Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Image 31

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    he Omaha Sunday Bee i
i) M
F 0
Bennett's, Omaha's style center, cordially invites you
to it's Spring Opening Monday and all this week.
We stop for just a minute U look lwk over tliv tliiit -tlii-e of our Mi'ivin;n- . 1!:t- lii-liion M;ikcr of 1 ma)ia. ;inl note vitn
piitle the fc-to;ilily u iIriiiii r-ti we h,t r t; ken in ;ih Ji:n-i tin- healthy iiroMh of lulie AW .n i n; A.n'!. Tliii 1 -1 jvo r;u airo. the
oorly Itfhnvotl 1hoj skirt. and the nll;iii.iie ire lic;nril our spi inp nnnouu.-t iiiint; tli"ii ten c;n later ihe kii t tlrin;imliiir from fifteen
to twenty yards of eoarely wovtn materials and the ti.ulil fitting -tersry ";iit. formed tiie -mailet frock. Kncli ear we jreaied for the
finer lines and rettier effect.- to grace th ti cures of the noMei m. And now -with the Ojx'iiiim of mr Store Monday-eonile1e realix.a
tioii and fullest rewards for cur efforts is shown. MoMiniiii: ;i wt- viil in Midi hcautiful. effect ive and de-idelly attno tive. distinctively Amer
ican styles, for the lest of all women, our Mothers, our wiv-. and our si1ers.
i XV c trust that you will join us in this celebratiori Our Opening.
Fancy New
- Neckwear
New Ihiinty Jabots, Cas
cades iind Ii-aioti?
at 25c, 33c and 50f
New Dutch Collars in num
erous styles, each,
at 25c to $7.30
Embnlered Dutch Collars,
in several shades
at 25c to $3.50
New Sailor Collars, in Ven
ice, IVinee-s and Irish cro
chet, each. .75C to $S.OO
Xew Stock, in lace and cm
l.roiderv. . .25c to Sl.00
Women's Spring Suits, Coats and
Dresses in Styles That Are Invincible
ur Ladies' Suit Section exemplified 1 lie fact that fashion has istied her final numdato
is to stle;tjjere is r-hown liere ail that is newest : all that is 1est in feminine s:armcnts. The
stvles shown in our oeuiiu: display of suits a.e in coinformity with the last word from Paris,
the feature--careful taiioiii: and the he-t UaIily ol stajile fabric. To ee them i to realize.
They will speak for t lit melve.
Maliv of thee exclusive uit are adaptations of eotly forei.nn models, modified to the
American tate; others are exact reproduction, and all have the latet style ideas indclihh
stain Hd iiou them. Only a m'-aj-re idea ol 'hi vat princ oj.euins lislay can he gleamed
from 1 he following :
I ' it 1 1 ' tun ami gray uit. willi Imii'.iiie sliijes, M iinninu slimlcs. of Hue with lltr 'iJtmiiir line: fll
sW'iriK and mi turner iil'ifc in wi'ilc nil k. t :.ilnrr-.l sti.Is, mimI ci-catn voice ami nioliHir; cltain:int M'lW. e'lifftrn
and voile di-srs. Imxiiif.' llir nr I!Uh1i lr '-. "int s in I'jiint.v sf( hlp vf tan. tr anl hlnr, all rhaiin
intll 1ilorii. hikI man? tl'T mU u.iilon 1i'!i i, li now ii'ration for eonflc women. In I hi i to tr fouml lh---i-,l
'f sinini mi l iiifi-l attiw. v
All the Newest Silks and Dress
Goods Report for "Opening Day"
The whoie final, authentic message in spring silk and
dress goods for which hundreds t.f women have waited,
holding every prediction, but tentative, till confirmed b
this all-eomprehenive Dennett Ci. diplay. Among those
that are here to take command of thi gala exent of authen
tic weaves will be found leaulifu! Foulard. Messaline...
