""I Tit: t Ml t It t : t ' ) x V n I I , , , t -, f , , r r , , r CLOSE . RACES FOR PENANTS Every Ltag-ue Engaged in Lait Round j of Schedules. 1 Wrestling Match Between Nebraska and Iowa DOGS WILL REIGN THIS WEEK FCUX LEADERS NECK AND KECK tori Trlimpht aari Mr l Bros, Oolr Tw Point Apart AM tiole anse, tint fttartral Far Too l.ete. UHKnll.R OF GAM KS FOR WEKK Cubs v. Omaha rack- Omaha l.eagae. FflANClSt'O ALNBY8. Tuesday Hnpe To. va. Htorg TriumphK, Jettere if. J. H. ('roe. I hursday Mats Brother va. Wroth Spe cial. Kelo v. Mot ord-Brady Advos. Commerrlal League. KEYT A I.LKYS. Mindiy-O'Brlfn'J Monte thrl.tos va. A. trick Hon. Jtjf s.lay-i'ete lrtrh va. Frank's Colt. 1 hursday-biodegaard Crowns va. Ht. James. i laay--Omeha Bicycle Co. vs. Luxus. Magic tr leagne. GAniiOW ALI.KVS. BJtTII OMAHA. Monday-J. B. Watklns va. Hughes Taint VO. Wednesday Martin'a Tigers va. Garlow's Colt. r tlday Culkln Ing to. Metropolitan l.ragar. KRVT ALU:V8. Honflsy rostnffl-e va. I'at'a Comet. 1'uMdty-I'ostofflce vs. rtenelln Mixer. W edneodav Maney'a Bunklat vs. Oleli Athlatio Club. Thursday i terby Woolrn Mills va. Har vey Colta. irlday Independents va. ldlewilds. Rooster Lraga. FUANCIX) ALUKTH. Monday Riiffner Tailoring Co. va. Kang '. Yotisen Colta va. Mazeppa. r'ridsv Btor Malta va. Omaha Rod and lun Club, Youi.cn a Colta va. Omaha Bed ding Co. Mercantile l.eaaae. FKANCIMCO ALLEYS. Mnnday-A. O. V. W. No. IT va. Metro politans. Tuesday-!;. 8. Cleaning Co. va. Ston Juniors. Wednaaday-Ak-Sar-Bena va. Carpenter Paper Co. ' 'ihursday- Koultable I,if va. Onlmoda. rlday-Hartley's Colta va. Kamos. Crescent l.eaaae. KEYT ALLEYS. Monday Pernors va. Pharmacy Juniors. Tuesday-IT. 8. National Tellers va. U. 8. National Hanger. Wednesday i.. 8. National Booster va. Creighton Dentals. Parker' League. OAIILOW ALLKYB. SOUTH OMAHA. All the alleys Tueaday night. Poatnfflce I.eaane. KEiYT ALjL,KY8. Game aa par achedule. Every league In the city haa now atarted upon the laat round of Ita achedule, which mean that the cloning period will be hard fought and exciting one, due to cloao races In the moat of them. In the flva men leagues, the Commercial, Omaha, Packers and Booatera the leaders are yet In doubt, but a very few points separating the flrit four teams. In the Omaha League the race between ths mors Triumphs and the. Mets Brother Is bound to be oloae. The Stots team Is now leading by a amall margin and one that can be overcome Very. easily by the Mets, who nave won three years In suc cession. The Cross team for awhile looked Ilk possible winners, but on account of sickness some of the members will be un able to bowl regularly. The McCord Brady Advos started too late to be con sidered at possible winners; that they tvlll Jt make trouble for the leaders there I no doubt. Postponed and disputed games In tbls league will have much to do with determining the winner. In the Commercial League It looks like th Omaha Bioycle Indians wtll win helr third pennant, with the Pete Locha and Lux us teams fighting for the places. Thi lead of the Bikes will be hard to over come considering ths good scores they have shot or late. In the Booster League It looks vsry much Ilk the Omaha Bedding Company would win Its first pennaot, having a good strong lead and the season will close after two more weeks of bowling. The Tousem Colts win bave to be contented with second place and the Ruffner Tailoring Company with third. . Yea f Remarkable Be-wlla. The season of 1H0-U was the greatest In the history of bowling aince the present gam. was first Introduced In the city, the gam baring crown to wqnderful propor tions during the year, nine organised league having been In operation In Omaha and South Omaha during the greater part, and no doubt exists as to the renewal of all for the next season. The personnel of many of tha older team will be changed owing to th Introduction of many younger bowlers who have shown exceptional ability to shoot consistent and high games. In fact more good material wa found during this season than ever be fore. The Metropolitan, Mercantile and rnirai Prague nave aeveloped many good men who will be used in the team of league higher up A la uaual at thl Unit of th year w hear the aame old arguments of for and against the adoption of th open-door by tha two big league, that la to allow mem ber of th Omaha and Commercial leagues to shoot In both leagues If desired. This nas oen going on for