THF, PEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MARCH 20. 1311. EVERY- T y lt;.i 'if y; a iu iuvf O TD V HEADS I AS T. r . esJ I- v f"10 v 1 .AasTR 1Tffl - II " r- OFFERED FOR RENT rmbktl Rows TRICTLT modorn furnished nwnn with r without board, also rooms for light housekeeping;, walking d. stance. 111 Cum ing ftrrmehed room. elegant location, walking dlattnr. best accommodations; elegant board next door, strictly up-to-date. 117 8. loth Ave. Dou(. 7400. NICE coxy aloeptng rooms at 377 N. lTth. C"ljOB-fN. ens v. two or three; strictly modern: light housekeeping: rooms rfc.n abie; also fimnilf furnished room, suita ble (or t o. 2a) Capitol At. MODERN furnished front room, rtk St. KB 9- Ketela aa J Assaalaaswfa. NICELT mviSH'D ROOMS for gew tlsanea, TUB CHATHAM. 100 S. Uta St. DODGE HOTElr-Wlh and Dodge; Ail out si 4 nwM; run neat; special wfK rl Aarsewts af Flats. TWO 7-room brick (lata: modern. SOS-filO N. 3d St. Call Douglas ial. nVE-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished, to thai churmn. W abater 6,t- Three- room modern flat. Scarfo Bldg-, -.tH N. Xth Sc. Bo. Omaiia. Hall. 4d K&mxe Bldg Both Pboaaa. TERT mod era (-room apartment on West Ftrram c. free heat and janitor JOHN W. ROBBING. UOt FARNAK IT. CHEAFSclT. best 4-room flat In city. 3X. 84. BEAUTIFUL- new. modem flat, all on erne floor, complete In all details Vacant n or before April L Fine location. 41st and Farnam. Inquire 410B Famam or Tel. Harner T.t - ROOM apartment, new, walking lo cation, Hl Keefe Real Estate Co.. 311 N. T. lAfe. Doug, or A-Z1CX Vara lake d IIeaskelaa: Rmbj. FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfur nished rooma. walking distance. 2711 How ard St. TWO rooms, completely furnished fnr housekeeping; laundry prlvilegea. 17rr I-odge. NEATLT furnished rooma for housekeep ing. 191 California. St. FOR F-ENT Fonr ateam heated house kaaputs retuna suft 8. latn St. NICELT furnished - rooms for light housekeeping. Ult CMcaco et- FOR RENT Two neeuly furnlsbod room for housekeeping. W N. Uta Kt. THREE modem, coay. clean, close in. Douglas IMA. HANDSOMELT FURNISHED ajartment I or 4 rooma. wajkmg distance; modern. fine location; ew no. tn et. SMALL room, sleeping or housekeeping toil Leaven worth Rt. Jnfwraiakew Hmktel Rmi rrBRTRAPLK housekeeping rooms, good leoaUoa. a a- tn ava jICX. unfurnished rooma private fam- tlv. deatraois to nosaeaeeptng. us jn. Uta eX- PO R RFNT Tlireo aouaaaaeptng rooms. D, CIS a. artn DESIRABLE front and back: parlor for Housekeeping, ausi naraey at. FOR RENT Desirable rooms for light lunsikl r'-T i-XMeT - TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, good iNstiea leSw ueott oi- rOR RENT Modern rooms for light nwuaeksapuig. - foaaa ot- vriit RENT Two suites of housekaeDlna? toom a neat ana oieaa. m uoaera THREE south rooms; good loeatfcsa; near oar. hood. KUS Caas BC very destrahle good aetgBOor- NICK partor; furnished or unfurnished. m R Kth Ava FOR RENT Nlos steam heated mean for llgbt housekeeping, as iv urn St. THREE unfurnished rooms; gae range and hades; good location; Kl N. aith FOR RENT Three rooms, uafumiahed an ground xioor. aui n. ota nt. FOR RENT Three desirable unfurnished rooms; separata Data ana toilet. ZJUf N lth St. FOUR destraMe rooms, SS2J Davenport. Inquire nrif uavenport at. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for light housekeeping; separate bath i toilets, asa N. isth St. CarsralskM m rinim FOR RENT Nlcej housekeeping rooms good location. 77u Howard at. DEP'RABLE suits room for housekeep ing, a i. ihi at. TWO modern, ground floor rooms. So. ann t- &P1 TO ADULTS Five rooms on second floor, modern esrent heat: one block from car. near I Inta fiats; stove rumietied; oniy t in family. lu arter 1 clock Sunday; 71 eo. exn.n St THREE unfurnished rooms and alcove, four eloeeta. electric light, gas and bath Theae rooms are entire second floor. XT Ml Iodge St. Harney 1&&. FaralebeS Uaaeee. TOR RENT a-roora furniehed house In Eantsa Place. laut Binney St Ihone veb. set. FURNISHED HOUSE All or part of atncviy modern brick ideal for sum mer tmt Harrla, between Poppleton and t aclfla or phons Harney 1D04. Maaeea aad C'attaaee. 4-ROOM hoasa. Ks N. 16th St. FOR RENT New raom cottage, full basemeat. electric light and acres of ground. Three blocks from street car. ith. Address E ast Bee. RENTED All homes tn Omaha where the tenants prefer O rtrlea e fine candy. If 1. Blake McKltrick. Uii So 27th St.. wul bring this sd le The bee within three days and tdent-fy himself he will receive aa order for a Sue boa sf this randy. laa RtasTwait, Brandakt Tn, Bids ROOMS, modern, for rent 1411 So. 14th. Douglas Rod. T-ROOM. new brick Tat walking dis tance, all mod era, ti Lvjug'as eei. FOUR large desirable. unfurnished rooms; modern, except heat luut S jrxa bt. R i:7. t THRIE-ROtiM houaea. Kth and Curtis Ave as. 1 three rom end -r. heasa, 30tb and Bur gette fte.. 1! .. 