Hi.t - - - T ------ - - i HOMESEEKERJMYEL HEAVY i M a a a n D a Tnea ay la the Oreat aby hew la Oat Room, afrt. Roadi to the Wet Ran Special Trains ' for Three Day. TOURIST DUTDfO SUCCESS a "raedal'il for April, Whrsi Will B . the Flrat Wrlt la Maar Krttlvra I.aokrd For. " " 11 11 I Li II I I --i I I I 1 1 M ; I ! PI I ' M I II " II M I RU 1 HI - I 11 I I I II Hi- I 1 II k. H I l li II V e i i. n , m m v i anv a i i a bw bb x t . i r 1 'j"1" II a II I f The nrn Ai.rll Knslilnn Shorts hip liorf I If Lf , . . - - i -oom- ii - i i i fv ft c:J Furthor Indications of th suecs at tained by the Umihi TAnd fhnw In brinK- i ln settlers to the wt wsrs chown Sun- j ls and Monday at the railroad stations j In umtl a. A special train was nin eh tin.- on the t'nlon Pacific carrying col nnlMs to the coast, and the Burlington car- ' ricl a wprrlal second section on Ita after- j noon train Into Montana, Wyoming: and j lolorado In tlie special train Monday afternoon I over the t'nlon Pacific there wera four I cr csmlP; colonists who bought their ( tlcl.ets In Dinahs and two rara with thoss j who started from C'lilcasro. A smoking I coach, a haftkkfte car and a tourist diner eie also rai-rled. On the frVunday train f'.vc Orr.aJm coaches and two from Chicago j re crrlod. ... j The sac.a of the new tourist dining car In e.in at cater. than the Union Pacific, 'spTir t 'ifflcials had hoped, ahd It Is al- most iscialn that these will b eontinued. : n the n.iiii Ie4ving Omaha Sunday after- ii'Miii a record waa kept and will be kept ; in ail such trains. Tenty-two people ate ! eut'per rm the diner and they received their meats for cost of 1H.80. This Is an av- j at axe of . t JTJ apieue. . . Meals Are Cheap. - j "On the record of what each person or- J deit'd It is shown that Sunday night the; patron Indulged themxplves In a number of fairly expenxlre luxurlec." remarked one i ra.in;;er ornolal. r e believe that a tier eon ca:t live and have ;tod nourishing tu.aU for less than this." The train leavlnic Monday night Is the Inst of the special trains over the Union PaolfU until April 8. . 10 and 11. The homiwiT rush noted each spring on all the wi's,l-rn lines Is as large as ever, and many of the farmers are coming from points within, a few hundred miles of Omaha. The class of eolonlsta this year is made up of both farming people and city men. tlenerpllv they are people of rrwans, and the greater number ot them are between 4) anil u ears of age. They are settling all over nestern points, taking farms from tn acres up to lfiO, and raising all kinds of crops. The railroad men. of Omaha declare that the real.rueh of iieekera after land has not begun as yet. but that It will come the first weelt of April. .Colonists come from the east to the west all of the warmer months, from th first of .March until the end of October., and many take up lands In Cali fornia, during the winter months. . 75c SATEEN and STRIPED WASH GOODS PefHcoafs. 39 On Sale in Basement Good quality .sateen and fea thersilk petticoats, in black ; also petticoats made from striped wah fabrics, all sizes. They are worth up to 75c on Ov sale in base ment, at Col. Dodd Comes to Take Command Here Commander of Twelfth Cavalry to Be Head of the Department of the Missouri. Colonel florirge- A. Podd. Twelfth cavalry, l expeuted here at any time from Fort Roblnnon lo take command of the Dnnarl ment of the Missouri during the absence of General Frederic A. Hmlth. who Is In command of a brigade on the Mexican frontier. The time of his arrival la not known at headquarters, but he Is believed lo be on hla way here. Colonel Dodd recently returned from the Philippines. He Is a native of Pennsyl vania, born on July 2. ISM. He was made a cadet at the military academy In July 1. 171, and four years later, on June ir,, Mr,. was commissioned second lieutenant of the Third cavalry. He -was advanced to the rank of first lieutenant on 'February 28, 18S0, and be came captain nine years later, August 31, 1". Ho attained hla majority on February1 I. isnl, taking up his duties with the Four t' rnth cavalry'.1 On March 16. 