njrju.v rnvnY..-M T7l'J1. 13.JHV. 10 i i ! ! I I i REAL ESTATE WANTED HtiAi' AN IOWA FARMER WANT Have you anything offer the trnif f low a'.' An 7 rheep land for to in her priced; general merchandise store ior land, ar an Kind of an excbansef Or have roil l!,tni land you want to all for eaebt The nc paper that reaohee the Iowa farmer In tha I'es Moines Capital; 4S,0W circulation daily; rata sing's Insertion, 1 cant a word; all Insertions t cents a word. Uaa Molnea Laily t apltai. Das Moines, ia- HAVK client with ll.Wfl for first pay ment on a modrtrn first-class residence) property, well located, capable of com manding extra good rental. Must ba an exceptional bargain. Owner answer. J H. JOHNSON, &7S Biandeis Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE iirbtni properties at merit. IL H. Culver. U-U N. T. lafa. ttoualaa IMk. EXCHANGES, qalo aalea. lartra Hat Ad iiesa K. 1. Continental Bldg., Omaha. Nab. IrTANT a wentern ranch of about equal value for three food brick hotels, total of en roonu. caen value $60,0110. showing good Income all clear and In flret claaa condi tion Will conaider land Improved or un improved at the right price. Will uiumi or pay cash difference If any on tha right kind of deal, fur further Information ad trees F. M Conner. Chlilicothe Mo. I WANT an automobile or vacant lota tn exchange for city property. Address, D 879. Fee. FINE 4-aiy. Flour Mill, eastern Nebraska, fully equipped, to exchange for land. Muat deal quick. 813 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED CITT PFOPERTT. Have ISO B'-res unimproved, fine land two miles from Norden. Keya Paha Co., Neb. Price $2,400. mortsge $400 at per cent Int. Want vacant lota or cottage. Might put In aome cssh Make offer. 8. E. Walt Co.. 617 Bee Bldg. 40-ACRE FARM. Have a fine 4n-acre trait of unimproved fruit land tn Wayne Co., Mo., close to town Trice ll.Orti, clear. Also an 80-aore tract near the above. Price 1.6u0. Want clear vacant lota for either Make offer. B. K. Walt A Co.. 17 Bee Bldg. PATINO Iowa weekly newspaper plant and building. M.onO. Consider part clear trade. Wrile Enterprise, Mondamln, la. mono Omaha Improved. Will put In up to 11.000 caah, If suitable. In eastern Ne Israska farm. Nowata ljind Co.. 8u:t Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6271, lnd. A-1721. - STEAMSHIPS AU.AN UN- . Pietureeonie ft. Lawrence Route. Weekir Sallinae from HONTRHAi, TO LIVRHPOOU GLASGOW ' UlNDON. HAVHB. Franee Fortnightly from rrlll-ADtXPHlA and BOSTON te Ot.ASOOW fplendia scenery, ehorteet peaeage, low rate. Aji f Railway Agent, or ALLAN At CO., General Ageats. I I Jaoaaoa Bird.. Chicago. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED A loan of .between 1600 and .'.imu on residence property. 5 874, Bee. WANTED TO BUY GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Situation Favors the Selling; Side Again. ,aasnaaBSa. STE0NO PROSPECTS TOR CROP Visible flepplr Heavy t era la Well "ported at Ike rreseat Level aat Advaaee In Trice la Kxpeetrd'. OMAHA. March IS. ml. News on the wheat situation was favor In the selling aide again. Monday. Allow ing for the few complaints, the growing crop Is In better shape than usual at this time of the year, and there la also a much larger average. Farm reserves are heavy and the visible supply la larger than a year ago. The corn market at these level, la re ceiving good support as receipts are ex pected to be light until after the spring work Is over, and t h la should strengthen the cash situation. On the other hand the large reserve stocks will likely check any material advance. News from all aides was bearish on the wheat todav and prices broke sharply after the opening trades. Selling was general, particularly In the new crop months. Cash wheat was sluggish with prices 4c lower. The corn futures ruled slightly lower, owing to the weakness tn wheat and sell ing pressure was effective. Cash com was trifle h Kher. samnla offerings were fairly liberal and prices ranged unchanged to 4 higher. Primary wheat recelnts were 7O2.000 bush- la and ahlnnicnts were 219.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1,114.000 bush els Snd ahinmente nf VK nil bushels. Primary corn receipts were 697.000 bush els and receipts were 399.000 bushels, against receipts laet year of 7K2.O00 bushels ana sr ipments of 355.000 bushels. C learances were 10,000 bushels of corn. 30 bushels of oats and wheat and flour eqbal to 64.0n0 bushels. Liverpool closed VtfiVd hleher on wheat and '& hither on. corn. i ne following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. hard 1 cm r N6c: No. S hard, 1 car. 84c: No. 4 hard, 1 car, 82c; No. nurum, l car, MtC. COHN-No. 3 white. 1 cars. 41Vc: 2 cars, 41c; No. S color. 1 car. 41c: No. 8 yellow. cars. 41'ic: No. 3 mixed. 6 cars. 40c; no grado, 1 car, a c. oats No. while. 4 cars. Zc; jso. 1 white. 1 car. 2S3C; 2 cars 2c; No. S yel low, 1 car. 2Hc: 1 car. 2SV.C. Omaha Caah Prices. WH EAT No. 3 hard. 84&87c: No. S hard. R2VaSHc: No. 4 hard, 734,ft3Vte; rejected nara. TO'Vo soo : No. 3 sir ng. 84rrfssc; no. 4 spring. Vs'ifl'tfo; No. t durum, RlVU''xc; rso. s durum, snfcitfJOHic. ctJKN No. t white. 4lri41c: xso. white-. 40.ra4iiir: No. 4 white. 39i'rf40'ic: No. 3 color, 4tV5'41c; No. 2 yellow. 4iVd 41o; No. 3 yellow, 40V4t4c; No. 4 yel low, s.nt 40c : No 2. 41i41c; No. s 4v (&41c; No. 4, 39Vff4"o; ho grade, SiKifMV:. tiA I n No. 2 white. 3Mtfsc; standard. Va29o. No. 3 white," 2SV22!c ; No. 4 white, 2'4rn28ic; No. 3 yellow, 2S''?2!ic; No. 4 yellow, 2vJi2sV4c. BARI,EI-No. 3. 77flK.1c: No. 4. Si'flMC No. 1 feed, Blifr70c: rejected. 57'(fc. KTE No. 2. StK&Slc; No. 3, TSfWc. Carlot Hecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oals. Chicago 1! 202 99 Minneapolis 4."0 Omalia at 79 22 Duluth Wc; No. I northern, 4fe9vc; No. 3, J ,'!" V'. r l.A x Closed $j m CORN No. 3 veilow 4aV'lH2c. OATS No. white, !sVtf c. ItTrNo. 2. RiijsH'tc. BRAN-In lv-lh. sacks, J0 iVh 21.00. KliOUH First patents, $4Vu4l; seoond patents. M.IMH', first clears, S3 0ttf3.S0; second clears, f2.lfi(2.70. KEW YORK i;KM:H(L MARKET BKrtT price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and ahoea 'tel. i-. WANTED TO BUT-S-room, modern houee, location west or south part of city; state full particulars. M a.u. lice. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, barn, near llh and W ebrter, lor horse and wagon. Call Doug las eBUi. WANTED SITUATIONS VOUNIJ man dealrea place to work fof board and room a private family wbu nndin vo,K.. Bwylee College. UuU Cbonea. PRACTICAL, nurse. Immediately. H 4WS, POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper ana accountant; good refer- eucea. Address a Tit. ttee. POSITION as night watchman; sober and irlmoie. O-7b0, Bee. V ANTED Day work. 'Phone Bed tSM. PRACTICAL nurae can be engaged at ence. weDeter 1114. TOUNO man, married, wants work; will do anytning; give reierenoes. 