im; nr.;. omatta..- fr.iday. ...marctt it. inn. 14. REAL ESTATE" FArtt AMI HUDCH'UkDrOII SAl. , (Continued.) .... FOR SALE 18 nrw acres. lwamle Co.,- Wft , In tht Golden Prairie district, all fenced; several hundred irrrii under cultivation; stocked with sheen end cattle at present; will wll with ranch; will divide and exchange for xastcrn Neb. or' Iowa farm. J. T. BELL. OvVNEVR, . Chj ttint, Wyo. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT nra mm Itiarh l.aad. 10i ' Ai:i:.. in SaiTY county, five miles Booth of Gretna, wjl Improved, good land. 'M'WU. K3TATK Njjvy orkf eB ld s- CO.. REAL ESTATE LOANS IXIANrt to home onfri and home huilj. era, with privilege of Baking partial pay ments atnii-annually. . . W. H. THOMAS. mt First National Bank Bldg patents, $4rVrT4Wi; first clears, $3.06.3 60; second fUirs, IJWH (UTS-No. white, SB-JWc. KYB-No. t. fc. EW V9HK CKNKItAt. MABKKT 4aotatlotae GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulli and Bear, Both Anxious to Keep - - Near Shore. , FABMERS ARE SELLING CORN Holders t( Uri Have l.lttle Hope ' Advance a rrlrea, aa the Mar . kar-t la ! a Very Sir- " . 1 . . , , row Ob. , . , OMAHA. March 18, 111 Operators In I hi wheat market, both bulla I yellow, I 1.1$ ti 1.2b; icarse, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Varloaa of the Day . Cow asxodl ties. NBW YORK, MhtoIi 1.-FiOUK Quiet; Spring patents. liMi 1ft; winter paf-nt. l4UiV4..V, winter extras. No. I. $S.2U"14 8; KnhKHK -" straights. $4 2tv-(f.4 36; winter straight. I3j4n0; Hiring clear. 9"t 4 a".; winter extras. No 2, $3 liva 8 25. Rye i flour, firm; fair to Rood. 34 2v?i4: choice to fancy, tH 4094 AO. Buvfcwheat I hnmlni I ... i CORN MEAL (Steady; flna flour. whlta and 11.1041.16; WANTED City loana. Peters Truat Co. Ina (HEAP MONET. Representing tha rtnn Mutual Ufa Co with aaaata or over iin.wv.wu, 1 ana prepared to aecpt all tha good loan of. fered on improved Omaha real aetata. Business and residents loana mad wit-eas) V"' " THOMAS BRBNMAN. . Clt" Nations. Bank Bid. Low RATES. BKMlS-CAHUJEttO COs tw-UJ Brandela Tnaatar Bldg. ' OMAHA home a. buatneaa property and Nebraska land. -'Keele Heat Estate Ca, 1 Oman National. M 000 private money to' loan oa Inslda property or clioloa residence. Addraaa U Ml Bee. CITY and Farm. JOHN.N. FRENZER. W ANTKD City loana and warrant, ramem emltti Co.. lUt Fernaru SU W. MONEY LOAN Payne Investment Co. I1U 10 $10,000 made promptly. F, VVead. Wu Bldg.. l-m and Ifarnam. d. UARVIN BROS... 2d floor N. Y. Life, to lluv.uou uu improved property. b and 3' O ltainge blug. on business nd residence piopeity. W. B. Jdelkla, and bears aie keeping near allure appar enlly not, having cunlidonr.e 10 preea tha market either way. Appearanrea of con gestion In the May uniracts ami dry wedtiter in tlie noilhweH are the only bull In h teatures. while on toe other hand r pui ts from the growing winter wheat 'crop are nioNiv taeorahle. 'tne tah wheat de tnuitd in disappointing, mnun? and 'flour situation is not. improved and other for eign countries- am flooding ' Kurope with Wheat at 1 omesslonM under Amerltwn pih-ea ale the afvuments whl h lavor the dear alrie. "I he new crop' futures may gain strength through crop damage yet to come. somewhat more lineral on last night bids. sjulet: prime. 1.0f; No. 1, Holdcra of corn have had little encourage- No 2- 9"c: No. 3. ioS6c. ment as lar as PJlce advancement Is con- 1 M H"t--Vti1et'; t'eotral America, cerned. The' market Is a narrow one and i l'00'" V '- o- kiln iiroA t CO W H l-VT pot market easy; No. J red. 9."'C eleator. and Hj'-.c. f. p. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Kuluili. Il.tW'i. t. o. b. afloat, r'uttires market was firm early ou com-mh-sion house b(i1ng, the advance abroad and the cold weather, but eaaed off tinder profit -.taking and on the export demand, cii King unchanged to '0 net lower. May closed at H U.-Ic; .Tilly closed at 9oVc. 1 CORN Spot mwrket steady; No. J, B34n, f. o.. iv afloat. - Futures masket waa with out trnnsactlor.s. rioting at ";C net de dllre. Mav closed at fiHUc. HATS Hpni market steady. Ftitures mnrltet was without transactions, closing I1.00; V,c, Poiition of MArket Little Changed m Rsult f Op-iratiom. MISSOURI PACLFIC DROPS AGAIN prices ranged from Mi to below yester daVa New York rinsing lxindon closing stocks- 11.11 LmlKlllr A Nairti . lb It Mo . Kan A 1I. e1 N Vol C'ntrl. I Horfclk A Wtem Dallaoaa Klada linker Heflectloa In kadlng f Hates for Longr Tina ' ArcomaaadatloBS Foreign Kirkingt gteadler. REAL ESTATE -WANTED UHAl' A.- ioA fAKllH VvANTS Have yuu aiiytning to ofiar tne fariaef ot Iowa? Auy cneap land lor Dignar priced, general n.artnaudie aieie iw wmi, vf any huiu wi an eexaanaa .' or ' yo4 aouis land you waut to sail for casn f lb oe paper that leacnea lb low larmef U B- u. Aioines capital; circuiaiwj ally; 'ala mgi lusertaoo, 1 caul a word; ik iuitioti, ceuig a wurtl. ' Lfmm MoUia belly aiiL let MioiM in. It will take a good demanu to conturna present supplies. ITImary wneat tecelpts were H7,0UU bush els and shipments l&.OuO bushels, against receipts last year of 72.ouu bushels and 1 shipments of 7,(iu bushels. .. . 1 I'rlmary corn receipts ware JTlKlO busu ela and shipments 2n6,0o0 bushela. . agalnet receipts last year of &47.UVO buanala and . shipments of )0 bushaJa. ' . . Clearam ea were :24o.0O bushels of corn, none of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 113.000 buahels. Liverpool closed Hd higher on - wheat, !xHd higher. on corn. ' , The following cash sales wef reportedi ' Wheat No sales. "- "( . - ".iv ' Corn Xor t veilow, 1 car, 42c;. J cars, Hc; No. 2 mixed. earn,- Uc; No. I mixed, t cars, 41c; 4 cars, 41VeC. Oats No. 2 white. 1 car 0e; No. 8 whlta, 1 car Wait; No, 4 white, 1 car c; 1 oar, Omaha (stk Prices. V'HRAT-No.' 2 hard, 84fiS7c; No. hard .."iiFKc; No. 4 hard. 73V93c; rejected hard. JitVipl'-i''; No. a spring. 4'atc; No. 4 spring, iSVs'gSi'.ac; No. 2 durum. SiSMc; No ll durum, MiQKic. CORN No. 2 white. AJ'dlic; o. 5 wniie, 41'if4-'c; No. 4 white, 40V(f41c; No. J color, HUaic; No. 2 yellow, 42i42'.tc:' No. 8 yel low, 41'4i!o; No. 4 yellow, 4ovs'fl41c; No. 2. tlhlH-v; No. 3 41',4'41'c; No. 4, 0W 404C. OATB No. 2 white. SJ'ittwe; sianaaru, 2e&'Mic; No. 3 white. SSlSVic; No. 4 white. :VB29c; No. S yellow, isviiac; inu. 4 yellow. 28,4rtfli8c. BARLKT-No. 3, 80 0c: No. 4, TOeSuc; No 1 feed, liiia'ibc; rejected. 65&iOc. KYK-Ko. 2, KWo; No. i, 7Suc. Carlut Keeelpts. . , Wheat ....... ' i ...14. l... ti II Culver. U-t .i,ruuu w ...a....' ,1. U M. t. LJtm. Uvutims lasa. ACACHANUkitt. quick aale. large Hat. Ad giaa t. 1, woii.uiauiar aioi., otuaaa, Nea fAYlNO loa weekly newspaper plant and uUiluing,-eJ.Mo. consider pal 1 . clear liade vv rue tuiilei prlsa, Atlondainiu, la. r'OH BALAC. AT .UNClfi lkO-cra aouth at Iowm, eluO per -!. Vvouia coua.uoi i,vtM castr uu ' uliuic In xiouin . ixtaota or iNebraasa larM inia otter la open 4u ten flays umy. iddivaa i iu, vara bh. .... , ,.. ..... -.