18 TTTR BET,: OMAHA, . .... MAHCTI 1911. vVANT ADS Want ad received el any -"me, bet t, Insure proper classification mut -r, (iitweiwed be-fore 12 o'clock m. tot l!ia rtrninff edition and before 7:80 rue morning and Bonder edition. Want atl received after auch hour Mill have their fir at laaerUna under tlie heading "Too Late to Claeaty." ' CASH HATES TOR WANT ADS. UKGILAR CIA8SIHCAT10N Om IncerUon, 1 H cenu per word and 1 rent per word for each enbsequent In aertlon. Each Insertion made on odd W. 1H rent per word. $1.60 per line per month. Kate apply to either The Dally or Sunday I lee. Always count all word to a line. Want ad for The Bee may be left at anr of th followin- lrnt atorea w yuw "corner druggiat" they $Y iu crmt-rb office for 'I be Dee and yw mil will be Uuerte1 just a pron.ptly and on 6li aanio ritee a at (lie main ufilce iii The Bee building, element li and Farnam street. Albsch, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beum Drug Co., Mil N. lttb St. Beranek, H. A. 14o2 South 16th St. Lenson Pharmacy, Beneon, Neb. Hernia park Pharmacy, kM and Cumlag. Blk-Brdtah, 2814 Bbirmtn Are. Cllftun lilll Pharmacy, 3218 Military Are. CaughMn. C. H., tb and Pierce ftte. Ctiasey Pharmacy, 14th and Lak Sta, Coouay Pharmacy, 8323 South let BW Cermak. Emll. lli4- Mouth lth Bt. khirt p. t., kwj Leavenworth Bt. Footer Arnoldl. 313 Uorth 86th St, Freytag. J. J., iki North 84th bt. Fregger Drug Ce., I803 North lth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. UrMn i Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Yanough. (. A., 1 South 10th St. (auib, G. A., 10th and Hickory Bt. tV, Jen Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenworth. !. den, William. Him Farnam Bt. lincom Park Pnarniacy, ltol 8. h Ave. Iflm.-riong Drug Co.. slat Ave. and Far nam Bt. Holm, John, :'4 North Itth Bt Huff. A. U, W'.'4 Leavenworth 8L Johan"n Drug Co., tab and Bpauldlag. Kli.. U. H., 3S Farnam Bt. Kuunua Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 34th St Mares. Fred L., Mi Central Blvd. Patrick Urug Co., 102 N. 24tb St Peyton Pharmacy, 76 South lsth Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., 34th and Ame Ave. Bchaefer Cut Price Drug Store, lath and Chicago BU Bchaefer. August, M31 North lth St. Schmidt. J. H., 34th and Cuming Sta Walnut li III Pharmacy, aTthand Cuming. UU1TH AND riNKHAL NOTICES BURPISU-Klchard F., aged 1 year, months, 13 day. Funeral Kunuay, March 19. at 1 p. m. from the family residence, 143 Plnkney alreet. Interment, Holy iSepulcher. KHAN DA Barbara, wife of James W. Kranda. at her residence. 1267 South Four teenth street, Wednesday morning. Hue Is survived by tier husband, her partnts, Mr. and Mr. John Voracek, and alstir, Mrs. John H. jvilllun. Funeral aervlccs will be held at the St. Wenoeslau t'atnolic cnurch, 14.U bouth Fourteenth treet, Saturday morning at S o'clock. Interment St. Mary' cemetery, 8outh Omaha. Friends Invited. MURPHY Edwin Cornelius, 30 year old. Wednesday morning at his home, 622J Florence boulevard. The funeral services are to be held at o'clock Saturday morning at Holy Angel church, Twenty-eighth and Fowler street. Father Flannagan, the pastor, will conduct the burial ceremonies. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William and Mary Vopot. Omaha General hospital, boy; Iawrence and Ger trude Clausson, 2113 Douglas, girl; J. H. and Helen Meagher, lmmanuel hospital, flrl; John and Anna Kmpkey, 130 bouth 'orty-flrwt, boy; James and Florence Mon roe, Omaha General hospital, boy; Eugene ItiH M a l iri Tniiiucmt Alt '7. I ' r a r. 4 un.. flrl; Aliened and Theresa Mlnlkus, 42l tard, boy; Luclen and Maria Millttl, lutf Boutn Thirteenth, boy. Deaths Richard Hurdish, 20, 1439 Plnk ney; Barbara Kranda, 27, 1257 South Four teuntli; Kara Hoot, 4, St. Joseph's hospital; Mrs. Delia Stevens, 42, 1101 Izard; Mrs. Maggl Tompach, 28, 609 South Twenty ninth. MARRIAGE LICENSES These licenses to wed have been Issued: Name and Itrslileiit'e. Age Charles D. Dunham. Dunlap, la 51 Emma Stevens, Carroll, la 41 Frank E. Johnson, Omaha 23 Minnie Jacobaen, Panama 21 Abraham Stlne, Lincoln 23 Anna Krasne, Omaha 19 Albln Goode, Omaha 21 Hulda Olson. Olustee, Okl 38 Rushton H. Emery, Council Bluff 23 Blanche Harker, Dubuque, la 21 Joseph Hnrta. Able 28 France Turek, Omaha 22 Calvin C. Hull, Iowa City, la 60 Viola Patterson, Hanaborough, N. D.... 37 LODbB NOTICE. V. P. Leg; No. IT, A. O. V. W. , Members are notified of the death of Brother Edwin C. Murphy at hi home, 62J Florence boulevard. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, March 1, 1911. Services at the Holy Angel church, Twenty-eighth and Fowler avenue. M. L. BUTLER, Master Workman. A. F. CLARK, Recorder. To Whom It May Concern: Anyone so liciting business of any kind in the name of Overland lodgo. No. 123, Brotherhood of Locomotive Flremtn and Enginemen, are Imposter. WALTER D. SEAMAN. Secretary. CARD OF THANK! We earnestly desire to express our heart felt thanks to the many friends and ac quaintances, who so kindly and thoughtfully offered their services during the long (line's and recent death of our beloved son and brother, and for their share In our sorrow expressed by the beautiful floral tribute which Here received. MR. and MRS. S F MILLER and FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,TvANK& embalmora. 