1 tare room and t 4-r houses, lath and F Sta. So. omana. M. 3 4 r bouse at - n aid X S-s . f M. REAL KJTATH T1TI.E TlifeT CO.. l.Stn Kkmr. City NaT. Bank Bidg. FOR RENT A new snd entirely modem s-rootn cvftafS ewraer ITth end CatriiAr, I 4 inciudiae water. N V Ufa Tel Luugias 44- -RM St ran hewlvd fat Iluliraiiv. l(h t-ierca Dvii.aa W. L CuaraA Xeuag- OFFERED FOR RENT leases and Csttea-ea ea tlased. ti . rru I rooms compldrtr nwdtn, Ml n . mh. I rooms, compiettlv modern, KT7 &0. THG8. r. HALL. 4i3 Ramga Both Phone Modern. 7-r. houw; near park, iill S. B. SROOM modern house, nearly new, oa pared street. L- N. Jth SL, t-k Inquire 2710 Decatur or let v . Houses tn all parts ef the city Creigh Bone A Co.. Lee Bidg Om. Van A Co. pecks moves, store household good. Fireproof storage; sot a. lb. Breach, As) a. J71A. Tel. D. 4ia. A-UA I FOR RENT The rottase near the park where wafflfs are served with Fan-ell's fine svrup mornings. If R L. (lerke. 1 rianvroft St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order for a ouu cua of this fine syrup. FIVE Rood rooma. rent reasonable to rtuht rrty. North h street. Web ster aca. NEW 8 rooms, madarn eicept farnara. 1 lock south of Vlntoa) achoul. Inquire E. aV Flagg. snul ft. Atb. Ave. A GtjOD 7-room house, sail Ohio. Call at rl Maple. 1 OR nice rooms, partly modern: newly painted and papered. :u. in bpruca. AFP.IL L best 7-room house In city. S N. IU1 fft ON car line and paved St. If you want I fine home at M Ave. ana v mton at a I low figure, call South CI S ROOMS, modern except heat. jso a. Sid St. I.i. FOR RENT Seven-room modem Pat at li: Dodge street. Possession given April 1 Rent per month, r. a. Dodge 1st. Kennard, 1&24 I R(X)M steam heated Cata dowry buildings, 16.-J cnicago St. THRE3 room cottage, furnished clb- pieta lol Burt St. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modern except heat Ml Parker etreet." e-ROOM house, second floor, modern. 133 I So. 32d. Hanscom Park. WANTED 100 houses to rent for owners. Wa have tenants. J. I. Watt, Real Eetate. Bentaia 2122 Locust. Web. 223a. - FOR RENT by owner, fine 7-room mod ern home: newly decorated and painted. UuH Poppleton Ave. Apply at 11 U 3. 2Ui. APRIL 1. 10-room mod. house. 2911 Hick ory, near Han scorn park; rent. KS. Phone Harney S77Z. 6-ROOM modern cottage for rent. 1311 Charles. Tel. Harney lit. IM CALDWELL a-nod 7-rsom house; modern except heat, l:; adults only. v eb. MODERN eight-room, oak flnlshlshed house, fins location. 4001 Charles. IM. DUNDEE Houses and rooms; tntrulrs 491S Capitol Ava. lO-ROONf modern house: walking dls-1 . ii rvd ic nth ut 1 ft-Room house. modem. U4 a. aHh. I Harney SttL tvamTED DeaTrable houaea and apart- ments to rent. Peters Trust Co.. New Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Snr-ROOM houea. modem. MA Emmet at Ml. I HOrsEHOLD GOODS nackad. forwarded: cheap freight ratea; roong and storing, Ex pressmen a Delivery Co.. TeL Doug. 24. City Office. 211 a 17th SC. Ban Bldg. ttere aad Offleee. LIVE WIRE men only; best grocery and meat market on 24th at. Apply 23D N. xL STORK with L77S square feet ground floor . . . I nVf. IsU-l -sLrlVI AS., wsxil rvsiuwit saasea "w-., r- J-'rw:.2r err: ,"VT 1 ib we "l,lt"!1' ,tT"lutr;?. lonal Fidelity A Casualty Bldg., "where wholesale ,1 .. In VmlniuU , """iCii. National Fidelity A OFFERED FOR SALE Farwitare. neany I ,VT -1 .1--; day. Z, I uewey avs, rauo fisvia.i NEW wardrobe cheap. Harney 113L FOR SALE CHEAP Gaa range, good as new. ued less than montna fnons tiar- ney lao7. STEEL R.VNGE. Almost new. high closet water front; cost t. soil for tia. Z23 I amam et. "IFoR SALE-Fumtture. including pianol fine folding hed. Iron beds, sanitary nnurhu dressers, good bed clothes, exten sion tsble. timing room chairs, sideboard. etc . 25-3 St. Marys Ave. Tysewrlten, dt-v C. Smith A Bros, typewrtter. B F. Swanson Co-. Dutributera Ult Far nam St. PlPHOVS ribbons and repairs for ail I.-UIUU.XC!, typewriters. We savs you money. The Typewriter Inspection A Sup- p,y Co. office M4. shop 4n4 Brandeia 1 hones: Doug.aa t!(7, Ind. A-44I2. T.n d f t, n a r . uiirri ttEARASCBsALB NOW cNI Prtcas lew to get the cash. a ts 4 rseTuiar Drtcas: any malss you want. a F. SWANSoN CO.. U.t FARNAM BY. RENT sa Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter cs. 1 bone Douglas 2iA SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired- Central Tpewriter Lxcbaaga Km tare am. Ilaa UP tS lUS sorai, ituw ym. w w..i . uf nnrmVhrnX. Vorth "t '1! A. D. Braadala. fcAflTtR-Farrell s syrup msy be eaten the year round KATAliLKS.1 If Mra Mary Kruger VrT7 R St. South Omaha, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify herself ens will receive aa order for a eOu can of tnis fins syrup. 