1W3, he was transferred t the Third cavalry", and on July 2X, UiQ4. he became lieutenant colonel of the Tenth cavalry. He a transferred to the Fourth Cavalry on November 11, 17, and on .'April 14 of the following year he became colonel of the Twelfth cavalry. It Is reported at headquarters that all of the troopa orjered out of the department have left their posts for the south. Great Sale of New Vash Goods Such superb values in fine Wash Fabrics are seldom offered right at the opening of the season. This sale com prises only newest and most desirable 1911 wash fabrics at prices amazingly low. 25c and 35c WASH GOODS, at 12y2c YARD Imported mercerized satin, in white, cream and many pretty ' colors, silver striped and silk dimities, mercerized diagonal suitings in the new colorngs and Shantissa waisting. Never sold before at such a low price. Perfect seasonable goods. No other store would dare sell such desirable 1 fabrics at such. a low price 2v 15c LINEN FINISHED SUITING at 7y2c YARD Genuine, serviceable Indian Head Suiting, in plain colors and 23 different stripe combinations. The Kildare and Wexford linen finished suiting, equal to the real 1 i Indian Head for suiting and children's wear, yard. ' S HALF SILK SUITING at 15c YARD Every good shade in half silk suiting, known as Arabian silk. We also include black and colored mercerized fancy poplins. Think of buying such high cost fabrics C IvV worth up to 50c yard, at. yard URGES TRADE ORGANIZATION Publisher of glosia Palis C'ommt-rclal Oraram A rases for Ilia "Kajlr" Mat. 15c and 25c Silk Finished Foulards and Mercerized Pongee at 8V2C Makes handsome shirtwaists. and dresses, polka dots, checks, small figures, scroll desitrns, etc., in light, me dium and dark colprings very special Ol values, from the bolt, at, yard 2t lc White Lawns and India Lin- t'lain colored AlulU, in jilnk, blue. ens, over 3.000 "yards in tne lot, your unlimited choice, 7-ii at, yard 2 C tan,, brown, also fancy lawns, from the bolt, at, yard printed 5c Bale Embroidery 18, 22 and 27 inch fine Swiss Nainsook and cambric embroid ered flouneings, skirtings, corset coverings, wide galloons and insertions ; choice designs in Angleterre, floral, gui- puire, blind relief and combination effects. Hundreds of pretty designs on big bargain square to select from, many worth 50c yd., at,.'. 25c 20c CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES at 10c YARD Medium and wide embroidery edgings, insertions and head ings, all kinds, many are handloom needlework; big bar gain square piled high, worth 20c yard Iftn at, yard 10c Embroidery Edging and Insertion at 5c Yard. Thousands of yards of fine nainsook and cambric embroid ery edgings and insertions, neat openwork designs and many, baby patterns, up to 7 inches wide C and easily worth 10c yard, at, yd wl "There should be formed In Omaha an organization of manufacturers and jobbers for the apeclflc purpose of looking Into this question of what the other fellows are doing and to protec t the poor follow down In the gountry, who has to compete with all of the many outside bualnetss." Tnls was urtted by K. J. Mannix. editor of the Com mercial , Newa of Sioux Kails, S. L., at a meeting . of manufacturers and jobbers Monday. He .declared a "fair" and "unfair" list should ba compiled, showing those In the city wIk were above reproach in their business dealings. "1 want to congratulate Omaha," he . continued, , "upon bnlng practically free of bustne? pirates." Mannix requested that all of those present j who received and read the cataloguea of i the big mall order houses raise their hands, Only one hand was raised. Mr. Mannix declurcd it was Imperative to know whet the "enemy" ,1s doing In - order test to ' m-et the compttltion. I Mr. Mannix also spoke a few minutes