. I-w-i ittk. atb coirriWTTiaa ALL BUT WEKJt. . I !- rwt wm ami lrarrv Jo i- values 19a CtilWre-n'a lulin DrMFri; h n.stitch-l an. J ruffled t 9t Stupendous Bargain Offerings from the Receivers' iWbs, Muitcluings Sl Co. WJholesa e Sale of toclk BEorwwtwf rtY stasje ITTK A MTIUO HIT Men'. Ii ( nn.l Children's Hosiery All gii. n. north t : 5c; on tale Friday st. I .i r. . . ..JOr ud 12Vs( "Never before in the history of our store has the bargaingiving power of our great buying organization been more clearly demonstrated. pji-i- rim'o nr enter unhir in new Clean tie- sense on- MINNEAPOLIS EVENINO TRIBUNE: FRIDAY MAR it eaall iged he col- he m taSaeared 1Q we rie. teat he wis t tatire Kneeland. tst te kired irabg merchandise been offered before. Three Great Silk Specials Friday From the Tibbs-hutchings Co. Stock Never lct"ore in the hitory of the de l'artnients have we been able to offer w liarirum in liicrli la-s nw ilk. $1 $1.25 SILK FOULARDS FRIDAY, at..:.....:...:..:. 69c I'm) Dre Patterns of Beautiful New Spring Foulards. Imported and DoraPs- tiiMiuniiutacturp, '4fcliower Prtof a nd water proof ; .only one pattern of some styles. PJnty of navy and d t-1ft blues and all thia spring's newest rolorinsrs and patterns $1 and valors, also J7-irich All Silk Mescalines M-in. Taffetas and aid wide Natural Pongees ou snle Friday, yard 75c Silks Friday 20c. $1.00 Silks Friday 48c Ov-r rt.'tuij yards of plain and novelty ni!ki. An immense line of beautiful new Bilks, 27- nopliu. batin Liberty, pontes, jacfjuard t inch diagonal suitings, 27-in. heavy por. Ke 8, silk. Messalines. 20-in. novelty silks and JacqiarJ messaUnes, etc.; SO different colors, at, yard TOC 69c etee Vfrom ee irludisg Citizens t 81ft Ig1alatis Bala. Kvpf bill introduce in the Iwi'l- tare averting Miaaeapoli is te receive thnrotirh over ban line at the Hanot ef Jeba TjjaKeaa sad hie .VritietiT rininvyjeB of te .'oTPfnNri'lih, Th grist pvH?e affairs re mm it te at -W)i'B -a. 3-y rr j the frees be state trel fry.th adopted lea He rjatA Every day trill see new and crowd bringing bargains offered. Nearly every stock handled by a first-class Knit I rulerwear 50c Qulitj. ests or panti, in all !iea. medium t:Ight. at 19 taia mey vaext aieetim Af t h heaviest ptrwrhaneii at edirf t re-eiret 'a sale ef tha Hte ml dry raod trk af Tikho. Hnta- ipi 4 Co. t.!r -ere rreerBtativea of Tie Bra Haydem Br. vt Omab Iraener wholesale dry goods jobbing and ,ilhWt.. Malin itmw' manufacturing concern is included at KmbroMery trimm.i yoke, ; . all siiee. cut Iocs and full; matchless low prices in this sale. ,np tt 23 v Urn Kiaa Vim t. -The above paragraph from the hfmneapolisEven ing Tribune needs no explanation it' the goods. TasBahs. printd pongees, foulanis, etc (tieatf-st bargains ever at, 90 yard . L4K, Cut Class, Jewelry 2nd Silverware At Half and Less Actual Retail Worth Cut hagar and Creamer! $4.00 value, at S2.00 Cut ;iaM Xsppif Regular rn.1- ues to 2.00; on sale t 75C nd 51.25 JM-OO Solid trtU Cuff LAaks -on sale at $2.00 Solid (rold Dinner Rings Kegular 12.00 value; on sale, choice, only S1.00 Solid (rtUl Betut ITaa Vaiue to $3.00; on sal at . . . g2 ABd 91 Ciermnn MlTer Mesli rurses that sold regularly at $4.00; Friday t S2.00 CWUireai'a MeIi rursea Values to $1.59, all at one price. . oO Sterllna; Silver Hat Plats Regular $1.00 values, at 39 StHiag Mirer Cuff Llaka Regu lar $1.00 valnetj, at 39 CioM tShvll Set Kings Assorted stones, In sb!l cameos. . . .25c f l.OO Watches St. . .j)c All 91.00 QuaJitf IOiinwtne Hat Iin, liarreUes, Cuff links. Coral Xerklavmi, Bar Pins, Monogram Wait Sets; os sale Friday at one price, cbolcs 25 Laundered Shirts W ithout collars, food patterns the regular 75c quality; choice--' 25c Ihey Carried One of the Finest Stocks ot High Class rVasi Goods for 191 J in The West. A few items here will show you what kind of goods they carried: 25c Abberfoyla Gjaghaots, it Ins. wide; our price . ... ..