Till; HKK: OMAHA, ILhSUAl. MAKLli 21, Hill. 10 REAL ESTATE KltH AMI RANCH LAU FOB Ml" lovea naltnard. SOME iSaIvGAI'N'S 0 ars. !M In cultivation, balance In limlwr. tlond Kiherta peach orchard, "4 trees: Rood sppl on hard. JoniOian and S in tap: now In bearing;. A lair a good family orchard of peaches, spples and rherrip. (jood huuw, bain, outbuildings, rlstern- and sond drilled well and pond. Ih i la i olndld fruit and dairy prt.poal Hon. a HI lea tram Koshkonoug, par acta. Another tll acre, 5i miles from Knshkonnng. Si a. -res In cultivation, house, barn and good clptern; a few fruit tree. Splendid lartncmalp wtil In linn caa net rood water in la IS feet, tiood frui. and agricultural proposition. o per acre. f Another 124 arie. 5 mile from Koshknnong. light In tho gieat fruit district, fr acres In cul llvotton: family orchard of peaches, appiea, (ears anil cueine. alau plum orcii.tnl. House, tarn and other .outbuildings. Mal ance not In cultivation, but Id vary good timber, 2) per acre. J. COCKBUKN &S0N, :;i 15 1 Manhattan Bids;. Dea Moine.a. FOK BALE OR FXCHA.VOE-FIn in ter farm in Pocahontas county, Iowa. 1 rnlloe, from town. This Is a flrst-cla.-s larm. all tiled; ha good Improvement Fries, $110 per acre; mortgage ls,0n0. $ or 10 ears' time; will take $t,uoi in gm-d. clear property and $n.oii In cash on I Ins farm our property must actually be worth the money, or no use to monkey with It Tlila is the cash price on the farm. It la no old Hading farm, ao ih property you offer must be gilt-edge. We don't handle any thing but first-class deals, and this ia one of them. Submit your proposition. Wood ard Lind Company, Uowrie. la. A SNAP Only drug ator In a dry town (after July 1) of 600; reason, sickness: stock about ti.K: will pay for Itself first year; must b cash. C. &. Moody, Ionia. la. MONET-MAKING, summer resort ho le), with acres of ground; hotel alone cost over $100,000; very finely furnished and jr. clear, Iiakota land preferred. - Finely Improved Mexico rubber and cof fee plantation, valued at $M),000; clear and 4 pays aivioenas on ejw.ww; guou property wanted. Box 664, Wlmerset. la. APPLE-orchards and poti'try farina, not far from lea Molnea, near Colfax inter urban. William Case beer. AKoona, la. WELL. Improved farm of 210 acre In Lyon county, Kan. Six miles from Ad mire. Will aell cheap If taken by March 29, Add reus Lock Box 364, Uregory. 6. U.- WHT GO TO THia DRT BELT when you can buy Just as cheap where we have plenty of rain J 320 A., 1 mil from a town of ttuO. only 16 miles from Sallna; nearry all good plow land, part good alfalfa land: all fenced and well and mill; fin location. Prlcu. $24 per A. The Central Kansas Real Kstai Co.. Sallna. Kan. THE farmer's or Investor's opirtumty. S2A acres level Stanton county, Kan., land, well located, $10 per acre; $5 per acre down, balance In semi-annual payments ot $1 per acre; Interest, i per cent. Clias. K. Hoffman, Syracuse, Kan. KANSAS farm ranch, 1,800 i-vem; 400 acres In cultivation; good pastJ"-: all un der fence and cross-fence: mem. rn ll-room house; first-class Improvements; running water and timber; eater power. Investi gate about this farm. 40 Hall 13ldg , Kan sas City, Uo. FOR BALE 160 aeres wheat, com or alfalfa land in Harper county, Kansas, halt mile from town; if aold soon, $4.uuo. Hugh Conner, Hutchinson, Kan. TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. 160 acres, Harvey county, i miles to town; well Improved; house, barn, orchard, fenced, etc.; 100 acres In cultivation; all tillable; V'.iM. 160 acres, Reno county; all tillable; fenced; 75 acrea In cultivation; 4 mllea to town. Price, $i.M0, Charles Peterson. Hutchison. Kan. ' BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME. RtlCD, U 1 Ill "WW V. W Bill. UU.UUI'UlllS, well and windmill; 1,'tO acres cultivated; 50 acrea In wneat; fenced; smooth, rich soil, all tillable. Pries, $26 per acre; terms. Landgraf fc Darby, Garden City, Kan. ONE-TENTH CASH. BALANCE UABT. Fine lots la Plains, lll.w to $60; most rapid growth, population should double In a year; elecurio light, telephones, modern Improvements: main Una railway; get In on ground floor and profit In advance; aend Tor plat, jonn w. uufoou, i-iains. Kas. atiamaeotat. FOR MAPS AND VALUABLE INFOR MATION LM REGARD TO NORTHWEST- KRN MINNESOTA LAND. "THE LAND THAT GROWS FLAX," WHITE TO KENNEDY LAND. LOAN AND Kb. ALT 1 CO., KENNEDY, MINN. TWO SNAPS. 400 at tea land on mile from depot at fit. James, Watonwan, county, Minn. Good buildings. Can all be cultivated. Will take 120 acres North Dakota land at right value, (I tsUu cash; balance long time at C per cent ITt per acre. For Kale 114 acres1 all under cultivation cn mile from city .imlta of St. Peter, VUnn., ra buildings. M per acre. MOREHAKT sV ATCHISON. Mankato. Minn. IN Minnesota they grow wheat. In Omaha they niak flour Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If J. F. Mclxne. Florence. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an ordor lor a 13-pouna sack ot this Hour ISLE Harbor farm for sale. A 700 acre stock farm located Vk mile from town on south shore of Mills Lacs lake, Mills Laos county, Minnesota. In the land ot the big red clover. Also 1.2 acres unimproved limber and meadow land. Writ Dr. Jfi. 1.. Hawes, Mankato, Minn. BIOGEUT - bargain In Minnesota. 