Salome Pongee, Tusahs, Cream Serges and Grey Suiting.
worsteds in wonderful fl.c 'iherd' hetk6 nd inin piorm Perse,
in rich new siniiK colorniRii. All these end hundreds ol oiher distinc
tively cluive new fabric are holding maneuvers this week.
New Foulards, in every authentic shad? nd jiu",rl Say, dots, scrolls,
"blocks, checks, strtjes. rose-bud aid tqusres nud ciri le coinbinstions:
In widths from T3 inthes to 42 Inches m Wc, KTw. I.OO up to S2.S3
Menline, in jrttv new shades and iifctterns for dresses, wsisis and
linings, all widths from ."6 in tes. are priced at from c, H5-, $1 .mi,
915 and roort.
Inipoueil KrrM'b .Kri-fce. in aU the : ew and staple shades th- season's
mof t j-opnlar suitins -cono s 4 4 inches ic ; Monday Tc
inl Trfta. puarantecd all wool; positively the l-ist value in the cily
In navy and blue only note li'' width, ST inches. Our rcetilar
ILfcgualitj ieniug da 1 S
Tlie r oi1e are in great demand llus sctscn. See the'new styles
and floral desipns and border c-1'T'fts they tome at . . . .l.'x- and 25
Satin Poplin the newest weave- In wf sliadts lor hnrine dress s
;T-inch widths, at ,tK'
iou aii Know Bennett's for Their Beau
tiful Linens and White Goods
And more than ever will our new St- Call Imported
Swisses please you. These are 1 i'1 acme of quality. No
here will be shown belter Swisses iu such beautiful
patterns and einns.
Here's St. Call '.V2-u h 1 jnhroilerel Swiss, iu smaii
figures and dots. at. van! 50l
And St. (Jail's ;''-ineh Swiss in all new patterns; the
regular $l.w kind, Monday 75("
Then St. Gall's Finest Swisses, worth $l.-." and 1 .."):
liei-iutiful iattems, Moirday jsjiet-ial at, yard.. $1.00
4-inch lniorted French Voile, the newest plain sheer
goods; Monday the finest $.tl values; oening day
treat S5l
l!7-iueh Sheer Checks and Stries, for dresses, worth
;;.V and 4i.!e a' yard. Monday 25(
90-inch all Uncn Sheeting, nice round thread, medium, weight.
pood, regularly sold at J1.0, Monday, very special, yd. yS?
72-inch all l.inn Table Iiamask. in all flew patterns, 11.25 values
Monday, at. varj 9St
.Nankins to' match, sires r:x22. very special. Monday, at. ier
dozen 82.75
irxw Ami ooobi.
Hemalltehefl l'i Mows lipn. lniieia in uni'ui rlv
ncni. )mu SOS
.ew ldu tn Stamped Outer. Tlcted Puiona
and Stmivped I'arkacen f Kmbi-oiiltrj . all marked
! (erial iiriiea
W e ot kimii nnic Jrre on short Tiottie. at rea.injibl tirtctff.
Vaw Lactl and TrmuBiaa" New Trinnniti and Fancy Net Bmi. nr
rl i 9bc ta M 00
I'rrttv l.nrftK In a lrse variety of jttMi and def-tunv fr ifi.
Vikr and aleeven. frim Tnc tu S0 a yard, nuikul down npciailr lor
opening Iv. r yard, at 4c o and e
A Big l ining Room Furniture Event lioniay
Solid golden oak Mining Fedestal Table and six solid oak
Chairs to match: per set. Monday 2-4.00
SoMd .piartcr-sawed golden oak F.uffet, with French plate
minor, laige liiien drawer, silver drawer, lined; Monday
at 518.50
Solid (JoUlen tiak t."Hr Closet , curved plass ends aud door and mir
ror osi top Moi.('a. st S1S.OO
I , ti TatT Ettbroidanaa ll-nn-ti I'itk-i Cmcr :ni- I U
l'r"dT . .!.. Hiue. Miiu1h- 1 . 4v-inch all n Ik 111 M
f rain nrt, !.( a.liie, Monday at cJfu&
"Iladame Grace Corsets"
Pretest the New Grtctful Linn tkat the
Sprin Freds Are Demanding this Setson
They are longer over the hips and
lower in the bust. They are close and
smooth above all, their lines are youth
ful. Silk hroiades and l.atisie in soft, natural
hhndf'8 of pink, lipht blue and plain spotless
white, some shuw the new lisrk, some are
lipbtly boned, some for 6tout figures, others
suit the slender lines.