-12' lc Renfrew, 2 2 Ins. ide..l0 ISc Renfrew, 32 Ins. wide, bun dies SC 50c Silk Warp Foulanis -S8C 3 9c Silk Novelties 23c 25c silk finished Foulards. . 15 39c Scotch Ginghams 25C 39c Scotch Madras . . ..... ,25f 25c Scotch Ginghams, 32 Inches wide -15J 15c Barnaby Ginghams . . . . Of French Batiste, sold at 20c. -15? Domestic Batiste, sold at 15c and ISc, at 12HC Winsor Batiste, sold at IJc to l$c, at 10f Several other bargains In Wash Goods snd White Goods not advertised. Tabic and Bed Linens From the Tibbs-Hutchiog Stock Full bleacfcftd. TabJs Damask, as sorted patterns, worth ISc yd. sale price, yard ' . 50 Bleached, end half bleached Dinner Napkijbs, pure linen sQd Union linen, worth $1.5e dosen; sale price, six for 50 Hemmed Muck Towels, good sue, .cpiored borders, worth 15c each; sale price, each . j ....... . 10 Bleached sne nnbleacbed Turkish Towels, full siie. heary and ab aorbaxt, worth llc sale price, each 12 H Crochet Bed Spreads, heavy Mar cellles patterns, knotted fringe, worth $2.0d; sale price.,S1.23 Table Pads, quilted and herutned, ready for use. 54 Inches, round or square, worth $t.0 sale .price, each $1.50 Greatest Embroidery Sale E"',"tU Omaha We secured almost the entire sto'ik of Embroideries aud Tieets from tbe Receiver's Sale of the Tibbs Hntching' Stock, Securing the Embroideries at 25c on the Dollar. .Jat onejuartt-r of iiieir aetual value and will sell this ?tock. No soiled ptods nil strictly new, fre.ht" up-to-date inerehandi.e at One-fourth Regular Prices. 5c for Embroideries worth to 20c yd. 10c for Embroideries worth to 40c yd. 15c for Embroideries worth to 60c yd. 19c for Embroideries worth to 76c yd. 25c for Embroideries worth to $1 yd. 35c for Embroideries worth $1.40 yd. The F.mbroideries at JJi Include all widths of edges and insertions to' match worth up to 20c s yard. The Fmbrolderles at 19 include galloons- and wide flouncing to match, worth up to 76c a yard. ' Tlw r"mbroilerles at lOe , include 18-inch skirt flounc ings, 1-in. corset cover em broideries and' fine banJs worth up to 40c a yard. The Knihrviderie at 2" include galloons and beauti ful flouncings to match, to 45 ins. wide, worth to $1.00. J With these Six Special Ixts we will show 4i to 6 yard strips matchless at yard, 121'jC, You can't afford to mis these wonderful sav The K.mhrol6ries at 15 include 18-inch flouncings. with bands to match, txauti i ful patterns and worth up to 6oc a yard. The Kmhroiderie at 3J 1 Include finest goods, up to fjll 45-in flouncings and worth tip to $1.40 a yard. several lots of loom ends 7,C 4ic and.,...3VC injr opportunities. Men's Merino Underw'r Medium "Weight Mdrts or Drawers in all sires, regular 75c OKf Outing Flannel Gowns Men's and Hoy' all sizes, 75e val ues in Friday's sale, 25 C Magnificent Stock of Outer Garments Women's and Children's was a very important part of the great purchase from the Tibbs, Hutching & Co. Wholesalo Stock. Every day will see bargains shown seldom if ever equalled in the history of Omaha merchandising. Friday we will offer an immense stock of Wash Dresses and New Waists at One Price. cumnms mid DRAPERIES From the Tibbs-tiutchings x Stock Xacb Curtain, worth 3.00 Pr- Cable Net, Btuaselette and Scrim; on sale, pair, 31.08 $2JB5 Nottingham Cfertaine Double thread, pretty pattern. In this sale at. pair 51.49 $3.75 Novelty CurwJas. .$2.50 Tambour Muslin Curuans 4 3 . TaJuea, dainty paUerns; st, ptr psir --.