Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1911, SPORTING SECTION, Image 30

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Ziiii-G&inblin j Legislation Causes
Diicontinnance of Circuits.
sH s i Mmmm mmm Owifn Haffrr Dprrt-
k fa rrr rights Aftalsat
ths Alatloa rrT II
WKW TORK, March U.-Mors than thirty
rsr tracks In this country, not Including
nine In ths Stats of Nsw York and three
In. Florida, hav been closed , by adt'erse
legislation alnca 182,' when tha first aue
eessful rrussds siralnst rsclns; was car
ried on In New JeTsey. It It estimated
that mora than S40.ono.0fl0 worth of prop
erty lias been depreciated In value, while
thousands of owners and breeders have
been financially crippled. Tha thorough
bred breeding- Industry has been reduced
to a minimum and tha passing of some
of tha greatest raea horses in tha world
baa been recorded-
Tha New Jersey crusade was chiefly due
to tha Iniquities at Guttenburg and Glou
cester, where winter race meets were held
In defiance of tha racing law and the sure
thing gambling clement ruled with an Iron
band. - Because these tracks followed a
rule of ruin policy a-eonstltutlonal amend
ment was passed by the voters across the
Hudson river, which closed magnificent
Monmouth Park, together with tha smal
ler race courses at Ellsabtth, Linden and
Clifton. Many thousands of dollars in
vested In thee tracks were lost as a re
sult and tha tracks were allowed to go to
wreck and ruin. Today they are disman
tled and so far gone that tha casual ob
server would find It hard to believe that
thoroughbred horses ever ran over them
for high stakes and purses.
Attempts fall la Cbleaar.
In spite of powerful Influences the Chi
cago tracks were soon put out of business.
Washington Tark, where the 150,000 Ameri
can derby was run; Hawthorne, over
which Kdward Corrlgan presided; Worth
and Harlem. In which the blind John Con
don was more than ordinarily Interested,
were forced to close their gates. Several
attempts since have been made to re
vive the sport In the Windy City, but the
reform element In each Instance has devel
oped suffteclant power to successfully op
pone favorable legislation. Corrlgan and
Condon, once bitter enemies, met with
other reverses. When former Governor
Polk conducted a winning fight against
race track gambling in the state of Mis
souri, Corrlgan was caught In the net.
He was the principal owner of the big
track In Kansas City, which together with
the fair controlled by the Cella syndicate.
was forced to nail up tha shutters.
Condon put nearly a million dollars Into
Oaklawn Park at Hot Springs, Ark., only
to find that after one season the reformers
held the whip hand In the legislature at
JJttle Rock. A bill prohibiting bookmak
lng became a law and Oaklawn, together
with another track at the Springs, became
worthless. Corrlgan was caught , again
when the. Louisiana legislature closed the
game at New Orleans, where It had thrived
for many year. Tha master of Hawthorne
Invested a fortune In the construction of
the city park track, wMcn was run In
opposition to the old fair grounds. In
which Cella and Condon were said to be
heavily Interested. They operated on a
conflicting date schedule one winter and
both lost money. Then, having reached an
amicable agreement, these tracks found
that they had few supporters among the
lawmakers at Baton Rouge and were com
pelled to give up the fight In spite of a
storm of protests from tha business men
ol New Orleans.
Mesaahla Lvwra Track.
Montgomery park, Memphis, where many
turf events mac' t history, and the Nash
ville track were boarded up because et the
antl-bookmaklng crusade In the state of
Tennessee. The . merry-go-round at Roby.
lnd., also fell a victim to tha crusaders.
Iren Hill and Alexander Island were closed
before the District of Columbia put the
kibosh on the Washington Jockey. Club'a
track at Bennlugs. which was a costly af
fair and was the biggest racing plant south
of New Tork. New Hampshire made short
" work of the big race course at Salem.
