( i i i ; xi St A i (A ;,V1 ). Y"7i. ; MA K ' rTn . I r Till OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: MAKCII 1i "' VM. V Our New Spring Catalogue of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments. will H'H.n le re-idy ami will ho font fire to out-of-tow n ciistomei u.mn tcpiest Sni'l fur ii iin. aglrfc-i'iii ii mi mm A9c 35c Embroider Flouncings A beautiful iipw line of patterns In lN-inrh floum lugs and corset rover embroidery, swIss and nainsook, regular values to 35c jard on sale at, yard . . . . .) Loom End Embroideries Two w ra-cs of ii and i-yard Strip of liiiibrol lories, IMkch nml Inserl Ings, regul.ir values to L'Oo hi, per yard Be, 7'io and lOo New Matched Sets Narrow ii rnl medium widths Kmhrold erles, Kdgc anil InscrtinKs, In match yets; floral Hinl eyelet tle slns; on mile at. per' ynril 10c, 12,c 15c and 18c High Grade Wash Goods See Our Sixteenth Street Window All the new Ilordered Wash Goods, all the new Foreign and Domestic Hatistes, all the new Irish Dimities, all the novelties In Silk Warp Wash Goods at very low prices Monday. . ' Fee our Irish Linen, finiFhed printed Wash Fabrics, looks like genuine Handkerchief Linen, round thread and the newrst of All, at ... . See our line of printed Marquisette, the finest French Patterns, ab solutely fast colors, beautiful cloth, worth 50c, at U9k Wash Goods in Domestic Room All new up-to-date patterns underprlced for Monday's selling. A. F. C. (ilnghams Toil du N'ord Ginghams. ... ,0 Harnaby Ginghams 12H Domestic Ginghams MH? Nurses' Stripes T Apron Checks 5 Taclfic Batiste, 124c grade, at, only 10 10c grade Batiste Remnants of Batiste 18c Foulards 10 A great variety of Wash Goods, up to 12 He, at 2 5c Abberfoyle 12Js WHITK tiOODS. 18c Swisses 12'i 15c Swisses -. . . . 25c White Stripes 25c White Cheeks 100 ISc Long Cloths 12 H 15c Long Cloths 10? 15c Long India Linen 10 18c Long India Linen .... 12 H 12V4c Linen Crash IOC 15c Linen Crash 12 -4 2 0c Llnert Crash 15 n if, - 'M h p 1. . . "THE I I hruABLC storm v J Exceptional Linen Values Monday 72-Inch Crass Hleached Satin la mask Heavy and Rood for wear, good values at $1.25. per yard. tl.OO 24-ineli ldnner Napkins to Mulch Above Damask Assorted patterns, good value at $5.0(1, per dozen, 13.98 l'ure Linen, Cnhemtned l'attern Talile Cloths Size SxlO, German sliver bleached, worth $4.00, each 83.35 Pure Linen. Hemmed l'attern Table Cloths Full bleached German manufacture, worth $3 50. each $1.98 rure Linen. Dinner Napkins German silver bleached, assorted designs, worth $3.75, per dozen $3.50 Kxtra Large Turkish Bath Towels Cream or snow white, heavy double thread, worth 3Dc. each 854 New Spring Silks Greatly Underprlced .lust what you want at Ilaytlen's is a im putation we've had for many years, one that this yoarV showing of tho now Silks certainly justifies. At 1.50 - We're showing a swell line of Silk Poplins, 4J inches wide, in hoth plain and jactpiard weaves, a beautiful fabric in ." different colors, uncrushable, wear guaran teedone of the most fashionable silks for the spring season 11)11. 