TTTE BEE: ' OMAHA. MONPAY. MARCH 1Z. 1911. 1 JUJ JBJ 1 Cs" A4La ier . WiV r A L' - SATURDAY, mm T . J I "V S f I - 1 I 1 -a- t i "V mnRMnmP 7 y i-tWDAY. TUESDAY J U VJ ED HE S C AY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 li fZ.lf-'-'-' :i -!S:WaS Stesi if) Ar-'. H li rw it ji'. v.?... I li II i) , - v i (S -f r" m is i p- - i a i s- i v ft ' h I ' I mm 5 OFFERED FOR RENT i rwraleB.ed aa aliased. SOUTH front parlor, strlrtlv mn1ini. weiktaa' distance li. Jfia Harney treet Phone Uarst) K73 WALK1VO distance, rooms. 2U77 Dudge. nicely furnished WANTEIVA nice and ricubi young ror information cail u li. A GOOD aui . ruom. II? N lth LARfiK front room. de1rabl for mn and alt, or to or tnraa antiamen; atxi i . : TWO rte.irib.e room. tiealv furniahed. I Hh ar d porur;m batn; atrlttiv mod- ara 2.0T Iwlic I'bona liarticy 6ioi. NICE, ainela room la pnvttt bom. R- FRONT BOOii, 1URT if AVi. MOUERN. 8T URGE FRONT ROOM. KUHMSHFll: BTRH-ILY MODERN. DEWEY ONE larta parlor room, modem, suitable for thraa or four aantiemen. aiao l amaller rooms Corntr inn ard Dodite tit.. 101 Nartli. Douslaa . A DEWET Curopsan Hoti Ll'n r Kamam l.'IXSK IN tao newly furnisned front rooms, furnaca haat. Sv N. Jutn it.. No a nm. I'bva? Dougta a'. MODERN rooms for rent 13 N i Pi. Hell phona, Webster Mi6. 17th TWO TTICE rooma In private residence in 1 oat Famain district . refined young (women prefeTad. prices reasonable. A4 .draas O 171. bee. DEHIRAEEE modern room. private 'family; good tocation. Ul N list Ave. ELEQASTLT furmahed room In private 'family; aLk:ii distance - from wholesale idtatrtct; electric and gas light: hoi. cold water; use of piano and llbtary. nu other rwomers U4 a M.&. TRICTLT nioaVrn rooms on car lins t T.'Ji iarnatu. IL H7A I FURNISH KD room in modern house aaU fit. Mary a Ave. ARE you looking for a large sunny front room, modern, close in; smaller mmi. home cooked meals If desired. Call is N Zkl k. ya. NICELT furnished rooms: working girls preferred. Csui after p. as. 1U o. Utn. Room IX. third floor. FOR RENT Largs, newly furnished room, desirable tor two people. M Lewey Ara FOR RENT Daatrable front room, pri vate family, good location, walking dis tance. H N. 24 in St. FOR RENT Daatrable front rooms, pri vate home. 71u N. tA 6- FOR RENT Daeirable rooms, neatly furnished front rouma. deaarabie for two luMoan. MM aVa. Mth bl FOR RENT Large steam-healed room j with alcjove; desirable for three gen tlemen, aw n. itt hi I FOR RENT Deaarabl e housekeeping rooms, goou location. 1I4 N 17 tn M FOR R:NT Nleelv furnished rooms, rafarentiea soqaired. CI f 11 h ft. FOR RENT Nlealv furnished room airahla for two geatiemau. XU tL Mary s Ave. FOR L rootr. g yisth 8t. FOR RENT Thraa neatlv furnished room good location, all modern. 71.1 a ISth 8t. FOR RENT Nicely private family. Ml f furnished .ttl Ave. rooma " FOR rooma. RENT Lanr Bi. Emmet sit. nic-ly furmshed FOR RENT Pleasant eoutn room good location I4U lodge 8t FOR RENT Very pleaaant enuineajit room, atattanary bawl hot and cold aater elaairable tor two. 2CT7 Harney fM VERT nea aouth room, good location TTflg 1 amain St. FOR RENT Nlealv furnished, ateam heated ronk bath cold an'! hot water. a mam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, reams, ziu Clilcaao el. modern NICELY furnished rooms a Caaa ci. gll modern FOR RENT Neatly furnlahed room, modern, breakfajt if desired Z-l N ith St. FOR RENT NlreU furnwhed good location. T7 '' Farnam 8t room. FOR RENT Lara from room foi tao gentlemen. njoCsrn In esery way LI s lotn nt FOR RENT-On largs front room; locauon- Juue el good Itih KEN I N i"ei v lurnisned front par lor H bo, 2si:i Bl. GENTLEMEN-Your chance, i niitei rMiiu nu quk itl (is ho. Nm Ave . - FOR REN 1 Nice front gentleman, gooo utcaiion Laavcnaui th bl room cio- t FOR KL'NT Nice front em 3 ciiicagj at FOR KLM-lao . fuinii'l aeciel rouibt. en vai un Apt Uaaiaad ' CLoefE IN. clean nice!rti . tr In pr int -c i . . - t aad l t." N i Vi IOllM FRONT roam. U.ii per week Ilc -S 2Mb VERY dvairahie able for two. ;i l c fr at room A t n A v e ROOM" m rriva fm'i . electric light fite miuuit dtsTrH-l. jl S. l.t'i Ay I.. water nat a oft i.ustnees Motets aad trarlaieeu. MrtLT ri RMSHFlh ROOMS for gee. tleanea THE CHATHAM. ! S 1th Ct lultiK IIOTKI- ltti and Iodg: a.l out see room. rain hi icii araa late A ta r a. a la 4 Flata- 4FIOOSI modern Tat 1113 8 Uth Three-room modern ft Hew K tetn t -i Mcargo in lia Bide ' . 