10 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATUTiDAV. MAlK'll 1", 1DIT7 ))!0 am A Most Extraordinary Purchase By Our New York Buyer AN EASTERN JOBBER'S ENTIRE STOCK AT A GREAT PRICE CONCESSION 7t menu air A rJ' '"fSl (Ql E 11 OMlbiO A7 -w MM A. dWf. ,l is' AA hr " J . is . Vm few fy-. vSr 6 M rv-; ? fen 'fer . jv- t& tW This Purchase Included All the Sample Lines in His Stock 50 Women's Tailored Suits at $10 75 Stunning Tailored Suits at $15 30 Elegant Tailored Suits at $19 This is an offer that is more remarkable than any that Kramleis Stores ever of fered at this stage o the season. Every suit in this purchase is a splendid example of this season's accepted spring style. Many are elaborately trimmed while others are thoroughly hand tailored. The materials are white serges, navy and black serges, gray and colored worsteds, hairline worsteds, etc For the woman who is seeking a practical tailored suit of high character, this sale of fers an unusual opportunity, because these garments are splendidly made and correct in every style essential. The variety from which to select is remarkably large IN THESE THREE SPLENDID LOT3, AT . 10 WOMEN'S TINE TAILORED WAISTS, AT 98c From the Great Jobbers' Stock These are the waists that will be most popular with the well dressed -women for every practical purpose this spring and summer. They are shown in different size pleats and tucks some with handsome embroidered designs and a few with the new colored embroidery Every size is included, at.. :88c Beautiful Silk and Foulard Dresses, $15 silks. Everv lis CHILDREN'S COATS ' WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS, AT $5.00 From the Great Jobbers' Stock Hundreds and hundreds of those ultra fashion able taffeta, messaline, lace and chiffon waists, that are so desirable for dress, for semi-dress and for practical utility. They are made in the newest and most stylish cuts of this season, and all the favorite shades for 1911 are represented. Special sale price, at $5 From the Big New York Stock, at $2.98 and $5.00 There are lots of pretty, childish coats in the different cloths, styles and colors many with the new sailor collars, etc. Some that are samples and no d indicates all ages, 4 to 14 $2.98 and $5.00 There are just 90 beautiful silk and fancy foulard dresses, in plain and figured silks. Every color and all the newest styles and models of the season. Every dress is thor oughly practical, and scores of styles of great popularity in eastern centers are included in this group Saturday. . . CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES From the Big New York Stock, at $150 There are plaid ginghams, col ored repps, percales, cham brays, etc. In many different styles and ages. Scores and scores of pretty, practical child ish el lects, worth up toejf PA ?JcJV WOMEN'S DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS, AT $5.00 Youn, choice of 500 women's, tailored skirts,',in voiles, taffetas, serges, pa namas, etc., plain and self trimmed. Every skirt in this lot is worth from $2 to $5 more. This is an offer that should interest every woman in Omaha, at $5 $4.00; sale price, each.1 ALL SILK PERSIAN MESSALINE PETTICOATS, AT $3.98 This is a big value that comes from the great purchase and worth much more. Nobby and in every color you can wish for. Such a wonderful va- . riety of high class. petti coats rarely seen, at ... $3.98 Vomen's New Vash Dresses in Two Lots, at $2 and $5 Clever Ideas From the Great Eastern Jobber 's Stock All the newest wash materials, in pretty colored effects, made in the new, nobby styles of this season. Many are worth double what we will ask. This is a lot of C&CJ ( CUT pretty, serviceable dresses that will be the talk of Omaha in this sale V fiJ Long Serge and Fancy Vorsted Coats at S69i All Newest Spring Ideas From the New York Purchase Every coat in this lot was made to sell for a great deal more than our special sale price, f and every one is a new spring model, made of serges, worsteds and fancies, jfQfl 'with the large sailor collars and big reveres, navies, blacks, tans, Vll'W grays, etc., at Women's Long Satin Silk and Serge Coats at $10 Stunning