Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11

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f tfttff ill ( f rtrl
maf. Iarvrtfltt. imimat.
YOT,. XL-NO. 234.
This Beats Any Shoe Sale Omaha Ever Knew
A Hosiery Erect That
Will Attract You
Ladies' BOc Silk Hot, la black
only; Saturday, sexy
special, at 3 pairs for.....
Lavllew Black Silk Hum, with lial
The New Lace Jabots
and Collars
Arc interesting the- styles arc
dtstini lively nil spring: venues.
The Jstots are foun.l
at RV and lt
The I-arge sjmI mall IMiUh I
lars Hate Hvurnrl In beauti
ful patterns of Imp. These will
be worn by th; well dressers ex
clusively th'a ear We are
showing a wid variety "A
at .". I.m and ?! V
1,200 Pairs of Dorothy Didd New Spring Styles, $3.50 $4 and $5 Values for $2.39
These are sold under direct arrangements with the Dorothv I)ndd factorv all tra.le marks on all the t
piarantees that Dorothy IxM shoes carry and our b
"vr-; pair. Suedes, velvets, patent colt, dull leathers pumi
)ir. broad promise of satisfaction -giving, poes with everv
ps and oxford, in nays. tans, blacks, preens and white kid-8.
garter top. 75e qnality;
Saturday, at
' .v . " . . ... " Lrn
The realness of this sale has won success
Iliese are all first prude poods no sec- KT
ne a famous Dorothy Dodd shoe known N F
otwear choice Saturday LJ i
Ladia Miatvs' and-Boys' 20c
Black How; Saturday, 4 a I
txtra. at ..lAjC
onds no job stocks no samples every one
the world over as $3.50, $4.00 and $o.00 foot
1 ' 'i 1
A k
lien Yho Uant the Snappy Lines of Individuality in Iheir
Clothes Shosld See Our New Spring Lines Just Here
All the newest fabric, shade, poll mm aixl every approved new
paring model to represented in oar new line. The highest rUst
ready-to-wear clothing for men of eery age greets y"n with it
carefully tailored and finishing. h never featured such
a spring line all our leading manufacturers are helping as to sur
prise ail other Oraiha stores.
w Spring Suit at !2..-0. SI.YOO. $1.00. SJO.OO. ftJW. $2500
Xew Spring Priestley's lavrnetted Presto Collar Coats, at S 10 to 30
These are all correct style, with unsurpassable wearing quality, tail
oring Impossible to obtain la many merchant tailoring shops, fit
that cannot be sxceiled and a wonderful variety from which to
choose. See the new hair-line stripe patterns in tan, blue, gray
and brown serges. - Expert clothing men at your service.
a manly appearance serges, worsteds and cheviots being the
most In demand Knickerbockers and Norfolk styles in tans,
grays, blues and blacks look mighty swell on boys frora the age
of 6 to 15 years. These are perfectly tailored and sold to wear
as all boys' clothing must wear. Some come single, others double,
breasted effects
Our lines are complete, in ages 5 to 12 years, at S2.50 to S 6.00
Our lines are complete. In agea 1 to 15 years, at $iJ.50 to SIO.OO
mH Tfm Caata for Bora Some witn emimiaered sleeves sn.i velvet
roiiaj-s. 1 to 10 ve&ra old lzi, at
Pwell I,ltt!e Hata tor Boys, all colors,
New Roys' Blouses, with or without
S.V: Men s Imported Silk Usie
Mm S
fir l frv t. n
noun Saturday at "V These
have double soles and heels and
are found In all the new spring
hades; genuine Imported hose
get them Saturday at.. 35
Our New Spring Shirts at ery
Attractive Prices.
