1? Tin; m:h: o.maha; ikihak aiakvh j. uh NOSEBLEED SAVES HIS LIFE He.morrhige Awakens Meueng-er Boy j in Midst of Flamei. FREIGHT DEPOT IS DESTROYED Heck Island ktrarlare la ( ancll Plaffs Whlrk r.araaral Itestrar tlaa hi nraamltv Hiri laira. .oah1r-fii ss'xed the life of Jam! Hlrks, incFrtij(i boy employe"! by the Hock Inland, when he wss awakened In the midst of a f(feltr destroyed the freight depot in Council Biuff.i at S o'clock Thursday morning. " ' Hicks and a clerk, known only a "Pug," were asleep In the freight depot when the fire nMke out. The messenger boy was aaUend br the nosebleed, when he din covered the flhines Invading even the room in which lie .was sleeping. The freight depot and sixteen freight vr belonging to ti e Hock Inland are a total Ion. ThA loss on the building in osti um J at ii.mo. The burned building Mas one of the .moist liirtorlu In Council Uluff. It haa occupied ihree sites Wi the last fifty years. In 1KS2. hen a tar of dMiamlte as exploded In llie'yajd" st Council Illuffe, wrecking buildings and, gist's for ml I re around, the depot thrown Into, a hnai'l of wreckage. It maa .rebuilt out of the same material and moved.to another altc, that on which It burned. , , . The file department prevented the ex plosion of a gasoline tank In the freight offfoe. .There will be no salv..re. The auee of the fire ha not been ascertained. The- Hock Inland office announce that all rrlgh,t bandied through Omaha VVednes Ua e.iuaped the fire The fire will not cau delay In traffic. University Club is Seeking for a Home New Organization Expects to Be Honied in Downtown District . . s. ;-trict in Short Time. ' Tim rnlyenlty clun,wlll be Installed In downtown, yuRrlcrs, omv Just where these quarters wll hn h" not yet been decided. A slto conimltt.ee is at work. At the Tues day meeting . a. constitution and by-laws were adopted. Tha club will Htart with 'JfO charter mem bers. A few Associate . members will be taken -Into the nrgsnliatlon. Nonresident members also will be admitted at reduced fees. It Is deMied to make the club a stiong force in the state. It will be largely a gonial organization, but will go In for athletics,, and when prominent men visit the city- wlU entertain them In befitting style. U Kill .be headquarters for college men and strive to foster college spirit. U. C. .. Peters, , president of the Peters Trust company, returned this week from a several daya' visit In Chicago, where ha looked thoroughly Into university club mat ters there., lie Is president of the new club. PUBLIC- INTERESTED IN EXHIBIT OF PICTURES Flattering; Atteaaaare at the Art Ula. Flair at k Pnbllei 1,1 bra r 7 . '' (loaea Ssmdar. By studying and commenting on the pictures the publlo Is expressing its ap preciation of the Art 1jan exhibit of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Each after noon and evening the attendance has been especially gratifying' to those in charge. The supply of catalogues has been ex hausted end another supply ordered. ' Special Invitations have been Issued for some of the days, tut this does not mean that the exhibit on those daya closed to the public, FaclV afternoon and evening Is open day. The hfurs of the exhibit, how ever, have been changed and are now from 2 to k:30 o'clock In the afternoon, and from 7 to 10 o'clock In the evening. I"or yie benefit of the students from tha high school, the exhibit will be open Satur day morning. Saturday . afternoon the teachers are. especially Invited to visit the exhibit. Kor. Sunday the same hours will be observed and the exhibit will cloae with the evening The work of returning the paintlpga will, be. begun Monday. The president , of ' the . society, Mrs. C. Lrfwre Chllda. .expressed herself aa greatly pleased with the Interest shown In the ex hibit. .'