42 and 36-inch Foulards In bordered effects, small figures and polka dots; so popular this season navy, brown, taupe, black ami white and white and black effects, etc -a magnificent showing and very special values at sale price, yard ; 89c and 1.50 XKW SIMMMJ LAUDS. Splendid purchase of 50 pieces, shower proof and water proof no two pieces alike small and medium figures, 85c and $1.00 values at I59 $1.00 SI'KING SILKS AT I He. Plain ntessalines and fancy silks of every description, 1ft inches and 27 Inches wide; poplins, taf fetas, check and stripe silks values to $1.00 yard on sale at 3S biH 48t? Ton Should Hse Onr Ufa; Special Catalog-ua of Rugs, Linoleums, Mattings, Etc., Etc. Yi n in M'lei t from It .lust as well ii- H vnii made a special trip to Omaha. W rite fur It to. lay. New Spring Laces and Dress Tiimmings I Mil yo.i see our bin special display last week." 1 lu.uli etls, thousands of Hie ladies of I 'luah't and vltlnlty did mid lt hemMes aie liie talk of Omaha Monday e "III nuike a special of fering of tho se ik hi s latest Imported WoTeltlss in tacts ana DrtM Trim mings show Inn the coiui'tiislton silk h ml cold, while and black beaded band', riboscne bands, while and cream fi'et bunds and edge. Don't mlu the sa't I i s an oppor tunity seldom if evci euualed. 80o Val. Laces Vlo A btp lot of line I'lench and Ger man Valenciennes and Mechlin ltces In matched sets, worth 20c, at 7c w ' tj Spring Millinery A display of the new style ideas that is bringing to us the greatest early spring business we ever knew. Authentic New Models Dif fering enough to make them dis tinctive, varied enough to insure satisfactory selection to the J most particular buyers. You'll Find, the Very Choicest of the Season's jj. Style Ideas Shown Here at J IN Less Price Than in Any V Other Store in the Land. See our display of Nobby New Turban Hat Effects, all millinery marked in plain figures. 1 In Our Famous Domestic Room Sheets, Sheetings, Muslins, Crash Towels, Toweling, Wash (ioods, AVhite Goods, Etc., the greatest line in the city. 9-4 Bleached Heavy Sheetings, at ....21 9-4 Unbleached Heavy Sheetings, at 19 9-4 Pepperal Genuine Art RIeached, at 22tt &-4 Lock wood, Genuine article, at 23 Buckhead, the heaviest unbleached muslin made, at 8 Norton's L L Heavy Brown.. ( 10 to 20s Heavy Brown 5 Satisfaction, 1 case of fine bleach ed yard wide muslin, at.... Gi ll Sheets 81x90, at. ; 7j $1 Sheets 72x90. at Sheets at 33. 38. 45. 50. 55 ' 'P- Towels 5. 8W. 10. 12 Ms 15 18 25 and up. 85c Sheets 81x90, at G8 86c Sheets 72x90, at 60 HEDSPRKADS All $2.50 Bedspreads, at. $1,75 All $2.25 Bed Spreads, at. $1.65 All $2.00 Bed Spreads, at.Jj51.4H All $1.60 Bed Spreads, at.Jj$1.23 All $1.25 Bed Spreads, at. . .fM All $1.00 Bed Spreads, at. . . 72 All 85c Bed Spreads, at....(J7 NAPKINS. All $1.50 Napkins, at 97 All $1.25 Napkins, at JS8 All $1.00 Napkins, at 73 TABLE CLOTHS All $2.00 Table Cloths, at. $1.48 All $1.75 Table Cloths at. S1.34 All $1.50 Table Cloths, at. $1.24 All $1.25 Table Cloths, at.. 97 All $1.00 Table Cloths, at.. 74 In Our China Dept. Soma Bnapa (or Monday Shopparai 8-inch Dinner l'lates Plain white, at, each 3c 5-incli Pie l'lates Plain white, at, each 52" 14-Inch Chop Platos Plain white, at, each ltc )m Saucers At, each ...2c 8-inch Vegetable Dishes At, each, only 10c Odd Saucer At, each 2c Odd Covered Dishes At, each. . .15c 1 Vint Kl'lk Fltohr Kach So X.srg' Whit Sugar Howls Kach..,.10o Thr Vint Bowls Kacli 70 Try HAYDEii'S First HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Spring necessitates at special prices: . Garden Rakes, at. . . .25 to 75 Garden Rakes, at . .25 to 75 24 Tooth Lawn Rake, at 25 12-Gallon Garbage Can, at...9 16-Gallon Garbage Can. at. $1.25 Flour Can, $1.00 size, at. .-. . . 75 Bread Box, at 49 Wilson Bread Toaster, at. . . . 