11 vw, uaa TO C'ONTRATORS Holsters, steam roll era, derrick etc; am state licensed engi neer. Would like correspondence. Address 1 98, Bee. . GERMAN nurse wants position to travel te (iemiany with Invalid or as family nurse. N ehster 147. POSJTION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Address H no, ie. A,j around baker wants position. s:i Hee. LEGAL NOTICES New Tork, February lat, 19U. j;i.i;ction NOTICE. Tha Missouri Pacific Railway Company. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company will be held at the general office of the Com pany, In the City of 8t. Louis, Missouri. on Tuesday, March 14th, 1911, at nine o clock, a. in., lor the election of thir teen Directors for tne ensuing year, and cor tne transaction 01 any other busl neaa that may come before said meeting. The annual meeting of the Directors will be held at the same office on the same day at twelve o'clock noon. The transfer books will be closed on Wednesday, February tth, 1911. at three o'clock p. m., and will be reopened on Wednesday. March l&lh, UU, at ten o'clock a. m. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, By tiEORGB J, OOUI.D, President. A. H. CALEF. Secretary. M3dl2t NEY YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market But Slightly Affected by Cor poration Tax Decision. VARIOUS FACTORS ALT) PRICES Qoolalloni of the Her Various Commodities. NEW YORK. March 13. FIXH'R Steady: spring patents. S4.90 ft tt 6.1 5; w-lnter patents, 4 201(4 BO; winter ex tras No. 1, S3 20&8 3O; Kansas straights, $4 204f,4 3o; winter straights, S3.90ti4 00; spring cleats, S3. 904.25: winter extras .10. i, ni"im.; rye riour, nrm; rair No. 2, f3.10tiS.2K; rye flour, quiet; fair to good. S4.20W4.30; choice to fancy, 4 40 414.60; buckwheat flour, nominal. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, SI lofi1.20; coarse, fl.l01.16; kiln dried, fu.80. WHEAT Spot market, easy; No. t red. 9STc, elevator, and IMSc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Iniluth. SLOW, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market declined as a result of favorable advices regarding the crop out look and In absence of cash demand, clos ing WtfHo net lower. May, H6 3-lWf7Hc; closed, Wic. July, MTefj-AM; closed. 95c. Receipts, 73.000 bushels. CORN Spot market steady; new No. 2, u3'o f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing 4c net lower. May closed, ntiMiO. Receipts, 6St,750 bushels; shipments, 18.3M. OATH Spot market, firm; No. 8. 37c: No. S, 3c; No. 4. IfcSc. Futures market was a little more active on coverings, closing steady. May, S6'a38o; closed, 36o. Receipts. 47, 2". 5 bushels. HAT Quiet ; prime, fl.05; No. 1, fl.00; No. 2, 90c: No. 8, 76?8Sc. HIDES Quiet; Central Amerlcs, 204c: Bogota. 21ra22Uo. 1, RATHER Steady; hemlock firsts. 23H (Static; seconds, 21Vs(S23o; thirds, 19g20c; rejects, ItVrrKc PROVISIONS Pork, easy; mess, f23.O0 nominal; family, S2.0OgZ3.OO: short clear. flK.Wt('20.00: beef, steady: mess, tM.OO 'i 14.50; family. f!6 0Oi,'16.W); beef, ham $27.(Xni'29.00; cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. IIHLV;. pickled hams. 12o: lard, easy; middle west prime, S9.lfvaf.2f; refined, steady; continent. f.'Sn; South America, SlO.oO; compound, S7.62yij) 7.75. TALLOW Quiet; prime city hogsheads, 6c; country, V48C7c. IH'TTKR Steady: creamerv specials, 271fco; extras. 2512c; firsts. SOIiSHe: sec onds, liffillic; creamery, held specials, i1 ru2lc: extras, ltnu20c; firsts, 17',(jl8Wc; seconds. IGMil'c; etate dairy, finest, 24c; Koon to prime, anii-w, common to lair, 1 iVUilc ; procesh rpecials. INVv'mIIh:; extras, lviilDc; flmts. 16Vtfl7c; seconds, Millie; lnd tatlnn creamery, firsts, V.'nlUc; factory, current make, firsts. 1616',4c: ueoonds. 15 fyir.'.c. WiUS-r:asy ; fresh gathei-ed, selected ex tras. l!"o2tic; fresh gathered, firsts, 17V' ISc; fresh gathered, seconds. ld'S(17c: fresh gathered, thirds, ltio asked: fresh gathered, ilirtlcg. No. 1, lfi'c; fresh gatheifd. dirties, mo. I. l.vi'lho; irenh gathered, checks, 14'tI 15c; western gathered, white, l!Mi"22c; west ern duck. g 32c; southern, VnXc. I'Ol'l.TRY Dressed, easv; western chlcK ens, 14c; fowls, 13',,jltlc; turkeys, la(U22o. mail nsply of Kloatlasi toeks and Knowledge Lantest Holdlaae Are la strong- Hands Prevent obstaatlal Losses. NEW YORK, March 13 One of the group of supreme court decisions which aii street long nas awaneo w n n biiiiib treiildatinn. upholding the constitutional v nf tbe corporation tax law. brought about merely a brief decline on the stock ex change when It was announced today. vlthln a few minutes stocks bounded back to the best prices of the day and later made further Improvement. Active stocks tn most cases closed at good fractional gains. The action of the market was regarded as Indicative of Its present strong position. The small supply of floating stocks, the eagerness of the bear traders to cover and the knowledge that the largest holdings were In strong hands combined to prevent substantial losses. Bpeculatlve operations of the day centered largely about Atchison, closing a point higher. Minneapolis and St. Louis preferred sold at nearly 20 points below the last transaction prior to today, which was In November. One of the largest copper producing com panies was reported today to have made a further reduction In the price of Its grade ore. Western railroads reported a shrinkage In tonnage for last week. Rates for time money showed still ftrther ease and the market for prime mercantile paper was easier In tone. The unusual financial strength of the west doubtless has Its bearing on the continued low rates at this center. The general bond market was Irregular. Total sales, par value, S8.001.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: fttlaa. Hlrh. Low. Clnee. i OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Irregularly and at nixn were from H above to S. below Saturday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Omnia. tnnn ,.0 U 1 1x-uItIII A Nesh..H ... l New York l entr.l ..l'e ! Cattle Slow to Ten Cents Lower and 1' Nmfoi erroulit Anil). Copper Ana-ont1e AU-hlftcn 4o pid WeMtern.b'S do rfd t ..l"l Ontario Western.. -4 Haitlmiire A Ohio.. .M rnn! Hsnle " t'anaillan Faclfli- Hand Mines ' Ctaeeereeke Ohio.. M HMllns "'a I hi. tireat Weatarn.. 2 tu-utharn rtatlwajr . . I a Chi., Mil. A St. P. .1.4 lo pM l Rrere 1114 g.iu'harn parlllo Hk lnver Rio 'J.... J2 Union facltlc 1'4 do pfd T? in pf4 4 Krie S. Steel 1 do lat pld 4 do pfd 11 do Id plil W shanh Grand Trunk t do pld ' Illinois ivntral ....lis spanlah 4a o SILVKR Itai, firm at 24V1 per ounce. MoNKY 2''y per rem. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2Vc;-' lr cent; for three months' bills, 2&2 9-16 per cent. Local Sera Titles. Quotations furnished by Burns. Rrlnker & Co., 449 New Omaha National bank building. Bid. Asked IWtrlre Creamer Oo. pfd ( Hr of Boatnn 4a Cleelaml Hallway 6a. Mil Fairmont Craamery lat g. 4 per oent. Uamian Fire lna. atock Iowa Portland Oament 1st mt. 4e.... Kanaaa CHr R. A U (a. Itlt Kanau Clly R. A L. pfd It. '.. M. & O. bonuf 4a. 11 omaha 1 'imrr Club a. l2Tr Omaha Water P. 1944 Omaha Water Oo. lat pfd Omaha A ('. B gt. Ry 6a. 19U Omaha a C. B. St. Ry pfd. 6 p. a.... Omaha A O. 11. MC Ky. men Omaha B. U A P. (a. 1IU Pacific T. T. &a, 1H83 Sheridan Coal Co Sloui City Tel. 6a I'Tl siale Uind Co. pfd and bonui Trl-Clty Ry. U ba Union Stock Tarda atock kit 10.. M'e "i" l TO im 91 4 40 7 8.1 'H 7S 71 7S M WEATHER 1! THE GRAIN HEI.T Decided Fall la Temperature Is Fol lowed by Sharp Rise. OMAHA. March 13, 1911. A very decided fall In temperature oc curred in the upper Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys Saturday night and Sunday, and the change to colder weather his spread aouth over the lower valleys to the west gulf states and east over the Features of the Traillnx and Closing j Ohio valley and lake region. Freezing tem- Prlcea oa Board of Trade. vcr ok,atloma and western Arkansas. X CHICAGO, March 13. Heavy selling car- very decided rise In temperature Is shown CHICAGO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS rled down the price of wheat today after experts Investigating had declared that the damage from Hessian fly waa Inconse quential. Closing figures showed a net decline of TiS'lc to lVfll-V:. The other chief cereals, too, finished with a loss corn off He to VaSo and oats Wa'-io to "hC; provi sions at the end of the day were the same an Saturday night to 7ViO below. one or the nig sellers or new crop con tracts for wheat was a prominent sup porter, who had been out of the market for some time. Pressure centered mainly on the July delivery. Primary arrivals exhibited a total decidedly more than last week. Cash demand was, if possible, worse, and the larger longs seemed to lack nerve for any active attempt to stop short sellers from hammering the market. F.arly In the day firm cables and a decrease In the United Slates visible supply afforded a little aid to the bulls. Closing prices, though steady, were almost the bottom for the session. May ranged from 90c to 91c, with last sales ic off at m'tMc. leading sellers of corn were the same people who were pounding wheat. May fluctuated between 4)VjC and 50c, finishing o net lower at 4!'tU 4c. CbsIi corn was eaay. No. 2 yellow closed at 4Sfy-4Mjii.'. Oats suffered in sympathy with other grains. May varied from Mita to 81 Valc, with latest figures at 907c, a net decline of V.C Koth shorts and longs purchased provis ions, but there was a big run of hogs hero and went. AVhen the final gong sounded pork was 2Vu'7Vp. off, with lard and ribs unchanged to 2Sc decllno. Prices In Chicago, furnlsneA uy the Up dike (i raj 11 company. Telephone Douglas S478. 708 Ltrandeta building, Omaha: this morning In the extreme upper Missis sippi and Missouri valleys and throughout the northwest and this wave of warmer weather will extend over this vicinity to night. Light precipitation occurred within the last twenty-four hours In the lake region, Ohio valley and eastern states, and rains are falling this morning In Kentucky and Tennessee. Some very light and widely scattered precipitation occurred In the Rocky mountain region during the last twenty-four hours, but generally clear weather prevails everywhere west of the Mississippi river this morning and the out look Is favorable for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and iuesaay. wii. mio. moo. I90. Ixwest ltst night... j at 3 20 S3 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 84 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, .W Inch. Deficiency for corresponding period, 1910 .47 Inch. v Deficiency for corresponding; period, 18)S, .04 inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Allla-Ohalmers pfd AmalKamalvl rvHper .... American Aapiraltural ... American Heet Sugar American Can American C. A F , Ain. CV.tloo oil American H. A I pfd... Am. Ice SerurlUee American I,lneed Amenicjui Ijoconiotlve ... American . A It Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. steel Foundries Am. Burner Refining American T. A T American Tocaoco pfd... American tVolen AnacoDds Mining Oo Atchison ., Atchlann pfd Atlantic Coast Line Haltlmore Ohio Bethlehem steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific t.ano 1,500 MO us 1. 1K) Ml 10 I.li0 mil 64 3XS 74'H II - MS 4't " I2 f.', 2.1 !4 ll 74e 100 10f joi in:;v, 4H-H mi, 40(1 6 144 447t Jon " H Soil S414 3 .114 lot) ,tiia 34 l,soo vii i06Vk im, 102 'a 1H0 l:t 12"'i 13ki f lo:t, mm 3or) 32V KlVi Sl", l.fVKI 71114 7SN, .no0 214' 214V "4 1ikH UK) 1) 76 v 71 nV 1"0 H "TH X.1V r 7' tn 'is" U Central leather inn jt as, ientrai Leather pM 1,200 V V) I") entraj of Ne Jeraey 2N0 Clieiiapeake A Ohio 3,200 824 tl 4C2 tlilcago A Altotl 82 Chicago o. w , new 21V t'. O. W. pfd 100 44H Ui 44 Chicago A N. W., ex-dlr... Ji ir, M2 12 C, M. A St. P I.SOO 1U 130V. 1 C, C, C. A St. U. r, Colorado F. A I S31,, IVilorado A fioolhern M Consolidated Oai inn 14014 14014 14114 O.rn Pmdncta 100 14 14 14 Iielaare A Hudenn Isc'i Iienver A Rio Grande 31V P. A R. O pfd 2O0 70 70 7n Plallllera' Securities WO Wl' SH Kiie S.000 MV 2V 2V le lat pM 41'i Bile 2d pfd 34 General ttfeetrlc 100 14 14a 140 Oreat Northern pfdr. eOO 134V 124V i2A Great Northern Ore rtfa 1?4 llllnoia Central 134 irnerborouirh Met O0 18V 18H 1V Int. Met. pfd MV International llaryeeter ... 100 ll.iH 11E.V !:.. Int. Marine pfd r."- Intarnallonal Paper S0O 10 10 10 International Pump 4n Iowa Ontra.1 300 1114 1 i Kanaaa Oltr 80 Mt K. r. 80. pfd mv I bsolede Oaa r 700 111 110 111V Ixiulavllle A Nahallle 144 Iloston Closing; Stocks. BOSTON, March 13.-ClolnK quotations on stocks were as follows: Allouei 3 Mohawk 4 Amal. Copper H:l Nevada Con. 1V A. Z. L. A S 23t Nlplaalng Mlnea .... I"V Ariiona Cin 14V North Butte ' Atlantic 4V N'rth l'1'" B. Ac C. C. A 8. M. 12V 4'old Dominion 39 Bulte Coalition 1!v Oeceole 110 t al. A Arltona M rarrott 8. A C 11 i'a.1. A llecla 4'.t Uulm y Centennial 12V Shannon 1"' Copper Range C. C Wv superior fc1 Eat Butte C. M 13 Superior ABM 4 Franklin 9 supi-rl.ir At P. 4,' 14', Glroux Cnn oT Tamarack u tlranby Con 81 1. SK. R. A M.... M Ureene Canane oka do nfd 4vV lele tyale Copper.. I'tah Con 1-V Kerr IjRke tit t tah CVipper Oo 44V Iiek Copper 34 Winona 7 be Salle copper 4 Wolverine 118 Miami Copper IS Bl-dlT. ""Aaked. Hid. New 1 ork lorb Market. The following quotations are furnished by I.ogan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, H1& Houtn sixteenth street. ..40 UroM .. f7 Nevada Con .. 18 Newhouae .. IK Nevada-Utah .. 21 Ohio tapper .. IV Rawhide coalition .. IV Kay Central .. 4V Swift Pkg. Co .. 34 Keane-Roebu.