16 seres, cultivated; ail lanced; good build ings. Had river valley, near Crookston miied, only $6,MQ, with 10 cows. Konkle, owner. Lumber Exuuangs. Minneapolis. Minn IN Minnesota they grow wheat. In Omaha they make flour I'pdlke's Pride of Omsha flour. If Mrs. Anna Kaufftman. ux So 16th St., will bring this ad tOTh Bee within three days and Identify her self she will receive an order tor a twelve- pound sack of tuts (lour. Bl'aiNEPS men ot Ulendlv. Mont., hat- orsamxeo. ior ins purpose or giving re liable inrormation concerning ianda In eastern Montana. The member of the tiDderalgned company have resided in (astern Montana tor SO years and mote ana Know every loot or us lands. They are merchants and business men who want aettlera and your trade and cannot afford to mislead. Notwithstanding last years aroum uooiinft was one of the fe stales mat raued ordinary crops Iri Una Have several thousand acrea fur sale at reaaonaoie prices. Homestead located. "thi u. uiii v-ity una company, MluaarL COLONIZATION ru-onoaltion: M.POn r.. beat colonisation rropcultlon In south MIs- eourl, 1 nines to isilroad. I.40u-acra Im I roved stock ranch, all under fence; other tracts, vtru ior price, a. b. w hillock. mrou arse, mo. -40 ACRES. tl.UO. :0 a, IHuilM Co , Mo., to a. consider- aoie vaney lanu. cultivated, IM acres iiui ber; good spring water, some orchard, t- lYhtni houae, lars new frame barn, other out building. Terms. Write for lists, Halley 4. spuriock.. Ail. aio. IF ONE wishes an enjoyable evening g in the American theater, if Charles H Thotcher, Howard Bt., alll bring thl ad to the Bee within three daya , Identify - himself he will receive an order lor two Beat to to American theater w a . rarg e room house, large tiara texa IM a. adjoining the above, 4-room hous. new barn luH. Will Mil together r earai. iw a. near Auiviiie, lai g nous n oarn. a mwi couoirv home I nee llos per acre; eah or term. W alter l. lane. Higginsviu. sso. FOR SALE 1 a art 4 mile from Leo anon, on putllo road; lie good; so in cul tttktian; rest timber; fair improvement, o .J well and apriug; fenced and croee fenced: orcnard; ttear at hool on pubu road. R. r. I. ana telephone; prlc -a pr ere. jr. K- Cari. Lebaaoa. Mo. FOR CALK luo-acr (took and grala farm. ie In suluvatlon; suO acrea valley and buiioin land; all rich oil. Tw iis ot Improvements; $ts per acre; es terma Lars' list of Improved farms i twrnty counties, southern Missouri, tut! ttcalty Co., Cuiug u, fconsgfield. Ma REAL ESTATE MltM Al KAMI II kA.tU FOR IAI.E , Mliaiiirl ontlnaeil.' HOWKI.I. ' ' , Mo. farms and ranches, cheap. Iti an!t tile, koshunong. Kiherta lea h land and orchards. Ask for Ho lii. Weft I'lalns. Mo, list. .Vebraaka. FOR SALE VALUABLE LAND Tin- sale, xl acres fine twin land, five miles mint l.'rrston. Neb.; good Improve ment and well farmed, all of section 24 In township 21, n. or r. 1. cRst, Stanton county, and of 25. Fame description, at the fol lowing prices: N. K. ' of 21, $110 per a- re. N. K. ' of '24. $115 per acre. M. W. '4 of 24. $110 per acre,. H. K. of 24, ll'-i per acre. " N. K. of 2n, 111'! iter acre. Terms: All or half cash, balance one or i tlirto years at H per cent Interest. Address Mrs. Mary J. l.amh, 42oi Julian bt., Den ver, L'olo. l.OO-ACRE ranch for sale, $:D per acre, two-thirds cash, remainder five years. per cent interest; all fenced, good Improve ments, f or articular write Kraok bchula, Norfolk. Neb. NKBKASK.V fanners enjoy an evening st the American theater. If Mrs. J. W. Mclionald, lS2i Kinney St . will bring this ad to The Hce within three days and identify herself she will receive an order for two seals to the American theater. NKH11ASKA farmers enjoy an evening at the American theater. If Mrs. A. M. fluff. LOJi; Francis tt. . will bilnr this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she will receive, an order for two seats to the American theater. POSSESSION (JIVEN MR. FARM Kit, STOCKMAN. DAIRT M A N OR 1NVKSTOK: lo you wish to make money off an Investment? If so, here we are. lftO-acre fHrm within less than ml. of So. Omaha nmrket and within J' mi, of Mil lard. I.'ouylas county. Tills Is well improved with good 7-r. house, large rooms, bay window. Kood cel lar tbrlckeil), plenty of closets, paniry, etc.; 2 porches, barn 32x44, room for 12 head, be sides haymow for 40 tons, corn crib, gran ary with machine shed alongside and nu merous other bulldingij; extra good or chard, etc. This land lays well and the soil Is good. This is not a $1.'0 per acre (aim, but It has the making, eventually, of a $200 per acre farm. The price is $100 per acre. It will take from $!.ft0 to $7,0o0 cash to swing this, brtl. time. Might take veryv small cot tage In Omaha or South Omaha as part payment. Uootl reason why It Is for sale. Remember the Improvements are In good shape and worth uulte a few thousand dollars and tho soil Is good and further more possession Is given. II you mean business and can swing it, It Is well worthy Investigation. OR1N 8. MKRRILL COM PA NT, AOENTd. 1213-1214 City Nat's Uanx BldsT. FOR RENT Several acres of land In Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prove that there Is a better flour made than 'pd Ike's. If Mrs. O. F. McCumber, 40ti3 harles St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she 111 receive an order for a 12-pound sacn oi this flour. AVITlllN 135 MILES OF OMA1IA MARKETS 1.120 acres located In the rain belt of eastern Nebraska: will produce clover. bltitsgrass and alfalfa; corn Is raised on all sides of this land. Price for quick sals, 15 per acre. VV. J.' Dermody Investment Co., 1614 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Nab. Nebraska land sells well. It produces good crops, fine randy.