15 Vrooman Sink Strainer, at... 10 20c Scrub Brush, at 10 3- Koot Step Ladder, at 39 4- Foot Step Ladder, at 4f)0 6-Foot Step' Ladder, at 59 6-Foot Step Ladder, at 69 SPF.CIAIi Today, Broom, regular 40c value, while they last. -25 Final Clearance Sale of Rugs From the Big Philadelphia Slock Purchase We make a clean sweep of all the stock Monday, they'll all move at these prices $18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, $13.98 i)-wire qual ity, !)xl2 size, seamless, great bargains, at 913.98 $r.O Wilton Velvet Hugs ;( 9x12 Size, extra fine quality, perfect beauties, at $39 1(1:10.00 Wilton Velvet Hugs $'2i.7S Splendid line of patterns In 9x12 size, remarkable bargain, at, only $23.75 $0.00 Art Squares at $:l.9H Fine patterns 9x12 size, the chance ot a lifetime, at only $3.98 China and Jap Matting Special, Rt, per yard. .35, 25. 20 Cocoa Mata At.QS. 79. 65 Curtains Kols At 10. 7WS 5 $30.00 Axminster Rugs, $19.98 Extra quality, 9x12 size, good range of patterns, at $19.98 10 Wire TaiOKtry HnisHelH Hugs $1.HH $27.50 value, 10-6x13-6, size, on sale choice, at. $19.98 925.00 Seamless Velvet Hugs $10.0S K.xtra heavy quality, the very choicest new patterns, at. ony 19.98 7-Wire Tapestry Brussels Hugs $9.08 Peabody price $13.50, these are 9x12 size; our sale price only $9.98 $18.00 Tapestry Brussels Hugs $13.08 10-wlre quality, seamless In 8-3x106 size, on sale Monday, your choice, at $13.98 In Our Big New Drapery Department On the Third Floor $7.50 l.ace Curtains $4.50 Brussels Net and Irish Point in a big assortment of patterns, worth up to $7.50, at. . .$4.50 $4.00 Novelty Curtains $!.8 Beautiful weaves, big assort ment, regular values to $4.00, In two lots, at. .$2.50. $2.98 $:l.75 Luce Curtains $d.DH Cable Nets, 54 Inches wide In while or ecru, dainty borders, great values for $2.98 96.60 Bop Fortiori, 94-SO Velvet hiiiI tapestrjr bands, nil colors iinrt styles, snap at.-. ... .93.95 and 94.60 $0.50 Taiwstry Port lets $1.05 Full size, all colors, neat bord ers, values up to $6.50, at, per pair $3.50 and $4.95 Tapestry Couch Covers $U.8 Rich dark reds and greens, new est styles, great values. .$2.98 Cheney Bros.' Drapery Silks Complete showing of the new spring patterns and colors, per yard $1, 75 and 49 Madras, Cretonnes, Swisses Of all descriptions at the very lowest prices. A Magnificent Showing of Dresses and Costumes During the past week extensive additions have been made to our stock of women's dresses, quick selling kinds, that win patronage and hold it. A display embracing in its scope all the most clever spring fashion ideas, eliminating only the extreme and impracticable features. Materials most in evidence are the popular wool ('bai lies, Marquisettes, crepe Meteors, crepe de chines, messalines, chiffon taffetas and nets in evening and dinner costumes, reception and dancing frocks, as well as street and walking dresses all of which carry price marks which make them doubly attractive. VM SVAL SHOWIMJ OF XKW SPH1XJ SI ITS. Unusual not only In point ol variety, of beautiful desiRn, but In point of high quality and low prices. We have bettered the assortments and qualities at every price, a thing w- felt last season would be im possible. The most desirable, exclusive lot of suits you'll find in Omaha. Si Tailored Suits $14.1M ladies who expect to pay $20.00 to $25.00 for the spring suit will find qual ity, style and workmanship fully up to expectations in this splendid lot $14.00 We want you to examine the quality of these splendid suits. Crown Jewel Suits $25.00 Are more beautiful, more popular than ever this season; we're proud of onr showing, and justly so, for we know they cannot be duplicated for less than $3 5.00 elsewhere at $25.00 'A? At $35.00 Y have opportunity for selection here from an