Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    iHK OMAHA SUNDAY r.KT: MAl.CH 1:. lf11.
mining ni uuuiu vamin n.
Clerk rmenti Statement
Fundi to March 6.
Report Will Re Mae t
t Parrftaslaa Trafl
Park Katreace
oaacll as
t .le
Kni;n'z Memorial church it I V p m.
and tli ( h'lr of the 5r' e Lutheran church
!LV,'r.Tf; .F',nh'MH " V"'diCloneU of Cralry. Artillery -nd
I as iiFial M a. n The meeting of tha ,
!i..!b-r i.tcw t 7 p I,, an hm e ; 1(s i Infantry Are Appointed.
leader Piof II. A. ! I anand I
Ma.ic tit. .....:. j "EEARRAX0E3IZXTS OF RA5KS"
11 i!Hn tnnft fr. kk'Hin rn j.,ty . '
i.arows having r-v re-1 from hu'wl i t nnni.rrnrnl Made at War tx-parl-
J-K. K S- and fimilv imvh f..t MSiaWf nil km )
Will Takr Plr luaif.
lately la ffilr.
Next-to-Cost Prices for a Day
iVXellf.eei. Ne!. Mr. Kthulli ha
P r hsred a tani'h.
The wom.n of e;. Martina unti will
i h nil a frpith fried rik sale today at in
N-rth Twent -t ond etreet-
Tl fi)!'li biithc are rrrwirted- R
Npln orr.jniji. J-ffFrn street,
rw.v . .sain Meion. llv Norm Th.rty-n.nth
ti .e gii I.
T B art'! his son FranK hur
ret ,rr,.-ci (mn lr.a, la. where thee
nt i . attend th f ineral .if Mn Xrarton
I - r-tv a sister-ln-law of Mr. IVotL
Binking fund ra.,trt t J::.:r. itxl ;nSUr. Ml hold' an'"iriitlation tnt.'icht' and
The statement of the condition of :n
finds of the lty -.r the i.er1od. . ;?.j:t 1
to March . Ij.-i)oi1 hy City I'Urlt Hfni
that at the former cste there aa
vaiieble 44. The U.jnwf unex-
I'lM to July 1 tart ar.d which were!
placed tu the rdit of the tnterert and
.: 12.
Collections hy th. clt.. treasurer
making a toul t fjv if 93.
Th stre-H repair f ind Ip now alrtot ex
hausted. 'ii! IV. '4 remaining to Ha cr1lt
but this f may
arn..i!E th fsndMatea to he rwetved will
be the aife .f t.rajid I'atron Smith.
H M Alfre.ia I'tweU will deliver the ad
d .se this a!iern" n at 4 o 1 io k. at the
hi'Hren a Hi.t.r for the rhiMrn nt HI
t acy time hae its 1 MHrtn 1 rhurc h- Her aubW-t will be "Two
reaources Incr-ase.J l,n the money levied Ch iOis
by the tr.ur.ty for road improvement Inr- "a;ta:n Kisfeidtr left last night for Ft. in. The c-itv re lve a rrrtan '"Ph. Mo. to l.rin to South Omaha M
, .. .. t. , w I'reston. who ia heid there on the charge of
proportion ,.f th,. rim. Two other fun la hjlvI,K. a OQ Bj,ck
ra also aptroac;ilr.g the limit of expendl- o leary.
tir with no inmexliate lve of re;..enlh- William I Cuske t.f Atlantic. Ia.. was
nient. Theae are the fire and poilre married Thuradav afternoon hv Kev. Vr.
The uner.derf balance In th f..rmr . V.h,""rr '- N'ret-.nth Dd O .reet to
s-c , .. ,. MR Mary Ra worth of this city. The
t..s7. and In the other ,. Some tvupl. mlll re8lJ. Atiaiulc.
montha ago to tile over the lmtnd-. fl- ' Mr SflJ Mrg Tfun, were ,rprM tne
tiancial difficulty tha Fire and Pnic-e boarlj other e.ening hy a large numir of their
put the men of the to d"i artTiients on n j 1 '"-ns at their home )C2 North Twenty-
I nun street. ma evening wan apent witn
iuieK- aiid taiiK-c and ail bad a bieaaast
enforced vacation lift.
Apj-ended l the detailed itatement
the various funds:
Fun da.
Fire ..
