Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1911, SPORTING SECTION, Page 3, Image 29

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tVNL'AT, MARCH ".. I'll, j
Peaniy Man Says Good Foot Ball iifn
Are Scarce.
Omaha Swedes Who Are Also Athletes
Tills )ny (hat bioke la Wae'iie t
.r Uimx Muksl lajsj- swue tew,
twessijr ya.s after fcis tun'
Sail t IMMaing as eiare
Urclirri t- 1 1 I la of M
frM l'rttfesioaal aehMl el t el
lesje Weald (ripple frwe
I SM-rte ef tlcirl.
FH il.A L'M.f'H
Mar. h
sta that vivl of ecJtastic cl.r
him that swept over tha hrnose house
hen the news flashed In through the front
door that Herr Bill .rh!pkes lament" of
lat Hijnfi u nn the result nf rhumi-
i ud 11 narvaru. write .viike vturpny in
"There has been a lot of til of limit nj I
tha foot bad i-em to the eollese an. rut- ,
tin o'it ill prnleesioniil seh. o. aa fiey !
tiim, contracted In tha iTimpi rf th
Ota r Ha, hut tha outcome of a wrenr-pd
tendon. No a wrn'hei tendon la a bad !
and painful thing, but It can ha nirM. I
a a rule, mora ally and eurely than ran
lhumatlsm! In fart a i ore has been
effected In tha rait of Bill and therein j
(i)m tha Joy. Ha la sound, a B"und as :
vr. If not sounder. So far aa hi nrn- t
ant ronditlon goee. there la no reason h?
h should not piar tha gam of his life :
thli yaar. It a III taka more wrench!
terdona to keep Mm from It. Tha do tors ,
doctored rhlpke for rheumatism and ona
thing and anothar until Bill had taken
enough medicine to give him t'ie worst i
acrt of rhaumatlam. Ha now feels that!
mce ha did not get .ham with a;l thst .
him, ha la Immune forever. It '
good dal Ilka tha case of Oore I
Oraham. I'nttl ha want to Rnneaetter j
Reeee of Toledo, ha was supposed to ha
"all In.' Tlia bone-setter ho'd him
where fhara was nothing wrong with him
and ha la expected to hit tha high p'ares
thia aaaaon. It raally means everything
to Omaha to hava tha aarvlraa of thaaa two
man. With Captain Bin at third to ha
spelled by young Farrell nf Chicago, that
Important cornrr la cared for. And that
waa tha worry of Pa Rourke. Of courae
you will find Kim wlaa ona who know
better than tha specialists who discover
ed that lchlpfc a aa all right. They w ill
tall you ha la all wrong and that ha will
never play good again. But auppoaa
you glva him tha ahada tha long and of It.
Va-s In
-la a go
I u!d Fenn. Refute wa make am-h a!
i radical liana" aa fits it would h well f r I
tis t j stmlv tl-e Nitration i-arafu . and ae j
just what wiil b IH aff .!. Kvri y yaar i
I aliu-a I have ban h"-2 a has . own
j hardrr to get out enouli of to
, pre para for our roijuiar H.inics I n. t .ira-
aon wa had juat nough mn to man-! uu
a taam for tha flrt name, ar.d t.ail tn. m
hud nut workl with tha team at al.: tiiry
liad not Mianaia. and. of courie. could not
play te;hnr. with tha result that wa lat
the game.
I "The season waa haif o er bf"ra w
' could get out a rub team that cmu d play
the varsity a half ilerent Kame. ano nearly
1 tha entire aeaon w had to depend on the
frexhinen team wbrn w nntd a hard
practice At no time Uurlns the aea:on
did tiie atndenta bark up toe lil team aa
they ouaht. ahy thia ehould be aa la be-
( ond me. We couid not get out Ml men tJ
J a ms meoting and aftr one of theae
inretinga we never got a unjiie ne ran-
dldate out for the eleven. It waa not thia
! way fifteen years ago. when thia unl-
veralty waa fighting Its war to tha tup.