In far off Seattle the lawmakers took a
crack at a prosperous track and then came
an unexpectedly strong fight against tha
firf solons In California, In ISO the Cali
fornia legislature passed a measure framed
on the lines of the Agnew-Hart bill, with
the result that the million dollar track at
Bants, Anita, near Los Angeles, threw up
the sponge. Thomas H. WllUama, owner
of the Emeryville track, across the bay
from San Francisco, tested the new law
and got a decision that oral betting was
legal, but this winter the California legis
lature made that form of speculation Im
possible and Emeryville shut down a short
time ago rather than conduct a hopeless
fight for restoration.
The Texas legislature more than a year
ago passed anti-racing measures which
closed tracks at Dallas, Houston, Ban An
tonio, Galveston, El Paso and other cities.
In Florida a new law goes Into effect on
May 1, which. It Is said, will make further
meetings at Jacksonville, Tampa and Pen
sacola out of the question. They tried rac
ing and betting In Atlanta, Gt, two years
ago, but the venture was abandoned upon
the arrest and conviction of a layer of
odds. ,
New Yerkers Give
It Is needless o record the fact that the
Agnew-Perklns bills passed at Albany last
year made It advisable for tha owners of
the Aqueduct. Jamaica, Dolraont Park,
Ctravesend. Sheepshead Bay, Brighton,
Empire City and Uaratoga tracks to give
up tha fight temporarily at least Kenll
worth Park. Buffalo, closed as soon aa
the Agnew-Hart bills were passed In 1908.
Under the present conditions, unless some
relief la obtained from the courts, few It
any of these tracks will operate this year.
But the Jockey club Is not idle and there'll
be a number of test cases very soon.
The only states In which racing and bet
ting can go on now are Maryland. Virginia,
West "Virginia, Utah, Montana and Ken
tucky. There are tracks ready to resume
business at Salt Lake City and Ogden and
butts, while Ptmllco will bold a spring
meeting as usual In April. It has been
rumored for some time, however, that the
Maryland legislature would be asked Jo
pass a bill prohibiting bookmaking at the
Baltimore track, also at the little half mlK
circuit located at Marlborough, which was
run at a loss last fall. Jamestown, near
Norfolk, will try another session tills
spring and open betting will not be Inter
fered with. In view of a recent court ruling
la the case of a man prosecuted for making
a band book. The legislature in West Vir
ginia has passed what Is known as tha
poolroom bill, and a new race track will
be built at Chester, W. Vs., an hour's ride
from Pittsburg.
Kistsckf Inns Lots.
KsnUtcky will have a long racing season
tram tha KUdaie of April until November,
eliaagh esUy tare tracks, LAuJurrtlla. La
tnasa aoa LaJraUas. will take tart in It
Tfeve part summers GI Ut nana at tbeee
ad aa Bam mm ut orni stf bm.
t as
k&lrnr tr j mmitua smart ymtur aftur a de-
tnimal " A3 lite hud ntuuMfK Par
tlamtuU lii.uufl Id smrujrBiuuae matters
l.y alluwnta srJii muitt in tits lunmiiiro
M trnrnm wsi hi luo simiig and seven
In tim -ShU. A juiav Jv autustmiiur thnss
provisions went Into effei t last spring snd
sffeoted the big tracks st MontrcalJ
Toronto. Hamilton. Windsor snd Kort F.rle.
Their' receipts were grestly reduced snd
the fsct that horsemen were forced to re
main Idle a week between each meeting
worked aa a hardship. But other small
tracks In Canada will he operated under
the new law this year, snd In that way
continuous racing will be provided.
The Canadian law permits open book-
making Inside race track enclosures, but
makes It a felony to run a pool room or a
hand book outside of them. Toronto hss
made arrangements to experiment with
the parl-mutuel system and twenty-one
machines have been ordered from a Louis
ville manufacturer. . There will be some
racing and betting in British Columbia.
too, but on a comparatively small scale.
Meanwhile the sport will continue to enjoy
wonderful prosperity In England. Frsnce,
Germany. Russia. Austria, Italy and Aus
tralia, where the races are patronized and
encouraged by the various governments.
