riilH OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 19. 1011. lo CrJil.1 AMI I'i'.OIiL'CB HAhKtT 1 r.. 1 ' i V, Mil -t a ;. , JxafiA Ii.ieiag Ittaa, tspetai4 lnoiMifi rial 8 sl--4 e Iraaaaaa) I e Hess I Ha iel-,l4 as si Slate. I. uf If 4 .. t a 1 1 a- a 1 I. . a a I' ' ft. 11 tee 41, a - a let. let, e4 S4 I. a p Ut - H l T i a i.eal aaa tef. fe f ,4t.B I a-' t. a -I a " K 4 IS i II.'. ' t f a I ' t t l I 1 ,.,-1 ea t i n ri.et j i.ni. , It t-. f ... ''1 near. ('fn" No 1 I - V I" ?! " 84 fjl o . eeer. It "'il i art. O l4 Yarlew 'I. , .1 ...!,., k Mf .J, ..!, I fl ,e .ft' Bit g era lt. .i... . .. ,h . tit,. I l.i, a i .. a.ii ; ,f OmS .steal IS a , A, I .o. ,.f si ' . .4 l ,;i a 4 e4a Pwsf ' a 4 the , a 4... a. 4 woe as!' i I ' eel aaiea .it fy4 un t . I . . r, eee i"a H-a Ir.dar. , e.ae4 t"'4 mr,4 o if.e I'rt.l i i ''I a ..'! "i l iia if '. la :r'1 i .! Ih - ..HI ,,, 4 14 la (.upHan- 4 a' r mr.a tra I -i aj hi , alnf fa u ar f . . ,. ma-ila r ia I a r-rr tfr't -ara WW l an1 Mf'Wtlt of . ak ' t " " t a!t i imiik'm r ) nf iit, r "f "ia t4 af4 Tnur ju.l to ) ... I f i --r,t fif.al tivt.ail la V4 Mhar i.ai an4 url.ria4 14 Vt )i('ar on . T'a to )ln( fh in ar raprM4: '. Ml A 1 ,S.. I h.rfl, . raf. -. );(- f hna 1 fr, No. t ilia I f. '; rmr, N 1 fll'W; I i a' Vo, No. t nlr. J cor. N. I at ilto lof 4 a.!lla. M W t'.HK. M.f.i, R yit; f'f fl. if,, w n'f ra -T ' -,( v., .ttra N'i 1 li,ft; Pae..a -'.'. i Jrvj 4 , irtr a'aia l-' ir'f( r!-ara H !,( ata t 1. It I'wil fV B f ii' aff.f faif- t aod t 4 i . rb' to fh-y, "i,.!" Hirkha1. nominal. ' N M ' A f ' . f!io hlta an4 r'lf., IMMIIIA, iara, 1 U'ifl li, WIMT M fnariat ataady; N l M , .....lor iM wr. f o. b.. afloat, ft I ncuh'tn liiuih. 1 '. r o. b. afi'.a) l i.i irM maraat Inn lira, but - aitr f h iahla arid rr ! tt.. rfr.p naara, althouah tha ifh 4 atfoff i1rnan4 aa ponf. rliHin prt aa 'a un hinrH tn t M hlllut Mtr. IW , ( leaa-l at !"'. July. ItJ-lM ( icmmi ai i.,v. HoipU. bu.; al,i.frt,a. A ) ha. I i if: Naif,t maritat aaar: No. X f o . h . af.M Kuti;ra markat wlth nut t tanatl,,i rlnalna at V nat advanc. Mar r I..M..J at f. iix olpta, bu.; ai.i.n,n,ia, 1M.JS9 bu. A I M-ltK1 inarkal qulot: futurao mar "t a wilho.ji tranaar tlona, rioalng fK-rnlnal Ima'pla, H bu. Hr-rirm, prima So. t lltt; No 1, lo: So I. iM-- l i ; flaa1. CantraJ Amertca. ajc; Io'ia. 71 o : J c. I . K A T H K K j uirt , hamloek flrU. Vl a-vul. Il-ViTc; thlrda. 1SJic; i-lioVIMi )N pork, ataa4r; tnaA. til 0. nominal; tamllr 1.2 "i; ; ahort rlaar. t lKjaofW rtaf. ataMdv; m. r4nl.M: family. tlSil5A; baf hama. 0W.. it maaia rt.,l. riKi4 baliiaa 10 to 14 lha., J)l :u'U pickled hama 112 00. 1-ard. mwlla Mt. prima, t lfi a; rfln4. ntl 1 cut. I rar 41 ii.it4 1 r. 4IW.1, t far. i.Alc K'Uid.id I rar . No I t aats, , . 4 tma. 4 taja. Sac. Oaaaba) 4 aab frvri. t Mr AT-ho, I hard. MUlo; No a bar4. i.-vr. Na 4 hard. T .tcwM. r;a lad haj-d. "u V , No. I afttuttf. aiuar. No. 4 lfir(. ;IijMtc, No. durum, tttJMc; No. ' I N N J thH. 4ij:'-; No I whlta. , No. 4 Mta, 4tSM44'; No. t ...ur. 4-J4rV', Ko t roUtt. ISvi4r; No. 1 Vy-; No. 4 rim, iih4;c; No I. ,in. , No. a. 41r-, No. 4. 'o41a. iianuutt. l'JSc; No. 4 ifqBte; No. 4 l , lasadVia iiAKL.I T-No. a. Jr: No 4. T"4a; NA 1 f-a,l. i.T4Ji fjmTtfl. fc.jJ7flC. MlkNa. a. aia; No. a ',Mc. Cala Hor I pta. W'lirat. Corn. Oat a ( M'Mi ... 14 lj H XinnaapoU JVJ t''a 4 1 I'u.um a No' i i "t)r, continani. t'; outh Ameilcai, ' y V f . a. 0ur, I n. , 4 OA I a--No a bli ! :,,;j.v; No. a hit. avy-j- ' l.i(a No. a yallow, Ul."TTK!tl.'naMI-d; craaroarv apaclals. 3K-. atiraa. iiivc; flrata. JLaZc. aec- ndf, i:aic. cr.artirrr. ha ,d ai'Via'a. 2i tc, axtraa. lirjic; tirata. 17V,u lOWv v.nda. JS-vHc; a'aia dairy, flnaot, He; od to prima, ,i.3c; common to lair. jlc; iucaa aiciaia. Ifl-'ilsK-: riiru. Uji; firata. lVijl7e; aconda. latjlKc; Imi- uon craamary. itrata. I. him:, factory. rtirrant maka, (iraia, ltolCxc; aaooDda, la EMS-Ktn fraah gathered, aelected mraui. , fri-ari natuim. mala. I,tj Im. . frfkii catheral. axiid. ITc; fresh ratharad. thlrda. 16o aakad; fraah ratr.ared. rUra. No. 1. I IrMfi cathcrad. dirtiaa. No. I l.Jiic: fraah totharva ch-cka. 24ti lie, western natfaared, white, lbVuiwc; weei- ern duck. x.-'(i..ic; aouthern, .-fifc H)L'LTR A lira, firm: waatvrn chick- ana, lval:; fowls. Lt,-"3lsc; turkeya. lck-; rasaed. duil. lowla. i-wic: turkeys, it tNICACO CRAl-f AMD rROVItaO.lt raaiaa f ttto Trad last mud (loola rrlMi Roar 4 mt Tra4. ' ItfCA";o, March 17. Conflicting crop atvicoa from tha aouthweat r-uited to- ; la )avlr.( tha wheat market prartl- t at ti.a wjik level aa laat niklil. Tha f inM waa ataaly. '.c itt to .c uu. Corn fimahad unci j.1 to a aiiale down oata I ' oi aitaroa ur varying higher and pro- laiixia ai VttM !" oecilnav A leadicg exprrt touriiig Kansas aent ird t'i tha crtip ouiiooa waa perfect. 1 bia ea aave pnrea a decided downward t-nd lttar ifther authority- who is In Mt,avuMI conditions In the aama atate. i t'nl trial h waa discovering aertoua fiaaa. About tlila time cavet) wheat de mand her Improved and the hlo atata ra- i"i in. rp nsiuii ai per cent agamat n a eouple of m (ml ha previous. 1 1. an. too. .ew tort and Baltimore dla petrhea told of export aalea and It u not wed that receipt a at primary points wera acain light. An hi vara awing anaued. Tha close waa not far ln-.oe the top f trurea of the aea- amn May covering extended from e,rew-e arid at tie laat gong waa osc, a r et loea of a shade Tha rxirn market showed a atubborn tona ail dv Mar fi.irtuated between "4i4irc and tvSt .(. cli.-lng precisely tha same aa laat mtiht at 4"-c. Cash corn was In rir rt-nisiid. No. 2 yellow ftnlahd at Ti'rre waa a fair ahlptiing rail for oats f'.ir alar turn low and high llmlta reached are .r. I t , L m I , I. It .1m v. a ra n nf i,c oer last nlkht. I iomIoi, wera eaav on eeMIrr In the at.d pork allowed a lose of J'-jflOHc com f-ered. aiffi t r nl y-four hnura before. laid J'-ytn-'i ar and nhs T'r'hic. V Krsi'e la C.ticaao. lumln.M ay tha Cp- JT A. a tlrain ci.i.i,.r l Mapbone Louaiaa ,, I'M 1 ramirn building, Onaakha: S ticlaa t upe. Huh. I Low. Close Taa y, v "eat May... J.i ... 1 -ept . rn - ! I I "... w, ni.aww KVg -a eu 'a, Ma. . . J .i) .. pt-. a - Mil l'i... 'apt.. r rk - Kiv J.J.( . l.aM . V. -td ! -Var i IV Rt,t a 'IS I 3S'I . '.vS U l I .1', SI . 