Malim Ciwe Ownela dtH op to i"i.HI.
Our expert fitters guarantee perfe4 corset
satisfaction and do all fittine free of charge.
Better arrange Mondaj f(r a fitung before you
inxest in your new spring gown, t Second Floor.)
English Bone China Sale For
Opening Week Very
Ffnglih bone china is known all over the
world as the fine?t and most durable china made.
The erfeet idiapes. the pure white body aud exaet
nes of workmanship predominates over all other
ehina wares.
opkmm; wkkk ixrnuiiKToiiv sai.k oitkivs
Special Features fr Monday lnl All our Ctalport
Indian Tree Pattern. Peacock's Foley Art China. Royal
Doulton Blue Ware, Adderley's Green Edge and Adderley s
Blue Figured Chelsea Ware Coalport Encrused Gold Pat
tern at iiVFrT Cent li!Wui)t.
Attend this Big China Sale, while here Monday.
Useful Hardware
Section Specials
'Hot Point" Electric Iron, with a
I-year guarantee, heats quicker
and holds hoattlonger than 'sny
other iron tuade, Monday ... $5
The Vac Jac Fireless Cooker,
made stronger and cooka quicker
than other cookers, fully gusran
teed to do what we claim, of it,
t IOC n S12.50
GiHanred Tub. No. 1 aixe '. .SSe
Heay Copper Bqitora Boiler., larae
size . .o,
Floor sfp Broom, good bnattea.
perldl. at v e
Sapollat Taxnlaa Staia Sala.
TT.c quart cans , le
4or pint can .at S3c
Sac H pint can 16c
Pree sample ef white enamel to
every customer Monday.
rraab Country X(ga. afeudaj, doa. . 17e
Trte of Bcniiett Unur. Hi. k. SI. 30
Benro Kxrlior I Icm.i. 4 H. mk.
at SI -SO arid 40 Stamp-.
B. C Bakins Poartei. tmi 8e
. , And Sl Si
;'0 lh. t.ranulated Si.cit SI OS
beniiett'a Breaktaiit ' I'ttrt. i i ; . 1 1 r
can 45c
BeurirU toI1d t'mft r, 1 1 . . tin.. 0
ic rriie Tena. awfirtr-'l, if 4ao
4Kc irrade Teaa. M!rJ. Hi .... S
Tea Siftlrf, pound ,-nt lie
bnidera Ctitlle st.uie. !(.,t.e 35c
And ..
IHamond Cryatai "!'lir .-'hit. : 10c
And ' S':i..!ii -Ten
bata Bennett a Kn'Uiiiii S'mi.. SSc
X Jti. ieriid Ckiib'.iv M
-ti . j Beana f. i tbc
aw la tha Tlma to Piaat Oaloa Sata.
VN e .mat re'eie,i --.ii Im.ii.i'I
iuarta in apleioii-l flviv . 'Mt e.l
i.i yelli .nti"i 'ei, i.. j.aiit;. 4
(juarta sfre
Flower and Veaetantf .In. :: i.ku Sc
Bennett fatnto1 K'.;:--i. Intnl. Jao
And htHiniK
;JiiMirt. ilie ol!. toTit -iu, ...... 4-0 e
B. I'ure XtMTle Sr-'i-. :l)f :t ffl
Hulled l.lipn Bean. 1 1' t.- -ni aen. twu
cann for SSc nd j t ai tv: I
r0c can Oitl Mii.ii Kite imvci f,- 35c
Kn Oiire ItacLtod Places Cross en
Tomb in Africa.
rtaaa Iw lait tm lad La
f Ike hlag ' .r-a
Brttaia. I Je".
