'Hit, OMAHA SLM)A Uhh: .MAIiCIi 12, 1311. l'H5i.MKT1. TWO BIG POPULAR PLAY HOUSES I! n .'I Ft -i : tl 1 TODAY 25c raw 53a TOHIGilT 25c, 50c, 75c MONDAY, TI KSDAV, VI-.I) KSI. I'iiikkIii Mutlm-o Wortnonlny. A Play of Mil mi n Interest, Fountloil 1 ou an linililciil rT I'lirlly. iTi.i;si'i.i;s:i) umi iikm;mt. vii:.vn I'omkdv, HH) Nights in New viU Thrro M.miiIi in t lilrnuo. ( a V ,-.1 7 il Pirn 1 : :",:',:..r . "-': W ill 11 - tJ V " " ' ' uf j I r ' ''7 ; 3 DAYS, Ti1- THUR :DAY--(VSr At (iH..N (il.ASKK Submits mi- our l'lonsuiv a Moili'i n Drama in 1 .ils-t AST THE MERCY OF' TIBERIUS 25Ci AK.ISTA i:ANS Nll,SONS AUSOIilMNti st'OUY OF I Mat. 50C; THE 30U TH AHD 25c 75c; A li.ii.ui.'ltM'-. Ditotioti ii nil n SWter's SatiiiiiOil Ioi. Few 50c J in-TbeXbsary Atfhe oTffieiuur7 f-rjcaTZ -: H ........ S 1 H nn r?n ir- i ' --t- .. v i : a h T the lirandeli theater for four dayi atarting Sunday matinee. "The Roaary" will be offered. It la by Edward E. Rose and produced by Ed W. Rowland and Edwin Clifford. The play lealn with conditions In the American home of today. Lincord enters their home. No one knowi when It came, but It grows into suspicion and doubt; the household Is rent and happiness Is gone. Then rises the other power, a higher spiritual note which brings the discordant soul of the family back to peace and happiness. $ "At the Merry of Tlbcri;i." which will be seen at the Hrandels theater for a week-end engagement commencing Thurs day, March 16, Is a dramatization of the novel of the same by Augusta Kvaris Wil son. The story Is that of the chlldretr of a woman whose wealthy southern father has cut her off because of her marriage to an exiled Italian artist whom he for bade her keeping company with. Ehe is dying In poverty In New York City. With her are hsr two grown children, a boy and a girl. The boy has lost his position has been gambling and otheiwlse rhows a bad character. The girl works hard for the support of the family. The boy determines to go to Virginia to force money from his grandfather, lils sister Is sent to ask forgiveness and assistance. The sister Is given money and Jewel. Just after she leaves the house of her grandfather, Gen eral Darrlngton, the brother enters with the Intention of robbing the place; he Is discovered by the old man; they engage In a struggle during which the grandfather la killed by a stroke of lightning and the boy stunned; he revives and escapes, while Beryl Is captured when leaving the ground and accused of murdering her grandfather. Ehe assumes the guilt to chleld her brother; Is convicted and sent to prison by the district attorney, nick named "Tl berlua," whose sense of duty is as strong as waa that of the old Roman emperor of the same name. During the trial the at torney falls In love with the girl, and though he believes her Innocent; thinks her brother Is her lover and his Jealousy at her refualng to declare the wretch, the guilty one, prosecutes the case to the bitter end. "Ben Hur" h coming to the Hrandels for six nights, beginning on Monday even ing, March 27. Matinees VIII be played on Wednesday and Saturday. The great drama will be presented with all the at tention to detail that has worked Its for mer appearances here. Hilda Thomas and lou liall will present their new comedietta, "The Substitule," at the Orpheum f"r the week starting matinee today. Clever sonK and bits of eccenti Uity make this act quite worthy In the musical comedy line. K1 Winn and 1 o'Malley Jennings have collaborated In an act brimful of humor. The Five Armanis come dlrett from the Orpheums affiliated theater, the Alham bra, Paris, with a gorgeous scenic musical review, "A Night In Nuples." James H. Cullcn will be here on his thirteenth tour over the Orpheum circuit, lie makes peo ple laugh and that Is what he Is paid for. Austins animal aitoia consist of dogs, ponies, monkeys and an unrldeable donkey whore name Is Raleigh. The dons of the act ate colllea. one being "I'ilot." the ac credited champion now-hite coilie of the I'nlted States. Charles M. MclHjnald, "The rth Heau lirummel." and the Mirses Craafurd and Montrose, appear in a new offering which embra.es kinging and danc ing Crnesl Yeixa and Adele are povturera cf an extraordinary nature. The new k (no il i'om series will be "I'lus and I"igs." Orpheum concert orctn-Mia ,f fifteen In strumentalists will charm tor another week lall mat:nres. tie . l il.l be I fie next SunJay. '! .c. ... ".. ad hov i'n sate tomorrow. 