- it Byron Hastings, 3J24 Harney St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order tor a 60c box of O'Brien a delicious candy. FOR bargains In cheap western land often eheap; 640 acre relinquishments. Ad dress J. C. Bejalna, Whitman. Neb. ARNOLD REALTY CO . Fullerton, Nbv FOR SALE email farm, blocks from depot and 3u miles from Omaha. Inqulr Ueorg Urush. Ml 8. Mth. Tel. Doug. 637. JkortJt Dakota. WRITE right now tee ramphlet. "Baf crops In North Dakota." Fiv-yar, 4 per cent mortgage notes for tale. 1' arms cash or crop payment. Stat Bank ot Verona. Verona, im. u. SOLICITORS WANTED. I wn and control about (.000 acre of choice farm lands In )urllgh and Kidder Co., No. Dak., and want H good representa tive, other need not acpiy. Bat ot rel- erence. W. Jv. Runay, Land U,vunot. Ulainarck. N. U. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour. Omahans prefer It. If Paul C. Mc Kee, S3U Larimore Ave., will bring this ad o 1 lie Bee within three daya and Identify himself lie will receive an order for a 12- pound sack ot thl fine flour. NORTH DAKOTA LANDS Hav limited amount of cholo fxrm land for sal on crop payment furnishing seed for sam. For particulars writ Frank Kellogg. Jamealown. N. D. ! Me slew. AN OPPORTUNITY. You can mak 8U0 Dr cans profit In flv years on woieiax county. In. m.. Irrigated fruit land. Yotl run no risk whatever. Sold In flv-cr tracts, and cultivated for flv year by expert fruit grower. Writ for special information. This la an abso lutely safe investment that will nt you big profit. McNeal, U4-U Flnaac Bid.. causa viiy, mo. Uklaaaasa. I EASTERN OKLAHOMA. fisid for price and descriptions of farma tra tttoui. ctuaiiitig. ukia. it ACRES Canadian bottom land: Us acrea In cultivation; ail second bottom, .un excelled for corn and alfalla; So acres In Bermuda grass, balance paslur and soma Umber; two sets of Improvements; tins barn; outhouses and orcbaid; u miles from National slock yards, Oklahoma City; nules to a good town; prlc $ai per acre; tsy terms, campoeii. uynum s uiiea. Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City, Ok! FOR bAlu ia Knabal Co., im acre o black cbocolat land, 4 mil south ot billing. Okl.. In the Anteiup vaiisr. sidna hedge and 1 aid wlr, with Liu acre brok out and the balance la pasture lota. i chard ana garun; i-roona aoua. pii tared, papered, cellar underneath; all ia good shape; barn, MxM, room tor tons f hay. room for I horses crib, tool h4 and bay fork., complete; 1 good granaries with driveway through cntr, wul aol4 t,uu0 bushsi of grain; tbsa Building and all other building ar painted aad la maad shap; LOuH locust poaia. ov fruit thr, 4 well, i cisieiu. ftieuiy hi uir. ittm la tvi fai'in and no wast land on It; tin) cajl o Liu us uv m wwwa, T tu tiv yeara. at reaaonaol lntrt. . M. BeaUo. Iuua. va. Orcsss, FARM LANDS FOR SALE. 40.000 acre on new line Oregon Truck railway. ( m per acre, 1.jO par acre caan. balance ten year per cent. OKKUON LAND 4t Tl T Lt. CO. Porllaad.- swetk Uaavula. EASTERN south Dakota farm. The gaiueu spot of the atal. I'rice $j to $o4 an ore. rite tor maps, lists, atu. Bieoui tt Martin, watartown. av v. ViCAitiCrt section; tour mile to tustellln; ioi:uig; good soil; small stable aell. No tiouae, $ for iUick aal. Rea oublo terms Owner. W. J. Duggw. aiuiu. r. u. THE LAND OF ALFALFA At 414 $ per acre. A w homestead relinquish nieni at .w to fr-.uou. i iiua ssu per acr without lrrlgaiioo. Addr Waiter av liaynea. OeliKha B. U. tuO-ACRE farm, nine miles from Onldh, fenced. Un buildings, good wtl lu tu v a. iea under plow, iil pr act, liruu. H wood Nelkou, Ould. S. D. lft ACRES. 4 mil from Hot Springs, 6 D . 100 acres tillable, all ftacd, amail koua 4 acre broa. $ii par acr. ttuu-te Land Co.. Mot Spring, a. ix FOR CALF.-Thr ebole Improved tarn. no ixl 420 acrs la Turnar rouiay, bouth Lasota. at u4 10 $. par acr. tasy lei u.a liuutlt Laad Ageaviy, Marios. S- L, REAL ESTATE FARM AID IMMII I. A M IOB SALE Soath llllitla lonlliiied. IMPROVED farms and wild lands Roberts county, South lskota. I'rlces M o $.& per acre. Write to John A. Munio a Co., WilmoUx Koberis County, euula Dakota tUt ACBE8, fair Improvements. ( miles from station. 2w aires tillable. trout streams and timber;- $18 acre, easy terma Belle Fourths Kealty Co., fcel.e Fourcbe, tti the world as ou uo through that O Bi ien s Is the be.st candy- to Itjiy. If Mm. J. J. Hannitihan. .127 South 3,th i f-t.. will bring this ad to The Hee within three das she will receive an order for a Wc box of It. 1 exass. 8TOP. RKAD, THINK 00 srrea rich black hog wallow land: 17 miles west of Houaton. 2 miles from Missouri City, only US. Beautiful farm. 60S acres, k mllea Houston, thoroughly drained, on graded road; not an aore of poor land In it, $0. 1-arge tracts for col onliatlon. U H. Bailey, 601 Bins Bldg. Houston. Texas. IS6 ACRK8 Braxos bottom; railroad sta tion on land; $26; terms. 600 acres fins blaclc pralrie; depot three miles; $26 per aore; terms Address the owner. Dr. C 8. Pres ton. Houston. Tex. SAN PATRICIO CO. J.im) acres near Odem ; $30 00 710 acres near Odem "4 'W 1.700 acres near Taft $;ii.W l.foO acres near Taft .-$JS.