-i . ..i. ruH 8AIKAn extra good quarter of land eioau to Wood River, j-ebraeKa, in tha fanioua wood River vaiiey; will tkse ln ax change smail property in good town or mall stock' of goods.'' nrown Oriffln, Cairo, 'rtebruska. ' '; - - AC'RKB central Kansas; l.ioff axsi-ea eastern Kunsas; to exchange tor land, olty property and" ;;!crvhand!e. U. O. Albert, Lincoln, Neb. ; ' ' ' 1XR 8ALK Tha N. K."S of SO-llrJ-Tri at B0 an acre.' earn' I-wu lor 4 years at per cent; 'would consider an uto'lf In' good shape aa part payment.' I U. 7, Hlghmore H. !). . " : ' . DRUG stock and' building for gala or ax- change for land. Address T 107, car Bee. I WANT an automobile or vacant, lots In exchange for city property. Address 1) 7, Be. ' v STEAMSHIPS AU.1N UNI- riMuraentie at. Iterance Rest. Waakiy iallinaa irom ' MONTBKAL TO LlVgKPuOU OUAIOOW - LONDON. HATKS, S'ranas onmstir irora fHILJkI)ILHI an BOSTON la - OLAIUO ggiaaaia .auaitarir.. . anortaai aajaaga, low rataa. Any Railway Agent,- e w VXJ.. ' Uanerai Aaaau. J all Sana. v&, aii ' WANTED-TO BUY ; AtkiX pi iiaiU- lur tu uavua' Aurnlturai cai rva vioimug auu anweai tc. w. aWi WANT, to buy . poolhall or.amaJl rea tan rant business or would rent hotel lurnlslied. iw. a. l ugn. ivearney, rsee. Chicago " VI innea polls Omaha Duluth Corn. Oats. 160 W '47 "l LKATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, SHc; iuSic; . seconds,- I4; thirds, Htyc; rejects. ltj lie. . PROVI8IONR Pork, ateady; mess, U2.00, nominal; family, ttz.WaA .00; abort clear, ll 501? 30.00. Heef. steady; mess. Il4.00tri4.e0; family, 16.tVan ; beef hams. f7Ai4.Oi. ( ut meals, dull; pickled belli. 10 to 14 lbs.- IH.nOih'12 00. trickled hms. 112.00. l.ard. easy; middle nest prime. t.WtW. refined. sreaay; continent, is.tio . oouin America, ItO.iO; compound, 7.6iV7?6. Bl'TTEke- LyAsyy ciwanvery spaclals, tbgd -7c:. extras, &o i,Sc; firsts, 2P&.lc: sec. ondg, 173l!c; creamery, held apeclsls. 21 tfl-'c;'' extras. IShHWc; firsts, . lTiti'lRHc seconds, 16viiUl'c; stata dairy, finest. 24o; good "to prime, KVtjrJHc: common to fair, l"vt19c; proceus Sec'ials. l.S'-Hj 19c: extras, lv.ilSc; firsts, IS'iitjKc; seconds, lolfic; iml- taucn ' cramery, firsts, iiv-ise; tactory, Current make, firars, l'Kc; seconds, li Q'KH-jC . ' ' . -' . ECiGS Irregular; fresh gathered, selected extras, lSaKOc: fresh gathered, firsts. W't'o; lsc; fresh gathered, seconds, 17c; fresn gsthered.- thirds. Mo asked; fresh gathered, dtrtlfg. No. 1. ltic; fresh, gathered, dirties. No. Z. IMilKc; fresh gathered, checks, 14 K.c; western gathered, white, 19-oOc; wesu ern duck. 32t33c; southern, 2ni)4c. I -POT'LTRY Alive stesdy; westerfi chick ens. lltilSc; fowls. ' lRHfilSc; turkeys, 13o. Liressed Irregular; western chickens, 14c; fowls. ViWfiync: turkeys, W&iOc. - ." lands. 14.6oc ; . 1,14 bales. - . : J WKATHUH NEW TORK, March IS Tbe position of the stock market wss little changed as a result of today's operatlona. The drift was downward and the tone was hesitating and rather heavy. ' Fluctuations were narrow and, except In a few cases, there were no movements of note - . - The vulnerable point' In the list was Mis souri Pacttlc. Tha Block lost two points, receding to a level ten points below the recent, nigh prices , Weakness of Missouri Pacific offset the strength of other Issues, among which the Will stocks were prominent. Canadian I"a ciflc yielded a point Some of the Indus trials were strong. National Biscuit rising (cur points. , Imlinexs In the stock market and most Unos of irade found further reflection to day In the shading of rates for long-time accommodations, fuiir, five and six-months' money being offered at 34y3' per cent. Tne foreign exchange market was a shade st ndler In tune. The bond market was irregular. The sale of 112.600.000 Missouri. Kansas A Texas 6 per i-ent bonda for refunding and improve ment purposes vwas tnnnunM today. To tal sales, par value.' S2.K.000. I't.lied Ftntaa bonda.' Is., declined U net' Cant on call. . . .Nujiiue. ,,1 aalea and leading Quotations on stocks were as follows; middling gulf' 14.90c; sales, IN TI1K URA IN BfciLT CHICAGO GRAfjt AN I) PROVISIONS ,,,,., . (.,,,, throughout the eastern, and middle states, '.rS hi 51 w'th "ro weather along the northern Pi Min.J thJS wouTrt boundary of the lake region and In tha at in Minnesota there would I c, , , m ... T.n.i k Keatnrea of tk Trxdlog and Closing Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, that rising te . , . 1--. .... .1 1 1 r ri r'J ariu inm in miiiiitrsuioi 111010 ui' ... ir rMin or nnuw, iohiutcu tuunv as o. market Influence all talk of -cold, dry weatber. In consequence the t close was easyat a net decline of i.c to Vic. Other leading cereals showed an advance, corn and oats making a gain of a shade to Vic Provisions declined 7c to zofa'-wc. Kxperts traveling "In " Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma" sent In bearish dispatches regarding -the wheat crop outlook In those stales and there were plenty of speculators evidently willing to take the short side on rallies. On hte bulge, however, the market met many eating orders to sell and was unable to. absorb the offerings. Contri buting to the decline wag the, fact that Kansas City receipts were Increasing and that prices there were at a greater discount on Chicago figures than, any time this sea son, ljift sales wera at . almost the bottom Point reached. .May ranged between 90W&' down at Freeslna; Weather Extending; Soath . . . ward to Golf States. . , , ' :' ' . OMAHA. March 15. 1911. The wave 6f -Older weather f hat spread bver the upper Missouri and upper Missis sippi valley r . . Tuesday night continued south and east during tha laat twenty-four hours and now covers the lower valleys uu (lie entire country east of the Missis sippi river, .freezing weather extend south to the gulf states, and temperatures ranging from .lu . to 16 above sero prevail frXijc and DlVdWV'i losing .gAic 0a(.&SnS.c.' ... .Leading, bulls, were good buyers 'of corn and had a following of quite respectable Hlze. May fluctuated from 4t,4c to 49t' 49c and closed ateady at 4V:. a gain of i,c over last night.' Cash "corn .was firm. No. yellow finished at CMrfi-tc. A squeeze In oats at Winnipeg stirred the market here a little. May varied from SU.c to 31V4C closing V P at 3U.C. . Iack of outside demand discouraged longs In the provisions crowd. The market was as a. result weakened for pork l&c to ttxfi) STVkc, lard, 7V10o and ribs IWO'loc. 1 rlcea In cnicago, turnlsheO. try tha Up dike Oram oumpkoy. Telephone , Douglas 2474. 70S Brandeta building, Omaha: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Vleat- I I I . May...ltViTd'S'l,''eVe'ff;w!!Sew! H4 July.,ti9'" S9S'U ss:ksTsirav4 8ept...&SVl '.. S?,S8VaWl. S! 8SV4 COIU .1 I I ; I , . I iay...l4W.Tt;4Htil ' '.! " 4914 . July-..iW'il . .tOHlSOU'd'-aioOUi .iWHfc''J' Sept Oata May... 31V1! JtJly...31''V eept-...llW Por May July L- -I May... I July... I 8ept... "...1 17 i .,.f 14 7 l'kl ..1VI S1S,81 S1HI I wan ir-o oecunu-nanu uorlahi. olann Must ue guod anu at uargalu, 01 uon t virile. . uais tlk., Abeiuenn, . U. 11AHU graiu wheat makes 1'pdlkea Pride ot Hour, li r'. J. Puryear, 4-'i tiuuih 1st, Council Bluti's. will bring thin ad to J he Bee witiun 1 oi)'i and Identity himself he will receive an oiuar lor a K-puuud sack of this line fluur. .. WANTED TO RENT " HAMiL'u lu 1 ni, uarn, V'el.aer, lor horse and '. las 4oa.'