8 A ri Overstocked with ' sal ea ail staes aad I maki bargaiaa Aaaer- Icaa aupvir -. xie m vvtR SALE Carload hedge posta: two carioade cook atove wood, lleok VSanuiey. talis city, Neo. LARGE safe for aaia Sua S. 17th St. Pliune Ix.g.i ivC. OH. TOU DUCK HUNTER, hem Is a cfaaaca te buy a duck gun that you caa kill trm witn. Parser lo-gause hwiauierieM, twuit barrel, tn splendid caa anion. Leather csm aad Aw aoei a tNo. 0 shot) go wita it Make ma an otter. K. V right care Ivew. FOR SALE Blue white diamond ring Cost. t-A Sail tur I'.. Ptutoa lioug lzX. FK SaI-E Jiaavu-able seat a to ths An eruaa mel It Wuuam Paula.. ,'C'ia and i'eliler It , will bring this el to Tte l-e w it r in three daye aad kieatutv himeelt he win rme hb aidar for lea smis to ttu Auueiiuen lasjaiee. OFFERED FOR SALE Mleeel la weans wtlaaed. FOR SALE New an1 second-hand bD Hard and pool tsbles. Wi lead ths world tn cheap bar fixtures: aaf payment. Malh -o.lendr 4U7 R 10th Bt OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, AS I Brandela Theater Bids. Katheryn Nikolas. St-s Brandeia Theater PATENTS O. O. BARN ELI Paxton BIk. Tel. Red Till. H I RAM A. 3TlKtJE!. reg. at. atty.. (46 Urandeis Theater Bid. Dougta.t Jtti. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In l.". ri. Pat. Office. ls faiton B.n. JL PATENT YOLK' INVENTION Free ex pert search of official records to deter mine patentable novelty, latent secured or fee returned. Free booklet. Milo B. Stevens Co. Attys , M4 F St.. Wanning ton. it Monaiinock Block. Chicago. EstaO. 1S4. Guaranteed and recommended by Bankers Hester. Highest rating by Uar- tlnda'e's American law Directory PERSONAL JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer." at all book atorea Fries tL.Hk if ECHANO TH I RAPT. Giirre. Rheumatism, maseage treatment. Dr. Margaret Hallo ran. m Neville Blocs. THE SA-LYATION ARMY soUofbi eaat-aff clothtng. ha fact, anything you do not seed. We oollect, repair and sell, at lie M. Ulh St.. for coot of collection, to the wor th ypoor. Call 'phoae Douglas tut and wagons will rail George Coleman, colored, wbo worked for N. P. Pltsenbaraer in Moody county. South Dakota In 1. Wanted aa a witness before March . Anyone knowing his whereabouts address Joe Kirov, atturney. bioux rails. South Dakota. RTRJCTLT private Christian confine ment home: best eaxa, babies fur adopuoa. IsiJ Davenport. Dr. Baker Medical Offices Expert specialist, diseases of women. Consuitatloa aad examination free. II g. 4th St.. corner Douglas. Omaha. Neb. MASK SUITS to rent at UEBEN'S, OMAHA Stammerera' Inst, Ramgs Bldg. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machmea Ind. A !!; Douglaa 1mA UtA and Harney Sta DR. EOOERd. private confinement homa 11 Martha St.. Omaha, Tel. Douglas efM. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage.' radia tor and -vibrator treatment. The Duncan?, Flat I, 1Mb and Flerca Douglas 43M. RATTTQ salt glow and maaraga. IM DXAXAO Dodga 3d floor, opp. postof fica Mma Allen of Chicago. Dou-. I46&. PRIVATE maternity homa Mm. Dr. King. 1214 N. Seth. Web. e. Ind. D UM. TOCNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to vta:t te Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth street and fct Marys avenua w n ! w 111,7 wti . boarding placaa or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers an i ue uoiw siatwa. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re- moved without eiectrio neeoie. or injury to tha akin; lady attendant. ii Mcmgum bldg. MASSAGE Mm. Rlttanhauas. a Old Boston Stare, PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani- tariuat. I" ei v-ouncu uiuu, ta. -TT,.,,- .1Brrr. - k... w Xli lW a fceft.i. J wiia wiutw, () wxangthea. iua. BEI.I. DRL'Q CO. WIGS and toupee for men. Griffith, U and 14 SLOCK. MAGNETIC H.tn74. 11 .J5": J,1 4ASJU LAAAa gag- jrsYonn PRIVATE confinement homa Babies WANTED Any Information that would uta John Wbalen. machiniat, aged a bo bout l(eaaoa mrawj mwxuos mm. dames Cuddy, J. ft arson. lows. BEST nerve bracer for men. amir's Nerve Food PUiS gJ-u a box. Postpaid. Sharmaa gt McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 201 South ltn St. D. UiL DR. BURKE 1?? i - " MANICURING, ftvoal niAdaUM), Ihunooo- liMi axitl hgurdreuinii don tn your hoot. Urft. F. Byer biiutlv Tl Harney tn:2. A HUME for women during confinement Babiea adopted and boarded. fciu.iding modern, for terms address matron. Tlnley Home. 4u) iiancroit at. rcc Uoug. ijOi. BLTtKKLL'OUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con- kultationfree aad conrdMuel; all work ruarantaed. Miaa AUender, J4 Bee B.dg. IF ONE wishes an enjoyable evening go to the American theater. If Mra. R. R. Jack. 10:4 Howard SC. will bring thia a to The oes aiitun tnree days and Identify berseif sne will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. Ml A fir TREATMENT. Mra Steels, Aa.wL ltr 3 rtn M rcK)r ru,,n POULTRY AND PET STOCK EOOS tor batching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C Whits Leg burna Utility stock. Il-Sa a setuug or M I. ElJ.t.'un.?.r setting v rite for catalog ua Addreaa A. D. Brandela Omaha. luO-EGG incubator. In good condition. B KL Bea . 8. C R L Reds and Golden Wyan- ?"V"", .W..1D dottes. PrUs winners at Omaha, Topeka ' iITm Hr17, stock and eggs fur CbUilcolbe, ilu. GLENV1EW poultry Farm, Rhode Is- Covalt's Buff Plymouth Rocks. Cream sf winter Is vers. Eggs, par U. tX tt. s t ey-oio enicaa :, uc aiu sue eaca. i t aoott Cevaut Cav BluXfa la.. 4U City Nat Bk THOROUGHBRED Piymauib Roeaa waits er beu-red esaa for batchiags, (X J. ua n SINGLE comb black Minorca eggs for hatching. 