75c Soft Collared Shirts at 49t
$1.50 Spring Pleated Shirts,
at SI. OO
11.00 Black Satin Shirts at 7)j
(2-&o to as
at tl to C1.60
collars, at BOo to 89
otic Men s Suspenders at. .35
New Hats and Caps for Men and
Nobby New Spring Caps, all
shades 50 and 75
Stiff and Soft Hats, the kind that
give men the prestige and ap
pearance that every man who
wears correct headgear in ad
vance styles, are found In our
new lines; they're the snappiest
hats in the city, at 3.00
tJLJ Jewelry Specials for Saturday
Jewelry Specials for Saturday
We have Juar received a number of the newest spring creation,
novelties In Jewelry fancy goods, both from American and foreign rrmr
keta. Kalr Bands All ths rae In New York of open work go!.!, anti.rie
gold and silver I or 1-lnch widths Interwoven bands wi"
coral beads any length yoa wtti by the inch at 2c to 6
Some metal and silver plated ones. et witn rows of fine rhinestone
.Saturday, our 11.00 kind at 50e
at Fta Sals Thes are a verv pretty pin. set with first o)a:!?y rhlne
stone, our reguiar 11. U0 !ns; your choics Saturday, whi e tl.ey lat,
at SOc
Hash Bag sTnanlal 7-Inch real German silver bags, our J.V0Q ones. Sat
urday at 13.49
One real German silver lag; our $3.00 kin 1. Saturday fl-49
StsrHnf lUva Tatmblao One lot good weight thimhies. regularly .
Saturday 1H
One lot very hevy thimbles, regularly 50c. Saurdiy 8
Each g'laranteed sterling sliver
!n Belting-, our lines ofter the largest assortment of first grade
belts in th west.
Come in e-aturday and see t! new Baxs. in silks, sattrts. moire and
suedes these are ail In the new spring styles, with long slik cords
and tassels, and every color la represented, at tloa up to f 4.9s
Candy Specials
Bennett's Famous Fluffeata Choc
olates, regularly 60c, go Satur
day at SSo
And our fresh dipped Carameis,
regularlv 40c a pound, go at S3e
Fresh Yankee Peanut Brittle, reg
uiar Zic a lb., go at lac a lb.
or two '.bs. for S5o
Flower Sale
!,00 fresh cut Carnations. TV
and il.O'i kind, dozen 35a
3,000 new Rosea, $1.:5 and Jl .'.0
ones, dozen 5Sc
Spring I iffod.Is. extra special.
at. doiten 49c
Big Bunch of Home Vlole's
for 20c
200 Smart New Suits ani Coats for Women
at $25.00 Join Our Spring Display
Thee bripht semi-cold days are forerunners of warm,
balmy weather soon to follow. The overpowerinp desi'-f
for new garments, simultaneous with the arrival of thv
pleasant spring season is a condition for which the Den
nett's Suit Section has been waiting aJid preparing. Now
spring is here and finds us fully equipped with a splendid
showing such as perhaps we have never had before.
Of course there are suits and suits, at high prices and
at low prices, but one may have to go no further than this
newest lot to be suited.
There are pencil stripes, shepherd's checks, in serge-;
aim nair uiie stripes, in men s wear iaDncs ana worsteds; .cy.
the colors are gray. tan. navy, blue and black. J.
The ( oats are single or double breasted and peau tie cygne
or Duchess satin lined, all show distinctive touches lent by
the treatment of the collar, the stitching or finishing; some
of the skirts are box paneled, others gored, cut in two and
half yards, yet not skimpy. These are but $25.00
Ladies' Xew Spring Top Coats Say 54-inch lengths, in all
the prettv spring shades are found
at $12.00 $15.00. $19.50. $25.00 and More.
7.."0 Misses' and Small Women's Skirts for 9.1.95 They come In solid
colors, say Browns, Blacks. Blues and Greys, In worsteds, tailored in
full pleats and extra well made remarkable values Saturday. In
stead of their regular price 17,50, they go at S3.)5
See our swell new line of Girls' Coats and Peter Thompson Suits
now on display on the Second Floor.
In the Busy Housefurnishing Section
Granite Kitchen Forks, extra long.
15c sellers, to go at 10
Wocden Kettie Knobs, with wash
ers, any size; a good chance to
repair your pot covers (six to
customer); Saturday .. It
Sensible Broom Holders. Btrong
and durable 10?
Gun Metal Match Safes, very
handy,' at 10e
3 and 4-inch Screw Drivers, well
made. 15c and 20c values. . 10c
Perforated Cooking Spoons, a
handy kitchen utensil 7
Wall Coffee Mills, with glass top,
any fruit Jar will do, special 95?
Meat Juicers, extra good quality;
Saturday 95f
Good Family Scales; Saturday
only S9
Satcrliy Offers Three Tiileb tad Dnt at Special Prices
Sassafras Bark 25?
Bennett's Liver Invlgorator.39
Blacii Bristle Hair Brushes. 14
25c White Pine Cough Syrup 20g
15 Borax at . . 10
15o Anllchap at 12
t lb. Peroxide 8?