. Mr. Arthur Crittenden Smith, who la In general charge of the exhibit. Is assisted each day by some member of the society, who name. Iter committee of assistants. .Mrs. Osgood Eastman waa chairman of the committee for Thursday, A llalhir1! Dafasufi. Foley's Honey and Tar for the children, la beat, and aafeat for all coughs, colds, croup, whooping-cough god bronchitis. No opiates. Far sale by all dealers. IMPROVEMENT CLUB HOLDS MOST ROUSING MEETING (beast- impreTera Make Mot ta Better the Ceaaltlom la ; -That eotle. The organisation of the. South East Im nrovanseat club was completed Wednesday evening whn In addition to James P. Con nolly, fipeatdent. snd J. It. Brandt, secre tary, the, following officers were elected: P. J, K'aughxln, treasurer; E. E. Clausen, first, vice-president, and 11. O. Behnke, sec ond vice-president. Executive Committee: F. 4. WaUUman. J. P. Ford, Jamea P. Connolly, J. R, Brandt and P. T. Naugh lie: Committee on Publicity: O H. Snell. J. R. ftrandt and H. V. Williams. Councilman, Berk spoke of needed lm luoyements In the district . and several others made suggestions for the Improve ment ami beautifying of the city. The OBdhion of the Bancroft school also came - in tr .discussion and It waa the aense of ilia, .meeting tht a new school should be built, and that It should be called tha Isaac Hascall school because In 18W Mr. liascall built tbe first school house In the south tide of, Omaha on. his own property and hoarded, the uacher at his own home. The lub will ajieet eat h Wednesday evening. Deaaly fright lose$ses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Ir. King's New Discovery will help them. ioc and II. Kor sale by Beaton Inug Co." FEDERAL COURT CRIMINAL DOCKET HAS CLEAN SLATE ttr f irst Tlsse la Illstwry ( Ulstrlct All Cases Are Complete I tm tiraael Jary. Pur the first time since the establishment of a feuVial court In Omaha the criminal ioi Wet Uwiis-j clean, and It remains for the April 'grand jury to sy whether there be any caee of such a nature to be Uted at tbe conUrg term. Jutlglng from ihe unusually large number of aubpoeoas being served cut ef lnlted Slates Marshal Warner s otflve. the Jury Is going to have llsnty to do. and It la Mated that some Interesting msee will be Investigated. At b present tlnsr. though, there are Kntur dajr lal Kvenl In Wo men's Hrlng Nulls and Coat a D .vriiipirnj v ; D KYA3-1 free Concerts K.very Noon in Our I loot". EXTRAORDINARY EVENT Special Remnant Sale of SILKS and DRESS GOODS .'J.OOO yards of this.. spring's lust selling silks; cut pieces. drp.s and waist lengths, good lengths for pet- flfla ticoats and dress and jacket liniugs, formerly A-TiB selling at .jOc uV to $1 yard; bargain square, yd. . . SILK REMNANTS BY THE PIECE Fancy silk pieces, travelers' and house samples, in a great variety of patterns all colors on bar- 1fl 9fip gain square, main floor at, each Ivl'siUt Remnant Pieces and Cut Pieces of Foulards' to 15 yards of nobby dress foulard, the spot-prool kind; also satin faced foulards. All good shades -one unco, vara I and plcntyof iinvins- Remnant Sale of Wash Goods In Our Basement Nurse stripe glnghnms. chanibray ginghams., Scotch glngnams; also 32-Inch wide striped and checked zephyr ginghams, suitable for boys' waists, dresses, aprons, petticoats and fpr making men's . shirts 3. 