Public light
Htreet repair
Inter eat and sinking.
Street cleanmg
Recelpts. merts
. 4(M 47
. sf .r. :.i
. 41
. 14 .r f-4
. U.447
4 4S S
. K.rj is
4 4. S7
W J. "ardner died yesterday afternoon
at his home. JIS H street, aged M years.
He is survived by his widow and severl
t 14 "r S4 , children. The funeral will he held Sunday
11. "77 4 ' at in a. m. from the residence to Laurel
1' r-wl Hill cemetery. Kev. Lr. Wheeler will of
31 'xt ; fx late
? PolKa Xen'mlsslon Ryan has effected a
facial tranf'vrmatt..n. H:s upper lip Is no
1 1 ! longer aiorne4 vlth I f ri..m-tn KiMitt
- 112 1 ' rin'". hut although he may lose his
, r? identity In th dark that metTy twinkle of
ir-'tl,n betray him even though the
C2S106M ! ? T7
s ti.:
Grand totali C2S.1".
ttavarrel la Bewewed.
As tha result of a quarrel growing; out
at Jealouiy. John C. Moberly. a negro,
ahot LotUa fnce through tha left breast
at her home. Ml M street, at 11 o'clock
Raturday moraine The pair had been
brought in to tha South Omaha police sta
tion following a prcvloua quarrel, tn which
the woman is said to lave tried to shoot
Moberly. and were discharged when it ap
peared they had aettled their difficulties.
Upon reaching the Plica woman's home
the couple engaged In a second quarrel
The woman fled from Moberly. around the
building. As she waa coming Into the
front yard he met her and sent the bullet
from a thirty-two Colt's revolver through
her breajtt. It la not known how seriously
the woman was injured. Moberly is under
la spec t Mavaaaa Park.
Mayor Tralnor. with four mem srs of
the dtr council, thro members of the
ark Board and City Engineer Roberta,
yesterday mada ao inspection of Mandan
park, pursuant to the order of the coun
cil last Monday night. Tha park board
then asked tha council that K.OuO of the
IIS.OO bond Issue should b expended in
buying a tract of land to give tha park
aa entrance from the boulevard and It was
with a triew to seeing If this waa the beat
method to pursue that the Inspection was
mada. A report will be made to the coun
cil at its next meeting.
Bar Ladles la the City.
The police are investigating threw burg-i
la riea which occurred Thursday Bight- The
grocery store of Xaura . Nut era. Twenti
es vent h and T streets, waa robbed of 17
In cash, three pair of eboea and other
email articles. Flnkel & Sons, grocers,
Twtnty-aeyenth and I streets, lost 11 a to
cash aa wall as a lot of chewing and imok
lug tobapco and another grocer. Fred
Wiilhun. Twenty-seventh and (J streets,
was robbed of cents in pennies and some
cigars and tobacco. An attempt was also
made upon the score of Fred Enter. Twenty-fourth
and J streeta Last night the
house of Mr. Nash. 1601 Archer avenue,
waa entered by tblevea.
Basket Ball Games.
The South Omaha Toung Men's Christian
association basket ball team will play the
Squabs of the Omaha association this
evenlcr at I o'clock la the Toung Wen s
CT.rUtlan association gymaaeram. In the
preliminary tbe freahmen of the South
Omaha High school will have as their op
ponents the Walnut Hill Ova
taarrk Xatlce.
First Presbyterian. Twenty-third and J
Street. Rev. L)r. Wheeler, pastor. Bible
school at 116. "in charge of Perry M.
Wheeler. E. M. Rohrbough and Mra Wil
liam Barclay. Topic, 'EUaha the Healer."
At the 11 o'clock service Mr. Parsons, stats
secretary of tha Young Men's Christian as
sociation of Iowa, will talk on The Boy
Problerot." E. F". Pimpaoa. secretary of
the South Omaha association, and Truant
Officer Paul McAuley will have charge of
the services. Chriatlan Endeavor at (:3R:
topic. "First Ala tor me lemptea. miss,
Mary Lewta. leader. At T:J Rev. Dr. '
Wheeler will apeak on "The Parent Prob
lem." The volunteer choir will sing under
the direct on of Mrs. Anna Brstton I
tt. Martin's Episcopal, Twenl -fourth and
J street. R-v. Alfred G. White, recor.