1614 Chicago St. D. 16&9. B-lw7 DUFFY ft BOLAND. undertaker. T. 1871 HARD BODY OAK Well Masoned. Just light for furnace or grate, aawed In lt-lm-h cbumks, cord $10. H-i'ord $1 24, make about a load. , $3 74. Neu. Fuel Co.. Aid. of Traoe. D. 430. A-4J1L Mrs. Kronert Now located at W0 8. loth, formerly at lhs2 8. 13th. I will now be able to please toy eld friends and oustomers better thaa ever. Complete line of spring milnuery. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATB, china firing. 170 liraadela Bldg. Tel. Web. 6976. SOL S. OOLDSTROM. liquor dealer South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send for price list. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW B-ATK, in sums to ult. 310 Bee bldg rauae ixiux. Mi4. UNION LOAN CO. DAVID COLE CREAM KRT COMPANY. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, baths. 101 ladle or gentlemen. 8. 14th Banttary; for Alway wpea. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths r,n in th west, jurnibu using Utb n4 Howw4 M WANTFD To contract for ateam break ing In Rai nt. Cheenn, Sherman. Thomas counties Kansas. 82.28 per acre. U. E Smith, rerun, loee. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Be Bldg. D. 2MT . KJLWILLOW old ostrich Mather, take altera ior all kinde of plume, millinery work. Price reasonable Mra G. phlfer taU bt. Mary' Ave. Duug. W4. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Doug 4750. Ind A-rMl. I"1 Farnam St. Stencil outfits. eiyles; picture framing at moderate prices; g's. wall paper. WK C'ARHV A FLI.L LINE OF BHERWIN- W1LLIAM PA 1 NTS. BRASH mbinn, LIQUID VKNKt.1 AND ALL. BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. ASH PITS EVERYBODY In Omaha haa been notified to build an ash pit on their premise. I'm here to do the work with any artificial brick, atone or concrete Henry Heeee. brick and cement contractor. Douglaa eOVfc. VjT"T Electric Pianos. Music Boxe. Fea OLVA nut and Athletic Machines. Cash fflphinp ur Payn'"1"- Omaha Auto AiaCUlDUS m.,,e vending Machln Co.. 1114 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 244. A-243). Zimmerman 4r Crow Furniture Co.. 17U leaven worth. Get our plan. Nuf said. THE hill at the American theater Is worth while your evening will nut be mle jent. If II. A. Scott 3418 Sherman Ave-, will bring this ad to 'rhe Bee within three days and Identify himself he will reoelve an order for two Beats to the American theater. S. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. I7S. lilt Farnam. DON'T throw away your old feather, bring them to us, we will willow them Into willow plumes. We also steam and curl willow plumes. ?rc up. Pearl Plume Co., room 1, Pax ton Blk. , EAT KOSHER HOMO COOKINO. ARKINS, tl 8. 1BTH. UPSTAIRS. CHI-NAMEL Display Paint talk ft color card free. Saratoga Drug Co., t4th ft Amee. TWENTY per cent lea than Omaha prtcea HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sta. South Omaha. ANNOUNCE to the world a you go through it. that O'Brien's Is the candy to buy. If Mrs. Oeo. Pray, 6011 Davenport, will bring this ad to The Bee within tnree days slm will receive an order for a 80c box of It. j HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 61 Be Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHIC JwVMl Commercial Photographic Btudlo, BOS Boa ton Store. Douglas 3781; Ind. A-2S65. CURTAINS CLEANED Best of car. years' experience. Phone Tyler 1331. RUFFNER TAIIiORINO COMPANY, 324 S. 16th St. Mrs. Lawrence located In Urbane ADartments. deslana and makes dresses and costumes for ex clusive people. Phone Harney 8S34. DRUGS at cut nrlcea. frelaht nald on ail HO order. Catalogue free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 7Bo a larae bottle. Klein Liquor House. 623 N. 18th St. MASONRY cont'r; repair. Healy. W.-1241. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 844. OUS' NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and sanitary. 10th Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ED ROTHERY BehllU No. . Full cigar. Cafe In connecUon. Ul 8. 14th Bt MAOGARD Van ft Storage. Pack. move, rtore and ship H. II. gooda. D. 1408. B-242S. Filter, f lltor repair. 1310 Howard. D. Kit B. T. Famiwortb. Att y. IS Bee Bldg. B. F. WURX. optician. 441 Brandels Bldg. TO do some outside arav Iron esstlne work. Our castings are made of No. 1 pig Iron and are perfectly smooth. Try u. Howard Stove Works, Ralston. Bell phone, Ralston 89. Harry Martin, Tailor, 807H Paxton block. MRS. M. T. IRWIN, 348 Brandels theater.' China decorating and firing. Easter card a Piano teacher desire pupils; Lesohetlsky method; memory work. Douglas 1941. THE Bank of Shelby will receive sealed hlda up to 4 o'clock p. m., of March 24, 1911, for the erection of a bank building, and a store building at Shelby, la. Plan and specification may bee seen at the Bank of Shelby, la. GET Flnlay'a prices before painting or papering. 'Phone So. 323. Charles S. McConnell, publlo accountant. 