-k Co. .. SV Superior A P . . 6a Tonnpah Mining . .. fa Trinity Copper ... .. i United Copper .... .. North bake .. 84 OJIbwey .. 7V Not Active. HOGS FIFTEEN TO TWENTY OFF Sheep Commend Good, Steady or F.ven Firm Prices, While Iambi Are Slow to Tea I enta Lower Thaa Friday. POVTH OMAHA. March 13. 1311. Receipts were- Cattle Hoirs. Sheen. FMlmate Mondav r.HiiO 7.2"0 IS.oiO Same dav last week B,4 4.R..S P.2i'4 Same day S weeks ago.. f 3ln .f2S k r-78 Same days S weeks ago.. 4.341 4t"2 .v! same day 4 weeks ago.. 8 4H 8 .. 1S.14& fame day last year 4.SM 6.224 l.tnl The following sable shows the recelnts of cattle. og4 and sheep at South Omaha for the yur to date as compared with last '-r: 1911 mio. Inc. Dec. cattle rif..44 ym.-iA 1R.R92 Hogs 4Mu4 4C0.420 .574 Sheep 3t21,773 2SS.417 T7.3.V1 The following table shows the receipts of prices on hogs at t-outh Omana for the last several days, with comparisons: Pates. Mar. 4. Mar. t Mar. 8 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. I 1311. I1S10.11W9. :908.1907. 11906. 106. I WW t RB S l 4 l 731 I 4 81 t 681 181 4 231 8 iZ z-'l - . I SOi 4 S3 8 74 20! 4 SS 7! I 4 441 6 75 S 131 4 M 78 , 8 48 I 78 6 10! 4 88 9 9.-,l 8 psl 4 4X 82; 8 13 4 kS 8 74U. II) 7'J f. Ml 4 SSI 16 11 4 kS 80V; 10 27 6 40 34! 75 4 k t 7o'.4j b0 6 S 4 '! ' I "I 1 10 171 8 4i!l 4 3hl fi 681 6 ' 6S I I 47 1 4 37 6 63 ; 6 12 4 80 881, S 83 74 6 : 'a Sunday. Receipts and rllsnnsitinn nf live stock at the Union fctock Yards. South Omaha, for iwenty-four hours ending at S P. m. yes terday: RKCKUTP. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H'r's. Am. Tobacco Bay State Oaa Butte Oialitlon .... Caclita Chlno CTilef Con. Mavtatnlv Ely Cenual Kly Con Franklin nlroux Brlrnont Oolilheld riorence Kerr lAke 4reene ana.nee ,. Inspiration 4V 1-, 8 1 1'i sv IN. 11V 1V 16 8 4 V nv v 6H C. M. & St. P.. v aoarh V""on Pacific C. & N. W., east.. f ci N. V., west.. C. St. P., M. O.. C. B. A. g., east.. '., H. & Q west.. ' It. I. AV P., east -'.. U. I. P., west Illinois Central .... c o. w Total receipts 4 . 1 . 47 . 7 . . 4 . 2 . W . :t . l . 1 . 4 .231. 20 3 41 12 is 1IH) 3 1 4 5 So 10 Artliiles.l tpen. High. Low. Close. fcSat'y. 9 M.I 90 90 I okSlkU'VUI Wheat-l May... 190 VI1! July...k9Vg.i Bcpt...89'4y, Corn i May. ..I 60 July...! 6o4-i Kept.. .IBlWaHiilWu-ii Oats May...31V(j';SlV'il Juiy...ifO'n.ll 8ept... 3o7. I'ork May. July. Lard- i May... 9 06 V 10 July. .. 9 60 I 9 116 Bept...l I Ul 9 Ou KU-s- I I I I May... 40 47 1 40 I July. ..I 9 On I 9 06 V(l 91t 90 l i 49,sl49,,1PlliOt(60V1 60 61'. I ao'Jl III iSfrVtl-lal 81 3oi'8-,30V(J- 6i'iMVa-)4 ,.' 17 40 17 47',, 17 374, 17 42'J 17 ..I 16 46 16 60 IS 40 16 60 i IB I.I 1,1 I 9 06 9 00 9 00 9 12 9 06 9 05 I Sl'i 31 3o74 60 524 9 124 9 074 9 06 9 4741 9 474 9 06 9 07 4 SKALKu BIDS WILL BE RECEIVKD for moving school house from IAmro, Tripp county, South Dakota, to Winner Tripp county. South Dakota. Distance alMiut 14 mllea. Rids will be opened April 10. mil. Contract will be let to whom the board eonsldere the lowest responsible bid der. For further particulars and Informa ilon addreea, J. T. TRKZONA. Clerk School District No. 30. Winner, South Dakota. M12d 7t OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Sept... I 00 9 I I 8 9741 9 024 9 07 4 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOP It eJlvady; winter patents. S3 90ri 4 30, straifilits, H.iXi4 fc spring straights. SJiaw-H lO; baKers. t3.0t(j 4. 10. KVrONO. 2. Mc. BAR LK V Feed or mixing barley, 80S75C; fair to choice malting, yOxf.'c. tiKKlktj Flax, No. 1 southwestern, S2.65; No. 1 northwestern, $2io; timulhy seed, S7 0041 10.76: clover, $14.75. PROVISION'S Mens pork, per bbl., f IK. 25 frl .60; lard, per 1 lbs., S'..024; short ribs, sides (loose), JX.T.Viia.ijO; short ulear sides (boxed), S:.t24ii)'.7i. Total cleaj-Htues of wheat and flour were iiial to M.imi bu. Primary receipts were 7i2.t) bu.. compared wild l.lU.OnO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the I 'lilted States de creased 1.64S.OHO bu for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage In creased l.owvikio bu. lCalimated leoeipts for tomorrow: V heat. Ik cars; corn, 416 cars; oats, 140 cars; Iuik. 25,ui head. CbUago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red. Vinyls."-, No. 3 red, kkyVlc; No. 2 hard, 9i 914c; No. hard, SNIJO'-xc; No. 1 northern St. Louis General Market, ST. LOriS. March 13 WHKAT Lower: May, 904'if90fec; July. Wee. Cash, firm; track. No. 2 red, 9:ti)97c; No. 2 hard, Uora .04c. CORN Lower: May, 4x-xc; July. tnvc. Cash, firm; track. No. 2, 474c; No. 2 white. I74C. OA i s ixiwcr; May, ;vc; July. 290. Cnsh, sttady; track. No. 2, 804c; No. 2 white, 31 vc. uy i. 1 nciianged, at n,e. FIjOUK rlteady; red winter patents, $4 30 (fi4.8ft; extra fancy and straight, $3.7xi'4.10; hard winter clears, S3.0niS.40. SKKf Timothy. So.Ot'i 60. frtMKAL-2.30. BRAN Firm; Hacked (east track), S105Q 1.08. HAY VV oak; timothy, Stf.00friM7.2ri; prai rie. SllOfry 15.00. PROVISIONS Pork; unchanged; Jobbing, $18.26. Ijird. unchanged; prime steam. SD.V24 41 9.074- I'ry salt meats, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, S9.&0; clear ribs. 8!.ii0; Short clears, S9.h24. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra short. $10.75; clear ribs, $10.75; short clears, $10,874. pol'LTItY uulet; chickens. 114c: spring. 16c; turkeys, lal4c; ducks, 14c; geese, 8c HI 1 1 I'yit sitady; creamery, lljri2ic. KUUS Lower, at 164c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, this !.iin0 lt),!M) Wheat, bu .-. 67,OK) 2!,(M) Coin, bu 74.1MO 2n,0il Oats, bu 64.0HO 6O.O11O 32 V 1!4 2 IWi tAV inv A3 I4H St. Lawrence Roate to Europe .x.Esa tiiv roua OATS AT III1 White Star-Dominion KOTAX. SCaVXX ST1AMIIS Montreal Vuelxx- Uverpuol "Iurrntlc" and "MeKantlv" X.arg e t and Kost Modern Steamers In Canadian Service. Luxurious accom niodatious for yirst, Second and Third Class, aalllug in conjunction with the popular Twta Screw Steamers Tesunlo" "taaaaa' "OouUiiloM Caiiylng Oaa Clui Cable paenaers calle4 second I'ebinl 1 'obi tori at roudarele raiee. Aleo Tetrd Claaa paeaenera. Apply Company's office ilO-te Dear. bora St., Ciiioaeio, or I.ooe4 Aent. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE .M0-Me Twtn-ecrew rVaeenfer Sttura. aire, t , oeer II u.ru Norway. Sweden S.m. lI'rriES and Denmark r'",-:::A:;i All aleanaara ilee4 with Mareoal Wireless. II111 t'eeiu. l u. u,ou( cable (e A, M. etvaaaoa Oe X Broad way. If. T. ur le total esrata. Kansas t'lty Grain aud l'rorlelons. KANSAS CITY. March 13 WHEAT May, 804c, sellers: .Inly, k3V''(834c; caah steady; No. 2 hard, 87-7c; No. 8, 8694c; No. 2 red, 94'uVoc; No. 3, SsKiiMc. CORN May, 4kSc, epllt bid; July, 4Mc; cash 4o bltlu r; No. 2 mixed, 46ii464c; No. 3, 44-U44V; No. 2 white, 444u4oc; No. 3, 44(4440. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 31U33c; No. 2 mixed. :4'i:ll4c. HVK-.No. 2. iiMir.'JC. HA Y L'nchanged; choice timothy, $13.50(1 14 00; choice prairie, $12.0Od12.2d. l'oI'LTItY Firm; hens, 11c; springs, 15o; turkeys, 144o; ducks. 12c; geese, 84c Bl.'TTKK Creamery, 26c; firsts, 22c; sec onds. 20c; pac king stock, 13c. LUOri Kxtras, 17c; firsts, 16c. Receipts, bhipments Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . .61.iJ .22.O1V hO.iulO 60.0UU 16.0tW lalble Snpply of 4.rala. NEW YORK. March 13 The visible sup ply of grain In the 1 nlted Mates Saturday, March 11. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange was as follows: Wheat, 9kcHi1.01; No. 2 northern. 97c'y$1.00; No. 3 I S8.222.WO buahcls; decrease, l,t"i4o.kJ0 bushels'. S.ooo linii liniv una, 10 41 41 41 3.S") lov ia4 10A"i loo 7v 7o 7 S.000 im in i;iv ino MH MS :4V 7,500 12&V 1V iss-H 106V us 10 im :v JV 2V 400 U 16 .' 2V 3fl.ono m, imh l.ViV too Si 81V -'V flH Km 2li sv 41 CD M 114 xv a 87V 27 12 Mia flank ( learlnas. OMAHA. March 1.1. Bank clearings for todav were $3.04n,466.02 and for the corre sponding date last year, $3,142,656.07. OMAHA wholesale: prices. 41V 82 100 ft; S.7O0 11V 118 SftO 2v WMi 1.14 .1V 87V 37V 100 I. 10 jno 22 12V MV M'( I0.JO0 17SV 171V 173V 100 91V 81V "1 UK 1.100 41 41 41V 40 00 77 V 7V 7H 1.71m llk 118V llkV 1.100 44 V 44V 4V MV 17V 87 M TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaa lHllar Per tear. spring, VtVu'jSK-. Corn.: No. 2 cash, 47404.": No. 3 cash. 4fVa4''4'; No. 2 white. 474x1 4kc; No. 3 while. 4..'i4H4c; No. 2 yellow, 4'(i-tx4c; No. S yellow, 4u47c. Oats: No. 2 cash. 3oc; No. 2 white, 314-1 32c; No. S white. J4i(lo; No. 4 white, JojJ04c; standard, Sru:ti4. BI TTKK-Steady; . creameries. 1152;; dairies, l'j21c. KtKJS hteady: receipts. 14. m cases; al mark, cases Included, 144'ijlic; firsts, 16c; prime firsts, 164c CHKKSK Steady; daisli h.' UVrfle twins. 11(uHc; oung Americas, UVo'lec; long horns. 134'ul4!. POTATOES Steady: choice to fancy, 4C( 42c; fair to good, .v.tke. POCLTltY Steady; turkes, dressed. 18c; hens, alive. 13c; dressed, 13c; sirlne;s. alive. 13c; dressed, 13c. VEAL Steady, 50 to 60-oiind weights. 6 tl7c; 60 to so-pound welahts, hntv; 86 to 110 pound wtilghls. Hdllc. Chicago Receipts Today : Wheat. 13 cars, corn. 202 cars; oats. 99 cai-s. f:sttmaied to morrow : Wheat, 18 cars, coin. 316 cars; oats, 140 cars. Pklladrlphla Prodare Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 13-RcTTEll Urm; extra western creamery, 2kc; nearby prims, .s;. EiltiS Firm: PennsvHanla and other nearby firsts, free cases, ltc at mark: cur rent receipts, free cases. Ike at mark: west ern firsts, free cases, lik- at Mark; current receipts free cases, lo at -mark. CHEESE Weak; New York full creams, fancy September. ll14c; fair to good, 124 il2c. t v I n aen nolle drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 13. WHEAT May. !ec; July, SVc: September, 81V: caah, N. 1 hard. Sc; No 1 northern. S7tf Corn, 12.M4.Oiu bushels; increase, klu,i4) bushels; increase. klo.iM) bushels. Oats, is. -piti.uiiu bushels; decrease 3i4,ouO bushels. Rye, 237.0KJ bushels; decrease, 14.000 bush els. Barley, 1.3KJ,0X4J hnstiels; decreuse. 41. (JUO bushels. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was 9,:l:0,000 bush els; decrease, llli.OUO bushels. Liverpool t.ratu Market. LIVKRI'OOU March 13 WIIEAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red weoiei n winter, no stock; futuies. iiuli-t, March, 6s 9'd; May, 6s 9d; Julv. bs 9-d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4a; American mixed, old. 6s d; fu eures. tilet: May, 4s 44d; July. 4s u4d. FLOl'R Winter patents, easy, 27s 6d. Mllwaakre Urals Market. MILWALKKE Wis., March IS. FLOUR- Steady. WHEAT No 1 northern, StOfrfiiOl; No. t northern. 97yHs4c: May, t4gj0'rc. OATS Standard. 324c HARLKY Samples. KSK-Sl 00. Minn, ft 84. Louie :oo 2:-V ! M., St. P. 8. S. M S.400 14XV 148 M., K. A T 100 SZV M , K. T pfd Mlmir1 PaHflc 3.W0 M" National Biscuit loo 194 National bead 3n0 S1V N. R R. of M. M pfd alio Ik New Tork Central N. T.. O. W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People'a Oaa P., C. C. A St. V Ptttehurg CU Presaed Htcel tir Pullman Palaoe Car .... Railway Steel Spring... Readme Renuhllc Steel Itepilbllr Steel pfd Brk I.land Co "0 V WW :im! laland Oo. Did St. b. A S. F. S4 p4 400 St. loula 8 W St. L S. W. pfd 8.ie Sheffield R. A I.... Southern Parlflo Snuthorn Rallwa So. Railway pfd TVnneaeee Coin-er Teisa A Pacific T . St. I.. A W T-. St. I,. 4V W. pfd I nlon Pacific t'nlon Pacific rfd ( nlted Statea Ra.lty (nlted Stales Rubber ('nlted Statea Sleel ( . 8. Sleel pfd I'l.h Conner Va. -Caroline Oi em leal I.TW) 47V Wabarti SflO 17 Wahe.h pfd '" S W'aelern Maryland WO 60 W eetlnhiue Kiectrlo Wealern I'nlon Wheeling U 81 . 1V '4 i.t,l.h Valley .... . 17! Total aalee for tne oay, pm.iw ew. New York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March 13. MONET On call, steady at 2''a24 r cent; ruling rate, 2V per cent; closing bid, 24 Per cent; of fered at 24 per cent. Time loans, dull; slxtv days, 242 per cent; ninety days. 2&3 per cent; six months, 3ViiW34 per Tr1MK MERCANTILH rAPEU-4i44 P"tk'"lINO ETXCHA NOB Steady, with actual business In bankers "bills at $( R381VJ 4 8-ftkl for sixty-day bills and at $4-8i15 for demand: commercial bills. $4 .83VB4.8.I4. SILVER Bar, 634c; Mexican dollars, 4kc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: it s ret. Si. reg....l01V int. Af. M. 4-s 4 ..cola ja,ii m en- . PCV do 4V Jt ..l"iV K. C. So. let Sa 8a V ..li:V U 8. deb. 4a 1W1... 9.1V ..lli'i I. A N. mil. 4a fl&v .. 77 M K. A T. let 4a.. 7 . .101 .!) gen. 4Va V,V P7V Mo. Pacific 4e 7K kk'a N. It. It. of M. 4V a mv 7 N. Y. C. g IVe - V 4o deb. 4a M ., N. T.. N. H. A H. lint ev. 6a IJS. 1"'V N. A W. lat e. 4a... M't 4o rr. 4a ion WiV No. Pacific 4a 1 :V do 3e 7n leV S I. rfdg 4a Wi Hi'. Penn. c. Va 118 .. loaV 1 oon. 4.... l'Kt W Keaitlllg gen. 4B i, 87 17V IISV 4!'V MV 7V SV 5 171V 171V do coupon V. 8. Sa. rag do cou oon V. 8. 4a, r , do onuoon Allla-tliaJ. lat la... Am. Ag. 8a Am. T. A T. CT. 4s Am. Tobacco 4a do a Armour A 0. 4Va Atchtaon gen. 4 do ci. 4a di cf 5a A C. U let 4a Hal. A Olilo 4a do JV do 8 W. IVa Prook Tr cy 4e . i an. of r.e. 6 tVn. Ia.Uier lie BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to the retail, trade In l ib. cartons, 27c; No. S, in 30-lb. tubs. 25c; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons. 2uc; packing stock, solid pack, 14c; dairy, la 6 lb. tubs, 1617c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE1 Twins, l4S'16c; Young Amerl ras, 184c; daisies, 164317c; triplets, IB 4 16c; llniberger. 18c; No. 1 brick, 164c; im- Eorted Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 22c; block wlss. 19c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under t lbs, $5 per doi. ; hens, 15c; cocks, lie; ducks, ISc; geese, 16c; turkeys. 