years and some of th bowlers of both leagues are under the impression that something will surely be don next season to bring this arrange . ment about. Ttffd Arbitration Buard. At the banquet given by the combined bowling leagues of the city laat spring it was suggested by on of the speakers that a boart composed of the presidents of the various league be organlaed and to be known aa th arbitration board, this board to bav th authority to settle all dlffr eooea of every league and their declalon t bo final in all caat. At treat two league la th city have had aerloua trouble In thalr rank during th season. One league referred Jt matters to the secre tary of tU American Uowlng con r ess, who la turn referred th inatter right back Where It belongs, to the laagu Itself. What a simple and easy matter It would bav been for the board. bad It been or ganlaed. to bav tattled the matter. As residents of th city thry would have been acquainted with all the facts and their de cision would undoubtedly ben fair and acoeptakl to all vonceraed. It Is to be uoixd that tbe leasuet will take nolle of these facta and some thing be done to bring about the formaii n t Just sui h a board before another sea son of bowling Is started. least at tbe Hovtlera, Curley Meyers Hiojts them regular big league etyle. a 5tJ count or better every aeitvs, A uulltge buy at tliat. Ittg Boup Howard lis-, loat his reputa tion allugethar. fcinve Clark keeps out of his way he van't bat aiobody. Kandy Ktd Cain atill haa that bad habit f bloalng in a ptiu-h. yet he has been a very cunslatenl ehovier this season. Aruateln ta grilng taller every duy. If l keeita up It woiii be necraaary lor him to u a ball. Just leach down and get aiu. Tbe Mt-Cord-Prady team la la the race (or good now It It could have hit them tntc4 aoiue lliue ago. It n.lght b different Mow, Th biermaa brother got nearly nine fifty tM-iaern thnm this last we-k. Just watch title grow to a thousand next year sua be. Vhepard. the boy wonder, ran t get away ft out the w total. Many a boater, now a ir, started the eatue way au cheer U fci.eppy. Tha Andr Frick team of the Commrrr'ai Irecue Is no iunie-d of sovlrri picked frt'iu the atetropulnau nieinbeia, and above jj 0 I i .1 y . J v.. JOHN O'CONNOR. Champion Heavyweight, t'nlverelty of Iowa. Definite arrangementa have been made at Iowa City for the Intercollegiate wrest ling match between Iowa and Nebraska State universities, which comes off on Tueaday evening. The match haa been once postponed, but the date of March 21 ia now set as final, and the event will surely come off on that date, or not at all. It I expected that Retmer of Dps Moines will I. r ED M'MILLAN. LlKhtweight. referree the matches. Iowa is putting for ward Its best men In the several events, and expects to win from Nebraska. O'Con nor, champion heavyweight of tha unl, t l an - f'- v ... l. ; .. . J : l j . i v'l . 7 . , ' jJii REAL REASON FOR HENLINE LEAVING THE ROURKES nlnu. Orpheum Jrweler. (ttl Mill Coal ompany, orchard A; Wilhelm. Max lieia- Icr. Sherman A McConnell. Mr. Inln (Continued front First Tatio.) , Wl". Hrhel m, the Itennett cm- ipany ana Mrs. v . a. t nains. potnK to otitnuinher the other breed, there belntt nearly fifty of them entered, with forty collies a close second.' The setters will number twenty and the toy Uoaa thlr-tv-flve. the bulldoaa thirty and the very big dolts fifteen. The remainder of the dogn to be exhibited will be the medliun Hlacd canines". Plana for the accommodations at the show are now completed. The cats will occupy all of the stsse, leaving the main floor for th csnlne pets. There will be two seta of benches and in the center will be the Judge' stand. The benches will be Pa I'na- net-Idea that tie loea Net aeaa tbe reaper Hase Hall Instinct. The reason for Noah llrnllna leaving Omaha has finally been told. The game was a tie at Sioux City and Henllne was sitting on the bench beside Pa. With the score 8 to S Pa was pulling every nerve and muscle for a hit to win sixty-six feet, thirty-six feet and fifty- j the game four feet long;. running down the north and south Hides of the building, and the two big Judges' stands In the center will be each twenty-four feet square. At the eaHt end of th floor there will he three raised prize stalls, In which the prize dog will be placed the last day of the show. At the north side of tho building will b the grooming quarters and In the base