Till; DKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH-23. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Fira aad Raoe laad. acres; good s room how. t blocks ) Lower Cablt Cause General Liquida- from s'teet car line. Phone Douglas 1510. W. I- Selby, V Hoard of Trade feidg. tlOD. Values DOWD.. FOR RfcNT Several acres of land In J Nebraska or Iowa to party who ran prove that there la a Letter flour mde llian Updike s. If Thomas Swempton, 3 8. ltrj St.. will bring t ti an to (tie He within three dava and identify himself he will tereive an' order for a 12-pound sack of thla flour. "RENTED All homes In Omaha where the tenant prefer O'Brien's fine candy. If Mrs. Guy Cox. 108 8. 3th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three daye and Identify himself he will receive an order for a Vk boa of this candy. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE lOWA LAND FOR SALE OR TRADE. Puti'l buv a farm till you eea ma. John Carlson. Box 16, Adair. Iowa. TO EXCHANGE A choice running stock .f merchandise. Invoice about $o,ono, want Minnesota farm. Addraaa hot 68. Hera ford. Colo. FOR SALE er exchange for Nebraska iind at same value. II. iw" stock of shoes. Add -ext. Y-l.il. Bee. FOR Sale or Trade A good aaloon In Nebraska. Address 11. Hafner, Butte, Neb. CROP REPORTS ARE BRIGHTER Improtrmrnt Reported from Wore! retinaeSooth Dakota ftaoa ' to Be Xefdlag Rata Cora Is Weaker. WK exchange properties of merit ttilver. I2-1I N. T. Lilt Douglas m. a FOR sale or trade for stock. Northwest ern thresher engine, new Century separator and six-bottom engine gang plow; all new. I'.lrt Steele, Klmcreck. Neb; REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay meats semi -annually. W. H. THOMAS, lot rirat National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loan. Paters Trust Co. o.mV HA property and O" Keels Real Estate Co. Nebraska lands. 1014 Omaha Nat, CARRGLL'B eyrup may ba eaten the year round. If F. VV. Hooper, 2010 Miami St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three day a and Identify himself he will re ceive an order for a oOo can ot this fine syrup. CHEAP MONET. Representing the rtnn Mutual life Ins. Co.. with assets of over $117,0)4.000, I am prepared to accept all tha good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real estate. Business and realdenoe loans made without delay. THOMAS BRESNNAN. City National Bank Bids. LOW RATE3, BEMIS-CARLBKRO COs 110-313 Brandela Tbaatar Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants, Farnaro smith A Co.. 1220 Farnam 8s. W. GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. T. Life. $500 to lluO.uM on Improved tiroporvr. No delay. CITT and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZ&rI MONET TO LOAN Pay ns Investment Co. OMAHA. March !2. 1?H Lower cables and continued liquidation Bern wheat values down again todav. Sell ing was heavy and generally encouraRed by the more ravorable atrvlces from tne soutn wet. where Improvement is reported In the worst sections. Reports from the Dakotae Indicate soli conditions favorable. but moisture will he needed soon. The corn market Is feeling the weakness In wheat snd the heavier tone In the rah market. I,ongs are Inclined to unload their lines, finding little encouragement In the outlook. Fine weather condltiona are also a bearish factor. 1 heat was dull and not active: the range was narrow, ruling slightly lower than yesterday. Cash wheat wan V;e to 1c lower. Corn held stead v snd unchanged, offering being llKht and the trade was uninterest ing. Sample sales were V?c lower. ITimary wheat recelpta were SW.onO bush els and shipments were 2'-'S.noo bushels. j against receipts laot year of 522.000 bushels ana snipments or isra.ow Dusneis. Primary corn receipts were 924.000 bush els and shipments wers 444,on0 bushels, against receipts last year ot 4S2.0OO bushels and shipments of bOt.OnO buahels. Clearances were lo0,00 bushels of corn, l.ano bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 93.600 bushels. Liverpool closed .d to d lower on wheat and Vd to 4i lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 mixed, 1 car. M'.c; No. 3 durum, 1 car, 83c. Corn: No. 3 white. 1 car. 41Vjc; No. 3 color, 1 car, 41c; No. S mixed, cars, 41c; No. 4 mixed. Vi ear. 8&V. ( oats: No. 3 white, Z cars, zsc; ro. ! white. 1 car. 23'ic. -"flmijii rash Prlcea. WHEAT No. t hard, 83jroo: No. 3 hard. 81Vas&c: No. 4 hard, 72'6S2M!c: rejected hard. 70979c: No. 9 spring. 83(3870; No. 4 spring, VQWic; No. 2 durum, 83S4c;. CORN No. 2 white. 4iV4'S-42c; No. 8 white. 4111414c; No. 4 white, 4XK'a40Mrc; No. 3 color. 4nS414c; No. 2 vellow. 41'. 4(fr42r: No. 3 yellow, 41l7'4lHc: No. 4 yellow, 4XM404c; No. I. 414r41?4c; No. I. 4041c; No. 4, 39-8 894o. OATS No. 2 white, 28Vfi29c; standard, :st428c: No. 3 white, 28fj28V: No. 4 white, 272fic: No. 3 yellow. 27428c; No. 4 yellow, T,Wr,Vtc. BARLKT No. 8. 82!Cc: No. 4. 7287c; No. I teed, Mt75c: relected, RiV970c. RYE No. 3, 86Sr86c; No. 3, S3S84C. Carlut Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 14 Minneapolis 171 . Omaha 8 Dulutb S "aosc: No 2 northern, ."iVaW'sc; No. 1 white. a'A. KLAX t'losed. 3-.PH. CORN No. 3 vellow, 4.t'c ()ATS-Nr 3 white, 2VlJ a"c i RV E-No. t. !7c. BRAN In ino-lb. facks. ljn.nowi.no. FLOL'R First patents, 34 fcvi-4.1fc": second patents. It 5:4 W; first clears, 33 0C''a.fi0; second clears, 12 O.Viri.TO. OMAHA WHOI.HMLK MARKET. BUTTFR--Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 26c; No. 2, in SO-lb. tubs. 24c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons. 24r; packing stock, solid psck. 13o; dairy. In 4-lb. tuba. ltyfflTc. Marktil changes every Tuesdav. CHKESE Twins. Itj1.r.'c: Young Ameil-I cas, la'.c; daisies. ItValrtSc; triplets, bU 16c; llniberger, lSc; No. 1 brick. lc; im- I ported Hwlss, 22c; domestic 8fyrss, 32c; block Bwlss, liic. POCLTRY Treesed broilers, under 2 Ibo., 3d per dos.; hens, luc; cocks, 11c; ducks, lsc; geese. 16c; turkeys. 26c; pigeons, per dos., $1.20; homer squabs, per dox., 34 00: fancy squabs, per dos., 33 60; No. 1. per dos., 33 0U. Alive: Broilers, 16c; smooth legs. 10c; hens, UVtc; stags, 13c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered. 12c; geese, full feathered, c; turkeys, 17c; guinea fowla. ' 26c each; pigeons, per do.. 30c; homers, per dos., 33.00; squabs, No. 1. per dos., 31 60; No. 2, per dos., eOui capons, over 8 lbs., 14c, old turkevs, 17o. FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, c; white, TS' 10c; pike, c; trout, 11c; large crapples. 12i 15c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 15c; roe shad, II each; shad roe, per pair, &c; frog leK. per doz, 6uc; salmon, 90; halibut, !; herring. Sc. herrltiK. c. BEEF CL'TS-Rlbs. No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 12c; No. 3, 94C. Loin, No. 1, lfe; No. 2, ll'4c; No. 3, 11c. Chuck, No. 1. 11iC; No. 2, Vao; No. 3. 7c. Round, No. 1, 94c; No. 2, c; No. 3. 8c. Plate. No. 1, 6c;, No. 2, bc; No. 3. 