1 c Palmolive Soap, 2 for. .-15
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste .... 1 ft
Turkish Bath Oil. -39 tn'1 7DC
Java Rice Powder 3Sf
10c Williams' or Colgate's Shav
ing Soap 5
Societe Hygienic Cream 75C
25c Mme. IsabeU s Hand Whlte-
ener 18
25c Woodbury's Face Cream. 19
25c Talcum 8f
50c Perfumes, bulk, per oz. -25C
Spring Gloves Come
Out Saturday
All the new Silk Gloves. in preity
rhades: they ;ire the famous Kayser
silks. Those In 12. ! and 20-Ourton
lengths, were priced, pelr. .7& to S2-O0
Shorter lengths cost but. .6O0 to flJM
Oar Feiolir $2.50 Sprint Cor
sets, Those Slightly QCA
Soiled, Choice.. . .. OOC
The early spring sales have been so
steady that many of the best models,
that sell regularly at $2.50, in batiste
and coutil, with extra fine hose sup
porters and beautifully trimmed in
either embroideries or Val. laces,
built on guaranteed non-rustable
boning, show the effects of constant
displays. In order to clean out these
corsets, we've ordered them q
to reduce their prices. Sat- Xjl
urday, choice.
Satorday is the Final Day of
Ocr Great China Carniral
Hundreds of beautiful brand
new pieces of exhibit chinaware tc
be closed out at unmatchable
prices Saturday will well sacrifice
the beauties of this greatest of all
china carnival for a great clean
up sale. Here Is your opportunity
to buy these beautiful pieces at
prices never before known in the
china business.
Sugars and Creamers, In violet de
signs, pair 39c
SO pajra of fine Salt and Peppers.
I2.&0 hand fainted ata go at .SiJW
at! pairs of beautiful rose and gold
decorated Sugars and Creamers go
at 75c
100 large Blue Berry Bowls. English
semi -pore slain, worth 49c, for.. 10c
Saturday Sight from T ( It r. U
so paoa orders asa no dsllv
sriag 3 -os. BiownTumblers
barrel shape, tor 20
Handled China Tu Pots, plain and
colored, each 5c
One lot of odds and ends ' of
Plates, Saucers and Mugs; your
choice for 2c
Of taffeta siU. in ail colors,
width, our reular -5c and
33c riobons; aturdy.
Ic grade of Taffetas and fatin
bons. in 4 snd a-incn widths.
Saturday, your choice.
Vegetable and Fruits
Drop' Their Prices
Read These
Extra fancy Potatoes, bushel . . . 75
Extra fancy Florida Tomatoes, per
ib ioe
Fancy Spinach, peck 20
3 large plain Lettuce IOC
Fancy Florida Strawberries, box 15c
Large Florida Grape Fruita 5
Extra large bunches of Radishes. 5?
Green Onions, Carrots and Beets, per
bunch 5C
We carry a fine stock of fancy Red
River Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. Big
display Saturday. See them.
Startling Facts From Bennett's Big Grocery
A woman tout an tJ
grocery bul by buying
ciala tkat would kssu-
-T'T- -uui wnsv .1 mean, to aawa a tin. mnn.h,
fTL' "? ot J""" Ptureaaaoa. B.ttsr start rrtdar. CaU Uonglaa fay
is otUsr dar Uiat she saved nearly a fourth on har
at Baaastt s. It w, sons by buying- aiiaad on sps--aad
la soma Inituc ... . .v. . ., T. .. " . v.
and give oa youi order.
Bennett'a Capitol Flour,
par aack J1.3B
:o lbs. Granulated Sugar
for ... $l.ui)
Bennett's Boat Coffee,
per pourd 13c
Bennett's Best Coffee,
3 lbs. for 0c
Double stamps rn
tnesa coffeoa.
fsc grade Teas, all kinds
per lb sc
Sac grade Teas, all kinds
per pound 4u
B. C. tiaking Powder, a
pound can for ..fl.Ou
and 100 stamps
rataJTtrT ozx, baxs
Large Bottle for Sue
nd iu stamps
Medium Bottle. 40c
snd -0 stamps
Small Bottle for Zio
and 1U stampa.
Tea Sifting, pound pkg.
tor uc,
B. C. Extracts, bottle lc
and 2U stamps.
