SOCIETY AS PATRON OF ART! Exhibit of i' a 1 n 1 1 a i a O.vucd Omaha Tcople fchown Uonday. by H TO CKARin BE.SLPir IErERESI3 cinnii 4mru Hrhraraiitii Plaj to He l.lua fnr I hllrfrrn In llosnttala n Important l.rnlru WetlcHna. 318 - 320 South 16th. St. jjKa rlal Calendar. Slfi.M 'A V --! r.lnt f Art I.Mn Khl't. (iitiI h i't I'. n Arts; Mt "Iii'i KMrirlae. itiitin1"1 luncheon l h inor nt l-'nnntp I tow land . liPr mis rt &' i n .lkii ! Mr-, rmmi'p'iv 'if t ''MCilKH. tllf-HI'l :lllv Ht l'pi"lim !h':W Ir, . oml-1 tn lnn.1 opilrtlne iitt ; Ml Kiirnbrtli i ihiiipi, .1 1 1 1 1 i t-; c'iii, Mr ;r.irc I naler. Hiiioim vr.y, Tt KMAY -Mr. mi'l Mr I-;. II. II nfst"1. (Inner for Viind-I lowland wrd'llnn pnrt : Mrs. I. M l'qnu. TuIh-.' n inn HHiIf club: MiiH ls' Hrnim. Tu'j ilav Lcnrnenn rhib. I-: I INKS I A V-Mr. Krd Mir.. Vid-je Ivii.rliPon : Mlm I. aura I 'le N-n net'in fn Mii. I'antilp Howland. Mr. MlUkrn td Mrs. Kmnropiir: Mr. iiC fim I dinner for Wnnd-Howland 'l jli'S I'irt; : f.'ftr. rliih party at the rlub loom". Till KSIA V Hrnefit performance nt Ktenman'' 8t l.yiie theater: Mr. Uavne Hemphill luncheon for Mls I- n nip ' Howland and Hip youn wrmen of t,.r weddina part ; Mont-fore c ub. rinnclnn party. KRIIiAV-MIss Katlierlne .rabl. it Amateur Hilda" club S Tt HI Y-Annual fancv rtrpss hull for children, the Mptropolltan rltib: wrddin of Mips Kannlp Smc Howland. da'fnter of Mr. and Mr. K. H. Howland to Mr. W illiam Hohprt Hood; Junior cliib. d ine. Inc TKit,-: Mr. anl Mrs V . I. fplb. Jlarmmy club. This promises to bp one of ilio nto-t In terfiling weeks of the aefnon-nnt the l,pnipn ecaison. but tbp entlie winter. Fir t thin la the week In which the Art Loan plannp1 and perfected by the Omaha pVlctv of Fine Arts Is held Prom Its c.ppn!nR. tomorrow evening, 'mill Its close gaturrlav evening, thi exhibit will be the center cf much Interest. It Include art treasures from Omaha a beat homes and Is Indeed the flint representative showing of Omaha s art wealth. The opening night. Mondav. la to be an Invitation event, a re .eption Riven by the oftlcera and members of the i octet y to the exhibitors and their friends. Tuesday afternoon Is for the mem liaL of the flubs. The 'other days ate public days and committees from the so ciety will aflat each day. The aecond Important event of the week Is the presentation of "Kvtrymtn" by Omaha people In benefit of the Visiting Nurse association. This presentation Is given Thursday evening at the I.yrlo theater and the patronesses Include many of the most prominent members of so ciety. of the private entertainments planned for this week one of the moat Interesting will be the muKlcale which Mrs. Samuel Katz Rive Ttierday afternoon In honor of a nnmber of tailors. This la the flrat of a series or inuaicaies wmcn wra. rn plana to give. tTueday a number of new compositions by Debussy. Doepler and Krslnard will be played by Mrs. KaU. Mrs. Harry fllffton I'aul. soprano, and Mrs. Alexander Tolack of Chicago, will asslM in the program. The combination of philanthropy ' and dramatic enthusiasm, which is responsible for the "benefit performances," lias as Ita most recent recruits a group of the younger daughters of society jieople. These young women are busy now' preparing for the presentation of a play, the proceed from which are to be used to buy toys for the children In the city hospitals. The play probably will be given Saturday evening. April In the ball room of the residence of Mr. M. V. I'eters. South Thirty-second avenue. "The Scheme That Failed" Is the name of the play to be given by the following young women: Misses Florence fudahy. Daphne I'eters. Hertha Dickey. Alice Ci"lahy, Catherine Thummcll and Mary Rurkley. One of the larger of the I,enten weddings will be that of Mlsa Fannie Howland. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Howland. to Mr. William Robert Wood, which will be celebrated tSaturday evening at the home of the bride's parents. The wedding party will be large and In. terexting In its personnel and will Include several recent brides, two of whom have slm e their marrlawes, made their homes In Chicago. Mrs. Harvy Mllliken of Chi cogo, formerly Miss Klolse Wood of this city, will play the wedding march. Mrs. OlUer SCIdrldge, another recent bride, will alng a solo preceding the ceremony. Miss Marjoile Howland, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor, and Miss Effle Halght and Mi- ltehsle Sage will be bridesmaids. The matrons of honor will be Mrs. Alfred Francoeur of Chicago and Mrs. Ronald l'eteriiun. MY Jack Sharp will be best man. Following the ceremony there wIM be large reception for the wedding guests. Plans for the Indoor athletic meet, which 1 to be given April 1 at the Auditorium, j are receiving more and more attention from college people. The I'nlverslty club as an oiganisation is lending Its support and adding to society's Interest In the athletic contests' and the college men are making reservations , for parties at the meet. The Cornell men have made reservations for thirty seals and the Ad club has spoken for 100 seats for lta members. The announcement of the plans of the N,8on. Margaret Burke. Minnie Anderson, tennis schedule at the Field club also cm- Helen King. Frances Barnhart, Helen tains facta of Interest to the women of j pBUe, Messrs. Cordon Mills, William the club. July 2ti to August 1 is announced j Noble, lwrence Wilbur, Paul Burke. Mll a the date of the ladies' tournament. This .r Nichols, Milton Peterson. George year the tournament will Include mixed George Grimes, Cleo Clayburn, Mac Park doublea contests as a new feature. The inson. women a chairman has not yet been named, Mls. w A. ho,tfa, . prettUy but will be shortly. The chairman of last )po,nle(1 ,un,.hMn p(my 8aturday at her ,ri a ...... .,..p. ..... .Sllolm.. St. Patrick , decorations were uaed. now Mrs. Arthur Graf fla. and as Detroit is . Mla VM , bv K(ht(1 her home, her Mill, cannot be for ; Kuennt this important office and the chairman of . ' " ', " " . , '"I now Mrs. Hugh Weed of St. liuls. Mr. 8. H. Calduell Is chairman of the general tennis committee which wiir select the , manager of the n tournament. - lnMlations weie issued Saturday moni- i... t.... ..i...., ... v. ....... bv Mif. I.oiiih Hiller and MIks l loreiice llillcr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry lilllei in honor of Mra Lester ktrechbraun of Chicago. It Is to be a "Rube'' party and t tie guenta are to be given some kind of a plrayant aui prise and novel entertain ment. ........ . i no iiiMia.u'iia are pnnieu in til 'oini of country fair hand bills and read as fol- lous: Comlna: C.mlnff' ounti 1- an : Hiller s h air Ground Greatest carnival ever held. Wonders o( Kuiopf and Wahou nltl be exhibited. Free baud concert one evening on. Sun, lav, March Gatpa open at k p. in. Main entrance north door i''-'l Farnaui atrcel. (uiahJ collegians aie planning to ro op, rate lth the alumni of the Chicago unKeiiiiy to make the visit of the Cht y I'ui.eislty Glee club pleasant ao- uli. The club will give a concert at the Li l ie theater Monday. Mar. h and the l l of patronesses will Include a number of prominent poctety oiih-ii. wn.ise sons have altende-l the university. Mr Maik Savidge U pir.tllrnt of tne y . ' A . . c ! v . x mss Sts. JJ) HOWLAND z -- TO J Ej MR.WILLIAM EGBERT WOOD WZZL -Etc CEZERSTEU ATC7ZLZAJr club, and made the arrangements for the Nebraska trip. The I'niverslty club will assist In en thusing all the college people and In ex tending a welcome to the singers. Pleasures Past Mrs. M. C. Mitchell entertained the Women's auxiliary of Trinity cathedral at a social afternoon Friday to meet Rev. J. A. Tancock. the new dean of the cathedral, and Mra. Tancock. Miss Helen Ohman entertained Inform ally at luncheon Friday for Miss Margaret Damm, who has recently returned from a four years' stay In Berlin and other cities in Germany. Colonel Thomas Swobe was given a pleas ant surprise Friday evening at his apart ments at the Hamilton In celebration of his birthday. Supper was served the lat ter part of the evening. Klghteen guesU were present. Mrs. W. A. McKey and Mrs. William F. Holmes entertained at luncheon Thursday In honor of Miss Lna Fike, whose mar riage lo Dr. Charles Reot of Newport, Neb., will be celebrated In the early spring. Twenty-four guests were present. Mra, Herman Colin entertained Friday evening at a box party' at the Prandets In honor of her son, Mr. Ixival Colin. The party occupied two boxes and after the theater supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cohn on South hlrty sec ond avenue. A party was given Friday evening by Mr. Patrick Kelly at his home In celebration of St. Patrick's day. Erin green formed the color acheme for the decorationa. Those present were Mer. Robert i.elter. Jack Nlelson, Archie Kelly, Charles Caslberg, Peter Peterson, Chauncey Crawford, Wil liam McCaw. Patrick Kelly. Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Spaulding entertained at dinner Friday evening at their home. Green and white decorations were used. Covers were placed fur Dr. and Mrs. D. C, Brvait. Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry. Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Rix. Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Henry. Dr. and Mra. A. S. Pinto. Dr. and Mra. H. K. Spaulding At the home of Mr. Arthur C. Wakeley last evening a stag dinner of twelve cov ers was given In honor of the host's blrth- dav. Those nrespnt wprp Hpnator ITitnh. cm,k M, i.,Rred. Mr. Alfred Mil lard, Judge Redick, Mr. Ralph Brecken- ridge. Dr. Harold Glfford. Mr W. D. Mc Hugh. Mr. W. V. Gurley, Mr. Isaac Cong don. Mr. Clement Chase and Mr. F. R. McConnell. ' y Miss Blanche Busk entertained at her home In Bemis Park St. Patrick's day. The guests Included Misses Dorothy Weller. I Marlon Weller. Florence tlecarblad. Delia Mesdamea- j. n. Sl.ary I tJ. V. Kliiiver. ' Henry. , llarrv howtey. I con. id. C. Kuenne. ' M Ennkhouser. : W. tJreen. Medames 8. H. Montgomery. R. V. Cole. It. S. Kloke. H M. M.Clanahan. K. Hoag. W. N. Dorward. John Bishop. W. A. Plel. ( oiiillmentary lo Miss Laura Dale, who villi be one of the spring brldea, and for Mi . Harvey v Mllliken of Chicago, Mra. lt nald Paterson entertained at a delight ful bildtfe party Saturday afternoon at her home. Yellow Jonijulls bilghtened the looms. The gurst lift Included: I M tseS' Misses 1 ,ur I Fannie Howland. j I, o. ime Dinning I Klualwlh Congdon. iii!se Lord. Adce i ary McGiew. Edith Patrick. hrencli. Mabel Mair. Hilda Haiiiiner. j Dorothy Stevi n Martha Dale. Amy Gilmore. Mllliken. J. A. Fran'-oeot Frederic Thomas. Robert Cdlke. Hairy Montgomery Paul Wernher Austin Colle't Herbert Carpenter. John W. Kedick. G.oif Redick. Barton Millard. George West. F. P. Hoyer. 1' C. Dalaon Colt Campbell. Mr and Mis. Austin Collett eHterlained ene of the Saturday bridge clubs last even ing at thplr home. The guests of the club were Miss !-ura Dale, Mti Fannie How land. Mre. Alfred Francoeur of Chicago. Mrs Harvey Mllliken of Chlcsgo. Mr. Wrighter Wood. Mr. Mlllatu ltoheit Wood. Mr. James Allen The member of the club present mere Mr and Mr. Hubert Hlcks, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wernhcr, Mr. and Mrs. I,ec Kennard and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Collett. The Ciood Time club gave a St. Patrick's party at the home of Miss Tellesen, Thirty-eighth and Ames avenue Friday evening. A pleasant evening was spent In music and games. Those present were: Misses Misses Beulah Hotchkiss. Dottle (ioodenow, Agnes Mathlsen, Millie Oillam. Dtr.zle '.Pilar. llattie Teileaen, Angella Davie. Uena Swanson, Alice Rpddan. May . Hurcanip. Helen Burketl, Julia Grossman. Ktbel Klliaon. Jean Ellison, Josephine Gelsler Gwendolyn Worthington, Messrs. Gelsler, Hart, Messrs. Young, Stephen. George Parish. Guy Vance. Arthur Sward. John Hagrlin, Tellesen. Wolf, Fred Knudson, Mr. and Mrs. C. R Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Tellesen. Personal Gossip Mr. Arthur Gulou Is spending several days at Excelsior Springs. .Mo. Mrs. J. M. llcndrle has gone to I.os An geles. Cal., to upend novel al months with relatives. Mies Marietta King is home for her Easter vacation from St. Mary's school, Knoxvllle. 111. Mrs. C. J. Smyth and Miss Rose Smyth left Thursday to spend a fortniKht at Ex celsio Springs, Mo. Mrs. Sdney Bond of Vancouver, B. C, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. T. Coats worth, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Foster left Friday evening for Chicago and French Lick Springs, Jnd., for an extended stay. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thomas, 3830 Harney street, have returned from a two weeks' stay at Excelsior Springs. Mo. MIhs Dorothy Meyer, who haa been spending the winter in New York City, la expected home the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward l.'pdlke and Miss Ixjulae I'pdlke have, returned from Pasa dena, Cal., where they spent the winter. Miss Almlra Westerfield left Saturday for a trip to California, which will Include visits with relatives at Riverside and Ban ning. Mis. C. R. Kelsey of Mountain Home, Idaho, has arrived to be the guest of her brother, Mr. Miles D. Houck, 4010 Harney street. Mrs. Leroy Welch of Vahlngton. D. C, has returned to Omaha to spend a few weeks as the guest of Mrs. Carrie Dawaon Scott. Mlsa Florence I'udahy and Miss Alice Cudahy returned from school In Chicago last week and will remain until after Easter. After a three months' stay at Hot Springs, Ark., Mrs. Mary B. Dean has re turned to Omaha and Is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Percy Powell. Mrs. Harry D. Hopkins is expected home Wednesday from a aix weeks' visit In the east. Her trip has Included visits in Pitts burg, New York and Dptrolt. Mr and Mrs. Frank 11. Armitage of Mil waukee, Wis., who have been Mailing at the home of Mrs Armitage's parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. C. John, left for home Satur day morning. Miss Gertrude Salu. of Greeley, Neb.. ho haa been the guest of Mrs. Ira W. Porter for several weeks, returned home Saturday morning. Mis. Albert Fuller of Schuyler. Neb., haa ai ilvd to be the guest of Mra. A. G. Ed Wards. Many social affairs are being planned for Mrs. Fuller. Mia Phoebe Weaver of Philadelphia ac companied Miss Helen Cudahy upon the latler'a return homo Wednesday and will be her guest for two weeks. Dr. and Mra. C. W. Dons. who had planned to leave this week for Cuba, have postponed their trip Indefinitely be.ause of the Diners of Mrs. Downs. I Mre. C. R. Tyrrell of Dee Moines and Mrs. W. N. Ilellen will leave Monday for I Eureka Springs. Ark., and other points. They l!l be gone about three months. Mrs. J. E. Ha'iiii and daughter, Miss Catherine, left Saturday for the Pacific roast. They 111 meet Mr. Richard Baura at Corunado Beach, and will later visit at Hollywood. Cal. Dean and Mrs. Tarn oi k and daughter ar rived Thursday fiom Douglas. Wyo , and will be guests of Mr., '.rid Mrs. George Thummel until the Trinity Cathedral dean ery la made ready for occupancy. Mtse Mildred Butler and Mlsa Katharine Beeson. chaperoned by Mr. Beeson, will attend the Mid-lnt hop at the Annapolis Naval academy next Saturday as gjeats of Midshipmen Harold Keller aod George MRS IlMVZYjtZZLLZZZir TWO RECENT ERl&S mzo 1 "WILL BE j"J!ZVZl42rTf AT T2K WEl2Zirq- Fuller. Mrs. Beeson and Miss Mildred Butler leave for Washington next week. Miss Minna Meyer, who has been study ing1 vocal music In New York, will return home Wednesday to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morltx Meyer, before going to Europe In May. Miss Meyer goes over with friends from New York and will continue her vtical studies In Europe for the next year or two. Mr. Benjamin F. Smith, accompanied by his three grandsons. Clifford. Dudley and Grafton Wolfe, will arrive Wednesday to spend the Easter vacation with their mother, Mrs. Joseph Baldrige. His daugh ter, Gwendoline, comes the next week, ac companied by .Miss Elsie Wiggins of Pom- fret. Conn. Mlas Wiggins will be the guest of Mrs. Clark Powell, who Is her cousin. Church Federation Favors Appeal in " Erdman's Defense Resolution Declares for Carrying; of Dynamiter's Case to the Highest Tribunal. If the motion for a new' t,rlal does not prevail the Erdman case probably will be carried to the supreme court. A resolution to that effect was adopted by the Omaha Church federation at Its regular quarterly meeting held at the Wstmlnster Presby terian chinch the fore part of this week. As some thought that it would Interfere with the motion for a new trial now before the court the matter was not made public, at the time of the meeting. The resolution reads: "Resolved, That in the interest of fairness the case of Frank Erdman ought to be carried to the highest appeal provided by law." Judge Estelle Saturday placed the time for the hearing of the argument on the motion of a new trial as Saturday, March 25. Erdman was taken to the court house. When Attorney Yeiser explained that he had been trying to hurry up matters so that they would cease nagging him at the county jail about his past, Erdman flared up and Indignantly denied having given out a confession. ' SENIORS SELECTING A PLAY .Miss Fitch, Who Mas Selected to 