i 0 - ...., - ''- - ' ' r . li.u.uiA lM .U.VM l 1.' i f - sr ,. n. "ir y : n f ... -v s v I 11 A. I ' 111 . CI It II X . I ; f T'1 -Or,., ' ! nn f " 4 Aim ' k V- 1 H BBC . . r - j m 1 a J l I K. ft. M K.S !' tvn-hcr TF. MT.T.W.T.'F AlfLn LA PIA y :. ,- IB A ;.X;. J:''y i:..- --'-ii x-. v a I , i 7 , RI t B 1 Imuoh ABJaLtLLJj dad JXMlJuUiiLs H l l il j x I v x t x f 1 I . x J! J iAYETYl! ( noEzm; ( i i j AX B x ..... I ssshett V. x'-;--x.:, Ky i I 5- : 1 ; I i .7tLri - i ii ;v I V f II HE WHITE CAPTIVE." which coined to the Hrandels theater fur an eiicanrinent if hIx jut- fiirinwrir, . hcK.Ttnini; wllh inatinoe UHlav. I.i f of H,,le, t Wayne comliin. li e implicit m the psn The Wh te f the l', o- i rTl co,n, 10 Hrandria theater Uhe tells the housemaid, and latr the la thorotiRh t i as to their n.ngintf .nd dan- I I III fyr rnfiftapnirnt f nix jut coarhman and th chrf are taken into thejclnff. The Itumano Bros., art models, offer 1 aiMlve" I 1 le f th reople n! I'vetflowi y"v lealljim. ( encs ai l ie of the plains with the , lev nnf of the people of the e,t and its story Is full to overflow iriK with Incident which, fr eallem. have ncer hcen equalled. Th encs are laid (n Arizona and the char ac ters arc eaxtet ners. Indians, cow boys, j (ravers, half-breeds and eattUmrn. The tiKe of a wireless apparatus which puszie the Indians by receiving mesae from the grest unknown heavens, is an interest ing incident which furnishes a grat deal t'f amusement. 4 Raymond HilchiocK comes to the Hran- tlei theater Thursday night, supported by a company of sevent-fie people. In tleoige M. Cohan's musical comedy, 'The Man Who Owns Broadway." The enaasc ment ts for three nights, with a mat, nee on Saturday. This Cohan and Harris pro duction comes to this city intact after long and successful runs In New York. Hoston and Chicago. In the a.-t art Flora Zabrlle. John Hendricks. Francis I.leh. Mildred) Klame. l.ila Rhodes, Mark Sullivan, tier- ! trude Webster, Iceland Steal ns. Armand j King. Curte Karp and Kalph Marlon. The; acenery and costumes are said to he on a . magnificent scale. Regard. n this ne creation dramatic reviewers claim that It Is Cohan's best, the pkee being crowded i with song hits and cyclonic chorus num- bers. The pivotal tharacter. Sydney Lyons j a popular Hroadway musical comedy star, i . a comedian, accurdnig to his own admls- ' ion, can neither sing a note nor dance a ' step, hence his elevation to stardom, hylvla Uridwell. the daughter of a wealthy New ! Torker. becomes enamoured of the idol of the hour, buys his photo, attends six run- ; aecutive performances, and then confesses 1 her secret of her fascination t her maid. ' w!0 promptly Informs the butler, w ho In j turn passes the word to the housekeeper, j ESPECIALLY ENGAGED WITH THE EVA LANG COMPANY. r . , t - V : ! ' X ? i s . s i ; ! : ; - a; w ' I x - - iz k . - - JOij oTToLA XtsUlTll. sYJl fLL, X: Jr and as she ha bern tuld In confidence, the tells the housemaid, end later the coachman and the i-hrf are taken into the secret. Meantime. Papa Ilridwell airantP.d a marriage between his daughter and (ieorge Biirnhani dencrihed on the piu giam as a villain. Purnhain has an ac complice, none other than Charlotte Curtis, a well known confidence woman. These to concoct a scheme so that Burnham shall marry Sylvia and Charlotte siall be come .Mrs Mrldweli; r. This scheme I discovered hy the actor, who foils their plans and marries Kylvla. It requires four ernes 10 unfold the story, and It is wor ried out with true Cohanesque briskness. Manager Woodward has acrounced the appioachltig end of Miss Ungi season at the Uoyd witn much reg.