. ' - near liih and 011. Can Dim.. NICK g-room house; unfurnished; within walking distance ol-buslnesa district. K 179, -Bee. ' KVKKY up-to-date grocer sells Tpdlkes 1 'ft. I a . I In, a I. m IU. . K ie LI. Z a 1 u. . t. j . 1 t orr. 1 . mi ii a del' (iewaid St will, b.lng 4.hia ad. to Ths' Be, jnd Identify himself i.e will receive an Vr. kvuiiu 01 inia Hour. P.hjm . May., July., Hept. 9 17S' OTVkl 17 to K 70 17V4I ttfTI 10 1 7Vk 10 I V7V filVs I Usi i I I 17 I 17 35 1 46 I 1 bo I -8 Hb I 8 I m 8 96 1 9 95 I 81V 8U 31 SUVal I I 17 0 It 6 I 31' 81 9C': IK ' 8 9a I 9 47V1 : Vsl t 94- 9 12 9 9 Ub - 9 i 9 07 9 06 l-awrenco valley. Temperatures have risen rapidly In the extreme upper valleys since the last report, and generally warmer weather prevails everywhere west, except that It la cooler along ths Pacific Coast. The eastern disturbance Is now central, over New 'England and high winds and , unsettled. .weather prevail from the lakes east to the coast. No precipitation has oc curred In the central or western portions of the country wlthin tha last twenty-four hours; and generally clear weather pre vails. 'With, temperatures rising In the west and northwest ths outlook" Is for warmer In this vicinity tonight, with con tinued fair tonight and Friday. ' 1311. 1910. 1909. 190. I-OWeat today V..., 21 38 .. 18.. 33 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 : Normal temperature for today, 88 degrees. Deficiency. In precipitation since March 1, .20 Inch., I. . ' ' Peflclency "for corresponding period, 1910. .M Inch. Deficiency foi corresponding period, 1909, .14 Inch..,, . . r. ,L. A. , WELJSH, Local Forecaster. 1 ., - . St.- Lasla, General , Market. . VT. LOUlS. March lfc WHEAT-Futures lower; May. 90Ht?04c. July. 87VAC; cash, steady; track No.' 2 red,' 9o&9oHc ; ' No.- t hard, 90H9c COKX Steady; May, 48ia48c; July, 494c; cash, strong; trac. No. 3, 47c; No. 1 White, 474TV. ' OAT8-8teady; 'May. Be; July, 30c; cash, higher; track No: 'I. 31c; No. 2 whits, SZc. RYU Higher, 88Viq. FIUR--meady; red winter patents, 84 iXKfi4.S&; extra fancy and straights, 13.70 $4.10; hard winter clears, $3.01X2 3.40. ' rF..ED-.TImothy,- tt.OWfcjiO.&O. CoRNMKAL 32.30. BRAN rtrm; sacked, east track, 81.07 1.09. - , HAY Steady; timothy,' I13.0018.60; prai rie. 31i.v16.0. I'ltoVJt HJNS -r- Pork, lower; . Jobbing. tlT.iji. ' lrd. lower; prime steam, Is. 76 a1 S.80. Dry salt meats, unchanged' boxed, extra shorts, 89.60; clegr ribs, 89.80; short 1 tQ . I.- .. n K I . . I extra shorts, $10.76; clear ribs, 1)0.76; short o'eers, $10 87H. 1 rcici'i ni r inn, cnicnrne, lie; epringa, 16c; turkevs. ISv4W14Hc; ducks, 16c; geese,8o , BUTTER Steady; creamery, ' 19fl27o. , E009 Steady at 15c. Receipts. Shipments Allla-VaJmara pAt .... Amalgairiatad Copper .... American AsrlrulturaJ ... American beet Sugar,'..'.. AmeVhan, Oin' ... ........ Artiarican'Cf F. ....... Ameriran 'fVjtlon 'oil...... American . U prd,,.., Am. lea aarurltlaa American Ulna. ad Amerloan IOcumoJvt ,,,, American S. A K Am. R. A It ptd Am. Steal Koiindrlea... ... Am. Sugar lleflnlng American T. A. T. American ToImlcoo pM.'..., American Woolen Anaconda Allolng Od...... Atchlaon Alchlaon pfd Attamlo Coaat Line altlmora A Ohio Btlehm Slaal BrotXlrs Bapld Tr.,' Canadian Pacirio Central Ieerhar .-. Central Lauther Ptd Centrml f New Jecaajr. . . , Chesapeake A Ohio........ Chtcta-o -Alton. ;..... Chicago u. W, ,, c. o. w. ptd Chicago A N. -W... ...... C, Ad. Ar St. t (.'., C. C. A C Lc..-. Volorado.F. A I Colorado A Southern Consolidated. Oaa (Virn Producut Detaaare A' Hudson Denrar A Rio Orand.... D. A R. O. pfd.v .. Distillers' ' BecurUiet Erie Brte lt prd.... Brie Jd.pfd General Klectric' ...'...',.. Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctta. Interborosfk Mat, int. Mat- ptd Intarnatlonal Rarraatar . lot. Marina ptd International Paper...... International Pump Iowa Central : Kansas City go. k K. C. lo. ptd....' Laclede Oa .... toularllla A NaahTille Minn. A St. UjuIs M . St. P. A g. g. M...... M., K. ' T....'. M, K. AT. Kl, Missouri Tacifle National Blamilt ...;......'. Nailoaal load - N. R - R. el M. New Turk ( 'antral , N.-Y..V O. .A W,.W...e.... Ndrfolk A Waatarn North Amerloan. ax -dir. Northern Paciflo ....... Pacirin Mall ......... rannvrlvanla People'a Oas j.. P., C A A M.. I4-.: Pitta huig Coal : 11 amti Steal Car..:...'. Pullman raJaee car.... Railway Bteel Spring.. Reading Republic Steel ...'..;.:. Republic gtl P'd. ex-dir Rook Island as Rock Island Co. ptd..,, St. U A.S- r. M pfd St. Loula t. W gt. U g. W. pfd gloas-ahefnald S. A 1- Hlh L"W. Clfaa. i"0 : .19 l.H) 64S S tVal 6.k ' t( 110 4S 4iS &"0 i , '. 1 '3-') H . M r W . AnTI 00 '4 40 l '.... U 900 Mil U Xl'i )S ai 1,1'K) 744 TfH W, 6o 1M ilC 14 47 1.40D 17(1 1I94 11 61 ltiji, 1 I4K 100 S A 100 84 H 3.H 4Vk M 1,0! 1US 107 1071 400 12 1021, 00 131 1 K'0'., 1"3 400 SI 31 H .12 1.100 77', 77'. '. 77 S, 4.100 21 Sl" I.2H0 - w, mi; n 400 H't 19 H 100 '97t 178 28.7 1,400 82 12 . .'.. St 100 . 21. . 81 .. ' Jt 44 44 44 'k 100 I44Uj 1C 144 4.100 in m 122 .....1 AS Sill M 6.700 ms lr 14: 1,0X1 14a 14 -' 144 ' U7H too (i4 i' ;ii 10 Cmaols. monar dn aeminl ... Amal Ooppar . Anaconda Atchison "IS do pd' do Dfd Paltlnior A Ohio.. I", Pennsrlanla list, 4W lt' l kl anadlan Pslflc Chesapeake A (this "hl. tit Western... Chi , MII.'A 8t. P- lis Beers Iienvar A Rio 0... ' do ptd v.rla do 1st ptd do Stl pM nrand Trunk Illinois Central ... SlLVEK-nar, MONEY 2'i'y .Iiwva Ontario A Western.. 4;t 7". 2'."l'. Rand Mines . 4S Heading . Snuthetn Railway ..1J4 do pfd .. 114 gnuthsrn ra-ifio;." . . t: t'nlon Pacific lo .. 7 do pfd M .. fag, f. g. Htesl aev4 .. 114 do prd 12?i ., Uu, Wabaah IS . . ?'S do pfd W ..1W4 gpantsh 4s W (inlet at 21'ld per ounce. per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 2 per cent: for three months 'bills. ;Vi2 12-W per cent. tloatort loalim Slocka, BOSTON. March 16. Closing quotations 011 riiii'K. eic A Holies Amal, (ipper A. 2. U A H Arlxona Com Atlanllc 13 A C. C. A $1 Butte Opinion ... Csl. A Arlions 'sl. A Hecla Csnteanlal kiopper Range C. c Kaat Butt C. M... Kranklln Glroux Con Gran by Con , Greene oxnenee . . lala Royals Copper Kerr La Lake copper l.a Halla Onpper. .. Miami Copper Bl-dl. "Bid. ft.- tl(Mt- . H4 Mohaak . Ws Nevaila Con . 2 Nlr'aeing Ml nee . . I4S N.jrlh llulle . IVs North tank . l-'s Old Dominion .... . 17, Osceola . . hi Parrot t 8. A C , .501 (Julncy .. 1214 Shannon . 4o Superior .4 . l.'-V, Superior A B. M. . . Superior A P. C... 4 7-14 Tamarack .13 l. g. K R. A M. .. 4'4 do pfd ,. lt, Utali Con . . 4H I tah Copper Co. . .. ISSt Winona .. S Wolraiina .. lt!4 . 4'1 . U . 34 kj . 8 . as'i .lo . I2'4 . IW . loa . 27 . 4 . 14 . 41 . K . 