1)1. rect. Names Two from Which to Choose. At a special meeting of the Senior coun cil of the senior class of the Omaha High school, two play for the senior play, which will be held some time In May, mere considered. These plays are, "Captain Jenks of the Horse Marines" and "Bau chalre," a French play. Miss Fitch wa chosen by , the seniors earlier In the year to take charge of the rehearsing of th play, and wa also advised to suggest two plays from which the seniors might choose. Several college plays were at first proposed by the seniors, and also one of Shakespeare's plays, but these were not what the majority of the seniors wanted. A meeting of the senior class will be held Monday, after school, when It Is expected that the enlor will decide on either of the two play proposed by Miss Fitch. Either of these provide for over 100 In the rate. and the majority of the seniors wishing to take part In the play will have a chance to do so. Try-out for the lead ing role will be held soon after th senior decide which, they will have. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. 088S52 This is the bread that adds pleasure to fat ing and health to all mho u it. Save the Labe's. They're Valuable Sold at all Giocers. Outside Orders Killed. and lt per loaf. SUNDQREN'8 OAKERY TSO loath 88th St. raoaeei Harney 338; la. A.131T. At eautifuil Tailored Suits t $25.00, X. tx-' -I J This special event has been carefully planned to encourage early buying and avoid the great Easter rush. The showing is so comprehensive, offering the greatest advantages for the se lection of individual styles and prices so reasonable that it should interest every woman. Everything of special merit in fabric, trimming and style will be found in this special showing at $25.00, $29.75 and $35.00. I AM Responsible if your FURS are stolen, damaged or burned My bankers will tell you that I am amply ABLE to take the financial risk of storing fuiH belonging to others: they'll tell you that I could be COMPELLED to "make good" if ever your furs were to burn or lie lost or damaged, while In my possession, even If I were NOT Inclined to do the fair thing. That's ONE aort of protection but here's another. Every piece of I'l'H stored with me is InKured by a strong local concern the H. E. Palmer Son & Co., who have offices in the Brandels Building. Bring your furs here now or soon and they will be placed in charge of a PRACTICAL furrier, who oversees niv storage dep t. they will be watched over by a anedal watchman, who watches over my storage dep't and when you require the fur In Hie fall they will be In the pink of condition clean soft allky lustrous with the natural oil retained In the skins. Phone me tell me what pieces you have then I will quote you my modest charge for storing. And remember your fur are SAFE here. Phone Douglas 7479 Webster-Sunderland Building, N. E. Corner 16th and Howard Sts. Millinery Opening INVITATION FROM KILPATRICK'S Please accept this as a most cardial in vitation to our Millinery show reoms Monday, March 20th Marked changes and improvements have been made in this section of our store, which we hope will be pleas ing to you. We have avoided the "Outre" styles In headgear and show them only that you may realize fully the beauty and charm of the refined creations which make up the bulk of our stock. Our experience and the artistic taste of our designers is at your service. You will not be Importuned to buy, but you will receive a warm welcome. Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. -itr"T A 5p3c al Uis ilcy of $29.75 and $35.00 2X W 3? -.J Women's Spring Shoes s4c our window for thp lalogt dlaplaV of spririE shoe styles for women. This season our women's shoe display surpasses anything we have ever shown. The high tan button Russia calf and brown suedes have the call be fore all others this spring. We would call particular at tention to our brown suedes these are the very latest and are classiest shoes ever shown. It will be worth your. while to see these shoes. Prices $3.00. $:I.30 and $LOO Hanan and Foster makes $.YtR DREXEL '1410 Farnam Stret AT THE SIGN Of THE TAXI FRANK. I'M TAXI CAB SERVICE 1 COMPANY y( U TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beat t'ara Taper la lh West. One Hollar Per Irar. , ill III f I 'MliIiu f CAIL DOUGLAS I til I