fefc. jSL-1 9l0m 1000 --La WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) FLORISTS (Continued. FLORISTS (Continued.) HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) HELP WANTED MALE W ant ads recHsed at any -nie. tm lo Insure proper ciasslfloaeloii must be prrsrnttxJ bffors) 12 o'clock iu. foi (lis evening edition and before :3U for morning and Bandar edition Want ads rceld aftejr such hours will bmw their flrrt Uaertloii under U heading -Too lts tm CUaalff CASH RATKS FOB WANT ADS. ItEGlXAR CliAJBSlFlCATION Om Insertion, 1H cnu par word wd 1 cent per word for each gubaequent In sertion. Eacb Insertion, made ojs odd H crnU pwr word. il.00 Pr lino per month. Kates apply to either The Dally or Sunday lie. Alwajrg count als wordj to a Una. Want ada for The He may be left a ny of the following drug stores on Is year "corner druggist" they re all branch office for Xl Be and four ad will be Inserted Just promptly and on tba same rates aa at the main oftlcs) lit The Ilea budding, etenteetti and Farnani street. Aibach, W. C. eOth and F areata. Baum Drue Co., Jfill N. 1Mb St. Beranek, S. A. leu South 16th St.. Benson Pharmacy, bauson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy, K4 and Cumin. Blaks-Bradisli, nil Snsrmsa Ava. Clifton Hill Pharrcao Kit Military Aa Csughlla, C. K., ill ahd Flare Bta Crisaey Pharmacy, 24tb and Lake Sta, Cooney Pharmacy, ItiS South 16th 8k Cennsk. fcnill. bouih Itlh Bt. Lbler, P. H., 8WJ Leavenworth St. Foetsr m Arnold!, 211 VorXh Kth St. trey tag, J. J., North 84th Bt. Fregger Drug Co.. 1808 North lth 8k Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nsb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Avs. and Paclflo. Ureenough. Q. A., 106 Sot th 10th St. Ureenougb, U. A., l(Hh ind Hickory Bta Golden Pharmacy, Mth and Leavsnwortu. Way den, William, Farnam Sk Hioncom Park Pbarmany, ttul 8. Wth Ava Hlmerlong irug Co., Hat Ava and ax bam st. Hoist, John, e?4 North Mth St Huff. A. L., 2844 Lea van worth St Johanson Urns Co., tth and Spauldlng. Kin?, IL. 8., UX Farnaiu Hk kountaa Placs Pharmauy, 8804 N. Mia Bt Mares, Fred U, Mil Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 102 N. Mth Sk Peyton Pharmacy. 7Js South 16th St Saratoga Drugs Co.. Mth and Ames Ava bchaeter'g Cut Price Drug cHoia. Uth and Chicago Sis Scliaefer. August M1 North 16th Bt Schmidt, J. ll., Mth and Cumins Sta. Walnut Hill Phai maoy, 0ta and Cuming. DEATHS AND WNERAL NOTICES. PASSED ON" Johnson, Georgletts, aged 86 years, Corby street, slater of Or. George U Miller. Funeral notice later. L.ODUM nUTICK. A. O. V. W. North Omaha lodge No. 150 are requested to attend the tuneral of Jbrother o. C. pHli-isun at i.M p. m. 1 ue ay troni realdrnre. tout Seward street. Services will be st Norwegian and 9wedih church at i:30 at '1'wenty-nixtli and Hamll 'ton atresia, f. J. MI1JKK, Master Work man; K. M. M't'l'L-liOlJOM, Kecorder. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,; embalmiira. ltflt Chicago Sk D. lib. U-looa. DUFFT VOLAND. undertakers. T. 17. MRS, CHARLES C. HUNG ATE, china tiring. 170 Brandels BIdg, Tel. Web. 6916. DRUGS at cut pticea. freight paid on all $10 orders. Catalogues free. Sherman A XtcConneil Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. MASONRY oont'r; repairs. Healy, W.-1241. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 44. OUS' NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest in Omaha. Modern and sanitary. 10th Floor Oioaha Nat' I Bank BIdg. ED ROTILERY splits No. t fuTi iuu ixj tuiuv x . of ,tquor, and cigars. Cafs In connection. Ill b. nth bk alAOUAUD Van Ml Storage. Pack, move, ator and ablp H. Ik goods. D. 140. U-ttat. Filters, flltor repairs. U10 Howard. D. SSI JOHN CANE. 1101 8. th Ava, trims your trees and grapevmea H. ;04; A-&H9. a. U. Cole Sign Co.. D. 37m. luTparnam. EAT KOSHER HOMEJ COOKING. ARKINS. tit ISTH. T7PSTAIRS. Clil-NAMEL Display Paint talk A color card free. Saratoga Drug Co., Itth A Ames TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sta.. South Omaha HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 11 Bea BIdg. MONEY 1 TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums te suit. 110 lies BIdg. UNION LOAN CO. AJttUiCO V1U IiatS material furnished new ed: hats, feathers and flowrrs cleaned snd dyed. Miss Pepper, I4 S. 2th St.. II. 