11 w, is' : i -. I 17 jn 17 42 1 a . li W saW. a?a 4t'7: 4'-. il'. I n-, l'a; iw 11 .1 t y; w 4". y; 9 a ri i 4M a w 17 2m, K 22 17 rH ) It 47 1 la 47 It W 1 a 7 f n I a m a ia a a m I a tc a I I 40 46 a n I i '. j ! a a 7 rIH H- ."trad ; winter patrnta, 3.4xa 4 a ami-r atraifhta V irM 4: apring ai-a.'l. ,-,.l I'', bakers, aj4Wu4-l'.. kll. -Se 1. i-. I: i.l.i.l r s-r.i r anlslng. atatrtjc; fair to i:'e maitins. at. Kl '. r .a . Nu I aouthaestem. CM ,N- ) i.,,tii,waatrrn. a-, limothy, f H . 'a i ..var. I u i IH iiNi- mm pork, per bbl.. I'.IS a.i !ru .r vs iba, OKw- Hnort nl. a -r . ..., - inj.-,, anurt clear aid . d.. t i. lit ' Iwia, rl.iaiiea of wheat and flour wera a ..a, to 1hv Ml ti-utt t-Mt the week. a - ih ..R i.y HtadaLreta. wra eual to a bi I'n:ury ripls wera aa.iaai iiitt iurj witb bu. tba corre- . -I i, a . a eai klu j.i -n.i,i r-ei,ia fe loniurraw: Wheat, , ..u. i'imi. l.a rari, uaia, at cars , buga, aw L a4 j i ash ITIrvs t heat. No 2 rrl ... . re.l. Stot-rK. No, 2 hard, . Nu I baru, fceiiM, No. I n-rta . i .. I, sail m Nu j norttiont s;mrc N I aurtng. y.biae. t urn. .so. v ". N raan. tyer. No. u x'. No 2 alula. .,V. o. v. . .-yn. Ne a )ai..'W, avtc N ,a, list's. : No 1 wnite. j . v . ' al.i.f. . ,t,:V. No, 4 a lsr. aiamlartl iyJio. b.TTill -iral. Ufarairiw, 1C ic. .-e aaav . recaipta. II 47T cases: at ar i:. ' li'M, ftraia. lac; r. . c. in i It.-'i'ai! , daistra. ire; twina s. ... jciif mrv.aa U1k; Iwog a UaJ ' !. -e.rs.i . cbolcw ta taacy. and; (a r to f Jj c i I i.TKK e..a.i.. . tuikai s, dressed. ia, a . a a rings. l.a. linu. l.Ua Imjj . v tu aa-lb. aia. a-, a 1 - .fc.. o la.. sk to Uu-ib. v- .- a; i lc.itll Wheat. 14 car, cura. w ai. ve.4. as cars, lu a.a l o turuur .a hrau 14 cavra. mil, l a tan, vava. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS FncticallT All Eecorda for Dullneai Thii Tear Broken. jassouEi rACinc DEors again Dlaaalaaal af Large Faree af Mta by (bleat a Alloa Hallroad la the List af Adveree Kaetara. NKW TOBK, March 17 . Practically !' reenrds f'r dullness thus far this year on Ue stock exchange wera broken today Tradlng fell to the potnt where It cewal to have any intereet evetvfor the uitra profeaalonal element and the movement aaa almost Imperceptible except toward Ihe rioee, whan price wera, lowered gen erally. In the Hat of adverse factors was placed tha dlamlneal of a large force of men by tha Chicago aV Alton road and tha shut ting down of rubbar factories In Rhode Island Whether thee lnoldenta will find reflection later on In unrest on tha part of lalr remains to be seen. Missouri Pacific a weaknees of recent days was emphasised by a further drop tooay of about two points and the stock waa especially weak just before the close and Northern Pacific, iuiavilla A Naeh nlle, Ivehigh Valley. Amalgamated Copper and American Sugar declined a point or mora on tha same movement. Tha cloee Waa at the day a lowest prices. Honda were Irregular. Total sale, par value. a2.!2.0uO. Vnlted State bonda wera unchanged on call. Number of aaiea and leading quotation n eioeke wera aa follows: laa Lava. Cm crea-e 4.?'T marks: dia"oimt Increase. U.HI marks; treaa.iry bllla. de.-rease, 2.1?.' marka; notes In circulation de crease. C2.M4. marks, deposits Increase, H.r.v marks; gold In band. Increase, 2k.io.Ujy marka REPORT Or THE CLaCARIJfO HOC SB TrwaasMMIeae af Ik AaaM-ate4 Itaaka for Ike Week. NEW TORK. March 17.-Prdatreet hank cleaHnaa report fr tha week ending March 17 shows an sKgrepate of U.0T2.73. as aaalnst ai..kio last week and aa.Wl.at1'"') In the mrreepondlng week last year. Tba following Is a list of the citlee: CITIES. Clearings. lac Da. New Tork Chicago Hoston , Philadelphia ... PL Louis Kansas City .... Pittsburg 8an Francisco Ialtimnra Cincinnati Minneapolis ... Cleveland New Orleans .. I er mi t .a, ....I a. a l.i Weather la Ike Crala Hell. Tha eastern disturbance has disappeared off tha uppxr Atlantic ooaat, fullowed by an area of high Treasure over the eaxtern portion of the country, and clear weather again prevails in the eastern and southern state. A very decided Increase la cloudi ness ta shown this morning in tha central valleys and weat Into the mountain region, and unsettled condltlona prevail from the Mississippi river west to the Pacific slope. Light anowa are tailing in trie Lake su perior region and are scattered over the extreme upper Missisxippl and extreme upoer Missouri val eys. A general rise In temperature haa occurred everywhere eat of the Rocky mountains, the change to warmer being slight In tha southern stats. but more marked and decided in the udimt 1 K- v.Ma . nrl Mat nvr the Li. it .-a and ijhia , Leriede Oat ..luw t I. a itl.nltp nn.at In tha mnun. i lSiaVllla A tains and west to the coast tha change A-liaVha. mars pt4 Amalgamate Oceer .... A marl, n Aarlcaltaral ... Arnariran beet guaar AmarUaa an AmarH-an C m T American Cotton Oil Amertraa H. A L, afd.... Am. las garantlea. Amertoaa Llnaead Arnarlraa Lewnjotlve .... AnvarVaa S A R. Ant. S A R. ft Am. Steal Foundries Am. ftsCar Harming Aiiarlr.u T. A T Amenran Tobaoco pfd.... American Woolen Ariacofioa Mining Co Al'blem Atrhlana firl Atlantic taa1 Lisa Bammce A flilo . . bethlaera Steel Hraoklra Rapl-I Tr Canadian Paellla imral Lataar Central Last ker pfd Central Nee Jaraay... riaaake A Ohio "hlro A AIUo , Chicago Ureat Wee tern... C. O. W. aid Cari.ro A N W C. , kit r C . C . C. A St. u Colorsde F. I Colorado A Soatbern.... Conaolleatad Uaa (bra ProkacU I tel. vara A Hadero! Denrer A Kia Urines D. A R O. td DlaUlllars' tecantlas .... Una Krte let f Erie ti ft (ienarsl Heclrle Oreat Nonhera pfd Great Northern Ore etfa. Illlnnta central In'erhcreaik slet Int. Met. pf4 International Harvester . Int. Manna pre International Paper Internal Ions I Pema lows Central Kanaaa City So S. Pf4 4 aw ma 4J 1" IX Lis II MHl rw tv It M. ai lxs Angeles ... Ixu1sville , Milwaukee Seattle 8t. Paul Atlanta , Portland, Ore .. Buffalo Ienver Indianapolis ... pTovldenca Richmond Washington .... Pt Joseph Fort Worth .... .I U t-4 l' K4 ptd. Naahrtlle. Misa A Ct- Uiata..... in temperaiura ihti nvni euaiit ana unnii-1 R la moving in from tha nortbweet, and It will be somewhat colder In this vicinity tonight, with generally cloudy arid gome- wnat unseivie lonigni ana raiurui). ISil. ISltf. likJH. 1303. Lowest last night 22 14 S lYectpltatlon w .V w T Normal temperature tor today, rf degrees. Deficiency In precipitation el nee March L, 24 of an Inch. Deficiency for corresponding period. 