I Tat now that we hava got there. H aeema
that Borne of the ftfllHamt mrm w.lhnff t
lt tha other fellow get tha hard kno ka.
while they alt around tha fraf houaea and
smoke clgarettea.
Krw re Eatksalaitlr.
"Vl'e have to depend entirely on a very
amall lot of enthusiastic men. who come
out every day and do their beat. If I aee
a big. huaky chap around tha university
and ask him to coma out and work with
ua ha alwaya givea ana tha same old atory
hla parent a will not let him play foot
bail. Hera la where wa are handicapped;
too many of our men liva at home, with
the reault that when they show up with a
black eya or a lama leg and their mothers
find out they hava been playing thia gwful
game, thera Is trouble at horns. Thia la
ao mora among tha middle claaa of atudents
than thoea who ara well to 'do.
"From Juet thia ona causa w lose at
T-.. a .
wufl-nu ui tur oumoer. LAat year
there waa not a alr.gla graduate of any of
tha Philadelphia hish achoola on tba aquad.
except ona; tha entire was made up
- ; c V - j
J ' ' v
( j 9
V s
Get out that
Spring Suit
Tlia on- ;.oi likad o "'U
lBJit er. that Is now hang
ing tip soma her, yerbaps
wrick lac", may b a littls
fpc'.t"il. Ton won't int to
wrui- it .'n that iriuiillon. it to Me. I.rj our ft
pr. . V: ' f grt nl oross
It o ci-.rIiVv rri:ov'e and
r. aire It Vc ti'- a Hw
i ; ;. p tr fcr on uf our
w ro?
Don'l 'V ;; Any longer
v, j n rr (n a aiili. or
f n . ' -" '.. it thor-
c.ifV, . l.-st it's ''I:rr,d
pr r !: " ;' r'.re) for
t t worlc Is fv rah'e. No
v a't-r ito.v v, r'!-! or out
t ( h It trav l we can
i. ;'roc il snd n.ake it well
w . i' : t". r v '.'.i to aend
i i.. i t '.. c ' fitly amount
! t.? v i a; t mi want dona
i .' 11 i!o it.
The? Pantorium
aoci C.'janars aad Dyars."
i - : : - ".IT trevt,
8a.:. rcir. 3 Ind., A-31S.
uln iv9 M?-r rf THtt" ?
III Utf !! H I liiiiw
In tha big Indoor meet, to be held at tha
Auditorium April 1. Omaha la honored and
lta ranking aa a aport center raiaed and
atrengthened. Athletea from all over the
country will participate In tha long lint of
events to be pulled off. Although the meet
Is cosmopolitan and Includea every aspir
ant In the realma of track eport from the
grade schoolboy to the collegiate champion.
It is by no means an amateurish affair.
RepreeentatWea from the largeat unlver
altiea in tha west will be here. Included
In the list of tha larger Inatltutiona ara
teams from Chicago and Michigan nnlver
aitlea. Nebraska. Kansas and MlsaouH.
of the Miseourt Valley conference, as well
as many teama from the smaller ,lnatltn- of men from pretaraton achoola. That
tlona of tha surrounding atatea,
will be on
Poke Hollenberlc has been aant back
from whence ha came to dear old Wa tar
loo. But Waterloo la aa yt on tha baa
ball map; that la, lta baaa ball status la
attll In doubt, for lta fight with tha powers-
that-be of tha Three Eye leagnia has
ant been settled. Klnaella of ths Spring
field club trotri by all that'a holy that his
team will never play with Waterloo and
Mike Sexton, president of tha National
aaeoclatlon. urges peace and progress. That
la what they should hava. but if they will
net. than let a dlvtdon be mads and two
alx-club leagues formed. If pollttca was
cut out a settlement might be possible.
Bert King Is tha only Omaha regular
who is holding out. Bart holda out at
this time of every yaar. Bur Pa has sent
him his ultimatum. If ha is not here at
reporting tlma, ha will be, suspended and
after that no telling what might happen
to him. Ha might be lynched, for ail wa
know. Bert la a good boy, but wo hops
ha will show It by eomlng across prompt
ly and affixing his John Hancock to that
ray-check: producer.