2ic; pigeons, per doz $1.20; homer squabs, per doi, $4.00; fancy squabs, per doi.. $350; No. 1, pr dos., S300. Alive, broilers, 16ci smooth legs 10c; hens, 114c; stags, 13c; old roosters, 7o; old ducka, full feathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 9c; turkeys, 17c; guinea fowls. 25c each; pigeons, per doy., 60c; homers, per doz.. S3 ("'. squabs. No. 1, per dos.. $1.60 No. 2, Pr dog.. 60c; capons, over 8 16a.. le; old turkevg. 17c. FISH (all froienl-Flckerel, 7c; white, lie; nike 9c; trout. He; large orapples. 12fjU5c snatilsh mackerel, 19c; eel. 18c; haddock eio.mders. 12c; green catfish. V0n- -..1 had SI each; shade roe. per pair, 6c; from legs. Per- dos.. 60c 1 sslmon. 11c; halibut. Mo; hFKK CtJTS-No. 1 ribs, 14'4c; No. 2, lic' No. S. 9c. No. 1 loin, 16c; No. J. v- 'no. S. He. No. 1 chuck, 74c; No. 2, f'ic- No. 3, 7c. No. 1 round, 940; No. 2, c' No. 3, R4o. No. 1 plate, 64c; No. 2, No. 3, R'c FRUITS Apples, Colorado extra fancy H. Twig per full bu. box. $2.50; Washington extra' fancy Wlnesap, 96-112 aires, per bu., $2 75' 150-175 sizes, per box, $2.60; Washing ton 'Mo. Pippins. 44 tier, per box, $2 25; Washington Red-cheek Pippins, 54-64-80-112 sizes per box. $2.50; Washington (ianos, per box ' $2.25; Ben Davis, per box,- .$3.10. Bananas, fancy select, per hunch, 2.25-'d) 150- Jumbo. bunch, $2.75fi.1.75. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box. $2.00; bulk In 70-lh. boxes, per lb., 4c Figs, new California, 50 6-og. nkga., $"00- Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; 5 crow'n. per lb.. 14c; 4-crown. per lb., 13c. Grape fruit, Florida, 46-64-64-H0 sizes, per box $4.00. Lemons. I.lmonelra brand, ex tra ' fancv, SOO-.IHO sizes. per box. $4 25; fanev, 300-360 alr.es, per box, $4.75; 240 size, oik- per box less. Oranges. Camella- Red- lands navels, so w sizes, per oox. jr; jn size per box, $2 90; l.'O size, per box. $3 90; 176 and smaller sizes, $3.00; choice navels, K0-96-126 sizes, $2 76; 150 and smaller sizes, $2 75. Pears. California Winter Nellls, per box, $2.75. Strawberries. Louisiana, per 24 plnt case, $3.00. VEOETA IlI.KS-Beans, string and wax. per hamper, $3.50a4.50. Beets, per bu., 76c Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 14c Carrots, per bu.. 7Io- t'elery, California Jumtsi, per doz. bunches, Wic. Cucumbers, hot house, 14 and 2 dos. In box, per doz.. $2.26. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2 tw. Uarllc. ..ice fancv. white, per lb.. 1.'.c. Lettuce, extra fancy' leaf, per dos.. 45c. Onions, Iowa. red and yellow, per in., --ic; jnuiana wntte. per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate. $1.50. Onion sets white, per bu , 32 lbs., $1.76; yellow, per bu.. 32 lbs., $150; red. per bu., 32 lbs., SI 50. Parsley, fancy southern, per doz. bunches. fjOrntioe. Parsnips, per bu., 75c. Po tatoes. Early Ohio seed, in sacks, per bu., tl 00- Genuine Hed River K. Ohio seed., per bu. $1.25; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.. 71000; ( olorado, per bu., ttOc Rutahagos, per lb.. 14c. Sweet pota toes Kansas, per bbl., $1.00. Tomatoes. Florida, per 6-basket crate, $3.50-(r4 00. TumiiiH ner bu.. 75c. M 1S 'ELLANICOI'S Almonds. California soft shell, per lb., ISc: In sack lots, lc less. Brazil nuts, per lb.. l;io: in sack lots, lc i.e. Cocoanuts. per sack, $5.50; per dos., kOc. filberts, per lb., 14c; 111 aack lots, lc less. Hlckorynuis. largs. per id., oc; smau, tier lb . 6c. Peanuts, roasted, per lb.. So; raw, per lb., 64c Pecans, larue, por lb. iK,--'ln sack lols. lc less. Walnuts, black per lb.. 24c: California, per lb.. 19c; In sack lots, lc less, t Ider, New Yolk. Motfs. per bbl., eo.ii. iione, new, -t iraines, w Cotton Market. LlSPOSITl( Cattle. Hoks. sheep ... 677 1.123 1.2U . .1.01.1 ..1,046 41 r,. 4X 1!'7 167 15 SX lot 113 kS J. I. 67 41 ,10 13 93 9 5b9 1.772 s.m 2,iil"i 30 1.0 4kS 735 3.427 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Murphy ftiorrell W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Yansant Lush Stephens Tiros Hill Ac Son P. R. wls Huston A Co ' J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Husz 1 j. Wolf McCrearv & Carev S. Wertheimer i.ee Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co Clltie & Christy McConneghey Other buyers , U,B' 6,8-1 8.423 10:132 CA'liTLE-Thera was a liberal run of cat tle this morning, being a gain over the last -" " "s ana a gain of a hoi it 1 ao i,,i4 es comiiaretl with a year ago. At the same inner points were heavily loaded with rattle, some of them havlnir cooai.iemKi u more than have been anticipated. At the nine tne demand was not at all jo ion. aa vices irom eastern points Indlcat V me product has not been going Si.0 con!miInln channels any too raplrtlv. 1 he result was a slow and lower market at all Points and It waa well alnnv ion.n,- midday before any very great amount of uninuss naa been transacted. The trade on beef steers was slow and ohm all morning and a clearance was noi errcctea until late. Buyers did not ap pear' to have sufficiently urgent orders to put any snap or life Into the trade. At the same time prices were generally loo lower than, last week. Cows and heifers were mostly 10c lower man last ween ana tney, too, were slow sellers, for the reason that the demand was not sufficiently urgent to stimulate the trade. Heavy feeders were srenersllv slow and the feeling weak, but still as high as $5.75 was paid for some good westerns. Mediums una common grades were slow and around 100 lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $6.0O4jr6.S0; fair to good beef steers, $5.70(56.00; common to fair beef steers, $5 0010.70; good to choice cows and heifers. $4.70S6.5O; fair to good cows and heifers. $4.30414 70; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.25g4 30; good to choice stock era snd feeders, S5.MkiK.80; fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.006 50; common to fair stockers and feeders, $4 206 00; stock heifers, $3.75&4.60; veal calves, H-IXKuaOu, bulls, stags, etc, $4 00(5.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. an. . 1.. 17.. M . ... ! ... 4 en 44 ! n' ; 4 . . 4 an u 14 1M 4 a l ...... '.'" HO 4 0 - !' -. . 7 ... 4 SO 4.1. i4 ... IS .... -4 "0 4 0 . f-1 ... 44 7i i t ao an M rv. ' ::i ... I so (f, t.-g II . .i ... ftn li r. ... 4 ,r i. .ki ... 4 . t ... 4 70 ?;n ... an s ,... 46 4 47v 4.1 ... I en M ... 6 ttv ;.,4 o fi! 74 HI 40 4 l?V 41 :-H m 4 fO 7 .., 4 4:i 74 a6 ... 4 0 i ... 4 1 4: 2"4 ... 4 (.0 77.1 S4 4 70 74 i.l ... 4 II 't ... To 4.4 a.J . . 4 ao 71 tit ... 4 70 M IHH 40 4 tkt 14 70 r ... 4 av w 1 :-4 ... I S.'v 7& l .. 4 T ! ?M ... 4 :' ' 4 " 27 !"7 ... 4 "V M '71 M -K-S ... 4 ?V 77 117 ... 4 7i M M ... 4 4c, n I7 ... 4 7 : LH'4 ... 4 4:, 4 174 ... 4 74 71 :m ... i 46 75 in ... 4 P1U8. 14 1"5 ... 