Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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Stae i FtM X.
ITM Tatil Free Ryan Jewe'ry C
a, aUarwrta rtxtaraa, Barge
Ttw, niilUf.
Flaa Si Urn rTc VWt SImhI,
M cash. Iefferts B Jewelry ftore,
PrMtvtr, btwi Fasti aad Mats rtreeta,
CrrodI Bluffs.
ruim eg auer4 Bardiak Th tin
Inl of Richard Burdisa. Jr.. win b held
Bond ay after nww at 2 dock frcra tin
rwsldeeje. Its) Flnkney street.
TV laatan IteTtag Ml iMi UtNt
atioo ha noved to ra new qurlprt n
the Daug'.as fclk, kith and Dodg. and is
rulj la make loans to bora biti;4rm.
M sal Meney- U th landlord's pref.t.
Bart a urtei aocouat with Neb. Savings
Lean Asa a. la provide a f And to buy a
le Famnm r"t
ran aYraataeV Th following di
wer granted la district t-ou-t
Thursday: Fred J. I -avi. from tram M
Iwvla. PbMb Steward r.-.r W. A. Stew
ard. Mrt. Me a ard was given Ilk ali
mony and tb custody of the two chiidra.
Itv Unit Itraet lun Armud Pet-
Friday Jet a cortract to the Ras-
-K) hi C6otrwilo company f -T
.T m. u-iuirr pressed brick
bulging at gutwmb and Locum
Tb buiidu.g-will cot Si.. Th
ooeartructioa bompnny is working on
a atxr huialng ax S-obu) ler, Neb., for th
Magi City Realty com; any cf South
Omiht, ta e--t SUM.
Beajor lutrt partnr PwUya
lltjor William Lawicr, wn was called
from tb philippinea to succeed Major
Omar Bandy as Inspector general of th
I-epartmeiit of tb Mneaourl. has been de
taued t temporary duty In tb tntpector
general a office at Washington. This turn
will deiay Major Bundy's degiartur from
bar to become Inspector general of tb
Ifpartmat of Dakota, with headquarter
at ft- FaaL
Braaa Tkiavaa Batacd lmbrt
Baker and Cfcarle i. Smith p.eaded ruUty
to a charge of breaking and entering be
fora Judge Eater. Friday morning aad re
ceived ats muoths eacb ta U. couaty aiL
Tb aeo brok tsto th garac f CbarVes
rXoowaltar at tU Soutb T'fT.h atrart oa
tb saornlng ot Jaauary 26. sualiag a quia
tity of brasa Tby rtol tb braaa, arer
arreated asd bound over In poltc court
wttfcta tb apac of three boura.
Time to let us
tb arec
Coroner! Jury Tinit Jtobrly Acti La
Self Defenie.
Ptaaai aat O at
I'alJIawea by Kllltaa- af
wtlh Gaa Wftiea be F
reet Ttadarl
Twenty-Three Federal
Grand Jurors Drawn
By the Commissioner
Geo ix TLIdea ud Diitrict Clerk IL C
Hoyt Same Bi Lilt, witi
Srea Alterattet.
Twaaty-tbra federal grasd Jjrors aad
me altamataa for tb aeTeral Nebraska
districts wr inn Tburalay morning at
H ( dock by Jury Csmn auoMr Georg
TUdea and Cnlied States Dwtrict Clerk
R. C Hort ia tb latter s office. Tb
Jurors b suatmoaed to sppear oa tb
KoralDC of April 4 ta consider several mat
ters to b placed before tbem by L'aited
Ftataa Attorney F. S- Howell. Tb only
caa cf lmportaaca kaawa at this tiro bi
the an In which Frank Smith and Eva
1 alham are lavoiTed.
That J"hn C V berr arted hi
defen wbea be shot Lottl Pric-e Sa
mom !r. g was lb Terdk-t of the corfar
jirr afternoon, "beriff Pral!
be!4 tb lnq la tb abeenr of Coroner :
CrewbT. Trie crwnty was reprtaented by ,
County Attorney Er.g'isri. j
Tk erldenc showed that tbere had been
nuarrea between de dea9 eomta and i
interrupted b!m at bis work asd b came
away wtth ber. On tb way back to ber
bom at Xi M street tbey bad a row en i
tbe O street viad jet- Tb woman Is aad
to bar atternrted to shoot blm, but b
WTeated th weapon from ber. Ies than
an hour afterward tbe sbooueg aocurreid
at 3C.t If street.