110. .62 of an Inch. tieficlency for corresponding period, lsus, la of an inch. La A. WELSH. LovAl Forecaster. in lis to let ltV y m si aa) U 194 4v) w NCi, lO J.iJ (vt 1M Ija j ICM4 MJ14 r n 1 77 T7H ua ir tia'a p av 'ti" !. US lllw " ioi 'ani ' '! ititi itw '"m iaik '"in M " M l.fH ti jS 10Q 41 41 'lir irav, iri (., J 1H l't I H 1 I.tiio n V 1 ' lia v is 14-a aj 10' tio '4 i" x i ft U UIH ? lets 14Hi bno :s aa 14TL, ;i; ) w U II i-u. ' Memphis av, talt lJi City . C olurabus Albany Tacoma ....... Savannah Ppokane Toledo , Hartford Kochester .... ea Moines .. Nashville Imluth Wichita Peoria V1 1 Oakland .'.'.'.'..'. j Horn City .... IH4 , New Haven .. a . t-'ranu napias u aa-4 v 41 l Mw 1.0 . . . .2 . I 4 1 11 t . 19 .... 27b,oi." . 11 AO . . lMi.e41.0iO .. 74.14-i (.. tA 77.f-., 4.74.lM 4o.2aai.OiO .. 21 ittJ.O 24. I l0 . 1V74T.OIO. 1S.47.'W; 1 .lZl.Oay. 17,4 . 17.18100. 14.247.0lai 14.146 ! 11.0TUV ll.47.(l. 10 7V..0 12.4i.(K 12 737 tana l.lOe.OiO; a.lb7.0 a ' 7.Mi.ki .. l.87J.Oin 16.1. 5. TTi.OO n I 7.Zts.0ii I k.317.00 j j.ht.onoi as.a; 4.740.OO' I 1 14S.OO! I a.H7,(:. 4.72.aO'. !. .ooi, a.iu.to, . l7k.lt: 4 tv4.taa. . a.piz.jooi. 2 141 . i.(i;k.o . a.zjioio .KJfi.(Xr.. l.l t.a 1.7 20 1 4 0 'ii.i I 10 t ia.i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET: Light Etui of Cattle and Fricei Gen erally Steady. HOGS ACTIVE, BUT FIVE LOWES Pat Sheep aa4 La as ha Aetlve Seller, wrlta Frlm Tea I Tlfteea Higher Tape Hlgheal af Year Dal. WITH bMAHA, March 17. ml. Receipts were: Cattle. riiii fcbeejv Official Monday a 471 4 SM 1 9ti OfOclal Tuesday 7 M 1 T,! Off claJ Wednesday 4 Ml 15.1 a Official Thursday 1511 11. r I c7 Lattmata Friday r40 .4 17 Five days this week... ?".iM .2' 41.1.4 ftame davs last week... r rl 44 ftvl -2--l Same day 1 weeks sgo.. 17. 78 47.2t7 lvll Pama days 1 weeks ago.. 1 m 4.71 12 121 Same day 4 weeka ago..2S.ll 4'.r Sl.4 Sara days laat year... .20,66 41.471 16.28 Tha foiioaing table ahoaa the receipta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, a compared with last vaar: lilt 11 Inc. Cat t la ?4 47 171 OS ".41 Hogs f.22 0'4 4-71 2S0M Sheep les.Uol lli.Sn 70.04 The following table shows the range of prloe on hogs at fkiuth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons; .'... t)4 K ti 21 41 Ml 143 IZI14 1 tl M-4 !: in "4 i 70 Si s 7 14 in MY. IM 1 UHi llHl rVranton Birmingham Jacksonville, Fla tiklahoma City . Syracuse Augusta. Cta Worcester EvansvUle Ppringflald. Mass Payton Portland. Me .... Wheeling. W. Little Rock . Charleston ... Knoxville Chattanooga Uncoln Davenport ... Wilmington Mobile Wilkeebarre Kalarnasoo .. Sacramento . Topeka Cedar Rapids Macon ..., .... 17.6,. .j. l.,. 6.8, r .6 . a:;!., 2.7:. 4.8 . si:. 13.4 . T.S . Va... Del 1 Pall River I v, ft. Lowla Ceaeral Market. 8T. LOflS. March 17.-WHEAT-Futurs weak; May, et'-Sc. July, BTSc; cash steady; track, No 1 red. KrtHuc; No. 2 hard. Kvic tX)RN Firm; May. 4c; July. 4S4M'o; cash strong; track. No. 2, 47c; No. 2 white. 44WW47SC. OATS Higher: May. amc; July. 3V; rah firm; track. No. 1, He; No. 2 whit. R Y K Higher at tic. FLOrfl Hull and weak; red winter pat ents. l4.aKu4.H6; extra fancy and stral.ht. 23 7i i4 ID; hard winter eleara, ti iOtJ3 40. SKI I Timothy, l iiv..T0. H RAN Firm; Backed east track. Lfr4J l.f. HAT Steady: timothy. 111.006 lMr. prairie, an .n ii.v rRUVIslONb-pork, uncnangea; jobbing 117.75. Ijird. weak: prime steam, t 7Zj i.Tinv Iry salt mes la. unchanged; boxed extra shorts, r're: clear riba. Wc: short ckr. ic. Bacon, unchanged: boxed ex Ira short. 10c; clear ribs, lOSc; short clears. ltrV. Pfl'LTRT Firm: chickens, 12Se; springs. lie: turkeys. l.lVu 14e: ducks, 16c: geese, Sc RCTTER eteady; creamery, LrS-c. FAKJ Steady at Writ. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 7.40 Wheat, bu OiO 24 (0 Corn, bu SI VO 13 Oats, bu S.(J0 ,0lO Kaaaaa (Ur Crala aaa Prwvlaiaaa. KANSAS CITT. March 17. W'HKAT May. IKi'ec. bid; July. qMc. sellers; cash unchanged; No. 2 hard. 11i'!"Sc: No. 3. si Me: No 1 red. er.tiiHc: No. a rijjiec, CORN Mav. 4;";4M bid: July. 4S"f Wic sellers; cash 9lc lower; No. t mixed. iavra'.Hc; o. a. 4ti4c, na. 1 wnite. -rw aVc: Na. 1. 44144. OATS Cnchanmed: No. t white. Cgaic; No 1 mixed. JjT1c. RVlNo. 1. 7:.i7!ir. II AT I'nchanaed : choice timothy. 111 08; choice prairie. L2 0fkal2 2i. itecelpta. Shipments Wheat, bu U.OO 42 Corn, bu a.0 li.iw Oal. bu o l.ui0 ILK M L- LW4 1 4-'Mj s i:w ila i X4 . lt7Vi 114 1 14 lllv 144 2J 147 M 47 irv nv, 14 v 41V, . TS a.wo 1.I0 1 'i.ifli a I441 U';i KSl "ii'i 141 u 144 iww 'ii4 l0k aa.m) itiv 1H14 tr M IK) PO D0 rt 'tiv. u 4714 its 24 '41, II IT itai 24s 1C U I'M 14.40 100 7ne 14 ei M0 't.'lOO , " "fin ""ana aos w Ma ITS' 1 ' 77 -4 111 44 'r.'i n n , 17W II '41s w 111 ' "l7 'iiii 71 Mllwaake firala Market. MILWAI KCE, W la., March 17.-FLOUR at a ad y WHEAT No. 1 nortlrn. T Oft 1.01; No. 2 northern. trtVerWV : May, WSc. (IA7S-Sandaid, UMyc. BARLK V tamplea. avefi 11.01. ' Caltaa Market. LlVKRl'OOU March 17 The arm the weea.iv oiiii'n aiaiianca. I kir.Ja following 1m porta. American. M . K. A T. HA... Miaaearl Pacific ... Nallonsl Blacnlt .. National Lead N. R. R. at U. Id New York Central. N. T , 0. ' Nertolk A Weatarn. North American Northern Paelfte Paeirv Mali PannaylTania Peoaie'a Oas P.. C. C. . L. Pltlskurg Coal Praaaad Sfaa4 Car ....... Pullman Taiei Car Hallway steel spring Reading JVepvbtte Steel Revenue reaal sis Rotk laasnd Co Hock lalend Ce. prl BU U A B. F M .... M. Unla S W s. L. A W. pM ..... kloas-kkefflall g. A I... Hot' Ham Parlflc Southern Railaay go. Hallway pfd Tennaaaas Onrr Tvxaa A Facine T.. L U A W T . St. L A W . Pt Vnloo Psclfla t'niow Pacirle ptd fnlted Stales Realty I nlted latates Rutr t'niteg Stataa Steal r. a. gied ptd ttah Capper. e-dlv Va -Carolina CAamlaal .. Wasaah '' Wabash p'4 W-astarn alary lead Weetingbouae tlactrla Western I nil Wsaellni A I VallaV Tetal aalea lor ue say. 4w Yark Meaey Sartet. NEW TORK. March K.-MONET-On rail IftJH per cent; ruling rate. 2S Pr cent: closing bid. 2A, per cant; offered at 2V per cent. , . , , TIM B LOANS Easy, with no demand; on .a Iaj4-4k per cent; days. 2A,t,2 ner cent- aix neontha, 131 Pr cent PRIMB MERCANTILE PAPER 44V sVkRLINCI EXCHANGC Flrntw , with actual burtne. la bl "Vatlr 4Ml for v-dy bills and at 14 KIA for "orMMERClAL BILI.rW,al. SILVER Bar. Mc; Mexican dollar 46c. BONDiiovenrnnt steady; railroad. Irreisklar. , Closing quotatlotui on bonds today wer a a folloWS : ...-inw iil m. m. aaa a-a ....!: Jaeao 4a Kk k do 4S M is K. c. ia i aa n lla4 U S. ee. 4a 1ML... sl'a Ilia L A N. sal. 4a at a l.... T74 M K. A T. 1st 4a.. 1 la 4o ran 4a K s...ltl"V 'Mo. rsain 4a 17, Ml N R R of 11 4is. K 17 N T. C g. la.... M iUhlaoa ran 4a r H. Y . N. H. A H. So eT 4a ! W ! V, . . A W Ut .. 