B. C. uata, wheat pan
caae, pkg. for . . . . ltfc
and 10 stamps.
B. C. Pure Mnpis teyrup,
gallon can for . tl.oO
Pi anco-American boup,
i'ao quart can . 2uc
Siilder's salad Dressing,
per boltis He
and Iv atampa.
Monarch Cut Aaparagus.
largo can for ,c
and -0 aiamps.
B. C. HucK wheat, z lb.
packaga for 12
and 10 stamps.
40c jar Tea Cnirden Figs.
for Sou
30c jar Tea Oarden Figs.
for ;'ic
Hulled Lima Beans witn
chicken, two cans 25c
and -0 stamps.
Vegetalile and Flower
ieed, pakage ..:uc
Cheese, iull cream, pr
. pound oc
snd 14 stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Mince
meat. 3 package, :5c
and 10 stamps.
Macaroil, Star and Cres
cent. 3 pkgs. for ..26c
and iO stamps.
Corn, Cold Medal, 3
cans, for Ziz
and 10. stumps.
Onion tets, red or
low. -i(ualt ........tec
Gilt Fdge Cookies
and Fruit Wafere.
rer pound . . . . Uc
lien's Fresh Bilked
Tourist and Gra
ham Crackers, at.
per rackage . . . . loc
and lo stamps.
sdauartors for Bnttoi
licious country Butter Is received di
Thousands of pounds fresh made do-
ty. our once are always the lowest
rroan Country Zggs All guaranteed the finest, direct country eggs. doa. 18c
fS comeSt Five Hundred Hartz Mountain Guaranteed Hale Canary Birds Saturday $1.69
The. Were Shipped to Us Direct frem Germany Actually Worth J5.00 Each
Boyi Lot at Iwenty-SeYenta, aad
Leavenworth as Site.
Iheso Msrr. A Batlt with
Hal. lkst Katlrw Oallay
Ei ! Thlrty-Ft
S 1 haaMBfi Hollar..
By a du closed rriday. otto Warner
bevomra lb oucr of vacant property al
Tnly-Mnm ana Uavnortn streft
valued a U.Ou- lie traded to W. U. Gren
tu a equity la lh brica biocaa at TcDt
Mtn and Harney sireets tr the lota on
tua noitbaal corner of uis lulcraeciion.
un ths projriy hs wnl at once erect a
modern buieaie baarry and three stores
sua. flats aoove. ad of nicn wul coat
t.tM. Sr eipn l lbs builuin
sill be tsady tor ocupan,cy by tflo middlo
of August.
lbs bakery ili have a siil-fMt front
a.u oa Tmiy-e -nlh sirerl and lil -lend
bacV eii'.ilj Il on U-foot lou It
ill be au buiu mat addiuona can be maUc
' al any lime.
lbs siort. be erected on a lot siviy-
fuur by eioiit.-c.,ni un Uiia aurcei.
1 us bak-i
slurica hi..
i'U.1 Callv.
Uajr oivi
assr b.ntrj .
ilr Usiio t n i
Cuau.ia .if r
actual valuation of this property Is stated
to bs tl42,M0,.
The population of the district is 124,'1,
of which are children uf school age.
Black Hand Missive
Asks Five Dollars or
Life of the Victim
Officers Working; Details ml Fifth
Asaaal ('.tr.tlo. to Be Held
The fifth annual convention of the Ne
braska Retail Jewelers' association will
op.n at the Paxton lwl-1 n-ct Tuesday
morning al S o clock. It will lat two i
davs. More than U jewelers from all over
the state are expected in the city at that
The program for the t u da. s has not
I yet bet-n cimipiet- d. T I- Combs, presi
dent of the association, and M D. Franks.
I tali an Letter Demand Cash
Batcher oa Pain of Sadden
130 check in payment. She garo htm T
In change. .The check, which waa signed
by Smith & Co.. Is not good. It waa pay
able to J. C. Wood.
secretary anil treasurer, are working on
Five dollars in silver on pain of death
Is ths demand made upon George Ballar-.
mlno. Italian butcher. TIT Pacific street,
by a Black Hand letter received Friday
Beilarraino has d'llvered the letter to
the police. The scrawled note ia written In
Italian and signed by "The Italian Miners."