(s) J. I. COOK ft CO.. Slnton. Texas. Itah. 77 ACRF.S.of splendid fruit land rfll- Ing two large apple orchards, between 8,-ilt ana wgaen. rrire. . lljU Der acre. vram Balrd. New WlniKrr it,.tei .it Lske City. Utsh. FOR SALE A 6,n00-acre colonisation tract on the railroad, less than W miles from Bait Lake City; also several smaller 'dn farms," and some good orchard landa it W. Rosa p. M. Leu I. l.'tan. WIseoAsla. FOR SALE Farm 2,'tO seres grain and stock adjoining Incorporated town; pasture xtenaing to river, tome good oak tim ber. For particulars address Charles Allen, Lynxvlile. Wis EIGHTY acres, Burnett county. Wis consin; 65 cultivated; good buildings, mower and rake. Village 1 mllea. $2,700: part time. A. U. Kibbe, New Rlobmond. Wis. Wyoming. FOR BALE 16.000 acres. Laraml Co.. Wvo . In the Golden Pralrl district, all fenced; several hundred acres under cultivation; stocked with sheep and cattle at present; will sell with ranch; will dlvld and axchajag for eastern Neb. or Iowa farma J. T. BELL. OWNER, Cheyenne. Wyo. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have several customers for property ranging In price from $1,000 to $6,0u0 located In West Farnam and llanscora Park Dis tricts. International Land & Investment Co. Write or Phone us. WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Hav you anything to offer th farmer ef lowar Any cheap land for higher priced; g gnri raarcnandl ator ior land, or say kind of an xchangT Or hav yn oui land, you want to aell for cash? Th on paper that reaches th Iowa farmer Is th De Moines Capital: 43.000 olrcuiatio dally; rat singl Insertion, l cent a word; six Insertions, 4 cents a word. Das Motn Daily Capital. Dss Moines. I a. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE V a. exchange Dronartlea of uierlr H H. Culvar. 4U-U4 K. Y. Lit a Dougla IstA FOR BALE An extra good ouarter of land close to Wood River. Nebraska, in the famous Wood River valely; will take In ex- cnang small property in good town or small stock of goods. Brown V Griffin, Cairo, XNebraska. 1000 ACRES central Kansas: L200 acres eastern Kansas, to exchange for land, city property and merchandise. U. G. Albert, Lincoln, Neb. DRUG stock and building for sale or u change for land. Address Y 107. care Bee. FOR sale or Trade A good saloon In Nebraska. Address 11. Hafner, Butte, Nab. TO EXCHANGE A choice running stock or merchandise, invoice about 16, into, want Minnesota larm. Address Box 68, Here ford, Colo. 160-A.. Sterling. Colorado: water rlirhta iroui river ana. reservoir: want uniana res idence not to exceed $7,000. Addreas King, Arcade Bldg., Des Moines. IOWA LAND FOR SALI0 OR TRA DM. Don't buy a farm till you se me. John Carlson. Box 18, Adair, Iowa.. 800-A.. Weld county. Colorado: encum tuance $2,600; price, $16 per acre; want mnae.. income or drtms tor eauitv. Art dress King, Arcade Bldg., Des Moines. FOR SALE or exchsna-e for Nebraska is no at same value. 31.600 stock of shoes Address Y-121. Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to horn owners and horn build. rs. witn privilege ox soaking partial pay mania seau-annuaiiy. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for sale at amounts from $Ju0 to $3.w0. BENSON & MYEliS, 412 New York Life Bldg. OMAHA property and Nebraska lands O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha Nat. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the penn Mutual IJf In. Co., with asset ot over Iili.0v0.0o0, I am prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real atat. Business and residence loans mad without oeiay. THOMAS PRENNAN. City National Bank Bids. LOW RATES, PEM18-CARLBERO CO.. 810-413 Brandel Theatar ttiug. WANTED City loans snd warrants, Farnam Smith A Co., llM Farnam 6U CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FHINZkK, MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveatment Co. 8100 to $10,000 mad promptly, jr. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., but and Farnam. GARVIN BROS., td floor N. Y. Ufa $60$ to 41UU.00O un Unproved property. No ! STEAMSHIPS UN ff-lstursseue gu LAwreoee Sot. Wsakly Sstllitss Iress sloVTRgAb 1U UVKHI'OOU OLA BOO W " Lo.nLmjN. UaVitg, ri fovtAiaaiiy (rota PHILJIDBLPH1A an BOSTON t OLjLSOOW 4iaadi4 tatr. sbortest misssw We aar luulwar aceat. CO.. OwmisI Asla l,i Jscaau Blvd.. Lluu. WANTED TO BUY btsr uric paid fur 3d hand fumltur. earoata. clothing and shosa tcL a ViL t.ADIFS want to buy It. but It I given away at Th te that s u linen s delicious sue randy. If Mrs. J. A. Mclntyr. 3IK Wool worth Av.. alll bring this ad to Th Bee within the next three dvs she will receive an order to her confectioner for a pound ot thi delk'toua candy. WANTED to Buy A first clsuta Jersey- cow. Will P fancy price for one which t fresh, gentle and glvea a good supply of mils Address q.iur. A. B. C bUKk Yards station, couth Omaha. WANTED TO RENT WANTB.D to rent, barn, near lth end Webster, for horse and wagon. Call Doug las 4'i)2. HOAflD and room desired In private family by two gentlemen. Two connecting pleasant Hkhiis. H-8S7, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITIO. . by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Address B 77a. Be. POSITION as nght watchman; sober and r. liable. G-7,s0. Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Webster 1114. GOVERNMENT NOTICES , OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTKR mastcr. Fort Omaha, Nebraska, March 10, 11'11. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m . central standard time, April in. I'.'ll, for construction of an extension to the electric lighting system at Fort Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application. V. S. reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Extension to Elec tric Lighting System," and addressed to Captain W. L. Clarke. Constructing quar termaster. Fort Omaha, Nebraska. M.10-11-20-21A5-8 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Testth sal Haiti, In Ion Pacific Depart. Arrive. Pan Fran. Overland I,..a4:15am all 30 pm China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pm a 6:45 pm Atlantic Express a 6:46 am Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 5:10 pra Loa Angeles Limited. . .al2:45 pm a 8:30 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:27 am Colorado Express a 3:60 pm a 4:60 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. .al2:50 pm a 8:20 pm North Platte Ixjcal all:65 pm a 4:46 pm Grand Islsnd Local a 8:15 am al0:80 am Stromsourg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:20 pm Chicago A Sorth western NORTH ROTIND. Twin City Expresa a 7:46 am al0:30 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a 8:28 pm Minn. & Dakota Lx....a 7:00 pm a :15 am Twin City Limited a 8:46 pm a 7:30 am Minnesota Express all:00 am EASTBOUND. Carroll Local a 7:00 am a 8:60 pm Daylight Express a 7:40 am al2:26 am Chicago Local v aU:M5 pm a 3:28 pm oiorado-cnicago a 6 io pm a 8:28 pm Chicago Special a 6:02 pm a 6:4V am Paoltlo Coast-Chicago.. .a 6:30 pra a 3:28 Dm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 pm T2:30 pm Overland Limited all:45 pm a 7:46 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm a!0:10 am Fast Mail a 8:30 pm a .6 pm WESTBOUND. Lincoln-Chadron a 8:U am all:00 am Norfolk-Dallas a 8:00 am al0:46 pm Norfoik-Llncoln a 1:16 pm a 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm b 6:20 pm eadwood-Hot Springs.. a 8:6a pm a 6:20 pm Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm all:U0 am Fiemont-AlDion D :av pra o lAe pm Hlnsonrl Pacific K. C. ft St. L. Ex a t:20 am a 7:40 am K. C. & Bt. L. Ex.. ex- cept Saturday all: IS pro a 6:60 pm . c. & bt. L. Ex., Sat urday only 12:00 pm Chi loa cot Hllwsskss 4B St. Fssl Overland Limited all:43 pm a 7:69 am Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7:16 am all -46 pm Colo-Cal. Express a 6:00 pm a $.26 pm Colorado Special a 7:42 am a 6.n0 am Perry-Omaha oLcal b 6:16 pm b!0:00 am Wabash Omaha-8t. Louis Ex.. ..a 4:30 pm a t:2S am Mall and Express a 7.-02 am all: 16 pm Btanb'y Lcl (from C.B.)b 6:00 pm bl0:16 am llllaols Ceatral Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 1:46 pra Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 80 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex b 7:00 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 6:00 ara taicago, Ruck lalaatd JTaclf o EAST. Rockv Mountain Ltd....alJ:58 am I0:4S pm a 4:30 pm bl0:li pm al3:30 pm a 1:14 pm a S:UJ tu a 4.47 pm a 4:80 pm a 1:30 pm aJ:e0 ant Chicago Day Express. .a 4:46 am Chicago Local Pasa bl0:3o am lies Moines Local l a.. a 4:oo pm Clncaao 1-jlDres a 4:40 pm Chicago Limited......... a 6:0k pm WJUU. Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 1:20 am Colo.-Cal. Express a 1:26 pm Okl. & Texas Jcx press. . 3:1 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd....aJ.6:66 pm Ibcsgo Great Wtra. C hicago Limited a 5:48 pm Twin City Limited ....b 6:80 pm Twin City Limited Twin City Express ....a 7:30 am Chicago Express a 1:6s am d0:30 am a 8:30 pm a 3:44 pm Barllagrtosi Stat Ion iota aad Maaom. Brllngta Depart. Aniv. Denver & California.... a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Pugt Bound Lxpress..a 4:19 pra a 3:44 pm Nebraska point a 4:29 am a :lo pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Lincoln Mail b 1:20 pm all: 14 pm Northwest Express ....all :f5 pm a 7:00 am Nebraska points .a 8:20 am a 4:10 pm a am a 4:10 pm b 4 08 am Nebraska Express..., Lincoln Local 6chuylsr-Platta mouth b 3:06 pm ' bl0:40 am a 7:2 pm a 7:N pm Lincoln icai Plattsmouth-Iowa a :1S am a 8:60 am bellevue-Plattsmouth ,al3:30 pm Central Nebraska all:66 pm a 8:40 pm all:2S pm Cbloago Special a 7:16 am Jl:36 pm Denver Special Chicago Express a 4:Z0 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:30 pm a 7:00 am a I bo pax a 8 .00 am alO ft) ani al0:30 am aU:44 am a 4:44 am a 4:10 pm Atlantic Coast Limited. 11:40 pm Iowa Local a :L am Creaton (la.) Local ....a 8:30 pra fct. Louis Express a 4 JO pm K. C. & St. Joseph ,...al0:4& pm K. C 4 St. Joseph ....a :U am C. Su Joispu ....a :w pm Wcbtes Statlwa lk aad Webstar. arl Paclfls Depart. b 8:80 pm Arrlva bll:66 an Auburn Local isloajo, St. Ouaaha. Paal, Mlaacaaoll Eloux City Express. ...b 1:15 pra bll:46 am Omaha Local e 4:80 pm Sioux CTLy Passenger b :Z0 pm Twin City Passenger. ...b 4.80 am Bioux City Local o 8:3t am Emerson Local b 6. 46 pm b 1:10 am (a) Dally. b) Dailey xcept Sunday, (c Sunday only. Italian Cabinet Steps Down at Rome Resignation of Memberi Takes Place Following Stormy Debate Over Reforms. ROME, March SO. The resignation of the Italian cabinet has followed stormy de bates In the chamber of deputies over the proposed electoral reform. This ministry, of which Lulgl iAzzatti was premier, was formed March 31. 