Committee. Find it Mast Curtail and
Condense Numbers.
All two Raaalsg Evewta Are Retataed
at the Pspilir Diatanees and
There la Wslklag
Huge Awning is to
Cover Courts at the
Clay Court Tourney
FitUburg tnd Omaha Are to Inter
change Honors of Holding the
Meet Each Tear.
Pa stilt ha Colonel Stowera and Com
V rada Davis, pitcher and outfield. Ha
Iwould aall either man for $5,000, providing
7 got tha cash. But as a mutter of fact
either man ought to ba good timber for
a Class B league. Pavla la ona of tha
hardest workera that aver waa. and
Stowers la young, rangy and willing, with
aoraa good muataxd to put oa tha balL
Ban born of Chicago predlcta a great
team of tha White Bos tola yaar. Wa
hops hla prediction oomaa truev Com! eke y
deserves a winner. Sanborn thinks laugo
erty. Mclntyre and Callahan will bo In
great shape for tha autfleld. He haa no
further doubts of Cal rounding to. tf that
ta correct, any team In tha league will
hava to go to Beat that outfield.
George Staillnga attll aaya he waa a
victim of a conspiracy la New Tork, in
which play ara and managers took part.
and ha probably la right. Many people
will alwaya believe Hal Chaea "laid down1
on E tailings. And few people would say
that Chase knew how to manage a team
aa well aa Stalling-
With all this dope about the Browne re
taining only three of last year a team, they
ara still carrying such well known stars
aa these: (Hone Hoffman, KUllfer, Truea-
dale. telephone, Williams, Peity, Wallace
and others. Bhotten. who whlled away
the early part of last year la Omaha, la
among the try-outa.
Pittsburg aport writers tai as If Fred
Hunter, with Sioux City before going to
ksnuu CUy, would hold down first base
- the Plratea regular thia season. Hun
ter, wa believe, will make good there, and
If so ha will ba tha first real first base
man Pittsburg haa bad since Kitty Rrana
flrld It-ft.
telle tba atory. Theee high school boys
ara seldom rugged enough to be of any
uae. and when they ara their folks will
not let them play for feat they will get
hurt. That la why with fc.O man wa had
trouble getting out thirty-five on any one
day. Wa have always been short of ma
terial. Our teama do not compare In alsa
with tha elevens through signals just be
fore tha gams started, that wars bigger
than ours; then w.;ere would wa bo If wa
were to cut out ou.- best schcoia here and
hava to go up against that splendid lot
of men. It would ba a Joke.
Ilffereat with Harvard.
"Let us look at It frtm snother side.
Harvard gives up her Uedicai and Law
schools, which she can well afford to do;
but In giving up these schools she does not
begin to make the sacrifice wa would hava
to maka. Our schools ara right bera
among ua; they ara a wital part of our
aalvea; while hers in Boston, miles awav
from ths university Itself; they could not
ass theas men If they would, becauaa they
ara too far away from tha field to keep
up. their work. People Beam to hava the
Idea that professional men who play on
ths foot ball teama hers do very little work
in tha school; this la tba graaUst mlstaks
of all. Ws will taka the medical school
Every one who knows anything about It
knows these men do as much work In
ona year aa aa academic man tn two. Wall,
the man who atands at tha head of the
senior class today waa tha beat halfback
In America a few yeara ago; another
who waa an ail-American tad la conald
erad tha beet man tn hla claaa, and so It
la all through ths schoo.s. Theaa profes
sional men ara a credit to ua part of our
system and wa should not glvs them up.
Foot ball makes .hem better men.
"They ara today and always hava been
among tha very best man of tha university.
It would bo foolish to give thera up, and
wrong, because they ara just aa much en
titled to represent tha univaiaity as any
wa hava aa long aa wa call ourselvea
university. Let us usa awry man from all
tha schools wha lives up to tha scholar
ship requirements. Wa could maka tha con
cession that wa would not uae any man
who had aver been at ary other college.