ment will be the exercising ring. The veterinary headquarters will be In the northeast corner and Dr. D. C. Soott will be In attendance all week. t The list of those who are presenting spe cial prtxes for the cat show is aa follows: rthur Biandels. D. J. O'Rrlen. Thomp son Bcluen, A. Fdholm, Omaha Trunk factory, A. Donaghue, Owl Picture com pany, Hayden Rros., Oustafson & Hen drickson, K Henderson, Vogele ft IMn- II. E. WEBB. '. , Middleweight Finals Last Year. will lead hla class; Web, who was In the middleweight finals last year at Iowa, will be pitted against Nebraska's middleweight, and McMlllen, the best lightweight Iowa has hud In muny years, will try to hold up his end In that division. Nebraska will be represented by an equally husky bunch, and aome real wrestling wtll be shown th Hawkeyes, aa the Cornhuekera do not pro pose to lose. all. let It be said that thev can bowl some, and Is one of the strongest teams In the league at this time. Tom Brink Is called th Old Reliable of the Packers, taken after the original Ben Hull, who haa been known by this name for years. The Packers' league will hold a banquet at the close of the aeason. Big league style already. Some class to those South Omaha magnates. nig Hill Vohs haa lost the ginger of days of long ago. It don't aeem like the same old fellow at all, what a terror he was a few yeara. Hook Mo ran has developed Into a real anchor man. It would put Dad Huntinar ton to shame the way hs puis the finish on things. Netty Sutton hsd the old boy working fine last week, if the team could have shot anything like a real game he would have been a star. . Somebody stole Paul Chadd's favorite goat. A liberal reward ia offered for Ita return, providing It Is brought back before the season ends. Hard Luck Bill Humpert haa gone to his hole and waiting upon the ground hog to reappear. Hla sight haa promised to com back, at that time. Phil Walens Is a regular Jumping Jock, a big game, then a bum one. Phil Is an other bowler that looks back at the days of when he was. Th Luxus teem shot a nice total last week, beating the Loch two games; this makes up in part for the bad showing they made In th Twin City. Charley Hoot Is having a tough tint keeping the splits away. He rarely haa a (fume with less than two or three, and sometimes even worn. . Ben Hull and Myron Stun rolled off to settle the tie for high single game in the tournament, Hull winning th place; they shot 267 games for high. Kid Bowers shot himself to pieces In getting that big six hundred total agalnat the Brodegaarda. That's th first big six Bogy ever shot In a league series. Hammond, the obliging secretary of the gunie and the league is fortunate in hav ing such a fellow In Its mem parsnip. Some pretty good looking youngsters among that bunch of Creacent leaguers, they wtll bear watching, a few big league icout have looked them over already. Frltscher Is one of the hardest working bowlers seen upon the alleys, always working to win, picking up his spares, and never gives up until the lust man Is down. Zimmerman of tha Advo team la one of tha MenSHlional shooters of the Omaha league; when he gets going there Is no way to atop linn. Twice this aeason he haa had league seriea better than lk0 in each. Bill Keyt la coming buck with a rush; when he gets that hook under control Its hard telling how high he will go. He was surely a terror In seasons not long past. Th Akaarbtins have been arrcatly strengthened. Stockwell, Bowers and Wart- Scnow are a hard trio to win trom. A com bination like this from the start and things might have been different in the Mercan tile. ins Alois Juniors have taken the place of the Q. M. D. team and start out with a pretty strong team; In Mwauson they have one of the coining bowler of the city, luid Jones la a good one, too. Herb Uarlow has a new system of shoot ing pot games that la a dandy. Ha gets down early In the morning berore any of the crack bowlers are about, marks him self up four times, puts a dollar In the pot, then shoots to his heart's content and never loses, borne system that Dad Huntington tried to pull the second game out of the fire for the Mets lat week, going In the game in the sevemn frame, he struck four times In a row and finished with a nice lJ total, yet they loot by three pins. Hammand la one of the bet bowlers In the city, and Is also one of the most popu lar, It's so seldom the two go together; however, Ted