Novelties From the Great New York Purchase A lot of pretty, nobby coats, with the large satin inlaid collars an and reveres; also em broidered Shantungs and taffetas; grey worsteds, navy and black serges, white (tifl serges, etc. Such a splendid group of strictly new coats was never offered if) J, at such a price as ' SEVEN EXTRA SPECIALS 7h0,? BIG PURCHASE ON SALE ur BASEMENT. liOO Suits Worth up to 9l2.no at $I.O.fr Navy and black serges, fancy Btrli! Worsteds, black and whito checks mid novelty Worsteds, batln lined nobby Jackets, the new cut skirt3. Some nre are bn il trimmed. Sat urday, tt , $6.98 IxinR Sernte, Panama and Checked Wormed Coats at IH.YOO Many dif ferent colors and styles, large sailor collars and reveres, plain and braid trimmed. Large a cut garments, full length Jk Saturday, at v" This MoKHaline and Silk Persian Petti, coats at $2.9H This lot consists of all the lower priced petticoats in the purchase. Every one is worth. at least $2.00 more. Every color you can wish for. at $2.98 Skirts From the IMg Purchase at $1.08 There are many nobby and novelty skirts In this lot, all colors and styles, many different materials. Some extra sizes at only $1.98 .100 llaln and Storm Coats Worth $7.50 to $10, at $fi They come In the new Slip-ons and Raglan styles, plaid backs, silfcstrlpes, etc., at, only. $5 200 Children's Coats Worth up to $3, at $1 These are the samples and surplus stock of children's coats from the big purchase, all styles, all colors, all ages, A IMg Ixt of Odd Jackets and Coats at $3.50 There are a lot of samples in this lot that are slightly soiled from show room use, and are worth A a fe up to $8.00, at, each, J5U only Jjk4& There is an air of good taste that pervades a Brandeis hat. Every woman who selects one has the satisfaction of knowing Wwl that her hat is absolutely correct in point ef style and that it is individually becoming. It is no wonder that Omaha ivtfv. cw t-wuit iu Luiuiuci iiiiu no iiuis arc so laMiionuoiy smart us mc umuuwu JBr&ndeis autiful. Sprin illinery 1 4 ' , Sf'WWri'M- if Ti1jV Stunning Pattern Hats at S15 Urandeis Stores are showing more original Paris and New ; York pattern hats this season than ever before. For the first time we are able to otier the real patterns in great variety at a mod jY.'rate price. Asa special1 for Saturday, we have assembled scores and scores of charming pattern hats of the very newest Paris and New York origin', revealing every new shape and every new color and trim ming. You could not jossibly find a better time to select a be coming spring hat than now, because we have included hats here that were meant to sell for $25.00. Every hat has that clever touch of stunning metropolitan style found always in Brandeis better millinery. . There are two features in connec tion with Hrandeis millinery depart ment that you must not forget. One is that we are in a position to secure the very newest style ideas through our own Paris office, long before other stores hear of them. Another is that the exjH'rt assistance and advice of our sujHM'ior force of milliners and do signers nre at your disposal. imii'.ii H-)!'. IM...1. II. ill WumJUSSJ IIW.U " The Early Spring Millinery Favorite New Nacre Straw Turbans Here are the practical hats for smart street wear that are in highest favor this season. The nacre shaded straw braid is new and is extremely modish. Besides the turbans are those clever, new roll rim sailors of nacre straw, fetchingly trimmed with quills, pom poms, bows of velvet and those saucy new stick-up effects. You'll like these hats, at- " S1.98 up to S5.00 IP IF llll. .Ml. IIIII.IL ll.l UnWli LJ T 0 Showing Two Popular Styles of Htrret Hats at Hrandnis Everyone Is Delighted With the Newest Fashionable Shapes Women's Untrimmed Spring Hats The latest thing this season is the small hood that fits far down over the head. It is shown in black tagal straw, with white milan with colored edges and the mixed straw braid in blended effects of black and white, black and royal blue and (T&'fl QQ black and burnt shade. These hats are strictlv up-to-the-minute and l i VU are all ready to trim. They are worth up to $4.00, at "iJmiuiim mm