array of the very choicest spring fashion Ideas In tailored suits, equaling In every respect the productions of the better class of custom tailors, except in the price, which is $20.00 to $;!0.00 less than the tailors' prices. Superb in fit, In fashion, in fabric, in finish. let us Bhow you the new spring styles. Little Women's afl Misses' Spring Tailored Suits Plain serges, Eng lish suedes and fancy mixtures made to sell to $20.00 on sale at, choice $12.50 New Spring Coat Styles Attractive new models in the full length, semi-fitting effects; French serges, black taffetas, novelty mixtures, etc. surprising values ' at.. $12.75, $15, $18.50, $20 lp An exceptional opportunity. Tailored Waists New spring styles values to $4.00, at $1.95 ladies' Kimonos Silk and wool albatross, values to $10.00 on sale at $3.95 L A11 8'zes, $1.50 values Corset Jackets at $5.08 A limited number of extra good corset jack ets in popular lengths, made to sell to $12.75; will go on sale Monday, choice . $5.98 Wash Dresses White and colors spring styles, values to $7.50 on sale at $2.95 Percale Wrappers nnd llnuw Dresses 95 The Best Selected Stock in Omaha Here For Selection You Can Save and Still be Certain of Absolute Satisfac- i tion H6re You may want a chair, a single piece, we will save you money. You may want to furnish complete, or only one room, the prices will mean a big saving. It costs you nothing to look and let us quote you prices. We have pleased others and know that we can please you. Have furnished complete this year, Hospitals, Public Buildings, Offices, Hotels and many homes because we gave better goods at less prices. HKRK'S SOMK TKMPT1NO SPKC1ALS FOR MONDAY'S SKI-LI.G. Solid Oak Arm Itocker Greatest snap ever, at $1.55 Solid Oak Dining Chair Never be fore equalled, at 75 Solid Oak Dining Table Houud top, 6-foot extension, at $9.85 See our big stock of Folding and Collnpsible BABY JO CA11TS You'll find just what you want at less price. $5.00 Combination Felt Mattress 45 lb Monday, at $4 Bed Davenport Full size, Boston leather upholstered, on sale Mon day, at $17.50 $10.00 Felt Mattress 4 5 lb., on sale Monday, at $0.75 Cotton Top Mattresses Full size, Monday, at $2.19 Bed Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases IN OU HIGH OBADE Large Size, Uxl, Scolloped Bed SpreailH Imported Marseilles, as sorted pattertiH, worth Jil.uO; .Mon day . each $4.50 Heavy Knotted P'rlnned Hed Kjireiids Full size, i-ut corners, worth $3.75: Monday, each $a.36 Hemmed Crochet Hed Spreads l-'ull .si ;-.(.', worth 'i-.'JH; Monday, each $1.98 HAYDKX S MAKFt TDK (juockhy pkicks that kf.f.p down cost of i.ivim;. Don't throw your money away when you can save from 20 to 50 per cent by trading- at Haydeu's. 21 IIih. hcKt Granulated HiiRiir. . . Sl-00 10 bars liiimoml (', lieat-'Km-AII or Lenox Soap for 25n Large bottle Assorted Pickles, Worces ter .Sauce or Pure Tomato L'ataup at, per hot tie SVfcc liromannelii-i, Jellycon or Jeil-O, per package 7l2C 20-oz. bottle fancy (Jiiecn Hives .. 2Sc 4 pkKS. Diamond t' ,i;ice Moat . . . . 2rc Condensed Milk. ! er can TVsc EOQ3, DUTIIK AND CHEESE PBICES ARE DOWN The finest Kitsli Kkk. nothing better per dozen IJ'4i! l-'iill Cifram Cheese, per Mi 15c Full Cream Itrlck Cheese, per lb...lfic Fancy New York White Cheese, lb, 1 He Fancy W isconsin Cream Cheese. . 