'iH' tf TI 1 EL Building Notes of the Week r : ) - PEEF OKI LET US IMPRESS 'V Ttir lfli-at Ci niiTil mni.nn ' cMtiit Rt tlif recent M1I-VM I'tlnclit slwiw w saiil'il fitl prtzf fi.r ii.atn-K sml I'Ulilv of orU. 'I he alone proilticecl liy tliix firm kip mail In- th- latent stcain ctirinK proi tx nml sip covered with HT-iriKi( fxrlriK. '.M. I.. Kn'lns. '410 Ames urnue, Is show ing a new line of 1!MI w all scr. lie H) list many Omaha linmm ir bclim decc it-l it 'll Ilia new hUIcs in icr. Thr dixlKni fur this summer are entirely dif ferent fiiim anything ever shown In Uiialia. Window anil iloor urn have been fur nished by the Omaha Window b reen com pany for the fnllowin bouses: Tuo-Mory lesidem-e of W. A. I'sxton. Twenty-ninth and Jiouitlss streets; Howard hotel, Tenth and Howard streets: VVe miieller home, Seventeenth and Clark BtreetR. W. H. Thomas states that it Is Interest ina to note the number of people who take advantage of the privilege ot making par tial payment on real estate loans an In dication of the desire on the part of bor rowers to clear lli"-lr homes of lm um brnnccs and the further fact tliat Omaha people are prosperous and aide to reduce their Indebtedness. W. V. 8liei ood, 1J1J Farnain street, baa Just closed a contrac t with Ueoine H. larr for the electrical wiring of Hie lattrr'a resi dence In the Farnain street district. He furnished the mercury arc rectifier in the larr garage. He has coinplotcd the wir ing of the L. A. Hart residence. Itecent purchasers of fence from the Anchor Fence company are: Omaha Hox company; M. W. Lyons, 2H18 Harney street; Christ Jaimen, 613 North Sixteenth street; C. A. Kohlmeyer. 2S.'3 Ppraguei street; Nels Hammer, South Twentieth avenue; Dwlght Williams, Omaha Uee; Mrs. M. I'. Foley, SOU Chicago street. The American weather strip, sold by F. H. Turney & Co., .K)6 South Thirteenth street, is having a large salu this sprinR. Thla Is an absolutely diiBt-proof atrip. If the sash swells It does not bind and always la louse enough for the window to slide easily. The beautiful wall finish used through out the Hrandeis Mores In: Keystona. It torn on like paint, looka better than wall paper and can lc washed. Over Kl'"n have been used on the Hrandeis buildlnEs since the til t of the year. Harkrr Hros. 1'alnt rompan, I'V-j Farnam street, are agents for this Keystona. T he flre-priHif storage of the Omaha Van and Storaae company Is declared to be one of the best In the west. Separate locked fire and mouse-proof rooms are provided. C. ft. Heflin receives tails nearly every I morning to rush lo some office In Omaha .mil open a desk the key lo which has been lot or mislaid by the owner. Mr; Heflin says the number of ke s that are loM. oi caslonliig his services, Is remark able. The Omaha Silver Compmiy is filling i, any ord rs for sluing. This firm does a majority of Omaha s work In the polish ing and rcfmlsliltiR of chandeliers. It has reiihed many orders from out of the city, loo, and Is fast establishing a reputation over t lie western states. Miller. Stewart A Beaton Co.. are doipi some of the finest Interior decorating ch Omaha homes this summer that has ever been produced in this city. This progres sive firm has a large corp of decoraters that keep tip-to-date in every thing per taining to the making of the home beau-, tiful. One of the members of Hie staff Is now in the east gaining new suRges tlons. F.xpanded sleel plastering lath. soldNby the Northwestern F.xpanded Metal V, t Van Kureu street. Chicago, has been adopted by the I'nlted States government for use In federal buildings. It Is a fire proof substitute for the Inflammable wood lath laming time Is upon us. and the Seed Co. Is already doing a large spring business. Sweet peas are being planted now. and this firm Is having Im mense sales of Its Florist Mixture. Combination heating, lveing both warm air ami hot water as installed by the Omaha Stove Repair , Works has attract el a number of prospective, home owners who have Inspected this system with the view of using it. Some of the finest homes In Omaha are heated In- this manner. The Omaha Stove Repair Works reports the closing op of several heating contracts. Ing Voose. HH North Twenty-fourth stieet. are repairing a great deal of de fective plumbing thla spring. FEME 5UIIMB3 G MaBaaaaHB One-Story and Two-Story Bungalows arthnr C. Clsnssn, Architect. MR. CLAUSEN'S BOOK "The Art, BtcUne and Sentiment of Komabnlldinf." v 30 chapter:. 