4S. s. a. C L 1st 4a rr. am 14, aTl. A Okie 4. f- 4a s itv w "a;::::"'- r-j g- - ? Youngstown New Bedford Springfield. Ill Fort Wayna .. Canton. O..;... Sioux Falls ... Akron Helena Columbia. Lexington Fargo, N. Krle. Pa Rockford. Quincy, 111 Ploomington, 111 Chester. Pa .... Springfield. O :.: S. C. V.'.'.'.. ! 17JS 1 South Bend, Ind . M4 Lowell !" I Jackson. Miss .... 14 I Ling ham ton !!., I Decatur. 1 ?! , lanaflald O Fremont, Neb .... Vicksburg. Miss . Jacksonville, 111.. Tork. Pa Waterloo, la Houston Qalveton lr 171 17: K4. O'l 1MH n "4 40 11 a 114 HI !' Si 14 17414 tl 7 77w lit-, 43 w V'W HV 7i, 4w an, 71- 171 ,... t.0i.. 2 ,.0: 2. fan ( .. 5.646.(i 2.416.(ii, 2;ZW .. 2.K..1.00 .. 2. 230,0 ( 2 H.OO , 2.J7.'.' 2.1,4Tl,(aTnl., 101 5.00 a!., l.S"Tf..0 LMV(i .. l.'.O0 Lia.oiw: . l.TT.OiO: l.ir,.iO 1.7oJ.flf' ., 1 4f.l no I l.i3,tM' 1 1.42.tkiw I!."' 1.57H.0O1 2.0; 7;6.niO; I 1.4MWX) 22 1 l.Mu.Otar i.mr; 3.12S.' 1.072.0IO 1.104.01 ; 1M7 Oixr 1 2!.0i i.on.oo l.OM.fliOi LliS.OOl pa.oioi HJ.OO' 20.1 SJ7.0.a L2f.otW 434.0O, 912WO S49.0IO, (.i.rtO 740 .: 721.001 G-"7.0i'! 63S.0CO, ;,! mi M2.0 t.oix; 406.WO'.. 4,0lOt.. 117.001.. Itai.OlO... 1,1. 0 ma .':' .us.onoi .7S4.0- IJ.780.0'0: 21.1 .1 11 1.1 'if..'i 14 4 14.4 'Hi 10 2 5 4 0 5.1 a. 22 2 1.1 14 iiii '; Dates. I Ull. lSl.ilSaa.!l3.ilir7.19( ll-- Mar. a...i a am 1 ski a wi a 4 a 821 a 11 a II.. i'. I a -,1. ia . 1 ni 1 w a I g 111 4 xa. Mar. 11 . g na ia tri 1 aat 4 341 a 7!l I 4 sa Viae 11 I a '.a OTI a .o 4 VA' 4 SAI g 01 " .a.. - tiw ai i v i ' - . - ., . aa Mar. 13..14M 1 a i g 47; 4 Ti 121 Mar. 14.. I a rVie 84' I 4 461 a W a 11 4 U Mar IK I t anu. iA .7 aft! a I I Ull I Ml I si Mar. 14.II7I 10 ar.i a M! 4 4RI 4 4 071 4 M Mar. 17.. 47 !10 li, 1 ii 4 741 1 a U! 4 w 14.4L .. J. 2. a. i i . S.2.. 16. . I 2-4.! . !.'. 11. 7.1 'ir'a 8.T 21. i 7.4 4 2 21.1 14 Sunday. Receipta and dlro't1on of le stocfc at the t'nion Stock Tarda. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I p. bv, I" terday; RECEIPT. Cattle Hogs Sheep HTs. C. M. A SL r Wabash Missouri Pacific... I'nlon Pacific C. N". W.. eaat... C. St N. W . weft. C, SL P., M A O. C., B Q. eaat ... C. B. dk Q., wast.... C. R. I. & P., east C. U, I. A P.. wet. Total receipts DIS POfclTlO! Cattle. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Murphy w. B. Van Sant Stephens Bros , F. B. Lewis , Huston Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla McCreary A Carey.. l!4. Wertheimcr H. F. Hamilton Rothschild It Krebs Mo. A Kan. Calf Co other buyer 2 ,4 1 1 12 S 1 .2 1 , 7 43 2 ,5 I 1 2 , 4 24 4 1 1 , SS 14 11 1 Hoea. Sheen A Co. 6.2 .. 5.2 .. ? 0 .. :i.. 27 4 1.7 Totals iM m1 f 21 l.7 )$ 4.716 Ml 2.61i 27 14 14S 11 22 104 .CK 11.541 2.1 light IM Ml 47.6, 1 19.2 6.8l .2 I -7 .Si 2-4i 12.2 8.0 li.8 1 40.4 . I 11.1 18 22. 4.1 14.4 1S.1 .6 it a Not Included In totals because containing 01 her Items than clearings. CATTLE Reoelpts of cattls were even for a Friday, only thirty-seven cars being reported In. which leaves the total lor me live days at 2U.HU0 head, as against 22.500 laat week and 21. o a year ago. On account of the receipta being so lignt the market was without any very new or in tereetinsr features. Beef steers were In fair demand and with so few In sight changed hands very readily at steady prices. Prettv deoant cattle sold up to eo.00, out there was nothing like the choice cattle here vesterday to make a top. Cowa and heifers were In fair demand and they, too. sold early in the morning In about tha earn a notches as yesteraay There wer very lew feeders or stock cattle here and the market was without any material chanse. ouotationa ou cattle: Oood to choice beef steers. 86.0066.35: fair to good, beef ateers, fc.7oftuO; common to fair beat steer. 86 ;: ?; good to choic cows and heifer, t4.7ve4.f4): fair to good cowa aad belters, 14 X4 70; common to fair eaws and helfe.-a. 11 .264a4.30: good to choic atook crs SDd feedera. 8.0tf 0; fair to good Blockers and feedera. 8o 0a SO. common ta fair Blockers and feeders. 84 30tJi Ou; stock belters. Vi-.iU): veal causa. a4.wo-sv; bulls, stags, etc. 84 0SV2h, Representative sales- BEE BT-SR8. V. a. ref is. r as eoapoa ... V. a. Sa. rag... to eoapoa ... C- 4. 4a. rag.., ao rowpoa . .. gllia-Caal- lat Am. Ag aa... a T. A T. ev am. Tooaoco da s Lasdaa Stock Market. LONDON, March 17. American securities opened dull and a fraction below partly today. During the first hour price re covered on covering and at noon were abut unchanged from yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Oneola. money to" LoaUrtilla A Kaak...l4 as aaroant II l it Ma.. Kan. A Teua.. MS Amal. C'ippar fc Nra Terk ntral..lloi Anaconda 7', Norfolk A Western.. lot a Atchiaou Hi' a do ptd i do pfd ma Ontario A Western.. 4?s Baltimore A Ohlo...l'ia Panniylvanla Canadian Partflr 171 Kand Mines Cbesapeake a Ottle (Til Ot Western.. Chi , Mil. A St. P Da 144. Readme . ri goutfiern Railway Izl do pld . la Southern paelfie . . ti t'nion Paciria .... . 71 de pfd . V. g. Steal . da pld . i Wabaan . da pit .lf GnaAlata 4a steady at 24 .. 'S .. sm. .. .. ..llw ..174 Uen.ar A Rie G . de ptd Brie do 1st ptd- 4 14 pld Grand Trunk Uliaola Cenual ... SILVER Bar. ounce. MONET 2"4til4 per cerrt. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2S'j2H K' cent; for three months' bills, 272 per cent. 16d 7V .lt2 17w . w . Ml per f4 W0 bales: tnipvrts. ikO. stock an kinds, sum a, American. 1.174 i: Amrrlcan forwarded. 3 a.aj- total eiyoita, lu.aai. .SkiW 1 OKA, Marcu I,. COTTON Spot, closed quiet, nixidilng uplanda. H60C; middling gulf. 14c: aaiea, 7v-l baiea ST. LOl li. March 17 cTrTTON Cn changed. middling. 14 ac; no sales; receipts. I:C, bales, ahipmeuta. 2,177 ba.ea; stock. tt 12 bales. New Tork cotton market as furclshad by Lc-gaA A Bryan, member New Vara cuttua xcr.ange. II. south Sixteenth atreel. Omaba. Prook- Tr. ...!"' do i W"a Pre dir. a gen. a m bl u a a p. .taa ee gaa. Is.... U aa . Pac cat t4 ila aa... ra. Laalhar as ao of N I k U -,aa A Ohio 4a cnTraan A A. IHe ... . '' la gold 4a. C A J 11 J 4 aaa. ....... J; r lf I , P.'s. 4a. 71 do lad ref "ta": C ' Vi a, i -SO. Kallay la.... Mia as... .. A a 4S. r. aa ,, . "4 de lat A ref a O as a T. g Habeer 4a. &a aivi t . a aiaal sa as. CVia r A t r P A B. an A K do ref .10fV, k" a T4 - H4 . 7.W. . 