411 No. (1st St SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market ftr young ehicaena Made from pure grain. Far ale by all dee era A. W WAGNER. AGENT. 31 Tf. lath alt. Doug lie! Ind. A-Mn HIGH GRADE Single Comb White Leg buma Our strain waa the leading w .li ners St bicas a snd other ahowa" Otrcu lara Buriiagtoa V hlte Fg Farm. Fre mont. Nea, Route L ku VS. WANTED TO BUY bai B C. White Leg horn pulieta Stale lowest prat aad c aials N atL but bid g . T el dJusT llsT" i eu l! l '"r " ss BAPREiTpiMoTiiicirp'ui1" HTDEN; V """1 8t aad cue do a L.t,t Bra: nia t.u.l,i. .li.The Beat Una of Hemes In Kountas Placa ialng, oil, at niaee rooai for young etocK- A L Brandeia oroaina. BUFF Ik' - . a,eo two i xvkNwa ti C.1JWI U. A POULTRY AND PET STOCK (Continued.) BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerel. C nd H Ems for hatching F. C. Ahl-1-itst. 2772 Meredth Are.. Omaha. Wfbster 'JBft. F"R WHITE ROCKS and Orpingtons. rt. babv chicks. Homer. Carneaux p'lrp.'n". Ws Iter X'.irt faTidcn, Welter 4M1. PRINTlNf RIES-HALL Pig. Co.. K S. 14th. Ind. A L?w W. Raber. Printer rw.V?"i BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMTESON. 1213 Douglas St. Both 'phones 'PHONE IND A-K3s for good prlntlna 'er - tpiifli e REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee end Trust eornpaay. bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam St. PETER J ESSEN. Jr.. Co. TeL Doug. CM H. H. Neale. t Omaiia Nat l Bank Bids. M. T. B REN NAN (bonded). 324 Urandeis To. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1S56; prompt service; get our prices. 2U4 Brandela Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif teenth floor. Cltx Nat L Bank Bldg. CITY PROPERTT FOR SALE 114 N. 43d Ave., new, S-room cottsge, all modern; lot la 50x1 i and fronts on 43d Ave., and on 44th t. Room for another house, fronting on 44th St. 33,2110; LX cash reoulrfd. 41ul N. 26th St., new S-room all modern cottage. Oak floors and finish; furnace heat. 32,&j0; part cash; balance easy pay ments. 2s"t No. S6th SC. s-roora house, modem except heat. Lot tOxll: good barn and wagon shed. Only 1 blocks from N. X4lh St. car. 13.100. only HuO cash required. 2222 S. 31st St . i-ronm all modern house, built In liJ. This la an east front, only one block south of Hanscom park and two blocks from car. Large lot. Oak floors and finish. It la a bargain at S3.7a. Only eK) rash required. A beautiful new home overlooking Cen tral boulevard and only one block from Park car Una South front, paved street; hot water beat: Duplex window sbadea. All floors, except attic are oak, and finish on first floor Is oak, second floor Is finished In birch and attic Is floored with 2S-lnch pine, and walls and ceiling!) are finished with hard coat plas ter. Four large closers In attic, besldrs large closets off each bedroom. Two large double deck porches. One screened sleep ing porch and one tiled. This place has to been aeen to be appreciated. Arrange ments can be made to select fixtures. 24 Pacific St. Can make good terms to re sponsible parte Price f7 SO. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 5M Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas K70. Aak us about vacant property. BT OWNER Twd cottages. t3,80. 1 Art) oash, sell separate or together. All mod ern, walking distance. Douglas &28X - TWO lots near Uta and Vinton. Inquire 1107 So. 15th. . x i- DUNDEE BUNGALOW On Easy Payments At MS North Elst street, has five rooms. oak floors aiul finish In living and dining rooms. The bedrooms and bath room fin ished in white enameL Electric lights, gas. furnace. Its strictly modern. Be sure to see this bungalow. For pries and terms see Creigh, Sons & Co. TeL Doug. 300. 5u Baa Bldg. WINDING UP AN ESTATE Five choice residence lots on S. 10th St., worth 11, M) each, will take end; a good buy for an Investment or a homa Nor ail. Administrator. Douglas Zmi. BUT FROM OWNER Modem, desirable homa In Kountse Placa Phons Weuster auL FOR SALE House I rooma. water, sewer, letiet. eta; nice trees aad shrubbery, as ewtita bat at FOR SALE Bargain; two lots; sJse 40x 134 feet each; located near Suth and Fort, on boulevard: cast front. Pries t0 for both. Call Harney 1S. THE bill at the American theater Is worth while your evening will not be misspent. If J. H. Glass man. 422, No. 40th. will bring this ad tu The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order fur two seels, to ths American theater. FOR SALE. tl.KO Good four-room house with bath and at ilc. oa corner of 2Jd and Miami. See uJ make offer. tiflOO joxl si-room bouas. with bath, aoutb front in very good roniLion, on Spencer, near 24th.; tituO cash required. H.s50 Five-room cottage. with summer kitch. barn for 2 horseu. two acrea of ground, some fruit. Fine for chickens. 