Neale ih just one of the name clasa. The Kqtiltablo 1-lf bunch have the iin preaaion that the Twin City Is still In prog ress ths way they are keeping that lit k up. If the Hartleys expect to beat that crowd they will have to cripple at leaat two of them. The Croas team waa badly crippled this week whl. h acuunts for their rather wettx allowing. Wood Hartley and Alone Vouaeui were both out of the game, and Naythtun was late in arriving That boy Johnson Is nearly a te.im by himself. Delbrenner finally got over a 600 total and baa the hunch that he is bound to stii k rlftht above that mark. The Dutch man ia spending all his spare time on three ana lour. Ths Swift bunch are some pill rollers. iiiey rave taaen tao or three from avarv team in the league without a miss and are UKiiienlnu their hold on the lop of th ladder. AMATEURS ARE GETTING BUSY JOSEPH WEST TAKES TITLE (Continued trom Page One.) i i i.y .-iiini has a private secretary whose duties include that of score keeper for all us uoiiiini games, inat must be nuur ha occasional very large game, en j, .lines .'IS il tunny tauu bell's ht.mp ball refuses to back up hue m' late, which accojiite fur hi veiy poor shoeing the laat few weeks. but on Juit wait ui til it cornea back, there ta UuunU to b something doing. John CilliBiu r uhuii.cr of those com hig youngster who iaie little about which alley iiiey shoot on, as he tan get them any place and any time. Captain Sayi.lnii Ik laying claim to second P.ai e In the Metropolitan Icnttuo rexaid- leea ol the Tact that lot is at-trial beiiind the present plute holders. Barton has a cinch In tha handicap men y go-round. hla average la so low and he lias the rent bent Ix-tors iiiey eon start, due to the fact that he l.as Just bit bis usual stride. It Id Hauler la coming to the front once more, lie was the terror of th basement i tin a;. for a long tune. Johnny lnd. the hatd-hlitlng outfielder, Is ami holding the high mug, if gume record ol the Law mem alt it a -7 score and It look like tuts will take dovtn the com. Kitty Arrsden has been off his gall since going to New Yoia and ha promised his captain not to tlaleu to those Manhattan sharks anymoie. Jack Traynor Is high for the Tain Oaka pits mi the Commercial alleys, with a nice et4 total. Hook Moran high on tha baseuiertil ailrs. Willi til, and IMef ttllKK at Oariow's alth lAi This pi tie la causing rt.nsiderat'le Interact among the laran iiunil.iT of boaters snd seems to ba worm the trouble spring of th Americans, loosened his con versational and vocal organs and let his pipes sprinkle out Ms lineup for the en suing season. Following Is the tribe: Danze, catcher; Adams, pitcher; Dennison, first base; Rapp, second bane; Sherer, third base; Smith, shortstop; Tracey, left field; Denny, center field, and A. Hatcher, right field. Three of the Far re II Syrups will be as sociated with the base ball pay wagon this season. Lotz, their premier winger. will deliver his foolers for Pa Rourke. Wilson Atkins will probably pick up things around th fan corner for Des Moines, and Frank Woodruff has signed with Nebraska City of the Mink league. The balance of the sticky children will be back In the harness and they form a nucleus for a fast team. Wlllard Qulgley does not ex pect much trouble In getting back Into th ring. The J. S. Croaa aggregation I anxiously awaiting th oncoming season. They re organised a couple of weeks ago with most all of their old men. Their former Irre pressible leader, Ed Kaiser, made his last home run last fall when he traveled around th path for th last time. Daily will captain th Cross outfit and play In one of the gardens. The other members are: Dlneen, catcher; Fltigerald, pitcher; Pos poall, first bass; Coady, second base; Welch, third base, Murphy, shortstop; Daugherty and Howard, gardener. l Gasae with Pa. On next Sunday, March 26, th Btorx Triumphs will Journey out to Pa Rourke' theater and do battl vlth th Omaha leaguers. They will hav three on the fir ing line, namely, Probst, Bruggeman and EXsenhart. Probst will start the contest, working the first three rounds, then Bruggeman will fling 'em for three chap ter and Kluenhart will complete the voy age. Aa usual, the Stors Triumphs will utilize the Vinton street park when the Omaha team Is out of the city on Sundays, and on theae occasions fans are assured of seeing two fast amateur contests, aa a .double-header will be scheduled for