the bee. omatta. Monday, march n. ton. 66 TJ7 .Aeep tt n Jl o 9 JITL TO This is whatihe Goaf HJ1I1 lilies 1U mercial fholo Shdio ( wres fhe Seeaffer running iisadainorrfh O Ji HS 11 TI Cr?v TTT Tl Tl Tl A7T T! 'aithemteof$Jaliaeaff& ee dLo3 'iime wipi& o panning im ID 4 1 1 WANT ADS Want ads received at anr tne. but to Insure proper classification uiuat lie presented beforw 12 o'clwk m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received afu each bour vill bate their first Usertlnn under Me beading "Too Late to Classify." OASIT RATES KOR WANT AOS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Usertion, 1H reau per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made o odd days, lVtj rente per word. 1.60 per line per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Sunday Ree. Always count sis word to a line. Want ads for Ttie IW may be left at say of the following drug stores one la your "corner druggist" tliey are ail branch office for Xbe Dee and your ad wUl be Inserted Just at promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In Tb Bee building, beventeeth and Farnani street. Albacii, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Hauni Drug Co.. 1 N. 16th Bt. tterar.ek. b. A. Bouth 16th St. Lcnson Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. tienns ni k i'harmscy, Wo. and Cuming. Liake-btadish, isitt Sherman Ave. Clifton lilli i'harntacy, 22 U Military At. Cauhlln. C. H.. Mb and Fierce Bte. Criesoy Pharmacy, 14th and Lake Bts. Cooney Pharmacy, mi Bouth 16th &'- Cermak. j,mll. Bouth 16th tit. Ehler. P. H.. IfcOJ Leavenworth Bt. r oster Arnold!, 211 Uorth Sfcth Bt. Fray tax. J. j mu North 24U Bt. r regger Dm Co., 130$ North 16th Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Greco's Pharmacy. Park Ava. and Pacific Oreenough. O. A.. 106 South 10tb Bt Oreenough, ti. A.. 10th and Hickory Bts. Golden Pharmacy, 34th and Leavenworth. Hayden, W illiam, 29ai Farnani Bt. Haoacom Park Pharmacy, looi B. ZSth Ave. UlDurlocg Drug Co., gist Ava. and Far nam St. Unlet. John, C?4 Korth lth BL Hurt. A. L., :S24 lcavenworth St Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Bpauldlog Kln. L'. 8., I.'Ds Farnam 8t Kountse Place Fharmacy. In N. I4th Bt. Mares. Fred I. !W1 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., N. 24th Bt Peyton Pharmacy. Tit South 16th Bt Saratoga Drug Co., I4th and Ames Ava Bchaefer s Cut Pries trug Btore. Itth and Chicago Bts Scliaefer, August, 2M1 North 16th Bt Bchmldt J. M., 1tn and Cuming Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. oth and Cuming. ULATH Ay U KIN KRAI. NOTllal ' 'Mf-rn1-11' HT AN Michael U. kge 23 years, March 11. Funeral from family rexldcnce, 1442 North Twentieth, Turaday at i.M a. m.. to Bt. John' Catholic churcli. 7 a. m., thepce to Burlington depot. Interment, Uawaon, N'o. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,TK; smbalincrs. 1614 Chicago Bt. D. 1669, B-ltui. "BuFFT BO LAND, undertakers. T. 167&. HARD BODY OAK Well Seasoned. J'iBt right for furnace or (rate, aawed In lo-imli chunckH, cord flu. V-cord makes about a load., Nab. Fuel Co., lid. or Traue. D. 430. A-4311. Mrs. Kronert Now located at '0 H. lUih. formerly at 122 S. 13th. I 'Will now be able to please my old friend" and customers better than ver. Compiel line oi apring millinery. LET your frlendR know thiit you go to the American. If Bol. 8. (inidstron, 1.112 Park Ave., will brink this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself, he will receive an order for two Beats o the American theater. MASONRY cont'r; repairs. Healy, W.-124L DOUQLAB Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas (44. B. II. Cola Sign Co.. I. nsu. lilt Farnam. OUS' NKW BARHEU SHOl'. Flneot in Omaha Modern ana sanitary loth Floor Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. rn THVniFIfV fichiits No. t Fun tUU liUJ.UL.Ul lln, of 11(luor. and Cigars. Cats lu connection. Ill B. 14th Bt MAUUAHD an St outrage. Pack, move, Stor and l.ip U. 11. goods. D. 1406. U-Ml. Zimmerman t: Crowe Furniture Co., 17U Leavanwertn. Ut our plan. Nul aald. MRS. CHARLES C. IIL'NUATE. china firing. I.o kiraodeis Bldg 'lei. Web. t,t Miss Dunatci Branuela Theater, water color stuulns, place card, cukna firing. BOL 8. GuLl is'i'lli M, lliiuor dealer. South Oinaha. Jug auu bottle tiads Uitict to consumer. Bend for puce list. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE, m turns lo suit. 310 Bee bltitf Phone Doug. tMoN LOAN CO. "iJAViircOLK CrtEAMEKY COMPANY. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, iti.n. Iu7 tj. luh San.tary; fur ladies or gentlemen. Always upeo. ILEli GRAND HOTEL TurkisbBathb lJlr. PI Tit K field sud garden seed. Younk X U1VU erman 5ed Co.. Co. Ullifta. la LYNCH BliOS. PLCMHINU AND HEATING. REPAIR WORK, l.ut Jurkaou at. 1. 