Holy corrmun;on at I. SunJav school st
Prayer -and aermon at 11; topic. "The f"ign
Through th Cloud." At T19. prayer and
addreaa t Rev. C. C. Roliitt of Minne
apolis, secretary of th aixth missionary
dersrtraent Tuesday at 7 li p. m.. adults'
ropftrmation claea Thursday at 4 p. m..
children's confirmation cUsa Friday at
T S8 p. m.. piavrr and sermon; topic f ";iad
eea" Clioir practice afterwards. Satur
day afternoon. Match IV at 4 o'clock, th
children's hour st-ri ice and aJJress on "A
True Woman "
jj. i.eireeit's Fpiacotial. Twent v-ninth
and 8 streeta. W. L. Culled, lay reader.
Sunday school at 1 Prayer and sermon
st 11; surged. "Persistent Prayer."
tt . Kdman a episcopal. Tamty-anth
and AJams streets Sunday school at 2.
Mr. Maraii of l.incu'n. gen rai -cretary
af the Tourg Men's Chnstisn c relation,
will adorew the congregation if the Flrat
Methochst ch..ich at 1! a m in Odd Fel
lowa' ha'.l w.ii be r.j evening
service. Sunday school at i. The Ep
wortb league will meei in Bra- chapel
fuaday evet.lng st 7 o'clock.
First Chrtatian rhjrch. Tenty-third and
I atreeta Rv. E A Jor lan. pat r. Bible
school at 11 ri. Preaching aervtre at 11
a m. Subject ft ser.r.on. "Man a rjesuny."
Chrlstisn Eudescir society 11 I i
Mlaa Mary Routt, leader. Pre-ac
loe at 7 9 p m. Subjec t of sermon. "The
City of God " The evening service will be
evangelistic. Frajer mtinf and training
for services Wednesday eenlng at
8t Iuke s Lutheran church. Twenty
fiflhaod K streets. Rev. S. H. Terlaa.
pastor. 1 n-s petng ins eeaicaiion 01 tr
csr churth. tianoua miauitera will be pres
enl. Rev. L. Grh, U. D , of Omaha and
Rev. li. Lw Vargrr of Atc hUKiaw a-an . will
apeak at tbe lla m. acrlc and Reta M.
M;ick of Omaha and U P. LuJjen of
Lincoln at the aerl.- at t p. tn. A fra
ternal service will be held at J.J' a. m. It
will be led by Rav. I M. kuhna. secre
tary ef the Iuther league of America.
AdJraseaa will be made by pastors of
(jmalia aad South Omaha rongreaatioaa
Tba choir of 6 Mark L.uU.eraa church
light be only that of a farthln' d.p. other
wise a candle or the prohtstoric age.
W. 8. Derbyshire, an old time letter
carrier oa route ( in the north end of the
city has been the recipient from the people
of that locality of an elegant g"!d watch
in rer-ogiltion of his proverbial courtesy
snd attention to his duties. The occasion
of Mr. Wrhyshlre s transfer on promotion
to the stork yards district waa taken ad
vantage of to give him this mark of his
former patrons' appreciation. He has been
for some fifteen years connected with the
postal rvice.
Present Men Have No
Chance, Says Wallace
Iowa Editor Sayi the Deadlock Can
not Be Broken -by Candidates
ai Named.
"Unless they get a new msn. the Iowa
senatorial situation Is going to end In a y-aeaied, air-tight and jimmy
proof deadlock," comments Henry Wallace,
who rams here from tr Moines to attend
the Touag Men'a Christian association
banquet "And tt does rot appear that
they will get that new man.
"This seems to be satisfactory to Colonel
Lafayette Toung. He does nt want any
body to be elected, since it has been shown
that he haa no chances. He would prefer
to wait and run. the chances of being
elected t the senatorship by direct pri
mary vota. That Is what he is pulling fjr
Telle Tkrat There la aa Opparlaalty
' Today for Every l'aawar
Friday evening's session of th Nebraska
Toung Men's Christian association waa
held tn the First Presbyterian church, with
John Timothy Stone. L. D., as the princi
pal speaker.
He gave an absorbing talk on "The Op-'
portunlty of Today," pointing out to men
the things within reach of all. which, if
embraced. Lead to pure Christian lives.