Nrit Kail.
UMi'. Alan to jK-.t .al tu The
Be Thai aii in-tl ;an- i.a1 I'lace a
i-iua t8 the titc if Lr ifcie 'h lh art.
tu tut aiM ul lAr l
of Af."u. Lk tukt-n Kilsa olie VnUfd
iea i i att ti.;ir- n:tw a land lit ta rt't tr
i-IuJ waa WMUd l a aiuic wonum. 1 he
tt HwUtl.l b Ma'l-od oil ttutt
t 1 . tir i lii.t d A it'kuiiioT. Hie ea-
h mm lit i t-i.l: al Alrit m .n Ma' of '
t i, a .uiii itifiwu in loiitloii !
i . wfkii.j. a !.rr ..uuiiirv. unuli a a ummIi ,
i,'diu 4. 1 a', uiftii. a.!,?.
VI .a Mft I nii aikti.' ruf Mitti :Tatl-
... ti..- nx.tUit itifltag b Tien ti o-
1 0 1 1 11 in ht t 'mmK iur-.'i.4ti Itie uitan
!i AI,.iot a t-iMl-l. tual l.t-at like C'lial, '
. u i ; ti.aiei ff li it iiani Alttwiun
. L i.i at . Ittir wf in. l.t t'tni. ho Uiel m.
v .rr i .vo f i.;t-u.llv it ti -.'i.i tin Niaui
. 1 1m N-
i...l-l.. rxiinvr 1 ita-to 11
aiw e l. : it t lu t l tJ. 11 Irrr J
. fc.-!l t.l H. :ii!:.iioll IrHCIiiliV
Mtt'(u4it. '.ti tilOc tw l-elor loe iU on
in titaiiti ft a-iiMi Irj tt-t hliiti Mioln
11 M-t 'lt:tl: ll:-vlll V r i I i U-t v .
r tlie !,.!- v! W .oa'. iiiuj 'li
l iejt, tut ai ;t Hla itmu ere tu- '
.. : i fti I ; iu. :Jt i-f Lia l iiib:i.
Wteaael klaft (r Btvl all 1 .
U.. Va I-ka1 ru u the oiuftit-r i.(
' 11 Kiita a ii.ijjej iate rmiwrl
aof r-tiiT lor .-koi ia.i.4. Jnri-nli'.id '
imki image in laar i "lo ?he ,
--art'' on nir ,u'i. tn A :!! at5
irattfut ml la M.'.Jt f tl.e t t tu
(I IIU I lid I II Will I'r- III 1 hBI? i'l ' BWii'iivi
of the flpe-t.'
Shal4 V mmtrm Hide aatrtdef
11 wim idaaa uid cuatnma are f.nd.n
their way intu alaid old london. and the
quenion "Should onen ride aatnde? ' t
acitatins the aociai et Already a number
of faJr etuctrieine ha e ' adopted the
cum of ridinsr astride in Hotten Hn
and it appear that the (arlnon i mature
rapid t"-iici in the ridlne ai ho .ia ei-e
ciii'v anions t try nurit mriF
.-.fteral aocity a onitt are 6.r.g thit
heM to ltitrodut-e ihe fad. For w!-r!
it ik .nr.-hite in S;Una. Imrint ''"ijear iM Viacourtea jt at lerfa g h has
last ci un.tloo there a ul famine i ,,...ui.ri.- riddtm acttide ln tha Rut ami
n;'tt lii'ij .Ttid fiiiwv ri ai led Mdifo'i
' m it hout lit 1 1 1 m 1.
i One liundted thousand weaael Kkms to
j irake rotiea tor roait and notillity to
;v. ax at the approaching coronation of
K me Cieiirse V of Kufc!aiid ia ihe incentite
that ia leaclins trapper In a ar of exttr
; n.liiation on the little ermine in Kurop
The notr- or ermine weasel" Ktn only
liMiurrt a fot long . three ini he w idf .