-.1.50 3Se rtfarad Sertma-In all enters; on t0u t $SUM 0eok OoTera Full aije. n.i colon, criolca &1-S5 lsa mtVt Tntm SlighUy aull:; t close, yard ....So Bmnate of uta, &nlma aa4 Maarwa Worth up to II. t yard; on mm at, yarj .....S3 MEN S WORK SHIRTS Alt kinds and tires, regular values to $1.50 at, choice 49g Three Rousing ' Rug Specials Froes lite TlbbHutchlngs Co. Mock. fi7-V) Axralaater Rugs'ilS.OO ilS'alie, big range of splendid patterns for selection. f 18.00 TapeMry Bruafirls Rugs 9x13 site, seamless, 21 patterns for selection; on sale Friday at, only .311.03 tfi.O Fine Velvet Rug 27x54 size, big line of patterns; sale Price J)8 All rugs guaranteed jerfect and saw spring 1911 patterns. 7-fU Water Color WisxJow Shades. 15 Inches wide, St. . . . 23? Dainty New Dresses, in Lawns, 'Lin geries, Ginghams, Union Cloths, Etc., as shown in 16th St. Windows. All colors and sizes in newest spring styles made to sell at $5 to $10; your choice of the entire lot, Friday While looking over the special bargains, don't forget to see the new Styles in 'Crown Jewel Suits. You won't find them equaled at. .$25 j 95 Beautiful New Waist Styles, Silk Messa- lines, Taffetas, Nets, all colors and sizes plain and fancies. The very choic- est lot of values we've ever had the for tune, to secure, actual values to $7.50. Pick them cut Friday while they last, i at :.k .:.....$i.95 New Spring Covert Goats in all sizes, made to sell at $15; tho?e handsome long designs so. Drugs and Toilet Goods Specials From the Tibbs-Hntchings Co. Stock too, LSo aaa SSe ear ToUt In one M l.x tTMH-: S ban far lse 10c Jao Rtue ur Flm ouve Soap i t tttn for ......ISa S km Xvary steep let. . IS 1tt Wtiiiams' 6:-,init Soup So 10c Shln.iU .-hoe Poiih Sc JSc ;rv Tooth Powder 100 lie Rnjiitoi Kat e Craam ir Tooia Po4r at ISO J5c Tooth Brushes 100 $1.00 Wellington Combination Syringe and Hot Water Bottle. gurantrd for five year taX)Q Puro Hy irogen Peroxide. $1.00 Friday at S&o Pur Hytrvm Peroxldo, 5c rlr tarao kettWa for S9e 60c Face Powder, either Java Hice or Posxmi'o. at S5o riaxlblo BaU riloa :5c aud 15c val uer, at 100 $1.23 Bath Brushes, with detachable handles, at Too SOe BeiS Spcna-aa at SSo Hapla now rowatata fyrlnga 1 gt lie. t l.ii value, nt ... 4SO ILM KM Water Bottle Aaeorted on ihi Friday at 4Se TSe aa4 91.00 Bnbber Olowes on sale at . eso popular this spring $8.95 Five Big Specials in Our Domestic Rooms Friday One Lot of Tailored Suits, made to sell up to $20.00 on sale at . . $5.00 One Lot of Ijulies' Coats, made to lp to $15.00. 52.95 selLu st . . One Lot of Rain Coats from this stock; on sale at, each .. .'.81.95 One Lot of fader skirts, 75c up to $1.50 values; on sale . . 39c One Lot of Ladies' Wrapper, made to sell to $1.50, on sale at. .49 DON T FORGET u rv IT PAYG No Longer a Luxury Hayeeas seas tt possible for avary. body to eat rreaa Tsa-otablas the year aroaaa. Fresh Spinach, per peck SOo 1 large bunches fresh Beets.... loo 1 large bnncnes fresh Carrots.... 100 4 lariia bunchue frsun Saajots .... 10 1 lar bunches fresh Turulps ... 10a J Isxk bundles fresh Radishes.. 10c t large heads freak Leaf Lettuco.. So Lrge Head Louuee, .each.,, f ie-M Plo Plant, per buncn T-iO 2 bunches lresh Parsley to Kaney Cauliflower, per lb TH Fancy Ripo Tomatoes, per lb.. lOo Fsricy V nx or Oree.1 Beans, jer lb , at um LJtsaw hosula fraea Ceiery . . . . 6o Lirge Cucumbers, each lOo Ai.ythine; in fresi Vegetaiiles at sumuwr prices, IN have it SS TO OaT 50 KB CXXT SATXS OaVOCXJtXES Tou ran always aava from 15 to 10 per cent by trading at Hayden'a. Wo advise our customers to buy flour now. It haa advanced lie per barrel ua every pruaooei of suil going aiher. Kedtieoday. per 41 lb. sack best Patent Flour mads S14M II iL.a test Granulated t'ugar flXM 14 biir piamond "C" or 'Em ail Soap see It lla. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal for S6e 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmcal for ISHe t lba hand picked Navy Beans.. S5e i lbs. good Japan Rlc ! 