'SJn. J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photogrih ; pictures enlarged. Htudlo, 21ti S. U.tu ft DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, baths, 107 8. 14th Sanitary; for ladles or geallemen. Alwavs open. 1LER GRAND HOTEL 3111 L-ilsh llllik Finest In the west WANTED Te contract for steam break ing in Raw I aa. Cheyenne, fherman. Thomas ctiuntlre Kanaaa. per acre. U. E. Smith, Karl in. lows Fence ? Iron and Wire. Chsmplon lth and Jackson Douglas 15Si. nice Co. Sts. Tel. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wit fences cheaper than wood; lart a lifetime. X'i N. 17th. 1'bune Red 814. GET MY pries for carpenter or repair Wurk. 1. CHRISTEN SEN, Web. S371. CURTAINS CLEANED Best of rar, 6 years' experience. Pbon Tyler U3L K. T. Faraswortb. Att'y. 41) Be BIdg. U. f. VYL'KN. optician. Brandels BIdg. Piano teacher desirea pupils: Leschetlsky method; memory work. Douglas i. Charles S. McConnell, imhilo sreountsnt. tit Oni Nat. Bk. BIdg. Phone Doug. $14. Xli'Vr :l'crle Il"oe. Music Boxes, Pea nut and Aiiilnic Macliines. Cssh Mrti'.ll inert "r i'synunis. Omaha Auto umtB uaUl. Xrn(i,ng si,rhme Co, $124 I-avenaonh.. Tel. Harney 243. A-243J. y lot hate anything to u1ld or repair. FOR SALE small liquor business Cen lel me knuw i gu-e u ) fiuurn snd I not get slong allh my partners Write me S...-1 ur. Tel. Uel'.ier si. a, or call JilS i C. J. Tuttle, 131a East 2yih i , KansasClt i arker au . I n DKRBV WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 103 S. 16th St. Vacuum Cleaners frebW E5ES TO do some outalde grav Iron casting work. Our casting ars made of No. 1 pig Iron and ars perfectly emooth. Try ua Howard Stovs Works, Ralston. Bell phone, Ralston &. STENOGRAPHER. 040 Be BIdg. D. M07. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Doug. 47oO. Ind. A-3821. 1601 Farnam St Stencil outfits; 6 styles; picture framing St moderate prices; giant, wall paper. WB CAHRT A FULL. LINE OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS. BRASS POLISH, LIQUID VENEER AND ALL. BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. ANNOUNCEMENTS of th fact that Farrcll's syrup Is delicious snd Is given awav by The Bee. If Charles Franken bertcer, 1M0 Blnney St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c can of this syrup. ASII PITS EVERTBODT In Omaha has been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm here to do ths work with any artificial brick, atone or concrete. Henry He. brick and cement contractor. Douglas SOik. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HUAT1NQ. REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackson St. D. 1477. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a poat, "TEAR your top, And bring It to the bel place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sta AUTOMOBILE tires at low prices. Fin quality castings, heavily constructed of bent material which gives greatest wear ing quality. Made by large independent rubber company. Hundreds of autolsts use them continually and reoommend them highly. Lower your tire expense by using our goods. Either Clincher, CJ. D. Clincher or Dunlop. 2x3, $11. SO; aii3, $12.35; 3ux3V, $10.00; 323. $17.20; 34x3H. $17.76; 110x4, $20.&; 81x4. $::1.6o; H2x4, K2.70; 33x4, $24.60; S4x4. $25.80; ix4, $27.10; 34x4 '4, $30.20; 3Sx44, $31.60; 36x6, $36.10. Fine tubes 10 per cent lens than standard list. Shipments C. O. D., allowing examination. 6 per cent discount If cash accompanies order. Accessories at lowest prices. Catalogue upon, request The Ueyer Sales Co., Dayton. O. CAMERON Auto RP'r and Oarage t-'AJd.l-a.VUA Co. Reaaonahl chargea Personal attention given. 601 80. Utb. Doug. 6211. Trucks and autos stored. s WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckaon Auto, Co., Omaha. Matoreycles. Writft 'or "Bt ' usa motorcycles. W carry a full line of motorcycle parts. NKliRASKA CYCLE CO- INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. Good condition. $. 220 8. 14th, upstairs. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call a GANGEoTAD. 