4JJ K.Ui Lu.i WALKING d.etance. Two fiat, nvouerr. c.r;.i m.i tine ,-rooiii Cottas ill 7 .N 2a I. uasuaga Inuuire THE GENOA sn Case Jut romp.eteu Apartiuaata five roiua ea. n caili. iiunari aiiorage. gaa rang refriaitor auadv. loo, taiaptioae aater heat. Btri. liv firs' 114 Cves.1 realdellK-a iieig iio' t n. ni Jamlar sin ahow you bk-Al Til l 1. nea mwiern l-; A eaa floor. lumiMe. in a ' druttf v a, an or oetor Al'Ti: Is: f l.e hk allot. a..J rartiau. luviir 4i.'- kaiuaui or aisuaey i .! 1 rl OFFERED FOR RENT A Mrtxila sad Flate laattaaed. F7R.T floor, brick flat. B North HKh, basement in brick flat. North loth. 1 I'M f ITHl fioor, brick flat. M! North anJ Jii floors. I; Burdtta, aach. lirandria rinin i'l.ona D. 4.1. t ' S-r.riOM a'rtrtlv modtm hrlrk flat. ! Karnam tarl.n 2Z: tk. l'H.i St. On faraUlif il IIoihIiIii Haaiaaa. TTW O rklvr furnished aouth ,r,lv modera. foud locanon. ary a A room a. THREE mod"rn tiouckepiii( rooms H momii. cuiy (rent parlor. U per weak. (L3 b. I ..'t.'t etreeL j rn RF.VT-Modern f'jrnuhel or unfur I maned ruuma. waliun- duuinc. ITU liow l axJ ht. I FTRKI9TIEP and lleht houaofceeping (room." S'. Capitol Ave;i 4MS n'HNlCHKI' rooms for l:"ht hoaep tns; Ml f.). nth Ave THREE mclern. tkougias 21'J cozy, clean, cloae In. NEATLY tomished rooms for bousaaaep tng. Ulb California tt FOR RENT Four ateam heated boase keeping rooma B. Junn 6U NICELY furnished Toomi for bouaekaeping. lsl Chicago tit. light FOR RENT Two neatfy famished rooms for houseaeepin. 2C1 N. Ltt3 8t OHIO ROOMING HOUSE Comfortable houoekecpm and sleeping room. TW Mouth Mth street. TWO large Douglas fct. bousekeeping rooma. 171i CLOSE IN Con. tao or three strictly modrrn light rmuwkecpirg rooms, rea sonable mo childreni Also elegantly fur- nisne.l rooms suitable for tao 2 Capl- tol Ave R FA ON ABLE FT'RN'ISHF:!) KiioM.v WITH OR TVTTH OIT LIGHT HuUSEKEEPINU PiUVIL EGEsS. t'.i f- XTH ?T TWO modern furnished room, la wi per ween 2Vj a. housekeeping 2in Ave. FINE light; half basement, modern, light housekeeping I'tn and Dodg. 10L Nortil Douglas oJil. A-XrT. FOR RENT To couple. 1 furnished rooma far light housekeeping, heat, light and gaa fer cooking furnished. J : per month. Call evenings cr 8unda . M 8. 3-th 6t FOI'R rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping, to couple without children, ralerences required. i N. )ib. f'OR RENT Nicely furnished room for light bouaekeeplng 2M1 Dougiaa St. Catsralshed Mawaaataaptwa; Ms DESIRABLK hous-keepmg rooms, good locauon. Ui) 8. Kin Ave NICE, unfurnished rooms, private fam ily, orsirabte lor bo u seeping. till S. Istn St. f fip RENT Thre housekeeping room, modern. li S. Srtli 81 I DESIRABLE front and back parlor for j bouaeaecpiBg t" Harney ti ' p" 11 ' ' 7 . " ' , 17 ! J . " I . . .... k....l.nln. e.m. J l .-V - F ' - ........ n r' - . 'rv4 i location l!'-'" iKKlg- M FOR RENT Modem rooms for light ! touaakeapmg. E-; ig M - FOR RENT Two suites of housekeeping ' rooma. nrat and cien ISM Douga. ' ..,. . ..... I nr.CC . 1. awv.iw, . - - M WPCJ .1 HUT., very liood location: near car. pood Cass bt good aeigooor- SU'K arlor. furnished or unfuraiaaed. Kl .-' Jith Ave FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms for l'hl houerkeeping lfc3 N th Si - ; " THREE unfurnianed rooms: gas range I and ahaoa. goou Iwation JUI N. IUth Bl FOR RENT Three rooma unfurnished on ground floor, iui t. 1Mb hi IMP. RUN'T-Three desirable unfurnished room: seperate bath and toilet. J3 N. si FOUR catrahl rooms. ICi Davenport Ingulf I'avcnport St F"R RENT Two dt-slrable lUJh ho isu'epir.iit . separate long's . istli bl rooma for oatn aa d FiR fr EXT-Two urf'irmsned r.oms. iwitn ka?, range and anaoes. 31 rvorth th. THREE lam- rooma best -d light If! ,ro Csi I Webster 26 W Al-Kli! iliwran.' Kin J-ruom ;itl tr,.iM f:or t-rv tlfsirab:- fr fcii'i I u ,ivirti utthin mot k f tftr- cr : lin--- l ii t Isfarslah1 . F'.'VI. targe tllan moiem rooms for j nuij i. fct Hill, . .j 1.IV3 dJ. uwv riLni. FiJil KENT- Nice tiouskeepicg I g"o.l Imiti. ii ;71i Howard fct. 1 t;s! ii.v HI.E sine rooms for houseaeeo tllk !Cl 1. Ill t-l for I'or'K lar nvli!h m-'dern rooms huiiaesrefmn. li: i r fi itn AM 1'hone lo..i,. jc enni.s I uraUkf 4 Maaaee. 7 ilt'iO' n.oorrti h.'ji. ael' furnihed, h i t imi. f'otn car, tor six niontns or tur i .ui o. til iier aad ltis I'ull RENT 4-rovni colt:- on Jnh Ay i near l'ou.a i it . aaler an i sewn, tail , j on lc-lcr 1. Tlion.a-- 1 - h-e l!a Afiet '0 1. i.i l. i tiui.a l.acij.j S-i HRlt.'lC r-oiit - oi I !-' a.'iia lie Ave s.wi, r ;At:oner t'o 1 - r i. : i 1 TK " 1 l.V mixlert: 4 rooms 1771 r-o r,t- '.t v,.vtiiif! room mo.lerii. IS au ! N. rtn M. room modern ' i - . ..i . i rotoii. rii'Hieru. 1-a l.,.ilit ALT Lin . brandd- 1,.: li.dg KlGHr-R'SiM. Pie Vei - n.o.'