47', . HH 44 . 71 .111 New York Cwrb Market. The following ' quotations are furnished by Logan A Rryan, member of New York block exchange. 15 South sixteenth street. Omaha: Am. Tobacco Pay state Oaa Butte Coalition .... Cactus ' fhlno Chief Cons Kly Central Rlr (kins Franklin Glroux Belmont I tioldfleld Florence Greene Cananea ... Inspiration Lsroae Ex. dir. ,4W Nee. Cons . 1:4 Newiirtue , i;- Navsds-llUh . 30 Ohio Copper . 2 Kawhlde Coalition IV, Ray Central . " 4 Pwlf4 l'kg. Co . 27 'Sears-Koebuck Co. i' Silver Pick . in'4 . 7 . 1 . i . i' lOUi, 1 Superior A Plttaburg 1j II Ton.ipah Alining 214 Trinity Copper .. 4 United Copper .. 7S Kerr Lake 4S OJIbway 4 4 V. 14VS l.ton 100 "ino 4. too (no 'mo 100 2v 4 14H 12SH - rS'V 1144k. 'V too T lilS'i 1J7 (iv. 114 17 334 00 Ul4 1114k 1.000 too 147 '4 J4'4 144 83 !4 14.900 5'.'4 63H HOil' 1M 1344. 400 634 H4 - 100 H4V, 1U l.)0 1073, 107 N - 300 41 4- 41V, 400 1W IV. ,100 0 70 v10,vr ljas. 134H 1?4H 244, 1.3O0 124't, , ltH . SOD 10'4 104 . 3(1 '4 47S 3'4 144 lzr'i S4 ' IhVi 6S14 114 14 V 1o4 40 1'4 33 7 HIS , )4V 83 147V4 4i 47 ' '6514 127V. M 44 4 W14 4H 1064k 70 Neve York Mining; Storka. NEW YORK, Macch lfi. Closing quota tions on mining stocks mere: Alice 1W ixim. Tunnel stock. 2i do bonds 19 Con. Csl. A Vs 9S Horn 8Hr 34 Iron Silver 140 lyeadvllla Con 10 Ottered. Little Chief Mexican 1HS Ontario l&o Ophir HO Standard H0 Veilow Jacket 84 3.4O0 200 900 , t! Mki 144 0Va, J 144 2.tM 1674 ' 1SV ..7 140 1,800 r"4 90tk T'4 ISA 1 400 42V4 43 fur -WANTED-SITUATIONS PoSlTluN.. by thoroughly bookkeeper ano ernes. Addreea li 7;, Ales. exparleocatl gouti irr- POlTToN aa night natcbm.n; sober and IvtlkMr. Vj-.kM, Jt. WANTEU-A nosltloii'as Japunes. it 7u, iie. a chauffeur by W ANTE Imposition by first class all around butcher, single. , country YOUNU nian. married, wants, work- win 4lu anything, glv. references. H ftt LEGAL NOTICES FLOUR Steady; winter' patents, $3.00 4.30; , winter straights, $3.6ua4.40; spring straights, $.9ug4.10; bakers, IJ.OOiJt.lO. : RYE No. 3. 70W0. , BARLEY Veed or mixing. 8076c; fair to choice malting, kttsc. 1 HEEOij r'lax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.54; No. 1 northwestern, $i7. Timothy, $.btp) 10.09. Clover. $16.0. PROVl10NB Mess pork, per bbl., $18 6ft OUI 76. Ijird, per loo lbs.. $8.96; short ribs, sides (looaei. (s 7643v.37Vs; snort clear aides (.hexed); go rWt6. Total clearancg of wheat and flour were equal to U3.IK4J bu. Primary receipts were 27,0U0 bu., compared with 672.0u0 bu the corresponding day a year ago. - ' Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 15 cars;-corn, 147 cars;' oats, 74 cars; hogs, 19,(A) head. ... cnlcago Cash Prlcea-'Wheat:--No. 2 red, i'itt'.lMp; No. 3 red. 8411OIt,c; No. 2 hard, iritlJ-.c: No. K hard. smj1o; No. 1 north ern epi mg. Wc-trfi .oi; p,o. I northern spring, 7caH.C"; No. 1 spiing. HT'uac. Corn: No. 2 ca.ih, 4J47ic: No. S caeh, 4"U MUr; No. 2 white. 4Tr4,v,c; No. k white, 46l4a4iV': No. 2 yellow. JiVliASo: No 8 yellow, 4i't 4hVtC Owts: No. Z (ash, HOVtifjoxc; No. 1 white. 3ij32ie: No.' 3 white, 8I4i3ikC: No.' 4 white, is.,31c; standard, 3iv,&3ic. Bt'TTER Steady ; crearaortes, los3c; dairies. Unfile- - ... I. EUM fcteady; receipts. 10.982 easee: at mark, rases Included, l4Veti.ioc; fir a is, 16c; prime f 1 rats. lOic. CllEElSK flleady; daisies, 7S13v.,c: twins,' Ili-rul-c: young Amaricti, lS'&UWc; long bonis. ll'Ul4o. l'OTAToE-iiavady; choice to fancy. 40 42c; fair to good. AtaJ)c. POULTRY-Firm; - turkeys, . live. 18o; hens. live. 14 Wo, aprlnga. live, 4v4c. VEAI Steady; 60 to 00-lb. wts., IWa; 80 to W lb. w t., 6V,jVkc; 86 to 110 lb. wts , 84 10c , tvenL-elpts today Wheat. 8 ears; -corn. 1(0 can. oats, 44 cars Estimated tomorrow Wheat. 16 care; corn, 147 cars; oata. 94 cars. Flour. bhls,.,JK. Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Cats, bu. ....... . 7.t0 ...44.000 ...Ml, OO .1.68,000 6,200 27.0110 ' 18 OiW 43.0U0 . Liverpool Grata Market. ; LIVERPOOL, March 14. WU EAT Spot, dull; Mo. 2 red weatern winter, no atock; futurea, firm; . March 6a 9Wd; May, 6s 9-Vd; July, 6s d. CORN bpot.. .steady; . new American mixed. 4s d; old American mixed, &s 4d; futures firm; May, 4s 4Vd. July, 4a 6Sd. . FLOUR Winter patents, quiet at 27g 6d. PkllaAelphia ProSaee Market. , PHI1ADH1LPHIA. March la BUTTBJV- Steady; extra western creamery, 28c; extra nearby prints. Inc. rXMig Firm, unchanged. CHEESE 4Steady; New York full creams fanry tseptember, liVtfuaVse; air to good, li 4,10. '- " ' Mtlvraakeo Grata Msurket. MILWAUKEE,, March 16 FLOUIt- Steady. . tVH EAT No. 1 northern, $1.00ia-l.oj ; No, I northern MfattJ'ic; May. 90c asked. , OAT8 eitandard, SlMUCc. BARLEY examples, 9dv2i1.01. Southern- Paciflo goutharm Railway ..... go. Railway pfd .1 Tanneeae Copper ..... Texas A Pacific' T., 81. U A W T.. 8t. U' A W. ptt.... Union Pacific .-i t'nlon Paciflo pfd t'nlled grates Realty... Vnlted -Stars Rubber.: t'nltsxt gtatae Stool.... V. a. nii fdv Cth Copper .... ....... Va.-Oroilna .Cbemleal 1, v abash Wabash pfd Western Maryland a estlnghenaa Blectrio- . W'aatern I) Won ......... Wheeling A L. A ...... Lahlgh VaJlay too I, too 400 "'ioo '4fO 4.0 ' MO l.OI 404 ' t.400 tt.4H-' 600 tot 4.7O0. i0 1.700 '".' 100 3i 117V4 lt '3SV4 av 23 V4 (IX, 17iS4 lVk '41', 1 74v. lit 46 . 44 1TH 40 V4 tOO 7 6214 111, WV4 'iivi :t4 227, 8 1 '4 176 ti" '''; 711 118 46 , 4 17 8714 A044 ''' S !O0 J7SV4 174 126 li M'4 2IV4 18 140 2'i ln 8i -S7"4 t t 43 29 4nV. 61 lli 26 V4 4414 I8'4 !V4 J3V4 HV 176e 14 70.4 41 ff, HO .4.S 14 17 J7H M n 72 . 4V4 171't Tout "lea for the day. tot. 000 ah s res. Bfew York' "It-oner Market. ! NEW YORK. - March 16 MONEY On call steady at 54trm percent; ruling rate, 24, per cent; closing bld.w24 per centr of fered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easier; 80 days,'2 per cent; 90 days, 24. per cent; 8 months, SffS'l per tnt. - PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4 to 4H per cent. Sterling " exchafige" steady, with actual business. In bankers bills gt $4.8Vcf 4 84 for sixty-day' bills, and at 34 8610 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.68HtH .KVA- BILVER Bar. 62V4c: Mexican dollars, 4tc. RtJNfS Government, heavy; railroad. Ir regular. ' ' , Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows ' Bank of Enaland Hlalemrnt. LONDON, March 18. The weekly state ment of the Hank ot England shows the following changes: Total reserve Increased, ti, 644.000; circulation decreased, 137.000; bullion Increased. 1.807,673: other securi ties Increased. 3.664,000; other deposits In creased, 3.403.000; public deposits In creased. 1.873.000: notes reserve Increased, 1.689,000. Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 49. W per cent; last week It was 61. 'A per cent. I Beak of France Statement. ' PARIS, March 16. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In clrculstion decreased, 66,725.000 francs; treasury deposits Increased, 44.475.000 francs: general deposits decreased, M.AnO.ooO franca; gol7 In hand Increased, 2.126.000 francs; silver In hand Increased, 375.O0O francs; bills discounted lncrensed. 