1477. JOHN CANE. Uul : th Ave . trims our irees na giasviuea. n. ,.ui, A-jo4y. TWENl'Y per cent ls :hm Oiuulia p. let HOME FUw.M'ICLE CO.. Twenty-fuuilh and L bu. . Omaha HORNBY Blue Print Co.. &- 'J-.e lilug. DKCGB at out prices, freight paid on all $L0 orders. Catalogues fie. Sheriiian Am McConnell Drug Co., uiuba, Neb. 11 TUT TH a-ountant. Chas. S. McCoiT W cell. 914 Om. Nat Bk. D. 314. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-:;o a larga bottle. Klein Liquor House, Ji N. H,lh bt TXJN'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to ua; we will willow them tnM w illow plumes. W e also ateam and cm I willow pluiuea. 76- up. Pearl Plume ( o . room 1. Pyxtun Blk. FAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARK1NS. lit 8. liTH. CPSTAIRS. CI1I-NAMKL Display Paint talk it color card free. Saratoga Drug Co , 21th Jx Amta A po'M of O'Brien's candy ts tn cor- re,t thing at any tune 1; '.. ) I. l::24 so j.d Ht . will brlns 1 lis ad to '1 he Bee of fhe within three da b- v III le ralve an ordrr tor a pooiid i- f : his line nd, goovl at any lonf -. (loan s or di ug Bluiea. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Filters. flltiT repairs. 1310 Howard D. 3913. E. T. Farnsworth. Att y. 43l Hee Bldg. o. . WL'BN, optician. 44 J Brandela Bid. NOW I the time to use f'arrell's fine syrups. If Flnvd Hehm. ii.HS I'ine St . will brlns this ad to The .e off'.c wilhin three days and Identify Mnni-l! he will receive an order for a can of this syrup. good at his grocer's. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPH BTUDIO makes DhotozraDha of anvthlns for any purpone. Call or write, Commercial Photo graph etudlo. S'J UOBton Ptore. uuudm 8791; Ind. A-2865. Harry Martin. Tailor. WH Paxton block. 1 REWILI.OW old natrlch feathers, take orders for all kinds of plumes, millinery work. Prices reasonable. Mrs. u. fnuer. 2501 St. Mary's Ave. Doug. 334. frj TjiwrPTlPP located in I'rhana MTS. Ijawrence, Apartments. designs and makes dresses and costumes for ex clusive people. Phone Harney M3. KUFFNER TAILORING COM PANT, 8J4 B. 16th Bt BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Doug. 4750. Ind. A-3S21. 16nV4 Farnam St Stencil outfits; 6 styles; picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS. BRASS POLISH, L1QCID VENEEIt AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. ASH PITS EVERYBODY In Omaha has been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm here tn do the work with any artificial brick, stone or concrete. Henry Heese. brick nd cement contractor. Douglas 607a. ST OT Electric Pianos, Music Boxes, Pea kjij x. , xthletl0 Machines. Cash M nrllinon or payments. Oinaha Auto iuamilieH matlc vending Machine Co.. 1124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 248. A-2433. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN. 846 Brandela theater. China decorating and firing. Easter cards. THE Bank of Shelby. will receive sealed bids up to 4 o'clo.'k p. m., of March 24. 111. for the erection of a bank buildins". nd a store building at Bhelby. la. Plans and specifications may bee seen at the uann or enemy, la. VACVM CLEANER . RENTAL CO. 'Phone Web. 3409. B-24J6. PIANO teacher desires pupils; I.egche tirkv method; memory work. 207 N. nth. D. 19'8 THE GREAT PULLMAN POLISH-Look In prone oook for A. U. Vroman. 'Phone wennier 4tw. THOSE having curtains to clean please 'phone Tyler 1H31 and they will receive Mi mnt and beat of care: five years' ex perience. GET Flnlay's prices before painting or papering. 'Phone So. 323. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "8K1D Into a post. "TEAR your top, And brint tt to the heat place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sta. GARAGE FOR RENT. 2008 ST. MARK'S AVtf. J-U-S-T R E C-E-I-V-E-D the Iste models of the Stoddard Dayton Locomobile and Waverly Electrics A fear second-hand cars for sale. DERIGttT AUTO CO., UU FARNAM BT.. OMAHA. W RITE for list of automobile bargains. H. tv breue-ickton Auto Co., Mtnana. Auto Paintins "murphy did it." AUIU x i"l5 Get our prices now. ANDREW MlUU'iiV & SON, 14U Jackson. CAMEKON Aut0 nd Garage WVAlI.O.XtJj.' Co Heaoonable charges. Personal attention given. bol Bo. lath. Doug. 6211. Trucks and autos stored. METZ runabout, 1911 model, $46; all eqjlpped; Bonh Magnlto; Bhebier carbora tor. Bend fur 1911 catalogue. B. Uoldslrom. Omaha station, Box 101. . AUTOMOniIJ5 tires at low prices; fine quality raalnga, heavily constructed of best material which gives greatest wearing quakllty. Made by large indeiendent rubber cumpany. Hundreds of autolsts use them continually and rt'coiinnend them highly lrwcr jour tire expense by using our gods. Either Clincher, y. D. Clincher or luinlop. 