7 lbs. best Buik Laun.lry etarch.. Sao Gallon cans Table Sirup Soe Yeast Foam, pkg SVi i Children's Ball Invitations have been issued for the fancy tress ball whioh ta given aarruany for the children of the members of the Metropol itan club. The young women ot the olub will bo in charge of the party which will bo given Saturday aftcrceun. March S. from t to t o clock. Tha custom of giving a children's ball at the Metropolitan club was inaugurated by the 11 Julius Meyer, who. for many years. Waa president of the club, sn.t the young people of the club have oenUcsee tha en tertainment, -vhu-h Is exceedlngty pepilar with the children. The little onea era taking a keen Interest, aad already the mothers are occupied pre paring costumes for tha event. About seventy-five children wtll ba pree- Famous Organist Here Mr. Clarence Eddy, the eminent organist, la now on his way to New York, returning from a succetut ra xrat tour through the saith and aeat aad as his journey brought hira throth Oniaha. ha st.ipved hero fur a few hours Wednesday ana vtsites) Mr. Thomas J. .Kelly a4 his studio Mr. Eddy haa a distinct mrenory of hia fei-mer Visits to Omaha, when ha appeared hero In recitaia. Us reqallee his firet visit here wiany ' ear as ago,, when ha Off! dialed at the public Installation of tha orgsa of All Saints' church. This organ waa the gift of Judge Wool worth. Mr. t!dy aiwke with enthusiasm of his pleas ant experiences here at that time. Mr. W. F. Taber. who formerly was or ganist at the First CongTealiunal church ad aa important contributor to Omaha a muaicai development, t now in Atlanta la. In 1 is southern trip Mr. tddy visited Atlanta and ith Mr. Taber. Another cf in;t who la ll known in Omaiia, Mr Archer O.baon of New Tork. had oaen te Mr. Kddy of the beautiful snaiiiies of tha organ at the George A Jc!yn home. Pleasures Past Mrs C K. bumner and Misa Sumner neruuned stemay aft r moo o ax the an ' Sial kenaingloa tor the snenibera of tbo art department of tte Woman a club. Aa ea.oaMe afternoon waa spent and thirty -ti guests er preatnt. A a eaoyaWa Mu.djaa a Pen waa iaa th.a aliernoua from $ to I o v.ov tf Mra trreat Riehardsoa te celebrate the u Richardson. The afternoon waa spent in formally playing games aod a birthday cake formed the centerpiece fbr tbo dining room labia Eight children ware present. Mrs. William Mann gave a pleasant children a party Tuesday afternoon to cele brate the tenth birthday of her aon. Wal ter. The birthday luncpeon was served at one large table. Those present were Nat Harris. Ix-e Harris, Uie Anderson, Iva Pierson. Lovell Pitrsan, Ruth Harris, Ver non Grimm, Walter Mann, C! yde Pierson. Mr. and Mra T. Thompson, Mrs. Kate Lee. Mrs. A Harris. Mr. Wallace Jackaoe. Lt. as Mra. IL M McClanahaa and Misa Kathenna McClanahan entertained at dinner last evening at their home The table was decorated with a fern basket filled with whits carnations and fsia Those present were: rr. and Mra Harold Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Loomia Mr. and Mra John Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jetferles It and Mrs. H. M. McClanahaa. Miss Katharine McClanahan. L-r W. L Bridges. A pretty eolor scheme of groan aes) white was awed at Uie targa hrVtge party given this afternoon at the Metropolitan club by Mre. M SiMeaeerger. Mrs. Lows M. Coha. Mrs. Louis Woif and Mra Edaard Teller. Ft-' PaUKk s decorations ware used, green and white carnations forming the center piece for tha tables tn the dining room, whare refaeahaienia ware senred ih latter purt of the afternoon. Tha bridge tables sere placed In tha parlors ef the dub. Tft waa ore of the larger social affairs of the aeek and seventy guests were pres ent. The members of tha Mtzpah club were entertained yesterday afternoon at tha homo of Mra M. J. Anderson. The high acorea were made by tha hostess and by Mra L A. Lund berg. Mrs. A. Richardson