14 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 314. PURE field and garden seeds. Younk ermaa Seed Co.. Co. Bluffs, la T .VKPTT RT?rS plumbing and u,,w. HEATING. REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackson St. D. 1477. T Iron and Wlr. Champion rPTlCf F"nce Co., 15th and Jackson ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wlr fence cheaper than wood: lasi a lifetime, aw n. 17th. Phone Red 814. GET MY nrlcea tnr parunt,, , nli work. P. CHRISTENBEN; Web. 8371. JOHN CANE. 1101 S. 26th Ave., trlma vaur irera ana grapevine. K. TiU4; A -WHS. AUTOMOBILES WRITE for list of automobile bargain. H. hi. Fredericknon Auto Co., Omaha. "Smash up your auto, "0KID Into, a post, 'TEAR your top. And bring it to the best place in Omaha lor an Kinas or repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Hainey Sta. CAMERON A"t0 R'P'1' , ., , urn x c, .iisauua given. oui eo lvih. uoug. uu. 1 ruck and luto stored. AUTOMOBILE TIRES at low prices. Fine quality casings, heavily constructed of best material which givea greatest wearing quality. Made by large Independ ent rubber company. Hundreds of autotst use them continually and recommend them highly. Ixwer your tire expenses by using our goods. Either Clincher, y. D. Clincher or Dunlop. 2Kx3 $11 30, a0x3 $12 36 30x 34 $16.00. 32x3V-$l7.20I 84x3-117.76, SUx4.-6J0 6 314 $21 W, 8Jx4 $22.70. S3x4 $13.60. 34x4 $i... 30x4-$27.1O. 34x4S-6.fU.20. Stx4V(j-jl 60 :t6x& $36 10. Fine tubes 10 per cent, less than standard list. Shipments C. O. D. al lowing examination; 6 per cent, discount if cash accompanies order. Accessories at lowest prices. Catalog upon request. Th Ueyer Sale Co.. Dayton. Ohio. Metereyelee. Writ a ,or u,t ot ""cd motorcycle. carry a full ,ln cf motor W motorcycle part. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TOUR neighbor go to the Amerloan theater when they wish a pleasant even ing. If Julius Cantonl. 324 N. 24tli St., will bring this ad to The Hee and Identify him self he will receive an order for two seats at the American theater. FOR SALE Pool hall, 4 tables and one barber's outfit; bargain. It taken by March 80. bl N. lth 8c on yofir money will be guaranteed you bv one of the K 1 t H 1 0:e houaea of Omaha H. D Twombly. 280 Board of Trade A FEW hundred dollars more needed to complete capital atock of company being organtced to engage In legitimate and DTomable bualneas; safe tnveetcuent. A Su, WANTED A CORPORATION SALES MAN AUEH TO HANDLE A PRODUCT ON THE MARKET FOR SEVEN YEARS; GREAT SELLER; ACT A3 MANAGER WITH OFFICE IN OMAHA, FOR STATE TRADE; MI ST BE A MAN OF ABILITY; AND FURNISH SMALL CAPITAL: HE WILL HAVE ENTIRE CHARGE OF SALESMEN; GOOD FOR $6 000 PFR YEAR: CALL AT ONCE MORE. ROOMS 101 AND 104. HKNKHAW HOTEL. AN up-to-date butcher with little roonev can learn aomathing adt antaseous and get best all cash monev making business In Neb. AAAraee Y 116. Bee. rSU)V r - Estate. Loan and l,ao'1"1 lnuranc. List your prop erty for sale or rent, vjulck returna B W. Corner Hth and Douglaa. TL Doug. I8i4 BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) HEAVY RUSH OF Americans TO B. C. AmericansProminent in the Present Stam pede to Nechaco and Fraser Valleys. Klondike Scenes Over Again. Ninety thousand Amerloan and ninety million of American wealth transplanted from the United State t Canada during the last year. The counted number of person actually reached 00.148 In round numbers the wealth accompanying them' being estimated at $1,000 per head. This year bid fair to even greatly ex ceed this amount; present "rushes" In Nechaco and Fraser Valley of British Co lumbia, bringing back to those who have undergone the experlenoe of the scenes enacted In the Klondike region In UM. A a temporary substitute for the rail road that are being built a fast a steel can be laid, numerous auto and stage line are being pressaed Into service by those who would be "early In the valley." In numberless oases the trip haa been made on horseback It I not even uncom mon to see some enthusiastic one making the trip on foot. It haa been proved often and satisfac torily that the "Valley" are fertile almost beyond belief, and there I amall wonder that so . many ax willing to make the Chang. The Canadian government, by act of Parliament on May 6th of last year, re served or rather withdrew all British Co lumbla farm lands from sale, and what ever I secured rrom now on must be ob talned from private Individual. Omaha ha been brilliantly represented In this Canadian stampede, and a local concern. The Grand Trunk Paclflo Land Co., fortunately haa remaining a limited number of the belt section of land In this moat promising section of British Co lumbla. Quick Investor may purchase remaining farms at $10.00 per acre arranged In pay ment covering a term of year. There 1 every likelihood positive assur anoe that muoh of this land will reach $25, $f0, and even $100 and more per acre, when the present building railroad will have been completed. Illustrated and descriptive literature may be had upon request to The Grand Trunk Paclflo Land Company, 812 New York Life Building, Omaha. OR 0. J McMANUS & CO. Selling Agents. City Natl Bank Bldg. Council Bluffs, la. TWO-CHAIR barber ahop; good location. it, in ana uorcas. A FINE real estate and In, business for saie; wen established and doing 1100,000 buHlness a year. Will sell outright or half Interest. Have about 2.000 acres of good Irrigated land. Splendid opening for right party. For full particular address John L. Klllpack, jr.. Drlggs. Idaho, or 803 