2sx:t, 111 So, 3ux3, $12 .36; J"x:l',. ib.(IO; $17. 20; 34x. $17.75; Wx4. $J0.ii; 31x4, $J160, 32x4. IU2..0; 33x4, $23 M; 34x4. $28. 9o; 84. $27.10: $4x41. $30. J; 3x4 $11. tW; 3tx&. $J.i 10. Fine lubes 10 iter cent less than standard list. Shtpmenta, C. o. D., allow ing examination; 6 per cent dlacount if cah ccuniani'S ordor. Accessories' at luxes pines. Catalog ilxm request. The Gsyer bales Co., Daton, oliio. Motoreyclea, W for list of used motorcycles. We " "lc tuny a full line of motorcycle part r. iiii.m A t !. l.l!. C. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in o out of business, call ea liAKUEsTAD. MA Bee ttlti. D. jo7. A SPECIAL OPPOKTCNlTY. For Sale A line lartie billiard and pool pi lor ot 14 tint' uidliotin finished tables, lUily e'iul.n.l with (tie liest. located in the big Auditorium building, with southeast ai,d wed exposure. In the heart of Ex ceUlor Springs, the great ali-year-round 1'taltn and pleasure resort; for the last two ears this hall has cleared a big nt profit, which an eanily be doubled with out extra exptnse. with a man In charge w ho is directly interested In the business and with Hit big future pruxpt-cts that la on hand lor Excelsior Springs. Pres. $4.). prefer a cali deal, but would take $2.ivo cah. balance easy payments Will a ten years lease to party furnishing noud relet ent'es. Keaxon for sellinx. I l ave too much other business to attend to for a inun In eats. tor references 1 rive any ba:ik in l-:celsior Springs. Address S. H Suavely. Excelsior Springs, Mo. FOR SALE, by owner, well established retail grocery buMttiess. city of &0.r)0, doing $..-.iv early business: requires $..i0 cash rood leg ation, cheap rent, will stand closest Investigation; fine business opportunity; in lestlgate quick Lock Box l'. Sioux City. la. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, a-ood Motel; monev maker, town 4.100. Address Lock Box 2S. Carroll, la. FOR SAI.K-Pool fca'l 4 tables snd one father's outfit; i.ajgain. if taken by March M 61 N. lth Bt. ALL grocers keep Farrell'a svrup If M Nsrovltx. - Seward, will bring die . t The Bee office within three das snd Identify himself be will receive an rxder for a can of this syrup. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location 16th and Dorcas. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) IF VOL" want to jtet Into business for yourself and hae to l.U) oMi. you are wanted as assistant mannser lor a well eMKbllshed Omaha firm with a grow Inu buKlnes: good salary and a splendid opportunll v to become general manager. L. 8.S6. Pee. orr on your money will be guaranteed you by one of the biggest whole sale houses of Omaha H. O. Twombly, 230 Board of Trade. A FEW hundred doilars more needed to complete capital stock of company being organized to engage In legitimate and profitable business, safe Investment A sUg, Lea, W'ANTEIi General merchandise or hard ware business in good live country town, stock to invoice about 16. 00. Addrews Y 7, care Bee. PARTNER wanted; energetic, active man with .m0 can purchase half Interest In established plant that will return in vestment within a year. G., 848, Bee. t) Kill EiN i'H andy is Oinana Cni'ii, it l made pure. If A. W. Wagner, iOi No. Itith Bt., will bring this ad to The lice office within three days and identify himself, he will receive an order a pound of this fine candy. WITH $15,000 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL MY BUSINESS CAN BE INCREASED FIVE-FOLD AND WILL SHOW LARGE EARNINGS. THIS IS A SPLENID 1 OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INVESTMENT IN A SAFE, PROFITABLE AND RE SPECTABLE BUSINESS. THOROUGH INVESTIGA TION AND INSPECTION IN VITED. ADDRESS W 892, BEE. PfX)L HALL to be sold lo the highest bidder Tuesday, March 14. at 3 p. m , 170? North 24th St., 4 pool tables. 1 billiard ta ble and fixtures. HASADY Co- ReaJ Estate. Loans and uuwix Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1624. BACK TO THE FARM. Tou may not have money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy an Interest In one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. Let me tell you about It. V. Ml, Bee. TO BCY-PELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDIAND CO., 674 BRANDEIS BLDG. I " WISHING to retire from the grain busi ness we are offering our 40,000 bushel cribbed elevator, coal sheds, warehouses, etc., for sale. Price 112,000; best place on main line railroad in Nebraska for grain, lumber, flour. Hay and feed business. No farmers competition nor has any ever been agitated. If you are looking for a money making proposition investigate this. Ad dress Y 94 care Bee. PARTY with $500 cssh can secure safe position that pays $2,000 or more annually if full time is given to the work by an ag