The ohurch was well fiUed with out-of-town
delegates. The early part of the
evening was given, over to convention work,
reports from a number of conferences hav
ing bee submitted. II. H. Baldrige pre
sided at tha session. There was a song
service. Including numbers by the Young
Men's Christian Association Glee club un
der th direction L G. Krats.
In pointing out the opportunities for men
to become Christians P-ev. Mr. Stone began
with Christ and the Apostles to illustrate
how It la possible to organise a few men
to spread the word of God. Likewise, h
said, in atrong men of today should ex
ert "ther Influence in apreading the Christ
ideal among men. The greatest opportun
ity he said was prayer. A few- minutes
spent to prayer each day will make the
life of every supplicant pure.
WASHINGTON. March 11 -It waa an-noiin-d
at the V ar iKtvr-ment that Die
following offlrer of the army will he pro
moted lmm-d.ately. under the provision for
"re-a rangenv at of larks' of the army
sppropriatlon act. approved Msrch I. 111:
To be Colonels of Ca airy '"harles II.
W'atts. Xoel II. Bishop. Fran A. Edwards.
Frederick W. Si!. ley and Kdwtn B Andrus.
To Be lieutenant Colonels of Cavalry
Hish L. Scott. Lloyd S. M-.-Cormick. Ho
ratio n. Picket. Herbert J Sloetim. Wil
liam J. Nicholson. Edwin JV Brewer. Fred
W. Foster. Augustus P. Hlocksom. Jacob
Q. Gslhreath. Henry J. Goldrrmn. William
C. Brown. Henry I. Ripley. James B. F.r
wln. George H. Morgan and Joseph A.
To Be Colonel of Field Artillery Eli D.
Hov le.
To Be lieutenant Colonel of Field Ar
ti;ieryF.dard A Millar.
To Be Colonel in the Coast Artillery
Corps WilHam C. Rafferty.
To Be Lieutenant Colonels In the Coast
Artillery Corps-Ira A. Hayncs, Willoughby
Waike and Isaac N. Iewts
To Be Colonels of Infantry William Las
slter, George R. Cecil. George S. Tounjs.
William A. Msnn. William C. Butler. Rob
ert C. Van Vllet and Alexis R. Taxton.
To Be Liebtenant Colonels of Infantry
William P. Pendleton. Charles R Noyee,
Chsrles M. Truitt. John S. Parke. Ianlel
Lc Howell. Willis T. May. Joseph M. T.
Partello. Samuel W. Punning. Harris L
Roberts, George Bell. Jr.. Lawrence J.
Hearn. Frank R. McCoy. John H. Beacon.
Walter K. Wright and Richard Blalchford.
The nay's Army Orders.
Army orders issued today are as follows;
Captain Moor N. Falls. Twenty-eighth
inlarury. ia detailed aa acting quarter
master arid will remain on duty at Hono
lulu untu further orders.
Lieutenant Peake will report not later
than April lu to commanding general
t-buippinea division for temporary duty
upon completion thereof wul join hl
Lieutenant Boettcher will report not later
than April le to commanding officer at
Fort Wane. Mich., for temporary duty
upon completion thereof will proceed to
San Francisco for duty pending the sailing
of transport for Philippine when he will
proceed to loin his regiment.
Lieutenant Ulliem wul report not later
than April M to commanding officer at
Fort Oglethorpe for temporary duty upon
completion thereof will proceed to I residlo
of Monterey for duty pending arrival of
the Twelfth infantry.
The following named pfflcera cf the
medical reserve corps will proceed without
delsy to Newport News and report to the
medical superintendent for duty: First
lieutenants Thomas C. Walker, Fred T.
Koyle and Henry W. Elliott.
Following named officers will proceed
without deisy to San Antonio for duty with
Company L. signal corps: Captain George
S. Uibba. signal corps; First Lieutenant
George C. Marshall, jr.. Twenty-fourth Infantry-.
By direction of the president. First
Lieutenant George W. I'aywaJt, medical
reserve corps, la honorably discharged from
the service his services being no longer
The following transfers of officers of the
Coast Artillery corps are ordered: Captain
Edwin O. Sarratt from the Thirty-fifth
company to th one Hundred and Eight
eenth company. Captain Eliaha J. Abuott
from the One Hundred and Eighteenth
company to the Thirty-fifth company. Cap
tain R. H. Williams from the One Hundred
and Sixty-sixth company to th Sixty-ninth
Captain Clifton C. Carter. Coast Artillery
corps, is detailed as a member of th gen
eral staff corps, effective March la, vice
Captain Joseph P. Tracy, general staff
who ia relieved. Warren C. Ba h late cap
lain of the Eleventh Infantry, having been
appointed captain of infantry by an act
of congress. Is by direct loa of the president
placed on the retired list.