5, 8 and up to 12 yird lengths, at, per yard 7c Fanry white gbods such as barred Swisses; striped, checked and barred dimities, Dno madraB cloth, etc. enough In each piece for j At ' making shirt waists or children's dresses. Not one piece 1 worth less than 25c a yard, sale price, per yard The new 1911 cluster striped dim ities with floral and figured de signs. A new 20! fabric, Fri day, in perfect remnauts. 0 1 at. per yard 2 C The best percale, one yard wide, bright and dark colorings lengths suitable for dresses 12'4c value, at, yard :e:.6ic New shirting prints and dress stylea, also'' light colorings for making aprons. Color are ab solutely fast, at, per yard 4ic Belfast Cotton Crash Suiting, in plain colors regular 12 Vic values, Friday, at, r per yard wC The best, long cloth and finest cambrics in long mill lengths that are perfect, at, per yard Light and medium weight plain colored suitings that are half silk. Think of buying actual 35c xnd 60c values in C, 8 and 10 yard lengths, yard Mercerired poplins and fancy woven poplins. In the leading shades and in dress lengths' regular price is 2oc a yard everywhere else, here at, per yard . , 10c 15c 15c R a a u i n !S b n b n m m TraEi'iJti i s .4 J( OPENING WEEK u Various lengths and' odd lots of cotton goods, Including 36-inch bleached muslin, at, per yard ......... .....3ic 35c EMBROIDERIES at 15c YD. 18-inch Embroidered Flounclngs, Corset Coverings, Skirtings, medium and wide Edges, Insertions and Galloons hun dreds of pretty, new designs worth up to 35c yard, at, yard. . 15c Corset cover embroideries, flounc lngs, medium and wide edges and Insertions. Many are fine handloora needlework. Big bargain square piled high, worth 20c yard, at, yard . 10c Thousands of yards of fancy wash laces and insertions plat vals., point de Paris, crochet and gul pulre effects, linen torchons, cur tain cltiny laces, etc. uo to 6 inches wide. Many worth 15c a yard, at, per yard . 5c Remnants and sample pieces of allover laces, nettings, appliques, In sertions, bands, etc. all kinds to yard in r r each piece. Two big lots, at, each )Cl3C Remnants o! Lin 3ns in the Basement 1,000 yards of extra heavy Turk ish toweling, worth 15c, at, per yr 7 Large Huck Towels, fringed ends with red borders, very special, at, each ( Large fringed Wash Cloths, fancy weaves, worth 5c, at, each. Fine Turkish Hand Towels, full bleached, at, each 7 Jit 100 full size crochet bed spreads, Marseilles patterns, fringed with cut corners, worth $2.00, S1.40 100 Real Satin Marseilles pattern Bed Spreads, full siee, beautiful patterns, worth $3, each $1,08 D B i -0 5 H i n An impressive Display of Ladies' New Spring Suits and Coats at $25.00 When Our Buyers are at the market. They are not there merely to buy, but to buy carefully, to secure the best the market affords, hence today we are specializing In $26.00 Suits, whivh in style, fabric and finish set a new record for excellence at the