0i Be BIdg. Tel. D. 347. THE opportunity will end soon to get Farrell's syrup free st Th Be. It's delicious. Too good to miss. Ask your grocer. If F. R. Pratt. Emmet St will bring this ad to Th Bee and identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c can of this fin syrup. in our money will be guaranteed f sale houses of Omaha H. D. v Twombly, 220 Board of Tnd. A FEW hundred dollars more needed to complete capital stock of company being organized to engage In legitimate and profitable business; saf lnvatmnk A aa. bee. BACK TO THE FARM. You may not have money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy an Interest In one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. Let me tell you about it W. (141. Be EVERYONE wants his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. Th live ones keep O'Brien's candy. If N. F. Harrlman. 106 80. fcith St., will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify him self within three days he will receive an order for a 60c box of this candy. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise; invoice $,0W; liberal discount for cash for the next twenty days. Address Y 122, car Omaha Bee. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO.. BRANDEIS BLDO. BOARDING HOUSE, WELL IiOCATED. 10 RiKJMH. HIGH-CLASS PEOPLE; AL WAYS FIIJ,ED: FURNITURE, INCLUD ING PIANO. $700. G 'st. Be. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker; town 4,0ua Address Lock Box i5. Carroll, la. 1 shares of stock for sale in the Na tional Fidelity & Casualty Company of Omaha. W. H. Gates 644 New Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. Phone Douglas 1294. FIRST clsss restaurant, best location In town, doing good bualness; long leas A IT6. Bee. POOL hall. 4 pool. 1 billiard tablea, all I nruD.wiit, iu guoo country town In east ern Neb.; population 6.&tu; good bargain It taken by March 26. Y 114, Be. KOIt RALE Only garage In city of 7.000 people located central of Nebraska; loca tion and automobile territory very guod. Rrasun for leaving, have other interests to look, after. Address Y 104 car Bea FOR SALE Cracker jack variety stors la good county seat town, 1.000 people. Ad dress Y 106. cars Bea TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good locatloa, 16th and Dorcas. PA RITES having money to loan or In vest, houses lo rent or sell will do well to see The Oakrldge Inv. Co.. Real Eatate. Loans or Insurance. 611 Paxton Bk. CASADY ,Co K,al Loss and 'naurance. Llat your prop erty for sal or rent. Quick returns. vv. Corner i;n and Ixiuguu. Tel. Doug. l&Ji. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SAtR Prug store In good Neb. town, doing I12.UUU yearly busineaa. Address Y lit, care B- FOR SArF Butcher shop, fine location, in city of 10,000; moderate amount of cash will handle it. Gillette Bros., Fremont, Neb. $5.v business property lis Paris, Illinois, ' block from car line snd In th business section of the city; will take aute as part payment, balance cash and time. Dr. Jones, 410-12 Brandels Theater building. . . , ( FOR SALE Drug stock, $2.O0; rent $36 for store and living rooms; annual cash sales, $7,000 only stock In small town. Ad dress Y 108, Omaha Bee. EVERY up-to-date grocer sells Updike' Pride of Omaha flour. If .lrio. H ... . Benson, will bring this sd to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an or der for a 12-pound ssck of this flour. Room I a a Heases Fer Bale. 7-ROOM modern flnt. newly furnished; wslklng distance; possession April 1. P. Biz, Hee. I A 7-ROOM modern flat Is to bs sold, where Farrell's pure syrup Is eaten on pancakes. Your grocer knows. If Mrs. R. Wledmer. 4116 No. 24th, will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify her. self she will receive an order for a 60c can of this fine syrup CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hslr goods. City Natl. Bk. D. 2S8J. DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St. Doualas S40I. DANCING Misses Simpson A Coll. W. X4S1, W. 630. MORA NO'S lfith and Harnev. Doug z94. DENTISTS P'M,FY t ii h. 3d flonr. Pn"tr.n r toss DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency Inc., bonded, 42J-9 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1819; Ind. A-131 CAPT. T. CORMACK. .T KARBACH Blk. THERE is everything In finding out where the best Is. If H. Harris, Benson, will bring this ad to The Bee within three dsys and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c box of O'Brien's fine csndy. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster I71S. First-class Dressmaking, 2616 Dewey Ave. COMPETENT DRESSMAKING: satlsfao Uon guaranteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. First class tailoring & dressmkg. 