City Nat. Bank, Council Bluff. BACK TO THE FARM. Teu may not hav money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy an Interest In one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. Let me tell you about It W. S41. Bee IF YOU want to get Into business for yourself and hav $2,tM0 to $3,000 cash, you are wanted aa assistant manager for a well established Omaha firm with a grow ing business; good salary and a splendid opportunity to become general manager. L. tw. Bee. . CHANCE of life time for good druggist: no competition; good community, $2,200 yearly Income. Address Y 117, care Bee. WISHING to retire from the grain busi ness w are offering our 40,000 bushel cribbed elevator, coal shed, warehouses, etc., for sale. Price $12,0u0; best place on main line railroad In Nebraska for grain, lumber, flour, Hay and feed business. No farmer competition nor has any ever been agitated. If you are looking for a money making proposition Investigate thl. Ad dress Y $4 car Be. TO GET In or out of busineaa QANGEdTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. , call a D. 837. TO BUT SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO., 674 BRANDEIS BLDG. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker; town 4,000. Address Lock Box 236, Carroll. la. THE best paying family and transient hotel In city, or will trad for suburban property. K 668. Be. FOR BALE An excellent variety store; good reason for selling. Write Helden A Co., Denlaon, la. FIRST class restaurant, best location In town, doing good business; long leas. A 876. Baa. FOR SALE Only garage In city of 7.000 people located central of Nebraska; loca tion and automobile territory very good. Reason for leaving, have other Interest to look after. Address Y 104 car Bee. , i FOR BALK Drug stock. $3,800; rent $26 for store and living rooms; annual cash sales, $7,000 only atock In small town. Ad drees Y 106. Omaha Bee. FOR BALE CrackerJack variety stor In good county seat town. 8.000 people. Ad dress Y 104, care Bee. Pool hall for sale, only one In town of 4-0 population, $700 will buy the business if taken before March 26. Address Y 108, care Bee. ItMailaf Heaaee far tale. 7-ROOM modern flat, newly furnished; walking distance; poesessloa April L P 872. Bee. FOR SALE Rooming house, light house keeping rooms, best location In city. Pbon Red 6K.-6. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Natl. Bk. D. 8838. DR. ROY. 1M6 Farnam Bt Deuclaa 40f. DANCING Mleeee Simpson ft Coll. W. 841. W. 6430. MOKAND'B lta and Harney. Deug. g4 DENTISTS p n r . m id flor DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster $711 COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaranteed; reasonable. 2314 Mason. First -laa tailoring ft dressmkg. 1811 Dodge DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency Inc.. bonded, 4J8-9 Paxton Blk. .Doug. 1319. Ind. A-l.'.li CAPT. T. CORMACK. 1T KARBACH Bla. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and moat successful commercial school. Dsy and night seselona Student admitted any time. Businena, Bookkeenln. Stenography. Telcraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Addles H. B. Boyle, Presi dent. Omaha, Neb. THERE Is everything In finding out where the best I. If C. A. Wort. 2601 Bt. Mary's Ave., will bring thin ad to The Bee within three day and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c can of Farrell's fine syrup. FLORISTS Bennett' Flower Peal Beat entrenee. L. Henderson, ttlf Farnam. Douglaa Utf. t. H. BATH. KB$ Haxasy. Deuglae 86. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam St. A, DON AO HUB. 1807 Farnam. D. WXtt; A-ieot BRANDEI8 cut Flower dept.; nw tor. TOUR grocer 1 Judged by th good he keep. He haa Updike. If J me D. Jamlaon, 1810 Chicago St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself he w 111 receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour. Flewer ts Sarahs. C. 8. HARRISON'S leot nureery, Tork, Neb., offer home grown fruit, shade. hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and tria; catalogue ready. HELP WANTED FEMALE wiwnrrt s.Im I.Im wltk himtIiiim In aioves and lace departments. The Ben nett company. WANTED Several middle eared lady demonstrator; salary and street oar far paid; call afternoon. Wt Dodge. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlor. 286-840 City Nat l Bank. D. 8391 Heasekeepera Desaeetie. WANTED An experienced housemaid. 190K Capitol Ave. WANTED A lady te cere for children. $09 S. 83d St. WANTED Competent girl for housework. 8229 Harney BL general WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 8711 Poppletoa Ave. NICE girl to aeslst In housework; good wages. 406 Cass St. A GOOD girl for general housework; family of three. 4008 Harney. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 114 B. 3Jth Ave. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; no children; small family. 8Mb J St, South Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl; ne laun dry. 4828 Orant St. WANTED A girl to work for mall fam ily; farm near Blair; good horn. J. W. Jacob, Blair, Neb. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family, good wage; no chil dren. 2010 N. 18th St. COMPETENT girl for general work. 8121 Douglas St. bous- WANTED A young girl to ear for chil dren. 4S26 Davenport St. WANTED Experienced maid, general work; must be good cook and neat; refer ence required; two In family; good wage. West Farnam district. 