those Sundays. George Emerson, the doughty leader of the Burlington lied bocks, has left the city, and up to date nobody haa picked up the relna. They will appoint a manager soon. They made an excellent record last term and, being members In the stride of advancement, they should climb higher this year. r Chester Weekes of the Happy Hollow club has dropped hla managerial garb; and Alex Reed Is hi successor. Mr. Reed Is a lover of th national pastime and in his younger days was a star performer. He knows the gam well; Is a heady general, and an he has a splendid bunch to select from he expects little difficulty In whip ping together a fast team. , It seems as though th Boyer Colts have hung up the "nothing doing" placard. Laat year they played five or elx games snd then visited th undertaker and up-to-date they have shown no signs of resurrection. Ranaera Meet Today. Manager Pickett of tbe Ranger ba In structed hla recruits to bo on deck today. He will give his men two or three good workouts, In order to bring their good play ing qualifications to the surface before picking out the regular. He was hard hit when Lewis, hla crack alabster, gave him the busy signal. His place will be hard to fill as he la unquestionably one of the best heavers and hardest hitter In local amateur rank. Ray Young, who for the laat two years haa been a member of the salaried army, says It Is his firm Intention to linger around Omaha thl season. Ray has a good position which he Is Indisposed to give up In order to play base ball. Laat season Den Whitney played; his farewell engagement with th Benson Eagles. Dan was In th limelight for many year and he say he wanta to give th youngsters a chance. Hlllard Morearty la now a free agent- He signed a document with Auburn, Neb., of the Mink league last year, but for pm unknown reason, they failed to send him a contract before March 1, consequently they have no atrings on him. Some time ago Pa Rourk flashed a con tract on Drummy. the giant first sacker attached to the Etnra Triumphs, but th big fellow thanked Pa very generously fo rthe opportunity afforded him, atating that he had something In sight which looked a trifle better. Oeorg Kennedy, loui Kocher and Frank Qulgley manage two teams, on on F4turdaya and the other on Sundays. Kennedy looks after th Shamrocks and th South Omaha Country club. Kocher has the Americans snd the Dennlson Athletics and cjuigley the Diets and Stors Triumphs. T-Yi1ftm fint Ttnnrlae U,rin Trt A i iri A it ol . Championship. MAKES TOTAL OR 694 PINS Come Within Sixteen Pin of High Score Made by Thomas Haley of Detroit In Meet Tear Ago. BLFFA1X). N. Y., March 18. Joseph West of London. Ont., won the Individual championship of the fifth International tournament of the National Bowling as sociatton, which ended here today. West rolled 6M, which Is wlthsn sixteen pins of the high mark made by Thomas Haley of Detroit last year. West made twenty-two strikes, nine spares and drew two unlucky split. Q. A. Calland of Buffalo acored 679, which gave him fourth place In the same seriea. Hla best game was 267 ' In the two-men series Bumb and Fox of Indianapolis rolled 1,288, a total which placed them third. The tournament winner are: Individ ual: Joseph West, London, Ont J. Joraschek, New York W. W. Rathbun. Cleveland O. E. Calland, Buffalo D. W. Currier, Port Huron, Mich. K. Trope, Cleveland i Jacob F. Muller, New York Olenn Rlddell, New York H. H. Harroun. Meadvllle, Pa M. Undsey, New York M. Vaughan. Rochester Tie, sixth and seventh money divided Tie for tenth place. Two-men event: Kelsey and Johnson. New Haven. Conn.l,36S Brlchton and Leuthbecker Baltimore. ,..1.3 Bumb and Fox, Indianapolis Krol and Stenho, Chicago Qulnn and Lindsay New York kilpatrlck and VYaldecker, Detroit.. Thompson and BurKhardt, Chicago Doerzaph and Carl, New York Brunt snd Ueroghty, I'aterson, N Klllott and Knox, GOLF RKStl.T" At ....18 ....1.272 ,...i.m ....1,241 ....1,1143 J..1,2H5 Philadelphia l.Z.l liNKHlKJT of I'owsei and Phillips Sarvlvor Day' Play tn Championship. PINKHURST, N. C, March IS. William C. Fownes, Jr., of tbe Oakmont Country club and C. N. Phillips of the Allegheny Country club are tho survivors of today's play In the annual club championship golf tournament and will meet in tomorrow's Uilrty-slx hole finals. Summary: Second round, W. C. Fownes, Jr., Oak mont, beat S. D. Wyatt, Fond Du Lac, i and 6; Robert Hunter, Woeburn, beat