According to the evidence, the pair bad
er-arr-ely reached bom cntil they begaa to
ajarral again. The dead woman wanted
tb t'O back asd laaberty wouid aot gtv 1
it to ber. I
From the hour they went to th street, j
the wotnaa fo&wisg Hubert)- wttb aa open ;
pecknlfe. Khe was making for him with :
th knife, he aacerted. when be fired tbe
revolver b bad earlier taken from ber.
"I dkJn t mean to lt ber. b-t tb
stooped." he said.
y, t. Patrtek'a Day Fete.
South Omaha division No. t win observe
to anniversary of Ireland's patron aair.t
by aa entertainment In tb bigb scboot
auditorium tonight. Tb foUowicg la tb
Orer-roT-. Hibernian band.
Remarks, Fatber Abeme.
Addreiw of Cvairrran.
Boio. Mtas Mae O Brien; aocompaciment
by Mre W. J bloCrann.
P-ecitatinn. Mm Ruth Berlin.
Addrea of the evertng Hon. T. J Tvle.
Overture, -goca cf Erin." Mnart or
cbestra, H. Boca, dirertor.
Vocal aolo. aelec-ted. Tbomas Gorman.
Vocal eoio. Mies Margaret Kelly.
"God Far Ireland." audience and band.
Marl City Gawalau
Ecokcase far sale- F. A Agnew.
Cacar tb Tailor, rea. good cloUsea maker.
Tonight the S-hamrock club will give a
' dace in th bail.
Mrs. John H. L-evine 15 South Thir
tetnUJ street, is reported to b cntica-iy
Rev. T. J Col'ar wi'J b the special
Lenten preacher in St- Martin's co urea
sjDcay evening.
"O'adceas" wlil be th subject of th
LiUfn sermon thia evening in 6u Max
a cturcn by th rector.
Mrs Maude U Walker of Ht' City U
vrfmng her parents. Mr. and Mra F V.
V ,e.-. wu N ona Twenty-first rtreei.
Kv. Alfred G. WT-.lte- rector of 6L Mar
tin s. wijl be th special preaxer at tile
LrTiten noonday eervicea ia Tnnjty catte
dral Marca So. Zl asd He will give
three addreaee on lb subject. "A CL.-IS-tian
s Contest."
Phone Bell .otn ffig Indepesdest r 11
for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt oe
livery t any part of city. tVilliaoi Jetter.
Tb A-Lo-Hab dub win nvet Saturday
at trie home of the Misaea Margaret and
Catherin Wejca, iJfla Nonn Taenty-fourtn
Mrs. John Keecan. Twenrr-jiit h and
He Is accused of be- )Mad:on streeta. tas been d id to Ut'.e
ay uo senoas ii.ceas ol ber
fit your boy or
girl with a pair of
Nebraska" shoes
Aboat oo boy in hnndre-a
takes tare cf ti hoe. Tba
otker Binety-oin mn. Jump
anJ p't, without rT'tf tba
least hee-J to tielr footwear.
Consetjuently we've lakea extra
care to eeied tie girocgeat
leatlerg the market afford;
we ve had theae high grade mi
terialt carefully ani gtrotg'.y
wed and gtitefced by tkilled
workmen; then were peraon
ally exarained every pair and
accepted ctly thoae ihoeg
which we could guarantee) to
give aatisf action In every way.
Tbls means that Nebraska"
shoes for boys acd ir!s win
look stylish, fit perfectly and
comfortably and wear a long
time. Added to this Is trre
fact that we artcally can and
do save you one-foorta of th
coet .
Our great lines
of boys' and
youth's shoes
Embrace: tie newest srrlS
styles and lasts in Box Calf and
Velour Calf leathers, button cr
blucaer styles. Tteae hy
been specially priced for Satur
day at
Sixes to i: .. gl.65
cites 124 to ; . . S1.S5
nes 2 4 to
Our spring shoes
for misses and
Include neat, handsome lasts.
In new sprier, styles, rfcrl ail
or gxn metal leathers. lace or
button style specially priced
for Saturday, at
Sixes 84 to 11 . . S1.60 ,
Sires 11H to 2 . . S1.85
Sixes 2 4 to . . S1.0S
Laaawc 'as.