; o atm'.t Wi mv'ln iil 1 a a riled for
I ' .ri t lor roh.
1 The inoie hinnc the cold lieie ti e er
mine i. trapped, the hitr ia the fur And
aiol lii.e ak.r a p'ipfd uti to $J atilei e.
K; nin fui ta UM-d n her pia n or
"pott Ueri J ' on 1 he c- p. of 1 ht root T here
me lovts i.f li'.ile lila- K tiott, mdirate tie
lite iniaMoii 1 0ti-rt. 0f the vtrartr
1 lit I .it the W11JI . , , .
The plana for the jiiurnpv of Kin: '".mcr
and 0 -in lar ta India neM No- einl"-t
have Itoen annount-d
"t he ro al in vtli T't ti'd ioerian.1 : o
a Mediterranean nin in I e I. T" p-ire
ra !a tai'e A mop w t't te i:i.ot at l'on
ald tiefore thr t a? thr-.-uicli the tttrinl
liere t:ie i.I.eiJi.e ol I'. .i t "nn : t-e
Bti ish at'ent (eit.t . ;. ti" the kins.
arid jrottabl j-ii--ed with him a far a
r-o.- A atop ai.l t made at
Aden for thr purpoee of d! t with atate
tiuineaa iter tt tabl"- ' I'rewe.
a ho -will he a 1' h the pa't' trtl o:s;ikfi:ae
a lompieie aiatiri of 4 oto rn nut at I'm " :r
a till 'i ainliM. lel":rpti . . 1 1 I.. i t., a
protiitn' Jit part. The m n o v, I itt ude
a oj'ieienl literar t ll'.tu o a i.on v lli
tntrutite.t tiie lu-k of tre:atnt un c-ff.
c.ul a.eo-jnt of the loir to le ;'itiliriod
it-: .: on the ret jr:.
No uev.K'ti ha et te-n ri.ade ui. tj ttie
v ,ael '.o lie roiim! ifc-.'on.'d ".o f li e. ttie
ioai pari tu Iduu. 'Ittere ia 10 pntetont
li ji K a ti ace aa ihe aetrn tour
rtifajr in I'Iti lum Mr h l tie la'e Klua"
rdaard and t ll.a preaei.t kmj: v ert
underwarai a hen the he'd ttie -o..oJ
MMtiiMtt in t:e rektm tn atn-iia'itt' c:rt'0ti
the vpiBU'B a . ti't'th-d thm i a m ..h
!m-r a li; be i ltar lei-el and ctinirrt. l into
a t im i itloler na i oii i tuir H .' ' . r.
r l.o a... ut a t'a t elu of Im. ;
L m ti. it at. aaa tMtn.a ut a ttllca M -a1" cim.M i
i ou
lh IV..1
other tti!inK:uih4-d ' aatridere" are the
1u to n of v emrainntfr, Ijifl'y ontanie
Sit a ai i-f:ii hardaon and Hon Mr Kalr
t'urn. tme may aet in ttie hum any day in the
reason .mall n.rlt Mdinc aatride. a el
knoKD example tteins the durtit of
.-i.t ht rland c little daughter. Lasy Rose
tl4tr le eson-CJoa er. Of lhene ptone-rii.
Uui i 'onatanre Btea art-Rit haj-daon ha
in i er ridden a liorae in any other j .
v. ept end hahit maker are receiv ing
::iote ordeia than ever for divided aklrta
arnJ iioat T n v tara ac o aucb tcwtuiriM
aete untho.tht of. now tnquiriea aa to
atvleg anci toat are nunierou.