1 - '4 . VI 7, . Sa 17 . T7 .1' .1 W4 Lax-aJ geearltlea. Quotatlona furnished by Burn. Blinker A Co.. 44 New Omaha National bank building. Bid. Aaked Beatrice Creamery p;a Burroufbe Addlns Marktne Benauo aVAool Llitnct aa, 1W0 Columbua. Nab.. K. U aa. IKt Cleveland Railway ta. mi C . M. A S. P. Ry. Co. as. IMS lalnnont Craamery 1st t 4 par rent. Iowa Portland Cvmeat let mta. aa.... Kanaaa Oiy R L Sa. ml k. C. Id. A O. 4a. ISil. bonaa Live Stock Nat. bank, geatk Omik.. Met St. Ry. K. C aa. Itll Omaba glactrtc Llakt ptd Omaba Kievatae atock Omaha Coantry Clak aa. Ull Omaka Water la. 1MI Onoaea A C. B SI. Ry as. U2I Omaha A C. . PC Ry. ptd 1 P. a.... Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B Paciric T. A T. aa. lsal Saendan Coal Ca giuai City Talepkona Sa Purty Mosataia ball Phone I Trl-i ate Lan4 Ca pfd as auaaa..... . Trl-Clty Ry. A U la I nloa Saw a lara No. I 4 I a 14 11 1 1... I ... 1.... a.... a.... a.... t.... ii.... x.... i ... i.... la.... ii ... ... l... a... i.... i ... a.... i.... i l... l.... I ... 4.... 1. .. . II ... 1 ... 1.... 1.... 1.... a.... Av. .... M Kll 71 .... 4)1 1077 .... Mi ... .101 ...Aim ...l ... o ...rAT? .... ....1100 ....1"44 ....11M Pr. I Ii I IS a M I M I 4 a an I 4 a re I ts I 4 B I SO 4 it, 4 K 4 40 4 U 4 M 4 65 4 an 4 4S Na. a... .... J4... IS... 14 .. U... 1... COWS, Aa ....1111 irxt ....ISM ....171 nu 1041 ,...14a4 Pa. a to i i lie 4 e 4 e a u 4.. a. ii... i... n... it... 14... 1 .. I... 1... 1... 7. 10'. Kit 1114 11(4 1(T7 1IJ4 l'4 ...1140 ...12 SCI 474 1 V kS4 iro 714 14W law r.i 174 ltd f 114 lw 4 1st HEIFFRi. 4 an 4 4 aa BULLS. 4 45 4 70 4 70 4 74 4 'I 4 ao 4 45 4 an 4 1 o I oo I OS as r as tax 41 ys ... 47a Tl 7 . 44 ... 4 Tfl ti it: a 1 at at ... 4 to 4" r4 . . 4 as ti rat ... 4 7 r aa tt tr ... 47 J ro ... ej K ni ... 1 ra i 4 ... 4 44 " ... 4 7 74 . . I 45 44 V-4 ... 4 7 74 ti- SO 4 44 4 I I ... 4 tti, 40 II III IV Tt II ... a 77,, M rt ... I 45 ! ... I 71 11 1 sa i at 1H ... I rt - s) t at 41 P ... in at in . . 4 as m lat ta I rt tj re as 4 as sa r ... 4 n ti i ... 4 at e. 11 ... 1 Tt 41 It4 ... I 71 Ut ... I 74 4 P-1 ... 4 a 74 M . I 74 4 aa k IS tl 1 ... 4 71 41 Set ... 4 4k S6 let ... 4 Tt 14 1-1 ... 4 46 71 1.1 ... 4 71 SO n 44 I U SO. Ml ... 175 74. n ... it tr ra ... a Tt Kl ... I at 71 M ... 4 71 a ra ae 1 44 ti rt ... 1 Tt la trt ao 1 sis m iu ... 4 H 44 tm ... aat 14 Sal ... 4 T7, X) 14 Big 70 114 ... I SO STAGS. 4 477 414 I 74 SHEEP Stimulated by very" light run of sheep and lam ha the demand for stock hecame brisk and vigorous this morning. Prices In every branch of the trade Bal anced under the Influence cf keener com petition, bulk of offerings selling about f'tisc higher than yesterdays average market. Trading was short-lived, ot course, snd clearance was complete. Lambs wer not very plentiful, but Some choice Mexicans wer available and Bold as high as 16 36. This is not only the high ale of tha week and month, but la also ha ton on full loads for the year thus far. Oood western lambs reached 8620, the general trade showing net advances of l.32Sc as compared with price conditions st last week s close. Shearer oferlngs are quotable at present on much th same basis fair Quality killers and good Bhom lambs, while scarce, would probably move at aW TV, apreads below wooled fat stuff. Assortment of sheen waa vary measwr. but lofty top In ewes waa possible, one band of prim fed westerns selling at 84. . This Is th highest brie oald sine June of laat year, which month produced a 84. op. wethers wer scare aa on most dava lately, but would hardly sell vary much higher than best ewea. Tearllnra. choice and handy, are quota bra tip to KA Most ot tnee rgurna indicate wet advance of 16Q30C for th weak, tha greater Im provement being apparent on offering of c noire quality. Ouotatlona on sheen and lamKa- Clsw fa choice lambs. S low 40: fair to good lambs. 10: handv weia-hr rtarlin.. If, .4 S OS; heavy yeaxllnaa 84 fc T 35 ; good to choice wethera. 84 &o4 ; fair to good wethers. 84 2j4i4.a0: eond to eholra awaa 84 '114.i: fair to good ewes, M 1Kj4 40; sheep culta to feeders. 83.00(1 4.00. Representative aaiea: No. Av. Tr western lambs ai 4 00 IM western ewes 113 4 ( i western ewea 114 4 78 CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARK ITT Demand far -Hag rattle ft trow i Weak Sheep tteady CHICAGO. March 17. CATTLK Re- receipts. Zl.non head: market strong: beeves. 8."..ax.6.sri; Texas steers. a4; western steers, 1-4 TTAi.eO: atock era and feeder. 14 00 tj'S.'ki: cows and heifers. !2.60t6.iM: calves. 86.2t,i4i u. HOOS- Receipt. 23.000 head: market weak, generally 4c lower; lights, 169&tr7 20. mixed. Vy 7.T41 7.10; heavy, lb tknn 7.0fi: rough ".rti 7S: good to choice heavy, 37fe7.00; pigs. hSLii.(0; bulk of sales, H.&Ht7.4j Mlfch.P AND LAMBH RecejDts 10 fOO head: market steady: native, -S0Vo6 1i western. 83.2&g5 26: yearlings, HTSkj&C; native lambs, li Jtf SO; w estern, 86.:&6 40. St. Laa I a Live Stock Market. ST. LOCIS. March 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.4U0 head. Including 4t0 Texans; market steady; native, shipping and export neers, 6.,"j7.09; dressed beef and butcher steers, 8j.O'j6.i1, steers under l.Ouo pounds. ee.-v.ane.i3; st ock crs and leeders. 8i7&'a6. cowa and heifers, 84 uuyi.00; cAnners. lil' i s: nuns, b'aD.i). calves. 81 0Cm6.su: Texas and Indian steers. 84.aun4.ao: mil ana neners, at-ooasoo. HOtisi Receipt, ,700 head; market 10 j lie uwer; pigs ana ngnts, Bt.2-a,i 10. packers 8' S.43 at; butchers and best heavy, 3 l.vo. SHEEP AND LAM Receipta, 8.2O0 neaa: market wm&c h irher. native mut tons, 14 710 00; lambs. li.50i. culls and bucks. i2.kvJiaV&i; atockera, a2.4tra.2a. DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Becent ImproTetnent ia Trade is Very Slow During- Week. IHOS AST) STEEL RETORTS GOOD erg laaeervatlv Tradlag le Re Bor4ral la Ike Primary sal heo salary Dry tiaada Market goat Mills Basy. NEW TORK. March 17 -Dun s Re-4av pf Trade tomorrow will say; ' Recent Improvement In trade Is very slow. Irregularity and conservatism are hlefly In evidence except In iron anu steei In which there la a larger demand tor tructural materials; a more cheerful senti ment regarding pig Iron, and better nnu conditions In finished materiala The volume of transactions Is somewhat under that of last years but Is generally larger han In the preceding quarter wnue nii- esa sentiment Is helped by the nopetui outlook for cropa. Encouraging reports predominate in iron nd steel, notwithstanding that buying of finished materials Is on a slightly reouce't scale. New bookings trt s-arcely up t tn mark established in February, but th mille at mor actively engaged, and II is vldent thst business this month will mass a satisfactory s boa trig From rreaent inaii-atior.s H aeema mi Burn a