price. And the coats! We purchase only the number that are bf3t suited for the changeable early season tat her, and again can bo pressed into serice in the early fall. These are the more practical garments that are now being purchased as Investment at from $l-.00 to $25.00 and nioro a garment. W Are im .howiag the New Athei.c Waists fer Women Just the thing for golfers, tennis players and in fact for all kinds of wear, 'lhey come in "Tennis"' Flannel, In two Fhades of gray. They are tailored exactly like a man's outing shirt, with the new Dutch . collars, elbow sleeves and the French cuff effect. They have n pretty little buttoned patch pocket on the left breast. These, hto extra well made and htc exceedingly popular in the east. See them Friday, at $2.25 Barga:n Friday Silk Events Cii-ii . li niack f'riiu ile Sole, h n tinderf nl Iich silk. rry desiralilc I'm- -i.nna i (Ixis. dresmcs ami fklilo. This Is our rCKiilar !-' "ilk. Special liars'" ' 'Friday, t 980 30-lnch Natural Color .4 Fonffca SUk Guaranteed to uU and wr well. Instead or Ht l!tc a yard; bargain Friday, at 9o Dress Gosds and Wash Godls at Bargain Friday Prices t'oUiied lmportel I'leni'li fprce--ln nil lending: shades. Ilka Alice Mine, t'upcnliaften. Tan, tilil ltose. W istaria. Navy, liray. HroiMi, Olive and others; regularly Bold at 73c a yard; Ktiiuy, per yard, at 89 Wstural Colored Pure Irish X.lnsn Very popular for l-irea" and Skirls; eumcs 27 lnche wide. A hid cut makes It a remarkable special; Friday.. 190 . . ... : m ztt. bathered rrom the Ham floor tor rnday IK-inch S'i Flouucinir, values to BOe, Friday, per yard, St 030 2T-lnch PwIsh Flouncing, values to 66c, Friday, per yard, at 390 nt)-lnch Hand Kmbroldered HulRarlan Searrs, 1 1 ..r0 value, 1'rldMy, at.. 98c & tnd 6-iiiih T(.ffela, Moire and Meesaline million, rallies tn 33c. ard..l6o 2-clasp ChamolHette Gloves, worth 85e; Friday, at 25c ?-clasp Lamb Cloven, all the good "hades and sl.ef, pec pair, at 69c .vlen's and Women's Hemstitched Handkerchief", values to 10c, each.. 3c Ladles Black Thread SUk llot-e, 5c quality, per pair,. :U 39c 1 Lot Allover lees for Yokes and WaJM", value" to $1.00, lev yard, at 9c Children's a ad Misses' Untrimined Hits Made of, rough straw, in a large variety of shapes and colors; Friday, choice, at 75; Wreaths of Rose Buds Just the thing for children's hats; Friday only, each 58c BRANDEIS STORES j A Talk to the Ladies Tailor Made and Dre$s HATS 2.50 to $5.00 Just one-half the price you would have to pay in the high rent district. Ladles use your transfer and save money. CROSSTOWN MILLINERY 24 20 Cl'MINQ STREET. -J only ftva persons In ja4 or under Uind to appear bafora tha grand Jury: Frank 8mlih. hold for wbits Slav operations; N. L. Craln. accused of aaulting a rurkl mall carrier at Palmer; i jk . Klliniton. who has been arrehted for thavlng counterfeit money In his posaesaion. and J. B. Mci'ary. accused of Imiiersonating'a secret ervi- officer for bia kmailrng aroaea. We've talked to the men along this same line and their response shows appre ciation of our reminder. It s really spring. Spring means warmth-noed of light-' er weight clothes. Many of you, no doubt, have dresses, skirts, Jackets, wraps, etc., you'd like to wear from now on. They need renovating perhaps dry cleaning and pressing; perhaps slight al terations, rellnlng and re pairs. Phone For One 01 Our Wagons Let us call for. these gar ments and promptly return them In faultless condition. Kemember, too, that the win ter clothing should be clean, free from dust, spots and germs before it's put away. Special attention to out-of-town work. Prices same as for city work. Write for booklet giving complete list of prices. The Pantorium "Oood Cleaner aad Dyers." 