6c. FRUITS Apples: Washington extra fancy Wlnsaps, 160-175 sires, per box, 2 50; Washington MImsouiI Pippins, 4"4 tier, per box, 32.25; Washington Red Cheek Pippins, 54-4-8M13 sixes, per box, 32.50; Washington Uanos, per box. 12.25; Ben Davis, per box, 12.10. Bananas: Fancy aelect. per bunch, I215((j2.50; Jumbo, per bunoh, 32.7ixij'3.7o. Iates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkga. in box, per box. 32.0u; bulk. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 64c Flga: Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Grape fruit: Florida, 46-54-64-80 sues, per box, 14.00; choice stock, 25c less. Lemons: Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 800-360 sixes, per box, 3460; fancy, 300-30 sizes, per box, 34.00 : 240 size. 60c per box less, orangeu: camena neoianos naveis. 80- NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Develops No Especial Strength During the Day. ABSENCE OF SELLING PRESSURE aa 820 67 I10S to 110-000 mads promptly. F. Wcad. Waad Bldg., and Varnam. STEAMSHIPS PleturawpM at. fcswene Roata. Weakly IIIbss tram MONTRCAL TO UVKHTOOU OLASOOW ' LONDON. UAVKB. 3rtnlaatlr from nnADBbraTA an BOSTON ts OkAWMw alaMU sevoarr. sbartssi ssmssw. nut Anw lUUnr Aseat, ee A1XAN CO., Osnarsl il Jaoasaa Siva., WANTED TO BORROW THE bill at tha American theater la worth while your evening will not ba misspent. If Thomas Hart, 1813 Charles street, will bring this ad to Tha Beo within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to tha Amer ican theater. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Invalid adjustable wheal chair, 24a Bryant St., Co. Bluffs. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rant, barn, near Uth and Webster, for barsa and wagon. Call LNug Las 4tU2. ROOM and board In private wanted by young man. D-900 Be. family WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly axpartonoad bookkeeper and. accountant; good refer- ancea. Address a Tlk. PRACTICAL NURSE. Webstar 1114. POSITION aa night watchman; sober and reliable. U 7DU, Be. CHILL) to car for; references. !6th. 1223M B. LEGAL NOTICES SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA. SEALED proposals will be received at this build ing until 2 o'olock p. ra.. April 3th, 1911, for furnishing fuel, lights, water, ice. miscel laneous supplies, washing towels, hauling aanea ana sprinKiing streets lur mis mind ing during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1HIZ. or aucn portion or me year aa mav be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and an tuos la reserved ty me Treas ury department. Louis F. Etter, Custodian, M 16-23 CHICAGO ORAI AN Is PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; aad Cloelasj Prlcea oa Board of Trade, CHICAGO. March 22. Excessive drvnesa In the northwest, breaking tha record of thirty years, gave the wheat market here an upward turn today. The close was firm, MtWUo to VffV higher than last night, latest trading left corn and oata either unchanged or within Uo advance. Hog products, on the other hand, finished all the way from yesterday evening's lerel to V-ic decline. New crop deliveries of wheat were most affected by the dry weather stories. The May option at one time was only o above July. It waa aald the domestic flour trade had made some Improvement and that the mills here looked for export business In case wheat went a little lower. (The un dertone of strength did not manlfust Itself in the first few moments or trading, me main Influence at that time being bearish foreign news chleflv In regard to liberal supplies from Russia, India, Australia and the Argentine. Ensuing rallies, however, resulted In sending prices higher, so that final sales were at nearly the top figures of the session. Mar ranged from KU8N0 to MHi9oSc and closed Wo up at 80' Corn sturerea a nil irom loctu eeum early, but rallied with wheat. Iltgh and low figure for May were iHt(M&o and UV. with the close at iH.'S-Kc. exactly the same aa last night. Cash demand was inw No. 2 vellow fin shed at 4,'U47,o. Shorts and commission houses Dougnt oats In a moderate way. May vanea De- tween 30.c and 31c. closing at Jlc, a net Rulllni nn the nart of longs caused a Mthm-lc In provisions after the Pit ciosea. Pork lost IZ'ic to I2c ana otner proaucis were dropping from last night's level to 6c below. Prices In Chicagej, rurnisnea uy in-ip-dlka Orsln company. Telephone Douglas 2474, 708 Brandela building, Omaha: Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Tea"y. Wheat 1 I I I July.. RsHiiWWWffSl W4,Mwa Bept.8VoVilH'tfl &,iVaH i i i i 48Hr 4Ts 4SH'4RS' Corn- May. July. Sept. Oata May. July.. Kepi.. Pork May.. July.. Lard May.. July.. Bept.. Ribs-May July.. Bept 61(&MVI 61HI 61 I 307i 80! is r 16 26 8 90 8 K!S a 82 8 SR 8 Km 8 Tit 31 soi 30 16 85 18 RTH 1 71 I 1 25 1 02 ig 1JH I 8 !X1 IN 8 85 8 K 8 78 8 77H 8 83 8 72 I 77H 9 !5 25 80 8 R6 8 77Vi 8 K4 I 76 8 70 1 8 70 80 89 8H 81 80 30i 30;'i 301 3(H 1 92 1( 25 8 87H 8 R2H 8 77 9 82 I 72 i Weatber la tke (Irala Belt. A very decided change to colder weather occurred last night In the tipper lake re gion, upper MIsHiasIpl and upper Missouri valleys, and weat to the mountalna. and rreexlng temperatures again prevail over the valleys aa far south aa Nebraska and northern Iowa. The change In tempera ture at Omaha from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning waa more thaa 40 degrees. Tha wave of warm weatber that prevailed over Uie central valleys during the first of the week has continued east ward, and temperaturea are much higher In tha Ohio valley, lower lake region and eastern atatea. and are allghtly higher ever the southern states. Light rains have fallen In the upper Missouri and Missis sippi valleys and lake region within the last twenty-four houra. and are falling this morning In the west gulf states, the lower Rocky mountain re Inn and the south west this morning. The weather Is gen ally clear In the extreme upper valleva and throughout the northwest, and with the area of high pressure that now over lies the upper valleya, the Indications are for continued fair weather In this vicinity tonight aad Thursday, with not much change In leipperature. 191 L 1910. 19. ISO, lowest last night 36 .M .31 .34 Precipitation 01 .00 .00 .ot Normal temperature for today.. 39 degrees Def. In rainfall since March 1... .3 Inches If corresponding period 1910... .82 Inches corrwsponolng period lw as Inchea L. A. VV KU H, Local Forecaster Def. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 22. METALS Standard copper, dull; spot, March. April, May and Juhe. H K'll i. lxndon mar ket, oulet: spot, tub; futures, 66 lis 3d Arrivals reported at New York today. 2 tona. Custom house returns show exports f 13.821 tons so far this month. lke copper. 113 ootfl! 4C; electrolytic, 81137il 12 M'; rasitng. !1 dill. Tin, weak; spot, 80 SMr0.7b; Marcn. W.4tl i; April, 8-9 7 -0.1Vs: May and June. 139 6Of?H0 flo. London market, wealc, spot. 183 16s; futures, HXt &s Isd. dull; 34 4ii-t bo. New York: 84 T I ",. East St. IxmiIs. London. 