Mirrt't Haral Iatall4.
One of the moit lrterejuiriS tnta'id of
the moment la tha kin t.f Monfnegro.
He 1 the moM paternal ruler in Kutoi
arid ;udea nts iitie kingdom on the ira
oitional n.etht'd tf the caai una-' the
palni trei. laa ooe not trouh.e him. and
when he ha made up fai mind what the
offender oeaerv e the offender arts it
trett and thei. lihout any regard to toe
ran villi utiiih be may have kept ah ton
ihe ieT,.er of Ihe la vt of ail monarch there
I nom- roeo ..neon t em loiiai tutiti i tie
. .iia ol at r-t- titi o.
iv Ha' NKi.i.i.. . a ruii-v I aooe a.'
u. in- ill apltiel ia iitifci.L-a luit
tun-tiki, iio-r a toi ti lr fn a eiee.ele.
..aittt of Plat'- to. a. awll. - anairoideieu
vti'h 4:0.0. a .."itl MliJeri nnl I'm t r
l.i. t'iid 1. pi . L.i'V.i'-r rk li iti 'iti work.
nit, Pi 1 'm.i!, U k eah t .u
f.'Ui I' t.vt....l. ln- t ,Or Pi ie Und.i-11
t.l-eieti mi ti.e anee a I a.. i ol pa: ul
leather Pools. He wear? the little Mon
t'neftrin tap. with the hlark border ptj: n if -inK
mourning. Its red center ' mbolic i f
tha field cf hiixid. and five aeml-ctrt oiar
'ring of gold prcwlaimins that a fifth cen
jtury ha come and gone mce the fatal
liattle of K"-(no aa fought, that battle
, a lilt h tiatr rd the mighty Serb etn
, tdre for f 1 er
It a a a vir-nor to t' a ho once
tinted Ihe King it h ir.e faot that hi
(otintrv ha no export. "Sir." aas the
replv . 'iipu forgrr m ila jghtr " And
urpi hi daughter hae ina mo?t bnl
; liant alhancoa.
Ilialiaaaiaaieat krarrri.
Lord Mitito. the ex-vlerov of India, haf
been awaroed the Kreedotn of the Grot -er'
Company at the Guildhall, and hi
lord.-lnp has now joined a very diftin
guiMhed company of "grocers." incliiding
hi ma.1e.-1y, the king the duke of Con
naught arid Prince Arthur of Connaugnt
i There are few wealthier guild of the
j city trta-n the gTocer. and they are also
one of the oldest, their reorda going aa
far hark aa
The grocer' build. ng mere deetroved
by the greai fire in London. U.e niagnl
, Xiteiit Groeers' ha',1 l-lng one of the moj
, trn building of the t it v . cinte ine ptis
: eted a great quantity of ootl.. and
1 ancient plate, but they wera plundered of
moat of It by royal it and rouDdheaa ia
turn, and a hat remained periehcd in the
fire They have, hoaever. aurue remaia
: able ancient record, a hu h hapt-ned to
: b etored aaa- from the hal. at the time
, of Hie c atastrophe ia lt4. aad aa ea ai-eci
the fiame
A red-leiter u - in the grocer' ra endar
ia nil, Apple dav . Not only did Charle U
, confer apecial privilege on the etnpan
but he f urther h ooreti n by; aerv ing in
the office of maa'.er a year or ta aft-r
hi ret oration.
Visiting Nurses Association Offers to
Underttke the Work.
Will eleel Saar rkli, Wklth Mill
Re tatted llll for 1 mm Maalha
ia Order I aha What
I mm Br llaae.
Mra. I leiela Aalla for Krar.