14.500 Good seven-room house all modem and 1 years old; hardwood finish; near oa 4td- VACANT. t lii Fine, lying south front lot tn Dun dee, two blocks from car. I BO East front lot tn ' Creighton'a 1st Add., two blocks from car. I ieO Good lot on Manderson St., near r-.b, t 750 For 10-ft. lot on h. Bet Martha and Arbor. (1,300 For two good tots tn Dundee, on block from car ACRES COOt For 2d acres on Dodge St. read. miles west. I acres Is alfalfa L) grape vises I ream o.d: baiancs in cultivation. It, For t acres five blocks from car; Improved. 14.600 Fur ten seres ef fins dying land Just outside city limits. 2 acres grapes, 1 acr cherries, 1 sere block berries, t acres apples; ail In bear ing; fair buildings t2 WS for 4 scree wltn ft-room bouse bam 14x10 buildings only 4 years old. good wall aad M cherry trees, 1 acre grapes, some currants and gaoss bertlea, balancs tn cultivation. PETERS TRUST CO.. 17th and Farnam, Home In Kountze Place Ixx ated st ths northeast comer of lth and Spencer St. A well built house ef I rooms and reception hall. Has hail, parlor, dining room, living mora and kitchen on tne first floor: 1 bed rooms snd Lath on the second foor; one finished bed room and atom room oa tha tnird floor Fine vomer lot: eouth front, paving and curb ing on both aides of lot; house is strtrtiy . 1 mAilMii hour aaatlit k . . . r-a .., ' Yea caa save money by oreertng your A Ba TRACT 3 OF TITLE from HiKBIKf H NL1LE. now II U . If Life bulg- - XaaUS la UiC busittema REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT Y FOR 44.LF.. Continued.) efl. New home, fin-shed H Oak. rooms all m.Klem. jvjt Central Boulevard. I New a room co,t..e. finlshe.1 In oak. , ri. well't. comrletely modern. rc.I hlcsir St. 4t-t0. lra!!"! new T nx-'n house, fin lhel in Oak. completely modern. Chicago JT3i. Practically new 4 rora bungalow Cnmrletelv mmlern. located In West Farnam District. Fine locution. e. room house In good condition. Wt Farnam Ittrl. t. Fine loca tion. iwrsTV EXT ma. Flat btiiMine J"l-3-i Ixxlge St.. i eei.arate f'.ats. fintirg for tf per month. Incumbrance running for 3 years at 6: ler cent. I?7ju aill handle thi. INTERNATIONAL LAND INVEST MENT 't.. Joie AKents. D. Jl:3 210 ZU-21 Bee King A- E78 " It is Improved with a six-room house be- NEARLT NEW all modem -ro-.m . side hath room ; good -ei lar ( bricked re house, full cement he. men t with laundrv. tnent walk., wood house 10x14. barn tSx:. full lot. screens an.l storm windowa. close 'and other small buildlnga. There are 40 to sen. m.i ana car im- i -irwi io : purchaser at 'Phone Ind. B J'.M. Jf3 Merelitli Ave. FOR SALE PY OWNER SIs rooms, modern, except heat to highest bidder. 4144 Eraklne St. LOT. two blocks south of Leavenworth on 4th street, let Y. M. C. A, FOR SALE Five-room, ail modern cot tage, new plumbing and furnace. 1771 So. Ninth. Red 6e77. a 10 shares of stock for sale in the Na tional Fidelity & Casualty Company ' of Omaha. W. H. Gates 644 New Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. S2 ids buys an H-room modern residence In good neighborhood, two blocks to car. Lot 60x136. will take 4 or S-room cottage or vacant lot aa part payment, balance easy terms. C. M. Ry lander. &4 Omaba National Bank Bldg. MUST BE SOLD New 7-room. all modern house; sleeping porch ' oak floors, east front; 1 block from car line. Open i to Sunday. 714 S. ath St. Harney lii or D. FOR SALE By owner, five-room cottage with large pantry and closets, gaa. elec tric light and city water, on comer Jot close to school and car Una Cheap if taken at ence. C. C. Copeland, JBOO Ava C. Council Bluffs. INVESTIGATE: ses II you can duplicate thla at price; new 2-story. S-room modern, oak and birch finish: south front: -v, block from cars: JK4 Seward. See Hendrica, owner, at Drexel Hotel 5-Room Cottage 16th & Binney St. Io20 Binney. half block east of Sherman Ava A well buiit cottage of e rooma Rooms all good slae and well arranged. Has iirat class heating and plumbing throughout. Stair to second floor so two mors rooma can easily be finished. Location Is very desirable. South rront ou rt. ioi conveni ent ts stores and car. e sure and look this ovsr today. Price K.0W for quick saia HASTINGS At UEIDt.N, ltfl Harney Su TWO SNAPS, t NEW modern bungalows, one i rooma one ( rooms, both on corner lots: both Just completed and fine location; clone to car line, modern every way. owners of these fine bungaiowa aay sell; keys at office. Western Real Estate Co., Ill Karbach Bla. Phone, Red 36u7; A FOR SALE Two lots. UBxles, en south Mth St.. nar Vkaton; ad special taxes pewd Vlll sell as eae ptscw or ai"lda Wiliiag ts sail at sauraOca. ARBts- at a Sshma um ts sell treat. C. Fred Harrison aad Oea. T. Morton for antral bargains, sis uawas a i YOUR grocer Is judged by the goods hs keeps. He has Updike a If William Hein buch. 3172 So. 13th St, will bring this ad to The Bea within three days and identify hlmsiif he will receive an order for a Li pound sack of this flour. FOR QUICK SALE. 100-ACRE FARM. tlOu PER ACRE. Four miles east of Council Bluffs, miles of Omaha, 3 milea of tar line. All good farm land. M acres