J. P. Gardner, Midlothian, 2 and 1; C. N Philllpa. Allegheny, beat W. K. Trueadell, Brooklyn, 1 up (19 holea); W. L. Mtlllken, Indianapolis, beat H. K. Avery, Detroit, 2 and 1. Semi-finals, Fownes beat Hunter, 7 and 6; PblUipB beat Milllken, 0 and 4. CEETE LOSES BOTH OF GAMES Wllber'a First and Second Basket Ball 1'ea.uia Do Good Work. CRETE. Neb., March 18. (Special.) Wllbcr's first and second basket ball team from the high school did up the local high school teams lust night by the stores of 83 to 24 avnd 20 to 18. Pruchar was about the who! of the flrat Wllber team. Wllber seems to hav It In for Crete. It was four fifths Bohemian agalnat three-fifth Bohemian and the one-fifth or Pruchar did the buulness. Line-up of first team: WlLBtlt. PrtiL-ha Shlmarda tSUVHgS Kaluiipka ASMUlll ,..IK. ..k r V. .. I. u ...H.O. R.r. UK c K 11 ua CRETE. Fraud . Man-th Atulrewi HmisIi Kutoarck Rtflt Trasa Make dear. IOWA CITY". Ia. March ill Spet-;al Tel ea'am.) Iowa university s rifle team s.-ored tti out of a pons i Me tiuu In the national In door shoot this afternoon, breaking th home record at I yarda. Arthur Arneaon of Emmons. Minn., lead th team with a Store of ta out of a po.-li,l Ui. The Key to the Situation-Bee Want Ads. Cab Defeat New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, March 18 Schulle and ilotnian, piaylng In the outfield, did th best hitting for the Chicago Nationals to day wnen Iew Orleans was defeated. to I, Richie, who pitched th first five Innings tor tne visitors re.elved poor stapport loney tared mucn better and allowed bu one hit. Score: R. H.E Mw Orleans., 10100000 0 t t Chicago 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 7 Batteiiea: Martina, Klawltter and Mlt rhell and Kltchena; Richie, Toney and Meed ham. Mobile Defeata Tigers. MOBILE. Ala., March lS.-The Mobil Southern league team defeated the regular! of the Detroit American league team thl afternoon, I to 2. Mobile a victory waa due to the wildnesa or t avitt. a Detroit recruit souihoaw. T Cobb hit a home run over the left field fence. Score: R.H.E Mobile 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 18 4 Detroit 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O I 7 Batteries: Cliappelle, Campbell and Cad man and Dunn; Lively, Uavvltt, Heck en Corn ana caaey. What a shock he received when Henllne catisually remarked, "Pa, what do you think of the peace conference?" "Take off that suit." roared Pa. "You ought to be a soldier, because you surely re no ball player." Aiuatenr Wrestler list I.esr Broken. NEBRASKA CITY. March 1 -(Special. 1 Prof. Thomas Htrsckman, principal of the Dunbar public schools and one of the umpires of the Mink league for part of last season. Is confined to hi bed with a broken leg. He attended the M W. A. lodge last night and after the lodge meet ing he and V. S. Francis, one of the bus iness men of that town, were dlsruaslng wrestling and thev pro'ii" ' to slve the members of the lodge an exhibition, with the result that Mt. Fi.n... 1 Prof. Barackman so hard on I he carpeted floor that his right leg wa broken near the ankle. Do'h are large men and great lov ers of out-of-door sports and great friends. MONDAY TO BE THE BIG DAY (Continued from Page One enough said, lie ba Furrell, the Chicago lad to spell him in busy season and the Infield will be good enough for any pen nant winner. In the outfield there arc five good look ing flcldets, two of them old-timers at Ih game. Anderson and rickerlng hav seen plenty of big league service and If they can start rlKht will make It fast for 111 youngsters tiytng for places. Bchoonovci. Thompson and Bert King are after the thre garden spots, also, and Pa ought to get om ground coverer from the bunch. In batting strength the team looks the beht it has In years. Ooat Anderson. Is declared 10 be ono of the hist men to lead off that was ever In the big leagues. Is a good base runner, and brings In the runs. The rest of the squad are not alow, either, with the stick nor after they have landed themselves on the Initial sack. The first game In the new bsll park and the first gams of th season In Omaha will be played next Saturday, the Stors Triumphs, the Omaha amateurs, lining up against Pa's regulars. Sunday the Ptors nine will mix It again at the park with the Omaha. Pas schedule of exhibition games fills every Saturday and Sunday afternoon up to the opening season, April 21. Then Dm Moines will be