40.976.000 francs; advance decreased. 9.4X0.- 000 francs. . . . .,.... Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March . -Bank- clearings for today were $3,183,343.71, and for the corre sponding date last year, $3,1:,914,30. OMAHA WHOLESALE PRICES. l. I. rt . rag.. do coupon U. 8. Is. reg do eoupon V. 4s. rg do eoupoa Allls-Chal -14 4... ..14114 Int. M. M. 4V4e .10114 'Japan 4 ..IOIV4 do 444 .. 10214 K. C. So. 1st As ... ..116V L. g. db. 4. uVll.. ..IISV4 t. A N. unl. 4s 78 K. m T. I SEALED BIDS WILL P t RECEIVED for moving .-liool house from I.ainro. Tripp county, etouth Dakota, to Winner 1 ripp county. Booth Iiakota. tHaianca about 214 miles. Bids will be opened April 10. 1911. Contract will be let to whonf the board considers the lowest responsible bid der, lor further parthxdara and Informa tion address. J. T . TRDitiNA, Clerk School Llrlct No. t, Winner. Boutn iOakota. Mild 7t Metal Market. NEW YORK. ' March 11 M E7T A LeJ Standard , copper, eak; spot and future. I! I ! II . London marker dull elxit A.U- J M: fiituies i'ii lia. Xjtk copper.' c-cMlv. $1? 37Hji: 60; elr, irol tic. $IJ l-.i.S; caHiing. HiOrVni; vin weak apot and future. $ .,4i.ui. Tendon mar ket i,t kno furures. 174 0 Ijrad dull; $4.4t4 as. New York: 44 ,riSm4 K' tal rt. 1ouia. I ndon market. Is J. r-ini4 uuii. j.,-iu o. New York; $i 4i" H.v, Last M. London market kii Anuinony, dull. 1 itokaon a. $!.(Ah(-;iO. Iron J. It.i-Ind uariania, Its lil la lxind.m. Icil. steady, No 1 foundry, northern. $1. - I -- . No. i nuiihern. No 1 soulUaun ai-'t No 1 "utliern, auft, $1.1 j it 0. .vr I,r,ri. March li -kl K fAI..S-I4 "Wt at H?-- speller, we, at $6-4. V Peoria Grain Market., PEORIA. Mawh . 18. CORN Higher; No. 3 yellow, 45Vi,46i-; No. $ yellow, 46 Wc; No. 3 mixed, 4SSc;.No. .4 mixed. 44o; sample, OATtt Higher:' No.' 2 white, il4o; stand aid. J1V.C, No. t wliite. 30-Wc. . , , ' Dalatk Urala Market. nr-tJ-TM March IS. WH HAT No. 1 O- i norintrrii, e-tTititiTsi inorthern, '7vc; No iMay, 97ic; July. Kaaaaa ttty Grata s4 Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. 'March 11 WHEAT May. WW(hS64,e. sellers; July. 83t-4ic, sell. is. Cah. steady; No. 1 hard. g;fri;c; No. 1 tt.4j9ax'; No. 3 red. 94o4x-; No. 3. noes 94c. j CORN May. 46 4840. sellers; July, 4KV 4bv,c, sellers. Cash, unchanged 4c lower; I No. 2 mixed. 4o46c; No. 3, 45if4j4jc; No. 2 whits, 4wi4CAtci Kg. 8, 464I-4&VC. OATB-Hteady; No. $ white, llfig'tjc; No. 2 mixed. Si-uJlc. - - RYE-No. 2. 7bj'7c " ' ' - HAY' Unchanged to ' $1 lower; choice timothy. lU-souH uO; choice prairie, $lt0txd U X. ' v Bl'TTER-Creamery. 2tic; flretg. He; "sec onds. 9uc; psrklng stock, 13c LOGIJ-Exliaa, 17c; firsts. l$c. . .. Receipts. Shipments 3.UaJ An uuO 16.0UI A4 0) t.tkll 4 OATS-.'S'ie. ' Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 18.-COFFEEr-Fu-tuiee opened steady at an advance of 2J 7 polutTon lather better French cables than was expeited In Mew of yesterdays lal loss lier. reports of ete.rfy. primary markets . covering and a little aupport which some attributed to a desire to make a steady market for the offerings of valorisation coffees next month. There no aggreit "'"''.."t., -7L ...Z Am. As. os . Am. T. A T. Am. Tooacoo 4s.... do 4 Armour A Co. 44 Atchlaon en. 4.-. do ev. 4s do cv. 4s eg. a L- 1st 4s.... Bal. -A Ohio 4a. ... 'to 4Hs - do g. W. 4V4-... Brook. Tr. er. 4... fan. of Ga, 6a..... Can. Laatliar 6 C. o N. J. g. 6. . Che. A Ohio 4V4S. eg ref. aa 4'4 7JS M'4 444 7H 44 i. 74 ...10144 do (an. 4V4S 4a.. 10714 Mo. Pact fie 4a ..1. 44 N. R R. of M. 414. tvi .'... Ko-44 T. C. g. 4a.... 8 ,. rr, -& db. .. ... 3 14 .. MS N. T ., N.- H. A H. ,.1ov v. 4 ...1144 A Wj 1st e. 4.. 4 .. 3i do c. 4 If '4 .. sw N. Pacific 4. . .. 41V4 de te ,.10,, .. ftUj o. A u rfdg. 4s 44 . . 84V, Penn. a, ta 1814... 84 , .I11744. do eon, 4 ...103' .. rev, Reading sn 4 87 ..128 gt. U A g. F. fg. 4a ll't . .i'W4 00 gen. aa .. 814 gt. L 8. W. Chicago A A. IV4... K1 "4o lt sold 4S., C. B. A Q. J. 4 St'4 A. L. 4 gen 4a M'4 . Paa. col. 4a. C. M. A 8. P. g l -v "4 do . 4 C R. I A P. a. 4s. 78 do 1st ref 4s... do rfg. 4a 80S4 RaJwr 4s.... Colo. Ind. 4 t 74 do gen. 4 ei-oro. Mid. 4s 44 Union Pactne 4a.. c. A 8 r.'A - 4Vii teu -00 nr. 4a. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. . Oata, bu. .. Mlaaeagvolta Grata Market. M1NNE.4POL18. March 14. WT1 EAT May. 8T4c; July. 9rij4e'. ' September. 911 HfKc ch. No. 1 hard, WSo; No. 1 north ern. 9(iJ.'',c; No. 2 nortbern, 9trSty4'q; No. 3. MVbstVe. BRAN In 100-lb. aacke. W-OtomM. FI-AXCloe4 at lis ( iKM No. 8 llow. 4d-tav4c- 'LoL R K1rt patents. KiaVtTtM; aeoond 1.", ttt iwhtlv during U-e uiau.t r- .k c1.. afternoon unaer rnuiua. r . -"", quiet, net 1 point higher to 2 points lower. 13 260 bags.. March, April and May 1043c- June. W.Sac; July. lo.Jc; August. lOMc: Pemember. laisc: ociooer. '" vember W.vSc; December and January. 9.0" February. 9 .80. Havre closed un changed io 'a i. rr M ,"rlb Klfhr v, t,fg. lower. Rio. rela higher. Ts. Junto 4s 60 rels higher st ($760; 75109 r.r.t0high1r. at ohabge on Lilon unchanged toll l-ld-Ret-eipts at the two brasllian P"s. 6.01a) 1 agaln.l 14,(M) 'bag la.t Y'i .li ndiahy receipts. LW bags. '" bags last year. Fine weatlier was "ported "ill districts of 8ao Paulo. New York warehouee deliveries yesterday. bs. atalnst 7.3i3 begs last .""'tL. utilet; Rio No. 7, 12Sic; Santos No. 4, Uo, nnld dull; Cordova, 13M UcSc, nominal. Tarsattae a4 Roala. SAVANNAH. March U-TURPUNTINK -Firm at 9ic BaJoa. U bbl.; receipts. 14 bU ; stilpraenta, nons; atot-ka. 1.4J7 bbla. RtsSIN Firm. Bales I.4U8 bbla.; receipts. 484 bbla; shipment. Z40 bbla.; atock. W 36 bols unotMlkni kl, $7 SJS 60; L, $7 &XV4; $7 9rrWouv; F. $a.uudS O-.v,; G, $s iS ub, H 14 ov; 1, $a.ub-j.l: K. $S lj.l'-'H: M. 6 14 N. I-A. WU. $P'. WW. H-iva 8. A D. A H. cv. D. A R. O 4 go ref 4a. . Mat II Jars' la fcTti p. 1. 4s 4a. aer. A. W- do 1st A ref 4. sav, TJ. g. Rubber ta... ti V. 8. Sorel 8d 6s. . 78 Va.-Oar. chem Aa 4&14 Wbaatl Ut 4 ... 14V4 4o 1st A x. 4.. 74 Waatarn M4. s . . T0V, Wast. Eleo. ct. 4. 144 Wl. ntrl 4.... 4 ov do aerta B ri n K.Lac CT. HI. Con, lar ref. 4. 8 Ma Paa. Ina. Met. 78k4 . . BI4. oifr4. .. 81 4j .. 74V4 .. 41 .. lit .. 3-4 .. 7114 .. 84 ..107'4 .. TI44 ..10O4 ..104S .. MV4 , 1034. ..1061, ..lot ..10 .. rt .. s4 91 V .. 88 .. 844 $.cat geearltle. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnkar A Co.. 449 New Omaha, National, bank building. . . , Bid. Asked Beatrice Creamery pf4 Railway 4a, II H a. 84. A 8. P. Rf. Co. 4s. la f atrmont Crwaniary Ut g. 4 par oant, Oanxuui 81 r la. saa low Portlan CnH 14 mtg. a..., Sanaa Ow, A. A U 4a. 1814 g. C, M. A O bona 4a. 161 Uea gtouk Nat. bank, gouts Ornah. Omaha klater atock Omaha Country Cluk aa. 111 Omsk Water 4. Oinaaa A C. B. '. Rr A. 1888 Oman A P. 8C Rr. '4 4 . 