beautiful, smooth up land. Com for tab I a small house with good ceilar; bam. cribs, tool houee; well and windmill, cistern: fruit fur family uae; about 10 acres alfalfa Land within easy driving distance of su h markets as omaha and Council Bluffs la Ininnaicaliy worth at least SO per rent more than the aame land 2o milea or mure from a large city. You can grow a greater variety of cropa, market them easier and get more for them. You can live better. Your land will In crease rapidly In value. This farm is bet ter worth t. bo per acre than many that have sold for that price. See us about it. It will only bs for sale a short lime at floO per acre. Terms If desired. Possession at once. McOee Real Estate Co., 14 Pearl bt W. S. Cooper, lu7 Pearl St., Council bluffs, Iowa CEMENT HOUSE New 7-room, rough cement house, artistically designed and nicely arranged. Has all modern features. Outside sleeping apartment on second floor and sun parlor on first floor. Second floor finished in white enamel. First floor grey oak. Excep tionally well built, Price $5,500. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 642 Parton Block, Omaha. Neb. $100 for a Duplicate at$2,650 $2,650 17th and Canton Sts. I will give f'00 to UfT buyer wbo will show me a better house In the south side ct ths city for V- Go and look at It fnrf try to win tma If you want to get something smaller at a verv low prica look at sod elLA South 17th St. I have 1W humea for aaue in I he eout n side, and if ou will teiepnone me. 1 will meet you with tne carnege and show all of them. J. P. JACKSON, Mil Frederick St Phone Doug. tfOl. FOR SALE Ticket to the American theater for evening and afteraoon per fortuancea. If A F. OHiet. 4 T 7 Capitol Ave, wi.l bring this ad to The Bee within tnree days afl identify hioiae f he will receive an order for two aeeia to tne Amen, an tneir. IXjH SALE Kotintxe P'ace. 9-room mod el a Louae- Address J -. ceus bce- REA.L ESTATE CITY' FROPFRTY FOR 9AI.K. IContlnued.) PAPRIFICE SALE Six rooms, reception "". -nu n" . " L ' "o.lern and tip-to-date. tVcupled by " - . - ""j'L Ja'r-1V:'J: ""'i-l'J REAL ESTATE ACREACB roR gALR. OOtID AM) RrOHTLY ACRES, near Florence and macadam road, all cultivated, ri'i buildlnga Ince verv cheap If sold he fore April 1 It n haf rash, er ti0 siHt cash. Immediate o-esiion. Tnle clear. No trad. C. J. Ernst. Omaha town or ) BE I X 13 EPEN DENT fiOOD. PRODUCTIVE 19 ACRES, level, resr good small town, 17 miles of Otwln; handy to depot and high achool of twelve grades: a nvs-htv mtrhl fnr Tour produce rruit trees, mainly apnles. and plenty o grapes; a, so a few shale trees around the house. A person can make Vnore more v off of this twenty acrea tfsn on a great number of larger farms. The price is tlJO per acre. It is worth It. too. OR1N S. MF.Krtli i,rciMP('V, i:u-i:i4 c-tv Natl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AJD KA.1CH LAND FOR IALI FOR SALE A Ns. 1 commercial apple orchard, two miles from county seat, ln terurban ears run by the place; 13-room house, two fruit cellars, full water right, stable, abed, two ciilcken bouses, fhree cisterns, packing house. For further par tlcuiara write S. R. Welch, R. F. D. No. 1 Grand Junction, Colo. - SOUTH FLORIDA-Colonr established; large settlement; Individual deeds; co operative price; co-operative development; townaita profits for improvementa. Addi tions open. Industrial couegs. Rusk us College. Rusk la. FIs. nit w onru cnttvTT rmua J now C&o; 110 down, tie monthly; price will be raised soon: save money by buying now; best soil, beet climate, beet location la Florida. Palm Beach Investment Co., tet N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. FLORIDA Writs me for deecrtptione of bargains la good, title-perfect Florida farms; slxe. prica terms to suit youraau. J. W. Durham, Sandarsos, Fla. . FLORIDA, FOR SALS Florida land at whoteaala Ws have several choice tracts soisbls for colonisation nurpooea Writs ua W A Helgen Land Co.. Jack son villa Fla. seiawsk WANTED-e-M or 30 families to locate on aood improved farm; Irrigated canals, lat erals, etc, completed; no assessments; all compact; can oivioe up in any sise tract. Germsjis preferred. From 3.000 to 1) acres. Will sell all or part .Near R. R. It will pay you to communicate with ths owner. John Kill Deck. jr.. Driggs. Idaho. or 30t City Nat. Bank. Council Bluffa SOME BARGAINS lot acres. (0 In cultivation, balancs In timber. Good Elberta peach orchard, M trees; good appls orchard. Jonlthan and W me Sap; now In bearing. Aiso a good family orchard of peaches, apples and cherries. Good bouse, barn, outbuildings, cistern and good drilled well and pond. This ts a splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion, t miles from atoshkonoag. ftfe par Another 160 irrss SH miles from Koshkoooag, acres In cultivation, house, bam and good cistern ; a few fruit trees Splendid partnership well In Una can get gosd water lo to l fsvt. Good fruaa and agrtcultuml proponiUan, 130 par acre. Another XJt acres, t miles from Koshkonoag. right