good sited rail contracts win i received from Canadian railroads. Owing to the sold up condition of the rmns in that country. Inquiries for 25.0.0 tons irom one system alone being noted In domestic market, structural steel la in greater oe mand. although the transporting rom- panles are not buying on a particularly active scale, while construction work on a new batUeabip will require between 8.O1O and 7.0uu tons of hull plates. Verv conaervatlva trading is re port ea In the primary and secondary dry good market, yet aODO mills Bra busy, while ethers, notably cotton mllla, ar being forced to curtail production In a large way. Silks, woolens and worsteds, linens ana some other special lines show business enough to offset the depression manifested In cotton ctrcl. The Improvement In the Shoe trade noted laat week continues and further good sited orders have been placed by Jobbers who ware previously holding out In the hope of concessions. The tone of the prices Is steady. There Is little It any Improve ment In the demand lor leather ami soie Is especially quiet owing to buyers having previously stocked up so heavily In ad vance of their needs on this variety. Tha hide markets are generally quiet. but prices are well maintained on all varieties. Packer hides are especially dull, but the stocks of these are so well sold up for this sesson of the year that prices are easily maintained. HADHTRKEri REVIEW OF TR AUK Koasai City Urt Stack Market. KANSAS CITT. March 17. CATTLE Receipt, SM) bead; no aouthema. marri airway; 1 air 10 gooa, 16 k i ; dressed beef and export steers, 86004 8 SO; western steers, 84.7.'j4 26; stocker and feeder, 84.4 00; southern steers, (4.759 a w; eouincra cows. g3 Bia.z5; native coa t 83 So; native heifera, 84-6004.10; bulls, ev.'viiw.ao , cawvea, pa over, .uu. HOCKS Receipts. 10.O1O head; market 60 lower; bulk of Bales 84 8Ckjj.; heavy, 81 W jes.; paosera and butchera, 8a.SMu- liarnrs. a potp m. bit EE P AMI 14 MBS-Receipt., gtyt) head; market 10Qlia7 higher; laroba, tS.EJ KJ; yearlings, at oXvoo-TTi; wethers, 84 30 eiv; ewea, m e04 ,a; Blocker and feeders, eJumgi.w. SI. Jaaapk Live Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 17. CATTLE Re celpts. bMt head; market steadv; steers, J.'e-u6.&0: rows and heifers, $3,6046.00 calt es. as tru 4 HOC.S Receipta, a.aon head; market 6c lower; top, et ; duik or sales. a. 70u4. ft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,500 head, nutxaet aiow; lauuoa, aa.Cb4i4.3a. 1141 a M 4 4 4 M 4 K 4 14 4 Vt 4 14 4 M 4 U 4 on 4 40 CALVES. 4 B I 76 4 li 1 no a K I 71 T ao 7 J 1.... ...17 ... na ... K ...1MW ...1404 ...la) ... 474 ...iao ... 440 ...1144 ... 1K ... to ... 1st ... 10 ... 145 .... 140 .... IPO 4 at 4 04 4 T 4 T 4 Ti 4 SO I I a u 1 la 7 M 1 60 7 70 7 71 T Tt 7 75 t 71 Slaaek la Slakx. South Omaha... St. Joseph Kansaa City.... St. Louis Chicago Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 00 . 600 . KO . t,40 .21.090 S.fJal S.j(0 10O 7(0 23.000 2.117 1.S00 t. 000 io 10,000 28.4O0 67,8I0 22.V77 44 P0 -I ; 1"1 an IC'4 o4 10a si4 100 S7 SI n o4 M 40 US ta at M-4 I lot re k 04 tt n t7ia at a4, 6t4 aa ' 07 t . ao 04 44 44 at "h 0014 1 SI STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 711 , 414 , 117 . ttl 4 1 a ao a 1 11 15 I I ta a ao a to 41. 11 kt . 4.. to.. 11 7., te7 tett k7 741 JW'T ht4 701 1! 070 a 44 a 4i 1 4a I U I Kl I 54 1 ta a 7t a tt Month. I Open.! High. Low. Close. Tes'y. I sl.r. ...j 14 46 14 C way ... H 14 61 1 .a y ... " '4 44 a..; ... 11 s 11 ,'JC " .... 11 74 1 12 77 14 42 14 U. 14 Is 11 SS U 71 14 42 14 b 14 j: 11 41 u ;i I Iverwaeal lirala Market. Lltt. H a 1. slant 11 v iitwAX St . .. .No. I re4 waaiaaa wiater tt tt.i, : t.rrs eiaav4 . Mart:, SB 14. Ma. 4 Va, .l tiK Btaavly. Aaoartcava anixeo. a. a aa. Aaerv.4MB award. wmI, aa, ti.(raa laa,. aa 44, .oil. as a-aavrlat aarala M write 4. L SUA. Max l7.-4.-OHN La :-.t. ,.'. .N , 4 !'!. V N. .Na 4 leaia, avr, Na. 4 au. taO. 4- a a . a-auaj . .. Na a yet- .Nu- 4 aa-aaa. eov.uv'e, Mi, Aed. ;i Ualatk 4. rati a Market. 1 . I LP, 1 1 Marts 17 - HJ.Af-.N4 1 ww a. 1 'atviaau. xc. Na 1 aertnata. aaaej, May. Mlaaaagaali 4rwla Maikal. k . N N A rVi.a. a.isus. km 17. " f Mat. w Jii. aa -ww "'' . ,,.tj, p. ,kw, taeti, ,N 4 kaia. Dry liwaAe Market. NEW TORK, March 17 The cotton gvtvda market was viuiet today with an arg taudtney noted on aorne iirw-a of d mia-lics. Tama are quiet with prices Ir regular. The local wool markets are dull. Trad With joLnera continues in light vwiuine. h, era taa.ng only aaiall lota for ucnituialt de.lvery. mnlllera- aa tnt p I 4a. a.- sen. 4a ae c. as. ear. A Aa senaa B ....... aoan Kiac rv. I 111 l"Vn la rat In. kUC 4-a.. agis. Oilers. Tt Va.-tr c . Hw Wabaan lat aa . 71 S So lat A at- 4a.. . Western M4 4a... . 40 West. liar. tv. as. i... 147 Wia. (antral 4a... 4a . at aid. Pas. cv. la. .. .... 1 New Tark Hark Market. Tba following quotation are furnished by Logan A Bryan, member of New Tark Stock exchangw. Zli Soutn blxtaanth atreet. Orraha: la Tohaeo 474 Nav. Coas bey glala Oas Pi Keekeuae bait Oualltloa 174, Natada-lUlk t arias 1 Oklo Copper Cain Xl '4 Kaw&ia. cXalttloa Chiat Oona In Ray Central lilt I laTle-Delr 4 Salft Pat. Co .. Va. I Iiy Central 4 aaara-Rbaok Co . . .Wl I Lly Cona . ..Iit Iranklis I, real . Balmool . . 4 Trinity o,.oliid yiorenoa .. rv,nita Copper Oraene Canaaaa ..llltNurUa taa a ., Inepiratfc.a 7 Olievey lavruae 4-t 1 a as - 4 later Market. NFW TORK. March 17 etCOAR -Raw. Btawdy Duatviaiei. a teat, la.-: cantr-.f-waa. !a taal lhl. nvuiaaa.a, as teal, lane; ratinad, steady. Waal Market. T LOC1S. March 17 -WOL I i criarged. terruorv ami westriti tuai'uma. ksjA.'. fine WieUiums. laajlat. tn, IJgle Oaaaha Hay Markel. OM4H March 77 If AT No V. 40; No 2. I.''. baiKlr-g, 1 e a fa 1 fa, II 04 ins; is beat. W . rye. 88 as, aat. 81a. BOtSTON oti nmtt a via Alkaaaa tail. Caveat ail, a Aneiae Com .... aliejnuc b a c. c. a a. k patta Cualltarti ... Cai. A an too a, -ki A Ha CVntanmal Caser knga C. 4 gaat Batia C. M . ranfciia btrvtii Coat. (raaay Cue t.neane Cananaa .. 1. Hoa,a aerr Lass Laaa i ear ... La aaiae t teier at aaal Cupper aa-ait. BU laa CleeataaT Slorka. hi arc k 17. Closing quotations a- l.filoae ... K M.aiaak 41 ... as. .aaa O n 14 ... 1 Ntp aai,4 Mines .... 11 ... 14e North burte n ... 4 a North Late 4 1.. II Old Dominion x . . Kn Claea.ua let .. rarraU A A C IS . Quiacr aa . .. 12 SbaatMa a '.. at a Susarvar M ... UN Si-aanor A B. M 4 ... 0 openur A P C 14 44, e7aflkara,k 41 ... U 1 . 