This of Itself will leave ua in a very bad
way; it will taka many good men from
tha teams that ws now need badly, but ws
can agree to thia and Btill ba able to con
aider ourselvea a t.g university, which wa
eannot do If wa limit ouisslvta to tha col
lege. We should go slow In making such a
change as this, because wo would probably
be beaten not only by Mionijan and CorueiL
but by state and Lafayette. Aa for wtn
Blng from Tale. Harvard, or Princeton.
it would be still mora difficult. They would
beat ua ao easily 'hat our alumni ail over
America would be ashaint-d of tha old
school. Wa mtiat atay in the front rank
or quit; wa cannot afford to ba made rldl
Keeley sa a thia young fellow. Kartell,
who coinee from the city league of Chica
go as a sub third baseman for the Kourkee,
la a real one. He haa seen him work and
Is enthusiastic over him. Ha area thinks
tn youngster will maka BUI trot for hla
Pog lowers this week will have an op
portunity to see doga of a. I varieties,
breeds and temperatnetita at the Audi
torium. Even thing and anything in the
canine line will be on exhibit, putting
Omaha to tha fore as the home of high
gi ado dogs
RnrnslIsM te Teats mm Cottage
Arc Now Melaer Rerelve by
Ike Athletic Dtrevtwr.
Work has begun at tha Young Men'
Christian association Outing park on
number of Improvementa which hava been
Dianned fur thia aeaaon. Tha lake front
will be improved, tha lake being deepened
for a considerable spaca. Tha park will
ba opened for tha aeaaon about June L
neaervattons for tent and cottage spaca.
lockers and canoe "bunks'' should be mad
with Mr. Maxwell at the association
building aa soon as possible.
Wolverines Will Be Represented at
Indoor Meet in Omaha.
Omaha a new park haa had a good effect
on other magnates. Several of them hate
been apendlng a Utile money patching up
tnelr piocea of business.
Those grounda out there ou inlon
street, with those fine aew elands, o until
to maae any home team win a peiiuaul.
Ttiet proposal that umpires aa wail aa
playera lake training trips rvaily la al
ir.e woret ever mad a
Irkssl Haa Bat Oa Osn
Tmt Ball.
Data fee
Mob l a'.aub. Lincoln a politica and ihat go wail together, a
1 To tall you the truth.
malt it out
we caa aarciy
A n. I l . kr lackxt Moiau .
BALTIMORE, March 11 Johna Hopkins
university haa given sut tha greater portion
of lta foot ball achedule. Only one data
is as yet unfilled, but three others have
not been announced yet by Graduate Man
ager Holinea. Tha pending game ta with
tha Carltaie Indiana, and for thia tha Sal
unlay before Thauksglvlng la being re
served. Hopkins will go ta Carlisle for
this match, aa the Indiana cams down here
last year. The ahedule la as follows:
li.-l.iber T Navy at Annapolis
iH-ioiier 14 elevens Institute at Hoboken.
I loler 11l nsnoiitiih-vt.
iH-iMber I nunnount-vtl.
' Nutent-er I natuioum-ed.
NovemiMT 11 Can ersity of ViigitUa at
Nt.vemi.rr 11 Carllele Indiana 'pending)
st ar'lHlt-.
1 k. in I 'Hi V etei n Marxian. i
.:, SI liirOlC oi.
NEW IOKK, March IX. There la every
likelihood of a curtailment In the ll.t of
events to ba held tn Stockholm, Sweden,
next year, and tha International Olympic
committee now finds Itself concerned with
ths condenaatlon and tha necessity for
atandard conditions governing ths events
decided upon. Tha shortness of the period
of the festival involves tha omission of
certain of the sports which were found on
London Olympic program, which
called out English competitors exclusively.
Tha Swedish committee proposes to in
trust the work of tha actual management
to tha sub-committees appointed by ths
governing associations of Sweden. Aa a
rule Swedes only will be appointed offi
cials, but tha Swedish committee may at
s discretion avail Itself of ths asslataaca
of foreigners, aa was dons occasionally
for Instance, in fencing; by the British
Mention is made in tha general regula-
tiona. of International juries, to ba com
posed of representatives of all tha na
tions taking part In tha games, and hav
ing Jurisdiction over different branches of
apart. It la further laid down that tha de
cision at protests will rest with ths Jury
and not. aa heretofore, with tha execu
tive orriciaia.