1 Hi; (Jood Dairy Putter, lb 1 Kc Fancy Country Poll Putter 21c Pevular 6Uc Popular 4"c Pi'KUlar Mile PtRular 2."c sl.e, size, size, size. per per per per dozen . . . dozen . . . dozen . . . LINEN DEPARTMENT Mixed Cotton Ped Sheets Slightly mussed, size xlxUQ and 72x!iO, north fully $1.00; Monday, each 750 Full Size. flxU, Ped Sheets Heavy and durable, worth $1.25; Specinl Monday, each 83o Pillow Cases, full size, hemstitched, worth 30c, Monday, each 180 THK Fancy No. 1 Creamery Putter 25o J'eaniit Putter. In hulk, lb I 15c HIGHLAND NAVEL ORANOES CHEAPER THAN APPLES . . 30c . L'Sc .20c . I oc NO LONGER A LU3CURT Hayden's made It posslhle for e'ery loily to eat fresh vesetablea the year 'round. Fresh Wax or tlieeii Peana, lb 1 Oe Flesh Spinach, per peck..... 20c Fresh Peels, Carols. Turnips Kadlshe or Slialnts, .1 hunches lor 10c Two hunches Fresh larsle 5c, Fresh CahbaKe, per lb 1 Wo Fancy Jersey Sweet I'otatoes, 3 lbs 10c Try ISAYDEiJ'S First j PROPER PAY FOR PREACHERS Resignation of Sr. Aked Brings on a Discussion. FEW YORK PAYS HIGH SALARIES Rev. Dvld 'lle Says Minister Are Called for Heavy Kspeadl- tarea In Harare Clllra for Mlir Pirpuin. BY P V. FHANCIS. NEW YORK, March 11. (Special to The Pee.) The recent callinK of the Rev. Dr. Tr. Jewett to the Fifth Avenue Presbyter ian church In New York, and the fact that Jlev. Dr. Aked of Uie Fifth Avenue Paptist :hurch ha resinned to accept a call to a fan Francisco Congrenatlonal church, des pite the fact thot he recently received a (2.0UO raise in salary, has started a rat her lntereetlnn dlacusulon as to the proper j pay for preachers. j New York la a city of hish salaried1 preachers, salaries of from $..M) to l..(w are by no means uncommon in the city. The majority of churchmen do not believe these salaries are excessive. Rev. Dr. David Wylie. pastor of the Scotch Presby terian church, fairly expressed the opinion cf this majority in an Interview in which he says: "Few persons lealue the necessary ex penses of a minister In this uroat city, an t the constant calls that are made upon him for sifts and subscriptions. These calU are often of a personal nature and simply cannot be declined. To nie It is a modvrn miracle that most of our ministers are able to live comfortably and at the same time make provision for the future. Indeed, it is a hard fact that manv of them are not able to do so even iih strict economy. Called Om for Uauy eases, "It is known to every one that New York la an expensive pla-e tn which to live. One clergnian told im some time ago that he as abla to IKe littler and to save more money on a salary of l.v In a New KnK land purish than on $4 im) in New Yor, and another minister quite sarpilml me by falna one day that he aus better off on a $VO00 salary In another tlty than on $iOui in New York." "There are f-w thin uhlch more clearly khos Ihe gradual eiolmlin of the fhureh n different standatds man this qurstln of salaries," remarked one of those who regard it as a siKn of the commercializa tion of tho church. "I was reading the other day the autobiography of that splen did old frontier preacher, Rev. Peter Cart wright, lie tells oX one circuit where he had frequently to ride forty or fifty miles from one appointment to another, through virgin forests, fording deep streams, sleep ing frequently in the open, preaching and traveling without rest or lete up; his only vacation the annual conference and casu ally remarks after the description ot a year of such work that his salary that year was something less than $!). "Conditions, of course, were different in those days, but I question if the Chris tianity taught and lived by Cartwright was any less virile and effective than that taught and lived by any of these $10,000 or $15,000 a year dominies. , "There are