3'M) Illustrations. It covera a wide range of snb.ie ta. In cluding the planning of bungalows, suburban and city homes, costing from IZ.OUO to J.'O.MO. letting con tracts, choosing materials, proper de sign of entrance windows, fire places, etc. New third edition. Price, postpaid. II. W. Addrea, Arthur C. C.un. Archi tect, 11.16-37-18 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minnesota. classified the one- lmnnalow favor In .Seed plan N braska S Northwestern Expanded Metal Co. 84 Van Dcren St., Chicago Manufacturers of TOAPr Mu Luuv the Standard Material for COHGERTE REItlFORCEMEHT in floors, roof, bridges, pavement, Be wen, etc. Write for pamphlets con taining full information. i x l. 1 ra h "Jl 1 under two beadlngs. J I story bungalow ami the two naMJ story bungalow. r" The one-story ninyJ sprang Into poiiular the cast and the west almost at the same time, but for entirely different reasons. In the extreme western and south esici n parts of the country, homes have always been unlit rather low, as a pi "lection from the dangers of selsmetle disturbances, but In the eaat the bungalow is largely the outgrowth of the flat building Idea. A young woman used to the conveniences of a flat can not easily accustom herself to the Inconveniences of doing t lie house work on two floors, which explains why so many young people are building bunga lows for their first homes. A one-story . bungalow has all the ad vantages of a modern flat, except Janitor service, and overcomes many of the dis advantages found in a flat building. In a flat building the rooms are usually ar ranged along one side obtaining light and air from that aide only, which Is either directly over the sidewalk on the one aide or looks into an Inside court on the other. This means a restriction of light and air, and bars one from ti e pleasures of a yard In the summer lime. Also real estate agents seldom rent a flat to a family with small chjldi en. While I hey are sometimes accused of hcartlessness in this respect, it Is really a kindness to the children, for a flat building is no place to raise little Children. A bungalow on the other hand, has light and air all around t, with as lanie a yard as .the relative size of the bungaow and the lot will permit, and makes a ideal home In which to raise children. itloHt little lots have to be dressed from two to four times every day which means a frequent i 'inning tip and down stairs. In addition to the duties of the regular house work. The floor plan arrangement of a bunga low can be as formal as in a prlvite home, with an entrance, hall, living room library and dining room, in addition to the kitchen and chambers, or'it can foil iw the crafts man idea and be made very informal with ij , ; r i t r i r t 1 v- v. - 1 eU. - ; 1 the large living room serving :he piirpose of reception hall, living room, I'brary and dining roo'ii. There is one feature which should be In cluded In every bungalow, no matter how infc rmal. and that is a snnill halt con nected with all the bedrooms, and the bath room. For obvious) reasons, it Is not con venient to have the bathroom located le motely from the bedrooms, and In no way directly connected with them. Since there Is always some attic space, over even a small bungalow there should be provided a stalrw'ay leading lo It. This space is often convenient as a store room, and if the bungalow Is a large one, the addition of a small dormer or two on the rooT, appropriately located, makes the space available at any time for a spare room or two, or It can be used as a bil liard room, or playVroom for the children; during Inclelnent weather. Since' a cellar stairway is always neces sary, the stairway to the attic can be placed directly over It .thereby requiring no extra space'Tor this purpose, since the spaced over the eellar stairway would be required for head room which the stair In ascending to the second floor does not interefere with. ' There is a mistaken Idea, prevalent.' that a bungalow Is less expensive to build than a story and a half or two-story hous-, con taining the same number of rooms. A nnall bungalow containing the living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom can be built as cheap if the jponis are not large, as a home containing the same amount of rooms with the bed room on the second floor, but when I .vo, three or four ' bedrooms are placed on the 'list floor, the relative cost increases con siderably. This can be reasoned out In a very simple way. We will take for example a straight Iwo- alory home, 24x2i feet In size, containing on the first floor a large living room, din ing room and kitchen, and on the second floor three bedrooms, bath room, linen closet. and the stairway which connects the two ?