11 Its M hpelter. firmer; Si wat.sn. New York; 86 46 60, EJt til. Loula. London. iJS. Anti mony, dull; CookKin's. Sn(M&0. Iron. ClcNeland warranta, 4Ka In Ixndon. lxvsllv Iron waa steady. No. 1 foundry. Sli-Tf-j MSb: No. northera. No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $!-&! no. Taif isllss aad Steele. SAVANNAH. March -TC RPBNT1NE -rlno at 1 IH11.u6 . Pales, m bhla.; re ceipts. 104 bhls ; shipments. bbls.; Stoc ks. 1 010 bbls. RHIN Firm. Bales K4 bbls ; receipts 3M bbls ; shipments. . bbls ; sto k. 64 Ui bbls (Quotations: B. 87.': D. 8, ;n.oo V. S0b. V. 8Kij41S; O 81.', H. 8H.- I t; K. 88 MV M 8S 27,, N. 8s Jv, Ui .WW. 8e0.Mv Cash quotations were as follows: f.uh nuotstions were as followa: fUillk-ljuiv: winter patents, 83. 90(04.30; straights, 8a.6WB4.10: aprlng stralghu, 4.00 ti4 10; aprlng patents, on uc 10 a.w lor best hard. BARLEY Feed and mixing, 66&fl0c; fair to choice malting. WcGtl.os. BEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 32.47Vs; No. 1 northwestern, 83.6WW- Timothy seed, til 11 70 Clover. Ili.uO. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 17.2S 'n.TB. Laxd. per 100 lbe.. 8.77S. Short ribs, sides tloose). 88 .60j.12S; short clear sides (boxed), U.12t)'A. GRAIN hTATlSTICS. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to ttt.Oii0 bu. Primary receipts were XJX.u,., bu.. compared with o2i,UU0 bu. th corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 13 cars corn, 332 cars; oats. 111 cara; bogs, 34,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat., No. I red. 6!,'?i,'c; No. 3 red. a'i'.uo; No, 3 hard, KMiiSOWc: No. 3 hard. kMiWJo: No. 1 north ern aprlng. 95c6310l; No. 2 northern aprlng. Wc'rtjl.ou. No, 8 spring, QHoc. com, Mo. caiili, 47TJt;c; r-0. 1 casn. 'nc; mo. white. 47(d47Vo; No. 3 white. 44W46c; No. yellow. 4,V'fl471c: No. 3 yellow, 46S46C. Oats, No. i white, 31S31c; No. 8 white, 3u-Vti3i,c; No. 4 white, c; standard. Siiu.UWc. L"i I'KR- Steady ; creameries, 162uO dairies, lia21o. tUOS-Steady ; receipts. 13.378 cases, mark, cases Included, 13StfUo; firsts, 16c Drlme firets. 16'c. CHEESE Steady : daisies. !3Vc; twins, HVji:e; Young Amerlcss. UVtLHsC; long horns. 3Wa 14c. IUTATuES Firm: choice to fancy, 439 45c; fair to good, SC4J42C. POULTRY Firm; turkeys, dressed, 13c fowls, live. 13Vc; springs, live. 16c. VEAL Steady: 60 to kO-lb. wta.. 6d7c to Ki-lb. wis . 7u9Sc: d.'i to 110-lb. wis.. yc. Chicago Receipts v heat. 14 cars: corn tJO cars: oata, l' cara. Estimated tomor row : Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 3ii cars; oats, 111 oars. Kansas 4 Itr tirala aad Provlsleaa. KANSAS CITT. March 22. WHEAT May. K5c; July. 84SfMc; rash steady to lo lower: No. I hard. hii,c: No. 8. KfvtprK: No I red. 9lihnje: No. 8. 87io81c. CORN Mav. 47kO bid; July. So bid casn unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 4fa4tlc; No 3. 44rt44c; No. 2 white, 44'-c; Mo. 44&44We. OATS Steady; No. 3 white. tlffSJc; No. I mined. awuJlc. " RYE No. TWTWl HAY Heat stead v: low grades, unsalable choice timothy, 814 0t-14 6; choice prairie. 81JtJl! 26 BLTTER Creamerv. 24c: firsts. Jle; seo- onda 19c; (tacking stock, 13c. HaJOA Extraa. lttc; firsts, 140. Receiots. BMmenie. Wheat. bu 2 uuO 8.M Corn, bu . Oats, bu . 8.080 HtsssolU Ursla Market. MINN EA POUI, March 32.-WHEAT Ui K.c: July. s.c: Senlefnber. fo-vo M a. 1 tuua, v)c, ia. 1 uonuti a. Deflalte AHanraeat of laflaent Parlors la Mlsaoarl Parlfle Reaalt of Election of (Iffl, Has No Effect. re ra NEW YORK. March i.-The merket de veloped no espcclsl strength today as It was one of the smallest of the year, and the greatest gains were attained by stocks which ordinarily do not figure as favorite mediums of tpeculstlon. There was a per ceptible hardening In the lone and an ab sence of the pressure which weakened the market yesterday. Offerings were larger toward the close and the Important stocks lost their modest gains and a trifle more. Definite alignment of the influential fac tors in Missouri Pacific, as a result of yesterday's election of officers, had no apparent effect on the Gould slocks. Mis souri Pacific continued on Its erratic course, establishing a gain early in Jlie clay only to fall to a price about 3 points below Its high range yesterday. .Some further Improvement In steel and Iron Is noted In the Weekly Review of the trade. Many plants are producing larger amounts than In February. The Vnlted States Steel corporation Is now reported to be running at about 72 per cent of Its blast furnace capacity, operations having been extended Bomewhat In the last week. Bonds were steady; total sales, par value, $2,471.(101). I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows : gala) ket wss steady and from ' to V above parity. Uindon closing stncK iiuoistions: vnii(.i. moner l-lfi l.ouliw llle Nsh. II IM ., Kn Tx. ...' New lork Central. ... Norfolk A Western. ...II2S pie ...I'1, Ontario A Wentern. OMo..lH Pemmrfranl dn atyount . Arnal. Copper Annronds .... At'hton Biltlmoc A ':, Han. I Mlnea M Hextlns II beiithern Hllaj .1.4 do pfi . 1 Southern Pacific . M I n Ion Pacific .. . I1 do pfa . S'l, V 8 Steel . 494, do pfd . Wahaah . OS 4o pf4 ait spanlah (e 14', ll' i 4 S (anstllan Pacific Cheaepeaae Ohio. Chi. (It. wlern... til.. Mil. A tU. P rteara enrer Klo O. . . do pfd Erie do 1t pM.. do 2d prd Grand Trunk llilnon Ontral SILVER Psr. steady at i'4'ii per ounce. MONEY 2i3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is i per ceni; for three months' bills, 2,,(g2 7-1S per cent. ... "lw ... 87 , ... ...1lS ...mis ... M ... IH ...r; ... i: ... J' . . 90 8, oral eeeartlla-a. Quotations furnished by Burns. Co.. Rrlnkar 44 New Omaha National bans Bid. Asked notes tt 90 sir.es, per box, $3.00; 160, 178 and smaller xes, 33.25; choice navels, o--u: sises. ; 130 and smaller sixes, 83,00. Pears: allfornla Winter Nellls, per box, $2.76. Strawberries: Louisiana, per 24-pint case, 7oU 3. L'o. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax. per hamper, 83.6004.60. Beets, per bu 76e. Cabbage. New York, per lb., Hie. Carrots, per bu., 76c.' Celery, California jumoo, per ox. bunches, Hoc. cucumDers. notnouse, ivi nd 2 dos. in box, per dos., sz.oornz.zft. i.gg- snt, fancy Florida, per dos., 83.W. uarllc. extra fancy, white, per lb., loo. Lettuce, xtra fancy leaf, per dox.. 46c. Onions. owa red and yellow, per lb., 214c; Indiana hlte, per lb., sc. onion sets, wnite, per u.. 83 lbs., 31.76; yellow, per bu.. 33 lbs., 3160; red. per bu., 32 lbs.. $1.60. Parsley, fancy southern, per dox. bunches, tKr-qtWc. Parsnips, per bu., 76c. Potatoes, arly Ohio seed, sand soli. In sacks, per bu., $1.00; geunlne Red River E. Ohio seed. per bu., 31.20; Iowa and Wisconsin white stock, per bu., 76o; Colorado, per bu., 90c. Rutabagas, per lb., IhtC. lomatoes, Flor- per 6-bSLSket orate, fancy. 83.00; choice. $2 60. Turnlpa, per bu., 76c. MISCF.llan r;oc Aimonoa, California soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, 1c less. Braall nuts, per lb., 13c; in sack lots, la less. Cocoanuts. per sack, $6.26; per dos., 80ci. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lota, lo less. Hlckorynuts, large , per lb. tc; small, per lb., 6c; Peanuts, roasted, per id., no; raw, per lb., 6fta ecans. large, per lb., lbc.. In sack lots, lo ess. Walnuts, black, per lb., JWc; Cali fornia, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, la less. Cider, New York, Mott s. per bbl., $6.75. Honey, new 24 frames, $3.76. Atlll-Cfaalmera pfd Amalramatad Otprer .... American Agricultural .... Beet 8ugar (an A F (tton Oil H. A U pfd Ire Securities .. Linseed Iucomot!ve .... 8. H. pfd 8. A R Steel Foundries, Sugar Ref T. A T Tobacco pfd .... Woolen Mining 8,400 (H Hlsh. Low. C)oa, 31 4W building. Amalgamated Cop. I ?r. 8 p. burrougha Adding Men Benaon School lllat 6a, 19.10, t'udahy Pkg Co. oa. 124 Columbua. Nab.. . L. ta. If Chi. Ot. Weat lat mtf 4a. 1S ralrmont Cramery lat g. 4 par cant. Ftreatone Ktre A Rubbar Iowa Portland Catnant lat mtg. 4s..., Kanau City R. A L Ba. 1013 K. C, 11 A O. 4a. lloL, bonus K. C. 8tk. Yda atork Llvt. Stock Nat. Batik, goutb Omaha., Mat. St. Br. K. C ta, ltll , Omaha Elavator atock Omaha Country C'lsb aa, 1IU Omaha Water tt. 1944 , Omaha A C. B. It. Rr is, 1428 Om. A C. B. Ft. Rt. pfd I p. a, x-dlT t Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B 43V, Pacific T. A T. oa. INI 9iv, Rwkf Ml. BUI Phona 2 Trl'Stata Land Co pfd snd boons Trt-Clty Fy A L la 74j 8wlft 4k Co., 1914. 10OV, tnlon Stock Yda stock 44 .2M .100 . 8' to . UM va .101 7 4744 4 . 44 It 44 94 t? 241 H'l ! Kt 6 )M t aa M(4 S 94 100 V 4 1 :s 4S 7I 44 So M 1J 43 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Are Generally Steady to a Lit tle Higher. ' HOGS OPEN FIVE CENTS HIGHER Fel hers and l.amba Ten to rlfteea leafs lllaher. Tilth the Trade Qalte ArtlTe at the Ad Tile Noted. SOUTH OMAHA, Marcri 22. 1911. Hecelpts ne; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4 717 4.771 l-.;7 Official Tuesday 6.118 7. 'J 1-MtiniHte Wednesday .... 4.6"0 .ii4) 4,StW Three days this week,.14.t: lil.JtS Same days last week . . . .17.s;v 40.SW 35.tiJI name das weeks ago.lti.7;t :s.7i;7 'J.t.l-4 Smtie days 3 weeks ago.13.44' :t.i l.4l fame-days 4 weeks ago.lU.;:'.. :6a"S W.t4 fame days last year... 17.840 ii278 -41 Tiie fuliovvin laulf huu.v tl.w ricelnts cf cnttle. hogs and sheep at toiith Dmnha for the year to date, as compare,! with tst lug under cover at the sdvente. 1-aier. attor shipers and spet ulstojs retired, buy trs for local concerns entered me irui . with bids that sxrraged stesdy to pslhly a little lower. Kfforts at cheaper cost ris not vcrv fruitful, however, as sellers usu ally held out for unchanged prices. Pack et!' marker settled back In yesterdsy notches, but movement at no time very tcihr. Heavy lions of lard cliargeler sold around $.411, with ordinary butchers at or near 4o. l.lKht inUed and bacon animals went at a )iuh spread of $H.frHi.sO. the latter figure being the extreme limit of full i'emand. while rather quiet, was and 11 o'clock found the bulk lo vear Cattle Hors Sheep The followin table hons the prices on hog at South Oniuha for the last several days, with comparisons: la.i 24(1. 12J b..:i.si5 4e.Dd0 1110 :."4.7C1 iCO.niO 8S,G.'3 rai'jre T nc. 11.431 3.:".5 7(.ii7 f Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. NEW YORK GKUKKAL MARKET "Varloaa 4taotatlons of the Day ComBaodllles. NEW YORK. March 22. FIjOUR Steady : prlng patents. 14.90ra.V16: winter stralshts. $3.o'4.00; winter patents, $4.20-4.50; spring clears, $3.(Kg4.26; winter extraa. No. 1, $3.25 j.to; winter extras, No. 2, $3. Hk$3.26; Kail' Baa straights, $4.20t'a4.35. Rye flour, trtrong; ralr to good. 84.40tu4.bDi choice to fancy. $4.0h4.80. (JOHN MEAL Steady: fine white and yel low, liwo'I.du: coarse. Il.UuirLU): kiln dried. z. 10. WHEAT Spot market firm: No. 3 red, 847o elevator and 967c f. o. b. afloat; No. northern. Duluth. 81.08. I. o. b. afloat. Futures market was quiet and slightly lower under selling on the cab lea, favora ble weather and poor cash and export de mand, closing Uo net higher. May. to(i VI 4-lbc, closed S7Vo; July, UnVxtrwc, closed wc. tteoetpts, u.uuo bu.; shipments, 47.W7 bu. . CORN Spot market easy; No. I. SHio. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa firmer on coveting, closing net higher; May, S41?54Ha, closed o6Sc. Receipts, 60,625 bu.; nipments, n,j du. UAl o spot market steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. Receipts, M.DOO bu..; shipments. ,ai bu. HAY Quiet: prime. 81.intari.I3K: No. 1 1.07KS1.10; No. 2, D6c(ri$1.0o; No. 8. StVpWo. JilDKS steady; Central America, 2uKc; ijogoia, iivuc, LKATllKK-unlet: hemlock firsts. 32 z&vc; seconds, 2lZ3c; thirds, l&40c; re jects, itui,c. I'KU visions ForK. steady; mess. 822.60: family, J21. 0022. 00; short clear, llo.SiKu lit 60. Reef, steady: mess, $14.0ui U .50; family. $16.0016.50; beef hams. $27. mi 29.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, Hul4 pounds $11.0r(rll.50; pickled haine, $13.00. lard, easy; middle wast prime, $S.SW4i9.00; refined, quiet; continent, $9.4.S; South America, $10.60; com pound. I. (tJiVrct 1.75. TAUiUW-uuii; prime city hogsheads. 8Kc; country. VAfiGc. BUTTER steady; creamery steady; spe cials, 2fHc; extraa, 24c; firsts, S 43 22c ; sec onds, 17'fll9c; creamery held, special, 21& 82c; extras, 19u2oc; firsts, 17VaWc; sbo- onds, ltiWal'C. CHEESK Quiet; state. whole milk, specials, IVA'alnc: September, fancy colored. 14c; white, uttiisw; summer ana ran made colored choice, UWaUc: white, llVi'aliUc late fall, good to prime, colored. 12c; white. ltxuUo; winter, made Deal, lOftc; common to fair. WlOa. KGQ6 Weak; fresh gathered, selected. extras, ltKantc; . western gatnereo, wnites ITH'&loc; western gathered, whites, 11 hid 19c; western auck, miAio. POULTia-uressea easy; roasting cnick ens, 16W20c; 10 wis, iiruiKc; turkeys, 15 4j2UO. Amerln Amerlran Atnarltiti Ameriean American American American American American Aniorican American American American American American Anaconda Atchiann A tohlaon pfd Atlantic Ooaat Ijtne Baltimore A Ohio Bethlenem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Trmn anadlan Pad no Ontral Leather , Central Leather pfd entral of N. J Clleeapeake A Ohio Chicaxn A Alton (111. (It. Waat Chi. Ot. Wet pfd Ohl. A N. W Chi.. Mil. A St. P a (.'. A 8t. L olo. Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Coneolidated Gaa 'orn Product Pel. A Hudaon D. A R ; at R. O. pfd... Distiller' Hecurltlei .... rla Krle lat pfd Krle 2d pM Oanersl KI.lrio Great Northern pfd" Great Northern ore ctfa. hnota ('entral fnterhnrough-Met njterborvHigh-Met. pra.... International HarraaLar . nter-Marine pfd nternattonal Paper Intarnatlonal Pump Iowa Onu-al C. Southern .......... K. O. Routhere pfd Laclede Gas Lnulavllla A Nashville ., Minn. A St. Louis M , St. P. A S. Sta. M... M., K. A M , K. A T. pfd. Miaaourl raulflo National Biaoult National Lead .1 N. My o M. 3d pfd New York Central , N. Y.. O. A W .... Norfolk A Western ..... North American Northern Pact ' . Pacific, Mail Pennsylvania, - Petals' Gaa Pitta.. C. (-. as St. L..:. Plttshurg Oosl Preeaed gteel Oar Pullman Palaee Car .... itaJlwar gteal' Bprlng .. Head I p H4puhlto BtMl Republic. Rleel pfd Hock Jaland Rock Island prd St. L. A 8. F. Id pdj. Rt L. 8. W at. I- s. W. pfd Slos-Sheffield 8. A I.... Southern Partflo southern Railway pvMitharn Ky. pfd Tenneaase (JopPW Tolas A Pacific Tol., St, L. A W Tol., 8t. L. A W., pfd.. t'nioo Pa-ino Pnlisi raouio pra I'nlted States Realty . t nlt4 gtalaa Rubber nltnU States Steal I'nlted Statas Steal pfd. Utali Copper Virginia-Carolina Cham Wabaah Wabaeh pM Weat ern Maryland Weatlncbouaa Blactrlo .. Western Lnlon Whaallng A Laks Krle.. Lehlfh Valley Total aalas ror we oay. to V R:t eot 4. 