be- ! fore the Ben lYunklln club. Brandeis "Baby Show TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY From Until 4:30 P. M. 2:30 0 CHICAGO GLEE CLUB MAY GIVE CONCERT IN OMAHA Mark Savaar, 1'rrslaeat af Maalcal Orgeats! !uu vf I alvrrait). Here 1 to Arrange Dates. i Mark Salde of Otnaha. president ot j the (ilea club ot the University of Chicago', i was in Omaha Monday to arrange for a1 conceit to be given by the club Monday) evening. March V. If satisfactory arrange- ments can U- made. Mr. Savldge is a son j of Rev. '. YV. Savidge. pastor of the Peo- i ple a church. , , , 1 The club is one uith quite a reputation! and has a M.lenui.l program of college j suniis. It recently made a decided tilt lo , t'hlvajio when It appeared at a conceit In, connection villi He Tuumaa orchestra. ! fir II Died of lnramuBla" la nuer rllicn of thow who cure coughs and colds with 1 r k'tng's New llsiovry. Uuaranleed. :)c and tl Kor tale by Bea ton lrug Co. Reliable Dentistry Tad's Denial Roims L BOAWDEiS STORES i u i l ii E I R ill a !? B H ii 15 New Spring Models in Ladies9 Suits at 525.00-Just Here Latest materials, stylos and colorings a treat for every woman seeking a smart spring suit at a moderate tost. Never have we been readier to solve every problem for jou in early spring suits. Mere are modish eheeks, fashionable hair line stripes, as well as the ever desirable blue or black suits. Coats In the fashionable short lengths, cut on beautiful lines, lined with soft peuvi de cygne silk and Duchesse satin. Skirts on the very newest slender lines, gored or panel pleated in effective ways, and ii variety enough to suit every type of figure. French serges and mannish worsteds and other popular fabrics to choose from, that have no equal for service and beauty are these suits at 2a.0Q.. Kor the stout and short figures, we are showing new spring models in at tractive styles, In sizes up to 54. No othr store west of Chicago has selected spring germonts with such care for all sizes and styles of figures.' Why not trade where the best service and the largest, assortments are offered. These Pumps and Oxfords Fit Perfectly and W ear W ell Because they are Dorothy Ifcxld, $:i..V, $I.(M and $.YOO New Spring and' Summer 1911 (ioods. The big purchase ' sale is supplying hundreds of Omaha's best dressers with their low shoes for the season, choice -All new styles nnl leathers, in all sizes and widths. Hundred of pairs to choose from. Come Tuesday. In ASSEMBLY ROOM Balcony of Pompeian Room' More Than 500 Babies in the Show. No Admission Fee Will Be Charged. AVe have closed the entries now v-rand no more babies can be shown ui 11110 siiun, 11 c iiuic uuucu Ulltf more day to the show on account of the great number of babies to be shown. Different babies will be shown each day. Don't miss seeing the baby show. Everybody is coming. ADVANCE NOTICE A Tremendous Shoe Purchase Entire Stock of an Eastern Retailer, Bought at About One-Half Price. : ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, In Ord Store, Main Floor. In this sale are all the men's and women's high shoes and low shoes in the Retail Slock, as well as all the chil dren's shoes. Thousands of pairs of up-to-date shoes. The bargains will be wonderful. Mr nil 1 1 ;i D a Very Low Fares To California . and Pacific Northwest Take advantage of the low fares in effect Dally March 10th to April 10th, Inclusive and take the trip you have had in mind for so long Rock Island Trains provide every comfort you'll find nothing lacking , r . that tends to make your trip a pleasant one. Superb Dining Car Service Two Choice Routes. . ' Via Colorado" JJ nnd i McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent, 1322 FARNAM STREET. BIVla El Paso o and H New Mexico B J. S B 01 B B yiiiiiii , ! ILi a o dl Bopcao We've Increased "Tuesday's Shopping Value" by Re -pricing These Linens, White Goods and Beddings 70-lnch Cream Damask, extra good weight, regular 45c quality, Tuesday, yard 29 Large sized Hemmed Bed Spreads, good quality, extra special OS? 8 Mc Outing Flannel, In pink and blue stripes, Tuesday, at, yd. 5 42x36 Pillow Cases, our regular 15c kind. Tuesday, at .... 