gressive hustler. Address J 8S4, Bee. THE best psylng family and transient hotel in city, or will trade for suburban property. K 8-8, Bee. FOR BALE A nice little business at 418V. N. 14th Bt. Pays well, no stock to handle. Part cash, on reasonable terms. $1,000 BONUS given by citizens of Blan- rhard, la., to party building hotel. Best of locations; two railroads. Also good loca tion for dentist. Inquire of Blanchard Booster Club. BOOKKEEPER has $1,000 or more to In vest In legitimate business. A 876. Bee. FOR SALE Stork of drugs, furniture, fixtures, foun tain, gas machine, etc. If you want to start in business will sell at great reduc tion. Address P. O. Box f96 or call at S10 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OLD established paying cash business: no trade; a good Investment; Investigate. E S80. Bee. 1 Hoomlsg Houses for Bale. 7-ROOM modern flat, newly furnished; walking distance; possession April 1. P 872, Bee. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat Ba. D. $333. DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St Douglas 6407. DANCING Misses Simpson ft Coll. W. 1491. W. 6630 MORAND'B 16th and Harney. Doug. 2JW. DENTISTS Balf.r.Y MATH 3d floor. Psyt n. lost. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency Inc.. bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. COR MACK. 61?KRHACH Blk DRESSMAKERS GOOD cloth makes good clothes. Good flour makes good bread. If 11 Marks. 2I1X Nicholas street will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order on his grocer for a l!-pound sack of Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster mt COMPETENT DRESSMAKING: satisfac tion guaranteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKERS are busy niat-4' theater costumes: If H. Greenbers. 617 N 24th St.. will bring tills ad to The Bee within 3 days and Identlfv himself he will receive an order for two seata to the American theater. WANTED Sewing by day or piece; rea- - l 1 , ( . A 1 1 .. soiiaoie pru e. La. xrc First-class tailoring dressing. 1811 Dodge. A CANDY made fresh every day In Omaha Is worth more than ihe other kind If II. E Adams. 113 1th St., Cou.icll Hluffs will brliiK hU ad to Vh dee of flee within three da.s and Mentlfv himself lie will receive an ord -r for a pound of this fine randy. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and ntght sessions Students admitted any time. Business. Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Sa.eamsnahlp. The cata logue Is free. Aridieis tl. li. Boyles, Presi dent Omaha. Nsu. FLORISTS AMERICAN Beauties should have a good flour to tickle the pa4ates of the family, if Mrs. R K. Lawrle. 1719 William", will bring this ad to The Bee office VJJ'Jn 3 days and Identify herself she will iTHve an order on her grocer for a 12-lb. sack of I'pdlke's Pride of Omaha flour. Bennett's Flower Dept East entrance. L. Henderson. 1515 Farnam. Douglas HIS. J. H. BATH. 182 Harney. Douglas 3000. HESS ft BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt. aTdONAGHUB. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001 ; A-1001 BRANDE1B cut Flower dept.; new store. Flowers and Bkrnba. C. S. tiARRISON'S select nursery, York. Neb., offers home grown fruit, shadt, hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and lria; catalogue reaiy. THE bill at the American theater Is worth while your evening will not be mis spent. If Mrs. lxiulse Mahr. 1!01 S. 21st St., will bring this ad to The Bee within days and Identify herself she will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Good lady solicitors, good straight proposition, commission basis. Live women can earn from 32 to 310 per day. Money each night C. L. Bradfield, 807 Brandeis Bldg. Clerical and Office. WANTED For Brandeis millinery work room, experienced makers and preparers, table girls and apprentice girls. Apply at once to superintendent, Brandeis Btores. Factory an Trades, WANTED Girls to learn bslrdressing. prices reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandela A Bons Halnareaslng parlors. GIRLS to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhmm parlors. 236-240 City Nat'l Bank. D. 2396. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors, 236-240 City Nat'l Bank. D. 2306. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family. 2911 8. 24th Bt WANTED An experienced housemaid. 1909 Capitol Ave. WANTED A lady to care for children. 609 S. 33d St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 3229 Harney St THE most popular candy In this sec tion of the country is O'Brien's. If C. E. Walker. 2113 Douglas St.. will bring this ad to The Bee and identify himself he will receive an order for a pound-box of this fine candy. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, 1711 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 114 B. 35th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2626 B. 10th St. . . T 1. T . a .1.1 n kll- dren. 4826 Davenport St WANTED Experienced maid. general work: must be good cook and neat; refer ence requires); two In family; good wages. West Farnam district. 'Phono H 17. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 626 3d St , Council Bluffs, Iowa. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework 1303 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for cea- etal housework. 1132 & 30th St WANTED A clrl to aaslst with house work; email family. Mrs. L. K. White. 1401 Emmet Bt COMPETENT slrl for cooking and down stairs work; references. 601 B. h St WANTED Girl for general housework: references. H. Gross. 601 B. 22d Bt WANTED A rood airl to take care of two children; reference required, 117 B. 39th. w a NTKn A romoetent alrl for aeneral housework; small family; good wages, ill 8. 26lh St. WiNTEnoirl for general housework: three in family. $724 Spalding St WANTED A white girl for general housework. .1708 Lake Bt WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 813 8. DOtn St. WANTED A neat houaekeeper for two gentlemen. 6224 Central Ave.. Fort Dodge. C. H. Adams. WANTir.DA s-trl for senersl housework lust be competent, small family. 36r0 Wool worth Ave. Mrs. Dr. Wearne. WANTED A neat airl for general houae- work. good wagea, small family; German preferred. 154S N. lth St. WANTED A competent girl to assist slth housework. 306 8. 2h St. WANTED A competent Bwedlsh girl for sn-all family. Mrs. R. B. Howell. 1123 8. 32d St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An exnerienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. fcj32 Harney St. WANTED A girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 120 8. 87th 8t WANTED A good, reliable housekeeper. Mrs. Henry Roberts. Ft. Calhoun. Neb. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. t14 Grant St. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; no children; small family. 2308 J Bt, Bouth Omaha WANTED A competent girl for hous work. 1212 N. 26th St.. Bouth Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl; no laun dry. 4323 Grant St. WANTED A girl to work for small fam ily; farm near Blair; good home. J. W Jacobs, Blair, Neb. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family, good wages; no chll tlren. 2010 N. 18th Bt WANTED At once an experienced cook Mrs. M. B. I pdlke. JttH Jackson. LADIES wanted take work home apply lug trarsfers. 415 Brandeis Theater. W'ANTEI An experienced nurse to take rare of young children; reterences requireu none under 2" need apply; good wages Telephone Harney Mi. Mrs. John L Ken nedy, 21)8 8. 83d Ave GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOI'SEWOHK: GOOD HOME; G H D PAY; NO CHILDREN. PHONE HARNEY 4241. WANTED Young girl to work la candy store and restaurant combined. Lock Bog 24. Kennard. Neb. WANTED Olrl for general housework, No washtog. $621 remaixi t HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepera aad Domestic Coat'4. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no washing; small famll; good waKes. 101 S. 3."d St. FOR general housework In famllv of two. g.rl who can sleep at home preferred. Phone DouKlas Mi06 WANTED A girl for general housework; four In family. 2215 Miami. WANTED A young girl for general housework. 924 N. 8th Bt WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 615 Bo. 22d St. WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 412S Ixard St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; one who can cook. Ziii s. r.a st. WANTED-A girl for general housework. Adolph Pauison, Bennington, Nebraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 41u7 Davenport St. WANTED A competent girl for general ho v.nicago M. WANTED Good cook: references re quired; good wagea. Apply Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. Hotels aad Heataaaats. WANTED I-ady cook for short order cooking and pastries. Address Owl Cafe, rnenanaoan, la. tt Ucellaneoas. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strsngers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary'a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boardlna ulacei or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers am at me union station. Ohfin n,-T.l nn.ltlnn In . 1 .... town; good salary and promotion. Address on. LADIES W e will teach halrdreaslng free this month with the new Hermann per manent wave, an electrical process that turns straight hair into naturally wavy. we are sole agents here. Possible for operators to earn t."0 per day. I -earn tt now. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody. Cate- logue free. Moier College. Chicago, III. HELP WANTED MALE A seats, Solicitors aad Salesmea. WANTED A dentist to travel: a rood proposition. Address K 817, Bee. AGENTS $30.00 per week selllns: our wonderful lock stitoh sewing awl. Over 300 per cent profit. M. Neal sold twenty In five hours, rleared $8.50. Bend quick for sample and complete Instructions Anchor Mfg. Co., Dlv. 2, Dayton, Ohio. SPECIAL AGENTS 125 PER CENT profit for you; 300 per cent saving to customers:, no competition; nothing like It on the market. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 738 Brandeis Theater Bldg. ) 1 AGENTS for household articles. P. O. Box 648. WE WANT a good salesman with $1,000 to $1,500 cash for road position in estab lished business; good salary and commis sions to right man. K. 835, Bee. WANTED Reliable men to take care of our trade with farmera in Nebraska: to every one who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing case, and who can furnish good security (for correct worlt only) a good earning Is guaranteed. The Haller proprietary Co.. Blair, Neb. WANTED Four ladles for the road to demonstrate (house-to-housel ; salary and expenses. Apply to W. G. Carr, Room 336, Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced salesmen to tell fruit, truck and alfalfa land under the famous Elephant Butte Irrigation dam at Las Cruces. New Mexico, where the rov- erament Is spending approximately $9,000,000 In constructing this great dam. Liberal commission. Write for full particulars. Elephant Butte Land ft Trust Co.. Las Cruces. New Mexico. WANTED Experienced and active land agents, to sell our Canada lands. Stewart Mathews. Co., Limited, 30b Jackson Bt, Bt. Paul, Minn. WANTED Salesmen for olty work. Call personally. The Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs. la. WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for him self, to represent us exclusively In SOUTH DAKOTA for 1911. Must be ready to com mence work at once. We have a large. well known and In every way first class ine of exclusive calendsrs and auvertislriK specialties. Our line Is so attractive and varied that each and every business in every town In the country, without regard to stse, can be successfully solicited, our goods are very attractive, but no more so than our reasonable prices, and we know from the experience of others who have been and are now In our employ that any brlaht. hustllna man who has ability and ta willing to work, can make with us from $fO to $Ij0 per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organized In lxxi. Cap italised $200,000. We are responsible and mean business. If you do. It will pay you to see Mr. Moseley, sales manager Mar- chants Jubllshing o., Kalamazoo. Mich , at Rome hotel Monday from 9 to 12; I to 5. Only experienced salesmen need apply. Clerical Office. BANK cashier, with $3,000. N 906. Bee. THE great U. P. R. R guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. U. P. Telegraphy School. Omaha, Neb. Fsetery aad Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat Be Bldg. Mlecwllaaeeae. XgU are warned iur uvcnLrneni poiiuoa, $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 300 D. Rochester, v. v WANTED Toung men to learn ths bar ber trade. Facial massage Included. Com mission paid for bringing atudenta. Bar bera make more money now than ever be fore on account ot the many added monev making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship. Thousands of our grad uates In business sending to us for help. We place our men on trains sa railroad barbers, steamships, office buildings, prl vate barbers and valets Positions always waiting. W'aitea in finishing department Call or write, Muler Barber College, 110 B. 14th Bt. WANTED Experienced dry goods sales men. Apply superintendent, Brandeis Stores. The Barbers' Union has an office In the Labor Temple. 1311 Douglas St. Plenty of Jobs. Open every day. WANTEI Exiierlenced advertising so Ileltor. Call personally. The Dally Non pareil. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED at once Experienced ladles tailors and alteration hands. Apply super Intendent. Brandeis Btores WANTED A presssr. ThoS KHpalrlc c. HELP WANTED MALE Mlacrltaaeoas 4 ontlnard. (.000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept 17-D. Rochester. N. T. 100 MEN 20 to 40 vears old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conduc tors; HO to thai a month; no experience nec essary; no strike; writ Immediately for ap plication blank. Address 11. C. rick, y 12. car tee. , YOU ARE WANTED for government position. M)00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 191 E. Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 194-E, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man with experience In ladies suit department. Apply superin tendent, Brandeis Stores. u. s. $100 MONTHLY At'TOING. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha. Neb. LARGEST AND BEST. W RITE WANTED Man for country home: must understand care of flowers and garden: good wages. William B. Clark, Millard Hotel. WANTED A good blacksmith snd horse shoer. Bmlth Brick Co.. 34th and Wool- worth Ave. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hereea aad Vehicles. KOP.SE, wagon and harness. Webster 1437 WE buy and sell all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. HORSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 16, we will have bout six hundred horses and mules of all lasses, from the choicest drafters, drivers, brood mares, etc., to the very cheap kind for all work. A horse for everybody, no matter how good or how cheap, you can find It at this sale. All strictly just coun- :ry horses. W e sell out every week and lave no stale horses on hand. Everything sold under full guarantee and must be as represented. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday. March 14. SO. OMAHA HORSE A.N U MUljfJ CO. , INC., UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. AUCTION BALE of over 600 horses and mules. Gallop's regular suction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday, March 16. Amoni this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams of farm chunks; also about 30 head of second-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sors; they sell cheap and make useful horses to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. 1. C. GALL.UP. FOR SALE Cheap, $ head of good mares, also 8 head ot good horses. Blue Barn rear, Millard Hotel, 13th and Douglas. and fearless, but plenty of go. Address f Via, tee. LOST AND FOUND FOUND The best syrup for waffles In the world. If Mrs. W. Martin. 2826 De- cator St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and Identify her self she will receive an order for a can of this fine syrup. LOST Pocket book, black aesl. containing $70, hotel credit letter and Insurance Iden tification card or owner. Will nay $20 re ward. Notify Jos. B. Schroeoer, Hotel Ixal; or notify W. C. Dagwell, care World-Herald. A GOOD REWARD A sack of Updike's Pride of Omaha flour will be given to Henrv Marlon. 2511 Caldwell. If he will bring this ad to The Bee office Within three days and Identify himself. $70.00 Reward Stolen From the Dasture of C. G. Hrewstr. Irvlngton, Neb., one dark bay mare, 16 years old, weight about l,2o0 pounds, heavy with foal, small white spot on forehead, barbed wire acar on Inside quarter of left front foot, scars on both blps from being kicked, knee sprung a little: owner will pay a reward ot $2 for the recovery of his property and Douglas county will pay a reward of $50 for the capture and convlo- tlon or the thief. Wire or telephone la formation to C. G. Brewster, Irvlngton, Neb. Telephone Benson 484. Or K. F. Brailey, Sheriff. Omaha, Neb. FOUND Ths theater where an evening of real pleasure may be had. If Chaa. P. Olsen, Benson, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. LOST Sunday, five keys and buttonhook on keyring. Return to Bee office and re ceive reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and sargleal treatment at Crelghten Medical college. 14th and lvea port Sis.; special attention paid to confine ment oases: all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 1IS7. Calls answered day and nUjbt HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN IALAHV AND CHATTELS $$$$$m$tstt$ummiimti i$$u$stsus$utu$tt NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC J $ NEW OO. $10 to $C. NEW PLANS. $ This is a new firm organised by the $ $ LEADING BLSINKBH MEN OF 8 t OMAHA TO 1AN $ $ to any honest person owning HOUSE- $ $ HOLD GOODS. tMAINtiB. etc., or i $ holding a salaried position, at the $ $ rale or 5 I'Bit iksit rr-K uah. t $ JUBT THINK', YOU PAY $ $ 60c interest on $10 for one year. $ $ $1 25 Interest on for one year. $ $ $2.50 Interest on $f for one year. $ 1 A(.T.. OTHER BUMS IN PROPOR- $ $ TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $ $ Heaaonauie Appraisement i narses $ INDEPENDENT M)AN COMPANY, $ $ ROOM a4, WITHNELL BLDG , $ 1 N E Cor loih and llarnev. inmiwwumuwiwtwumnmiuiuiwiii MONET UiANED SALARIED PEOPLsV WOMEN KEEPING HOU8U AND OTH EliB. without security; easy payments. Of floe In 4 priDcliai cities. Tolman, Hoom o3 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use $26 or $(4) to a good advan- .. 1 . .. ...mi. n .4 n tag ae - 1 1 " -- . " " . b " v lend. We loan money on furniture, piano teams without removal, email and easy ivments. 