'Phone H 17. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, fit 8d St, council Bluffs. Iowa. WANTED A good girl at th Methodist hospital, 30th and Cuming Sta. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1122 S. $otn fit. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down talrs work; references. 001 S. lata bt WANTED Girl for general housework; references. H. Gross. Wl 8. 82d SI- WANTED A good girl to take car of two children; refeienc required, 117 B. 8Mb. WANTED A competent girl for general bousewurk; small family; good wage, Ul S. 86th 6t WANTED Girl for general bouse werk; three In family, flli Spalding BL COOK and helper wanted; married ooupl preferred. Tel. D. 2263. WANTED Girl for general housework. 4011 lxard. Harney 8848. WANTED An experienced girl for eral bouaework; amall family. 818 S. 6t. WANTED A whit girl housework. 1708 Ike St. for general WANTED An experienced girt for gen eral housework. 813 B. 20tn St. WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 62214 Central Ave., ForiAJoage. C. H. Adam. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. SM0 Wool worth Ave. Mrs. Dr. Wearne. WANTED A neat girl for general house Work, good wages, small family; Oerman preferred. 1648 N. Hth UN WANTED A competent girl to ith housework. 80 8. 8th St. stst WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen ral houaework. three In family, no laun dry Work. &32 Harney St. WANTED A girl for general housework; mall family; good wage. 120 8. 87th St WANTED A good, reliable housekeeper. Mrs. Henry Roberts, Ft. Calhoun, Neb. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. Sal I Grant St. WANTED A competent girl for house work. 1218 N. 25th St.. South Omaha WANTED Young girl to work la candy tor and restaurant combined. Lock Bog 84. Kennard. Neb WANTED A girl tor general houaework; four In family. ia Miami. WANTED A young girl for general housswork. 824 N. 86th St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen. eral housework. 816 So. 22d St. WANTED A girl for general houeework; family 01 three; llgnt worn. u jsara ou- WANTKD A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport bt WANTED A girl for general houwora. Adolpn Pauison, Bennington. iNeorasaa. WANTED An xprtenoed girl for gen ersl housework; one who can cook. 8. r.d 8t- W ANTED A competent girl for general houaework. 8U27 Chicago SC AN a. xperienced girl for general house- M,. A. La vtUUaiaa, VA ee. list kk HELP WANTED FEMALE Heaeekeep-er nag Demewtle asl'd, WANTED Girl family ot three. for general housework; Call iiamey HJ rook. Mr. A. L. Heed. WANTED A Harney Zi'ii. M tseellaaiewaia. YOUNG women coming o Omaha as tranaer are invited to visit the Voua Women's Christian association building at 6t. Marys Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places r otherwise aaiiated. Look for our trav eler e aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata licllar aa kaloaaaea. WANTED Experienced salesmen to ell fruit, truck and alfalfa land under the famous aaephant Butte Irrigation uam at Las Crucea, New Mexico, wnere the gov ernment Is spending approximately ay.ouu.uOu in constructing tins great dam. Liberal commiasion. Writ: tor lull partlculara Elephant Butte Land ft A rust Co., ie Crucea, New Mexico. I WANT a fuw good live men In Ne braska to help me sell my South Dakota land. If you are a live one and can get the business write me at once, it not, no use to waste my time and yours. Charles L. Eakln, Blunt, S. D. WANTED In your city, first class sales lan by a reliable corporation. Position krman.nl A I. Unfriml,1 laol livniKrai. man permanent. irusi Biag., Bt. Louis, Mo. sautLBUAN with eetabitsnea hardware or Jeweler's Uade to take rattling good id line. Address, F. Brook way, P. O. Box TO. New York. WANTED Reliable men t take car of eur trade with farmers In Nebraska; to every on who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing esse, and who can furnish good security (for correct work only) a good earning la guaranteed. Th Heller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. WB WANT ( good solicitors for our city ale department; good opening to men that can make good. Call at once. Mid west Painter' Supply Co., N. W. Corner 16th and Webeter Sta. WANTED Experienced and active land agents, to sell our Canada lands. Stewart ft Mathews, Co., Limited, a Jackson St. Bt. Paul. Minn. AGENTS (30.00 per weekE0$..etaoletao wonderful lock stitch sewing awl. Over 800 per cent profit. M. Nal sold 10 In flv hours, cleared $8.(0. Send qulok for sample and complete instruction. Anchor Mfg. Co.. Dlv. 8. Dayton, Ohio. SPECIAL AGENTS 186 PER CENT profit for you; 806 per cent saving to customers;, no competition; nothing like It on th market. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 731 Brandels Theater Bldg. WE WANT a good saleaman with 31.000 to $1,600 rash for road position In estab lished bualneas; good salary and commis sions to right man. K. 886, nee. I WANT to get In communication with some one who will sell Idaho Irrigated lands. Good money for rlrht party. Land located In the fertile Teton valley, Idaho. From 3 to xfto per acre with improve ment. John D. Klllpack, Jr., Drlggs, Idaho, or 808 City Nat. Bank, Council Bluffs. ClerieaJ aa6 Office. WB can us several first class bookkeep ers, stenographer and dark. Call at once or write for particular. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ABB N., INC., umaha Kstab. a years. Kansas City. 762-8-4-6 Nsw Tork Lit Bldg. THE great U. P. R. R. a-uaranteea you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address for partlculara H. B. Bovles. Pres. U. P. TelearaDhy School. Omaha, Neb. WAKTTTrt A VAimv man u tan, bookkeeper. Must speak German. D 878, Be. TRAVELING salesman. typewriters, young man. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N., INC., im isew xora Lire Bldg. Faetarr aa8 Trades. Drag store (nape). Jobs. Knlest. Be Bldg W A N T E D Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer Co., Fremont, Neb. WANTED An experienced carpet layer and window shade hanger In large store. State age, experience and salary desired. Address p. u. Box No. 257. Hastings, Neb. MlseellBBieeas. WANTED Experienced elevator conduc tors. Apply at one to superintendent, Brandels Stores. IF YOU want to enjoy pancakes pour Farrell's syrup over them. If Joseph A. McArdl 2306 Pierce street, will bring this ad to The Bee within three day and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60-cent can of thl fin syrup. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 86, citizens or the United States, 01 good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tne bftigusai ian ruimi. For Information apply to recruit ing officer, 13th and Douglas St.. Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St., uncuin, nta.; iiu Jk. Third St., Grand Island, Neb. too MEN 20 to 40 year old wanted at once for Electrlo Railway Motormen and Conduc tors; $90 to $100 a month; no experience nec essary 1 no atria, writ immeaiaieiy ior ap plication blank. aars tu l arte, x $2, care Bee. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for Omaha examination chedule. Franklin Inatltut. Dept. 1M-E, Rochester, N. Y. U.S. $109 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha, Neb. LARQEST AND BEST. WRfrTB YOU ARE WANTED for government poeitlon. $s0.00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 181 hi, rtocnester, n. x. WANTED At once men to clean briok at Leavltt sugar factory. Addrea J. J. Funk, Fremont. Neb. LOST AND FOUND FOUND The candy that please young and old, and that all give, if Mra G. Dav. 100 4th St.. Council Bluff, will bring thl ad to Th Be office within three days, she will receive an order for a 60a box of O Brlen fine canay. LOST A green leather pocketbook, con taining currency and check; liberal reward. Mr. Gilber, Room B. 19. Home Hotel. FOUND The Teddy Bear expert clean, era and dyer. A-2eJ6; D. 8466. LOST Th bet opportunity to make a friend by not giving a box of O Brlen'a. If Ml Agnes Meehan. 4141 8 St., South Omaha will bring this sd to The Bee office within three days and Identify herself she will receive an order for a 0o box of this delicious candy. liOST I-ady' 11 watch at 88th and Harney and 10th and Jones. Finder return to T. G. Northwall Co., 912 Jones. Th Secret of Success Is in the Con. tant Us of Be Want Ada. MEDICAL ritEM medical and eargioal treatment at Crelghton Meilical college. Hth and lv.o port St.; special attention paid to confine ment ease: treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Iougla 11(7. Calls answered day and night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat rem edy for itching. bleeding or protudlng viLl8: SCo poetpald; aample free, bber- man ft McConnell Drug Co Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Biereee est enisle. HORSE, wagon and hemes Wsbstsr 147 SHETLAND pony and buggy; pony safe and fearleaa, but plenty ot go. Addree P 678. Be. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner. 601 N. lttb. WC buy and sell all kinds of bore, 8Uu bear, rear Mliia- aelei. C. tka. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llorars and Vehicles toallasea. forale At a barium, this bemitlful home RIS M ARK. He.nl Hie following and make me an offer. I am (tolng to leave here and will sou at n hrx"ln. A I-.H TII'ICM 1; OK PEDKJUEb TM Is to certify: That the Pen-heron stallion IHSM ARK In noetered In the Ten-heron Mud Hook of America and that his loo.rded number is r.'iiti. nior snd description: Piu-k grsv. PeillKree: Foaled Airll 1. I; bred and owned hv Rhea urn. of Arlington, Neh ; got by tUBC tiJ'.i tlV,2). he hv CONFI DENT SM7 S7i, he by BRILLIANT 1271 pi. he by li III 1,1,1 A NT H"? fix. he hy cof'O II. 714i. he by VIKl'X-l HAFI.IN Kit,, he hy CfW'O (',12), he by MI'..ON (TIM. he by .1 K A N I ,E " I ..V M ' it.9. Ham, Fl .KI'ltKTTK 4lf f.M. hy FA Voltl III 1ir.11 1. ne br nol'IA isO fj 781 , he hv MI'PERloR 414 (i.K'l. he by l-AVfilll I ('."ID, he hv VIKl'X-f'H.AiSI.lN 71.1, he by ffif fi (7I2. he by MHiNON (71M, he hy JEAN-LK -BLANC (..:!); second dam, SO PHIE (WO), bv f A M KltoN N K Mllef, he hv COCO II (714). he h- V I El " X-CII A MLI N lfl.1i, he hy C0C0 ( T 11' . he hy Mlunw fTlo). he hv JFAN-LK-IU.ANC (7; th'HI dam. CORMETTK. belonging to M. Rlam. In witness whereof v." have hereto af fixed the seAl of the asM-K-.anon. If voii want to hie this boras sddresa A. .J. Knott. 