Goes With Every
"Nebraska" Garment
It's quite ratural for you to fairlr vf-!l sti-fia-l with
the clothes you are now wearir.c. if you've r,.-r ir. titri
el the nerit-s of "Nbraka" cl.-tho. "fairly -vs-f ll wt:
Hed" i? a Ions; way from beinr perfectly Mtifi-'l. You want
to feel certain that you are conv-'tly nn-I t-e :;. irzly .Jre-. -1
you want to know to a -rtaint7 that ymr aj-ar:r."e
cannot t-e criticii no matter where you are tr y..-j
may be doing.
Toa wct to kcow thst tte qu'.!ty cf ycir cltteg
is in keepir.? with tieir stjle: tfcst aal rat
tern are the newest of tbe season, that your sjU 1
t ocly properly fitted to yoar build, b it !s su'ted to
yosr fi(tnre and personality as well; tbit it is fsult
lessly tailorej acd perfectly rcisfced. asi wi l lxk
s-jiith aad fit perfectly as long as yoa care to wear
it. Ton watt all these tbiegs, loa are entitled to
them. You"ll get them at small coit only in ' Ne
tratka" clothea
Why not put as to tb teet today?
Men's and Young Hen's
Spring Suits 510 to 335
Spring Overcoats, Cravenettcs
and "Slip-Ons" at 010 to 825
How About That Spring Suit for Your Boy ?
a whit alav agent and Eva Latham, 'TTir-
Installing our
new show
has now commenced stvd will b
completed as ciuickly a pos:bla
For tne present we srajl a you
to accept our a;o.cgy for tfc
liT-ite-1 Ciypiays we tan make tin
der these clrcumstaoce. Whii
our stocks ar cocit-.ete la every
w t, oi account cf the l&staiiir.g
cf new oack-rrfU in our ln
dowa we are aha to dlniay only
a x ery imiij part of them. If yoa
do rot e ut you want, cxm
in anyway.
r " aeaew conspiracy The Women s aooety of the F1rt Ban-
la vtuiat tb tctersiat commerc law by j tit churrn will be entertained thia after
acvepUng trancportatioa from Smith. Both i ".,tus bom of Un- B Towi-
afrw kaa City J-T F.her Baurt wtl ,ell the b!
Tb feieal grand inn Is cotripoeed of th Irtrr at u -chljoren s hour servlca of
faDewrcg. giving thr addresoea and octii- : t Martin s cburca tNaiurcUy aflernooa at
Why not give yonr boy the benefit of an early
selection? You know as well as we do that early
season buying Is best. Not only will the assortment
be at Its bet; not only will the boy get more ser
vice; not only will his appearance be improved, but
be"ll be comfortably and perfectly fitted for school,
for work or for play. We are especially proud of
tbe strength of our boys' suits and the service)
they'll provide. We have taken great care in se
lecting the materials and hare personally super
vised every detail of the malring. That's why wa
know these suits can't go wrong.
Now a word on the boys' likes and dislikes.
Think tack to the time when joj were small and
tad to wear whatever your parents provided. Didn't
yoa often wish that yoa rould have your aay?
Then If your boy prefers a gray stripe or a brown
ahade if he is perfectly sal'sfied with some par
ticular suit, then let blxn hav It- He ll take better
care of a suit he likes than one he's forced to wear.
Think this over acd you'll agree with us. Thvn
bring the boy in and see the finert line of boys'
suits ever displayed in Omaha.
Ca "j .-
Why not select
your spring
hat today
Ths newest aril :ert r. at
s)'s ct tte seavn ar b,-
la a trof'.srn cf faabionabla
rolo-irtv u-a as sMary grits,
taill treat, slate. UBS aal
ail !iai ci'.'S the cw
;r.if siii'.a Thers sra tbhy,
new wtJ-brlD dertlea, tar j
h'g"! crown t:aor-es. new i
. . I. . . . . V . if
and srery dia-.enaion that s ta Vt
demand by np-to-data dreaaera, W
It yoa t a preferenca. aitnply (
stats it. ir yon sons. L'vaa
tt ll taks bit a few miaote to
acquire oo bo drop la today
and look over th s w
-SteUon" $3.60 up
All tr.s new sprtag shape
rcsde by "ytetaon" ar now ta
our great hat cU9n.
-Rutlvnd,, S3.00
Our famous ' Rutland" hat ta
tdantlcai In q-.ality, styla aad
stale wr.a tt best II iO hats
In town.