wUl aaisrtaja taa due Marsh U- Those present yesterday a ere: Mesdamee Ueedemee- Paul C. teia. Tbariea Gift. , J. C. &ede. A. laiyn. K. Hltjmaa,. , H. Suivan. V. leero. I- A. Lircirg, M. i, Aaaenwa, Mrs. iuxlney B ias ana her stater. Mra WilaaA teoover sf Kansas City, gave a care party Wednesday afternoon at the bom of Mra Bliss. Those preestit were. Meadamea Me-lames Fraoa VV human, Frai.a Lngier New Kitchen Utensils ITT V" ar W. lloui N. Mryers. A. kLaresso. P Buyer. Our Baker. Ralph fhwpard. t nut r aria. fta i n -..1. lobe UcXsai. Moi.taoutery Harria. uy trench. I'rsrlrt Heimer. Aitjeri FdatMu-t. L l u- ker, Ksare Aoavusdy, ArUkiar etuaea. N THE fhops the most favcinatirg department' for the housewife who Is f-ii-n shing up for sprlne is the drpartjv.ewt of kitchen men- sua The aluminum pots and pans of standard sixes coax the mosey from her parse, ft.m reCeers put tn time that the old blue enamel ones are still in rood condlt'on and she turns her attention to the amalieA th nn aiilch will save time and trouMe fr her in the kitchen. The new d sh mops with !ong u dies are useful for preliminary wash ing of very dirty kettles. Oblong draining baskets are made to tit tha aink draining board and save s Utile apace In dish washing. A small nut meg grater that bolus tha nutmeg presaed against the grater and works with a crank may be purchased for S cent a A round potato ricer or vegetable press washes more easily than does the angular, eld-Caahioaed kind. Folate eutlers of new forma are found for making sho-strlng. latuce and potato ruria One of the new graters haa tour aldea one a plain coarse grater, one te set ceooarrst. a shoestring potato shredder, and a sllcer for Saratoga potatoes ard shrseUad. cahoaga A number of small, aharp wbeela are mounted on aa axia and gwided wltn s handle to form a parsley cut ter, which will reduce parsley to green powder la a ml nut a A new utensil is a small pointed scoop spoon which ia called s potato eyer. It Is especially good for re moving the eyes from One apples. Instead of tbe wepdeo neat anew - era the modern housewife uses tel ones which have a loop in the end The.i may easily be removed from the hot meats befora sending to the table. Perforated srMns ' are useful for draining crom-Uej from fax and re mowtae vewetabiee from rhe water -tn-ahich they have b-en cooked. Spoon resta. spoon shaped and perforated tc houk on the a des of the preserving kettle, are helpful in keeping thr drainage of a spoon uwl In stirring. A plate scraper made of rubber is useful to use on china plates before putting then la the dlh water. They cleanse well and are soiselews. ' A new fruit press sorewa ew the aide ef.Uia table and works with a cranky hla round bowl makes It ray to cHin Some new ramekina are shell tnaped and are used for scalloped dishes, such as devilled cribs and escalioped oysters. Asbestos sheets, gathered together tnio e tablet, are luwfuj to ptsu-ct oven baaed dishes. They may be bent over a dish or used te Mne u even aiden, and are tn better form for oven work than the round asbestos plates wtiica are used ea top of tha stove. The new cream whips are of glass, wuh a plstosi apparatus wcrklng wo and down. This method la very quia aad cleanly. The new -tiousehol.l weighing machines are small aad have slanting dials for easy reading. Little kettles are now sold that fit down into the tea kettle and and so make a double boiler for steaAjnf iii p.uaoinae aad the like. Hal Roberts. . -i.ilaja beever. Misaes Fannie How land. Nan Cunningham. George Johnson. Rodney BUsa, Mabel Hicks, l:K Smell. The Piaysum w htst dab was eniertelnea st tha home of M'.ns Florence tw-.