-ex. On Sunday. April Zt. she will open a summer engage ment at Kansas '"ity, to be followed at the Boyd on that date by the lxing Stock com pany of Chlcagi. a sterling organization which will remain In Omaha indefinitely, presenting fust class plava at popular prices. For the current week at the Boyd the offriing will be Augustus Thomas' drama of life In the southwest. "Arizona." with ita fine portrayai of rrarsuers of the country. A featuie of the week will be the appearame with the crnp&uy of Miss Olilla Nesmith. daughter of Major Nesmith, , !'. P. A., one of Omaha s lest known! society gins, wno will have one of the leading feminine rol.-s Miss l.ang will play Bonlta Canbv and Mr M Quarile will I IJe;jt nant Dent n. Manager Woodward lias prepaied a fine mounting for the play, and promises a worthy production. The first performance will be given at matinee this afternjon Th Orpheu n inana.-ment announces for the weik starting maiinee today, the Or pheum Road show, an aggregation of vau deville stars pit ked from the entertainment marts of the world, by Mr. Martin Beck, general manager of the Crpheum circuit of theaters. The Ricoletto brotnera are excellent in- . strumentahsts. illusionists. magicians. 'por-tuiei. acrobats, aerialists. n.iinl. s and Jugg.cis Their . omhlnation of veratllilv. diMi'titv and suength fairlv ayounds an , kudicnce. This is the fn'. Auieri, an tour of th K, Colettes i.a P,a ' danci, ou,es f i oni the Pala. e thiatr:. l.cndt.n. with a series of four new i da !)'. r.ih with elaU.iate scenic and' ; def ine eff.nts Her nunil,cis are: Jap 1 anrse dame, fire dame l'ance of the Pyra lold and "The Spirit of the Waves " M.-l- vl!e and H,e!ns will present "Just a j I.ittlc Fun " which indicates the nature j of their a t. They were here btfme. I Charles Leonard Fletcher and compaiiv will offer Per. -p. a! Knight's one act cn:n I edy. "Mi Ner.e." The coinul'ea'ions and ' sit'iallons aie ilcv ch.ped in an unu.-i.ally iclevtr ituinner. Mr. t'letcher's claral-r-! ixalioci is said to te artist c The Clwrk ' sis'etg art-1 !tll Frnu:n litie a sioti'ie and dancing act. Joe Jackson. The F.wo J Krni (klund " has bvond any question i tl. furiiiisi bievcle ait e rr witnessed iiH,n a stage New ktnodrome views and ihe tnplieum orchestra will htv. to in crease the interest of ihe road show week Pa ly matinees The f. atjte a.t for h.s week's hill at tie Anurlian wtil be the first appearanc in On.aha of Peiham. the Kuropean hyp notift. in hit exhibition of concentration. His perforn anre Is an entertaltmnt teem ii. ( vi'h leamarkah'.e results and demon etta'ions An art that will be especially ap.esl'ni! to t;e women ana children is M -s iLicfe a'.d her UeTTor.eH'au .l,n. 1. a r.eit.tte of ve.'.alt'e juveoiits selected from hundreds of applicants after a thorough test as to their singing and dan cing. The Itomano Bros., art models, offer sncirnt and ii.od.