of them naking cui-throat tate in where . faithfully aad wa looking forward to J
tatksd their hair and ptacd their puffa ' competition heavy, and making It up la democratic triumph la SIX. When Robert-j
etxut their pu.ketboows and val jable high rate in other pisce. Kvtuuc mad " n hair was combed tt reached ba.f
Otters Mcrwtwd vaJuaWe tn their cluibind' so very etrong f.r hi bill this mora-j way down Lis back-
Ma. V aw issrc lie w al4 ml del
Hair t wt I will Briaa W a Elee-ted
I Hlllesl by Sail.
MACON M m.. Man b 34. Tom Rc.ljrt. i
i yewr. old. who took a saw In 1M that
he would wot permit a rasor to touch his .
1 y-S'w
: 1
- i
y- s.. ....-.J.T,.-.WB-
Twenty-Tear Owrantd Ontlt
Isold waves.
"It Is Delicious"
Just the right combina
tion of high grade cocoa,
sugar and vanilla to
pleasti the taste
B. stir you ft " BAKER'8" with
tb. trad. mark 00 tad packaf
"t ., -"
r ' 1
This $500 -Upright
Grand Piano Free
The Winner of th hirst
Kpe lal I'rli In the Great
1'uMuity Cuutesl will receive
He lito IVinj Iree, or If they
piefer can r,.it choi. .
of either of te other two by the a stat
e t ott-er s-.e lal will
le awaruel in order cf Merit. tusractd
Xutdys Watcb. prlx. will b. awarded by the Doara of Judges,
hicn will be ! led out of the city's 1 en .ser.Uitit t,us
ires men. so aa to urante absolute sjuareiess in
awarding of tl.e prizes. Correctness,; and origin
ality are ain eg tr. point that will b cuneldered by tn.
judge In awarding U. prltts
tveiyone entering this contest will be awarded a Baa
tiful Boavaair, succe-Mui in tl.e "lain cuiiteit or
but. All profession. larre.l Ar.yor.e engaged in tl.
piano bualii. or anyone rating bwn r.iel a prls. In
any or. ol our f"rri,r coniests, is n-t ligil to compel,
in this contct. The deaiion of the Hoard of Judge snau
o aoepted 1 y all cunte4tnti aa linal
The aiov mentioned r'.e'ks ar g(Kd only towards th
burtn.ue cf any new 1.110 ib our alorc
n account -f th Inallllty of our factory to jpply th demand tnide on ua for the Genuine Sweet Toned KKG
KRiTP.'M HA NO. we hate cloeed to -f tne largest coimii.ii in tne history of .ur con pany with Amerua'a largest
nd nut proriii r.r,t manuf acturera. who shr wlt:i u in tt.i stupendous advertising coiitest. Ktery womaa
and child ehould try for thea prtie. for sucrt a golden opportunity li r."t likely to preeeui Itseif agalrt.
Tour opportunity to win Is a good aa anyone. i-ei J in your aier rlgiit i-ow today.
ristST niXT Piano
4atO aTO S-aLg Tu tl.e ten r.ett nearest orrect ai.isfr-.
d'eta for a exnlaued 1-eliW All wii.ners -t in
second prise nl be ei.tit.rd to a beautifut sitter el
c r.taiuing .' pieces Willi ech p:aiio
TVIkD rsIIX Genilemen'e G jld atch and check for
lii aa ei Uined teiow.
rOVaTI rataa Udy Gold Waich anl check for tlvO.
a ext-islr.'l oeiuw.
TlrTat raUS Lady a Ring and the. k for ;irO. as ex-
t.;mr,el ikw.
aiXTH raU Lady's Brooch and rhe.k for 10 00. as
exi'.ftlrea lelfw.
aSTEKTH TM.IZK Gold r-tlck 1'ln an.) l.eck fr I '0 00.
as estMttiveu i-ei-w
AVia. Otlta COaTTKSTAsrm i!l le awarded pure!. as.
ciiecks 111 aniounts if l-i Oil to 11 id. acci.roing to merit
ScgerGtrom Piano E-lfg. Co. ,5
1808 Farnam Ot.
maha, Neb. jj
A CaetsaiBUner las W e srtsb.easj,
V..siiati, lltaiath,
l.aul Treables, TeecWis
Ulrcr st Usirs
TWaakUr. ii 11 ts si .. I'rkuiv lists,
ba t ccs luts sislfUl Aoarass.
awtssssKiuts. A. i. OLMaTEO. L H.Y.
FIS TULA-Pay when Cured
f ril A mild treatment without dm of chloroform. he
or other snewtbettc Endord by hundred of our
1!, bestdtuens. Cor positively foaraoteed as I i
ccpt 00 money until perfectly well Eianurutio
Fr. Writ today or call for my Larf book stout nisa, Fkslala aa sthar lecul fi liaasaa.
trnicb have been my .pecUlt for years.
DR. E. R. TAKRY, Suit 224. sU Building, Omiks, Nabraaka