.erii Iixtute- to au'i east f-or.t o - nm'k to t nanm-Vinn win ui i uinme tm i. ..r r. P.KAl. If ATE CO Y 1-lle loua OI A-li 1 loi'. KENT A ait-roam Bouae 4.7". N ! .o... tt . ail niiMirru en,, t naat . win rer.t , id groyy-i l'i'"- no- a a-d at I n . i-.v nii ,-i an .1 ai' i . it... I . a. 1 C Inn--.. , m N Sit.. 'lei y ea. au4 .-l AIJ'W ElJ. g--i nv'-ier' eict-l real. Ser Z.y. i -room iwu . onl., . A l'i:l s-tt ri 1--T 1 -I..'. HUHlr': ;.o :S rr-ntcd to ,l.-tle ileslruig lu re- i ICaul. . Aei. 41v.-4 . V - Lrt OFFERED FOR RENT llaaaea aad CaftaaTtpa Laatlaava nOUSES FOR RENT Si-rom rioax. modern li K. lTth Fouftwn-roora houv, modern. North Mth. near car bam. a fin location for a boamidf houae. O C. Hedick. 1317 Famam 8t. ! Uous. Ina. Rmiwt t. Brandeia Th. Bldg. a-Hootn nouaa, harney L anodarn. tx H. lata. I&U WOOLWORTII ATE., t room raod rn UT SO 15m N Mill St.. t rooms modern. tX hM tun fit., a rooms. Ilu. HI S. 17i n bi , rooms, tin f:4 N ?'-'l tt. room, modern $: 12.1 H 9Kh Bt . " room" mooern, R1NGWALT BROS., tirandtda Theater Bid. SIV-KuOM bouse, modern. St.. fc-' W.i Em mat HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freigtiL rales. Biovkoti and storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co., Tel. Iwiug. as. City Office. Hi Si. 17tti 6l-. bee Bid. FR RENT A r.ew and enure! modern i-room eottag" corner ltn and Castei.Kr Hts Kev at r 17th 8;.; ui. includ-n water ir N. Y. Life. Tel. Dougiaa 4Jii. FURNISHED cr unfurnished, new bun galow. 7 rooma and aieeping porch, near Happy Hollow. 'Phone Harney Mes FOR RENT No objection to nice colored people.) t -room fiat. JCl Lake 8t. Ill -4-room home. Ju Bmney 8t. 1.1 i I rooms 27DH Burt S:. i-room cottage. '7 Paul St. U.i--nioni bousv 2M. ldge ft 1 .( !-room modem houau. JS1S Dodse fit., (rear i ROBINSON ar WOLF. 4.75 PAXTON BLK. FOR RENT. SOUTH. WOO J rooms. 1441 p. 11th St. ROBINSON WOLV. 43a Pazton BUk. 'Phones Dougias Mil t-R-, 130. XOt Ban. Tel. Harnay Msg. NICh; i-room, partiv modern $1101. Zili Pierce. Telepnone: Evenings. Dong. . A-434 .74 - BTH. I rooma completely modern. Ma. 72 b. th 8 rooms, completely modem. f7 (5 THUS. r. HAL.l. 43 bamga. both Phonaa BEST RENTAL SNAP IN THE CITY. NEAT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. NEW, ALL MODERN, TEN MINUTES' WALK FROM TOWN. GOOD NEIGH BORHOOD; RENT $25. 2809 DEWEY AVE. THREE-ROOM cottage. unfurnished, close in, 17 per month. 2011 Davenport. -ROOM ateam heated flat, Dunaany. loth and Pierce. Dougias 1571. Conrad Young. -ROOM cottage. H0 Burt St. (-ROOM houae. modern except beat, JS15 Bi&ney. Tel. Web. 1752. FIVE-ROOM cottage, beat, all 8. Mth 8t. modern except ROOM modern houae. nearly new. on paved atreet. 1 N lath bt.. 1JC. Inquire r;iO Lecatur or Tel W. nil CLOSE IN 1 rooms atrictly modern house, just been papered. Stiu Harney, t-C. 7-ROOM cottage 1 block: from car; mod ern Call Wetutier DUNDEE Houses 49'. Capttol Ave. and rooms. Inquire Houses tn all parts of the city Craig tt Eos e Co., Dae Bxlg. Om. Van A Storage Co. packs, moras, etoraa houaehuid goods. Fireproof storage . au4 a. lktA. Branca. 20 6. 17th. Tel. Ix. 412. A-Ua NEW i rooma, modern except furnace. 1 bloc a aouth of Vinton actutui. Inquire a-. fL Fiagg. Aabl K. kith Ave. (-ROOM brick. 1414 Saerwood Ave.. Vi THREE room collars, tumlaaad plate. aU Burt Be FOR RENT Ten-room modern brick dwelling on paved street and r am am car line; gaa and electric light:, hot and cold water, two bauiroonis. beautiful location; new furnace, recently decorated. 27 4U 8. luth St. Telepnone Doug. 414i lr aad Offta FOR RENT Double atoreroom at Nth and Famam: four block from haavteat buainess district; location excellent tor furniture. hardware. electric garage, laundry, moving picture ahow. etc ; owner thrived there for 1 yeara. but has lust lax en larger' specialty built quarters acroes tne streei. one of tne beet eppor- ' tuaities tn tinum and rent raaaonahia I Adureaa R. E. Welch. 2Z Carnam hi H1U' of store room for rent at tug 8. ! Iain, eieap rent. Apply at once. Fms baad- wan. it.nri u., u imor riwn xiiag I STORES FOR RENT. Northwest corner Uti and Harney Sta. u C Radica. lel laraani St. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltara. home very good second-hand furniiur. I must sell at once t--r i cheap. Jill Davenport. Call liar. 41TT. ' I 1 " AN OLD melodeon rase, that will make lii excellent library rabe. saie cneap. ,;oiir. 24-i Chai-ies St I ONE RANG! G.KII. (1SI'!TMN: ONE I 1 t: IS CAiiiNE i KTU ST. GAiv. NE' FURN ITURE an i houaenoid goods, beda. eic. rfa o;i di FURNITURE FOR TWO CHEAP 40 S. m.i A S-" RiAlMs. Maateal laatvaaaeata. l A tiOol' pa.', mi-tit I in-cai-ed organ cheap, easy ii.ic.'