1 r four days, starting aith a matinee tooav. nave Marion and hts Dreamland l ui les juer is wtll he the attraction at the j iter. "Th Aeronaut ' is the title 1 Krug theater. A- dayi .tarting Sunday matinee, j t i " j" 3 1 I f fl -. ir77 r . . ij The Roaary- will be offered. S V F . f : I'tt 6(j3r H It 1. by Kdward B. R... and F I mtMWW H ,S.rn produced by Ed . Kowmnci X , -, . , Tt' AAhanrfjcAli M ( ;';J V ' , U ,J r! I i I . v v i ! i i n ' vtsJ ') Good Things ' '- l K t X Coming to Omaha i j x( fit- .. SAVS of the brand new musical extravaganze in which his famous players will appear. This season his efforts will be directed toward further adding glory to his name and fame. Marlon and his associate players ill give the public something entirely new to burlesque I nthe two act musical extravaganza. "The Aeronaut." which he has written and staged. Everything will be brand new from start to finish. Mr. Marion has selected for his support a big collection of well known comedians and artists and the chorus Is made up of thirty genuine beauties, who, in addition to their attractiveness are talented as well. The production is supplied with sixteen musical numbers composed by Mr. Marion himself. Merman I.leb, eminent English star (formerly with Mrs. Patrick Campbell), and company in "Dope," Joseph Medill Patterson's sensational one-act drama of the underworld. Is the headltner at the An.erlcan this week, opening with matinee today. Mr. Ueb Is assisted by Miss Evelyn Walla, a clever leading woman, and a com pany of seven. A complete vaudeville bill Is promised, including Carroll and Cooke, "The Melt of the Hour," topical talkers. McDonald and Huntington are character singers and offer something entirely different along these lines. Mr. Harry "Turkey" Boyd, the eccentric minstrel In "Song and Ptory," was late principal comedian with Primross minstrels. Kitty Edwards, the English comedienne, will dance and alng as only she can. To meet the constantly Increas ing demand for matinee reservations by lady shoppers, commencing with the com ing week, the first six runs will be re served for all matinee performances. What is sure to attract the attention of the patrons of the popular Oayety theater this week Is the announcement of Fred Irwin's big show. The big musical comedies entitled "Down the Street" and "Frenches Ex-Husbands" are expected to amuse on the strength of Its plot alone and will be supplemented by the work of the rapid fire comedians and the saucy souhrettes. The Olio contains the moat novel audeille acts-Marr and Ruth Irwin, novelty acrobats; Krady and Uahone), the Hebrew fireman and fore man; Cummlngs and Uladynigs, and an added feature of highest class is the equine marvel, snow w hite "Bonnie." the horse with a human brain. What "Bonnie duean t know has never been taught any horse. The ladies and children will be specially pleased with this offering. Matinee daily. Another of tie Uavety'a amateur con tests will be presented next Saturday even ing. Tle Yllw Ferll. Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes when Dr King s New Ufe Ptlla are taken. Ouaranteed. Sc. For sale by Beaton Dru . Co. j The Key to the Situation-Bet Want Ads. IDA WOT GOfflOlfm "The o&arym M the Btandcis Chip and Marble Off the Stage Many people who see Ram Chip and .Mary Marble off stage, wonder what manner of mortals they might be when they throw off their maitks and other disguises i of their profession. They have been to gether for fifteen years, with one interim during which they attempted to flood the box office with ducats as stars in separate attractions. Sam Chip Is a business-like little chap and Is said to be the lei oi d ow ner of con siderable property In the east as the re sult of his theatrical work. He started on the stage when he was 4 yearn of age. and at that age was with C, us Hill's variety stars in a Juvenile act. He was one of the very first of