4 00 SHEEP Heavy receipts of sheep init lambs this morning gave promise of a lower scale of values, but In this expectation iellers were agreeably disappointed. The demand from packers was broad and active from the opening and prices were well sus tained In all brandies of the trade. In quiry centered on old sheep, viewing the market as a whole, aud ewes and wethers sold at figures generally firm with those at last week's close. Actual rules of ewes reached $4 40 and wethers weighing 98 pounds sold aa high as S4.60. Yearlings or toppy quality and handy weight are safely quotable at or near $5 25. These prices crowd the extreme limits on the various classes of stock, of course, and are very little different frora high quotations noted on Saturday. ljimbs made up a reasonably large pro portion of total supplies and feeling among buyers was rather bearish than otherwise. Selected offerings moved early at prices about steady, but bulk ruled weak to por- slbly a little lower. Cholwa wooled lsmbs realized ag much as $6 10 and a similar quality of shorn article sold at $5.50. fthoin shipments were scarce, however, and the narrow spread Indicated Is at least partly due to a meager supply. Quotations on sheep sjid lain he. (load to choice lambs, $5.7596.10; fair to good lambs. $5.36'u6.70; handy weight yearling. $5.0OJi5 25: heavy yearlings. $4 65500; good to choice wethers. $4 S5ii-4.6S; fair to jroo l wethers. f4.Ofrrr4.S5; good to choir ewes, $4.255f4.50: fair to good ewes, $39oJl35; sheep, culls to feeders, $3.00t7i37$. Representative sales: No. t'.i:'. shorn western y!g wthrs. 2 western shorn lambs 227 western wethers 6 western wethers, culls 155 Ids ho lambs ri'l western ewes 62 western ewes 454 western lambs 44) western lambs 40 western lambs 17k western lsmbs western lambs. No. 4... 4... 10... )... 14... 11... 22. .. 13... 21... IS... II... Av. Pr. ...1314 I 00 ...1123 6 0 ...ff.il 4 43 ...1011 4 ko ...15 6 (0 ...11W1 4 4u ...ll.'iO 6 7S ...l'JUS 6 In .. 1187 6 !' ...I!""- 6 AO ...1274 i X) 17..., ... 14... ... !..., !0... a. .. COWS. At. Pr. ...1114 6 0 ...13"4 4 40 ...1441 4M ...10 4 0i) ...1272 4 00 ...11174 ( 00 ...12..I tm ...1.H17 flu ...1974 4 M ...121S 4 It ...1141 4 76 ....1174 43 .... 75 4 XI ....1214 4 to ....11.9 (00 ....42 6 7u 74 IK, I4 4 u 4 5 i m s 00 46 6 00 445 6 00 1413 4 10 1)1 6 20 410 4 56 is: 4 r l-io 5 10 .. 123 7 00 . . 7 y. Ik.'. 7 74 m 1 00 1.14 00 ISO t () of N. J- g 4a...lV tit L'A 8 F. tg. 4e. !' Peoria Crala Market. PEORIA. March 13 CORN Steady ; No. $ white. 4i4,o4o4o; No. yellow, 4vVc: No. S mixed, 4uV; .-so. 4 mixed, 4J4, ;, sample, 4Hi414o. OATS Easy ; No. 1 white, 31V: stand ard, SuV: No- S while. So4c. Ualath tirala Market. Dl'Ll'TH. March 13 W 1 EAT No. 1 northern. 96c; No. 1 northern, WValelV; May. 97c: July. 94c. OATS At 2svo. Pluln Ratter Market. ELGIN. March 13 -BUTTER -Firm. 2; output 4.9o pounds. Cliea A Ohio 4va... l'"1 o n. M 87 do ref. 5a t. L . W e. 4a.... T'A ei-hl. aco A A. SVa . V do lat gold 4a C B A . I. 4e f. A. U 4a IhK, do gen. 4a 7V So. Pac. col. 4a K f M A S P g 'a 4o cy. 4a 7 C R I A i. e. 4a. T- do lat rf. 4a 4o rfg te 4 So Rallay ia !! erolo. l.id. 6e 7 do gen. 4a 7V a,olo Mid. 4a 5 Villon Pacific 4a 1i CAS r. e. 4Va. V j cy. 4a M4'. II ft H. cy. 4e V 4o 1 A ref 4l... mv II ft It. O 4a ,. W r. S. Rul.lr e li-i do ref is . 4 V. S theel td 6s 1m aniatlllere '6e 77', va.-Oar. Chem. Sa...l"1 Kne D I 4a Wehaah let fie ion do gen. 4s do let A ex. 4a 71 do c 4a. ear. A - - 7SV Weatern Ma. 4a k4V do eerles B 7 West. Blea. e. Ss... W Oen Kler. cy. Ea 147 Wla. Central 4a ; I ll). On lat ref. .. "4 u. r-ec.. cr. ee .,, Jut Met. 4Va Bid stew York Mining Storks. NEW YORK. March 13. Closing quota tions on tnliunif siocks were: Alice - Com. Tunnel atocs 4o bonda Con. Cel. Va Muro iler Iron SlWer eiedrll'e Ooe ulteled. .Ii4 euttle Cblef . . It Mallcan . 14 (luta-lo l'O Ovhlr . 34 standard .14 Tallow Jacket . 14 . 4 -ll I -I lrT l.aadaa Stock Market. I.OND4IN. March IS American secur ities oened quiet and about unchanged to day. During the first hour prices moved . .v S 7R 14 . KH3 4 40 4 . 764 S 86 4. . bto 3 40 4. . 43 4 VI 11 .11) 4 60 B .1027 4 66 HEIFERS. . 2S5 4 00 4 . 1:4 4 2.'i 14 . 444 4 a 10 . bM 4 4K 12 . 477 4 60 2 . 444 4 bi 4 . t'.3 4 70 46 .745 4 46 4 BULLS. 1H70 4 1". 1 .1230 4 40 S . tSI 4 60 1 tW 4 t" C-ALVE8. MS 4 60 1 v. 4 Ml 437 6 t kilo 4 40 4 til 4 00 230 4 75 6 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 677 4 24 I Tia 6 2 117 4 44 9 6:m) ft 25 3V1 4 no 3 731 j 713 6 00 14. 63 1 is 4S2 4 19 7 411 I 30 ;l 6 15 7 4i. t K, S:,4 ' 1 l S1 4 40 440 6 20 HOUS Psckers found alenly of bearish argument In a 6H.nuO supply of hogs at Chicago today, and were able to put up Ihelr droves at much cheaper cost levels. Prices broke about lfuJuc on all weights and, with every condition discoursing, e.-llcru made ties most or a bad situation and unloaded at the decline in very good ...-... ..-.,.,.- i k. 1 v.TTi iw u., . - "to,."i- rmiiiiai y an 01 a na-iiiuii hihiii 1 .-Vr.VV 14'IVIV. ."""ll . J .' " ,r.,.v.H In... i 1 - 7, .. 7 . . , . . ' closed quiet; middling uplands. 14 65c; mid- i V' , "Iui,n u,e "rMl dllns gulf. H.90I-: sales, boo bales. ST I.ol'IH. March 13 COTTON Un changed; middling. 14'e; no sales; receipts, balea; shipments, 1,391 bah-s; stock. 22, 6(2 bales. New York cotton market as furnished by Lot;an tt Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange, S15 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: S 4 11 1 2 , t 18 t 4 II 24 4 4 4 17 1 1 1 1. s 7 40 4 1.. It'" U.'.'. 14.!! 4. Month. Open. I Close.! Yes'y. March . May .... Julv .... August October 14 27 14 26 14 61 14 52 14 31 I 14 26 12 I 13 Ml 12 Ui I 12 56 14 3 14 1.1 14 .1," 13 91 12 73 t'otloa Brokers SiuepenU. NEW ORLEANS, March 12. At the opin ing of the cotton exilianu this mot'iiiiig iI.l suienaloii of the brokerage firm of Keplmger & Brown was announced SBatar Market. NEW YORK. March 13. 81 'G A R Ra w, firm' Muscovado, o.i lest. 3.2m;; centrifugal, ' . ,.' .... .....L.uu HllUr k'i lu.l I ..I... icllllisl. Bicauj- W ol Market. ST LOUIS. March 1.1 WouL-l'n-cbanged; territory and v-se:n fit iIl.ii.s. 19U-2i ; fine mediums, lbVolSc; fine, l.'ul.'lc. Oenaha Hay Market. OMAHA March 1:1. H A Y No. 1. $10 00. No 2. SS'OO. packing. Ss.t'; alfalfa, $i2ia. t'liiw, wheat. $.. 50, rye, $6.50. oats. $7 Ou. two hours of olii-n trading. Shljipers and speculators suspended oper ations, total purchases from this quarter being too small to have any appreciable Influence upon the general market. Tne lifeless condition of speculative di-msnd was due. In a measure, to a local advance car report for tomorrow that Is decidedly bearish. Oood butchers' weights dropped to $6 60 (1J6 65 and choice bacon weights sold up as Ingli as $6 75. As compared Willi Saturdav b top, this figure shows the full decline. Heavies and common packing grades al $6 55 and leas, bulk ranging around $6 66. I'L-ptesi-iilutive eulcs: No. A. Si. Pr. No. Ar. Sk Pr 4 44 ... 