-in sculptor masterpieces In life snd feature famous knot k-ot't ' punches of famous prize fighters." An j act, new to Omaha. "Catlldo and Curtis, ' is sure to meet with a hearty reception. Another feature is th "Royal Pianivt." Alphonse Zelaya. a son of the exiled prest- ; dent of Nlcaraajna. He is the Paderewski I of South America. The usual six acta and .A nu rh a'copo photo pictures of "Life Por- tra.vals" make up the hill. On Monday i niKtit one paid reserved 30-cent ticket vvi'.l admit a lady and aentlfman or two ladies 1 If exchanged at the box office before ' p. m. "Kvervthin? new" .a the watchword of the Irwin "Majesties." a general clean-up. not a bar of music nor a line of song that you have ever heard Everything- used was especially written and composed for the "Majesties." and will be seen and heard only In this production A sinB ' )? stunt, called "The Review of the Operas." will keep the vocal critic busy searching for sour notes. A cast of comedians that ' have stood the acid test, and a chorus of the class that make the red corpuscle run through the veins like a tonic. The usual matinees will le givtn. and no ad- vanre prices. ;a going to L. t us see If Manager Irwin fu'fiil his promise at the Gayety thtater He week slatting tl.: afternoon. I'.eRinning tomoirow there w.ll be a ladies' d.me matinee daily. Four days starting ' w ith a matinee. The Broadway Gaiety (Jirls will be the attrac tion at the Krug theater. The music Is of the jingling, whistly sort M ss May !irehl has the leading fema'.e role Phe Is a prima donna of more than average ability, besides being pretty and vivacious. The company comprises forty talented peo ple, incli'ding a singing and dancing chorus of tweniy stunningly gowned young wo men. Camelo a Parisian Models will be the extia sttraction wi'h this offering this week and they will appear In "L'Art de L AmoU!." the sensation of the Kuropean sit gallerlrs and other great pinnies fro-.i the woik of great musters. On Wednesday nlgiit will be the Orr.isv pole C'imh h.l . ;i used so inn- h fun lust wee!,. This .. li test is open to ail und a prize will be hun at the top for ti e one InninH the ilimb. ONE OF THE BRIGHT LIGHTS THE KRUG THIS WEEK. AT I r tseWriU ( v i MABIE FISHER. A MI'SKMKMTS. F Advanced Vaudeville Katinee Every Say 3:1S; Every JTigbt 8:15. Vfaa'x Starling Mitinaa Today ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW Srection of Martin Back - Elrst Appearance in America of CHAXX.ES HEVIT BROTHERS RIGOLETTO la Their Remarkable Display of Tsr satUP.y, Dexterity and Btreng-tb Direct rrom Her TUmnphaJ. Appear ance at the Palao Theater, London LA PIA "The Enchantress" In an Entirely Xaw Series of Dances, Including" "Ite Spirit of the Waves" Eirst Asterioaa Tour of HOWARD oetlaad's Eremier Tentrlloqulst "MELVILLE AND HIGGINS " Zeoentric Bing-lnf and Chattering' Comadtaas, la "Just a Little Eua" CHAS, LEONARD FLETCHER And Rii Associate Flayers Presenttnj a Comedy of Absorbing: Interest. "Bis Hervs." By Eerolval Xnlg-b (Adapted and Arrang-ed lor Taade TlUe ty Ir. Fletcher.) Three Entertainers CLARK SISTERS & FARNUM In Songu'of y uvu unvivi. The Enrcpaaa Vagaboad Frojectst" Orpheum Animated Fhotogiaphy.f O-PHEUM C3XCBf 035HEST.U IS Talented Artists IS FKICES. Mats.. 10c, 3Se. Sat. fc tan. Kata., 10c. s!c, too. Evgs., 10c, &, &o. Bun. Evs., lOe. 2c, ooc, 75c i'hones L. Jnd. A-HSI MISCMA ELMAN Young Russian Violinist in Recital TuesdayEve.March 21 First M. E. Church Tickets $1.00, $1.50 and $2.C0. Now Selling at A. Hospe's Music l.M I. lavoted to fctrloWv Blah Qrada Extravag-aaza and Vaudeville QA1LT vwh MIT. T03AY Terminate Bat. aSt.) EBED 11WIHS MAJESTICS With the Columbia Olrl FLORENufi