6oo is tbe weekly payment oi frl $J8 loan ana si me wccaiy payment - a. . . I . . c 1 tr fct weeks lllhr m ...... I a w "' the same proportion. Write or pbooe and we will rail on you at once. All 1,'islness conrmeniiai. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO J com 13 Arlington Bit , UllVj Dodge SI . ocoes. Doug. as $si, Udspeadsal A'leea MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Continued. MONEY I TO LOAN. Come In nd let us expiam r low rales. He- ble Credit Co . $08 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-14U. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates snd strictly private NEBRASKA LOAN CO, 220 Bee Bldg Doug. 1.156; A-1356, DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLA.TALT 1614 '"o Btr"" . t. 1 LAlilU, Telephone Red 51!. MOVING. STORAGE. CLEANING KXPRES.SMEN 8 DELIVERY CO Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 31 8. 17tb. Doug. 3M; Ind. B-l H. OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floois; electric vacuum cleaners. 04 r i:u; to, a. liib Doug. 4lA . BENBON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kinds. 61Li So. luin St. B 222. D. U., A. 10!6 OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ATTRACTIVE front room with large aj. tove; walking d Is canoe; boms uooalaav Phone Douglas eitM. BOARD and room, convenient for street car men; desirable for one or two. 27,3 Lake. ONE nice large room, with board; home cooking. 2226 Howard. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 2318 DOUGLAS; R. 4SS9. 6T. JAMES. 416 8. 1$; 'Stm. heat, free bath. Am. $136 up: wkiy; $S up; meals. 25c. PLEASANT rooms, with board. 206 So. 2nth Ave. Extra table board. THE BACHELORS. JOth and Farnam. Rates: Single. $3a to $40; double, $58 to $6a. LARGE front room with board; home cooking; fine beds; strictly modern; suit able for 3 or 3 young men, $5 per week. 3527 Charles Bt FINE lsrge room suitable for two. 191$ Cass. Douglas 1478. FOR RENT Two rooms, ensulte or single, desirable for four, ladles or gen tlemen. 2566 Harney St. ""for RENT Sunny rooms, bath, home cooking. 818 8. 26th St. , 1 . FOR RENT Modern, cosy rooms, close In. 2323 Harney St NICE room and board, private family. 2434 Beward St. TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY. Excellent service, prices reasonable. 108 No. 26th St. Douglas 6836 i . STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distance from downtown; belt ot home cooking. 123 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Diug. $982. ROOMS AND BOARD. 30 N. 23d Ht FOR RENT Desirable, comfy room; board. t420 Cass St. NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 2112 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nloe room and best board. $17 N. list St Nine south, single room, turnlsbed. 3SL Douglas fit NICE room and board; private family. 2434 Beward Bt. W. 1638. NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, private home, modern. $001 & lth. Douglas 7043. MODERN room with board, horns cook ing. 809 Bouth 21st St. WANTPTD Twn ladlaa MnU M . ployed to board and room; private family; iiiuuam cvnveuiencea. room w, sino. FINE large room, suitable for two. 11$ Cass. Douglas 1471 MODERN, cheery, clean, close In. good home cooking. 'Phone Douglas 2268. Famished Huums. . ONE large front and rear room for rent; walking distance; elegant accommoda tions; first-class; elegant board next door. 117 8. Kth Ave. Doug. 7400. LOVELY HOME for four gentlemen: double parlors with piano; reasonable. 2008 bt. Mary's Ave. LARGE, warm, front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modem, walking distance, on 34th St car Una, 220 N. 23d. Red 4231 TWO nice, modern rooms; $10 and $12. $18 N. 23d. STRICTLY first class furnished room; private family, modern home; price reas onable. 818 Hickory St. ,Red 7396. TWO strictly modem rooms, single or ensulte. suitable for two or threo. $ftoT Farnam. D 8365. YOUNG lady only; nicely furnished front room, steam heat. In new flat, private fam ily. $017 Chicago Bt Red 6343. TWO strict ly modern rooms, single or ensulte. suitable for two or three. $607 Farnam. Douglas t346. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 17). Kit N. 301 b Bt FOR RENT Two steels' furr room ga a 8M at ONE large front room, furnished or un furnished. 631 Bouth 2Mh Ave.. VERY desirable furnished room in new modern flat; everything new and strictly tirst-claas; close In. 2230 Douglas. Every room in Omaha should be rented. The Bee can rent every idle one. Call Tyler 1000 and gay Just where your room is, what rental you want for it. what class or a boarder you want. Tbe ad taker will prepare an ad for you that will bring them to your door. They will be reliable. Don't wait. Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. Call Tyler 1000. i i X w w v '! ' r s