Objections ta thia ay stem ara raised be
cause of tha uncertainty that axpert re
presentatives from each nation can always
bo available for svary kind of competi
tion. Even in London It was not always
aaay to find foreign Judgea to aasiat in
the adjudication of points and victories,
and it ia conceded that If difficult ques
tions arise in connection with protests an
inquiry by a Swedish sub-committee con
versant with the sport would probably ba
more satisfactory than aa appeeal to auch
members of an International Jury as could
ba convened for tha occasion.
Reeartlsss Arm Made,
In comparison with tha prsvlous Olym
pic games it is aoilcsable that some lit
tle reduction has been made. Running
races at all of the most popular dis
tances are retained, but there la only on
walking conteat. at the distance of 10.0U0
meters, as against those of 1500 meters and
ten miles held In UX)8. The G0 meters
hurdle and ths steeplechase ara eliminated,
except that ths latter will form part of
tha "modern Pentathlon." On ths other
hand a naw event la Introduced In a oross
country race at 1.000 meters, a vary short
distance for a race of this kind. Similar
objection could ba made to ths relay race
of M meters, which must ba a ml a tax a and
intended to ba meters for each man.
aa races of tha rslay nature at M meters
ara only run by elementary school boys
Changea hava been mada la tha javelin
and diacua events, tha free stylo tn the
ona and tha uraek atyle In tha other hav
ing been given up. A new feature of theee
exercises Is introduced la the Oder or
prises for ambidexterity. The Pentathlon
Is modeled on ancient lines, with tha ex
ceptlon that wrestling ta omitted, and I
l.iuft-meter race added to the SOO-meter
race, a premium apparently being put on
foot racing. Tha Decathlon to aoine ax-
teat resembles the program of a atandard
athletic aarlea, except that the javelin and
diacua are substituted for the hammer, and
a pole Jump for tha half -mi la race.
Graeee-Resiaa W rest lleg.
Graeco-Roman will be tha style In tha
wrestling bouts, this being the style uni
versally used on tha continent. In gym
nastic a team competition In exercises,
according to tha Swedish system, ia a new
feature on ths program. As ons of the
prises mentioned is the Prague trophy,
held by tba winner of ths Heptathlon, Q.
A. Bruglla, It la probable that the condi
tions of this contest w 111 ba rspeated.
Noticeable Innovations in ths swimming
events will ba a JB-meter breaat struks
and a luO-meter race, as wsll as a diving
soalest for ladles. Mention la made In the
rowlug lina of but two first-class events,
n.. the eights and tha sculls. Instead
of pairs and fours, two events are put for
ward for four-oare! crews, one In beat
boats with coxawalns, the other la tn
rlgged buats. ths special definition of
bleb Is to ba iaaued by tha Swedish, How
lug association at aa early data.
elome ciiUclam ia expressed la connection
wllh tba length of the courae. IJtM meters,
or soma 113 yards less than the ordinary
Henley reaatta distance. Ths entries close
May la, two oionthe befors the racing
Final arrangements were made with the
Pittsburg tennis organisation by ths tennis
committee of ths Omaha Field club last
week and It has been definitely decided
that tha two clubs shall have tha national
clay court tennis on alternate yeara.
Omaha taking It this year. The decision
of the place of holding the tournament Is.
of course always subject to ths vote of
ths annual meeting of the national tennis
The Plttaburg club will Join In with ths
Omaha Field club In purchasing a chal
lenge cup for tha national clay court sin
gles evsnt and two other cups for ths
doubles championship. Ths singles cup will
probably cost from P0S to V0 and tha two
doubles cups together slightly mora than
ths single trophies. In addition to these
prizea tha club which ia holding tha tourna
ment will on that year purchase a number
of suitable trophies for tba consolation
events, and for tha runners up, theee last
prises to bo permanently tha property of
tba winner.
When tha great day comas next summer
when tha final rounds and tha challenge
rounds are to bo- played, tha Field club
courts will present a scene such aa haa
never been aeen In Omaha before..