NKtV Vr.K. March :a-.Wf
eieiand. 1. daa of the former .te.
dent aa.'ed for Hjr-t toda, f..r a latt
to ...n Kiel-aid v. 1 crlV4.i 111
?-it 'titeriar.a eVttli tir tit iir t .,,n
I rriei. itoitii.r pa-M-ii . .1... n
i;...,,. : i.e veieian do p.iii.i fat,J j.ub
lo lav. a Uo m a jrar via
That the Board of Uuriliun may get an
Idea of the practical working of medical
tnrectton in the public arhno! of tiinaha.
tha Visiting Nutae aaaociatiran al l jiiace
It nv;rse at ttie dfrx-nal of the hoard..
The nure mil) work under the direction
and order of the acnool authorltte if the
offer i accepted
Tha aaaotiatlon expect to uhmit it
offer the board Monday night I alia
' for the work lave praciJt any been com
1 pleted and provide that Die eipei .menial
work of the nune ahall tie limited to four
ar'hcKi!. w hi' ii the board may de gnat
. if it Wiche hherwie the aortatton
aill aeiect four n hocia in w hit h to nor
the tioard the reau.t of Inspection.
Tha offer of the HHK lation a ill ai
tipulaie that the period of liiat-ettlnn be
limited to eight weeka at the moat Ju
that time. It t experted tnat the f iUli!t
' of lBepe".ioa w-ill be oemoritraied 11
! work don b i,urea alii free tf charge
Fhould Ihe offer of the aociiion m
atcepteid. 1 ne l:;pefiioa wi:i te done L,nrter
the direction cf Nan lore. he. a
I nurw ll i a irn e5 ti at Ma iHirvtv
with tn a '.' o ef one oil ei nure
i can oomplete ti e wora .n fo-.r t rjooa
! wirn'B 10 mo.itt.
The plan proud that tne n :rfa anal
v.Mt the k b'iii ea u da The: w.ll un
dertaUe to ungle !t children veto are
..ffer-r.g ft.-m j-irtca; cVf-, or t a
j tak"vo-.a clea Ther t'ie a'leiiiioi af
the parer'.a 0, lie ca .ej li U.e crnid
coridiUon anl rpe alii l aai..U to ta.
he n iid to trie fatr.;l pi,.i an f o tteai
rLtni Tl;it im a lar a '.t rtrrt "I 'i'
11 o .. I I g"T
Hi-fote tie offer I .liable to lUe Kli M.i
jlKaio. toe aaanrta Uuu hopes, iu gel lm
rndoiacment of Superintendent l'avldaon
A committee ha been named to call on
Mr Iavidaon. I
Ml. Lorey rtaied Satutriav morning
lht he hoped fo get the c emmumcation
in hape to prefcnt tu the Iioard Monday
night. """f we fail, we will aend It to the
next meeting, two week hence." aaiU
MIfi I'ores. "The Iioard can accept nitr
offer if ll w tahes. and 1 sincerely trust it
will see It , way clear to .try out the
theme, as ll will com at-aolutely nothing "
Our plan I similar to those which hava
been tried In many large cities." aaid Xilf
L.ulse M' Pheraon. preside nt of the asso
ciation. 'If the Board of Kducation warn
to get an idea of the practical workings of
in"P-cttcn. we will afford them an oppor
tunity which will entail no ex(ense.
' n.'tentime. school boards have been
sitW' to take up the (iroiKiait ion of inflec
tion lieiauae the members were not sure
what might result. Under our plan, they
can draw- their own conclusions after the;
have tried the ac heme for eight weeks
"The plan, while along the hne of med
tcal inspection, rannot be termed medical
lr,tecttoB It it more in 1 ne nature of
treumtriaries . to medical inspection The
nurses will not attempt to advise
mei.l. Their duties will aimpiy be to wet!
oil children who peed attention Some
times it may be medical, other time :t
mii not be. But It will be a great help
to thoe children who at ba'kward fiom
causes which ara not apiajcr.i "
Chicago Chauffeurs
Must Not Get Drunk
Municipal Judje Take New View of
Law and Fme Driver for E. I.