4 4 R, A M ... la 4 U 14 4a pld fs 11 1 it rtaa C JB ! ... 44i a, us ttayper C 41 ... at Wimava ... 4a -i -ansa lit 1N ataak af berataar Stateaaeat. I4KR1JN. March 17. Th weekly at ale -vent af th Imperial Baak f taarauaay aitvwg tha foliawlrig change: Caan rn bawd, lacteaaa, la,. est auaraa; Wana ta- IT el . 1 . 1 . 1 1 1" .144 Bilaar pit I lu 714 SuiTtor A Plltaaarg If, I Tnnoeeb Mining .... 1 4 M 4 I 4 4 a a 4 1 so 4 1 14 HOOS Hog trad received a jolt this morning In the shape of a nickel decline. Reaction was due largely to a fairly lib eral supply, but movement was reasonably active and clearance was made In very good season. Packers bought big bulk of offerings aa usual, shipper calling for fully 10 per cent of receipta on 8eculatlve orders, bpreads were narrow ana rnoice bacon weight sold at recent premiums over lard animals. Long strings, consisting of butcher we-ghis as a rule, went at 16. 6 70. Extra aeavtea and rough packing gradea dropped to 86 60 and lesa Best bacon loada brought aa much as 86. 80. this price being a nickel lower than yesterday's top. Close on all welghta was weak at tba decline. In fact, the close as at the low point of the day, lata aalea In many cases being bjildc lower than yesterday. Taking the lata sale Into account the average market was between 6c and 7c lower than yesterday's average. Liberal receipt this week nave cleared remarkably well on all daya and broad demand ha aiao aarved to keep bearish feelin under control. Right around 60 'JtO I head of hogs arrived sine laat week 0 rluae, preeext prices averaging only lwu lc lower than thoaa of last baturday. Representative aaiea: Dlstrlbatlve Trade Still Qalet. with Bayer Retwralasj Heate. NEW TORK, March 17. Bradstreet s to morrow will say: Irtsiributlve trade Is still quiet, mors so. perhaps, than In recent weeks, becau se visiting buyers hsve returned home to swait Indlcatlona of the trend of spring retail distribution. The latter branch of trade haa been In turn checked by a cool snap which overspread a large area of tha weat and north and whicn. wnue not sufficient to stimulate demand fo' efl over winter goods, has operated to retard busi ness for spring wear. Of tha leading line of wearing apparatus. perhapa. most activity, largely at whole sale, has been In mlillnery. In which th tone Is really optimistic. Staple dry goods have sold fairly well and the tariff un certainties are a check to free buying. There is a feeling in the wholesale cotton goods trade, however, that the line of re sistance to lower prices has now been reached and this 14 fortified by the closing down or curtailment of operation by many mills, north and south. Collections ar irregular, ranging from fair to alow. In the Industries the features ar A rather lees eager movement to buy iron and steel, but against this a larger capacity employed in furanre and mill than for many months. Buying continues con servative, tha railways purchasing In a cautious way and the higher prices ce manded for pig Iron have apparently super Induced something of a lull in that market. At the same time export trade In ate products promise to continue of goodly proportions. Building trada preparations ar not uniform at all renters and de crease about offset Increases ss compared with A year ago. with marked dullness noted at tha metropolis. Building materiala still lag at markets where past activity has been noted at this tvitson. Business failures In the I nlted Pistes for the week ending March 16 were 2.M. against 27)0 hist week and 201 in the like week of U10. ZA In 1309, in 1W8 and Li7 In 1107. Business failures In Cns1a for the week number 27. compared with 40 last week and 2o In the like week of 110. , OMAHA WBOLEIALE PRICES. Cat fea Market. NEW TORK. March 17. TOFTEE-Fu tures opened s'eady at an advance of 29 points in rest-onse to steady European markets Trading was quiet, but there was some covering by local shorts and a little scattering demand which appeared to Inypired by reports of steady firm offerings from Brazil and talk of a rather better spot demand from the Interior, on which price Improved slightly ourtng the day. The close waa steady at a net gain of fcigrla points. Sales, 22.260 bags; March, April and May, 10.56c; June. 10.63c; July. 10tc; Auguat. 10.37c; September, 1026c: October. 10.05c; November, 10.10c; December and January. t.Hc; February, sic. Havre waa franc higher. Hamburg waa pfg. higher. Rio, 50 rels higher at 78426; feantue, unchanged; 4s 617;a; 7s 61J00. Receipts at tha two Brazilian purl. l.Ouu bag a. against 14. 40 laat year. Jundiahy reran pi. l,44j bags, aaiiiat 4.4AO laat year. New 'crk aire house deliveries yesterday, 7,244 bags, against 1".42 bags last year. Brazilian exchange on London l'.a 1-16.1. Spot coffa. steady: 1'Jo. No. 7. l-'Sc; Santo. No. 4, ViSc Mild quiet; Cordova, 13uli4c, nominal. Neve Tark Mintage Slack. NEW TORK. March 17 Cloalng quota tlona on mining stock a were: A lira L auitla Chlet . 'a.m. Tutiual atock. la kfetian 4o bonaa 11 Ontario Con. Cal. A Va W tHkir Horn sitter 14 :-tjard Ira tiltar 14 T alius- Jacket Laetrile Cta 14 , cler4- .. a .1.4 ..la .1,4 ..It .. Baak Clearing. OMAHA. March 17 Bank oetarlnga for today ware 8-.aeB.671 .74. and fur ir.e corre sponding dais laat year 8a.ae4.3ut Z2. Na. 11.... 41 ... aa. ... 44... 51.... 41 11... 17 ... . aa. sa. ft. rt ia Ttrprallar tad Reala. SAVANNAH. Ga. March 17 -TCTCTEN-T1NE Firm at 8bc: aaiea. M bbla ; receipta. 81 bbls.; shipmanis, XJa bbla; stock, L271 bbla ROSIN Firm; aalea, RTo bWa ; receipta. Ail bbl.; shipment. l,s."o bbis.; aloefca, iA.l bbia (juolatlotia: U, 87 aa; D. 87 Bit. A. 8K 0O. E. 8a 4Vi4 U2-; F. Is 06; G, 8a.74r pt: H. 8"kiU. F, ta lr-awa 80; k. 8a la 4xS: N, 8t &v 27t.; W. O.. 8 ; W. W., 8.1 aYwASa. .1:1 . l .zau ..tvi . r . 2i .it . ltd . it: .Tl ..'.it . IM . rt ..let . 1'4 . a ..1st . Sxi . i5 ..Nt . Swl .1.4 .144 ..lal ..171 .: . 24 ..tat 17 4i . .! . tkl ..tt .1.1 ,.h 144 I 44 4 44 4 eo 4 W a a- ... IW aa 4 aa M 144 ... 4 40 ... 4 4 ... 4 47 ... Iki . . 4 t. 44 4 :- SO 4 4i ... 4 a ... 4 41 ISO 4 44 Us 4 ... 4 4. N 16 ... 4 44 ... 4 i M I ti ... 4 41 ... 4 44 ... 4 46 ... 4 4a ... I a. ... 4 14 44 4 at ... 4 4a ... 4 ti ... 4 44 ... 4 ... 4 41 ... 4 4. 44 4 at. It 4 44 No. eV... 47... 41... 41... 71... 44 .. 41. .. 70 .. a. aa 4.. Ta Tl. a-. 44. ,t 14 541. 41 rt 64 u 74 il 70 t 74 41. at 41. tl ... L ....444 ....x:7 ...141 . .. M ....ttrr asr ... i ii ... i.t ...JP4 t--l ... U 14 ... rnr taa 144 Ua . Ml m .14. lio 1.4 etl .114 la it 141 :tt ia h 1 kvi vt Sk. Pr. is Ik at 4 41 tv 4 14 ... 