higher examples yet. hat the Master sent forth . his disciples to prtaih the nosel he gave these Instruc tions; Trovlde neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor sci Ipt for our journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves.' And 'the Son of Man' had not a place to lay his head." Different times; dlllerent customs,' is as true of the church us if other things, but one may be purdoncl it he doubts the new customs, so far as th- hun h is ton ceil ed are an Improvement. "There ere two great t. wiles of Chris tians who di not pay great salaries, the Salvation Army and the. Ciitholic rhutvh. and et their minlsttra do effective work." Old Trinity Well Attended. Kven Wall street l not entirely gl.'en over to th? Worship of Ihe admlghty dol lar. The record of attendance at the neon day services in "Did Trinity church," which la kept with great care from year to ye-tr. shows that during Lent and including Easter day of last year the service was attended by a little more than 11 000 people, an average of more than 1 O00 at each ser vice. The usual Monday l-enten services for business people at Trinity commenced March 1 and will be held every day but Saturday throughout Lent. The Pt. Il-v. Frederick Pargess. D. D.. Id-hop of l.a.ig Island. ii the first preacher. He preached from Ash Wednesday. March 1. to Friday. Inclusive. The same plan, having one preacher for the ntlre week, which wss inaugurated last ear. will be followed again in this Lenten season. The preachers u ho ton-e after Plshop purees and the dales follow: March ti-10, Pishop (Jailor of Tennessee; March, 13-17. tne Rev. Samuel S. Marquis of St. Paul s cathedral, De troit; March 20-24. Bishop McCormick of Western Michigan; March 27-31, the Rev. J. O. S. Huntington of the Holy Cross Order; Passion week, Plshop Tuttle of Missouri, and Holy week the Rev. J. Ne ville Figgis, Lltt. IV. Community of Resurrection, Mlrfleld, Knglanrt. A remarkable sight will be witnessed in London on Hood Friday afternoon, whn a large procession of clergy and laity, hearted by the Pishop of Ixmdon and his suffragans, will march from St. Martln s-in-the-Flelds to St. Tanl's cathedral. The procession is meant to be a public- act of intercession in which all church men could take part. There will be no banners or display of any kind, and only a single great cross will ho carried. Litanies and hymns will be sung all the way, and on reaching the cathedral the "Hymn for London" will be sung on the steps. I'l fKb terians. Methodists, Baptists nnd ConKregatlonnlisis are engaged in cam paigns to provide headquarters at state universities for students coming from families Identified with their respective bodies. For some years they have urged their home mission societies to take up their tasks, ajid some have done so. This winter, especially in middle west states, leaders In the bodies named have gone ahead on their own account. They declare that the Young Men's Christian associations found in most colleges, while doing good work, do not cover the field. In some Instances dormitories are aimed at, but emphasis on strictly religious work and denominationnl loyalty Is not lacking. Churches In college towns reach. It I estimated, hardly more than 10 to 2") per cent of the students. At the 1'nlverslty of Illinois. Methodists have erected 1 church which has its own pastor, and Presbyterians have a student pastor who hopes soon to erect a unlver.