. M-l Cnaries hi. A NEW . higu grade li.o for aale ciiasp. ion easy pamoiiia- -4.1 Cbariaa M Typewriter. C hoiiin II Broa. typawrltas BUY so L. B F earn et Co. Diatrtbuiera. lei gar- : TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES CLEARANCE BALE NOW uM Prices law to get the ami W to 'n reguisr I price.-, any maae you want lb F. 8 yv AN aON Cxi. iLi FARNAM BT. I RENT an Oliver tytsswriier from the : ; Oliver Typewriter Co Phone Dougiaa 'JM.l i BEc'CN'D-hand tyi-ewritera sold repaired Central Typewriter Exctiaage. pa7 itriuii. FOR SALE Mntih Premier good eosid.- I tion 2:7 N i:tn at. ! 1 llasess. . rnn !.' New and ax-on a head k hard aai pool tauiee W lead tne world tin rneau bar fixtures. easy uiminii ! bruiiic. -t: v-ooeuder a,' & ;vih fit . FOR a ALE Kvervs bei e noa iirrr. svrUfj your grocer i. a. u. :i is aaeia ire I Baei If J W r" n.paoii Lmuo- wi.i loin- t II i T... tie.- orr:.-- wttnm tnree Ua'. na a: 1 receive an ctOcr f ir tuce cava of l.j till s) ruik. OFFERED FOR SALE Btlarltta 8A FE i (Hmtorli 1 with 'Ond-hald !. ail aisc and maka; bvftiu Amr- Ican Supply Co-. 1114 rarnaxa nt. CORrwoor at ta a erd. any nuantltT nn to K aordt: fenca poata. acn. any j quanti'r up to : muat b ea)id for at tor farm ihrva mui aorm el uruc pra. A- I'. Braadata EAKLT OHIO aed potato" for 41'Ji No. JSrtn. 'Phone Web. tStt- aaia. SOPA founta'r. counter aad ahowcaaca. Call Vr eturter ioi3 ' FOR PALE Ktm ball roaber ttred ruo I about buaxv. Rood as ne coat l-t-4. aiao on ot uf harness to to with Duacy. cat wl.l r- rlieap; party laavuic city. Addrcaa P tJO. Bc OH. TOT" DUCK HX'NTr.R. here Is a chance to buy a dui-K run that you can klii tnm with. Parker li-gaue hammerles twit barrel. In splendid con dition Loather c- and Shells (No: 4 shot i go with It. Make me an offer. Ueo. R "W right, care Bee. Omaha. FOR SALE by all up-to-date confection ers and drug stores an 1 rrocenes. O'Brien s fine candy. If John Walllck. Benson, will brine this ad to The Bee office within I days and identify himself. h will recetTS an order for a pound boa of tnis candy. FOR SALE With lease, beautifully furminsd 1 i-room batel. bast location tn tne city, and modern. Reaaon for selling, otnei- business AiMress H 4, H OSTEOPATHY AUca Johnson, goa-t Brand sis Tbaatar Bldg Katheryn Nikolas. 47U-I Brandeia Theater PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk Tsl. Rad T11L HIRAM A. STtTRGES. retr patent atty (44 brandeia Theater Bids. Dougka (tsa. W1LLARO EDDT, raariatarad practlonar tn U. B. Pat- Offica. Ill Pazton Blk. R PERSONAL MECHANO THnUFT. Orippa, Rheumatlam. uaaaage treatment. Dr. Margarat UaUaraa. Sol Ketrilla Block. Douglas TIO. THE SALVATION ARMY aoll dig cam-aft elothiag in fact, anything yen do ao4 naad- We collect, repair and aail at U4 N. 11th BC tor coat of coilactioa. to the wor th ypoor Cail 'phone 2auaiaa HJA aad wacooa will calU WE WANT Mra. A. Leu-sen; 7 Beward 8t. to bring thla ad to tne Baa office wtthln 1 days and Went heraelf ; we will give her an order on her grocer for a 11 lo. aack of Updlke'a Prkla of Omaha flour. 8TRICTLT private Christian eanflBe aacnt home: heat ware, aa tiles for adoptiaa. tula Davenport- Dr. Baker Medical Offices Expert specialists, dlaaassa of women. Consultation aad examinatioa free, lit) 8. Mth he, corner Dougiaa, Omaha. Nao. MASK SUITS ta rent at UEUEN'b. OMAHA, aliararaarers' Inst-. Raaaaw BldaT. JOS1E WASHBURN'S hook. "The Lad ar son d esesr." at ail bowa auaraa. price tlM. WE RENT and repair all haeds of new- me maeninea And. A-lwu. Dougiaa laai. NEiiRAShlA CYCLE COM PANT. 11 and Harney hi. DR. EGGERd. private confinement home Ult Martha bl.. OenaJia. Ta.. DuugUa tan MRA. SNYDER. Swedish maaasLge. ladia tor and vibrator treatment. 1 he Dunaany, j. lat 4, luth and Pierce. Dougiaa ibu. BATHS Salt glow and massagre. Mul Dodge, Id fioor. opu, noataf- flee. Mm. Allen ef Chicago. .Doug. isaa. PRIVATE maternity boms. Mrs Dr. King. 1S4 N. SMh. W eh. Is, lad. D 1 YOUNG WOMEN comic ta Omaha as etrangera are invited to viait the Young Women a Christian association building ai SeventMnta street and &L. Mary a aveaua. where they will be directed to axillae boarding piaeee or otherwise aaaunad. Laewl lor our traveler a aid t tne Laioo station. MASSAGE M re. boston aUore. Rltteahouae. M Ckd PRIVATE HOME during confinement, babies for adoption. Good fcamaritaa --!