m ths arrest fruit district. M acres la cul tivation ; family orchard of peaches, appleav pears and cherries; aiao pium orchard. House, bam and other outbuiidiaga bal ancs not in cultivation, but in very good timber, 120 per sera J. COCKBURN & S0N, 23 4-IS-11 Manhattan Bldg.. Das Molna. IOWA people living on ths farms are frequent visitors to tha American theater. If John J. Uieason. Benson, will bring thla ad to The Bee and Identify htmaeif he will receive an order for two seats at ths American theater. Want Merchandise Stock tlt.000 ts 312.000 for SCO acres) well- improved corn lano. only t miles frwoj Spirit Lake, county seat Dickinson aountv Iowa Price, f.'i per acre; mortgage, to.. aa roes n. js. jtius a Co.. spirit LaAe, , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fins ISO. acre farm In Pocahontas county, lows, lw miles from town. This Is a Crst-dass farm, ail tiled; has good Improvementa Price, tilt per acre; mortgage U.oua. i or U years' tuue; will lake in good, alear property ana ss.uw in caan on thia farm. Your property must actually be worth ths money, er no use ts monkey with it This is ths cash price on ths farm, it Is no aid trading tarm. so toe pro perry you offer must be gilt-edga We don't handie any thing but first-ciaaa deals, aad mis is ens of them, faubmit your proposition. Vv'soa ard Land Company, Gownt lav A SNAP Only drug sums tn s dry town (after July L) of tuo: reason, sickness; Bloc aoout U.ai0; will pay tor itself first year; must ns caan. v.. o. atoooy, ion is, la. MONET-MAKING summer reenrt haw tel. with a acres of ground: hotel alooe cost ever IusVumu; very finely furoluaed and IS clear. I 'a kola land preferred. Finely Improved Mexico rubber and oof fee plantation, vaiue-i at tsk.uus; dear aad pays dividends on dw.uuu; good property waated. bus sH, Wintarset. la. APPLE orchards and poultry farms not fur from Des Moines, near Colfax inter- WUuam Caas Peer. Aitooaa, la. IOWA peopls living us the farms are frequent visitors to tne American theater If E. C. Janssen. Florence, will bring thia ad to The Bee and Identify himself ns will receive sn order for two seats at ths American theater. ataassvs. WEXL Improved farm at tis auras hi Lyon county. Kan. Six miles trass AS mlra WtU sell sheas if taaea by idAres st Asdrwas Loot fees tse. uragorr. a L.- WHT GO TO THsJ DRY BELT when you can buy just aa cheap where) ws have pienty of raiar Xa) A., 1 mils trass a tawn of euO, only M miles from Havana; nearly all good plow land, part good aila. fa land, ail fenced and wail and nail; ae location. Price V- par A- The Central Kansas Real Lalate Co., ha Una. Kta THE farmer's or Investor's opfwiumty. O0 acres level Stanton county. Ram., land, well located, 1.0 per acre, & per acre Cowa. baiaacs in semi-annual payments of ti per acre, interest, s per veau. C Heitmaa. airscuaa, KANSAS farm ranch. I.sta) acres; tut scree in cultivation, good pasture; ail un der fenoe and roee fuce; uivoem 11 -roots house, firsl-claas improvements, running wster and Umlerr; water power, lavesis gate about tuis farm, aii Hail blalg-. Kaa sea CUV. Mo. FOR SALE MO acres whtat. earn or slfa.l la--.d tn .Harper county. Kaasa. ha f mile irutn towe. ti a" a eooa. ai iiue i Hush Conner, Hutcbiusoa. Kaa REAL ESTATE rM A.1U R CM It UMI ftR tt-l Kaasaa TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. 14 acres, Harvey county. 2 mils to toan. well Improved, howee. harn, orchard, fenced, etc ; low acres la cultivation; ail uiiabis: rr.soa. - 11 acrea Reno county, all tillable: fenced, Ti acres In cultivation; 4 miles ta teen. Price. CjOA Charles Peterson, Hutchison. Kan. - BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOMH. O seres: i-rocm house snd eutbtn. dints: well and windmill: 1 seres oultivatedi a acres) in wheat; fenced, smooth, lick soil, all tillabla Price. 12 per acre, terms. Lamlgref A Darby, Garden City, Kan. - ONE-TENTH CA&H, BALANCE EAST. sine lota u U. to Ie0; most rapid growth, population should double In a year; eiectrte 1 ght. eele(nones. mod era Improvements; analn liaa railway; gee ra oa ground floor and prut.t In advance; send for plat. John W. liaugbman. Pialaa, Kas MlastMta. FOR MATS AND VALUABTJS INFOR MATION 1.4 REGARD TO NORTHWEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND. "THE LAND THAT GROWS FLAX." WRITE Tt KENNEDY LAND, LOAN AJXD RaALTY CO.. KENNEDY. MINN. TWO SNAPS. 400 aiea land ons uilie from depot " at Pt. Jamea VVatonwan count r, Minn. Gwod bulidinna. Can alt be cultivated. Will take 330 acres North Dakota land at right value. i Sou cash; balancs long uue at per oent, per acre. Far Sale lit aorev all under eultivatloa sne mils from oily . .imits of St Peter. Mian., no bulldlnrs. Vs) (-er sera MORE HART ATCHlaMJ.V. , IN Minnesota they free wheat. In Omaha they me ue flour Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If J. F. McLane. Florence, will bring thla sd to The Bm within three days and identify himself he will receive an ordor for a 12-pound sack of thia flour. ISLE Harbor farm for sale. A TOO aors stock farm located Si mile from town on south ah ore of Mills Lacs lake. Mllle Lacs county, Minnesota In the land of ths big red clover. A so 1.4- acres unimproved Umber and meadow land. Writs Dr. E. L. Hawes. Mann a to, Minn. BIGGEST bargain in Minuesots. let acres, 'u',1.' fenced; g.d build- lag a Mad river valley, near Crookaeoa: rented; only Ks AID, with 10 cowa Konkla owner. Lumber Eachanga Mlnneapuiia Minn IN Minnesota - they grow wheat. In Omaha they mnke flmir Updike s Pride of Omaha flour. If Mrs. Anna Kaufffman. 