1313-1517 Jones 8tret. Bsll. Doug. SS3 Xnd., A-31M. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist Oreansburg. Ky., says. ;We can Chamber lain's Cough Remedy In iur own household arid know it is enMlent." Kor sals' by all dealers. . F rry aconoiAical . roanaa owes beraIf i duty of atteudltg Ortin a ' loug!a (tt. stura's semi-annual & suit s-alf Deal Sat-) uiday. , FOOD FOR Waak aa.U osrvoua maa NFIJVF work and youltifjl visor lull! a result of v.r 0f i work or mental eienjon should tak 1 on 10 ncnri.' r kjkju n l.ib. l na will niaka you aat and alaap aad b a uian sgm. II Hog. 3 Boies It it by Mall. zmafaar m MsCosrarex.& bis Co. Cor. lck ut Eo4a BItmU. OWL DUti COulII, Cor. IStk mA laaxaa sita. tmka, M. Bw TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMED Uit Uutlar Fer Year. u a ! I Q a a B a i a Every Pair of These Shoes is a Bargain 217 FAIRS OF DOROTHY DODD toft (r . PUMPS AND OXFORDS, worth to $5.00 J Bargain Friday, at, choice ............. V v Friday w'll make a clesn sweep of tha balance of our 3.000 pair purchase: J2.25 will buy any of these swell new spring Korothy IhidiJ tthoea, I" grsy and black cravenhet te's, dull leather, tan, HukmIuii calf, and two eveiet ribbon ties; in nearly every size and width. Kch pair carries with it the original Dorothy Dodd guarantee, as well s our own, and wo will take pains to' fit you perfectly. Remember there's oni 217 pairs and they r vortu from 13.60 to 15.00 and Its your choice, I'rlilay, at S3.35 Aootkar- lian SpsolaJ 100 pairs of La files' High Shoes, mostly miimI sizes, , In . patent calf and dull leHther In button or lace. Every pslr h bargslnja.1 13.00;. Friday your choice ,.$l.eS ' s lm ii m i ' i 80-INCH - OVHTAIN SWISS, FRIDAY, JO! A remarkable Bargain Friday event, these Swisses come In assorted patterns of extra qual ity. Friday, at '. 10 72-iXCH ALL LIN K TABLE DAMASK All pretty patterns, 69c. qual ity, a bargain Friday feature, per yard, at .' 48 OUTING FLANNEL REMNANTS, AT 5 He These are all neat and dainty striped goods of the best quality; choice Friday (with a 10 yard limit), per yard, at.. -Sst? SEAMED BED SHEETS Regular size, 65c grade; Friday, at. . . -4S? Spring lime Hardware Specially Priced Foaltry Vetting, In Solid Bolls Any size, per 100 square feet, at 600 Btornaus Bath Boom natures The most complete line in the city: Fri day special, at 10 Par Can Discount Special Bala of Bird Cage Both Japanned or Brass style, Hendry's brand, up from 690 1 Xiot of Bins and Whits Xnameled Win Tea Kittles, IMsh Hans, Sauce and Preserving Kettles, Berlin Kettles, Ktc; worth to 98c, Friday, choice. at 150 Jappanad Bat and Coat Books I'er dozen 100 French Steak KnlTea--SolId handles, at...". ..15o Wall Mad Wall Scrapers Wood handles loo iiaby Records and Biographies Books La war Their Prices Far Below Hal Becausa they show soil, yet they have not lessened their real value any. 