Tha entire court on which tha cham
pionship games will be played will be
covered with a hugs canvas tarpaulin,
shading ths players' aysa from, tha sun
and keeping tha glare from the light elay
surface of the court. The fence at tha
ends of the court will be faoed with green
netting, making a more definite back
ground for tha players. Bleachers for the
spectators will be erected on the south
and west sides of the courts as in the
tournament last year.
Pittsburg will sand a representation of
players from that club to Omaha thia year,
word having been received from the Pitts
burg field club that their players would
attend. This )a accomplishing the object
that waa Intended in holding the meet In
the west one year and the east another
bringing the players from the one section
of ths country to the other. The Pitts
burg tennis men promise to be live boost-
era for the Omaha event this year.
Melville Long, holder of the singles clay
court championship, and O. W. Anderson
and Walter Hayes, the doubles champions,
will be In Omaha to defend their titles.
Word waa received from the champs last
wsek, declaring that they would all be
here, as they enjoyed the tournament of
last year greatly and were looking for aa
even bigger event this season.
Star Athlete Will Eater Weight mm
Hardle Events Ralph (rwla, f e
helarr ef Trsrk Record, Will
Set Be Member of Teaoa.
Omaha. In fact, the suggeatlon was a new
one to Director Bartelme today, and he i
took very kindly to the Idea of another j
clash with the Jthlcans. i
Dates for the Local
Tennis Meet Are Set
Easy Season is Promised on the Field
Club and Other Tennis
Co arts.
Heal reoel Is Pwlewa
Omaha promises to be a perfect whirl of
tennis this season, tournaments of every
aixe and description having bean arranged.
Besides the national day court event, thera
will be ths annual men's city tournament,
the Junior city tournament, the ladles' city
tournament, the big Field club handicap
event, the Kod and Gun club meet, the
High school annual events, both beys and
girls, ths Creighton championship tourna
ment and a series of match plays with
Omaha High school. Bellevua and Creigh
ton coispeUng.
The tennis committee of the Omaha Field
club held a meeting last week and decided
tha datea for tha various city tournaments.
Aa tha Field club Is tha tenuis center of
Omaha, and tha place where the annual
city eventa are alwaya held, this duty de
volves upon tha club committee,
Tha Field club handicap meet, will be tha
first big event. June 17 to TL Preceding
this there will, of course, be the school
tournaments, but the datea for these ara
aa yet undecided.
Ths men s city championship event will
be held from July la to July a. Thia al
lows ens week for the tournament, but
there were many entries last year and It
may take a few daya longer than those
scheduled to finish ths event this mason.
The ladles' city tournament will be held
July Z to August 1. Ia thia ths annual
city champlont-tiipa In singles and doublaa
will be played and in additloa to theaa
there will be a new event, a mixed dou-
Diea championship, with trams composed
of ona man and one woman oompetUig.
The national clay court tournament will
hold the boards again August i u 11 Fol
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. March 18 tSpe
clal.) That tha Unlveraity of Michigan will
be represented by a team at tha indoor
meet of the Omaba Athletic association on
April 1 waa definitely announced today by
Athletic Director Bartelme. but with it
came the statement that Ralph Craig, co
holder with "Bernlo" Wefer of the world's
record for ths 220-yard dash, will probably
not be a member of the team.
The latter announcement will be a dis
appointment to thoee who had hoped to
see the speedy Wolverine in action tn the
western city and It Is a tit hard to account
for. When questioned on the subject to
day. Athletic Director Bartelme assumed
his usual smile and stated that Craig had
never been particularly successful tn In
door work. But those who have seen him
skim around the track in Waterman gym
nasium In past seasons are ready to be
lieve that there is considerable more reason
than tba ona given for hla nonparticlpatloa
not only In the Omaha meet, but In the
ether indoor meets on Michigan's achedule.
Prvhaihlr Bavla Craig.