1910. Hie action of th ministry Is regretted here, occurring as It comes, on th eve of tho Inauguration of the exhibition which take place on March rr. Th tear Is ex. pressed that the celebration win now hav to ba carried out, not only without th premier, but without th mayor a well, owing to th threat of a municipal crisis. NOTED PAINTER IS DEAD Braest Crafts, Ker ml Royal Aradeany, Paasea Away la I.4s. LONDON, March -Ernest Crofts, R. A , the noted painter and keeper of the Royal academy, died today. Krnest Crofts was born In Yorkshire in 1847. His first picture, "A Retreat; Ep ode of th German-French War," was ex hibited In the Royal Acaden.y In 1874. His historical paintings range over k wide period and deal generally .with military subjects. , Dyaamtte Wrerks Halldlag as completely a cough and cold wreck lungs. Cur them quick with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and $1.00. For sale by Ueaton Drug Co. QUESTIONS SCHOOL FUND BILL Stull Calls Attention to Fending Measure on Investment. HE WARNS . AGAINST DANGEIvS Declare Provisions of Amendment No Before l.ealslatnre Vtssld Make- Bad Raalaea l'o alble. That the effect of a measure pending In the legislature at Lincoln governing the Investment of moneys In the slate school fund In not realised by the taxpayers of the various subdivisions thst will lisve bonds to sell and of the school districts that should have the benefit of the In crease In asserted by those who have looked Into the subject. The bill alms to authorise, the state board to sell present bond holdings In order to reinvest In Ne-, bra si; a securities. Speaking of the bill. William Stull, th Investment broker, says: "What 1 wish particularly to call atten tion to Is the report that an amendment already made provides that the Board of Educational Lands snd Funds shall, In the event this bill becomes a law, be compelled to deal directly with the Issuing authori ties. "This sounds like an echo of the Mosher Bartley . regime. This was the plan adopted by that elegant coterie, and C. W. Mosher dictated what municipalities and individuals should sell bonds to the board. "One or two instances will Illustrate the practical workings of the plan. A certain county In northern Nebraska Issued bonds bearing fl per cent Interest. The bonds were 'advertised, numerous bids were re ceived and they were finally sold to B. A. Kean & Co. at par or a little less. The tjpnds were sent to the Fourth National bank of New York to be delivered to the purchaser. The purchaser was unable to take them up, so they were left in the hands of that bank, subject to the pur chaser's order for several months. Dur ing this tlma they were offered for sale to pretty nearly every investor or bond broker In the country. I advised the mem bers of th sttte board that I would sell and deliver to them these bonds at par and Interest. T was told that they did not care to buy. However, after becoming weary of waiting, the county ordered the bonds returned from New York. These bonds were cancelled, bearing not 6 per cent Interest, but 5 per cent Interest, were ssued and turned over to this board at par. Had they purchased tne original bonds from Mr. Kean the Income from this source to th school funds would have been increased 20 per cent during the life ot the loan. "Again, Douglas county issued something like $150,000 road bonds. These were offered by the board to local parties, as well as eastern bond houses, at par, but the mar ket did not Justify the purchase. No bond house could afford to buy them. Finally,, after several weeks' delay, the representa tive of one of these bond houses, came to Omaha, arranged with th county board to take the bonds and Inside of forty-eight hours had arranged with the Board of Educational Lands and Funds to buy them at an advance over the price received by the county, as I remember, of About $10,000. In each case the loss to the state and the permanent school fund, was about the same, from which It will be seen that whether cr not the deal was made through a broker or direct wltb the county was im material. Amendment Da Barer on. The proposed amendment would simply legalize this 'system which has already proved so disastrous to these funds, and open the door for fraud. While we hear numerous protests against our high taxes, and especially taxes 101 school purposes, few seem to real lie that because of the maladministration of these funds, the Income therefrom, which lowers these taxes equal to the total apportion ment has been from 16 to 26 per cent per annum less than they should have been less than they would have been, had com mon honesty and ordinary business ability been applied by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds during the years past. Though I do not Intend to reflact upon the good Intention or honeaty of any member of the boards sonce Nebraska school and municipal bonds became a legal Investment for the permanent school fund, I do not hesitate to say that had ordinary business ability been exercised In the purchase of the bonds during that time, the Income could have been Increased at least 10 to 15 per cent per annum. Not simply for the few years past, but for the years from five to twenty, during which the bonds so purchased have to run. "The board during the last two or three years, has taken the position that it had a right to say what municipalities and school districts should sell bonds to the state of Nebraska. Not only that, but In taking the bonds from these favored districts and municipalities, they have utterly Ignored the price cf such bonds on the market. While school districts Nos. 4 and 64, Doug las county, Were glad to sell their S per cent bonds at par and Intercut or less. School dltrlct No. 5 of Douglas county. could Issue and sen to tne scnooi runds a 4'i per cent bond. Why? Certainly the bonds of these former districts are In every respect as good as that of District No. 6. While thi school district of Ralston that Issued $3,000, bearing i per cent Inter est, was very glad Indeed to. sell them par, I find among the Investments made by the board during th last eighteen months such items as thess: P. D. No. 34, Oreeley county $wo 8. D. No. , Oreeley county t 7i0 S. D-joM. Greeley county 700 all bearing only 4Vj per cent Interest. What Raeora Show. 