't hese are regular $1.60 and 32.60 books, and there is but 19 of them. Friday, choice, at 490 38c Stationary Consisting of 24sheets and 24 envelopes Friday, bo.. 10 And 10 Stamps. Grocery Specials for Friday aad Saturday Bennnett'a tiolden t'of- . fee, per lb lie Double Htanips. Bennett's Capitol r'lour, per sack H-10 Bennett's Best Cotfeo, per lb aao Bennett's . Best Coffee, 3 lbs. fu Oa Double ' Stamps on those coffees. B. 4J. Baking l'owder. R- 1b. pan for 11.00 and 100 Slumps. (,1c Orade Teas. as sorted, per lb. . ...5Bo LSo Riada Teas. hn aorUd. per lb. ... 4o Tea u tings. pound paiksge fur lie Queen of Psntry Pastrv r'lour, 24-lb. sack. 11.13 And 40 Stamps. Swanxdown t'odfiih. 3 packagei for 18o And 10 Stamps. Ten Bars Diamond ""'" Soap, for 150 Baiavla Green Aspara gus, per can lae And 10 Stamps. B. C. KHklrig Powder, 1- lb, can for !4e And 30 Stumps. Maple Sugar Hutter, per Jar lac and loo Flower and Vegetable Heeds, per pkg. ,.lHc 6 lbs. (Jernian Lenteln for . .15c B. '. Fure Maple Syrup, gallon can lor ..11.00 Hulled Beans and Lima. Beans, with chicken cans for An. 20 Stamps. Lady Washington Bean Soup, per can 10c Cheese, Kull Cream per lb 10 And 10 Stamp. Cheese. Virginia Swiss, per lb ISO And 10 Stamps. f Onloa Seta Special Hed and . yellow onlun aeta, , four Quarts for lie Butter and Egg Special Friday t u0 pounda of Bennett s Capitol Creamery Butler, the finest hutter on the markets, comes In full weight, pound bricks; very special 1-rlday snd Saturday, per brick, at BOOS-Tfeah From the Oouatry Direct rVom the farm, a remarkable re duction for Friday and Saturosy, per dozen 17e ' D I I; Pi1 ft1 We Are Closing Out All Our W.iita China at 33 h Per Cent Discount This Includes everything in French, German or Australn China, from salt dips to largt chop plates. Come Friday and select yous pieces. I B n Is' B B i F - B D H B b; B B I a B p! B. V. Mincemeat, i pack ages for 16 And 10 Stamps. Glllett's Mustard, Urge Jar for lie And 20 Stamps. Safty Matcltes, per dozen boxes for So rZAaTUT OIL SAXX. large Bottle, st . ...Oo And 30 Stamps. Medium Buttle, at.. 400 And to Siamua. ISO; Small Buttle, t 15e And 10 Klunpi. &0c Can Old Mission Kipe ollces for....UOo Gold Medal Corn, " cans for ISO And 10 Stamps. B. ('. oats. Wlieat and Fsnrako, per pkg., 100 And 10 Stamps. Cocoa Bars and O'lt F.dga Cookies. lb...llo S lha. Navy Beans . .l&e 3 lbs. Cleaned Currents for a&e 20 lbs. Grsnulated Sugar for 11.00 i b; : I; ((E)) Easter Gifts A tiny Watch for a lady or a Brooch Piece for Hi a dreeaer Silver for tne aoie a roumain i in mr Ihe io-ket. etc. w e nave nunareus ui iaumui ni.ua to seiect from. Uook for the name. S. XI. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Beturns i The IWe'i Advertising Oolumna Are That Iload. YOU CAIJ'T AFFORD TO T.1ISS TIlEj MANY RARE DARGAIIl 0FFERI120S FRIDAY Dig SaV of Men's Hats Saturday Main tloor Trunks and Suit Cases About Half Saturday lilk Remnants from Tibbt-Ilutchings Stock Thousands of yards of beautiful nt-w spring silks, pongees, taffetas, jacquard. foulards, novelties, satin liberties, etc., lengths from 3 to 20 yards; 59c values 130 HXc 811k roplin 4Hf 25 pieces of new silk poplins, In i beau tiful line of colors, astonishing bargains at sale price per rd 4S Black Satin DmcIicbs all silk, o G Inches wide, atl-lndi lilacU. Messalines. 