Many American turfmen, driven from this
country, will participate In the sport on
the other side and will necessarily spend
much money there In keeping pace with
Goulding Puts the
Walking Game Out
of the Joke Class
Toronto Pedestrian Sets New Pace for
Performers little Known This
Side of the Border.
NEW YORK, March As a contribut
ing factor toward the establishment of a
new epoch In American athletics, George
H. Goulding, the Toronto exponent of the
art of heel-and-toe walking, stands in a
niche all by himself. Creating a furore
such as has not been equalled because of
an athletic performance since the rather
one-sided International games In 1S95, the
Canadian has lifted the walking game out
of the Joke class, where it had been placed
through the rather frantic and foolish
gyrations of the exponents of the game of
late years.
Although It Is two years since he made
what stands as the best mark ever per
formed by an amateur, 6:26V. at the Can
adian Amateur Athletic union champion
ship, his light has been hidden unSer a
bushel, and he was practically unheard
of on this side of the border until Just
about a year ago, when In a Buffalo
armory, he walked a mile In 6:29V4, which
mark has not been placed to his credit
through the refusal of tha people In charge
of the contest to forward the credentials
certifying the performance.
According to an athlete sharp, who has
seen all the best of the American and
English walkers, hit equal has never been
seen. This suthorlty said: "There has
always been a question In my mind as to
the fairness of the gait of the men who
shone at the game In the late seventies
and the early eighties men like Armstrong,
Merrill, Mott, .Raby, the Englishmen and
that type. Later on, during the time of
Billy Meek, he was the only one who would
really pass muster as a fair walker. It
'Cinders' Murray, the holder of many rec
ords at various distances, .had been closely
watched, exception could easily have been
taken to his peculiar lift. .
"Speaking of Murray, I am reminded
that Gouldlng's style Is the prototype of
the former champion's. Tho only differ
ence that now appeals to me la that while
Goulding was perfectly fair when I saw
him move, Murray was prone to jump a
bit when he got tired, being off both feet
at onoe. To the casual observer It was
heel-and-toe, but neither foot was on the
"Goulding fills the eye of close followers
of the game through that perfection of
style which warrants him leaning forward
just enough not' to have' any' weight to
pull. In other words, his weight is just
where It belongs In a walker Just over
his power. That permits him to lock his
knees as he goes forward for his next
stride and dodge the stiffness seen when
men walk according to tha old army Idea
of shoulders back and chin up. Directly
a man attempts a fast pace under the
latter style he will soon be noticed Jump
ing along flat-foot to flat-foot I hope we
will see more of Goulding."
Goulding holds all the Canadian records
from one mile to ten, with the exception
of the three-mile mark, which was made
In Montreal by Billy Meek in 18M, after
which he went to England, winning the
seven-mils walk In 4:38.
Athletic Cost is
Heavy at Harvard
and Also at Old Eli
Enormous Expense Per Capita of the
Men Who Get Into the
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 18. A com-
pari son of the coat of athletics of both
Harvard and Tale Is Interesting. Last
yeear It cost the Cambridge university
II27.M6 to run athletics, or about ICS a day
for the ten months through which the col
lege seeaaon lasts. The foot ball expendi
tures were approximately 131,000, an aver
age cost of about S1.000 a man to the squad
of thirty-one players. Track athletics cost
S9.4.S0, base ball 111.177.51 and crew J15.4X) 18.
At Tale the approximate for maitalntng
foot ball was MO.Oi It meant for every
man who got In a "championship' game,
as the contests with Harvard and Prince
ton at New Haven are called, $-,500 was ex
pended. On base bail, which returned a net
profit of 15,760, Tale put out a total of
122,887. while track athletics, with a total
Income of only cost SlS,Sti8. Rowing
la practically a flat financial loss, since
no admission can be charged, and mors
than SX.OUO Is appropriated every year for
Manager of the Provide Teas. A -ohcn
His Gsaaes.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 18. Man
ager George 8. Burgess of the Brown foot
ball team announced the following sched
ule tor next fall:
September SO, New Hampshire college at
Providence; October 4, Rhode Island Wats
at Providence; October T, Massachusetts
Agricultural college at Providence; Octo
ber 11 Bowdotn at Providence; October 21.