-tcrics, It c.:n be easily seen that placing all of the rooms on t lie second floor without I'diKing them In slr.e. to gether with the rooms on the first floor would make a house 24iS feet, or twice feel. . Kach room in Itself will cost as nireh as In the two-story boue. Tlier." will be required twice as much excavating for the basement, ts llnra! feet more foumlaiiou wall mid fooling, almost twice as much roof, composed of loof rafter. 1 weather boarding, paper and shingles, and since tiie celling Joist of the two-story house was the floor joist above, which would not be used as floor Joist In the. bungalow, there would be an additional expense of floor Joist to fill in a space 2lx 21 feet In a bungalow. From this It can be easily seen that a bungalow 21.IS feet, containing six rooms, would cost consider ably more than the same numher of rooms in a two-story lioi'se. 24x21 feet. To off sit this there Is a slight reduction in the cost of studding in being able to use short lengths, bin tills does not amount to much. This is not an argument against the planning of a one-story bungalow when out cannot afford It. for a more desirable home w ben appropriately located, w ith a spacious yard around It, and not hemmed In between two tall houses, would be hard to find. This is simply a warning to Hie man of limited means, vho has the mis taken idea that a large bungalow (Joes not cost any more than "he same amount of space in a two-story house. Oul of this fact has srown the two-story bungalow. The man with a home 21x24 feet, desiring but one or two bedrooms, run place them on the second floor In such a manner that the roof can be given a low bungalow appearance, with large dormers to provide light and air for the chambers. The effect of studied rusticity can be pre served, and by using very wide projecting caves, a bungalow effect can be obtained In a home costing less than a straight two story house, and not near as much as the cost of plating all of the roonn on one floor. rHCPUM o t vniin . 1UUU J on to 1 No tlcsi isioii an lie rem In . as, to w hich of several Furnitc rv will pyrforni the lirst. -Ncct liy pii.oi.. lion. We want to extend to von an inilta., spel t Hip M h i:i, ii ikii iiHT iio i i i;vt i: .1.1 KXC KI.SIOK M.U VAST KI KVU I' This is th. ..nr way to convince yourself that you arc grl.ing tin- b. m ihal nii'iicv can buy and one whose nerfoi main e at all itiips. will be absolutely tatisfaclot y to you. nnrl with it rocb a pcpitlxc : itti i a . to . Copper Coil (Jas Tank Heaters, I .a undo Tank l! r'lers, Marvel Coal Chutes and Mower Vases for (he lioine, pari, or ;ud. Omaha Stove Repair W orks Telephone: D. 90. A-3G31. 12CG-0S Doughs Street. You can gel the best attention KHO.M W. 17. SHERWOOD i:iec(rlcl Coiitiuctinii. Wiring for Light, Power and Electric Bells. Agents for Hawthorne Motors. 112 1 UX.M Sfreet, OMAHA, I'liones: INiiikIu TfliJ.'l; ' Inrt., A-2U0I. I, Miniates Cheerfully furnished. C Ultlp lll.Wllw Jl4l iwm Mixture White Clover, Kentucky Hlue Crass, nnil Mimly Nook l,rtn Crass. XelirasWa Seed Co. 'a liiiwn l-'ei tilier doeti its work belter, tilcker, eheaisri' than any barnyard manure and it contains no weeds. v CCUO XKKI AXV? Nebraska Seed Go,, ioi;i h)v.ri sTiu:i;r. 'I'Iioiio llotiuliia l'Jdl. e Your Rome Must He Different Your self-pride makes you want to get a character lor your room a that Mill not be like others. Our 1911 wall papers are the (holiest patterns, designed by the best makers of papers in the east. The col orings are ideal and will give such decorative effects as are most de sired. You will notice the distinctiveness of our papers. We are now selling 1 Oe and 15c bedroom and ktt hen patterns lor 7 ',4c and 10c. Our kitchen blocks and imitation tiles, worth I'llc and lTk-, are selling for 1 Oe and 12',ie. ' We carry a large line of German Oat Meals, Crown Borders, Cut Out Borders and Panel Designs at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to call or telephone. Bear in mind, we are not in the high rent district and tan save you money. 