4... Omaiia A C. B. 84 Hy. uaxt '. Oman A C. B Ry A Omah B. U A P. 4a. 1844 Purine T. A T. 4a. 1841. fioaridan Coal C , atoui City Talapbon 4 Trl-Btat Lau4 Co. pfg ant $oaa..,. Yri-iy Ry- A U I Uaao gwea Vara steak Iax4a8 Slavok Market, liONDON. March 1 American aecuritles opened fraction higher today. Later ths market reaxctod under reavllslruj and at noon ' Tte Key te the kUtuaUota Bee Want Ada. 44 so V4 lo 86 sty, 44 lo T4 47 84 91 4441 44V, 44 180 144 44 u 41 84 4l 47 81 t'i, '4 41, 41 464 4,4 ,. . 414 '4 It 49 M 44 914 44 88 'OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET i Cattle Are Generally Steady to a Lit tle Higher. HOGS ARE BIG TEN CENTS HIGHER Sheet) and l.amhe In Moderate Supply, with Demand liood and Trade Active, with Prices Steady to Strong;. SOUTH OMAHA. March It. 19H- ll,-..n nffnrlnira sold largely 6 NO. and on up a high as $.si. Ki'i'it M-niat'i' huh s around IS 7c ' BUTTER Creafnery,- No. 1, delivered to the retail- trade in 1-lb cartons, 27c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tubs. 26e: No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons. 25c; packing stock, solid pack, 14c; dairy. In b io. t litis, italic, niarxet changes every Tuesday. . CHEESE Twins, 16al6c: Young Ameri cas, lHJrjc; daisies, lnync; triplets, lb1 16c; llmberger. 16c; No. 1 brick, lBvc; Im ported Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 22c; block Bwlss, 19c. - POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., $0 per dor.; hens. 16c; cocks, 11c; ducks, lHc; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dos $1.20; homer squabs,, per doz., $4 00; fancy squabs, per dog., $3.60; No. 1, per doe., $3.00.- Alive: Broilers, 16c; smooth legs, 10c; hens, ll'tc; stags, 13c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 13c; geese, full feathered, ' 9c; turkeys, 17c; guinea fowls, 25c each; pigeons, per dox.. 60c; homers, per doz., $3.00; squabs, rro. 1, per doz., $160; No. 2, per doz.. 60c; capons, over 8 lbs., 14o; old turkeys. 17e. FISH tall frozen) Pickerel. 7o; white, lie; pike, 9c; trout, 11c; large crapplea, IJI2I6C; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 18c; haddock, lJc; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 2Uc; roe shsd, $1 each; shode roe, per pair, 60c; frog legs, per doz., 6O0; aainion, 11c; halibut, 10c; herring, ec. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 14Hc; Wo. 2. 12Mrc; No. 3, 940; No. 1 loin, 16c; No. 2, 18c; No. 8. 11c; No. 1 chuck, 7vc; No. 2, 7'4c; No. 3, To; No. 1 round. hic; No. 2, 8.o; No. 2, SHc; No. 1 plate, 64c; No. 2. 6c; No. 3. 64c FRUIT6 Apples, Colorado extra fancy B. Twig, per full bu. box. $2 60; Washington extra fancy Wlneaap, 96-112 sizes, per bu., $2.76; 160-176 sizes, per box. $2.60; Washing ton Mo. ' Itppins, 4'-, tier, per box, $2.26; Washington Red-cheek Pippins, 64-4J4-MM1 sizes, per box, 60; Washington Uanos, per box, $2.26; Ben Davis, per box,- .$2.10. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $2 264 2.60; Jumbo, bunch. $2.76$f3.76. Datea, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb , 6V4c. Figs, new California. 60 6-ox. pkgs., $2.00; Turkish, 7-crown. per lb., lfc; 6 crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Orape fruit. Florida, 4-64 64-80 sizes, per box, $4.00. Lemons, Llmonelra brand, ex tra fancy; 300-300 sizes, per box, $4.26; . .. 4,y.TCn .ivi. n km ti Ik' 9afl .1.. aau 60c per box less, oranges, cauielia Red- , i H.A- laOA .I... rxmw. V... - t9 Oft. i : ULI1U 1 1 - . , , w - - -j , . . wv, ,.n, i size, per box, U-M. iou size, per box, $2.90; 17 and smaller sizes, $3.00; choice naveia. $0-96-US sizes. $2.76; LuO and smaller size. $2.76. Pears, cajirornia winter iNeills, per box, $2.76, Strawberries, Louisiana, per 24 blnt case. $3.00. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo less, ltrasll nuts, per lb.. 13c; in sack lots, lo less. Cocoanula, per sack, $6.60; per doz.. 0c. Fllberta, per lb., 14c; In aack lots, lo Uss. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6c. Peanut roamed, per lb., kc; raw, per lb,, 4V,c Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lots, le less. Walnuts, black, per lb., 2vc; California, per lb., lac; in sack lota, lc le. Cider, New York, Motts, per bbl.. $6.75. Honey, new. zt frames. $3 7 VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax, per hamper. $3 fWa4 60. Beets, per bu., 75c. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., lc. Carrots, per bu., 76c. Celery, California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 86c. Cucumbers, hot house, 1'4 and i doz. In box, per doz.. $2.26. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 13c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 46c. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 24c; Indiana white, per lb.. 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.60. Onion sets, white, per bu., 82 lbs., 11.76, yellow, per bu., 32 lbs., $160; red, per bu., 32 lbs., $1.60. Parsley, fancy southern, per doz. bunchea, 603100. Parsnips, per bu., 76c. po tatoes. Early Ohio seed. In sacks, per bu., $1.00; Genuine Red River E. Ohio seed., per bu., $1.26; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 764rer9c; Colorado, per bu., 9uc. Rutabagos, per lb., IV4C. Sweet pota toes. Kansas, per bbl., $3.00. Tomatoes. Florida, per t-basket ' crate. $3 6044H.OU. Turnip, per bu., 76c. tveceipts were: Cattle. Official Monday 5 479 Official TiipKiiiit' i:-ai Official Wr-dnes'dsv 4 F.S'2 Estimated Thursday 3.0u0 Four days this week. .'jn.SMa !amo days laat week . .. .21 .is; Same days 2 weeks ago.-ltivH same nays i weeks ago.. 17. s '2 .-anie clays 4 weeks ago. .21,SV Same days last year 20.22 the loiiohin tabio uos ilo.s. Slieep. 4.yl 19612 10 ;.7 6 ti.iti s.;o W.824 29.4.S! 2;i.:i2ii WI.1IS 3l.1 2-1 SI.O.'O the receipth 1011th Omaha ls.rni'i 16.149 lo.OiO 50.6IT. 4i.ltai W.7I1 3.r).;!i 34.4!iO 3t.u63 01 cattle, hoas and aheen at for the year to date, as compared with last jest. nil. itiu. inc. t atlle 231.041 217.617 13.421 Hogs iMO.iMr 4KN.KI4 22.36o Sheep 33,ti7 313,767 70.810 The following table shows the range of prlnes on hugi at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons; Dates. I 1911. 1910. 11W9. l!8. 11907. 19i. 11906. Mar. 8... $74 I 78 481 761 10 4 88 Mar. 9... 6 6"', 9 961 8 68 4 4 2 13 4 88 Mar. 10.. 6 74V4.,10 22 631 4 $81 I $ 111 4 Si War. 11.. 4 IH,H) k,' 40! 4 34 1 6 761 I 4 ai Mar. 12. .1 .10 271 a ai 4 i'.i 6KI 6 091 Mar. Jo..j6u3 1 4. 4 7 4 ' L 4 80 nar. 14.. 