By direction of the president. Lieutenant
Coionel Robert F. Ames. Twelfth Infantry,
upon his own application Is retired from
active service
Captain John H. Hughes, commissary.
win proceeo 10 uaivesion and report to
Captain Julius N. Kllian lor temporary
a uiy.
Lleateaants Assigned.
Tb following named second lieutenants
appointed are assigned to regiments as ;n
dlcated after their respective names:
Frederick H I"almer, Twentieth Infantrv
Stanley . Wood. Seventh Infantry; Alex
ander Wilson. Fourth infantrv: Xavter v
Blauvelt. Seventh infantry; F. D, Lackland. '
Eleventh Infantry, Mason W. Gray. ,r
Tenth Infantry; Jos Andreas. Twenty-second
Infantry; A. 8. Peake, Sixth infantry;
l'toyd Oarlock, Thirteenth Infantry; Cuah
maa Hartwell, Twenty-second Infantry; A
fooetcher. Sixth infantry; ti. Francia Rigga!
Eighth infantry; Horace T. Appllngt jn,
Tweoty-aecond infantry; Henry B. Poai.
Twenty-fifth infantry: Fred U. Walker
Thirteenth infantry; Alvan C. Glllem. jr..
Twelfth infantry; Rapp Bruah. Eighth In
fantry; John O. K. Taussig. Seventh in
fantry; Bert M. Atkinson. Twenty-ninth In
fsntry; Edward G. McCormick, Twenty
fourth Infantry.
Lieutenant Palmer will report not later
than April 10 to commanding officer Fort
- - X 5, A
For just a single clay Monday we
shall sell rugs from our overstocked lines
at prices that are little better than the
mills ask. We need more room in our
new rug department on the third floor, so
called on bottom prices to reduce the big
lines. No arguments are needed to sell
these rugs (view some of them in our
south window); the prices alone are won
derful enough inducements. Many of the
best rugs in the store were sent down for
the next-to-cost markings, and go on sale
at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Included
in these sensational offerings are Lanark
wool fibre, Karabaugh and Kashmir lines.
They are in the best
and will fit any sized
with the surroundings.
There never was a sale just like this
at just this time of year.
Remember! Good furniture may be cheap,
but "ci4tap" furniture cannot be good
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Company
colors and shades,
room, harmonizing-
Established 18S4
413-418-417 South 16th St.
Sheridan far temporary duty upon compls- ;
tion thereof wil proceed to Fort Douglas
for duty pending the arrival of the Twen
tieth Infantry.
Lieutenant Wood will report not later
than April 10 to the commanding officer. 1
Fort Jay. for temporary duty, upon torn
pletition thereof will proceed to Fort Leav
enworth for duty pending tbe arrival cf the i
Seventh infantry. j
Lieutenant Wilson will report not later
than April 10 to commanding officer Fort
Meyer for temporary duty, upon completion!
thereof will proceed to join the company
to w hich he may lw axsiCTied- I
Lieutenant Blauvelt wl.l reort not later 1 P
than April M to commanding officer. Wash- I
Meyer for temporary' d Jtv. upon completion
thereof will proceed to Fort Leavenworth I
for duty, pending the arrival of the Sev-
enth infantry-
Lieutenant Lackland will report not later! P"-
than April 10 to commanding officer. Fort I
Meyer, for temporary duty, upon comple-1
tion thereof will proceed to Join bis resi- I
ment. j
Lieutenant Gray will report not later than j
April 1 to comanding offlrer. Fort Wayne. '
Mich.. fir tetni-orary duty, upon comule- 1
tion thereof will proceed to Join his rei
ment. Ueutenant Garlock will report not later
than April 10 to commanding officer Co
lumbus Barracks, for temporary duty, upon
completion thereof will proceed to join his
Lieutenant Hartwell will report not la'er
than April 1 to the commanding officer.
Fort I'upout. for temporary duty, upon
completion thereof will Join hla reifiment.
