Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    rHE OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: MAKlll 1!. l'MI.
.W-'Vi " . H J !,K - . t-w27 Y WINS .
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Brandeis Stores Invite the People of Omaha
and Vicinity to Be Their Guests at Their
Presentation of Authentic Styles for 1911
t in
Women's A
Fabrics and Furnishings
Entire Week Beginning Monday
Our own foreign ffice
in the style colony of
Paris has collaborated
with our New York
resident buying organ
ization i assembling
the correct styles frem
both continents.
This opening event
offers exceptional
opportunities to the
women who with to
select their spring
hats and gowns at
March the Twentieth
Every. department in Brandeis Stores shares
in this' opening event, each section with its
most attractive novelties for the new season
The season's, leading novelties in Women's Costume, Waists and Tailored
Waists. Newest arrivals' of Pcrrin's Kid G.oves for spring and summer.
Extreme novelties . .
in imported dress :
fabrics" for' spring.
An assemblage of the
new season's favor
ite silks and velvets.
A charming ar
ray of new ideas
in wash fabrics.
- Highest grades of Spring' Footwear; Women and Men
Unusually fine assortment of Silk Hosicrylof the highest character.
Correct novelties in
fine laces.'cmbroidcr
ies, dress trimmings.
The most effective
styles in women's
spring neckwear.
Superb showing of Eu- .
.ropean novelties in jew
elry and leather gopds.
A showin of everything that is, correct in men's apparel
The interior f Brand e is SUres has been decorated in harmony with the spirit of ths new season
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