-Asbury- $2.50
Th very ia pleat shape gad
tba latest shade of tb season
ar shows ia tv.s ever popular
hat. Try on oa
Boys' Stylish Spring Suits 02.45 to 39.95
"Tho House of
i-Jr KA
' i 'ciork.
Armstrong. Broken Bow; land
N. E.
Oeorg F. Boyd. Oakaale: banker.
Oeorga A. Bieasing. Jacaaoa,
It W. A. Cooover. Omiia
. art A. Ltuni!, iscfibner; farmer.
John k-rv keti. L"tur.
O. lianeen. be-enjngton : butcher.
Harry Kaufman, toleridge; haraeas.
B. F. Iamb. Oenoa. a
H. Lomu. Bremen Bow; banker.
J W. Mreier. I rwpon; ran. hmaa.
Cbarla Menok, Urand Iand; banker.
C J. OConnor. Homer; banaer.
G j Pauen. Beemasion dramaa
Villiam 6hlck. Curua; fanner.
Henry nVinl. CTeaj on . drayman.
Jamea BU. L.yoca. merc&aat.
Hennaa edeJ. ar , gtanu-n. rrerchant
Benamla F. t-mita. Be gaae. reured
Wi!!axn Brkuler. t'alta; farmer.
G. R. Stewart. Kenna'-d. farmer
Robert W. Waits, ceirta, farmer.
Frank Wood gate. lrgnam; merv hant.
rvtd C, M-Canney. 1armater; farmer.
JiMcpb C. Hon key o Neili; merr bant.
erg Neiaon. Tiidn; niercbaat.
barea H Waiter. Hi iitt. a.ockmaa.
Rooert W. Vomers, r'nymt
C 8. Martin. Broken Bow . merchant.
Nlcaoia T. Imddow. IxM,p Clt) ; farmer
Valuable Dog and Cat
Destroyed by Flames
Favorite Pets of Dr. Edward B. Perry,
ia lUadineu for Bench,
See the new
dome mirrors
in hat dept.
W ha ;vt th ia-eet
f lT-pr- err.ent in iea i ear nirrm.
n tt f I.V,re Mtr-.-ra.- Thawa
rr.irrt-a ?fvrd a p'fi lew s.t
yoar tiat " a. i a v' ter
wwattm .: f.fif w r-ilr-r.r
New f!i; rai B.o beei
1-wtaXed. a rew nf ti g roem
bu. t ar.d -ire- r 'etjr are
be rg ai-Jed. Or- ta and
e wiat a trer hat department
our is
In a f.r which partially destroyed the
home cf Vt. Edward R. Perry. 9y North
Twenty -third street, at o'clock iat
night a fin angora cat aad a thorough
bred bull dog which th hyician
Letter Demaadirig Two ThoaiaJid
Dcllan Sent to Omaluui. '
Be Arizona Senator :
Ola Oi
fraas A bare ai
Away .I
i th Brai After
tosy pownx rs ixcrprEsr
Wkell-ta-D Italian Oeta Ma
Tkreslesiag Deal af Entire .
Fasally and Destraetian af
Pnerrtr by Fire.
been getting in condition for the dog and
cat show, wer suffocated
Th basement and part of the first and
eceod floors of tb cottsg were badiy
charred by th flamea. Th rre ia thought
to rae been caused by aa overbeated far-
i-a Tb Perry family wer away from
i tuTTM" at tbe txn-e.
i The angora cat was one of the finest In
rcaua and b bad felt conMect of win
ning a blue ribbon on ber. His bulldog
was a thoroughbred of high pedigree.
IllWinP rillDnJ AQC rCr.HV1-rzn n-e Wm to the hon-.. and fumhir-g.
et;niated at C40.