Lieutenant Rigs will report not 'at?r
than April 50 to comamndlng officer. Wash
ington Barracks, for temporary duty, upon
completion thereof will Join hla regiment.
lieutenant Appllngton will report not
later than April 10 to commanding officer.
Fort Jay. for temporary duty, upon com
pletion thereof will Join his regiment.
Lieutenant Post will rervort not law
than April 10 to the commanding officer
I Mass Meetings for Men
Tonight at 7:30
Addressed by Y. M. C. A. Convention Speakers
At First M. E. Church, Plymouth Congregational, Hanscom Park M. E., Walnut Hill
M. E., Hirst Memorial M. E., Castellar Presbyterian, Dundee Presbyterian, Odd Fellows
Hall, Benson, and Florence Presbyterian.
Heelings for Vomen, Conducted by Y. XI. C. A.
Lowe Ave. Presbyterian, Harford Memorial United Brethren, First Congregational,
Westminster Presbyterian, Grace Baptist, Tearl Memorial M. E.
aaaasswa aa aiaw in n
Fort Jay. for temporary duty, upon com
rletion thereof, will Join his company.
Lieutenant Walker will report not later
than April 10 to tha commanding officer.
Columbus Barracks, for temporary duiv,
upon completion thereof will join his regiment.
Lieutenant riruen win report in person
ferson Barracks for temporary duty, upon! Howard of the Gayety; Nellie Penrose of
completion thereof will proceed to tort' the Krug. tfallle Powder and Bert Chap-
enlnianfo? 1''UD f egor
Lieutenant Atkinson will report not latr' monv ethers.
than April 10 to commanding officer. Fort
Mci berson. for temporary duty, uuia com
pletion thereof will proceed to join the com-'
not later than April 10 to the commanding pany to w hich he may be asairned
officer. Columbus Barracks, for temporary Lieutenant McCormick will report by
duty upon completion thereof will join Lia telegraph to his regimental commander fr
itKlmrnt. assignment to a company ana station, and
Lieutenant Taussig will report not later
than April 10 to commanding officer. Jef-
Officers of the Nebraska Retailers' Association
Should Never lie Krmored With Pois
onous, Pasty Compounds Itwause
They Are Iranse-ruus and
lnrrvavte the Growth.
Tha preparations above refered to ara
invariably In the form of creamy paatea.
Major Lloyd B. McCormick. inspector gen- These are eaaily rcogniid by their pal
will report not later than April 10 to the
commanding officer at Wasnington Bar
racks for temporary duty. L'poa comple
tion thereof he will join th company to
UWhicn he may he aac.gL.ed.
Major liln avcaaey.
Major George W. Read. Eighth cavalry,
is Get ailed for servlc ana to ml a vacancy
in trie inspector general a depart meoc. vice
p. ra ;
.hing eerv-
1 " ? .
' i
N l
4 .'
. V :
- x
I erai,
Major Read will report to tbe command
ing aeneral of the Pnilippines division lor
aincueiu to duty.
captain Howard C. Price, Fifth infantry,
at h.s own request, ia relieved frum duty
at Girard college. Philadelphia, eflecuve
jj 1. and win then piocwa to Join ms
grayish-green color. They ar to ca
spread upon the skin to remain until thsy
are dry. These contain Sulphide of Bari
um, an insoluble chemical, which cannot
be dissolved, therefore cannot t abaorood
ty tiie skin. The very lad that you ara
toid to ieav tlieae paaty coinpoauds on
Uie skin until tney dry and ' aae and then
board of officers is appointed to meet urt otf with a knife is proof positive trial
at lh. cail of tr.a tirew..t i hereof a: toev are not absorbeo. it cuey are w
Washington U. f . n.r tha examination '. !.. they still remain on the sktnT
of aufh of f w.r a mac- a r.!.rt 1 mull ti-ey can possibly do Ls to remoA
It to determine tiKir f.tnesa lor promotion
as follows: r.r:giaier General Rohert K
Lvaus, U ri. a.. Major Cnaries H. Keyn
olds. medical corps. Major Ldmund Witurn
m er. infantry , unaaaigned. Captain M. J.
Ltxlhan. Twenty-fifth infantry : Captain A.