1VI. L. ENDRES ' 2410 Ames Avenue Uolli I'lionefc: Webster UI:JH; Independent W2:H. 9- t alaliiaiMiaM . S9.1 i c r $ , " i TvPjLtt ARTHVR.-C' ! ARCfi'T., r1ir-fML'NPotit,J When You blscover V . 7 l Leak Call . . . Lt O II (&L VOaSO Up-lo-Uate Snnllary Plumbing aaid Keating 1004 Norlli I wcnly-lourth St. Thayll aava you treat expense. Estimatas on work furnished on apulicatlon. ' Phona: Wabatar 48. IB HJ SILO MOW We will supply you highest quality ami bent workmanahip in cement hulldtng atones We do all kind of cement stone work sMewalks, steps, haseinents. porc'u flooin, lelalnliig nalle, heavy concrete reinforced house, flats, foundations. In competition with the lm-Rest manufacturers of Nehraska, exhibit whs awarded first prize for neatness and quality of work at the recent Mid-West Cement Show, held at the Auditorium. IdealCement Stone Co. Mala Office and Tard, 17th and Oumlnf. Phones, Bouflaa 44M, Omaha, Web. Factory and Tard J lit, and Spauldlnt" Kta, Ind. B-3C13. How Furniture Is Stored by 1 i .. .'-4 i, ) OMAHA VAN AMD STORAGE CO. AllSO.-UVi LY MUEPUOOP Main Office, BO Bo. IStii St. Branches, 30 Bo. 17th and iiao Mo. 19th Bts. Teiepnoue: Ivu(laa 41a and lua-, A-133S, IDimimGj Room ; , 1 i)-'o'kiV-' .Living, Room i i 15'-O x. t,V 1 1 1 1 - Limb biiI ' C 11 J i i 1 CCA1M CLOO.I CLS. I 1 ! , roacw Lj ' popch U J poos smtcN H SECTION Wtion II PORCH WINDOW and DOOR SCREENS Hade Up and Put Up Omaha Window Screen Go, IJasement (v!l Xortli Kllli Street, Onului. Teleiihone llouhts 1(1!). 0 . 1 1 i 0, Why Not Have Yours Made "Go?J a Nciv?' We Pihsh and Re-Fmi h Cha .ddier-. Omaha Silver Company OTIS M. LeROQUE Bnocessors to Ki;Mri:il, HKMIMIIIX ami IM ( IvIMill AM sll Kinds of PlatliiK, )ili.inK, .iilitiie l inislies, ;c;iii inu, lile. v 314 South 13th Street i r 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I' I I J I twojmrll or. roup. f-iMir?Mt-o or-r om - I2.xiL-6 j -i VC-OT.! OLCOriO rt.OCK- , ! fA -jt f"IRtP"T r-LOOR. y 1 0 Phone Douglas 78. Keep ihe Dust Cut This Summer With the American Weather Strip It's Uiiut Truof. but will fit your windows ho they will run with vase. F. H. Turney & Co. OMAHA, Ni:i5. rtllS Ho, ISlli St. rhono Doug. !;! OMAHA, NEB. C. R. Heflin Co. 1516 Douglas. Upstairs We Duplicate All Kinds of Keys. - V s Jj Tel. Itouiil'iH -7 I- : Frank Barker Al Barker Jos. Barker, Jr. Geo. Barker Barker Broc. Paint Co. 1609y2 Farnam St. Both Phones. ' Do you know tli;it you c;in suvo 'IW,, on your painting ly usin nlisolutoly pun material f Shcrwiii-WiHiaiiis Paints ami Varnislics, Carter ht-ad, Keystona, Pure Oils ami Colors. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan to lioine-ownors and home-builders at a fixed annual i uteres rate with jirivilege of making partial payments fn any interest date. "When a payment i made interest cea.-e; only the halanee hears interest payable semi-annually. Ulf. H. THOMAS 503 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Create a cool, refreshing atmosphere in your home for the summer months Comfortable, sshadea Kiirroundinps lend a lelrtsbiug atmosphere to home that nmkes it an Inviting' place during heated montlti. To attain thisondltlon it is necessary to have decora tions pper, cretonnes, velours, curtains that do not destroy the harmony by latkvof color scheme. We direct your attention to theie facta, for e are fchowing a distintlive line of papeis, ile orations, portieres, curtains, cretonnes, and furnishings that will make your home a charm ing place. Our experts will create a compu te decorative scheme for you and submit' plans and figures. Suggestions for making your home beautiful and cool are made without charge. 1 I, ii Now Is the Time to Order Fence Miller, Stevart & Beaton Co. Established 1884. i i I i i .i j 413-18-17 South Sixteenth Street We sell all the popular Jetigns and staple in irvn. lawn and garden fencing at the low est price. Order now, ahead of the crowd. Anchor Fence Company 207 N. 17lh St. TtUphtmt Red-8(4 4 r I 4 V i A y 1 t 'f It 1 i i' ! X H i! I