-lty church. Pride of South Dakota's Capital TO LOBBY FOR CHARTER BILL Framers of the New Charter to Ask Provisions Restored. COMMITTEE TO GO ,T0 LINCOLN Object fo llatlua Their Two Favorite Clauses Knllrely Slrofk Out Want Modifications, at I. east. TO; NKW ST CHAItLKS MOTEL .NT PIKRUK. S. D. The new 61. Charles hotel at Pierre. S. IV. erected by Charles U Hyde of Pierre, at , West Hotel i oinpany. w huh Is in inilml w hich has recently been opened to the a cost of tU im. It Is the headquarters f ir of hotels at Rapid City. Hoi Springs and public Is built entiiely of steel, concrete. leg b'ative and state offii ials. .The busl- MiU hull, us well as here, brick and leria cotla. . Ti.e building was! nets is under tho management of the Mid-j Framers of the bill for the revision of the city charter will go before the senate next week and usU that body to amend the bill as passed by the house. Mayor Dahluian and City Attorney Rlne. who with. Councilman Pel ka composed the committee that drafted the bill, object to the elimination af the pri visions w here the character -if pawuK uiini't be changed and that which lakes away the power of the o in. il In tidei ing nice, t.npruvemir.M v it lionl pi i t n. We t-hnll a si. that iii- p.o i.i;.m under which paving i rt ii I chaccd upon a peti tion Hgiic! by 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i ii? the i:n.e.t. owneis be re.-tui eu." :;-il M.i'o-- i :ahi;ii.i:i "And we will lis t 1 - - -ii.. 1 1' I i iiial.i: an a.'i ni'i ni nil .ii in.- . . .n.-ll .:.. : l-i' lll,.lo C.ilcilln wi.lnn a ertlllll ilii.ti n t wdiioui p t turn. Jlowevtr. we hiiH not al. thot the limn lie made to Include all li". Hoi Mlihin a ie. ii ; - of ,'.mi f-el of l ho til- I'Rli. i I'et tie scnaie to i: rend the h II to t:i . 1:1 t ! ril'nv witn'n a radios tf -l.'O. let-l a-: p:e.ars t:I'.'h-r the. old charter, vc wiii be saiii-fled. "1 urn gon.g to 1. n i. In early n t week and male tins' leq'iFts I do not kn w what '.he senri- vill do. And i di not i.r.ow what the I. once v I.I thi, if th lilll ,s ief..-iieti ul'li - nil u i nil i:i"i!k. pui It fe:lls that the men i !iu made tht aiiit nd:ni n;s went faithir t!ian they aniic liati'I whcn'th"v struck ou( these sections. '. set ..i l-..'t tlifie .h'Hi'i! le some iii.-tiiit. . hi li v il Include tie downtown bci'iiori, in viiiii.!i ti.e council t an make improvements without petition. The bill as passed by Ihe house, does away with rui h disirit t. The limits are a matter of opinion wild i. feet are belter than nothing ' Sprague Brings Dog from England to Show Buys Ten Mouths Old Pup to Replaco the Dog that He Lost Recently. K. H. Sprague has landed at New York after a European trip and hat wired to . T. Hums, secretary of the Omahs, Kennel club, that he has secured the best Airedale pup he could find in either France or Kngland and asks that he he entered In the coming diow of the Kennel club. Mr. (Sprague will arrive in Omaha Monday. Look Over the Field The successful busi ness man Is the one who advertises wisely. The experienced an v -Hirer uses The Be. IIumplirPTB Sfventy-fleven Breaks up Colds and 'Ihe Key to Lie Pkuaiiuu -Ilea Want Ads. ira Li Epiicmic of Influenza. Practically everybody hag been af flicted during the punt few weeks wltH Influenza crimpy tol ls. "St ven'y sovcn" Liken early shorten! and t.ioderatts the attack. Don't wait until the UrlpBfts In, jour bones begin to ache, and you hdu- Tains and Soreness In the Head and C'bcst, Cough, Sore Throat, Gen eral Probiration and Fever, or th cure may take longer. All Drug Stores 25c, or mailed. Iluinphrev s' Hrmeo. Medicine Co, Cef W illiam and Ann rilreets. New Vork. ft A V