Cudahy Fifty Dollari.
I'H 1 ' Ai.'c.i. Mar, h i-. - : . iiimi.c w hll on
duty a' i hauffe ii ,r t.t g-.xng on
.duty wi.l he tonsiuereo :i: Lsilemcancir' In
j Chicago heieafter. ai ufiins to M-inolpal
Judac a rio purs , f.itc-d hat lea
Jones ihoffer f,,; li i. t jt!ah. i4i and
cos, a
1 " tonsitlt r it om, t,f ihe wcirai ciffenscs
thai inn he o,i;:r.,! '."'i ' said lh judge
"to tit inK w 1 1 ii . , ; ' e 1 iir iv e an a .ito V e . c 1 rial t put a
stop to t r. 1 . v. i.oie-a t- i. . .1 g of people and
w a v a de
u vo l,i fcin ): e.'
Slr'.A'ITI-K. a! Mar- h 1". chailes P.
I'avue win serve'. . a pihale n tt
Indian wa's in M.iiti o.-,. vV omn k ar,1 ire
lial uts wriil in lTi 1 i,,i u t'-e i.i 'i, i hief.
lillie Lee- fcf er tit p't.i i.i.(l Htltlntilel
to aa 11.4 le ilirn ; 1 X- --"ri A. Miles,
died laet 1. ,.!,;. r---i .A aia
Welcome to Thousands
araacrlptloB for Xcuigatiioa that aa
Doa Wonders la Hospital Work
Brunswick Daily
News is Indicted
Georgia Paper Which Advertised Lot
tery it Charged with Misuse
of Xaila.
V A N S' 1! ; . Mfcii h h "i
ff Kr jfin-it -m . - i f. rtavfj .
it.- Iltjle-d St .vrd j r h;f j j-ti
Jotirnr-J lit r t'ei44 fr . n ai'i.n ut ifr
I T h ( !g- ii -t..1iiiir - iinr, '
nt m I'M'rr . J-hUar -JL lit t .
. - ii :.m f a l. ji n 1 1 1
i . '.U-l t'om lir in. 1 ui t-r
uJf - nr ctanrf
T 1 1 1 1 .- t h ; , 1 t
A iuiote in ;u n
kt ct'Uiit of .is : -.
in Wif l : en tit-it: .t
IV oiMt i -inl i ro.
e-tiira 1
r.y l iii ri: e Ju e f
inca r ;tii j ,iji iii. iiUiiujfl
tru 1 li -l 1 ii v 1 i -i -1 adri rating
j - I .-;-tfUat f Irahljrfc .1,.. Ji,, MnJ
l,-4..la4 ,r if l-'.J ifl utll MnW II
Will CUlf Our -t l cmp of O N-i.- 'T wo
0 r .- 4 i '( t'",hr. '. I U Jli'
I u ('I 4i.I.i. ' -''' ! !fcI.J.f OIU-
: ound M:. ano cat.- .i ,- t (--,
p'nf - atlr -&f ti : n1 m it-ti-
! II III- '., iJjf HlUri M riitla- (,Ul lip la
1 'uii t I -at' V a ;. An (Jf u' tl
m.m J it in MKK i-- ifna l.txir 01 t.
..:!-.' C-: 1 f 1 a-, n . !iir-V
( :. . '.- i -1 .t.: -l; 11.11 Hit- i'tu-n
Jtl'i dlt. I ! Pti -t Pta.n-1 ta.if at It
.trf - ;, . : h.f i'i:ifiO r. i' mii
a- :ir itilUH ,1 il f- K.r-1 I 1 1 r TiE rf-ti It-fit ft
1 ' tiin I hP HI IF! at ml llil X t - t t IttHl.f-
Art ! w it u ati.-ritat. h ir-at; 4baul4
lii.a i!hut jc4L.-AJ