G Love, medical corps, and captains
Pter C. Harris. William B. Graves and
JcMM-ph D. I-eluh. general staff, infantry,
will report in person to Brigadier General
Robert K. L.ans, IT. a. A., prc.idcct of
tha examining board, at Washington, al
each time as they may be re4ulrKi by the
board for examination for promotion.
Tbe following named off cere of the medi
cal corps will proceed without delsy to
Galvevtm for duty at the field honpltal to
be organised at that place: Major Louis
T. Heaa. Captain Frank XV. Weed and Firt
Lieutenants John A. Burket and Owen C.
Major Edward A. Kreger. Judge advocate,
la granted ten das leave of absence.
From I -eft to Right-FTed I 'itrt, PreatdaaU; Henry Bolton, Vic Fit aid tut; W. H
GaUiogiy, tiecuiiv CumntlUe.
Avery. Secretary; M. A. H usee tier. Treasurer; L. F. Laxghorst. V. IeWeberj J. M.
Theatrical Brtkrrk4 Holda Flrat
Mcetlaa at ecras Theater la Hear
frwsa Orgaalaer Fleder.
Th first ' hamper cf th Whit Rats."
a theatrical brotherhood, waa heid last
night at the Krug theater. It waa th
first assembly of Its kind among theatri
cal people ever heid la Omaha.
Am bark AH got permission front the
headquarters of tha Whits Hats In Chicago
to hold th meeting. Mr. AH called the
meeting to order and Introduced Henry P.
Nelson, who presided.
The principal speech of th evening was
mad hy Organiser Charles IL Fieder of
the American Federation of Labor, wh
lucid a tad th purpose of tha organisation
of th Wlt Rata.
Following th speaking, a banquet upon
th Krug stage was held, and tha even,
ing s entertainment was brought to a close
by stunts put an by various players at
tb local theatara this week. Thosa who
participated In th entertainment were
W1.11jb Mossy ef tha Krug aad Charles
the Surfaca nair, wnicn in ohubwiwh.
will appear stronger and thicker allei
each removal-
1 her Is only one logical and aoientiflo
wsy to remove hair and that by nioata'.
of a liquid containing soluble ingreaiu.
which can be abaeurbed by u sata. 1
Miracle, known ail the world ower aa li e
only real superfluous hair ismover. la
Just such a preparation. It ls easily and
quickly abaoroed and after yoa have use.1
It you will not mere ia ij..iti;i" left oa
the aain. It leaves Uie skin tie from ir
ritation and what ls wore li th point. It
is absolutely non-poisonous, therefor it
wiii not produc actcma or blood poison
ing. Remember, no matter what claims
are made to tha contrary, no poisonous,
paaty compound or so-caned "liquid cure"
eter aid or ever will destroy a single hair
root and we can prov it.
Th extravagant, laima recently mad
ly unscrupuloua manuacturera of hair
rarnovera la sensatlotiai advertisements
unuueetlonably Justify physicians In cau
tioning the public aaainat tu ua of this
ciaas of depiialorieac How many people
have been enticed Into using tries dan
gerous preparationa with coijtequent in
jury to tiiemeeives cannot ba estimated,
but only gueaaed at; tnarefore. bo v. are of
faae free advertisers and oU.ern. who by
wotdiiig cf tnetr advertisements, try ti
give the impression that neKia.pers and
other reputable publication endorae their
worthies preparaliona. Lon't be decalva-t
worthiesa preparaliona Lunt t da
celv by tbeiu. L Miracle la the obiy
preparation which la so endorsed
Ie Miracle la Bold at all good stores.
No honean dealer will offer you a aub
stltul on which h makes mur profit.
XX will send you a i!-pag booklet con
taining full information concerning this
remarkable treatment, aa well aa teat l
luonia.s of prominent physicians, aur-ge-Jtia.
dermatologlsta. medical Journal
and th principal maa-azi'tea and - nawa-
Japera You ahould ra-l ihia booklet ba
ore you try acytblng Writ th I Mir
acle Chemical Co., lept. K-14. lui park
Ave.. New York, almpiy Sayuvg you want
this booklet, acid it will b mailed, aead
at one.
Tote All readers of this paper who ar
af facte with awperfloua hair growtaa
ar stroagly adeised ta write for Lulo nas
ties eeaberaiag uaa weadartaj aarthira.
which is eadsrsed to wcria over by emi
asst autkenttea aae saaa a Ui e
leag ta at UUa nkje,