181$ Dodge W ANTED Dressmaker bv the day ; only first class worker need apply. 628V4 8. 26th A vs. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sesslona Students admitted any time. Busineaa Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. Th cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boyles. Presi dent, Omaha. Neb. FLORISTS Buy Your Seeds for Planting Now Spring is here. It is now time to stir the soil, plant the seeds. Don't wait, if you want to be among the first to have a good garden. Our seed's are fresh and are strictly reliable. Thcv sun shine will make them grow. Call or write us and we will attend to your wants promptly. The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb. Now is Time to Plant Fruit Trees and Flowers Spring is here. If you expect t get an early start this year, buy your stock now. We have exceptional plants arid shrubs ready to ship. Our rosea are fine, having gone through winter with steady growth, they should be just right .to early spring beds. We have twelve sorts, all hardy, white, pink, red, dark red. Our Orchard is Choice We have spent marry years in bringing it to perfection and have made our stock up of only sach trees as are adapted to this section of the country. Our stock consists of hardy plants. Apple, Crab, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Pears, Peach, Grape, Currant, Raspberry, Strawberry. When you plant these you do not plant culls. Ornamental Trees and Hedges We have brought our or namental and hedge plants up to the highest possible standard. Our Catalpa, Bun zein or Umbrella Trees are hardy and do well in every section around us. The kind that we are shipping now are 6 to 8 feet high and do well. The Anthony Water er, our popular hedging, produces two crops of pret ty flowers every season. If you have not had our catalogue write us. HARRISON NURSERY CO. York, Neb. "One of the Oldest Nurseries In the State. Order Your Trees and Plants Now Her are soma tUKRestlong for spring planting: Apples, cherries, ppars, peaches, currants, noose berries, grapes, eto. Ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, rosea, sto. Theae will delivered during the proper planting season. Telephone or write today. If you are undecided about what to plant, aak for our complete catalogue. It will help you. Fresh home-grown stock. Highest quality at lowest possible prices. F, W. MENERAY Crescent Nursery Co Phones: Bell. S72; Ind., (18. 1101-8147 Avenue A. Council Bluffs. KOT7POT.K" Nursery. Norfolk, Neb.. iNUitrUljlV uardy " north. ' grown Tatalpa and Speolosa trees. I lo I feet. Extra fine, hardy and prolific. Roses ready to ship. Write us now. Bennett s Flower Dept. Bast entranea U Henderson, 1E1 Farnam. Douglas 1311 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas SOW. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DON AO HUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001 BRANDEIS cut Flower dept.; new stors. PRETTY flowers snd Farrell's syrup. Where the first grow, the latter Is con sumed. If John P. Davis. SSI So. 8th St., Council Bluffs, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c can of this delicious syrup. Flowers and Shrubs. C. S. HARRISON S select nursery, Tork, Neb., offers home grown fruit, shade, hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue ready. FOR EASTER WALL We P'spared to fill orders for the latest and best paper at ths best price. PAPER IjCt us estimate for you. Rose Wall Paper Co., Fara. F. ASTRT? Sul, mad8 to order on short UiiOluivnoUce Urbana Apartments. Mrs. Lawrence. Phone Harney 3634. EUFFNER TAIIRIBNOMtPAN1f' Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 1714 Deavenwerth. Get our pian. Nut said. MRS. M. T. IRWIN, I4 Brandels theater. China decorating and tiring. Easter cards EASTER Farrell's syrup may be eaten the year round BATABL.fc.ri. if Mrs. Mary Kruger, 807 R St., South Omaha, will bring this sd to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she will receive an order for a &oc can of this fine syrup. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-7&0 a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, 623 N. 16th at. SOL a. OOLDSTROM, liquor dealer South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send for pries list. Max Morris w e"rtl'5"ow t,Jlor. makes ladles and fen tl em en's suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk lX)WNEY5'8JrMiiJJNBiiT. 