4 hi 8) lit 1144 200 1,4"4 4iio 41 K "Hi I' , lK) 104 V, lVi 344, ', KB', 104 4 7S iio" itest jiti loot, loss St. Loala General Market. ST. LeOlTIS. March 22. WHKAT Futures higher: May. Swc; July. sic; cash dull track. No. 3 red, tO'ii'di'.-tC . No. 3 hard, 87 (ORM f irm; may. siTJ-tiTnc; juiy, ' ft4Sc; cash, lower; track, No. 8, 4o''a4oc Nn. 1 white. 4oW(tl'47Wc. OATS Unchanged; May, o4o; July, anc No. i, 31Vc; No. 3 cash steady; track, white, 82- RYK Firm; 3c. FIjUUR Weak; red winter patents, 84. 30 486; extra fancy and straights, W. 70j34.lv hard winter clears, 83.(Ka.40. h'EKI) Timothy, 8fv00K.50. I'ORNMKAL $2.30. HRAN Higher; sacked east track. $1.19. HAY Steady; timothy, $12.00(18.00; prairie, 813 OOtfl 16.0V. Provisions-TrK, uncnanged; lobtitng, $17.60; lard, unchanged; prime steam, $.iJH to; dry salt meals, lower; boxed extra shorts, $426: clear rlba. 89H5; short clear 4i7Va; bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts. $10 60; cleur ribs. 810 50; short clears, $J0 tS POUL1 m cieaay; ciucaena. uw; springs, oc: turkeys, 144316c; ducks, lie geese. 8c. ril'TTttt uiei; creamery, iJfiJjoc tX3G Lowtr; 14c Receipts. Shipments. ... 8.7110 l!.5tio ... 46.1i0 .To, w ... 123.(410 o6.2io ... 36.7U0 6ti,6u0 'Flour, bbl Wheat, bu. Corn, bu Oats, bu Liverpool Grata Market IJVERPOOU March 22 WHEAT H pot dull: No. 3 red. western arinter, no atock Futures quiet; March, ra Sd; May S.d: July. 6a 8-Wd. CORN pot. steady; American, mixed new. 4s d . American, mixed, old, 6a. Fu Hires quiet: May, 4s 4d: July. 4s 5-td. FLAt R W inter patents, duil at ?7s. Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. March' 33. CORN Lower; No. t shite. 4IVc: No. 4 white. 44V-C; No. 3 yel low. 44Wc: No. t yellow. M'lCi No. 4 yellow, 4742c; No. 4 mixed, 42 3 live; sample, 4Cc OATS Dull. No sales. Illlwssk Grata Market MILWAUKEE. March 22 .-FIH'R Dull WHEAT No. 1 northern. tiu6iu; N 3 northei. .fc; May, old, Isc asked. OA'J S Standard. Sl'c UAHLLl-tvaiuplea. WcBl 02. W0 103t, 10014 10.400 4, l(Mj 74'4 1131 V.ioo "ia " 4() l.ano 40 100 ,(. 100 400 100 3.0110 100 3.000 100 4 1,0 4,100 1.(00 100 Si 000 00 800 3.400 14S 53 1414 14' 78 21 Si 12114 'ivi 6.1 14H 71V, ant. 127 14 1I4 UK, 40 71 M 44 'iir-i 44 VS 40 14744 M 6Ili 180 4 A 100 104 40.) Tl . 3,400 800 8,400 116 Vt 12S44 10644 44 81 Vi - 400 141 26iwio iiili 14714 44 "eoii iV4 "iiti l'W 1 B4H iiH 1064, 94 8144 i'4 iivi 800 80V4 80 700 44 ' iui 8744 1.2"0 aoo " " ioo . ' 600 u '. a. ioo . o , , 7') . '34.11110 4H0 " 800 11744 2444 "it" 84 ti 177 1V4 44 7 t4 11 44T4 414 800 80 too "i'iti . 1,400 17414 194,000 atiara. 42V4 't744 11744 344, "lii" t 22 lit" ai 71 414 7844 11874 444, 46 "io '71 ii iiiii 67., 4..'i Kt 11 2Vi 11 47-4 lot ' 7S4 48 11B'4 1(4'4 7i, 36 '4 341, 1014 ioa 111114 HO 4 81 78 S IK't 2014 ft'4 840 8244 40 31 4 431, 1111, L11V4 43 314 6ZV4 14 1374 Itni, si v. 7 IV K14 48t., 7'4 its IM'4 41 ISi.Vt IK'4 M 1174 17 lo4 40 14 ' . 31(4 67 Vi 112 144 V, 14 147 V. 88 7 6flH 3 8614 107 '4 41V, 107 71 1M14 1414 184 14 lm MV, 144 83 160 S3V4 167 Vi IS 47 Zt4 6;, 44V4 1 4 7V4 hi 117 2644 65 8714 84'4 '. HVi 17 1 72Vi 41 7844 11444 4444 C644 17Vi 14 4 ten 1114 4V4 17IV4 llnslon 4 losing Stocks. BOSTON, March 22,-Closing Quotations an ioIIowm: ...34 Nersdi Oon. (ei-dlr.) 14V, ... MH Nlplaalns Mine 11 ,.. 2u', North Butte 24 . .. 14 North Lake t 4V4 Old Dominion (ex-d ) MVi oti Hiuchs wei Allouei Amai. Copper . A. Z. L. A 8... ArlsiHia Com .... Atlantlo B A C. C. A 8. Butte t'oalltlon ('al. A Arlttni . lal. A Hecia ... Centennial Copper Rang C Rut Butte Franklin (llroux Cbo Oranby Con . 11 Oaraii . 17 aparrodt' (8. . 60 Qullicy .486 Khannon .. . 12 Suparlnr . . . . 44 Superior A . 12 Hup. P. 9 Tamarack . . 4 11. fi. p. R. !!' do pfd A CI... B. at.. Cop.... A M. Oi-eerie Cananea . . . 4 7-14 I't.h I on. lale Koyale (Cop.). lABHlle (ytpper Miami Copper Mohawk Bid. 108 12 47 10 35 4 14 40 .14 47 l.i 44 7 24 Vtah Copper 4 Winona 1 Wolrarln (ax. d.)...111 I w York Mlalnar Storks. NEW YORK. March 22. Closing auota tions on mining stocks were Alios 200 aLittie Cslef tmtti. Tunnel stock. 26 do bonda Con. Cal. A Vs. Horn Fllrar .... Iron Silver .... leadTllle Coa. offend. 13 6 .140 . 18 Ontario Mexiran ...... Ophlr staJldrd Yellow Jacket ..... 6 .....160 170 107 100 Si Bank Clearing. OMAHA, March 22. Bank clearings for today were $2,332,442.42 and for the corre sponding dale last year $,1,124,263.91. Coffee Market. NRW YORK, March 22. COFFKEV Fu tures rinenod .inlet at a rinrlln. a C r, ,,(... In sympathy with lower Frenoh cables, and showed no particular feature during the aay. firm oirers from Rrar.ll were said to oe a snade lower in some instances lm the other hand, rather a better de mand waa reported for spot coffee from the Interior and mall advices brought an estimate from a prominent Rrazll firm placing the next Rio cron at I.60O.OOO hairs. On the whole, the tone was a little steadier In the late trading and the close was a ansae up rrom the lowest on some potri Lions, last prices being steady at a net necntie or litis points. Sates. 17.000 bags. marcn. April ana aist. 10.4c: June 14 4Un- July, lO.SSic; Augrust. 10.3Oc; September, I0.lc; October. 10.10c: November, s.SWc; ueoemDer, January ana tfeDruary, 9.&SO, Havre closed net unchanged to 4f. lower, Hamburg was unchanged to 14pfg. higher. ruo ov reis lower, at vzzo. ban toe 6 rels lower, at 08T00; 7s, 160 rels lower, at 63100. Receipts avt the two Brasllian porta were lu.uuu oaga, against iti.ww nnjrs last year. Jundiahy receipts, 2,300 bags, against 3.8O0 bags last year. New York warehouse de liveries yesterday were 8.000 bags, against 7,148 bags last year. Rain was reported in an aisuicta 01 eao jauio. spot cofree, steady: Rio No. 7. 124ko: Santos No. 4. lMc; mild, quiet; Cordova, 13toloc, nonv- luaa. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, March 21 MONEY On il steadv: 3V&24, per cent: ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; of fered at 24, per cent; time loans, very dull; sixty daya, 2V4&244 per cent; ninety days, 2tt3 per cent; six months, 3(fi3'4 per cent. I'klMB MERCANTILE PAPKR Close, 4 to 4V4 per cent. H 1 r.-K 1 .1 - v 1 jl.At.nAi'i tv cieaay, witn actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8420 for sixty-day bills and at $4 8616 for de mand ('nmmerclal bllla, $4.S34- SIUVER Har. t:"40. SILVER War, 6Sc; Mexican dollars. 4)60. BONDS-Oovernment and railroad bonds. steady. ... Closing quotations on Donas toaay ware as follows: U. 8. ref. 8. rf....ltn int.