- T. Fowler avenue Tuesday eveiuug. Prises were won by Mr. E. T. Campbell and Mrs. Lester Thatcher. A'onsolauons by F. C. Whittemore and Misa Mildred Hildum. Those present were: MJsass Mlasas Ina Heseiln. Florence Dooley, Mitred Hndum, ancs Hi.ara J uui loMswa Came bisrSBaa. Jeaaie ks ai.ua b. umij Vlda Ani. M esars F. C Whittemore, W. r. CraJghesd. W. P. Riacabura, Art Tatcher. B r. Casspbelt. Mr. and Mra Lester Thatcher. Messrs Ed sard Bierman George biermaa. C L Mo..ret Clarsncs Haa. For the Future Mrs. Rona:d Patterson will entertain at ;bne Maxarday for Mr, Harvey Milltken iof Chicago and for Miss Laura Dale, who 'will be one of the spring brides. Mies Laura Tale will entertain at a ken islngton next Wednesday afternoon at her home tn honor of the out-of-town young women who are here to attend the Wood jjlowlaadi wedding. '. Mrs. W. A Piet a ill be bosteaa at a 'H-TKheen parr' next Saturday at her heme Miss Margaret Lee wtll entertain tha , members of oae of the Friday Bridge clubs thts week af her home. There will be twe tables of players present. fr. Harry C. Finney will eut ruun Fri . day evening a number of his boy friends at hia home. 1652 Martha street, to cele ! brate Lis f.fteenth b.rthday. ilames and cox-lc ara oa tte prtigrata ar.d afterward refreshments wP? be served. The decora- tiosi will be in geart and yellow HUNGARIAN TIPS ON LONG LIFE Werlel Fsnaee Daetew Clvea Iks Balea far ( roaalaa the t eotsry Mark. , tha organs which may have' become changed by age or disease, by n a of the extracts from the corresponding oa. gens of healthy en! male But, of course the applications of this prscept muat al ways be adapted to the Individual case. k Wedding Bells j At I-ieix Memorial Meti,oaiit Episcopal j church. Tenth and Pierce streets. Wednea 1 day at 4 o'clock, was cetahrated the mar- nags of Mr. Clark Oxley and Mist Mamie Westphal. Res. lr Edaard HiHotf offiel- Stli.g. The wedding march wa J.'Layea.by i Mrs. S. H. $raiih and t'.e greons waa at I tended by Charles L. Wood rum aS best I man The bride was attended by Misa May Woodrum. mho was dresoed In white el 1 k 'chiffon and Carrie a bouquet of ahite sweet peas; the bridesmaid a as dreaeed in l-aie blue si;k. At the wedding dinner rollowlng at rhe Ijrist i hoar.s. 1317 Wir.Urn treet, covers were laid for eighteen guests. Mr and Mra Oxley will leave Friday for Yankton, 3 V . where they elll make their home. .' f ' Felda VarteS. It ta well to have your table clotlia aad sheets folded width waya occasionally, in stead of lengthways, as this prevent! the fold from always coming in tha same (Uvea aad thus cassias: teat pae te wse eut firat Personal Gossip Mrs. Wihlam Hoover' ht Kansas Clty'is visiting her sister. Mra Rodney Bliss. Mr. and Mra Gerrit Fort and daughter. Mine Louise, leave Friday for a few weeks' eastern trip Mrs. T. F. Kennedy haa returned from Fort Leavenworth, where aha has been visiting Captain and Mra. Clarence Rich mond Day. . Mr. W. Horni McKay will return from Washington Sunday after six weeka apent la Florida and the south for the benefit of Mra. McKay's heeith. Mrs. McKay has gone to Naw York, whare aha will remain several weeks longer before returning home - - i Jsaasset Trere. Never pour hot water on Japanned tray a or their surface will crack aad peel off. The right plan Is to sash them with s little warm, soapy water: dry with s doth and polish with a lit tie dry flour. A rkeuaaw a arses sever thtees tat Ue saga.it ox toe Ia his boa. lately published hi . the Hangarian language and translated Into almost every modern tongue, Dr Lorand says that from recent reports of the regis ter offices of Austria, Uermany, Frauxce and England It appears that, we are Justi fied is aasummgruiat though life is" usually limited to 5S to SO years, it may occasionally be prolonged to 10Q. or even more, by the operation of certain Internal and external sgen irs, says the British Medical Journal. By studying, tliese. we