dENNh'TT and GUS FAY, J3H K3LLAN3ER And a Company of Fifty In "THE SAUSAGE TKllST" A Btnpenlons Musical Conflosneratlon In Twro Acts. LAUGHS ; cobtomm fketty oibxs i sox.x.ab.3 invested ! CLEAX, CL'.EST ENTEBTAIN MEKT SONG OIROCHORUS Dear Sender: Never whs a show better named than tills tuie The Majestl, s. They certainly have h right to the title, too. I taw the show Tuesday In Kansas City and I want to tell you that there is music and laughter till you choke E. L. JOHBSOV, Btgr. Oaysty. Evenings and Sunday Matlnes 16o, lie, 6O0 and 75c ;yk Mats. 15c & 25c LADIES' "t f At Any we.k TICKETS IUC D.tu.ti.M. BAT. HIOHT OILT, MAJCCK 85 Awother Ladlcroma and Slde-Bpllttlng , AMATEUR CONTEST For Liberal Cash Frises. la Conjunc tion with "FBOTOFLAYS" Orchsitra, 85c; Eutirs Balooay, 10c. 'm evr ."''';. lrr Everyman Visiting Nurse Ass'n Benefit Lyric Theater Thursday Eve., March 23d Reserved Seats 50 Cents fl A Thomas Kilpatrick & Co OOBGLli... NA1S0 SCHOOL Jl.tTl lo;'Kl" HtiTfl. AntTusI l. r.crKltiiii. Madame llorgluiu luiiK of Uni;er Sua)' nr. I'aris. l.-grhetiiky Mtthod f'ubllc Performance Classes. Kar Training and fight Heading; Twenty 17 1 TOVDTT Tour, to LUIXUIL lloderare Coit best Maosgrioeat Meditevraneaa North Cape Catoution Maes Otavers b'.ukLITS kkvDV THE rtLCRIM TOUR. BOSTON. HASS. MTa!OHBWHiTC08Ci fc.lt t7u.IV' Store. 103 MOOT ami EnrfT. It A IP fc ilaanr lull i Tii Mate Tola 25c; Few at 506', TolilZSe, 50c, 75c MOMllV THK ;hkatkst or AM. THE WHITE CAPTIVE IN tXl H A(TS AM HVi: St KNKS REAL sowiS. Street Parade Every Day The Biggest .jig Musical Shows Thursiaj, FiTday aiJ Silur Ja M3tin33 Silurday AMKRICA'H 1(WT POl'tUMl K)M:il.. RAYMOND Ai-tcd hy 7.IIKI.1K AMI lHMilAI. MAY IN GEO. M. COHAC-rS VI HO 017 IS A OF COLOSSAL C3MPANY OF COMEDIANS, SIN3ERS, DANCERS P;l:r,: N gU 50, 75, SI, $1.50, $2; Mil. 25, 50, 75, SI, SI. 50 ON SALE Ell ARCH 27 TO APRIL 1 Durlaf tb Bca-Xnr Bc th cnrtain will rln nlnr ptrolMly at fclocX. X.tUne at S e'eleek. Xita ccmara will act b Mated uatU tU pilud ibowlur "Tba Star of BatUvaam" ! oonalodad. KLAW & ERLANGER S NEW AND GREATER tJea ORCHESTRA OF 20 Uftfef v . ;j .3h. ztA j 200-Peoplo in F1IIST 12 IJOWH IAJWKK FIXK)K. 2.0; KKMAIXUKll $150. HIWT 4 KOWS HAIXtlXV. 1.AO; XKXT 4 UOWS, 1.M: HKMAIXDKa, 75c; SKOOXI) HAU'OXV. 5M'. i xiniwiiniiiiwui 11 pisiTwriiTr n m 11 11 m rn 1 rri ' I m"""m' m " ' -aM""iaBisaaii BOYD THEATER- lVIiSS EVA LANG And Her EXCELLENT COMPANY, Presenting The Western Military Drama ' "A. RIZON A" .FIRST TIME IN STOCK NEXT WEEK-Clyde Fitch's B THE H0MF (if FOLLY j f)ss.sas)eBavSBaissrs.s s ,,, , , t, ..,.,, m ' wu.'ai-.'ict.siisiai - n v i aWuwuiiAiuvuj ,nd:.:,o4, i iig TODAY AND ALL WEEEl II f-!a s R V. THE ROYAL PIANIST v. ALPHONSE ZELAYA ff rS ckin of I ho Killed Irel- gA Mdela 2 ATILDO ROMANO Am"0 tl" n dros. ,rv r . k.I(....c ii y shos 4o7 2:15 - 10c, 20c. I 7:45 10c, 20c, 30c 9:20 v - " " " r. z KRUG 4: IVIatlnee Today X KXTKRT.ilNMKXT CF Ql AI.ITV THE BROADWAY GAIETY GIRLS BIG KPtX-IAL FKATl "KKS GEORGIA CAMPERS ALSO io r The Parisian Models in L'Art de L Amour FUN E:?r. Groasy Polo Contest THURSDAV-THE REDEMPTION' SSEM1MI3 wk.sikiin -" 17 1. n i 9 r, VJ Vi (M!K COMPANV, r Grastest Music il Comedy ADWAY RIOT FU IkUl AU2ENTED ORCHESTRA NEXT THURSDAY B riorsii in tut Thrilling C:U3IQT RACE Product. on-200 Mat. J txiay, ToniKhl, AH Wfek. 'Mais. Tumi., Tliurn. and KaU Greatest Play "GIRLS" TWO IR0LICS DAILY IO