Pennsylvania at Philadelphia; October 28,
Harvard at Cambridge; November 4,
Tufts college at Providence; November 11.
Tale at New Haven; November IS, Ver
mont at ProvidVnoe; November t&. Trinity
at Providence; November SO, Carllae In
diana at Providence.
flcwer Philosophy.
It Is dangerous to compliment cheap p
Memory ought to be hell enough for some
You can't beat tha fellow who works
when you are asleep.
All that seems to be expected of a young
mui is mat sne gel niarneo.
A real live dug ought to feel ashamed
of itself when it baa to be lugged around
by a lady. . And doubtless the dog Sees
feci that way about It- A mom can't always
chMM Its ewa transpanaUe meQuxL
Ati limoa utvW
Importance of Sufficient Tower in the
Three' Prlnrlpat rotate to Be Con
sidered hy Owaere Beat Method
f l.lghttas; the Road
way, Few motoring experiences sre more un
pleasant than driving a car equipped with
defective headlights along a strange road
on a dark night. The Imperfect Illumina
tion seems to define rsther than to pene
trate the surrounding blackness, and there
Is never absent from the motorist's mind
the feeling that some unknown obstacle
may lie hidden In the obscurity ahead of
him. While the actual danger In such a
case may not be very great, it Is real, and,
seeing that a motor car Is too valuable a
piece of property to be exposed to unneces
sary risks, the motqrlst. If he Is well ad
vised, will not begrudge a little attention
devoted to his lamps to insure that op
tically and In other respects they are all
that they should be.
Becanse it has no complicated parts and
calls for little care or manipulation, the
common tendency Is to take the lamp for
granted snd to regard the lighting prob
lem as a generation problem exclusively.
This Is doubly a mistake. In the first
place, whether electricity or gas be the
preferred illumlnant, the most efficient
generating equipment will fail of Its pur-
pot,e If the construction of the lamp whlc'h
It feeds be faulty. In the second place,
badly designed lamps are commoner than
Is generally supposed, and many a car
owner Is under the Impression that his
lamps are not large enough when the real
trouble Is that they are Inefficient.
The three principal points which must be
considered In connection with lamp effi
ciency are: (1) The brilliancy or Illumi
nating power of the flame or filament; 2)
the consumption of gas or electricity; (3)
the suitability of the optical devices em
ployed to throw the light where It can do
most good. We shall consider these In the
order named and then pass on to one or
two other points which are worth looking
to, although their Importance la by com
parison secondary.
All physical quantities are for the pur
poses of comparison estimated by means
of a unit quantity of their own kind. Thus
an area la measured In terms of some
standard area such as a square foot, and
in the same' way the intensity-of a source
of Illumination Is measured by the Intensity
of the light from a standard candle made
of either sperm or parafflne and Weighing
one-sixth of a pound. For Instance, the
Intrinsic brilliancy of the sun Is equal to
500.000 candles per square Inch, that of an
Incandescent carbon filament to between
150 and 200 candles and that of an acetylene
flame to between 75 and 100 candles per
square Inch of surface In each case also.
Candle Tower.
The candle power of the unreflected
flame or filament of a headlight should
not be less than fifteen nor greater than
twenty. With acetylene as the illumlnant
this will call for the delivery at most
of .1 cubic feet of gas per lamp per hour.
Where, a gas tank Is used a chargo of
100 cubic feet should thus be sufficient to
maintain two headlights In operation for
about seventy hours. The corresponding
consumption ot carbide, where the acety
lene Is generated on the car, would be
about twenty-five pounds' for the same
period and service. If In either case the
actual figures are In excess of these, the
light Is unnecessarily brilliant or the
burner Is dirty or defective, or the' gas
Is being delivered at too great a pressure.
If the lighting equipment .Is electrical and
tungsten or tantalum bulbs are employed
the consumption of electrical energy should
not exceed twenty-five watts per lamp.