1 6 ss-yp.) :u 14 4i 1 M ' m "l Mar, 16.. I 6 601,110 42i 6 401 I 6 6!i 8 041 4 91 16.. I 6 73 ,10 36 6 611 4 46 8 48, 6 7 4 94 Mar. Sunday. ..celpts and disposition of II vo stock at the Union stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. m. yes terday; RECEIPTS. Cattle Hogs Pheep H r s. i" C. M. St P.. Union Pacific... cv J . v .. east '. oi IN. W.. west. C. St. P.. M. Ar O C., H. ci O., east t ., . oi (J., west.... C-. li- 1. oi P., east.. '.. H. I. Al I. ocl l!llrr,ia f'antr.l Chicago Great West! Total 24 13 3 2 66 3 40 H 47 9 4 1.875 3.2V7 3,310 2.7K1 1,346 4WI KM 2.001 1,048 receipts 109 U1SPOS1TIOI I'al.l.. 11 . L.i . n rauKinx to.. Swift and Company. Cudahy lacklnir 'n. Armour tSt Co Murphy W. h. Van Sant, Ptepliens Hros.." Hill & Son F. H. LewlH Huston d- t :o J. B. Root Ai Co J. H. Bulla L. Wolf McCrtary Carey... S. Werthelmer 11. F. Hamilton Mo. fr Kan. Calf Co. Sol Degan ("line Christy Other buyers 17 279 SIS 6W 85 "il5 7 81 36 :m 64 6 Rl .114 106 1 43 3 46d 3'108 12' 4.861 t -A,"J7'K There was a fair run of cattle ror a Thursday, 104 cars being reported in, Z-. makes the total for the four days Si'SuX h"d' "-gainst 21.600 last week and av.joo a year ago. The market as a whole was in very satisfactory condition and the big bulk of the arrivals changed hands In good season. Buyers all seemed to want a few cattle and were out In the yards in good season, with the result that beef steers for the most part changed hands quite early in the morning. The prices paid were fully steady with yesterday and, In epote, a little higher, so far as desirable kinds, at least, were concerned. Among the arrivals were gome of the beat cattle Been here In A number of months. i- . Cows and helfere were also In fair de mand and market' reasonably active. Ag a rule, operators were quoting It aa a steady market. with prices possibly a little stronger In spots TJiere was nothing new or Interesting In the feeders trade, 1 the supply being mod erate and prices unchanged. . Quotation 011 tattle. Good to ctaoloe beef steers, $6.00Jr.36; fair to good beef steers,- ta 70434.00; common to fair besf steers, $6.00rt( 6.70; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.7iaS.60; fair to good cows and heifers. 4.3O4.70; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.26u4.30; good to choice stock ers and feeders. $6.i0igu.60; fair to good Blockers and feeders. $6,0045.60; common to fair Blockers and Jeeoors. 14.316.00; stock heifers. $'. 764(4.60; veal calve. $4.)t2'.M; bulls, slags, etc.. $4.00ts.26. Representative sales- BEEF ST""1IRS. AsHrlMB Stock oa Boarae. NEW YORK. March 16 An American stock has at laat been listed on the official market (Parquet) of the Paris Bourse. Sanction of ths French government lias been obtained for listing ths shares of the coiumon caltal stock of the Philadelphia company of Pittsburg and the Introduction will take place on Monday, March 20. Dry Oeeds Market. NEW YORK. March 1 DRY OOODS- The cotton goods market was steady and a little bit firmer during the day In gray goods divisions. Yarna wera bought a little more freely. IJulnga In light weights for foundation purposes are moving better. No. A a. Pe. .e. Ay. Pr. IS 444 4 04 82 , .1288 6 7 4 760 4 06 11 1114 4 74 7 Ill I 1 11 lies 6 74 6 10CO 4 87 1181 6 16 10 464 A 40 24 864 4 74 14 867 6 40 1 8. 114 6 76 19 1227 6 44 1 0 llti 6 74 9 ro 46 18 10(1 g 74 82 127 $ 60 4 ,..,.lor.t 6 76 11 177 6 66 4 1218 4 40 10 882 4 .16 XI 11 f 84 16 11 6 40 10 128 ( 80 14 1144 I HO It I1P4 4 86 14 114 6 40 7 1167 I t6 10 H'82 6 'l I not 4 80 I luJO 4 40 JO )44t 6 80 14 IK' 4 6 4f 18 1291 I SO 13 13J8 4 tl 12414 4 44 11 H"7 6 64 18 1406 4 90 14 lloS A 4.1 8 1126 I M I VU0 I 4.7 18 1214 I 80 11 Ifil 6 6 12 1174 4 80 II 1144 6 5 84 1304 i 80 4 1116 I 5 87 18T7 I tfi 18 11X2 6 Hi 18 1177 $ 86 84 ?3 6 SS 96 1300 4 06 11 1264 I 74 4 list ( 16 14 1216 6 70 10. .13W 4 14 13 lUoV 6 70 4 1604 4 16 11 1168 I 70 II Ui4 4 10 17 1111 6 70 COWS. 4 1000 I tO 4 9J0 4 7S 84... 788 8 44 14 ...1144 4 0 18 87 4 00 4 1174 4 86 I. 1 101 4 10 28 84 4 84 94... 848 4 86 18 MHO 4 14 1140 4 4S 10 114 4 M II 1006 4 ts ' 80 KM8 4 80 4 1"S7 4 40 20 11.4 4 so 1 1074 4 40 8 1811 4 80 9 87 4 40 18 1JO0 4 to I..., 960 4 4il 12 IIL'9 4 n I Hot 4 60 4 865 4 M 1 81 4 66 4 1000 I 00 4 ll7 4 60 8 )B48 I 00 14 1104 4 40 12 848 I Hi 10 1"4 4 6 4 1411 4 0. 10 1104 4 sYi 4., 1220 4 10 It.... I '-'l 4 4a 4 810 4 10 18 I'2 4 70 II 1212 4 Is 6 1"70 4 76 4 1242 4 84 18 1IW4 4 76 , JIEIFFR8. 4 671 4 86 4 8A ( o 4 770 4 40 18 Bit 4 14 7 741 4 60 4 10;a 4 16 8 8M 4 60 4 IU IN I lr.O 4 86 6 424 I 81 4 till 6 wl 7 1008 I ! 12 b'H t " .11 14 I 40 81 Jot 6 10 BULLS. 1 1144 4 40 4 1440 4 44 1 11'l 4 60 1 140 4 85 8 16i 4 4.. 1 ...liio 4 86 1 ...1680 4 An 1 170 4 40 1 1H4U 4 6l 1 .-o 4 80 1 1--0 4 :, 1 S1640 6 00 I Hit 4 sj CALVES. 4 787 I 40 1 no 1 OS 8 84 4 o0 4 188 7 86 90... 346 4 60 1 uo J 24 1. " 111 6 00 1 170 7 60 li l 4 10 1 1,0 7 n 8 81 6 116 4 170 7 71 I II 4 06 8 110 1 76 8 61 4 HI 8 110 7 76 8 6'i'l 4 J.. 8 124 7 14 8 .... Ill 4 60 I iw) 7 76 1 840 6 11 I im 7 74 STOCK EKS ANU FEEDERS. 1 8.-4 4 80 4 lit A 84 6 4 60 4 M 6 4 4 401 6 00 11 678 I 40 8 1:4 6 10 7 Ml 4 ei 4 47 j 4 16 18 art I 46 4 774 II', II 6nO 6 60 to 618 6 26 10 8.16 4 60 24 ! A 17 18 8al 4 44 1 70 6 Si No. 10 . 1 1 . 6 . , 4. . 6 . 66 . 61.. M . 14.. 64. . 71. . 46 . 44.. 6'J . . . . 48 . 61 . 67.. 61.. 83 . . 44 . 11 . 64 . 71 . . . 64., 74. . 71 24 4 , 72 7. 0 7J Sasrar Market. NEW YORK. March 18. SUGAR Raw. firm; muscovado, a test, t.Aac; centrifugal. 9 test, 3 fcne; molasaea. 889 lest. 3.11c; re fined, steady. Oaaaka Hay Market. OMAHA. March 1I.-HAY No. 1. $10.00; No. 2. $9 00; pat king. $'.00 alfalfa, $12.00 : Wheao. U- '. rje, $.W; oats, HOGS Further admlulon on the part of packers that they are able to handle with ease all the hogs that the country Is willing 10 release, was attain evident In today's trade. Generous receipts cleared reaully under pressure of urgent demand at price all of a dime hlgtwr than average cost yesterday. It was a big business ses sion of short duration. I I 'm" head of ani mal moving Into second hands as fast aa It was puHaible to visit pens and ap praise conlenis- Speculative buers were Interested in the trade to the extent of about twenty-five loads, packer ' furnishing an outlet for fully & per cent of tha supply. Belief among the latter cUu of buyers thai re ceipts will fall off sharply during the oat seeding period la iredlted with considerable Influence In causing free buying of heavy supplies at present. flulcher weight animal, of which the bulk coneistrd. moved at a narrow spread of $ 7uu!5 & K-Mra heavy and common lack ui gravdes brought $u. a 1 leas. 6 48 71 3' a 67 74 71 17 44 67 16 41 48 68 60 82 76 71 76 48 48 41 49 46 68 42 48 10. At. fk .4"' ... . 4 ... .,4.2 ... . . 5" 1 . 3"7 l .871 l ..JIS ... ..'l ... . !. . . . ..118 . . . ..'6 81 . . 24J ... . . !4 ... . . 2l ... . . irtO ... ..i'.t ... . .114 ... ..ZJ . . ..8:4 40 . ?; ... ,.:-84 ... ..2M . . ..2 40 . . 20 ... . . ?dO ... .871 140 - . '6 ... ,.:27 . . ..26.1 12" ..'.'ml 8" ...23 ... ..:C4 Hi .171 ... !''. . . to ..178 . . .212 ... ...'.II ... . . 2.-6 . . . . . 20 ... , . . JL'7 ... . .240 ,..140 Pr. 4 !j I 10 4 .Mi 4 4 41 4 4 r..'i 4 6 4 6 4 87 4 47', I 47', 4 70 4 ,11 4 7n 4 4 4 70 4 7o 4 70 4 ,0 4 70 4 ;o 4 70 8 70 8 71) 4 : 4 0 4 7u 4 -0 4 70 li 7 4 10 4 10 4 7- 70 70 70 No. 44... 68 .. 4... W... 48 .. 76 . . 44 .. 86 . i. . 28 . 41.. 0 . 87. . 78. . 87 . ..:i: . .2H . .2'J . . f0 . .277 . .84 ..810 . . 27.8 . .378 ..274 ..841 ..:., .941 . .2X6 ..91 . .276 . .262 .., . .267 .141 .241 . . 2t,:i ..M9 . . ill .264 ..r?4 ..178 . .21 ..246 ..243 ..218 .260 40 244 80 80 60 4; . 4.. 7V . 7". 