-aiet. m do coupon 101 Int.-Mar. M. 4a 47 V. 8. la, rag 101 Japaa 4s 88 do coupon 101 do 4a M V. 8. 4. na 118 U A N. on. 4a K do coupon 114 K. C. 8. lrt 4a. .. 7S Allia-Chal. Ut Is.... nL- g. dab. 4s 1M1)3 Am. Ag. 6s 101 M , K. A T. lat 4,.. 7 Am. T T. or. 4S..10S -ao gan. v wi Am. Toe. 4a duo. pscirio u do a 10744 14. R. ot M. 4s. . Armour a in 4a.. W n. T. u, B 4a. Atiiixn sen. do cv. 4a do ov. 6s At. C. L. lat 4s. B A O. 4s do 8s B. A O. 4a do 8. W 8.. Br. Tr. o. 4a of Oa. ta.... a. Leather ta.,. C. of N i. is. C. A O. 4a- do rat 6a C. A A. 2s .... H. it do sen. 8s .UJt- N. T.. N. H. A 1)1 t. 4a . 44 N. A W. r 4a . 48 do lat cos 4s... . K No. Panlflo 4s ... . so ta . o Or. a. L. rfd. 4s.. 44 Penn. 4a (llrl6) 74 43 84 .: .107 11 .lot do eon. a .... ' Kai gan. 4a ., 1.. ..12; it. l 4 6 r, f. 1W do gn. ta .... e4 8. L. 8. W. eon. . ... 70 do lat gold 4a. C B. A U. It. 4s.. SeaOoard A. U 4s. do gen. 4a 44t So. Pacific col. 4s. C. U. A 8 P. g. 8s T, do c. 4a C. R. 1. A P. a. 4.. 3 do lat ref. 4a do rf m 84 Railway 6s . Coio. Ind. 6s 76 do sen. 4s Colo. Midland 4a 44 In loo Pseltte 4s... . A a. r. A a. 4s M4 do c. 4s -, do lat A rat. . ti V. a. Rubber aa . fx IT. 8 ateel id i . 74 Vnr. (them. . 46 W a bull lat ts . . 7k do lat ex. 4 . 74 West. Id 4. 4a . . T0 Weal. ElM c. I .147 Wta. Can. 4s .. . M Mo. Psa. 01. Is . I). A H. II A H U. 4a... do rat. 6s. Dlallllars' 4a Erie pr. I. 44 .... do co, 4s do or. 4a sar. 4 do aar. B Oen Rlactrla 4a... af (.'. Ut raf 4s. Bid. "Otters. New ros-k Cars) Market. The following quotations are furnished by tigan A Bryan, members New York Stock .104 .. 1 4a 11 .. 47 4a 77 .. 404 .. 76 ,.. 84 ... 17 ... 4 ...107 ... 78 ,..1410 ,..P . ... t ...103 ...106 ..101 ...1J4 ... 7o ::: r, ... 43 ..: t6 Evaporated Apples and Dried frails. NEW YORK, March 32. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet but firm. On the spot fancy, 13V4c; choice, 13o; prime, l2ViHfl2o, DRIED FRUITS Prunes, Inactive, but prices are firmly held on the small stocks. 8S1i240 for Callfornlas up to S0-40s; and lHB13o for Oregons from 8s to 80s. Apr! cots, quiet but firm; choice. 13c: extra choice, ISMiQ'l.l'ie; fancy, 13g!4c. Peaches, firmly held, although the demand in small; choice, 7fi7Hc: extra choice, 7448c; fancy, 8'4'tf9c. Raisins, Inactive but firm; loose muscatels, 6(fi'n,4c; choice to fancy seeded, 6Vfl7oL seedless, 4(ic; London layers, 1.40(81.46. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, March 22. DRY OOODR Market ruled quiet. A very moderate busi ness la being done on branded bleached ctVtons following the revisions. Tickings arje not to be revised at present, and other lines, aside from gray goods, are holding fairly steady, but are very quiet. Yams are easy, underwear and hosiery are seasonably quiet in primary circles. r rklladelphla Predse Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 12. TTTKR Steady; extra western creamery, 27c; extra nearby prints, 29c. ECrGS Bteady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 18c at mark; Pennsylvania and . other nearby current re ceipts, free cases, 17c at mark; western firsts, free cases. 18c at mark; western current receipts, free cases, 17c at mark. CHEESE Unchanged. Dates. 11911. 19)0.H90.!1908.19()7.ia08.ll!. 14.. I RKV10 341 I 4 461 6 H6I 6 111 4 81 16. .1 8 60V10 421 40 I 8 6l 041 4 01 73 110 3.11 8 611 4 46! 481 a Uil s 8 87 110 851 8 661 4 24! 13 111 S 8 62V4110 64! 6 6t) 4 68 1 481 I 110 61 8 441 4 631 S 10..... 3K I 6 441 4 66 8 40 6 M 6 46 10 6.1! I 4 73i 261 44 10 40 64 1 6111 6 18 IS.. I 17.. 13.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 6 01 4 S3 6 0i 6 13 5 ( Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nion Stock vards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'r's range, ample second Ne. 36 4t t J en 10.. 64.. 41.. M . 6S.. . . U.. 74.. 74.. 64.. ft. . 1.. 41.. 4;.. 73. . 41 . 4a. . ki . . 4.. ".. 40. . IV. 36.. 81.. SO.. "4. . 71.. !.. . 72.. 43. . 64.. 73.. 74.. 41.. 69. C. M. eV Missouri Vv abash Union Pacific. St. P.... Pacific. & N. V.. east... & N. W., west.. St. P. M. & O.... B. A Q, east.... B. & west.... R. 1. & P., etu,l. Illinois Central C, U. W. Ry 1 2 , 3 00 4 4 24 9 , 32 a . 4 . Total receipts.... 1!1 3 4.1 3 3 11 t 20 2 3 22 137 Omaha Packing Co.... Swltt and ("o Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Schwartx-Hole.n Co.... Schwartzchild Sl 8.... Murphy St. Clair United Dressed Beef. Stephens Bros Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. il. Bulla L. Wolf McCreary & Carey.... S. W'erthelmor II. F. Hamilton Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kans.-Calf Co. iMcConeghen Other buyers DISPOSITION. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. ..L04K .. 71)7 '.'.'"is '.. "SO .. 31 ... t)6 .. 63 .. 46 .. 116 ... 95 . . . .'U ... 129 ... 24 ... 96 ,.. 4n .. 20 ... 8J ... 2H ... 690 1.4,9 2.H64 3,4'S 1,717 140 ' 822 9t i.2a l.y 1.468 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 22. COTTON Spot closed 10 points lower; middling up lands, 14.50c: mldllng gulf. 14.76c: no aales. ST IXJl.'lr. Marcn u. iuuu.i un changed; middling. 14V4e; salea. none; re ceipts, 1.42 balea; shipments, 2,677 bales.; stock, 22.300 bales. nalatk Grala Market. rTTLUTH. March 2B WHEfAT Nn. 1 northern. SW: No. t, W-ka to 5ic; May, 7Hc; Julv. 8tSc. ' ' OATS 30c. Wool Market. ST. LOtnS. March 22 WOOTe-TTn-changed: territory and western mediums, 19u22c; fine mediums, IbVlSc; fine, lag 13c. tasar Market. NEW YORK. March 2J SUOAR Raw, firm; Muscovado. 89 test, 8 42c; centrifugal. W test. 3.92c; molasses sugar, 89 test, S.17c. Refined steady. CHICAGO 1,1 V K STOCK M4HKF7T Desnaad exchange, Omaha: Amir Tobaece ... Bar StAta Uas boat on lm Bulla Ooalltloa .. ('actus (Timo i-tH (Vms I.ia Il Fir Central air Cons IraAkllB Olroux BcluKint Ooldfiald Florence Oreana Cnsriae . lnap(ra(lm IS South Sixteenth ,.rt .. 144 ... ts .. 1 .. 1 .. 1. .. 1 ..1004 ..144 .. 8 . 86 Supaetor A Plttaburg 14 4 Twiupeh Mining 4 44 Trliillr (Ttiptw ...... 4 6 I nllad Ckjpi 14 a - k 1 . w - " . ' B'Siamia r Ojlbwaj 4 Karr Laaa , Ner. rne 14 Nanouae ., Narada- Utah 17 4 Ohio t 'opper 14 Rawhtda OtaJMIoS 81 Rar Central Iw1rt Pk. Ce 1 fraars Rnabuck Co. 4 aiwer Pirk 34 ... ... I.oadoa 8toek Market. 11NDON, March 22 American securities opened steady today. Canadian Pacific waa tlis feature or ths early iraning ana sa- bout a txilnt. 1 he rest or tne list fail audirurL and ai nooa the uu- It l,s featui a need at ntoalved I for Cattle Slow Hogs aad Hhrep Higher. CHICAOO, March 22. CATTTiE Re ceipts. 14 000 head. Market alow and week. Beeves. $5.10&.75; Texas steers. $4 40t&6 50: western steers. $4 75HA76: stockera and feeders. $4.00vV76: cows and heifers, $2.tiT 6.7S; calves. $4.7MW.2f. HOOS Receipts. 29.000 head. Msrket strong to 6c higher. I.lirht. 86 8msii7 20; mixed. KMIiLK: heavy. $6,504(41.96; rough. $6 5tij4l 70: aood to choice heavy, $s 7(Vf(4 35; plrs A.Sa'7.1R Bulk of salea. $. 75tJl 96. 8HEKP AND UMB8-Heoelots, 14 000 head. Market 10c higher. Native. $3 0irl 6 15; western. 