The older the filament the greater the
cost, electrically, per candle power per
Since a flame projects Its rays Impartially
In all directions the amount of lllumina
tior. produced In a given direction di
minishes rapidly with the distance. If we
Imagine a source of light to be placed at
the center of a sphere of one foot radius.
the surface of that sphere will Intercept
all the rays and each point on It will
receive a definite amount of illumination
Now suppose the radius of the sphere to
be doubled. Its surface will be Increased
fourfold, and. therefore, each point on It
will only receive a quarter of the light It
did before. If the radius be trebled the
illumination at a point on the sphere will
be a ninth, and so on, the amount of light
intercepted by a given area diminishing as
me square of Its distance from the center
of Illumination. The degree of Illumination
produced by a standard candle at a dis
tance of one foot Is known as a caudle
Lemses anal Reflectors.
The purpose of the lenses and reflectors
with which a lamp Is fitted Is to deflect
the divergent rays from the flame or flla
ment and concentrate them In a parallel
beam. If the source of Illumination were
a mathematical point. It would be possible
to oirect every ray parallel to every other
ray. In practice, however. Inasmuch aa a
name or filament Is not dimenslonless, a
rei lector which would be accurate for one
point of It Is Inaccurate for another. In
cnooHlng a lamp, it la, therefore, well to
avoid one In which the area of the reflector
is small, for, given the sixs of the flame.
the larger the surface at which Its rays
are reflected the less, relatively, will be
tne distortion of the beam, due to the fact
that the center oi Illumination is not a
point. Another objection to the use of
small mirror Is that ths reflected rays.
wnen their directions are Irregular, Inter
sent each other, the result being that the
brlghtnesa of the projected beam varies
abruptly from point to point.
ine range of a lamp Is the distance
at which the beam thrown by it may be
considered to be practically effective. As
a measure of It, It Is convenient to take
ths distance along the center of the beam
at which the Intensity of the illumination
Is just equal to one-tenth of a candle foot.
In some comparative lamp trials recently
made In England there was an astonish
ingly wide divergence with different lamps
in mis particular, results coming out all
the way from thirty to S00 feet. A number
of lamps under twenty candle-power In
which the range lay between eighty and 100
reet were marked as very good.
Other things equal, a moderate weight
ana simplicity of construction are desider
ata In a lamp. Accessibility of the various
parts for cleaning Is slso a point to b
considered. Loosly fitting connections,
wmcn are likely to cause annoyance by
rattling, should be avoided. Care, too
should be taken that there is no back re
flection, and that no stray beams make
their way out at the back, top or sides.
DeflMtlaa- ths Llht.
Recent ordinances compelling motorists
to cut ths horlsontal beam from their
headlights within city limits, either by
means of a special shutter or mechanism
fitted is ths lamp for this purpose or by
extinguishing the light altogether, -have
emphasised ths fact that In designing and
operating a head -lamp there are ether
users of the highways than oar owners to
be ceostdeswd. Ths trouble, of course, la
that ths human ays Is temporarily blinded
by tha rays of ths reflected beam. Kor ths
protot.-Uua of pedestrians en the country
roads It hv therefore, highly daatrsbls ts
maintain in front of every car a saf'tv
sone within which no reflected rsys reach
a level of four feet six the height ot the
average human eye above the ground. Jt
Is noteworthy that the daxxte produced by
a headlight bears no very definite reflec
tion to Its candle-power. The toy bull's
eye isntrrn of a boy, with Its Insignificant
oil nick, Is almost as blinding as the
beam from the most powerful search light.
With a view to minimising the dazxllng
effect, the best position for the head lamp
appears to be at about two feet above tht
ground. Next to that seven feet has been
found to be the best height. It "has been
proved that If an object iwhlch would be
clearly visible by star light on a clear night
were placed at a point six feet behind and
six feet to the side of any average lamp.
It would be plainly dlsclerentble by a person
standing In the center of the pth of the
benm at a distance of twenty-five feet.