Ceea aaa
r af
Taw at la
af rfb Fa
far Rrfalar
Miliary Drill.
rt af
tlonal Guards armory at Twetitv-fourft
aad Ptakney streeta It is nenoteil of '
tb older boys In th north ra rt of t -n.
with a pr'e'rt erol'mnt cf t-r.-j,-f.,i 1
fneenbera They will be ur.ler th d.rect !
auKTrtatoa of Captain H'ua of the
engrnaer con-a Tbe arrrorT at Twenti -
f earth and Ptnkner and ai. aceai groun a ;
will b used for dri'l pur"o-
Th Junior guard. w.;l a- l for one h..jr '
very Wadaeadav nurht. tgmcing at I '
clac. Tby w-.ii u u-.e rgjat on arm
Fprtngfiekd nfiea which iare been as- i
gned. Em guard .'1 be aastpred a !
regulation army unilor-ii f f-.t ie ui
drab pattern axl Hurtii, u.ft.t.
awards bav been ak ( :.d lj th
off c-ra
Through the medium of a letter wrriteej
hi scrawhfg I' and scratched with a
peculiar seal unident-fied blackmailers
had J demanded jeeterday C. frrvn Tony
Powell, a prosperous Italaa grocer at i-S
North Sixteenth street- Whit a with fear
and plainly at bis wits' end. PowelL ac
companied by neveral fellow countrymen,
placed the letter in the bands of the police
aeveral hour after he received it yester
day afternoon.
The tnisatve la grimly dramat c In its j
threats of death In a terrible manner to
the victim and his enure family, anl tbe j
destruction by fire cf all but progeny. '
Tb co tit en ta apparency are fuTT of id-m,
which were interpreted with great d ff 1-
cty bv the recir'sent triepm. it ap-
I reared la bav been w ntten by som one
j Ul iterate in tb Itahan tor.gue.
and hint of a powerful society's vengeanc
at: t- dii--ver a clue so
to the identity or stent
letter's author. Powell and
Haswaaa ta Marry. ti wife, when quea-ioned by reponera at
I frst denied a3 knowledge cf th letter and
l u.w Cinti.TI ytirhrtt who was ! ouht to hold the matter secret- Finally.
married tn Council Eijffs on March I toltoaever. they r e;ned they had received
Georg - FlKhitu aetured a writ of ( tbe letter, but thought It must be a oke. I
i habeas corpo from Judg O. D. in i The cc.mmunitation is aJireeaed to An
! the d-stnet court at Counc.l E: -ffn y eirter- ; tonio Povero. which was PoweJ s nam i
.,r..,-l!.e Mother Kitiahet h. t b-f JT fc aeg'-it Ued !"a pel.g of Uercv hoemtai I Following is a rougn
into cojrt at ;
Moat I.iuarnoas Acton Kovero
After an lilneas of aix months, w hich :
culmirated in an abacexa on the brain, Hal 1
Peaa cf the Pease Bro. clothing firm i
died at Wise Memorial boepital at o'clock
last night. Mr. Pease had been kept in I
his room S3 nee January, aad following a
fall during a d.iry syeil. sufered th aba
resa He was unconscious for tw days
before his death, and two operations wer
nerformed on him.
Mr. Peaa was il years old and bad been
engaged tn tbe clothing buatneas In Omaha
twenty-six yeara Na arrangements for
the funeral have yet been made.
Colonel W. F. Cody is Willing to Be j
One of the First to Bepresent
1 1 DO OH
Tb first company af unr g iards w aae Brlee af Few Daia ta Ftsat Oat j they rrrxr,
rgana4 Wednelay night at the V.-; ajef.r. J.aa Rlsbt af Her ! pouts of tbe
Stew. Mr. J. A. Taaewek aa Fasally
II ear la Osaka fraas Dawslaa,
W yasa la.
Th Rev. Mr. J. A 1 an cock, new dean
of Trinity cathedral, accompanied by Mrs.
Tanoock and their daughter arrived m
Cmaha, from ouglaa. Wjo.. yesterday.
Mr. Tancork Is the guest of Georg H.
T hummel, member of th vertry. and lus
wife and daughter ar staying at tfc bom
of J. I'eForeat Richards, until their future
bom is praired f r occupancy.
WilLam F. Cody Buffalo Bill) woud
lik to be the first United States senator
from Ansona. accord; r.g to word reoe-ved
tn Crnaha from Tucson. As a statesman
he wouid round out his career as one of
the fearless pathfinder of th west.
hih he deciare that h i to buy to
think about poliuta b does not deny tb
rumor. Colonel Cody has established a
bom at Tucson and also a permanent
camp la tb Fan: a Catallna moon tain a
There are more than a dosen building in
it asd h is said to rule like an Arab
Army Orders.