Directions contained in the letter order
that the five sliver dollars be placed in
a certain nook in Joe Salerno a establish
ment. Sixth and Pacific street.
New Dean Member of
the Newsboys' Union
Bishop Tancock is Made a Fellow by
Newsies Promises to Give
Them His Help.
Erdman Would TeU
of Robbery and an
Attempt at Murder
Convicted Dynamiter Sends for Detec
tive to Confess More Past
Go whereyou are wanted.
f T1-. 1 S Kl !T?Ti isa . ...... ....
Rev. J
Tancock. the new dean of j
details of the program and will be ready
to announce It Sat inlay
The program will be purelv of an educa- j
tional character The newest Idea, of mod . QQ CHECK GAME GETS MONEY
ern bualneas will be Laid before the con- .
ventltm. Men representing ail sections of ,
the slate a til be among the sveakt-rs.
i n TuijUh niht a banquet will be given i
al the Paxton hotel bv the a holaaie Jewel- j
ers of the citv and VMlnesda the viaitura ;
sill be hon oer the ot' in automobiles 1
by the Commercial club. I
RiMr.l.c Hesse Keener Is irtlaa (
A arte at Rase ash t.l.ea
Fletltloaa Paper.
Mrs. Anna Smith, who run m r.Hjmmg
houee al .".13't North Fifteenfi street, is
ou. ST, on the oid chck game. A man
rented a room from her and gave her a
Tilnity cathedral, accompanied by Bishop ,
i George A. Beecher. his predecessor, was a :
caller at ths city hall Friday morning.'
Mr Tancock waa introduced to the heads;
of the various departments by Bishop i
Beecher. ;
When he visited the probation office he 1
was informed that he had been elected an !
honorary member of the Newsboys' union.
Mr. Tancock declared that he would do ail
ho could in the interest of the little fellowa
who sell papers -.hroughout ths city.
i..e tores will be two
. il airive Satur-I
.., ire uu imuiii.nery f r me I
,n.i u, u a baci at
Laitrra II....I.I I mtrrw He-!
H d I. Make offers far j
llalk. Srhl rrarllic.
t It na I hiik of
hu.-4B ;.a , Ifi
lata!. a stlul
V. eV-'ivl tv btJ
;n na-
oh the
ni to t lie
ScloHll bol.js Ml, it'll lll b
hmhrsi budci atMiui Apiil I.
Secretary bui.fM of t ic :oard of Kdj-
il.nn It a m it... o.1 a n'.a.eiiient coveno;
the history of tiie bonds to lhe coucerns. j
Burd. amouiit .us lo face value of HTj.iw j
will be euid. trie pro.seda to be uaed in ,
complet'.ng me tug a school bui ding. The run twenty )(rJ and pay ' Pr
cent tnierest.
Tbe Uuida. w h' fi are of Si Ml acn. ha.e
been registered the stale aud lor and
appr.v r4 by tha secretary of state.
including tins bond ist the total bn,i-d ,
' d.ot of the s. hMil aiH'ilcl is given ai
I) eli,0l The vaiue uf a. I b jl iiioikp j
la estimated at n. i.-tr.. and llie a..i
valuation of taxani pr iprrtv w.thln I'm
school dutnrt la given as VUt.lkl.uaft. The
'Mies Edith Maisdrn. who for the
paat two years haa been the efficient
director of Hie s IhhiI life of the
iiiany ounK attending
Lirjnell iiali. haa rsit;ned as pnn-
IpsI and wil;, al the close ot ths s-huol ear, return to tha
As Ihe prtncipa! of Browned Hail.
Miss Marden has Uten an influence
In li.e lives of many of the youn.
women of In: diot ese. for Brownell
llal) Is the jihor:ini g.r' s. ho..l
of tne I"rotrs!ant k'pia.'opal church.
The fctsl.op of una Rt. Ke
Aith.r 1. liliams. is chairman of
the board of tn aieei
The s. h''l roil lm l ides yo ina
oi.i.n from i! e leading families not
only of ' 'ti.a.ia. b .1 from this eaMern
pari of and even (tin
more western aisles. A great nian
young women ha.e attended this
s. ho.ii, preparaiorv to entering the
large eastern colleges
liefore oiiiMia lo bcowueli Ija.:,
Mas was prim uml of 8,.