33.2f.t 80: vearllnga. 84 7Mf $80: native lambs, $6.0ni4$ 40; western, $5.26 656. gt. Jawnk ) le Wtetrk Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 22 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.600 head; market steady: steers. $460)41.25' cows and heifers, $3 605.76; calves $3 50fl7 00. Hill IS Receipts O01bad : market. hi 10x higher; top. $6.35; bulk of sales, $6661 $70. 6HEEP AND T-AMB! No receipts; market steady: lambs, $4 50a5.50. Total 4864 ,246 ,023 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were not very large for a Wednesday, only 182 cars beliisr reuorted in. Thla leaves the total for the three daya at 14,600 head as against 17,300 head last week, and 17.900 a year ago Receipts at other points were not particu larly heavy, but still the market were nowhere reported as very strong or very active and as a result the trade at this Point opened showing: no verv areat change The market on beef steers opened with handy, light and medium weight cattle In good demand and sellers who happened to have something especially desirable thought that they secured prices a little stronger than yesterday. On the other hand, heavy cattle were at the best no more than steady. The trade was reasonably active at prevailing prlcea and the bulk ot the offerings changed hands In vety fair sea son. Uood cattle sold up as high as $6.16. Cowa and heifers were in talr demand and sold at steady to a little stronger prices than yesterday. Aa was the case with beef steers the big bulk of the cattle sold In good season. Veal calves are still considerably lower than last week and It takes something extra good to bring $7.60, Bull are also lower than last week, and pretty good fat bulls sold today at $4.75. Btockers and feeder were In fair de mand and sold generally at about steady prices, there being comparatively little cnange in eiuier direction. Uuotatlons on cattle: Onod to choice beef steers. $6 10fo(j.26; fair to good beef steers, $5.70&.10; common to fair beef steers, $4.7o&.5.70; good to choice cows and bailers, 44.itxue.oO; fair te good cows and belfers. $4.SOt&4 70; common to fair cows and belfers, $3.00(34.30; good to choice stock era and feeders, $6.U)ta4.i; fair to good Btockers and lenders. 6.uvtjr5.6v; common la fair Blockers and feeuers, 34.304jy6.uu; stocg heifers, $3.75(34.60; veai calves, $4.0C4y7.5o; bulls, stags, etc., $3.76a 4LCS. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. Ktoek la glaht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, logs Dheep. South Omaha. St. Joseph... .. Kansas City.. St. Iuis Chlcsgo ..Totals 4.6iO 1 bo 8 I "! 14 OH' 9 5"0 0iO H.mio 7 ) 2 uuO 4 HO 11 Ort 4 ! 14, .U.4U0 3.8ue $3.J0 No. 3.... t.... 8.... 10.... 7.... 4.... 11.... 31.... 44.... 14.... 11.... 1.... 1T.. 4.... 16.... 14.... II.... 16.... 14.... 12.... 28.... 16.... 14.... 18.... 10.... I.... . 8.... ... .... 4.... 8.... a.... s.... 3.... 11... 4.... 11.... 4.... 3.... 4-... I.... 8 ... I ... I ... 10.... 6.... I.... 1.... 14.... 88.... 4.... 14.... 11.... 8.... II... 7.... .... 3.... 8.... 1.... I.... 1.... 8.... 1... 1..., 1... 1.... 1... 1..., 1..., 8 ... 1!.... 6... 1... 1... 1... I.... 8.... t... 4 .. 1... At. .... 807 .... 117 .... 468 ....1091 .... 474 ....101t .... 4X4 ....ll4 ....1061 ....1074 ....111,4 ....1160 .. .1042 ....load .... 410 ....1173 Pr, 4 a 8 10 I 40 6 60 8 60 4 60 6 66 8 66 I 66 6 40 6 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 6 40 6 40 .1446 t 46 VU 11611 J 1022 1114 442 1 M0 1211 440 1024 i K0 742 4U 11H 1)10 1014 10"0 4S loss 7 1060 11(4 H....1216 6 6 I 46 6 46 I 44 I 6 46 6 74 6 74 3 88 I 4 4 40 8 6 I 70 4 40 4 26 4 80 4 46 4 46 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 4 4 45 6.. I., 13... 16... 16... 88... 40... 29... 14... 82... 17... 20... 16... 14... 16... 18... 81... 8... tl... 41... 31... 4J .. 18... 4.., 41... COWS. 18.. ... 420 ... 640 ... 744 ... 44 ... 4 ... 441 ... 114 ... 741 ... 441 ... 746 ... 741 ... 746 ... 470 ...1'UO ... 4il ... 760 ... 744 ...10-24 ...1000 ...low) ... tbO ... 4i6 ...luM ...U'O ...li0 ...1640 ...U7 ... 844 ... 43) ... 146 ... 404 ... taO ... 44 HEIFERS. 3 30 j 10. 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 It 4 40 4 46 4 46 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 40 4 40 I 00 6 04 24.. t.. 4 . 4 . II,. 4.. I.. 14.. 14.. I.. I . 17.. 1.. 18.. 24.. 10.. At. ...1118 ...1144 ...1061 . M ...lll7 ...M2 ...1170 ...1060 ...1W0 ...14o7 ...124 ...12U ...1140 ...1411 ...12.16 ...12-S ...1247 ...141.5 ...1114 ...1111 ...1151 ...1437 ...1444 ...1216 ...1176 .... 491 ...1222 ...luU ... 471 ...1'xtO ...1040 ...1167 ...nm ...1"4 ...1UW ...1014 ...1167 ...1244 ... .12110 ...1106 ....1041 .... 440 .... 40 .... in .... 42 .... 5 .... 4M .... 442 44 .... 40.4 ....1177 .... 404 ....120 .... 97 .... 730 .... 420 .... 4.45 .... 7M Pt. 8 70 I 10 6 71 6 76 6 76 6 76 6 76 6 16 I 80 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 46 6 46 I 86 6 46 6 DO 6 40 I 40 6 46 4 00 4 06 Hi 4 10 I 10 4 46 4 10 4 70 4 76 4 40 4 46 4 44 4 46 4 45 4 6 I 00 I 40 I 14 I 16 6 20 IV) 6 40 I 00 6 10 6 It I 10 6 24 6 to 6 44 6 26 4 88 I 80 I 40 I 40 4 61 6 40 4 ii 6 64 4 04 4 40 4 46 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 44 4 40 BULLS. 1.. t CALVES. ..1678 ..UN . . n:o ..1428 ..1440 ,.ll ..1140 ..14nO .. 166 4 40 4 40 4 70 4 70 4 76 4 74 4 It 4 76 4 76 4 04 4 00 I 10 I 80 I 26 6 U t t6 t 40 I 40 4 Vi 4 26 4 44 40 10.. 10.. 11.. II.. 8.. 11.. It.. II.. 79 . 6.. 16. 420 UO 130 144 tuo BTOCKERS 444 4 44 14 47 , 117 414 411 ,., r4 147 t. 6. AND 24 4 40 4. 110 84. I 10 t. 8 IS 8. 6 4 6 6 4 6 44 4.1 I 16 4M I 84 1 ((mis Karlr business In the hog yards this morning consisted of various sales of a speculative nature at levels about a nlikel higher than those of yasterdsy. Right around 10 per lent ot a moderate supply sold ta this basis, pacaera remain si.. 44.. 11. ... 141 128 1?2 176 847 160 lao U6 . 174 120 :.. 140 !4 154 FEEDFHS. 442 6 4 441 6 44 414 8 44 4 2 8 at 4x4 6 60 ll 6 40 121 6 740 I tS , 14' I a kl IM I 71 II 4 74 8 76 7 00 1 OS 7 40 1 OS T 26 7 24 1 26 1 1 64 hnnds. Alt. Kb. .131 .144 ...Stl ...U ...j;. .. .;'.'0 ...la .. sin ...S!2 1. .M ....'-4 .. 274 ...::( .. .2.: ...1M ...I'll ...in ...2li ...s:i ...:4 ...::o ...274 ...2H ...: st . . . . ... 2:14 ..:'4 ,...S17 ....f4J .. 147 ...J.'S ,...;44 ,...234 ? ... , . . -24 ....245 ....:?! .20 I 3'. 4 40 4 4 4" 4 40 4 4 1 4 40 6 4(1 4 4 1 4 In 4 40 4 40 4 414 4 42 6 4.S 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 4 ". 4 V. 4 4o 4 45 4 4;. 4 4S 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 4'. 4 45 I 45 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 45 45 4 45 4 4.S 4 44 46 4 46 4 46 Ne. U... 70... 7J... 6. ... H .. 41. .. 4". :J. V'V At. 8k .24 .?,i4 VI rt .240 ?47 ,a. . . 2AS '.U . t:i4 721 .?S1 757 ..174 . 113 ,.:7 40 N. 70.. ;o. ., 14.. 45. . .. f4. . I. 4. . 4. . 40.. 64.. 4.'.. "2.. It . II. . .. 88. . ..2.4 . .4(1 . .E . !4i ..fJK ..17 , ..: ..2 .147 ..20 ..140 ..27 .3 ..190 . . ?n ..J"7 .210 ..211 IV. I 14 t a 8 44 4 44 3 44 4 4.. 