Culls from the Wire
W. B. t'fkacn has tendered l .s refiima
tlon as vi president of the t'nited ftates
Steel corporation to take effect on May L
All toh bridge spanning the Allegheny
nver tn M Keeport were declared free by
lYte county -cmrcik.oners- The county
agreed to Pay f r the t-ridge an imuM
to be fixed by appraiser, appro utatey
U.ju.':ili. J
Kngroaaed copies of tb Stewart resolu
tion approving proposed amendrrect to th i
federal consututlon to provvl for an in
come tax r aigned by Goerncr csbora
of MKh.gan. I
Edgar L. Marston and I":o'evy V ! bark
aer elected clirectora to th vay-aaciea
left In the Texas a: Pa, ific trd by toe
death of Thomas T. r kert and tn reaig- j
nauun cf Wiiifiow g. pierte.
. . e-.i . . i i . . . !
i An tiite-"" Hi A vii -er-i A I. re in I
' the midd'e of a block of autom-obii .ure i
on Van es avenue, ban Kraii'-iaoo. Fie
m e jie-
tran'at,on of th
s.ier suprkr tn c
ti Mr. Fitthitt
Mra. Kitclutt was Mr. Mary ci.t! lvM to wni. ojir freM
to gii e ua '.-'j bx.avr i . nna w j
iand your wbt.t family in a terrible manner
'and the burtirg cf o'ir house and goods.
I comtrand 'ou by tte terrible Mondial
of the Nera Manna to do
license tf gave ber ag as Her bus-
Xeir , lands age was given as it. lnnnein.)
Ci-m alter ee unng tceir ncene ir-e went to .
tri ars'iia oi .- 11.1 a r-t---ofu
ih ii -ii and wer married by F.ector Jobs
Kr-m a Paff -re porter t
WASHINGTON Wa-ct IT. itpetaJ Tel- j
egrarr. 1 Army oraen : ejor i;iia,n
IL.i-r. nujctjr rjeral. aul proceed to i
Mi Antonio and report ui tie cumaaii
u.g f-nr:j of C BJ5.iHr divukdn lr
t( rr ,rin du:r.
(. afiain Ft1 T. A W.u 'Third field ar- buildings and tbe.r onfiteci were practi
t.l.ery. ai'.i prtxd to i':r. ji er aid re- ! die-stro) ed. Loe.a atot !..
p rt to tre cocaman iing t'f.t.-r for autv. !
Pirst Icrutenant o.en F. J '.ks and feec-
orl lei.tetanis JacoD Ftt. and Haroid
L- Oara tier. ciM artillery .-or t. !.! re- ;
port 10 Ma.-or reo-r-ta 71.-yr,cici. mecicai 1
ci ps. f -r exarr.;raticn u de'.errxune
I.tnas for promotion.
nitr of fePr.,ary l. detailing Ma.or
F.n.rr A. Lean. medical cor, to t " e
anr.y f eld aemce xitiooL t.rt leaven
aonh. Kan. revoked.
i cond Leutefiaxit Waiter S. Fulton
Orwia's snraw.9T sjrym.
rS a irrsxr- fart
that a firl w21 r
tn ember what kiad
of hat "he" wort
wrhfTi she has forgotten
whether his rait was
frrsT or brown. Now
we'll leare it to "her"
if these two Bellernonts
onr new straw and
our Welt-edje Tele
scpr areri 't mi jrhty
tyl:h artd attrartiTe.
Tour dealer has them.
Mat Cr MT
-"w in at ar;oir-a anj wer marriea o joti ; The s, Costea is scrawled on
tma. but tb reh a ::i .xtao y ' ' Jooev goon after ther return to ; , h, trii t,f the envelope,
ba ttmiie-i U 1,1-. Idam of : g 1 Oi:.i.a th f.-lmd of t uk posaes- ; xoi; Captain Ier.jwt sa d lt n.v t
a toe of fc.-n. a- . i-g be was "lnocrr petect matter 011 i J be paced m tbe
a tnecs ar tga -'' ho.' . li.e., r- Jo macag ba own affair." and Ua ham j 0f i.-,e .rret em derartment.
awcad recruita w. t tuts in. Lor. to Mervy koepnal Ut treatrr.est as a; Powell was t,nab' to te.l the police cf
Crrwi " " f ;:"' ,tM j tatient aff icted with a minor f .na of j any possible enemies he had
r"-o.J-i-a ... it ifinerou ca It was sail that Mr. 1 Costea a peered at the p-ice atatioa Fri-
Atar c' ar-d tn ortan xation r.tvtiti aa awdjenly taken r.l after bis ' day morning and i..-r.a-ined aJ knoalec!ge
Is-wtoU..,., Uarriag. ! vt th. caae He w a, not beld.