09c yd Printed All Silk l'onccea and Foulards 2 2 inches wide, lu polka dots and medium slr.e figures, all tiew colors, 5!'c yd. values, at 38c lllai k Peau de Solo, all 36 Inches wide. 36-lnch Mack Taffeta. All our regular $1.25 a yard values. Friday Is Remnant Day I.N Ol lt FA MOl'S IlOMKSTIC ItOOM 23,000 yards of all kinds of Wash lioods. Muslftis, Sheetings. Towcllngs, Etc., worth up to 25c a yard In lots, per yard, at Lot 1, 5S Lot 2, 7M,. Lot 3. 8Hf. I-ot 4. 10. Lot 5. 12'4S AT A. M. One lot of all kinds of Mixed Cotton Goods, Wash Goods, Linings, Ktc, worth to 12'tc yard, all at one price, ;,'4 AT !:( A. M. One lot of all kinds of Wash Goods, White Goods. Linings, Ktc, worth up to 10c a yard; all at one price as long as they laM, per yard, at 2V4 All the remnants of Crash Linen Damask, Mercerized Uamask and Renfrew Turkey Hed Damask Toweling. Ktc st AIMU T IIA1.K KKtil'l.AK PltK K AT 2 I. M. One case of Unbleached Cotton Twill Crash, regular price 5c a yard. 10 yard limit, per yard, at 2'i All Odds and Knds in Towels, as follows: Sold at 7 '4c ldc, 124c 15c 18c and 25c. Will go at 5S 7VS 9S 10S 1J.' and J8. Several bargains on 15 squares not advertised for Friday. Several bargains on 15 squares not advertised for Friday. a H IB M Friday Extra Special Values in ' New Spring Millinery 50 lYimmed Hats, made to pell ut and fully worth $15.00, choice, $10.00 Vooi Dress Goods SPKt IALS FRIDAY SfHnrh Mohairs, 40c 50 pieces of blue and black. Mohairs, regular 5c values, on sale at 40 42-inch Serges, 4c AU Wool Serges, In navy, cream, black, brow n, garnet, Copenhagen, reccda, etc., 89c a yard values, at 49 $1.25 Yard Wool Goods, 4tc Remnants of wool and silk, and wool dress goods, some slightly damaged, that sold to $1.25 a yard, per yard at 30 and 49 Three Groat Special Bargain Lots From the Tlbbs-Hutehing's Stock, Friday. ' JRc IiAtKS. FRIDAY, PFR YARD, AT 3c An Immense line of Vals, Cotton, Chunys, Point de Paris and Linen Torchon Laces, regular il"Pi to 15c a yard; all go on sail Friday at one price, per yard, at 27W Ijw-e Hands, 7HP-A nne line of these popular Venice Bands, In 'white,' Cream and ecru, '25c values, per yard t :......7 3V4 10c Kmbrolderies, Sc A clean up sale of a big line of edges and insertings, sold regularly to 10c a yard; Friday, per yd., at . , 3H Extra Specials Friday in Orus Dipt. ' Onfe Bin Lot (60) different Brands of regular 10c, J&c and 25c bar Toilet Soaps; special t2) bars for 10c William's nr Colgate's Shav ing Soap for 6 Five liars of Ivory Soan for ISO .'uo Dr. K. L. Gtave's Toothl'ow uer for 10o 5c Satiitol Tooth Powder, llsc 26c Tootli Brushes for joe Swansdown l-'ace Powder, 10 2oc Mennen's, Co1kis and Wll lia tn's Talcum Howder for 15o 2uc HUe Put Hydrogen I'eroslde, at S bottle for lo 11.00 tiixe Purs Hydrogen Peroxide for B5 25c Sanltol or Pond's Katract. Cold or Varnishing Cream for ....160 50c per ounce. White Koe or Vlo l. P.pfimi. ot nr nx. . . . . . 160 Drapery Department Specials for Friday 3.00 Brussslstta Curtains 11.91 u4 Inches wide, allover effects and with borders, beautiful de designs. 13.60 Cable Nat Curtains 13.60 64 Inches wide, heavy not. splen did curtHins to wear: big anap. $1.75 Mottlngbim Curtains $1.36 All of them eO inches wide, matchless. BOo Curtain Madraa 4 6 Inches wide, cream or while. yurd.,35o 36o Drapery Oranadinea lialntv patterns; on sale Friday, yd. 160 11. 