-tarlum. leg let An., Council auuffs. bv THE best place to apead an enjoyable evening is the American theater If Mrs C. Hullivan. iSeward. will bring this ad tn Th. V(m, within three dsvs and toentlfv herse.f alie will receive an order for i aeata to the American theater HINDOO TABLETS art!! build erase, suearthen. sue BELL DRUG CO. WIGS and toupei tor men Griffith. U and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. I MAGNETIC JT-L .ST! B-ru. I PRIVATE confinement hoeoa Raaaoaabia I Adopiiuu. good home 14. lam Vv -laa. H EST nerve bracer for men. Oray's Nerve Pood I'll. II. to a box. Postpaid, baaruaa a McConneil lJrug Co . Omaha SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needie. or injury to tne sain, lady attendant. J1J McCague Bldg- JAMEU CORR ELE'TRIC moved to Jul boum 13th ht- COMPANI I TU UT'DITl' DISEASEdOF WOMEN , Oi A HOME for vimm dunng eonf lneoten t iiabte adopied and boaro.d bunding i niuoerii r tr ivrms autiree. iiuinin, nun Home. 4t bancroft el . I Adelight hair luod grows bair, ace Una Frayer. Megealh Btat y Co.. lata A rxnua 1 MANICURING, facial t. shampoo- lng and h ai ra ree'.n s do: Mis. 1 bayer eauio 1 in your tiouia Harney 4e.. j rARRLLLh sirup lor pancvx- . tne I first lieni on the bli Gel 1 1 frc Tf Mr this ad to The Bee nff.-s wni.n t hi e" til v n1 irt-ntlfv hvrwll ane will rc i - - - - - older tor a can cf tna ayrup. go.j-1 at li - r grocer Ml wyJ 4 111 TREATM ISN'T Mrs Steel-. oor. room a SKINNEY Arrangement- mad Com n.uitki aim nome at once POULTRY AND PET STOCK bGGS tor hatching from tte Braadeia I arm- Tcorvugntvred i bore atock. b c. vvmte !- II id a aetung ar M par Exhibition or show aluca. 11 ii H selling vs rue for i-aiajogwe Adur A . u brandel ' ROUP CUKE Be lid me 26c for a box I of m - rowp and poultry tunic. .araniesvd I cure roup or money refunitad bend I today Boo Whit. 47 Ames Ave - - I 1; 1 beds and Golden K van- doite prize winner at omata Topeaa an: la"irtv snow Sto-k and ega fori . a e ink bracaev I Tii;ii. ot ne Mo T i can aave n onev bv oreering CLENVlEVv pout-. 1 arm i:riud I, i la'.i Rta ein. g larnniee-t sv per cni ferine. liitimui buuui ke. POULTRY AND PET STOCK (Continued.) 8 C WHITE LEGHORN egg for hatch ing from a strlctlv high elasa egg produc tn; strain: also eggs from prise wtnntng Whit- Wyandotea. fertility guarantees. Call Florence a33. CoValt's Buff Plymouth IlOCks. i Fine new modern realdenee with hard r, . . ., I wod finish. 2 bathe at N Mth Ave Jo Day-old chicks .-. )o and -o aacn. IT Bcott CovalU Co. Bluffs, la., ill Cny Nat. Bk BARRED PLTMOITH ROCK pullets and one doaen Light Brahma pullets, all laying Mum mafea room for young stock. A. D. Brandeia. Omaha. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth while or barred eegm. for batching:. iLaaafu XsM ttrasm. barney Ul. O. J. SILIvO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market fcr young chickens. Made from pure grain, lor sale by ail dealers. A W . WAGNER. AGENT . 101 N nth ft. Tel. Doug 114-' lnd. A-. BARRED RCXK ihont W abater .77. eggs for batching. WHITE ORFINGTON baby chicks. 26c tach: eggs, la, UO.. I", la.!.'. WALKER, U Camden. Web. 4141. FOR SALE Beautiful Scotch collie pup. Harney 1447. WANTFD to buy or exchange, two Pesun drake Phone Harney 41il. PRINTING RIESt-HALL Ptg. Co , 8. 14th. lnd. A 2S24. Lew W. Raber, Printer BEE BLDG ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMIESON. 1212 Dougiaa 8t Both 'pnonee TRONF INI) A-KOD for awed srtnttna Urewad vig Co Mtk ) CtsttM A REAL ESTATE aarratACTi or tituc. MMaaad Oauvraatae aad Tnsat enaapaavr. baa dad ahartraetesa 1114 Farnaaa PETER JEBSXN. jr.. Co. TsL Doug. 221 H. H. Neale, 10 Omaha Nat l Bank; Bldg. M. T. B REN. NAN (bonded). 24 Brandeia Th. MtaAi. klfATt la.A Unlets - HSZD ABSTRACT CO., aTst. tJH; proaaM aai ee; get our pnoaa. S4 Bras dais Thaata REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO, Ft (aaata door Cny lsat'1 feaah Bid. CITY PROPEKTV FOR SALE cxjttageTclxse in A laree (-room cottage, on paved atreet. hath, gas. electricity and nice lot. Not new. but tn A-l condition. Investigate. Payne & Slater Co., Sole Agt., H Omana Nau bank Bldg. Both Phones. BUSINESS lot on 25th and Evans. Tel. Web. la. ROOM atrictlr modern house, nice neighborhood. 1 minutes' walk from post- I office from the owner: aicanee reason tor selling; must be sold at once. O ST1. I Bee. 1 . $400 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY Look at S52K Taylor St . one block south ef Ames Ave , a Brand New. conveniently arranged and well built (-room cottage, all modern, except furnace; baa large aouth front lot Thla Is your chance to get a home on eaay payments Price 12.G0. Payne & Slater Co., (14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Both Phones. FOR RENT The pretty cottsue near the American theater If B. Nygaarl, lliQ Marty hi . whl bring irua ad to The Bee witmn three daya and Identify himself, be will receive an order for two scats to the American theater. BUY FROM OWNER. Five-room new cottage, price reduced to tlJss) if taken thla woes; l.v.i down bat. nee to auit. this Is a anap and will be taken noon; act quick; no asrent s commis sions. 