A naif tw. muau.-, .... i3 lt:i ia ttr ,t.tJOa k!n- for a hahea coroua '
arter u iirat ttruix. 1 - - 1 ;D , . ... , ......... ... 1
ljuita.a. r;u lv:a.
K. M-s
a Jl
I Te-itv-foirtft infantry, aide-ce-camp. now j
at e-an r rajic.aoo. wn.11 proceed to Lavf
ad off., cf t:
Oarano Ail-.
lava aad H. aieiv ;
grave. Quartarsaatcr
nxxt ergeai
u.eaiil. j
'- s writ, t'a wile aiiecea teat Vhltt ta re-
. t'.y competeat aad that be Is reatra-ned j
! axirs-t aia i! and by fraudulent aLiega-j
' i ucca and a ao U at a& ia dented th Drill- '
u eg of saeiiig k m or ta aa
Bakery Which
aw aftri
Il I.
I a law
rat af aa
a Aetaaat.
ta .,;
. es
" . , r
Tt evstans f th l'roa Pa .f c of iv.
kig Its btlla vry moat lt ac its
. eraaltor by surpris. Tn rrediior bap
panad t be tb Caaoa City Pcurd aad
tk bill waa for aiterttaiag
"Pienae aaj ir b I taOay ao w caa
aettie." was ta'ance tf r
taerapB4 b 1 aa a4ervaag censiait
af tk raiiraa
Tii. fact that there were f iiu m
w arid t tax j4 tx..a r . aan
STfhe4. Ufr;r,j. a. r.J j a a. if
Meets Mai Islreser Caaalag;
Oat af Haavae Staaala
A way.
It Is interesting to see hew a go d thing
a ill wecntne S'arted d grow at t.'-e
time of the La'.d "c t. fe-no Rakaa
'rowers' a sac lat ion art agenients
I to have a loaf of raisin b-eal given to
I tca Lar d . i : r 01 "ai i rr.ia
P..:.m t.g frwa schuo: jest.-day aftar- T.,,v tt rec.p , tfc rrar.-
aoot,. f-femo. twgaa. tk W-yearld v : t,....x La-j S' ot aii i-e ioave.
of g.J I-egao, th Uv. ar.-k dealer, met a t b4k,4 f,r tttai b)- v.
burgar cvrejig aut of th bunv. t3 Soilh' p l ji:ip.Ly of . rnia
Twrat -alxtb ateaoa Th maa ran 10 tfc. I jEny arte- u trrah con rat.) gat
tear of th. house aad dlaappearwd. Wxaajth -iea t:at the peo? e weu.d irnrrii:e
jmr. ui j.-m. i.-eaiaB mjuje tja aoy uia In ,t-f to at ra an at
l Kent of his diavavery. Tne
j bK bad I rea raaawkd al a large quaa
tr.iajt.ty of auverwara. a a air -a a4cbei and a
tele-I ar-aadolta ad Aa cnxat Taey
the 1 reported tbe burg ary 13 it p.-. . .
Irww a ba f on
aia eoitoriaJ freta
t 1 PeraaMeat
J &ig a
aotnaig la ta Road ia
otr a nea. .-o it br-gaa advert.rirg 1-.
T e fra'a K-e a-J to ttr,er t;r tr.a:
V.'ecrjeacay was P.aa.a Bread cay. and
it lax be, a t: --. . t - .:v-- ev-rf
.1irfia a.rn v.
Th first Vvdnaav oc. a lea toae
aer baaed laat V eutircay aver l t
penirg tx.e arrival of inngaoier OenenU
I-atiel C. Ir.ii
- .'i-ad:er urm! B.bert K. Kv a r.a is
aeta,jeu aa cr.ef of d:iiaj-n of mi i'ia af-
fclJSJ I W eer. chief of cuan aru.iery . Hereby
reiiev -d
ir,; er Generals Kvans srd Weaver I
ai 1 r-rt to tn cr.ief of staff for auty.