1618 N. Mth st. Doug;. 7bW, Harry Martin. Tailor, 607H Paston block? DON T throw away your old feathers bring thera to us; we will willow them Into wlliow plumes. Ws also stesm and curl willow plumes. 76c up. Pearl Plums Co room 1. Paxton Blk. ' PURE n1 tardea seeds. Tounk- srman seed Co., Co. Bluffs, la Adellght hair food grows hair; aee Mma Frayer. Megeath Slat y Co.. 16th Farnam LADlEri' old hats made over; new ma terial furnished; hats, feathera and flow ers cleaned snd dyed. Miss Pepper. 614 So. Kth St., H SWb. VV ' DO I GET THEM. 00 mors subscriptions to ths Ladles' Horns Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns 83,000 for some chsrlty to be de cided by my subscribers. 1 do not handle the money, but the Interest will Insure an Income of 810 a month tor life. Do 1 get your renewals. Price 1.6u each. I rgent GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. J. KNOX O'NEILL A rtl at and photog raphy; plcturss enlarged. Studio, 316 a 16th Bt. TAILOR-MADE and dress hsts. 22-60 to 86.00. Crosatown Millinery, 2420 Cuming St. Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all arses snd styles. The ideal Pleating Co.. 2u0 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, 2715 Dewey Ave. A AfTT V Lluuor House, full i 1 - BIId pure goods, our measure motto. Eral! Hansen, Prop., 1321 Chicago Ht. I REWILLOW old ostrich feathers, take orders for all kinds of plumes, millinery work. Prices reasonabla Mrs G. Phlfer. 2il St Mary's Ave. Doug. UN. HELP WANTED FEMALE Asraats and anlaswaaasa. LADY demonstrator to corns fa Califor nia and take charge of demonstrators for Hue of toilet preparations; give age. ex perience snd salary wanted first letter. Russell t o., Monrovl lussell Co., Monrovia. Cat- I WANTED-Several nf.dd!. sged lady I paid; call afternoon, too Dodge. Vattsrr and Trades. QIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenheltn Parlors. 884 84 City Nat'l Bank. D. 23ui. GIRLS to press skirts; good aagss; stead work. 8v7 LaavaaworUL Housekeepers and Domestics. NICE girl to ssslst In housework; good wsges. Cass St. A ;oOD girl fnr genrrsl housework; family of three. 4"X)S Harney. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 624 3d tit. Coumll Bluffs. Iowa EXPERIENCED girl for genersl house work; small family with or without wssh Ing. 1310 So. 26th St. m WANTED Ulrl for general housework; fsmlly of three. Call Harney 613. WANTED-A cook. Harney 3773. Mr A. Li. Reed, WANTED Oood washwoman; three In family. Address C f2, Uee. W ANTEI-Cook st the Jennie Edmund son Memorial Hospital, Council Bluffs. W A NTKD Good cook, excellent wages, apply to .Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. 1308 I'nrk Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call at 21, Rolland Apts., mth and Yates. WANTED-A good girl at the Methodist hospital, 3i;th and Cuming Sts. WANTED An experienced caretaker at the Creche, 1824 Harney St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1122 S. 30th St. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; references. 601 8. 38th UN WANTED Girl for general housework; references H. Gross. 601 8. S2d St. WANi'ED-A competent girl for genersl housework; small family; good wages. IU p. win WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. Tin Spalding fit. WANTED An experienced girl for gen ersl housework; small family, fell a. 14 tb St. WANTED A white girl housework. 1706 lake Ht. for general WANTED An experlenoed girl for gen eral housework. 813 8. 2otn St. WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. bVi Central Ave., Fort Dodge. C. H. Adams. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. 3&ti0 wool worm Ave. Mrs. Jir. VVesrne. WANTED A neat girl for general house work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 1648 N. Uth St. WANTED A competent girl to assist with housework. 6 S. 9th St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. 8532 Harney St. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 120 S. 87th St WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. 231 Grant St. WANTED A competent girl for house work. 1218 N. 26th St., South Omaha. WANTED Toting girl to work In candy store and restaurant combined. Lock Bog 24, Kennard. Neb WANTED A girl tor general bouse work; four In family. 