4 26 7i ...... 2i ... 4 4 4il 40 4 31 M ... 4 ,, 4 3.3 ... 4 60 74 Hi ... i, 41 l ... 4 cO 44 27 St 4 -"0 1,4 i4 1 Hi 4 'l ... 4 H M .S7 ... 4 6i 63 36 ... I 19 K4 g.V, f! g mrt 4 S-i ... b 70 :e, ... tt; 4 ... 4 46 42 , 4 ... 4 bS 1 : 4 6i m A ... , I. 27 40 4 ;"& 10 Zr.;, ... 4 en ?-4 4 U j,j 'jfl ( M ' S"4 ... 44 r t.S ... I (A 4. 2f ... 4 ! 40.. tan . 441 47 874 ... 4 4,1 47 241 , . , w :o ten 210 4 40 74 14 g a,, 4 20 ... 4 44 44. f l !'! 4 44 2i . . 11 14 r.'t . 4 41 6 2"4 140 4 40 l ito . , s ;4 .. i 40 7 ,,4 M itt. I7 ... 4 40 44 . ... 4 4. 71 4 44 2,4 ... t , 44. M to 4 40 44 H4 ... 4 f 71 2i to 4 a t 2;.s a 4 - 44 I.-,! !'! Mi 4 ... 4 4-1 41 iM 40 4 4 2 . . 4 40 ai jJT . . lu. II il 40 4 40 r4 244 ... 4 44 3 western lambs, culls 5:(2 western lambs 4 western yearlings 1145 western lambs 4'1 western lambs 270 western lambs 24 western lambs 05 western lambs 222 western ewes !1i western ewes and wethers. 67 western wethers I is western yearlings 216 western lambs Av. 97 70 97 93 67 110 117 87 . SI 99 49 60 47 64 106 44 M 76 1 67 97 W 93 S3 73 Tr. 4 Ml t M 4 an 5 S6 6 66 4 40 4 40 6 75 6 7.1 6 60 s y 6 66 4 76 6 66 4 90 6 90 8 10 6 76 o 75 6 70 4 40 4 50 4 85 6 5 25 ClllCAt.O 1.1VK STOCK MARK F.T Items nd for Hoevs Mora Active Sheep Xteadr Cattle Lower. CHIOAOO. March 13 CATTLK Re celpts, 25.(100 head: market Mo lower; V. beeves. $5.15rH6.6o; Texas aleera. H lifflf t; western Floors, M.7ivfr5.76; stockers snd feeders, $4.00f(6.75; cowb and heifers, $2.6H 416 ho; calves. S6.7nlil4l.7n. HOOS Receipts, 63,000 head; market more active; steady (o 5c higher; light, SS.Witi 7.20; mixed, $6.7507.06; heavy, $.55g7.0O; rough, S6.5VFr.70: good to choice heavy, $4.70 (d7.00; pigs, Jti.5O4i7.10, bulk of sales, S6.oo'ti 7.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.000 bead; market steady; native. $3.0V84.9n; western. $3.151 4.90; yearlings, $4.7fVrf5.Wi; na tive lambs, $5.00i?6.40; western, S5.2&tT.4. Kansas City Hock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head. Including 1.2O0 south erns; market steady to loc lower; dreased beef and export steers, $6.OfJ.10; fair to good, $5.40r&6.00: western steers, $B.00tr.26; stockers and feeders, S4.7tVqi6.90; southern steers, $4.75n.10: southern eows, S3.2542 5 36; native cows, $.1 0fy.36; native heifers, $4.60 $41.00; bulls, $4.2.Vn6.2.; calves, S4.603S.j5. HOGH-Receipts, 12.000 head: market 15W 20c lower; hulk of sales, $6 Sotr8.90; heavy, $.R(X&6.85; packers and butchers. $6.80iB9; lights. $90ft6.95. iSHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 21.000 hesd; market steady; lambs, $6.WVfiS5: vearllngs. $4 9iir6.76; wethers S4.866 00: ewes. $.OCrt?4.7B; stockers and feeders, $300 tM.OO. St. Loots Live Mock Market. 8T. T,oriS, March 13 TATTLE Re ceipts. .8i1 hesd. Including 1,400 head Tex ans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. S6.5tFfi7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, 6.00fii4i.5O; steers under 1,000 pounds $,25di,76; stockers and feeders- $1. 76'ii 6 76; cow s and heifers, $4 O.M; oarfr ners. $2Vn3.25; hullH, S3. 75911. 641; calves, $4.00 ((i650; Texas nnd Indian steers, $4.5tfj50; cowa and heifers, $3.5fVif6.Wi. HOdS Receipts. 12,000 head; market lOo lower; pigs and lights, $.50'l?7.20; packers. $6.954r7.0Ti; butchers and best heavy, $6.9cff 7.20. SHEEP AND liAMBW Receipts, 1110 betid; market weak; native muttons, $3 78 (4S6: lambs, $.'... roo 4 56; eulls and bucka, $2.2,V((S.2r.; stockers, $2.0t3.2B. St. .loarpk I.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March IS. CATTLE Receipts. 20l head: market weak, 10o lower; steers. $4.5vriti.:i6; cows and heifers, $T,.rV-6-75; calves, $3.rB4l.2R. lions itecelpla, 1.600 head; market 161J 10c lower; top, $6.96; bulk of sales, $.ri3 ti.S-5. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts. lfl.OOfl head; market opened steady; lambs, $5.00 bit 20. 1 lock la Slabt. Receipts of live glock at the flva principal ...Di..r.i oiurketa vesterdav: at t ie, jk'kh. South Omaha St. Joseph ... Kansas City St. liOtlis Chicago Totals 6,6"0 2,0fi0 10,000 8. Mil 26.0UO 7.2O0 8. 5I0 12.000 12,0"0 63,000 Bheep. 1S900 rO.omi 21.000 $.100 ao.ouo Bl.tKO 102.700 72.000 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March IS -COFFEE Mar ket opened steady at a decline tif 1"6 points In response to easier tables from Europe. Business was very unlet aud while there seemed to be no urgent pressure to sell, prices eased off slightly during the Oar under scattering liquidation or local of ferings In the absence of support. Sales, 10.750 bags; March, April and May, I0.SI0; June. 10 27c: Julv, 102c: August, lO.l.To; September. 10.02c; October, 9.c; Noven bcr wic; December, January and bni arv. ftl-; Havre closed 4''C4 franc, lower; Hamburg was 4 higher to 4 lfr. lower; Hlo 2i reis l'l.hir at '.$.'75; Santos. 4s. Ml leis higher at t475: 7s. 60 reis at 6$2ki. receipis at (he (wo Brazilian ports. 9.tti0 bai-'H. Halnst 12,000 last ear; Jundiahy re icipli, I.J-' biiKS, against 6.300 bags last year. Ualn was reported In all districts of Sao Paulo. Brazilian exchange oa wn tion, unchaiiKed at 16 1-16I. New ork warehouse deliveries on Saturday were 4 M6 bags, against 10.176 last year Spot coffee, unlet; Klo No. 7, 12'c; Catilos No. 4, 1:1V; mild, uulet; Cordova, 181(15c, Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 13. M ETAI J Standard copper, weak. e'Ot, March. April. Mav and June, $11 K.Vull :; Ixmdon market, dull; BP'd. (54 lt,s Ud; futures. 55 10s; ar rivals reported at New York today, 1'.0 tons; custom house returns show exKrt of 10.54V tuns so far this month; I-ake cop per. $l2:'-tl2 674: el.-ctroL tic, $l!.26Vy2 oil. and casting. $12 ttHjIS 25. Tin. was; sjajt, $4o25'(i4l im. March. $ 6ir,( Hi.ul: April and May. ' $39.2.Vii:w.'.i. and Juni-, $ iimu 39.624, lyondon market, ipilet; spot and futures, K:i l.s i'.d. Lead, dull; $4.4"'(i4 50 New York. $l.'-"21-'ii4 2:4 East St. Louis; Ixindon mar ket, 'lli :i !il Spelter, dull; S5.5MJ6 New Yoik. 15 ei5.5n Last St. Ixiuls; Ixindon market :::!; .tntlinony. dull; Cookson's. :i .uifij'.i 5tl. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 4Hs 44. 1 111 Loudon; locally Iron was steady; No. 1 fuuiulrv northern. $15.75'l!6 25; No. S north ern. No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft. $)-. M. 16.00. ST. IiOI'IS, March 13. M ETA Lb Iad, steady, l Spelter, steady, $5 50. 1uri.en.lae aud SAVANNAH. 'Ja., Mar h TINE- -Ki4Wt4c: sales. 119 k 1,1,1s fhiiiineiits. 4i 1 rix l.bls. U11SIN Finn: sdlis. -..'9 l.bls ; 704 bills : alilpin .11111. bnls 51 11 bi.la otuilatloiis: B. $7 35; I.-, $7 75: F. $:.h5: tl. 17 674; II K. $h.ii; M, $', N, (4 10, WW, $s 17' Koala. I! -Tl'RPEV- l.bls. bhls receipts, slocks, rere1plsSk sto. ks. k D. $7.45. $7 90; I r ; wo, $4.1:4; 4: 4