2sj N. 41at 8t 'Phone Dougiaa 2USa or Harney 4430. BUT FROM OWNER AND SAVE COMMliON room all modern house, full corner lot l&xLft on paved street, paving and all ru, norm i- i ti borne. C2u, terms Cail W fl. splendid FOR QUICK SALE j ?-K. house on Ames Ave . all modem. .23 SO ; 7-R. house, We Farnam district 4 fro I 7-R. house, N. tteth !st I ho 7-R. bouse, on Lawier Ave lev -H house, en Ohio t"t 2 o-R houae. Capitol Ave 3.5h0 , We have many others. Consolidated Sales Co., j 13-17 Brandeia Theater Bldg Doug. SUO. REAL estate opportunities sre so better I J'arietiee. this would raaae an ioai auour that tne opportunity ou nave io try a ' nome and mu.-t ae an to ua appr. sack cf I pdiae a pride of umini ftour atod aad for Quit actiwa cau be bought If W t Kotnerv. l. No loir t w in I " hrinK tins u tu The be office within Hire.' dav and identifv hunaelf. he i ill be given an order on hia grocer for a li-lb. Met cf L pdik Pride of omana fiour. Ct.nTAGE SNAP e hae a ;m1 (-room cottas on fuil , ,ot m ,Caiion. 1 biora to car. mod i ern tiLtlit hfcat Price 11441 Mas offer j Good rental list Let us writ juir fire inauraace. M EACH RON REALTY Co. Phone Web 11 1K4 Lake hi OR QUICK b A LE cf tr.e i-t neigiioorhoods near In out I'raiiaiin acuooi. in nam para distrtc; a II'Hmi ee tri-nsHn. oaeemeii -. uouee, nuxiern I "l'Pl heat, in good repair and a ttnv home, tan aril tne lot adjoining to bui d i on new nouac . j eneap If laa new nouac. Lis or () ail; carry it en at once Zone. 34-11 t.iiarte hi. WINDING UP AN K STATE Five rhtik a realdenca lota on 8 Pan Si . I worth U we earn, wni laa P ; a g,.i buv I tor an inyeetment or a home. Norwaii Ad I ministraior. Dougiaa 2soa BARGAINS' BARGAINS' BARGAINS! -r . mod cottage. N. cf Laird St.. I a-r . mod house. Hamilton St f lav -r . mod cottage, iiarnev. near ud et.J K 1 nase properties are in flrsi-r a eondi- ( 1 tion. commanding a reritai or Li. Uj ai.i : I tji , respectively an be rand. ad on par-' I uients cf to tj. fcai. eav I J H. J'jHNrViN. ri brandeia Bldg THIS IS A SNAP M'i N 2d ft.. 7 rooma. a i modern, fia repair, paved street permaaaat aa.ea near two car line, store, cnunhee and s..hool fine location norm C It.- H-" e1 ' " laser at once see h 17 ait A Co.. 4.7 bee bldg bit this A h.-T K.4 ' 1 3 i'K T1TI.U from H s. UHERT li NtAl-l.. Buw at Vaj N 1. Lia bolg ii tears lu lb buaunaaa REAL ESTATE city murwTr rok balk. tOoaunuaa.1 West Farnam Price 7 awn The bouse adjoining on the south for 7.U Terms: cash The keys are at tee corner nous souio, $1,650 HOME Nice i-room cottage, rartlv modern, in good location aad perfect condition oven for inspection today Itrmi. 1717 N. 2'ltn V. C. BEST. 4I N Y. LIFE, PHONE DQCj 144 and HAKNET 1714 ATTENTION, laboring men: I have two acres lor aaie on 4ath and T f t . ftve blocks south cf Q Si . a alkmg distaucs to packing house. I also have 12 acres to rent, with Improvements, at 4th and Y Pis. 'Phone So ITS, or address 827 No. 22d Sc. South Omaha. 14 On S2&000 Investment I A good brick business block: dimension of lot lrU.. Qiuua action necessary to secure this bargain. Terms. J. N. SNITZER. 431 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 2141. DUNDEE HOME On Capitol Ave., we bave a beautifully finished and well arranged COAST BUNG ALOW. 2 atoriaa. 4 rooma, strictly modern, large living room, open fire place, oak miaalon finish, beam ceilings. It would take too much apace to te 1 all the merits of thla property, go call ua up Monday. Owner moving from City, reason for selling. Payne & Slater Co., C4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Both Phones. THE BEST FOR THE MONET. Ii.v! a-room cottage, laundry In ment. lot 40x117. owner is sic and aoust leave town. 1 will pay sn to any buyer who will ahow me better property for the money in the aouth aide of the city. J. p Jars son Co.. Mil Frederick St 'Phone Doug. 4X33. I MUST raise some money win sell any or all three leta Owner, k4 South 41st. HERE ARE SOME SNAPS 7-r. hoaae on Anal Ave., all modern. ..23 Sen 7-r. house, Weet Farnam district . 7-r. bouse on Lawler Ave l. -r. houae on Ohio tit f A-r. house. Cajutoi Ave . 4-r. houae. part modern 14 We have manv oinera Consolidated Sales Co., 2C4-17 Brandets Theater Bldg. Doug. U3. FOR SALE Bargains tn south part of cltv I-'. -room houae. aM modern t-ao room haaae modern except furnace. 