85 Kopa Portlaraa For double doors, slightly soiled, at 4o $6.00 rortiaras Odd pans, on saU Friday st, pair $4.60 Borlms, Madras, Wats, Burlaps, wlssss. Cretonnes, I to. Hbiii nanis, worth to Sue yard, yd..6o Remnant Sale In Hlh Grada Wash Goads Dept. All tbe remnants of our high grade Wash Goods Dept that accumu lated during the week from the Tibbs-Hutchings stock will be on sale at high grade department goods that sold from 15c to 60c a yard will go in three lots, at, a yard..lO 13t n 15 Remnants of High Grade White Goods on Sale India Linens, Persian Lawns, Long Cloths, Swisses, Fancies, Jacquards, Batistes, etc., that sold up to 75o a yard, at about half price. 12 Rousing Furnishing Goods Specials offering for Friday's selling the quality of which, at tha prlceB, means true economy in every sense. Men's and Boys' Laundered Hhlrts -Regular values to $1.60; ging hams chambrays, percales, madras, etc., made with or without collars, best colors and styles, one price, choice Hoys Blouse Waists $1.00 val ues, in white and colors, with or without collars, all best brands; choice 19 Men's Medium Weight 'ndcr weur Marino's or Halbriggan, shirts or drawers, all sires, ajl perfect goods, values to $1-25, at 25 49 Men's $1.25 I'nlori Halts Ught or medium1 weight G9t Men's ladles' and fhlldren's How Our loc quality three pairs for 25tf Ladies' I'nion Hulti 76c values, white and ecru 35? all warranted perfect; Friday at 490 lidics' 85c Vitality I'nderwear Vests or pants, light weight on sale at 190 Children's Muslin Drawer Hemstitched or ruffled, all sizes, regular 25c values. . .) Children's 50c Muslin Gowns Kmbroldered or tucked yokes; on sale at 250 ljulies' Muslin (Jowns Regular $1.00 values, at 490 MunIIji Out-Met Covers and Draw ers, 50c values 190 $1.00 Quality New Spring (Or. sets All styles and all lengths, 490 Thio Will Interest You - w.- tha.t ou can any tha aTithst Quality of Orocertss an4 sss To kaow nt, 60 'p,t cot oa your rrocsry bUl at Hsyd.n s. 1 lbs bet Uranulated Sugar... fl.ou ii. k be t Patent Hour noih- -t,r sai-k !. from he lo .rr.Jl T.l-.noi.d t'. Best 'Em All or Ienux Soap r. iM.rs Ivory Soap. 1-dozen bx fancy Toilet Soap. r- ulur erica 0o; snlc price 'c CSallon cana tloldeno Table Hyrup..'5c 10 lbs. brst White or lellow I orn- nieal IS c 10 lbs. Kolled bre'ckfaat Oatmeal. JAo ( Iba. ood Japan Klco ;-,rc cana Aasorted Bvups bromangelou, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg ' c :-lb. oni Was. Blrtu-.' Green or 1tina Bana 'Wo 7 lbs. best bulk laundry Btaxch..:i.o tMTf bolt lee Assorted Flcalex, Wor cester Hiucs,' t'ura TouuOo Cat sup, bottle ' The bast bulk I'.'jnjt Buller Inr Kayten Bros. Make it Possible Tor Bvsrybody te list frtiii V(S tables the Year Bonn. Kreali bplnarli, prr peck '.'Or S large bunclina Kresli ttftela t: I large bunches Kre-Mh arrots . . . 1 Or I large bunches krh f-hlil . , . 1 Oc 1 large bunches Krrxn Turnips .... Hie 8 large bunches Fresh Km. Holies .. 1 fc 2 large heads Kiead l.eat Lettuce..! Large Head Leiiuce, ea..7!c and be Pieplant, per bum h 7Hc 2 bunclies Flesh l'arsley 6i: Fancy I aullf loa er. lb tSo Fancy Hlpe Touiito-s. lb Iftc ( miry Was or i:eeu Hsans, lb. . il'ic Large beads F'isill le.eiy f,.; I,ai-gf t 'urumber. ea h 10c ri.AjrT Toum oariocr hjti mow. irllnw or Kii Unlnu Kels. uniul or Wliiia Was (Mibm Fiet. ijunrt. . .7 Vac All kinds of Garden Heeds. DOfl'T FonccT "MY I1AYDEHS1 FIRST IT PAYO sysinMMsmilJl