4 44 47 4 4 60 40 I 5" 8 m 6 44 t 44 t 6t I 64 I 64 6 t 64 t 50 3 5 t 4 40 t 54 I 64 4 40 4 .- 4 5.' 4 5: 4 i,4 55 " 4 45 I 14 4 65 8 55 4 6.5 t 65 4 66 t iS t 40 8 SO 8 44 gain In the scale of this morning was resulting from a supply. All kinds of offerings more or less Improvement, the SHFIEP Further sheep and lamb prhes due to ITvely demand. limited shov. ed bulk moving readily at advances of lOtfflftc. Competition centered on high-dressing stock, of course, and strictly prime ani mals sold at verv creditable premiums over the ordinary run of stuff. Mexican lambs, tha kind that went at $i!.20 yesterday and at $.Ci on last Friday. brought the letter, figure todsy. Fed lambs of western origin are quotable at $3,859 rt IS. one string with plenty of weight sell ing at the lesser price. Packers are still discriminating against heavy finish, as handy weights are the exception to the rule this season, and scarcity conditions always tend toward popularity ot shipments In volved. Variety In the sheep branch of ths trade was hardly broad enough to afford a thorough test of the advance. Choice ewes, Identical with the $4.86 ewes of yesterday, reached $4.96. Extra good wethers of hsndy or light weight would probably sell as high as 5. lows. 15. hut nothing of this de scription arrived try straight strings. Heavy yearlings are ejlslly quotable at choice wether prices anV, best lights would doubt less sell at $5.50 or better Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 8S.10tW4j.40; fair to good lambs. $.".8.Vr!!.10; handy-weight yearlings, $6 86117) 865; heavy yearlings. $ri.0n(i4.35; good to choice wethers, M.rMift.lO: fair to good 34.S.VS6.00: fair to good ewes. $4.25Tj4.66; sheep culls to feeders, $3.00(84.00. Representative salea: No. 175 western lambs 377 western ewes , 208 western lambs 40,1 western ewes ...J, 417 weetern lambs , 41 S western ewes , 99 western shorn lambs .... 400 western lambs 39 western lambs 46 western lambs 513 Mexican lambs 260 western lambs 145 western ewes 2X3 western yearlings 7S western lambs 26 western yearlings , 531 western lambs , 1W western ewes 72western wethers 139 western yearlings 191 western lamba At. Pr. , 102 5 65 . 113 4 85 , 74 . 6 75 .111 4 95 .95 $83 , 9S 4 65 ,V i0 6 35 88 $20 ,84 $00 , 85 00 , 79 ' 35 ,84 (90 ,95 4 90 ,8(1 (40 87 R 75 .80 (20 67 (65 IPS 4 70 116 ( 1$ 94 (30 .74 (00 74 1. Lonla Live Stork MaeVet. BT. LOUIS. March !2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,900 head; no -Texan. -- Market strong. Native shipping and export steers. $6.000(1 75; dressed beef and butcher steers, So.SOCad.SO; steers under 1.000 lbs., $5,7681.76; stockers and feeders, $4V)a6.75! cows arid heifers. $4.2o(f(8.25; canners, $2.8tVfa.26; bulls, $3.75(66.60; calves. $5.00a.00. Texas and In dian steers, $460(S.50; cows and heifers. $3 6135.00. HOGS Receipts 7.W0 head. Market 6c to 10c higher. Pigs and lights. $n.0o.tr7.20; pack ers. $.S0ij6.95; butchers and best heavy. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recetpts head. Market steady. Native muttons $3.7fi42S.nt); lambs, $5.7.Vti ,V; culls and $2.60(03.25; stockers, $2.0(ifig.2J. l neavy, ts, 4,100 muttons. Kaaiai CHr Live fltock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,5n0 head. Including 700 southerns; market, steady to 1V higher; dressed beef and export steers, $5.90'4i.50; fair to good, $6.36u8.85; western steers, $5.00t8'.00; stock ers and feederB, $5.0O4()6.; southern steers, $4,754x4.90; southern cows, $3,604x5.00; native rows, $3.255.35; native heifers, $4,f2J.10; bulls, $4.0OiY00; calves, 4.W.i4. HOOS Reoelpts, 11,000 head; market, to to 10c. higher; bulk of sales, $rt.G5(a.85; heavy, K HO ;. 70; packers and butchers, $&7038.So; lights. $6.8O(tr.90. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 11.000 head; market. 10c to 15c higher; lambs, $5.59 4i6.40; yearling, $5006.75; wethera, $4.8.V( 6..15; ewes, $4.25tft6.15; stockers and feeders, $3.0Oa4.6O. Iowa Neves Notes. CRESTON The A. Hoape oompany ot Omaha has. opened a new piano store here of which Oscar Anderson will be the local manager. CRESTON The senior debating teams of the local high school were suspended for three school days yesterday by Principal Rrldgea because of undignified conduct In the class room. MARSHALLTOWN-J. A. Parti of Wa tertown, 8. !., has been appointed genersl road master of the Iowa Central with head quarters In this city, to succeed M. H. Sheeley, who has resigned. EDDYV1LLK The flouring mill and two barns owned by Chris Malone of Oska loosa, with all of their contents were totally destroyed by fire here last night. The loss Is estimated at $10,0u0. Insurance, $6,000. LOGAN D. W. Lotspelch, one of the must experienced fruit growers of western Iowa, will deliver a free lecture here at the Methodist church of Logan next Sat urday afternoon to all who may be in terested In the fruit business. AL.nl A rl ne J.aira restaurant waa o stroyed by flra caused by the explosion of a can of gasoline which had been set on the coffue percolater by a waller who did not know there was a fire under the per. colater. The loss by fire amounted to $4,000. JIJKFEIKioN Burglars forced an en trance into Gamble Bros, clothing store during last night and stole a large quan tity of raincoats, traveling baga, shoes, neckwear and suit cases and men's cloth ing. The stolen merchandise was haui-d away In a wagon. There la no clue. CRESTON Headquarters for the Isbor unions of Creston have been fitted up a-i d will be made a permanent place for the meeting of all unions here. The following executive board has been appointed: p-j .it Anderson, presldonl; B. E. Shields, vice presidant; Thurman Wilson, treasurer, and E. It Seaman, secretary. IOWA CITY The strongest man . that, ever attended the University of Iowa haa , been found toDe Mark Gatlla, former law student, and- once state wide famous foot ball player, according to statistics devel oped by Gymnast inn Director rVhroeder here today. His pull with back and legs combined was 1.210 pounds. IjOGAN A Ministerial union waa organ ised hers yesterday. Rev. O. P. Sonner aas elected president. Rev. W. B. Crewd son. vice president, snd Rev. A. O. Broyles. secretary and treasurer. An effort will be made to extend the organisation to ether towns In the county with a view to per fecting a county organisation. MUSCATINE Mrs Delia Miller, living near Muscatine ana employed SS house keeper by her brothers. James aad Odis Dolan. became auddenly violently Insane and attacked her daughter. Mlas Rachel Miller, with an Iron wedge. Inflicting In juries which were thought at first would provs fatal, but the girl la now believed to be out of danger. . ELDORA J. S. Johnson, owner of a 5 skating rink, who was arrested Isst night on a serious charge filed by a young girl, following a sensational episode at the rink, alien Ihreata to lynch Johnson were made, waa arraigned for preliminary ex amination this morning. The rase wet continued and la to be takea to the grant Jury tor Investigation,