71 61. II. I 74 66 67. 41. 40. 48 . . 14 .877 . .?4,t . . . !i6 .102 ..211 ..ill . . .2 .." .1:1 ..814 .. ..Hi ..213 .2.-2 ..::t ..20 . Il ..til .140 . 31 . 212 . ZA . .:'5i . ..4 . 2 1 2 ,1 . .247 ..11 . ;;. . :'4I . ?a 71.4 . . 248 ..26.4 ..277 . . 17Wi ..7 0 50... 67 . .. 76. ., 70... 62 .. AS... 41... 84 . .. 68. . . 66. 66. 86. 42. 2 66 64. 46. S 4.1. 74. . . 270 ..24.' ..374 . .221 . 2 J . .3p4 . .S6i ..214 . ,'il.l .214 ..241 .222 . . l.i . .22 .213 210 . .728 . J.I8 .212 ..2JI ..218 ..146 ..217 . Jul .211 .2:4 .2:10 .242 ..511 ..IIS .. ..tr6 .211 ..124 40 80 80 80 4 It 4 71 4 76 4 76 I 74 4 75 4 76 4 16 4 74 4 76 4 It 4 76 4 16 4 76 4 16 I 74 4 76 4 74 4 74 4 74 4 74 4 7) 4 16 6 74 4 76 4 74 4 74 4 7.V 4 76 6 76 4 74 4 '.6 4 14 74 4 71 6 74 6 74 74 4 76 6 7 4 74 4 76 4 II 4 71 4 14 4 74 I 16 6 76 4 76 4 74 4 16 4 71 4 77 4 4 80 4 8 4 o I M 4 80 4 60 4 80 4 64 4 4 4 8 4 SO 4 40 4 80 4 60 4 80 4 80 4 60 4 80 4 80 4 40 4 40 4 84 ' 4 46 I 44 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 70 4 70 4 70 6 70 70 4 7o 4 70 4 70 6 70 4 70 4 ,0 4 70 6.70 4 70 4 70 4 70 6 70 4 70 4 70 I .0 4 70 6 70 6 70 4 72.4 4 77- $1 aW ... 4 72 -n4 121 4 72', 7 r?4 ... 8 72', 44 178 ... 4 72', 47 20 ... 4 721, 74 24 ... 4 714 71 243 100 4 76 74 214 ... 4 76 44 260 ... 4 74 citic. tnoi,iy steady prices wera P lu in the snecp I'uiu mis morning lor 1 no big bulk 01 offering. Demand was 1 . asoimoiy ii.oan anu, nh Iresn receipts limited, sellers nad mile duficuity In piao it4, stuiico nidi prouuseu 10 uress out at all creditably. Late trade yeaieroay was healthier than the early market, it might uh noted, anu a strong tone at the close served. In a measure to produce a keener inquiry today. Choice, western lambs were soid a l t. id and prime weatern ewea wenc at 64 tw. both sales being made too ial lor publication. Today a business was confined largely to fair to gouu quauty killers. Choice stocg was rather scarce und actual hign pricoe were few. Uuuu iambs moved at 151. In. uicatlng an extreme quotation of 40 lo on best westei n anu a quotable limit of $6 26 on Mexicans. shearer anlmHls sold at inucii the same margins under gouu tat giaues as on recent uaya. Ewes and yi-aiilnga ruled steady, quality contiluered. vt titers ,n straight strings were very scarce. Ewea reached $4.60 and heavy yearlings sold at 44 66. Choice handy yearlings are easily quotable at 40.20.40. These prices, ea well aa lamb values previously noted, are sleauy to strong aa comparexi wuu quotations at lasi week a close. W'lOiatluns on sheep and iambs. Good to choice lambs, $6.9o 6.2.'i; fair to good lambs, !6.7va6.9o; handy weight yearnnga, 16ijl 6. 40; heavy )eurlingn. 81. 1641.0. 16; good to choice wether. $4.40w'4.76; fair 10 good wethers. $4.1tKs4.4o; good to choice ewes. $4. Ata 4.06; fair to good ewes, $4.16440; sheep, culls to feeders, $3.00tf4.00. Representative Bales; No. AT 17f western lambs 191 western lambs 12 western iambs 202 western yearlings mi western ewes , 229 western ewes 1113 western ewea, feeders... ....... 10 weatern ewes , 417 weatern istnbs 12 western yearlings 40J western ew44S 203 western wet here 38 western lambs 2 bucks w 87 western ewes 90 western ewe 27 western lambs 458 weslern lambs 76 Western lambs 16 western wethers 207 western yearlings 1:14 western yearlings 2ol western lambs 81 81 . 87 98 Vtl 10b 93 107 76 Hi 133 118 117 210 126 112 78 Rti 89 Hfc 94 94 64 93 77 IK 116 231 western lambs lbH western lambs 229 weal, yearlings and wethers 862 western ewe 13 shorn yearlings and wetbere 116 216 western lambs 9o 12 weatern ewes 137 412 western lambs 76 7$ western lambs 94 166 western yearlings 94 146 western ewea 107 Pr. 6 16 6 16 6 2n 6 26 4 27. 4 4i I 70 444 k HO 6 26 4 40 4 8 6 oil 00 4 66 00 6 90 6 90 4 86 6 00 b 00 6 to UI 6 9o 4 M) 4 60 4 2a 6 90 4 40 $ do 6 71 4 VI 4 X CHICAGO 1.1 VB STOCK MARK At T Dr for Cattle) Slow Hoe Higher Sheep Strong;. CHICAGO. March 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, (.600 head; market alow and weak; beeves, $u.l0ra4.8ii; Texas steers. $6.10rji4.40; wetsern steers. $4.7lj5.0; storkers and feeders, $4.006.90; cows and heifers, $2.6r7J $ 90; calves, $6.2o43$.60. HOGS Receipts, 2i,000 head; market 60 higher than opening; light. lH.9tV7.3n; mixed. $ii.0W7.1; heavy. 4h.667.tJti; rough. $6.861 6.80; good to choice heavy, $8.80t7.0t; pigs, $tv607.l6; bulk of Bales, $6 90j7.10. SHEEP AND UMliH-itocelpta, 14. 004) head; market strong; 10c higher; native, $3.0006.10-, western, 1 $3.26'K.lo; yearlings, ' $4 76(15.0:,; native lambs, $; western, $5.26,T.40. St. I.Ito Stork Market. ST. IUI8. March 18 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.7U) head, Including 600 head Tex ans; market steady to strong: native ship ping and export steers, $6 6i37 00; drewsed beef and butcher Heirs. $6.otirij 6.fi0; steers under l,0ta) pounds. lrtn.Mn 76; storkers and feeders, $.7641. 76; cows and heifers, $40u 6 60; canners. 12 S7ti3 2i; bulls, $3.766.6u; ralves, $4-taji.60: Texas and Indian steers, $4 6016' 60; rows and heifers, 14 xcc&.iA Hi itlS Receipt. 9.300 head; market, 10 loo higher; pigs and lights. $; pack ers. ii.i-7.(Xi, butchers and best heavy, $n.96u7. 16. Sllh:i AND LAMBfl Receipts, 44) head; market, lo higher; native muttons, $.1 7W145.O0; lamb, $6.6tKn4j 60; culls and bucks, $2.t03.26; Blockers, $2.0O3.26. 4'Httle. Hogs. Sheep . 3.i4 10 0) 3 " , 1 VI 8. Oral 6 ft) . rami 10 ono 7.or . I.7) 9.rt 4 ') . 6..MeJ, 2.-..AU) 14 1MI .14.900 62,300 33,300 In order that the advertiser may get tbe best results for amuney InvMted. hs must reach the buyer by ths most direct and reliable channel. Tbe Bee is that cha neL ' Kassas Cltr Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. March 16. CATTLFA-R-celpts. 3.2M) hcud. Including 2o0 southerns) market steady; dresaed beef and expor steer. $j.0ia.. 60; fair to good, 86 901 western steals. $4.7itrti.aj. Blockers anq feeders. 44.a0ui.i81: southern steers, $4.7W 6 00; northern cows, $3. -,b. 26; native oowa 12 900. 2i, native heifers. t4.7UU.10, bulla, $4.2.V(i6 36; calves. $4 WxuT.00. Hl 1.4 Receipts. lO.uuu head; market 64 to 10c higher: bulk of sales, $b.Va6 96; heavy, $6.wtnl96; packers and butchers $6.sfa 7.0ft; lights. $; 9fi7 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7 dot head; market loc to Lu: higher; lambs. $6 44 fi30; yearlings. $4 7rVrrC.H0; wethers. $4 214 6 00: ewes, $4U04i4.76; Blockers and feeders, $2.xrh4.00. St. Jo.epk Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 16 CATTIJ-J-Re-relpts 1,6"I hesd; market strong and active: steers, $4 60fi 4n; rows and heifers $8. lyt iUO; calves, $3.fjO.Ma) HOtJS-Recelpts 8,t4) head; market 6IOo higher- top, $7 .on; bulk of sals., $6 7ua.9ti. 8HEEP AND I.A M H8-Receipts 6 000 hea.1; market active, lWll&c higher; lambs, $ tex-k Im glahl. Receipts of live stock at the five principal Potith Omaha St. Joseph Kanas City St. liuis Chicago Totals 14' no I Market. BT IifJI'IH. March H-WOO-i:. rhonged: territory and western mediums, 19"22c; fine mediums. 1614c; fine. 12ftl3c. r