12. ha) loom houae modern except furnace. Ail on pared street, near Vinton 8t. MELCHIOR LX1S A SON. Insurance. KaaJ Kataie. 1M3 Bo. tttfi St. Phone Douglas "-'-n WILL sell at a big discount, fine new home at Xul Ave. and Vinton. Ca.l So. S3. INVESTIGATE, see If you can duplicate this at price. tt!4 Howard St.; Dew. 2-story modern, oaa aad biren finish, aouth front, S block from cars, lea viug city. Tel Owner, Harney 47W FOR SALE 67-foot to 'n heart of Field cluti disinit: best bul!,g au n toan. Aacrea C tn6. bee. FOR SA1J6 Two Iota tttxlev, ea aauta tHh ( . n'r vaaaeei; ieia ca divtela V HI eeu aa aaa peea ew euvtela WUuag ta aalt a ainsnmi, Aetgejr at a saaa am FOR lilt Me sater. aewer. it. etc aaruaaary. al awta) Sa S. C. Fred Marrsseaj aad Oen T. Martsa fa 14 ftart FOR BALE Fifteen lota with lanprwva emta lei. Doagiaa egtN. Owner. FOR BALE by ewwer, 4144 Ersklne, n T-roonaa anodern except heat; li.ltj. Dis count for oaah REAL ESTATE acrkauc rea saek. PRICE 21 500 Five acre In beaaon. good houae and out building!, ait nearly new. currants, brnies I grapea. young bearing trull trees, good j we... cistern and perennial spring. fcj. I amine and ma offer. 1. Harney 14ui SUBURBAN ACREAGE lb-acre fruit farm one mile souin cf Dodge St. paved rued: lias nice five-room houao. good bs-u. large chlcaen houae. Oil and pump. The entire tract except about one acre is in fruit of standard i acre In earpy county. miie outside of city limits of South omana: it lays well and can be bought tor considerable leas men imt the auioining property na been sold for ONells iai and Ins Agency, X-l l&A g'araam fct Te.a. Tyler IOZ4. lad. A- i Acre. .i W . near car - Acre, S W . near car 4 Acree. N W . near car i Arrt. f'lorence, near car I Acres. Florence, ua car And other acreage ho lot near 4jrid- aad Grand lot to . Lota Bear Field eluli. tM. up Lot near inn and U ut. 17 baa. 1 none. II 271 I 7 am-' 2'Xil 2 I 4 J I avenue, at ! 1 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR 2Va ACRES! i a. in 4-room bungalow in trie auburba but on a car line, and with all modern con- venieoces Call and aaa euta Grand Ave , i at tne end ef the Sherman Ave. car line i or if tuo much will subdivide I ! REAL ESTATE IFAHM AND AAA CM ltU FOfl SALE ' . nT. 1 CANADA Foe cneap farme aad profit- UJveatnieeiis wnto Albert iva-i. Maaur. CANADA LANDS Vo.4M acree. selected prairie leads land. BUI vaaa I W noiass e aad retau. Near to good mar- , Beta aad teaaa In AlBerta aavd Baaaai-1 1 enewaa. Preree right, tersna aabi. oaee Jaca - ' Aanive agenia wanted. writs at hi wart A Mathews Co.. Li mi led. A I a0" 1,1 Bt- 'aal. Mian ; Bleeaa ten ACRES " mae east of Denver I mkiM Irorn V, ataiii at., ae.l t.r iJ. ; for city proteri) i pr aire oee nva )i Harrier loatoffk e Money order Dept. , ur addiess b a4. Avsa REAL ESTATE FA JAM A.X li kAXII FOR SALF. C alavmas Laa. FOR SALE A No 1 Commercial app' orchard, two mile from county seat, in terurhan cars run hv the p. ace. l-roorr hou. two fruit full water ric-; atabie. ahel tto chicken house.. nr cisterns, tiackmg house rrr rtnser par oculars write S. R Welch, Jc 1. L1 No 1 Orajid Juncuor. . Colo rtartaa- 8GUTH FLORIDA Ocitonv e-tahil.sha.1 . large aatliamant. Individual daada. w operative pn-e. co-operative deveuipmert. townslte profits lor improvements. Addi tions span. Industrie c unsafe Ruaain College. Ruaktn. ia- PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS new fcou, i. down, tie roonthl , 4.1-11 w.n be raised soon . save moo-y hv bu tne no: hei aoll, best climate, best location in Florida Palm bcti investment Co . 5v: N. Y. Ufa bidg , Kansas City. M 1 FLORIDA. FOR SALE Florida lanl a', wholesale We have eeveral choice tra. ts griluMe for colonisation purposes W rux us. ataon A Heigen Land Co., Jacksonville. Fla FLORIDA Write me for dest-rretlons of bargains In good, titie-perfot Florida farms, aixe. price, term? sjii yourself J W . Durham, baaderaun. Eia last. THE flneet grain and dairy farms and fruit la no a in the state ef Idaho, situated In Clearwater valley, near Lawnua. Wu han Oaffnay. box 63. W elppe. lua- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fins 1 acre farm in Pocahontas county. Iowa. It miles from town This is a flrt-ola farm, a I tiled, has good improvetmenia Price. 1114 per acre: mortgage I&.umi. a or 1 years' time, wlli take Ibouo lu gwd. ciear property and tA.OOn in caan on this farm lour property must actually be wortn the money, or no uae to monaey with it This la the cash price on tne farm. It la no oil trading farm, so me propertv you offer must be gllt-eoge. We don t handle any thing but first-class deals, and this Is una of them. Submit your proposition, veod ard Land Company, Gowne. la. 