may eventually be able to prolong the Uvea of many in dividuals beyond 89 or even VO. and to prolong our term of youthfulneaa by ten or twenty years. We heed no lunger grow old at S) or an. This can be brought about by tm proving the functions of a oertals few of tha glandular structures ot the body, provtried one or mors of the main organs have not already been too gravely compromised by Incurable organic dla ordera. To prevent old age coming on too so, the first condition necessary la tha pos session of healthy ductless glands (chief amor.gthem being the thyrote, the- ad renala. the pancreas and the liver),- end this depends upon neredity. Marriage is an Invaluable aid in the struggle against old age. If married life la one of the best means of resisting the appro! h of old age, on the other hand. It la positively certain that unhappy mar rtaares are the surest mesas ef hasten I ne its oncoming. , To avoid prematura old age and early death we have to follow these rules: Wear loose collars, because a tight col lar presents .obstacles to the free -trtruis-lion of tha blood through the thyroid. Do pot take toe much meet, beoause abundance of meat alters the ductleas glands. Take hv-ge quae tines ef anile, this be ing ths extract of various glands, and especially that of the thyroid. Be aa much aa possible in tha open air, 1 and especially In the aunahlne, and take plenty of exercise, taking care to breathe deeply and regularly. Take e bath dally, and, to addition, once week or every twe weeks take a Turk- lab or vapor bath. Wear porous clothing, light hat and low shoes. Go early to bed and lie early. Sleep la a vary dark, very euiet room and with s window open, and de not sleep less tne. sis or more than seven aad a half hour a Have one complete day a rest tn each weak, without even reading or writing. Avoid mental disturbances or worries. Be temperate In the use of alcohol and also tn the use of coffee or tea. Avoid places that are overheated, espe cially by steam, and badly ventilated. . F.rgiaos or reinforce the fuactitna of feinted rsngrska And many an open book is hide bound. The more you are promised the lesa you may expect. come women look upon a husband as a seressary Incumbrance Women hare a pleasant way of being mean that no man can equal. Ait the world doesn't He witiun the beund acles of your back yard. Flattery la better than peroxide for ma ir.g a brunette light headed. exwnettmes It is better to have lo-vwd and. lost then tu have been the other fellow. A womaa dvesn t mind her husband's kavieg a fciood um according to her idea of it. No matter how homely a man la be cam always find some woman willing to marry tuna. But did you ever hear cf a woman who earned ner pm money by running a bowling Alley? Tne happy women are set all married te good men, lota of hatyy women are net married at ail Chicago News. Aw t'apleasaat Rewelaxleaw ' My son." said the doting parent. "It ts ynur duty to teil the girl you hope te marrr all about ) ourself ail your faoats awl weaknesses. That a the true test of love." "1 did.'' replied the hopeful. "It wean! much." "What did you tell her?" "Why. you see, dad. she didn't reejby know who you were, ao I told her.' "Eh! And what did aha aayT" "She a an a fully nice girl, dad. and she said she d try hard to reconcile herself te the unpleasant truth." Cleveland Plaia Dealer. i ns7 1 5?sr J Your Catarrhal Headache Instantly Relieve! By I RLE Sample lust a little Kondon'i purest Catarrhal Jelly, knurled into the nostrils relieves, eoot hrl and heals the affected membrane, which, raw or inflamed, briri on catarrhal headache Ask Your Drucalst Wfte Bar fc treeie st m s 2W m Sue hMir Ices svuurr nar-CMuM r, , - . . "V aaraMul an, w is a4 A -IZ,fc-r ltki..lsttaa. VV3-' sU I atones I si aavavs '-"ainif asinst , , - , . J