This Interval may. therefore, be taken to
reDresent the extent of the minimum
danger son attainable with lamps un
provided with special non-dazsllng devices,
such as Venetian blinds of circular black
ened slats fitted to the lenses. Inoldenet
ally. the objection to these last Is thnt they
gretttly reduce both the range and width
of the beam. Tilting the lamp Is a remedy
that has the same drawback. T. L. White,
In Harper's Weekly.
Americans to Invade
Old England's Courts
Tennis Players Will Play for Interna
tional . Cuj) Australian Golfers
to United States.
NEW TORK, March 18. News was re
ceived from London that American (awn
tennis players will Invade the English
courts this season. Besides, the Americans
and Australians the South Africans chal
lengers for the Dwlght F. David Interna
tional cup, are scheduled for the All Eng
land championship at Wimbledon next
William A. I.arned, the national cham-
plan; Maurice F. McLoughlln, Thomas C.
Bundy and M. H. Long, will make up Jhe
American forces, according to these ad
vices. In mentioning the Invasion of for
eign players the official publication of the
English National Lawn Tennis association
"R. W. Heath, the brilliant Australian
player, whose prowess hss I recently been
the talk of the antipodes, sailed from Mel
bourne for Europe on the P. ft O. steam
ship Malwa on February 14. He expects to
arrive in time to compete In the French
covered courts championships and after
that at Queen's, remaining In England
until after the outdoor championships.
'Besides Heath, Australia will be rep
resented at Wlmbleton, we hear, by Nor
man E. Brookes, Dunlop, Marsh and, of
course, by the champion, A. F. Wilding,
while America will be sending Larned,
McLoughlln, Long and Bundy. The Aus
tralians or some of them, we are further
Informed, probably will leave England with
the Americans for the States In time to
compete In ths United States champion
ships. A team of Australian golfers will
also be touring in America simultaneously,
and Norman E. Brooks will be playing
for It."
Gauntlett, Robbs, Cecil Tripp, Dodd,
Tucker and Van Ryn are named as the
leading players of South Africa.
Little Willie Again.
"Pa!" came little Willie's voice from the
darkness of the nursery.
i'a gave a bad imitation of a snore. He
was tired and did not wish to be disturbed.
"Pa! came the little voice again.
"What is it. Willie?" replied his father.
'Turn 1n here. I want to ast vou sum-
pin';" said, the little voice.
So pa rose up from his couch and. put
ting on his bathrobe and slippers, marched
Into the nursery.
"Well, what Is It now?" he asked.
"Say. pa." said little Willie, "If you was
to feed the cow on soap would she give
shaving-cream? Harrier's Weeklv.
)o )0
Any system that needs a tonic
the weakened and impure condition
for the run-down state of health. we have only to recognize the
importance of pure, rich blood in preserving health, to realize the danger
of a weakened or impure circulation. The great majority of persons
are rapidly coming to understand the importance of preventing disease ;
they know that a poorly nourished system cannot resist germs and
microbes, and that a tonic which purifies and enriches the blood will
often ward off a serious spell of illness later on.
That bpnne is the most trying
known to every one. It is the time
required to stand the greatest strain,
proper amount of blood nutriment the health lis bund to be affected.
The general bodily weakness, tired, worn-out feeling, fickle appetite, poor
digestion, etc., come directly as a result of weak, watery blood.
If you need a tonic, you need a medicine that has real blood puri
fying properties. A great many so called tonics are mere nerve stim
ulants, often producing instantaneous exhilarating effect, but acting with
decided injury on the system. If your system is weak and rundown
you can only tone it up bysupplying an increased amount of blood
nutriment, and this can come only through pure, rich blood. Any
tonic which does not purify the blood is dangerous, because it leaves the
impurities in the circulation to constantly prey upon the health.
S. S. S. is the greatest of all tonics because it is the greaest of all
blood purifiers ; and it is the one medicine you can rely on to supply
the system with the best tonic
effects and at the same time thor
oughly purify the blood. The use
of S. S. S. at this time may save you
from a long spell of sickness, and it
will certainly prepare you for the
strain of the long hot Summer.