4 4i ... 4 41 ... 4 ti ... 4 4a ... 4 41 ... 444 44 4 44 ... 4 ta ' ... 4 ai 44 4 44 Ud 4 i;ta 6 In, at) a 17, ... an 44 4 47 ... a to ... 4 Pt ... a n ... a re ... a h ... I Tt 64 4 74 ... 4 14 ... 4 7 ... 4 Pt ... 4 7 tt 4 7s ... a Its) 4 M ... 4 TO ... 4 10 ... 4 74 ... 4 74 44 4 70 . . I 74 ... a m Metal Market. NEW TORK. March 17 Standard cop per, weak-, spot, March, April. May and June, 311 Htaffj 11 W. London market steady; spot. LiA lis kd : futures, t'Ja te 3d. Ar rivals reported at New Tork today. 7f5 tons Custom house returns show exports of 12.1K tons so far this month. Local dealers report a somewhat steadier feeling in the street market. lake copper. 812 601J 12 6'iS: electrolytic. $12.2711 12 50. and catt ing ti:ty.yl2 3. Tin. quiet and firm; spot, 8 ?6.Vaifc; March. 8(6 kfejoAOO; April, 1 75 rtSs W; May. 1 Mh 7S. and June, 8 tfr 3' 6". Mondon market steady: apot. C177: futures, 174 10a Iad. dull, 84 4Utf4..H0 V .. V.rlc U 771.. I7.,l fit lola 'London, 31 2t 6d Spelter, weak. 1;. 6J 60 New York; 8.:..S;i6 4:"-i East St. Louis. Ixindon. 23. Antimony, duli Cook eon' a. aait'fivao Iron. Cleveland warrants. 47c lOd In Uindon. Locally Iron waa steady. No. 1 foundry northern. 815 li-ii 14 26; No. 1 northern, No. 1 northern and No. 1 aouth ern soft 111 .'lUti 16.41. ST. LOVIS. March 17 M ETALS rad, dull: 64 22l sellers. Spelter, lower; 86 41 sellers. PHIIJtDFLPHIA. March 17 BITTER Steady; extra western creamery, 2m:; nearby prints. c. KiJi Steady ; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free case. l:x at mark; current receipts, free cases, lac. at mark; weatem firsts, free cases, lac. at mark; current receipta. free raatai. lc. at mark. CHKFSK Steady: fancy, lltilSc; fair to good. 1'J 12lc. laaparta sad Etaerla, NEW TORK. March 17. Import of mer chandlae and dry gooda at New York for the aerk endmg March 11 wer valued at 8l7.6&8.2iL ttalidlag Peru It a. Fred Rauber. 1-K4 South E.ghth street, frame dwelling, 82 iJO: I rAaiemo. Kourtn aad Win. an: street, addition. 81 tkO: 1 balerno. Founn and William, addition, ll ouu. Kaih ! erlne O Polcar. Ml Washington street, I frame dw.tiing. 8?..'A, Hastings A Heydrn. U1 btiuth Tarnty-first street, frame dwell ing: Hastings A Heyden. li bcutk Twen ty -Erst sirert, s2.aAI. BtTTTFR Creamery, No. I. delivered to th retail trade in 1-lb cartona, 2,'c; No. 1 In BO-lb. tuba, 26c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartona, 24c; packing atock, solid pack. 14c; dairy. In 4-lb. tubs, 16)17c.. Market change every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, UV&lc; Toting Ameri cas, Is'tc. daisies. 16'ytylic; triplets. Utt 16c; llmberger, lac; No. 1 brick, l4c; Im ported Swiss, 22c; domestic Swiss, Z2c; block bwlsa. Uc. PoULTRT Dressed broilers, under i lb., 86 per dot.; hens, 16c; cocks, 11c; ducks, Ik; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dot.. 8120; homer squabs, per do. 84 00; fancy squabs, per dos , 8160; No. 1. per do., 814VO. Allva: Broiler. 16c; smooth lege, 10o; hens, 11 He; stags. He; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered. Ltc; geeae, full feathered, c, turkeys, 17c; guinea fowls, 26c each; pigeons, per dos.. sue; homer, per do. 8300; squabs, No. L per dot., L6v; No. 2. per dot., uoc; capons, over 8 lbs., 14a; old turkeys. 17c FISH tall froxrrn) Pickerel, 7c; white, 11c; pike. e; trout. Uc; large crappte. 12tlc; Spanlah mackerel. Uro; eel, lac; haddock, 19c; flounders. Lc; green catfiah, 2nc; rue t had. 31 each, shode roe, per pair, 4Uc; frog legs, par dos., sue; salmon. 11c; halibut, Ion; herring, sc. BEEF CCTS-No. 1 ribs, 14c: !o. t 12c; No. 3, Skc; No. 1 loin. 14c; No. I, ltc; No. 2, lie; No. 1 chuck. Jdjc; No. 2. 1c; No. 1. 7c, No. 1 round. 8Vc; No. 2, 41c: No. j, tc. No. 1 plat. 6wc; No. I. 61c, No. A 6vc FRCrTS Apple. (Colorado extra fancy U. Twig, per foil bu. box, 8160; Washington extra fancy Wlnesap, W-112 s.xes, per hu., 8176; 164V176 alios, per box. 8160, Viaablng ton Mo. I'ippins, 4'4 tier, per box, 81 a4; Washington Red-cheek Pippins, 64-4-eV-uj Blxe. per box. 8180; Washington Ganos, per box. 82.26; Ben Davie, per box,- .air. Banana, fancy eeiect, per bunch. 8 4? I tu Jumbo, bunch. U. 552 16. Da lea. Anchor brand, new, a 1-lb. page, la boxes, per box, t tit; bulk In 70-1 u. boxea. per 10. aAac Figs, new California, K' a-OA pkga.. 8100; Turklah, 7-crown. per lb., lie; k crown. per tb . 14c; 4-cron. per lb.. 11c. Grape fruit, Florida, 46-644-40 slxea, per boa. 84 00. Lemons, Llmunetra brand, ex tra fancy. 3uu-lA) al, per box. ItiL,; fancy, auO-360 aise. per box, H7i; 844 aia. Sue per box lea. Oranges. linalia Red lands navels. 60-S6 slaes. per box. lilaj; ij slsa, Pr bo. IX W, Lai six, per box, 81 av. 174 and smaller slxee. U ou, choice aaveta. bs-u4 site. e2 7; 160 and amallar aitea li '.6. Pears, cainoruia vt inter sollls, par box, 82-76- strawberriea, Luuaiana, par it pint case, 874- MISt-'LLLAN EOt 8 Almonds, California S4.fl aheil. Pr lb., ltc; in aack iota, lc Ice. Brastl nut, per lb.. Ha, in Back lot, lo r8a, Coooanuta, par sack, a6.su, per dos.. auu. Filberts, per lb., ltc, in aack iota, lo la- Hlckorynut. large, per lb., 6c; ainait. per lb., sc. LeanuLs. roaaiad, per lb., tc; raw, par lb., 6c- pecans, large, par lb. 16c; In sac lots, lc leas. Wainuts, blaca. par lb. I've California, per lb., lc; ut aack lots, io lesa. Cider, Near Turk, Mutt a per bbl , 8u..a. Hint), liew. 24 frames, alia, VLGETABLhBV-Leatia. string and wax. par tamper, 81 6u4 ao. beet, per bu., Joe Cabbage. Wisconsin, per lb., lrs. carrot, per bu.. 76c Celery, California Jumbo, per dos. bunches, aba. Cucumbers, hut houee. IS and 1 do ia box, pas- do. 8.28. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per do., Ii uu uariau. extra fancy. Wit. per lb., lc. Lett uca. xtra fancy leaf, per dua., 46a. Oulona, low a. red and yellow, per lb . l c. Indian wh.ta, per lb., tc; Spanish, per crala 11. w. oa,at seta, white. lr bu . U Hi. 11 ii. yetiuar, rr bu., ti lla., 11 W; red. per bu-. U lia., iA Parsley, fancy aoulhera, per doa bunches, evjjouC- paranipa. per bu., 2ac ru tatoea. Early ihlo aeei, la aack a. par bu . 11 ou, Geoulna Red Riter E. otilo seed., per bu., 81 , Ioa and Wiaconaia. ttu.ia auack, per bu., Colorado, par bu. sue. Ruiabagoa. per lb., lUc. ttweet pota toe. Kansaa per bbl., 8-; 00. '.miatc.ea t lor Id a per e-oaaket crala I at i Turn i pa. per bu . 7-c Look Over aba Field Tha aucceaaf ui biiai ness Biat Is tha one who advenlsea wiaelv. The experienced adtreitiser ua Trie Bv.