4111 No. 2.th Ave., Omaha, or call Webeter 194.1. MONEY TO LOAN lALAHY AND IHAlltLI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I 8 NEW CO. 810 to 3M0. NEW rlaANS. $ . Thl Is a new firm organised by th 8 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $ OMAHA TO LOAN $ to any honest person owning HOUSE- $ HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc., or 8 holding a salaried position, at th $ rat of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. $ $ JUST THINK, YOU PAY $ 8 60c Interest on 810 for one year. $ $ $1.26 Interest on $.'5 for one year. $ $ $2.60 Interest on $.mi for one year. $ $ AM, OTHER SUMS IN PHOTOR- $ $ TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $ $ RessonHhle Appraisement Charges. $ $ INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, $ $ ROOM a4, WITHNELL BLDG., $ $ N. .E. Cor. l"th and Harney. $ MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payment. Of fice In 66 prliiclral cities. Tolman. Room 6u3 Now Omaha National Bank Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rate and atrlctly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. Iii6: A-13&1 WHY BORROW MONEY from high-priced loan companleaT We'll get you a loan at very low rate and easy payments, rto commission. OMAHA MUniUAUU LOAN CO., Room 216. 2d Floor. Board of Trade Bldg. -pnones: Douglas z-o or ina. A-JVii. NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use $25 or $50 to a good advan tee? If eo. come to us. don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams wnnoui remuvmi, email ana easy payment. 60c Is the weekly payment on a $26 loan and $1.20 la the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In th same proportion. Write or phone us and ws will call on you at onoe. All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room IS Arlington Blk.. 1611Vfc Dodge St Phone: Douglas 2466. Independent A-24H6. K AV rALcf on business ft re, property. B. Melkle 206 Ramg Bldg. MONEY 1 TO LOAN. Com in and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxtn Block. Tel. Douglaa 1411, A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W n FTaATATT 3514 Dodge Street W. V. IlJAlAU, Telephone Red 6618. MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mot. Ing; furniture packing; fireproof store. City offlc. 816 8. 17th. Doug. 394; Ind. B-134A. OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. clean your carpet on your flooie; electrlo vaouur cleaner. 804 b. Ulh; W 8. 17th- Douc 4161 BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kind. 618Vj Bo. loth St. B 228, D. Hr. A. 1096 OFFERED FOR RENT Board ead , ATTRACTIVE front room with Urge al cove; walking dlsiano; bom oooklag, Pbon Douglaa 6866. PLEASANT rooms, with board. 86th Ave. Extra table board. 808 So. THE BACHELORS, 80th and Farnam. Rat: Singl. $36 to $40; double. $68 to $46. FOR RENT Two room, ansult r single, desirable for four ladle or gen tlemen. 26ri6 Harney Bt. TWO CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS; modern; private family; board If desired. 706 Georgia, FOR RENT Sunny rooms, bath, hem cooking. 818 8. 25th Bt. FOR RENT Modern, coxy room, doe In. 2323 Harney Bt ROOMS AND BOARD. 108 N. Bd Bt, FOR RENT Desirable, board. 2420 Cas St. eomfy room; NICELY furnished room and beard: good location. $112 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Nlo room and beat board. $17 N. 21st St. Kir outh. alngl room, fumlabtMt, Douglse Bt- 88U MODERN room with board, hom oook- Ing. 809 South 21st St. FINE large room, suitable for two. 1918 Cass. Douglas 1476 MODERN, cheery, clean, clos In, good bom oooklng. 'Phon Douglaa 2861 BOARD and room, convenient for atret car men; desirable for one or two. 8778 Lake. LARUE front room, aultabl for two; first-class board. 106 No. 26th St. TWO nloe rooms, 128 B. 25th St. modern, with board. ST. JAMES. 414 So. 18th; steam heat, free beth. Am. l. 26 up; wkiy. u up; meats Ho. BOARD and room In private family for two gentlemen. Phone Harney 6417. 8H61 California St. v Faralahed Haosas. MODERN fui-nlxhed room for on; hot water heat; breakfast If desired. 810 So. 21st. Phone Douglas iii. LARGE, modern south front room; prl vete family. 114 N. 27ih St. Tel. B-2266. YOUNG lady only: nicely furnished fiont room, stesm heal. In new flat, private fam ily. 8017 Chicago bt Red 6241 TWO furnished rooma. TL Wsbeter AaYIA 8616 N. tut a at FOR RENT Two cloely rurnlbd room. gi 8 bi ONE largs front room, furnished or ua- furnlifhed. 681 Bouth 2ith Ave. BOUTH front psrlor, strictly modem, walking distance. $18. 2ft Harney street. Phone Harney 2178. WANTED A rice and respectable young man to board and room In private family. For Information call W 1-.8 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS. 1016 LEAVENWORTH. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate hom. 719 N. Hi t FURNISHED room In modern house. 2612 St. Mary s Avt. FOR RENT Deal rsble hounekeeping room, good location. 1,16 N. 17fh f-t RKNT Niolv fumiahad raosa, rettuirad. a a. una a- OFFERED FOR RENT F'aralaheg Htma FOR RITNT-IJirge team-heated rVaoe with alcove; desirable for three tlemen Mi N. ltli Ht B" FOR RENT Desirable rooma. neatT," furnlehed front rooms, desirable for ,11 gentlemen. 