10 C H $1.69 380 Hartz Mountain Cimries Direct From Germany, Worth $5.00, Tuesday All Rwrat singers and pretty, yellow birds. Seo tliem "in our tJrocery Department. .M,.a' n. a a m i II B B 'Lean Where It'i Best t Farm Thinking about buying land? Want to know what soil and climate are best ulted for certain fanning? Our Land Bureau gives free Information about fun climate, and conditions in all parts of the country. We bave gathered data, and can tell you what you desir. to learn. Write the Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb., today and your questions will get prompt attention. :ii"B'a b r v? a h n m bi en ..ctB Free InSoFirnaUIon'u t !f The 20th Century Limited America s Premier Train to ' NEW YORK y Leaves Chicago 2:30 p. m. Arrives New York 9:25 a. m. Ten other trains daily over the "Water-Level Route" of rest Lake Shore New York Central or you may choose orte of the six through trains via Niagara Falls Route. Wolverine (23 hours) Michigan Central Limited (24 hours). The Michigan Central New York Central TicVets and sleeping car accommodations and full information from your local agent or J. S. VVILLE BRANDS, Gen. Agi. Past. Dept , 323-4-5 City National Bank Bidg., Omaha II L : iJ . .." g-mj SiSmmami.K.XAV . -mbsswstb. . Shoe Comfort for Nurses Of all the people who need comfortable as well as stylish shoes, it is the nurse or sales lady. .We, are. always., flrat. and Just now we are showing a new dark brown kid. high top, lace shoe, made of spe cially prepared leathe. vege table tanned, that neither1 draws or burns the foot a soft, fleilble outer sole with a light, soft cushion ''effect inner sole. Noiseless and Comfort Personlf led. In all sizes and widths at one price. 41 DREXEL 1419 Farnam Street. LwsMs naii 'iMssW The Bee Prints the News There is no apology for an unclean grocery store, and WELCH NEVER has to apologize. (These specials for Tuesday and Wednesday) Phone Doug. 1544 or Incl. A-2511 lOOla 11 Hjs. (iranulateil tiuyar for 1 7I.OT7K liest l'aient. kiihi aniel. 24 lb. aik 650 riOUl-Hoil l'aient, pnar anteed, II lb. suck .11.30 COHME1L 10 II"- wlilte or jell.i-, lor 13'0 OAT MliL In Hm. of li e Lest for ?5C QVAXXm OAT MAL 10- oatlvue lor 7lg0 JAPAN aiClJ Ja)in It ice. lo So HAVT BSAsTS Heht Xa y L'.erfilS. l I"- . 6 liiirs IMmiionil '' 'Km All. for 26c bars of r . . .190 Team 90 SOAP 10 or lieat XVOBT SOAP o cent size, for . . . . BOKAX -LMi .Mule bi ami, 1 'o. for . . . TABLE SYBUP best. hi. per gallon tun 35o POTATOES Text t'olo- railcs. per buMliel . . .850 TAELG SYRUP- - ll. c-am liere, jl, per ran ... 7ltO LEAF iATIO No. 1 Krulf. hi, per p Ji.il 8c BPABS H.IHS-Ih iB, .h, per pouiiil 9c HAM California Sugar cured, al. p"n pound 9o PICNIC HAMI Sugar luieii. at. per pound ..SO COBB BEEP Plata or bris ket, at, per pound 80 BHOBT BIBS BEBP ltei ut. per poiiiio 8o POBK aHOULDLSS Kresii in, per pouiiil 9o BEEP TENRtSLOIS Here, at, per pound ..160 BEEP TEftDKBLOIW l,ol Je'l, at, er lb ISO PEAB8 AND PEACBBS He-1 lb. ans. dor.eu, at. per ruti 190 BIB BOAST BEEP Hire. at. per pound 13V0 BACON Sugar cured, nt, per pound Sa'fcO POBK X.OINS With tend erloin in, al, lb ISO POBK SAUSAGE Here nt. per pound 100 PEAS. VOS.W. ETC 1 Sc. Kr.nle. doz. 11. IU, 1UIIB 10O MA II, OBDEBS rilled tl.e HMine div Hilli utmost rare. DELIVERIES As prompt us t an be to all parts. GUARANTEES With sU IteniH. 'J'be Kiaile la pure. GET TO KNOW OUR WHITE CAPPED, WHITE COATED, COURTEOUS SALESMEN. EL E. Welch 2ELlM Farnam St. '7 k-. k zj.z' ;..-- a fy '"M" f El Tello Cigar The Cigar which, If you Once Smoke, you will Always Smke Ak the man who has smoked them 8 tot tl eta. aas 10 cts. stnUfbt tocordi&f to els. McCORD, BRADY CO. SISTBXB UTBBB OMAHA, - - - - KtllAHA 4 d i ! I