heie to really Inaugurals the season. The Key to th Situation Be Want Ads. Farmer Talks aad Wrestle. HI. AIU. Neb., March 18 (Special Tele gram ) In a wrestling match hid in G. maula hall In thl cilv thl evening be. tweeu r arrner nurn ol Omaha and U. A Taylor of Newman Urove. the former ' In two straight (alls, the first In taent minutes and the second in fourteen niln ute. rue nan was en ruit-a and pre ceding the match Mr. Burns gave an I11 lereaung tala on physical culture and shuwrd a number of tha holda used In wrrstlmg. among them being liotch s toe hold. The weekly shoot of the Omaha Uun club will be held today at the club ground. Some of the Omaha men, headed by Billy i'nh4-nd. eiect to attend tho envoi of tin- David I in tiuu tlob to be held there Wednesday and Thursday, 1 UJ et' : 2i ... ...-.... ... . iirr l.JBetBnCm-'i j nTr-f.. aaiiamara 1 r t " . X V--kJ' rts-7a-y!JI-.ri-. " - satg -sp V"f amp son 1 Freight andDelrvery Motors . ; 1 T8ayi"iniini 1 This truck hauled 5 tons 60 miles every week-day for one year. It cost in that time less than $12 for repairs. HAT you want to know about a truck is, what will it do ? We take it, you don't care anything about its mechanical features as long as you know it is built right and will last. What will it do? That is what counts in dollars and cents against all the theories in the world. YV Well, Take This Record- A Sampson five-ton truck, was installed one year ago last March by the A. C. Lawrence Leather Co., Boston, Mass. It haa run every week-day in that time, without a single day's loss. This aggregates 312 days in a year. It has traveled many days, as much as 80 . miles in a single day. It has averaged 60 miles every day. This totals 18,720 miles. The engine has never stopped in all that time, except when stopped by its driver willingly. The total repairs, including time charges, have been less than $12. Match This With a Team Compare this with the record of any team you may operate. Nor is this exceptional for Sampson trucks. Every Sampson truck has given perfectly satisfactory service. No Sampson truck has ever been returned to the factory' No Sampson truck has ever cost more than $30 in repairs. None has reached or approached the limit of its service. The oldest Sampson truck has been in service for four years and has years of further service before it. There Must Be a Reason This is not due to chance. It is due to the method pursued in building the Sampson. Before any Sampson truck was designed Alden Sampson made a complete study of trans portation methods and commercial conditions. . He was a transportation engineer and specialist. He studied every truck made in America and abroad. After building four trucks, he tried them out in actual inter-city service between Lynn, Mass., and Boston for 9 months at his own expense. He hired ordinary teamsters to drive them and had disinterested men to operate the company, so as to apply in trucks to actual commercial conditions. He Proved Them Himself When they were offered to the pablie four years ago, he knew they were up to the work required of them. Every Sampson truck built has been built to suit actual commercial conditions, to fit the sort of work it was designed to do. Every truck has been built with the same painstaking thoroughness to see that no error crept in, either .in design, in materials or in workmanship. You can't buy a Sampson truck if It won't do your work if we believe it would be unprofitable for you. The Name Stands for This Every one who knows trucks, knows tha value of the Sampson name. The Alden Sampson Manufacturing Com pany intends to protect it. The United States Motor Company, with its vast resources, is behind it and guarantees its stability. Our large service organization, branches in 34 leading cities and dealers everywhere, insures it. You want that sort of protection when you consider so great an investment, don't you ? Investigate this record. One New England manufacturer, whose name is known nation ally, did investigate it. He spent $7000 and three yearf time studying trucks in factories and in service. He chose the Sampson. So will you eventually. Writ for Catalogue and other information to Alden Sampton Manufacturing Company, 2732 Rhode It land Avenue, Detroit, Mich, (the Truck Divition of the United States Motor Com pany), or call on us. UMted Hotoir Ommalha Co, L. EL DOTY, Mgr. 2115-17 FARNAM STREET anaXnVnanaWwiaV