It Is known that Trainer Kranslela has
great faith in Craig's ability to bettor his
splendid work of last year, when he wen
the SO In 21 seconds, and aet a mark of
which ha can be tha sols proprietor. Thia
may be the solution of tha situation aod It
la more than poaalble that tha Wiley trainer
plana to use him in only the most Impor
tant, If In any, of the Indoor meets and
round him Into shape slowly and with eon
slderably more aureneaa for tba outdoor
Just what men will follow Captain Joe
Horner to the Nebraska metropolis is of
course something of a problem aa yet with
the Indoor aeaaon only one week eld, but
it la not likely that the squad will be a
large one, for, to put it very frankly,
Michigan haa very few athletes of claaa.
Horner, who, with Craig, practically mads
up last year's team, will compete and
should land a leading place In every event
he enters, but even Horner's versatility
haa lta limit and be will probably only
compete in the weights, his stellar events,
and the hurdles. He la almost equally
powerful In the dashes and Jumps, how
ever, and It would not be a surprise If the
doughty malse and blue captain is at bia
best, to aee Mm taka a try at all these
eventa The ahot put he should win, but
In ths other evanta ha does not stand out
particularly from ths "classy" field against
which be wll be pitted. Hanavao, Mc
Laughlin and Reck tn the longer runs,
Ross and Gambia In the short dashes, and
Lawton of foot ball fame in the Jumpa
ara ether possible members of the team,
Of couraa, with so amall a team, tha
Wolverines are not planning to annex the
premier honors in tha Omaha event, but
tbey do not expect to finish In last place
by considerable and should give an excel
lent account of themselves.
Vr-thlna- la known In the athletic circlei
..-. to whether or not the Cornell
team, which meets tha Michigan team hare
j.,.h k. will aend any athletea to
Humphreys' Serenty-ScTen
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Epidemic Is Spreading.
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moat which
to the d5spepuc. tlectrw Wtu-re cure d.-i " , . lum """" Jun,'
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pepsla. liver and kidney complaints and
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Ia order liiat tae advertiser may get the
beet results for money Invested he must
reach the buer bv the in-t t and
retiel'le ct.itmrt. Ti.e 1-t-e i. '.mi cunnel.
The tennia season will open May . when
tne leia clue opens. The courts will be
plowed up this spring sad re rolled for
the .-on, Ins year. This wll allow ths tennis
cracks a month to prat lia s In before toy
of the t.ig elects wtil open.
fsUklf Ml ISf .1 Kill t B33H It I
nl of ot?r 50 fir ctat
aw ews asset ee vwa Bee aaaww
Hotel Loyal
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With Bath SI M aae up.
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sea ri sweat Starsge,au-a.aatrea
e:j i :3 tuns
ROOMS wftw
aa at
Rooters wrr
private et
i mt flV ere WeeaVraef kf
Write fee fuMUrf pertirulsra tad
la 'ejBaa-sfhjcv. JUU. iuluc
tut L WIS! foa.
t) t M4SS. IttSfrt,
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ajss preens si a, ait ass
The paper that goes to the
homes brings advertisers the
beet returns.
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Corn troubles are ended forever when
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Blue-jay Corn Plasters
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There haa been recently discovered by
an old Cincinnati whiskey man a nistnoa
of making whiskey at home By hla
method you are able to roaae in
va.-y of your own homo a fine, excellent
whiskey at less man nui
charged by the dealer, it require
special apparatus In making s it la very
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people will quaation the legality of this j
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apect. Even In the strictest prohibition j
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laws which have been recently enacted I
it has been almost Impossible tj pur-
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will be welcomed by thousands of people
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by the liquor oealer. When interviewed
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Cincinnati, uhiu. staled be would gladly '
aend to anyone who semis their nairie and
aaarese a free booklet giving full mfor-
ntuliou uu mulhiiig Htjuora at home by ,
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lea fur lua free booklet arm tried hi
method Live beeo rlei.ghted with tne.f
iui ceaa. lie haa receive, I mouend of
letters in pretae or wiiuler?ui di
rw.ery mm. I teeia ante iliat mun a simrt
wlii.e everyone win b inaaliig llieir vw u
liiuii el ucuie.
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Telephones Douglas, 13QG. Independent. A-13Q5