7'H 60. 24th St. FOR RENT Nicely f urnlsheT7ooma rfl Irahle for two gentlemen. St. Mary, FOR RF.NT--Th7e ne.tlv furr7shed lith St. .. V,. m mi inuurni. 7va u FOR RENT Nicely furnished notnl private family. Ml S. th Av. FOR R E NT L rge nloelyfi,rtl,.h-il rooms. KX Emmet ft. '"""shed FOlt RF.NT-Plea.sanT's'ou'th room location. 2412 Dodge 8t ,wi TWO strletlv modern roomi v-,. en ulte, suitable f.r iwi ai.i Furnnin. Douglaa IML w FON KgT-DelreblerTont room nn vate family, good location, walk?. Unce. 310 N. 24th St. LARGE, warm front room In r.rtv home: desirable for two; strictly modern NVe'd n24th 8L NICELY furnished modern room beat in cation In clty.181 7 Park Ave. H a y W4." LARGE. NICE, single room In private horns erenoea required. 2046 Dodge. Ref- TWO nice, modern room; $16 and J (IlfJ fclQ 161 1 m rEWFJ European Hotel. 18th ft Farnam J?S8 ,V' r "ewTr furnished frM Ign. 'Phone Douglas 6.JC. FOR RENT-Urm' ,.w.T roora desirable for two people. Jar Dewey J.. FOR RENT-Verr rle.sant outhet room, stationary bowl, hot and cold w." desirable for two. KTt Harney St.- ' MODERN furnished rooms, walking die, tance. 641 8. 2;th Ave. Douglas 6277 TWO nice rooms, housekeeping If desired! good neighborhood. 26M Jones VERT nice south room; good location. 2709 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnlshsd. team heated room, bath, cold and hot water modern. 2812 Farnam St. ' FOR R?aN7jTNeatly. fur"lhi modern room. 2114 Chicago St. NICELY furnished room. 8630 Case St all tnodara. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 221 N. 86th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. 2707 Farnam St. rooms: FOR RENT Large front room for two gentlemen; modern In every way. 111 a 26th St.- FOR RENT On larg front location. 2006 Ohio St. room; good FOR RENT Nicely furnished front u- iui. w nv. hiu 01. fok KKisT-Newiy furnished modem rvuui. wi du. Kin nt. GENTLEMEN Your chance; neatly fup. nlshed rooms, nice, quiet, refined home. 618 So. 26th Ave. I - CLEAN, newly papered rooma, mod era. reasonable. 1814 Dodge. NICELY furnished room with or wlth out homekeeplng privilege. 10T 8. lTth St. TWO nicely furnished larg front room trlctly modern, prlvat . family. H2 8. 82d. Harney 715. WALKING distant, two very desirable modern rooms, with or without board, on block from car line. 80S N. 23d St. LARGE front room, desirable for man and wife, or two or three gentleman; ala other rooms. 2024 Webster. mil RKNT-NIm tm.l en. gentlemen; good location; clos In. Leavenworth St. FOK RENT Nlo front room, all toad em. 8648 Chicago St FOR RENT Two nloely furnished con nected rooms; en car Una. Apt. 8, 'The Oakland." VERY desirable larg front ream, suit able for two. 201 & 86th Ave. ROOMS In private family, hot water he vivvinu iibul xive minute u euea aistrict. b-Jt. S. 17th Av. NICE pleasant rooma. 1818 Chicege. FURNISHED room la modem 1618 St. Mary Av. CLOSE IN, clean, modern, front In private home. Desirable for en f $8 and $10. 710 No. 83d. ARB you looking for a large Jfenay treat room, modern, oloa ln ar pr retain! hom oooked meala If fln j CaaU 61$ N. 23d. R. 682. TWO nlnalv eiirntabaal IVmt MMn, piet ior ugnt nouaeaeHng. u pee sui Aavenport &- Iletela a4 ipartaaaja NICELY FURNISH K D ROOMS fee tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 100 tw 13ta Bt. DODGE HOTXXe-48th and Dodgei aU eut gld room; steam heat, special week rate. Agtaurtaaaata aa4 flavtsw TWO 1-room brick flats) mod am. 66-414 N. 83d St. Call Douglaa 8911 FIVE-ROOM apartment, nloely fAiralahed, In the Suh urnia.ru Webatar 1766. Three-room modern flat. Scarge Bldg.. 616H N. Mth St. So. Omaha, llaii. tui Atamg tsiat. coin i iiodh. VERY modem 6-room apartment en West Farnam St.. free heat and janitor. JOHN W. ROBB1N3, Uot FARNAM BT. CLOSE-IN APARMTENTS for rent In THE STERLING Oor 19th and BL Mary Are. Apartment No. 18, 3 room, a r.u.. ,... x: it ia a STRICTLY AiOi (JOHN A N D IJP-TO-OATBL ririgsn ftiir I niiteft1 nn PAYNE ft SLATER CO., Sol Agent, Sth Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg. "l-ROOM flat for rent, 40th and Daven port; call at reeidence, 138 N. 40th Bt CHEAPEST, best e-room flat la city". 820 N. Sad. "HEATED APARTMENTS FOR RflNT. $"6 OO-3-r., 17ol Burt Bt. , i.. c v a t u,,,,H k a .. . . GEORGE ft CO., 902 City Nat Bank Bldg. Famished Hosirkteplag Rooma. FOR RENT Modern furnlshsd or unfur nished room, walking dlstanc. 8718 How ard at.- TWO room, completely furnished for housekeeping; laundry privilege. I7"f Iiodg. ! NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 1916 California St. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooms. 609 S. 19th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. 6-"2 N. 22d NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1814 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room for housekeeping. 202 N. 19th Bt. " THREE modern, coxy, clean, close la. Douglaa ZXX FURNISH EO room for light housekeep ing 611 So. Iith Ave. OOtrO ineatatk TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, gas rang. Jl' sink; no children. Hi rto. 1Mb Bt. 1..,.-. 8,..S JiESIRABLE Imua. keeping rooms, food V Iccatlun. 620 S. ith Av NICE, unfurnished rovrn rtv a1 ' ly, dsaurakl ter bukpiag. 8U M. IKS - - A A v. s -yTC V-