'Th exmlnatlon ot the list of bonds Issued by the towns throughout the state for water, lighting and other purposes dis closes a worse shewing. On finds thou ssnds and thousands of dollars of these bearing only 4 per cent Interest, that could not possibly have been sold In the ' . .. - . t . 1 . . c . . open maraei av 1 r cem ano th most of them could not nave been old at t per cent, if they could at 4 per cent Interest. But assuming that the board could hav bought them at no better than 6 per cent Interest, the Income would have been Increased 10 per cent per annum, and as most of thee bonds run twenty years the ultimata loss to ths permanent school fund will. In the aggregate, be equal to th face of the bond so purchased. If the proposed amendment become a law a position on that bArd .will mean a possl- Stiff Joints become elastic and pliant by using LIMMEMT . PHmmt, ., Oc, mmd 91. OO. S tzr "Aa a remedy I wotik profit or large po y I would siiBur-'t that this amendment be killed and It be niHile thr duty of this board on the 1st and 1Mb of each month to publish In at least two pa pers of general circulation throughout the state the exact amount f available funds It has for investment and Inviting offer ing. That they be further compelled to keep a roctud of the offerings and the action taken thereon. Publicity is all that Is neceesHry. 'Who trades in the ilm-k asks to be cheated." if we authorize this board 'to conduct this business in secret ue Invite maladministration ot its affairs. If not corruption. "As trustees controlling these funds tt is the clear duty of the board to procuie the best possible Income consistent with the safety of the Investment. The method above xtiKxevtcd will give every school dis trict and municipality in Nebraska an op portunity not only to offer Its bonds, but to know- whert there are funds In tho hands of the board foi-vlnvestmcnt. This will much mote effectually eliminate the broker titan the proposed amendment, and the only excuse given for It is that 'It will cut tit the middleman." Would Help Market. "On the other hsnd, Just as soon as It becomes known that tho state treasury Is In the market to buy Nebraska securities, thrse securities will find a better market throughout the cant, as well us at home. This Is not a theory. When public, senti ment aroused by the Mosher-HHrtloy methods, insisted that the Btate treasurer hould buy, us an Investment for the permanent school fund, all state warrants ffered him, the murket for those warrants In the east was Immediately made better, so that one year later it was easier to sell a 5 per cent warrant In the eastern market then, than It was a 6 per cent state warrant the dsy before the state treasurer began to tmy them. It may be asked, would the method 1 propose, Insure Investment of all the funds the state may have for Investment? There is no question In regard to this whatever. The total of tho permanent school funds Investment November 20 last was a trifle over $x,000,ono. The amount of county, precinct, village and school districts bonds Issued during the last two years was nearly $o,OUO,lioo, or 60 per cent of the total permanent school fund today. I As most of th bonds run from ten to twenty years, under ordinary conditions. Investment to be mads by the board should not exceed $700,000 or JSOO.OnO a year at the outside, but If It reached a millkin It would be less than 40 per cent of the amount of the bonds Issued In the state. "Every taxpayer should be Interested to see first that the law, when enacted, will Insure that the leturns from the permanent school fund be the highest, consistent with safety and second, that the law make utterly Impossible for another combination like Mosher-Bartley & Co., to again loot the state treasury." Jndae of Canal Zone Court. WASHINGTON, March 20. President Taft today appointed W. W. Warwick of Cincinnati as Judge of the supreme court of the Tanama canal xone. Mr. Warwick Is well known In this city, having served for several years as chief law clerk In the office of the comptroller of the treasury. S BiH LIKE FIRE Could Lay'Pin in Cracks. Four Long Years of Eczema. Only Relief in Scratching. Used One Set of Cuticura Remedies. Hands Entirely Well. "I can truthfully gay Cuticura Reme dies have cured mo of four long years of eewma. About four years ago I noticed some little pimple coming on my little finger, and not giving it any attention, it soon became worse and spread all over my hands. If I would have them in water for a long time, they would burn like fire ana large cracks would come. I could lay a pin in them. After using all the salves I could think of, I went to three different doctors, but all did me no good. The only relief I got was scratching. "Ho after hearing so much about the wonderful Cuticura Remedies, I pur chased one complete set, and after using them three days my hands were much better. Today my hands are entirely well, one set being all I used. " (Signed) Miss KrU