Many people have put off using a
tonic until the system became so
weakened it could not resist disease,
and have paid for the neglect later
on with a spell of fever, malaria, or
some other debilitating sickness.
S. S. S. is Nature's ideal tonic and
blood ,purifier. It does not contain
a particle of mineral in any form,
nor does it contain any of the delete
rious nerve stimulants that are used
in so many medicines called tonics.
S. S. S. tones ud the stomach and
digestion, rids one of the tired, worn-out feeling, improves the appetite
and digestion, and in every way contributes to the upbuilding and strength
ening or the entire system. S. S. S. is absolutely safe for persons of any
age, and all who are in need of a tonic will find this medicine exactly
suited to their needs. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLA9TA. GA.
Experts of Opinion that Dmers Will
Not Stand Strain.
Occasion Whea Machines Left the
Truck T'nder Weakened Control
tf Pilots t sed as Horrible
NEW TORK. March 18 The Importance
that the Indianapolis speedway's 5ft-niile
race has attained Is causing motorists to
figure out Its every angle. Indlsputsbly
It will be the big event of the pre-autumn
season. It will attract the fastest cars In
this country and many foreign machines;
it will carry the highest prise money that
has ever been offered for an automobile
race meet and It will be the longest con
test of Its kind ever attempted on a speed
way. It Is this latter phase that has
caused lively discussion among racing folks
for the last few days.
The general opinion appears to be that
the promoters have made the distance too
long; that It Is too great a strain on man
and machine. It Is doubted If either will
be able to stand up tinder the terrific rack
lng of 500 miles at foster than a mile to
the minute. The American Automobile
Contest association Is considering ths
danger to drivers, the manufacturers to
their cars.
Won't pllt Money.
Last year there was a rule to the effect
that a driver could not be at the wheel
longer than five hours at a time. Est!
mates place the running time of the 000-
mlle race at seven hours. In compliance
with the requests of drivers that they be
allowed to keep their scats from start to
finish, a new rule has been drawn by the
American Automobile association. It Is to
the effect that the referee will Judge
driver's fitness to remain In the race after
the five-hour mark. The entrants wanted
some rule' of this sort. They did not feel
like sharing the prize money with some
other pilot If it possibly could be avoided.
As a consequence there are going on
the assumption that they will be able to
stand the strain of seven hours at the
steering wheel. It Is doubtful If any will
be able to perform the feat.
Speaking on this subject a racing author
Ity said.
"In my opinion, thst 500-mile race at
Indianapolis will never be finished. Tou
will remember that they tried to run a
800-mile contest at Indianapolis last year.
They had to stop It. The cars were veer
ing off the track, crashing through fences
and Into crowds. After a certain dis
tance of driving on a track the drivers
lose control. If they could not finish
3no-mile race. will happen in this BOO'
mile contest? Consider, also, that the
speed will be much higher than was the
case In the 800-mile event. Tills, of course,
means a greater physical and mental
Question of Rye "train.
"Why are drivers unable to complete
long distances on a speedway when they
are In road contests? That seems hard
but it's an easy one to answer. Imagine
you are a driver. You let out your car
In a long race on the speedway. For a
time everything goes well. Tour car la
whirling round and round and the stfenery
sweeps past In a monotonous blur. At 300
miles this blur commences to affect you
There la nothing for the eye but the band
of track, rimmed by the monotonous blur
of white. Gradually this affects the eyes.
The car commences to streak erratically
from its course. More attentlVn Is de
manded on the steering wheel. Later the
mind becomes dased and the sight dulled.
The steady whirl haa caused It. There are
Only two ways for your aeml-conscibus-ness
to be relieved. Either the car will
shoot off the track or the referee will
save your life by stopping the contest.
"This Is what happened to most of the
needs also a blood purifier, for it is
of the circulation that is responsible
season on the health is a fact well
of year when our constitutions are
and unless the system receives the
S. S. S. is a good medicine. I keep
it in the house all the while. It ia an
excellent tonic to give strength to the
system and tons to aU the physical
members. It gives appetite and
energy and makes one feel better in
every way. I have found it also an
excellent blood purifier. Por months
I was troubled with aa itching skin
eruption on the face, and tried many
specialists snd many remedies to get
a cure, but S. S. S. is the only medicine
that seemed to relieve. I am now free
of this eruption. I think a great deal
of your medicine, believing it to be
the best blood purifier snd tonic known
to the world today.