'Want Mercnandise Stock FiOOrt) to U2.0W for J.-O acres well Improved corn land, only H miles from cplrlt Lake, county seat DlckLuson county. Iowa. Price, t o tr acre: niortuage Ixuu Addrena H. E. Mill A Co.. hpiril Lake, ia. APPLE orchards and poultry farms, not tar from I Moinae. near Colfax inter urban. WUuam Can Beer. Altoona. la. SOME BARGAEn'S K acrea. M In cultivation, balance in timber. Good Elberta peach orchard. ("0 trees ; good apple orclsard. Jontthan and VS in Sap; now In bearing. Aieo a good family orchard of peachee. appiea and cherries Good house, barn, outbuilding, cistern ana good drilled well aui pond. Thla la c splendid fruil and dairy proposi tion, a an lies from Aoahkonong, per acre. Another 1M acrea. IV miles from Koehkonong 45 acres la cultivation, houae, barn and good elsiem: a few fruit treee fpiendid partaerahlp Weil in line can git good water It) to 15 feet. Good frul. and agricultural proposition, t-u per acre. Another ltd acrea. I miles from Woshkonong. right In the great fruit district, so acre in cul tivation, family orchard of peachea. appiea. pears ana cnerrie. iu plum orciuM Houae. barn and other outbuilding, bal ance aot in cultivation, but in very good timber. 3u per acre. J. COCKBUILN i SON, E4-K-14 Manhattan Bldg., Des Moines MONEY-MAKING summer resort ho tel, witn fc acres of ground; hotel alone eoet over !!.); very finely furuiahed ax-d le clear. Dakota land preferred. Finely improved Mexico rubber and cof fee plantation, valued at tsouou. clear and pays dividends on good property a anted, box em. Wintereec la A SNAP Only drug store in a dry town (after July li of euu; reason, sickness: stoca snout U.tA. will pa) for itself first year ssuan be eaaa. C Ai. Moody, lema. la ' WHY GO TO THE DRY BELT when you can buy just aa cneep aueie we have pienty of raioT x A . 1 nine from a town of eu) omy 1 miie from sauna nearly all good plow land, part good auaifa land, ail lenoed and weii and null, fine locauon. Prc. - per A i he ceoirai I anaas Real La Lai Co, -n"i'. Ksn. THE farmer's or investor s opportunity M aorea iyi Btanion county, a.a&., iaad. aeii located, l.u per sir. . , or auie sown. Patance in semi-annual payment oi li per acre. Interest. pr ceuut. t r buifinan. aUrracuae, Kan. TWO KANhAi BARGAINa. laO acrea, Harvey county 1 miles to town: wei; improved; houae, Lara, orcharu tencrd, etc.. iw aura in cuiuisuu,, a.. Uliawe. f'.,xJU. ljj acres, Keno county, all tiiiauie. fenced, 7i sue In cultivation, I muaa to loan Price v.uu Cuaitsa Peierauu, Hutcmacti. Kan. KANSA.-i farm rancti, 1 fcc.' acres, as) acre In cultivation, good pasture, ail un Orr fence and croas fence, uiuueiu l.-roo:n houe. firt-ciaj uniiroveirieiii,, water ax. a tjuioer: aaier poaei lii.ta.i gale aoout li.i. term u ii.: iiid. , iv.i. aa City. Mo. BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME 2J0 acrea, -rouui house and outo.iuding wan ad wirxinuii: jn sere cultivated. acrea in wnaal lencel . eniooti ueo an tillable Plica, li. per acre, tei in Laridgrat at Darbj. Garden til... Kit WELL improved farm uf Jl'i acrea i:i Lyon count). Kan pit m:l from A.1 miie Will aell cnaap if laaen by Merit. Cr-Addrea Lock iwi ia. uiri it , . D - i ONE-TENTH CASH BALANCE a. A a Y line lot ui pisun 1.. ' to V mo I rapid growth. wuitio st.ou.d U'lUb - m i tar. eiectnc I grt telepnune. juiMicrn Impeovemmi main line in. e. t ,,, I on ground l.tir and prof t in advance: senu t"r piai Joiin W. ba..t;nnian p.ain ! baa FOR SALE Xe acre wn-at. corn ..r alfaii lar.d in Hai per louni fcvu-i haif miie from lust,, if tu .t aoou. li mo Hugh Conner, Hutctiuiaua. ,u - ! FOR MAPS ANO VALUABLE MAT iO N IN REGARD To NORTH WtM ERN UlS.VfcwilA laAND. " 1 HE LAM, i MAT GRoyVf FLAX. WRITE 7'. KENNEDY 1-AND. Lja.N AN U KtAU I Co.. EENNEUY. Mi.NN TWO SNA Pa AOs Biles land one nine from depot at St J a uvea. Watoaaan county. Mum Go., i buildiags. Can a.l ba cultivated Will t. tan aorea Norm Daaoia iai.a at rigct vaiu. tl Vai caan; taauanca Muig liuie at per cent I per acre. tor Baie 114 scree al' under etiliivatmn- 1 aet i Mis t ie from city .imit cf Hi 1 sitr. Be buildings 1 i-ar acre lOKAllAKT A ATCHlso.V. Aoanaalo. Man I . ISLE Harbor farm for aa.e. A ". aci i eior farm locale.: c diIj. from loan ua It ouia snore of Mm Laws Uae Mu Ea . . ounl , in ti.a ini ..t ! big ltd cuter A j 1 iw t.rn unimirov e i , limber and iiteauu un.i yy ri fr. A. 1. naat. Manaalo. Aliiiu --