N arbor, K. F. D. 2, Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 26, 1910. No stronger evidence than this could be given of the success and economy of the Cuticura Remedies in the treatment of torturing, disfiguring humors of the skin. A single hot bath with Cuticura Boap and a gentle anointing with Cuti cura Ointment are often sufficient to afford iminedicte relief in the most dis tressing oases and permit rest and sleep when all else fails. Cuticura Boap and Ointment are equally effective in pre serving, purifying and beautifying the kin, scalp, hair and hands. Cuticura Boap (25c) and Cuticura Ointment 50c.) are sold throughout th world. Bend to Potter Drug A Cbem. Corp., sole props., 135 Columbus Ave., Bos ton, for free Cuticura Booklet on the treatment of skin and ecalp troubles. at fountains. Horras, on iliwmia Get the Original and Genuine HORLIGII'S r.lALTED UUk The Food Drink for All Ages RICH miX. HALT CJU1N EXTKACT, IM P0WDEK Not ia any Milk Trust fT Insist on "HORLICK'S" 1 ak paokag bom crtAYium FREE BOOK Writs Tor This ITTI .n , J We will ml to en llleetraled book cm the Cera of the Hell rRE.IttallavokoToiieeemeilTrworevoir katr to env detre4 aW. It certainly te worth a PoewO. H. D. COMJt CO, !. SO let L Ust U aW lass OCEAN STEAMSHIPS New York to Paris In Six Days WOULD rrn Additional illc at M cabin price, altarnat Saturdays b popular tu cie aabls learner S-iS to Soa.&O. i V. B. Book. 1M r-raajaj XV. Bee, flni "M j e cond r's'O And yet 1 cannot Mop. O, how I'd hate To mi 1 smelt dropl" Why bother? Sonic things the dainty housewife can do best for herself, at home. lUit making tomato soup m not one of them. Not when you can get n TOMATO You could not make bettor soup no matter how much care you take nor how much expense you go to. Try this pure rich whole some soup just once and you will realize that noth ing finer could he made. And you will realize too that it saves you time, money and energy. 2 1 kinds 1 0c a can Just add hot water, trine to a boil, and serve. Josefs Campicll Company Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label LScsMlit5l Dr. Lvon' s PERFECT Tooth Povdqr neutralizes the destructive Y acids of the mouth cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. wrwtTitfs tw.rn murv'-rrr r""""'."rr" r.;J Beautiful Tooth There are but few people who hav them. Good teeth everyone ml(ht have If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. Th quickest, easiest and least painful are Hi only methods employed by us snd hundreds of our patients, both la and cut of the city, will gladly tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-data way of doing tlilnt;. Crowns and brldg work from o.tU per toutli. Plat that fit from f 4 00 to 113.60. Painless extrac tion f teeth. Nerve of teeth removed without hurting you. Work warauud ten years. DR. BRAQBURY, THE DENTIST 17 Tears Bam location, 1508 rarnam Sk j?hoa . 1760. CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers wbo vIu their own comfort and the welfare of their children, hould' never be wltaoul boi of Mother Orr'e Sweet Powdera tor Chil dren, for uu throughout the eeeaon. Ther Break up Cnlda, Kulteve r-'evei lihueite, Comtlpallon. Teething nieurdera, Hee.dar.he and Stoniac Troublea. t 'aed by MiHhera for 2 ee.ru. TH KB PUWDKlUt NKVBH KiU Sold by all llru Store KKKB. Addreaa, Allen 8. Olnialee. V Hoy. N, I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dollar Per 't ear. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Worth German 7 Enfoy that long-thought-of trip to EUROPE upon modern atramrri equipped with 1 every com Tort and convenience. London Paris Bremen I hi press Sailings Tuesdays. I Fast Mail Sailings every Thursday. I Gibraltar Algiers Naples I and Genoa I Sailings Saturdays I with Company' connnction for Egypt m ' uu tne rar r.nii. ( VirelcM and Sutmwinr. Service. 1 raveler' hecka. J 1 Arounu uic world trips, asia. fttndfoT our book If el tie all dttaUt. OtUICDStCO..ues.AfU..t B'wav.N. V. H. CLAUSSFNIUS A CO, Chtcago.lilor LoOwAgl. SL Lawrence Route U Europe X.BBB TRAsT WW, 'OATS AT 111' WhiteStar-Dominion 'BOTAIi BLAXXi STEAMBBS Montreal Quebec Liverpool "Laui-cnUc" and ".MnganUo" Largeet and Moat Moder Steamers In Canaillun Hervlc. Luxurious accom modation fur First, Second atid Tulr Olas. Sailing In conjunction with th Vepalar Twin Srw ?aaar Teotouio" "Caaada" "Ooaeinl" Currying Oo Class Oabla paangr called BeoOTd Cabin). Comfort at aaeduste ratea. Alaw Tklid Claea eaaaenser. Apply Company' Offlc 0-9 Bear, bora St.. Chicago, or I.ooal A-sa. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE le.OOO-ton Twln-aerew raeeenger stou-a eUraet le r r. Tteigen, Uu. t Norway. Swedens S and Denmark W..m.," All .reamer, equipped with Marounl Wtrataea riiat Chin, l"t up: aeend cabin. Jae. A, B. Jounon Co., 1 BroaAway, M. T. or tu local egente. iQ Splendid Hotels Afloat FRENCH LINE Compagnie Generate Tranutliitique Fat twin ciw stmer equalling the Bnest modern hoie-le, l-v New York 10 a. m. Thursday, reaching Havre In sly dy.i-nar-tinar with thnngh train for Perls nd ll Continental t)lnl. Kve-ry pmvUIrm for eefely. wiit-leiid mitmiarl n belle, Men-o-war diM-li.lin, roof caff. Ill.rary. gvinn lnm, dally coiywt, dally lier, dcHclim ciil-ln Mire. patron maximum comfort, kauiiag ajat Uwwie acraw etaar 'fcaaes. anle. March JO. t'hlijta-i. April 1 Ntesara, April It La Frt'ven.u. April 1J A limine. April l.l (.a "ite. April l Bat. BjU J. B. BaewlAs, V3 raraauo.