Mary s .h," f. al H.i. 'Mnctou. N. J .
at the v-U-av of the sciiihiI year
Hlliol VL:iari.s IS n.w Seierur.
to l s.LmlUe-t t the board of tr'i
appiii aiiona aie now uu
-. i
I " est
Woodmen to Erect
Home for the Aged
Contribations from All Over World to
Pay for Lodje Institution in !
Iowa, !
By i ontributions from members of ths
Woodmen of the World all over the I'nitsd
plates, a home for decrepit and Indigent
niembera, to be caiied the J. C. Roan Memo-
na Home, w ill be ere ted at a i int of I ', -
'mm at Lyons, la., as s-on aa all collections
jars in. The money to erect this building Is
voluntarily contributed. Se mour camp of
I Omaha has raised S-) fur this fund. Citl-
sens of Lyons have furnished sixty aires
of ground for ths site. Lyons was the
home of woodcraft.
Frank Erdman has declared for a clear
The prisoner Fndav morning sent for
John Vizzard. special detective for the
I'nlon Pacific promts ne to make a state
ment concerning the shooting of Lee titts.
a night watchman for the I'nion Pacific,
and the theft of lumber valued at
from the Lans Cut-off.
Vizzard will see Krdman in his cell at
the county jail this afternoon to take his
s,nc h's conviction for an attempt to kill
Tom Lenn!on with a dynamite bomb.
Erdman lias been more than ordinartlv
erratic under the pressure of matter on
his mind.
The lumber Involved In the confession
whrrh Krdman propose to mate, was used.
It is said, in a barn on a farmer s place
near the Iane Cut-off. Erdman waa mak
uig hia home with the farmer at the time.
Lee Stitta was shot In the railroad yards
four years ago. He recovered umler treat
ment at St Joseph's hospital and' his since
left ths employ of the Inion Pacific.
Ifyou are tired of Demq"turned
down" when g I ,y o v-t want i j ' a chan
x o man, e a uy i n o ,
fvet on Doard,a 3anta Fe "IbunjtCar tfwi3e berths
ilj TOT
tri p to
g a list of randldates for the pnncipalshm
viera with hks recomniondationa. eeveral
r consideration.
Ikf Players U llralf satlus Ikaari 1
at Srrsiad Mrrtlaa; ml the
Irs lab.
"The Players' la the name adopted bv ,
the newly organised dramatic club, whti h !
held Its second meeting at the home of .11 1
' T. L. kimbail Thursday evening. The luo 1
organiaw-rs also adopted a constitution and '
art of by-laws and will shortly lcue In
vttatlona to the people who are to be in
vited to Join the organization as associate
or honorary members.
C. H. Hewerh Robbed ml 'a hr Arssrd
Baadlis at Mldalsht la Ural,
dewee Dlatrirt.
C. H Ren h. nil S.,uth Twenty-fifth
street comnliuted t to two highwavmen
at 1J Hi o clock Fndav mortilng w hn they
met at Twenly-f:frh and Hoppleton and
gently urd him to empty his pockets. As
the two men were supported by a full com
plement of sidi-arma. Rennet: lost little
time In comply ing with tne request of the
drejinorrofTij for lodej. jmokmc? compsrtrrientj for-
jnucrncrii at lu cntV Or inrH"Df?nri Ve
le-ri' i
i- v
t I I' It'.
un ni i.i Mr
Even if yoa art paying op
a pound for sour drinking
w want yoa to try a pound
to 35c j
of L
Ikr I. lad Haad
removes ller !ca tlon and bowel Miopia" 1
with It. King's New Life Pills the i.ain- ;
less regulators ISr For sale b Beat -n
Prog Co.
Compare rht ctip quality. Not I I
if (Jul tio.den Coffee at Its lower
pries iui't actually superior in
dasor. 30c lb. at your grotex't.
TO ate ao Dm Slssssa, Uwsa
I Milran e IM tmmt Tmrn Sraa. Ssxws
ijaa Joao,am Valley, California, wner
tnere j a fire. living on the land, and Cl
home. of. your own.
March 10 to April 10. 1
Railmail fare nnly w) (mm Umalia n Calit'ornia.
Ponblc berth pi ."an'a I ' tourist slerper. 15 TS ex'ra.
Sfor-oer allowed for (jrand Canyon atui alt River
Valley, Ari.: alM at all points in California. Person
ally con'jucted excu.-s.iona. trcd lianey rucal service.
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