I Ma. or B- Krar.k i'hiiaai. uartenr.- ,
ler. ia detailed a of the c -ni :r .
sxn appointed Marcn 7 to Investigate the
qirfCon of e' anl
'tr.antuver rrcuco near Crjcamaga and
1 attaafvia Mir-tary paraa. Lae Jten- '
ar.t Coionei t"ad n. 6ar, ej, aeputy juar- '
' le: tfiaater geceiai. relieved j
B. airection of the preeient, lieutena-.t :
t'oior.ei .'lar.e I Pfier enrp of en- I
g.nee-r. is dta.'-d to .upenntead a--lea to
ui .gallon in tne rirteenti ughthoa C:s
tncu leiiei n Capia.n Cart n. bmun.
ccrv cf eigiceers.
leutenant v. oionel Ed wis B Babbitt.
ordbaae dt-paixert. 11.1 p-rreed to ) ... l
Mocroe. a. for temporary duty.
i, erection cf the prraaai. Captain
Js-pb I Know iton. quartem.ater. i re- ,
iie'ted f-cm celai ia il. q artei nxaater s
'apan Wiliiam K Rartitt me!.cal ,
cor; 9 now at ran A-itoi.o. at'l proceed ;
ir. Ko'T tg.e;rru for Terx,;jrary auty (
a'.d upon cvn-p t.' of tr.ia uty ai.i re-t-r.
t'. ran Antonio
aptan Har- Purn'! mJrfl corp.
&u at can rYar. cir. a.'.l report to 1 .e
x-mrr.aia ; g ofJKer trterai b"wpital.
V f Sa-a inucoa, for tn.prar.r
h , c?ireotk: of the pre-,i.r.t oriri cf
I , err o-r 1 rejtt.r.g to Ma; r eai.ei !
;-3u general 'af ar J M' . r i rnet
KlLc- al; -'ant lr,cr' are re .
.-.or. Ieoi-rai.t ' Pert- ri i.. Vt 1 p
r- r.e ecou'ls am pruce-d lj Mai a
ba t .Noul A,nl i
but (-t rrr.r f or.e ir.nih is
irvriro pia.n eiamei G. ara.t.e. voa-it
art. e; tur;
1913. oV, rAR-SAM STBxrrs
acat Taoaaisirr oa usmsrua
evUTS -AmauaQ to neat
fxioa Over the FieaS-TH auocefx' tia.
beaa cran . tr.e eat who advrrr-ar-s a.j.
j Tha zprSAcd advarxaer T-. B.a
aoo Pt say
wrr. p "van Ba'm a a a sot
atiJ-j a 12.00 ta i&xa
At Fountains & $ whera
Ask for
Tat Feod-driak fcr AH Art.
At rratais-aCtk, Kote!s, asd (ouitaicA.
IWan n, icrgTralr.j aad stakiicg,
Yeep it on yooT icboa.'d at rwe.
D"t trsi wifjcxc it,
A qakk lsack preparei ia a saint.
Tklt a icuUtioa. Jad say "EaliCIS"
ia Na Oomblae or Trust
Have your office in heart
of the down town district
The bf-t-t known offici? luildin? in th city is so cenve-n-iently
kN-atfwJ that it tr-nants are within a minutes' walk
of puMic t.iMic? theaters, hote!. ttre-t car c?ntrs,
depArticf-Lt ktorp, et Iteoms in this hnildic? ar? well
ventilated and funiish ivmiI cffic-s for th fumnier. Eleva
tor servW. lizht. heat and janitor attention are the best
Select from these offices at once tu
they will riot b availatle lon:
of building. eet'irt
jlf TV t-. third r.or i-n the weat
a. -are feet has ..t- pric. per oi..tu.
41 S A
rr-oen fn-ti
prue. j-er
g on
r. r.ta
th court, containing lt auar feat'
avOOnt oi tr f-.urv f. r, frcctieg north..
A c -1 roon f . r p-r".)' r.-rtt 1 gr.t-
irh or 1 aiaj-e fee.
pno, icr tuns, arr-a
avooat a "r. ir. f.fv.1 r.-,
f..r a:a.j-e rri't. t-er r.ii
t'H a raa-.aa . teee. n-.a
.ntir.g tcrth. :tn Hi squar tt
r. f . ' 'uoj ta suit tetar-i
New elevators &: t,iv ' installed
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Business Office. 17th aj'd Farnam Sts.
iVreiiteLt Adverti-ice life's
is the Ilo&d ! t.a ; Returns
.avertislng v Are That