1316 Miami. WANTED A young girl for gensral housework. 824 N. 36th UN WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 6 IS Bo. 22d St. WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 4128 I sard St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport St. WA.NTED An experienced girl for gen ersl housework; one who can cook. 3884 8. tld St. WANTED A girl for gensral housework. Adolph Paulson, Bsnnlngton, Nsbraaka. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1027 Chicago St. M laecllastaa aa. TOTJNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ars Invited to visit the Touag Women's Christian association building at fit. Mary's Avs. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Unloo station. WANTED Ladles to learn ths now Her mann permanent hair wave. A process that transforms straight hair Into naturally wavy; affected only by time; we teach the work; grant license; Include Instru ment and enable one to make more money than any other work within woman's realm; we will give our regular course of hair dressing free to all permanent wave students this month. We also teach mani curing; facial massage; chiropody, and electrolysis by our own method. Catalogue mstl'd free. Moler College, Chicago, 111. LADIES can make from 88 to 810 a week; experience unnecessary ; I furnish every thing. Address E. M. Eddy, Omaha. Neb. WANTED At once, middle aged lady of neat appearance, as housekeeper, to leave cltv; will pay big wagea to right party; for particulars sea H. H. Hall, 118 N. 18th St. Room 2. HELP WANTED MALE I WANT a few good live men In Ne braska to help me sell my South Dakota land. If you are a live one and can get the business write me st once. If not, no use to waste my time and yours. Charles L. KaKin. Blunt. 8. D. WANTED In your city, first claaa sales man by a reliable corporation. Position permanent. A. Li Schmidt, 1301 Syndicate Trust BIdg., St. l-ouls. Mo. WE WANT ( good solicitors for our city sales department; good opening to men that can make good. Call at once. Mid west Painters' Supply Co., N. W. Corner ltb and Webster Sts. SPECIAL AGENTS IX Pk.lt CENT profit fur you; 300 per rent saving to customers;, no competition; nothing like it on the market. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 781 Brandels Theater Bidg. AGENTS for oil lots; fast selling propo sition; famous Toysh valley. Texas, oil fields; extra commissions ; write today for axency contract Texas Oil Land Agency, Box 168. Fort Worth. Texas AGENTS 8.A0 par week selling our wonderful lock stitch sewing awl. Over j;0, 'fe,,,? JLm? Mfg. Co., Dlv 2, Dayton. O. WB WANT sn experienced furniture man to represent us In northern Nebraska Will pay salsry to a live, experienced man Nona other need Apply. Address Y- -Contlnaed. WANTED -Agrrts In every town; sells on slKht; big commission; write todsv, Bartlett Supply Co.. Itrown Hlk, Omaha KOI R men. four Indies to work In and out of city. Salary Ji:' and lli per seek. Call st 1HI Farnam. Clerical and Office. THE erest V. P. R R. guarantees yon a telegraph poMtlnn aftt-r training; practice on railroad wires Address for particular II B. Boyles. Pies. U. P. Telegraphy Kchool, Unialia, Neb. WANTED-Man for rental department In one of the larpc real estate offices. Must have some experience and be strictly tem perate. Address ( SH3, Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs Knlest. Bee Wdg. AL'TO top trimmers wanted. B. Re.vnolds Mfg. Co., 713 So. ISth St. W. W ANTE D-Kxpetlenced srchllscttiral draftsman. A. H. Dyer Co., Fremont, Neb. WANTED First class dye man. able to dye colors to match. Must be temperate snd sober. Steady position; state refer ences and salary. Humphrey's I've Works, Sioux City, la. Mlaeellansaae. WANTED Men to learn ths bsrbsr trade. Oood money made. Resldea good salary the commission and tips amounts to more than most men earn. We teach how to give service that commends ex tra fees. Our term Is short snd thor oughly practical. We share free, saving years of apprenticeship. Facial massage, scalp massage, steam and tonics now adds to the barbers Income. Oood help hard to pet. Positions waiting. We have 3.1 schools all loading cities. Established VM. Cata logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th street. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 194-E, Rochester. N Y. O Il MONTHLY AUTOINg"" - O. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha, Neb. ' w' LARGEST AND BEST. WRITS YOU ARE WANTED for government position. 8X0.00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 181 E, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED At once men to clean brick st Leavltt sugar factory. Address J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. WANTED An experienced hat msn to work In ons of the best retail olothlng stores In Iowa. Address, giving full par-, tlculars In first latter, Lock Box 711, Sioux City. la. YOUNG man to learn drug business. A. Plel, lfith and Farnam. W. NATIONAL Employment Agency. Best of help furnished. Good positions given. 2708 Farnsm. WANTED Retail clothing sslesman: an all around salesman and stockkeeper; want an experienced man; state references, age and give full particulars In first letter. Sam Goldherg. Nebraska City, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Bereee and Vehicle. nORSES AT AUCTION At our regular suction sals Tuesday and Wednesday, March 81 and 22, ws will hava about 600 horses and mules of all clssses, from ths choicest drafters, drivers, brood mares, etc., to the very cheap kind for sll work. A horse for everybody, no mstter how good or how cheap, you can find It at this sale. All strictly just country horses. Ws sell out every week and have no sisJe horses on hand. Everything sold undsr full guarantee and must be aa repress n ted. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday. March 21. SO. OMAHA HORSE AND MTTLB CO. INC., UNION STOCK YARD 8, SOUTH . OMAHA. HOKSh:, wagon and narnesa Webster 1V:. SHETLAND pony and busg-y; pony safe and fearless, but plenty of go. Address P 871, Bee. ALFALFA HAT, Wagner, 801 Jf. 18th. WB buy and sell sll kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 40S. AUCTION SALE of over 600 horses and mules. Gallup's regular auotlon sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday, March 23. Among this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teama or farm chunks; also about 80 head of second-hand city horses, moat of them a little pavement sore; they sell cheap snd make useful horses to take out on ths farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. I. C. GALLUP. BARGAIN Second hsnd station wagon (closed carriage), two-seated open wagon, open buggy, single and double harneeaee. Address y-131. Bee. FOR SALE-Cheep. ten head of horses. Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel, 13th and Douglaa. WE WANT TO BUY eight good driving horses, slso ten good work horses. P.lue Barn, rear Millard Hotel, 13th and Doug laa. HORSE, buggy and wagon Phone Webster 741. for sal a SIX-YEAR-OLD mare snd buggy snd Harness. Webster 135 LOST AND FOUND FOUND The theater In which to spend an enjoyable evening. If Mrs. Oloe, .17 Marcy 8t . will bring this ad to The Bee within three days snd Identify herself she will receive sn order for two seats to the American theater. FOUND Tha Teddy Bear expert clean. era and dyers. A-'Alb; D. 34i,i. LOST Blsck llnx on South Omaha or Albright car or Laurel Hill cemetery; re ward. 3310 Cass. Harney 2172. MEDICAL mn snedtcal and earglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th snd Davea sort Sts.; special attention paid te confines Soent cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas llJ. Leila answered day and night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best rem edy for Itching. bleeding or piotudlug PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free Sher man McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha MONEY TO LOAN BALAHV AND CHATTtCLg N0THIN0"bUT MONET. That Is All We Loan. Could you use 86 or U) to a good advan tage ' If ao. come to us, don t go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, piaaos or teams without removal, small and easy payments eoc Is the weekly payment oa a l:5 loan and 81 20 Is the weekly payment en a 'M loan for M weeks. Other amounts In the sains proportion. Write or phone us snd we will call on you at oaoa. Ail business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Boom 12 Arlington Blk , UUH Dodge St. raaaaai tuiad sSsi, U4saa4sa, A, hmt. Agents and ollfllora 1 A -VT r