3tiJ So. lath Ft. will bring this ad to Tha Bee within three days and identify her self she will receive an order for a twelve pound sack of this flour. COLONIZATION proposition; J8.009 seres; best colonisation propcaitios) In south Mis souri, t miles to raiiroad. LeOO-acm im proved stock ranch, ai under fence, other trans Writs for pricea o. S. WbiUoca, bircn i re, sto. .. s acres, ceo, 240 a. Douglas Co . Mo.. aO a. oonstder- abls valley land, cultivated. 190 acres tim ber; good spring water, some orenaro. room house, large new frame barn, O'ner out buildlnga Terms. Writs for lists. Haliay dt Spuriock. Avs, Mo, IF ONE wishes an enjoyable evening go to ths American theater. If Charles J I. Thotcher. Stm Howard St., will bring this sd to Ths Bee within three days And 4 Identify himself hs will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. tt a., large s-roora house, large bam MxsQ. 190 a adjoinlnsT the above. 4-roora house, new barn SiaJa.. V. Ui sell together er separata 1st) a. near Aulvl.le, large house and bam, a . model country home; prios duo per acre, cash or lar ma waiter C- Chiles. Higginsvt.ia FOR SALE Is acrea A miles from Leb anon, on pur.llo road; lies good; to In cul tivation; rest Umber; fair improvements; good wall and spring; fenced and ereae fenced: orchard; near school oa puaus road; it. m . u. aaa Miepaone; price ft-e F. n. curne. ienansn, sta FOR SAAJ6 OOO-evors stack and grain farm; tot acres tn cultivation; tut acres valley and bottom land; ail rich soil. Two sets of improvements; . per acre; easy tartns Large list of Improved farms In twenty counties, southern Missouri.. Osark Realty Co.. wfi College St. Springfield, Ma BUSINESS men at Glendtva Mont, hare smanlsed for ths purpose of giving re liable information concerning lands Is eastern Montana The members of the undersigned compuf have resided la eastsm Montana for SO years and mors snd know every foot ct Its lands. They are merchants aad business meat whs waat settlers and your trade and cannot afford ts mislead. Notwithstanding last years drouth Montana w as ' sns of ths few states that raised ordinary crops id" Isle. Have aeveral thousand acres for sals st reasonable prices. Homesteads located. Write ua Gats OtF Land company. Ulendlve. Menu , .. Webewahs. LnB-ACRE ranch for sals, 330 per acra two-thirds cash, remainder five years. 0 per seat Interest; ail fenced, good Improve ments. For particulars writs Frank I . behula. Norfolk. Neb, NEBRASKA farmer enjoy an svenlng at ths American theater. If Mrs. J. W. McDonald. 112 Binney c, will brtng this ad to Tne Bee within three days and Identify herself she will receive au order for two seats to lue American theater. NEBRASKA farmers enjoy aa svenlng at the American theater, if Mra A. M. Goff. SKS Francis St. will bring this ad to The Be1 within three days and Identify he see if she will receive an order for two seats to ths AjuerWao tuealex. POSSESSION GIVEN MR. FARMER, 6TOCKM.VN. DAlRT MAN OR INVESTOR Do you wish to make money bfl aa Investment? If so, here we sre. LVO-acre farm within less than t ml. r Ko. Omaha market and wttma 1 mi. of Mil lard, Douglas county. This is well improved with good 7-r. house, large rooms, bay window, good cei lar (bricked i. plenty of cioeets, pantry, etc.; 3 porches, barn 32xet room for 12 head, be sides haymow for 40 lona corn crio gran ary with machine sheo alongside and nu merous other buildings; extra good or ohsrd, etc. This land lays well aad ths soli Is good. This is not a li.'A per acre farm, but It baa the making, eventually, of a per aors farm. The price le I OS per acre. It will take from K 04 to (7.01) cash to swing thla bai. time. Might Is xe very small cot tage tn Omshs or routh Omaha as part payment. Good reason why It is for sate Remember the improvementa sre In good shape and worth quite a few thousand dollars and the soli la good snd further more poasession Is given. If you mesa business and can swing it it is well worthy Investigation. OR1N S MERRILL COMPANY. AGENTS. LU3-1214 t Ity Nat's Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Several acres of land Is Nebraska or Iowa lo party who ran proe thai them Is a better f.oor made than l pdikas If Mra O. K. M.OunitT. Chsnes St.. will bring ILis ad to The Bee within three da)s snd identify henteif sne will rereivs aa order for a lirpouiid sack of tnis flour. BUY FROM OWNER Cood 'e l 'he Co . Neb . let . !. da: k I w a . I st , ii. a a. A 1 I -1 . i,. f I 4 - t ! i A