1330 East Seventh St, Canton, O,
drivers mho tried to finish tbe last long
race at Indianapolis. What will occur If
they try to force themselves through Sea
miles on Memorial dsy Is not p!easnt t
think of. In road racing It Is different;
the scenery Is conslsntly changing. Thnt
race will have to be driven with two driv
ing tricks, as Is the esse In the twenty-four-hour
races, or there will be another
hue and' cry about the 'Iloosler Slaushter
Pen.' surh as arose after Burque'a death
In luno."
An Asts I mlllslon
means msny bad bruises, which Bucklcn's
Arnica Palve heals quickly, as It does sores
and burns. 2,"c. For sale by Beaton Drug
Ruined Tires
The Two Chief Causes Avoided '
You can get rid of rim cutting, and avoid overloading,
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That means to cut tire bills half.
Enough Goodyear No-Rira-Cut tires
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These patented tires trebled our
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This year at an equal price 64
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You should know these modem
25 Saved Here
The avoidance of rim cutting, un
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You can't rim-cut a Goodyear No-Rim-Cut
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have been sold. In all thit experience
there has never been
a tingle Instance of
rim cutting.
The feature which
makes rim cutting
Impossible is con
trolled by our pat-
No-Rim-Cut Tires
Powell Supply Co., Mgrs., 20;20-21M 1 arnatn St,, Omnlia, Nob.
Brancliss and Agsnoiss In all ths principal
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Possess an advantage over all others. Vmr
more than thirty years they have been the
standard mi the profession. Call and see our
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316 South 15th St., Omaha, Neb.
4 .
KOf Automobiles
XS 2052-54 Farnam St., Omaha.
IAE.EE. electric
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C044-4S-4S PAR
Nebraska Duick Auto Company
tlll anuk, lata. a4 r M. B. KXBZ.XS, Osal Mr.
OauM Brans. yaxmass BV. U MWTV, Mgs.
lie Lexington
Traynor Automobile Co.
ftnrf iht whts hda.-
The (.ohlsmlth
A libber Cea'er
Official Leagus INsIl
Ifor sis yesm.
First I.eHSuei
Rail r.nnrin-
teed for 18lnnin.
flrwwtlng Goods Satisfy experts. "
I B r l SHendld Photo rsphs of hmwl hn
puivers. sccre cnnls snd hsndwne hesehll
rstnlosue. send nsmeof roiir sporting oods
dealer, r.eoiJissiTM-S soss.
eats. It is explained in our Tirs Bool
ask for It.
. s
It Is the only way known to make
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It's the only way to get fid oJ this
worry and cost. "
25 Saved Here
We add 25 per cent to the average
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10 per cent oversize. The form of
construction allows that.
This adds 10 per cent to the air
cushion 10 per cent to the carrying
capacity to take care o( the extras,
the top, glass front, gas tank, extra
tire, etc.
Nine tires in ten which are rot
oversize are at times overloaded.
That is what causes blow-outs.
To avoid this overloading-r-by this
10 per cent oversize adds 25 per
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Goodyenr No-Rim-Cut tires now
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Our Tlr Boole mpU!m
thus poinU futiy. It
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If ra swa a car
want you ta kava thtt
awes, riaavs writs
aw ts taad H.
cltlas. W maks all sort of Rubber Ttrs
and Accessories!
Electrio Garage
2218 Firasni StresL
iUTRunsiLE ca.. 1832 Farnam fr
John Dsers Plow Co... Distributors.
XhWzzQ Autescbib Co.
2203 Farnam Street
'. Chalmers
Eulck and CJJi
mcblls Cars.,,.
Dsuslas 7sal
010 Harasy St.
OfsrUnd It Peps
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216 S. IS!. SI