American child actors to appear In England. One of the most frequent questions aked of Sam Chip or Mary Marble Is whether or not they are related In liny way. many thinking them to be husband and wife. The facts are that Mary Marble la Mrs. John W. Dunne, the latter being the uncle In the sketch "In Old Edam." Mr. Dunne Is a very quiet man and seems satisfied to rmln In the background of domestic felicity w hlle his wife is receiving the ctagc honors. Mary Marble made this Joking reference to Chip's nationality during the last week: "We were eating a bite at a wayside sta. tion at 4 o'clock In the morning not long ago. Chip was half awake and could hardly see the coffee and roils spread before him. I let a few silver dolluis drop on the floor and then you should have seen Chip's eyes. He wal all attention Immediately. He be came awake Instanter." Chip and Marble are full of stories and Jokes of the Innocent sort. The other af ternoon Miss Marble called upstairs from her dressing room, to ask Chip for some shoe blacking. "No shoe blacking up here, but we have some fine chewing tobacco," Chip replied. LEGAL FRILLS IN THE SOUTH Jar) ( harae (Untiled la One Jarlsdle- tlaa 1)4 Rale la Ilree Cases. "It's queer the way the laws in some of the southern states differ from our laws up here," said Colonel Allan T. Brlns made of Cleveland. Just back from a long trip through the south. "In Norfolk. Va . I sat one day rvcenlty beside a federal Judge when a criminal rase waa being tried. The charge was, I think, robbing the I'nlted States mails. At 5 p. m the Judge turned aside and. speak. ng er quietly, said: , I ' J In auppDrt of lils statement that the I J -v. i r I S3 m r mss Amis Bzrm kp 'The jury will now retire.' 'A recess, I BUppuse,' I observed. ' 'No.' he replied, ilm Jury is about to r. n i-.triftlripr the i vidence and Arive Its veidlct.' " Hut you did not charge the Jury," 1 remarked In a puzzled way. " 'We do not charge the Juries in this Jurisdiction.' he replied. Five minutes later the jury filed in with a verdict of acquittal. From what 1 had heard of the evidence the verdict would. In all likelihood, have been 'guilty' had the judge charged the Jury. "In Savannah a day or two later 1 was in a court room where a divorce case was being tried before a Jury. The wife, who was the plaintiff, was given U' verdict. " Ko she gets her decree,' 1 remarked to a lawyer friend. " No, not now,' he replied. 'In tM state when In a divorce case the verdict goes to the plaintiff, the case must be tried again at the next term of court. If the plaintiff wins again the decree Is granted. " II however, at the first trial me de fni'.ani wins the case Is all over. Lue,-r law, that, but the Judge said it uus work ing well -that after the first veni in favor of the plaintiff a rcconi ll.ut iwi was often brought about.' " Cleveland Leader. The Key lo the Situation Bee Want Ads. u emi:m . THE HOME OF FOLLY 4 commencing rJ3atinoe Today "IsT A CXiASS BY HIMEEIT." DAVE MARION AVD KIS BIO STEW DREAMLAND BURLESQUERS Presenting a Brand Hew Musical Extraordinary Zu Two Acta THE AW0A(r2 A BIO TWO POZ.&AJS SHOW AT lUkLIIQUE PBICES 41 SATWBDAT BIOHT QOTSH In support of lils statement that the cloxing necks of the reason at the nran-1 dels are to be brilliant. Manager Burgess HUbmlt.i a list of the high-class attractions that are booked to uppear mere Detween now and the date for closing tho season, which will be in June: Raymond Hitchcock In "The Man Who Owns Broadway." "Ben Hur" John Drew In "Smith." Mary Harden. Francis Wilson in "The Bachelor's Haby," Marie Cahlll in 'Judy ForgoV" Saia Bernhardt, play not yet decided; Flo Zlegfeld s "Follies of 1910," with a Zlegfeld ca?t and chorus, Henrietta Cropman In "Antl-Matrlmnny," Al Wilson, Nance O'Neill In "The Lily," Grace Von Suuldlford. "The Arcadians," "The Merry Widow" and William H. Crane In his new comedy. Enrico Caruso will be presented at the Auditorium by Messrs. Burgess & W'oodv. aid. In addition to this list a number of other strong companies are applying for open dates, and the present prospect Is that Omaha will have a most impressive finish to Its theatrical year. Appreciation at Last. The shade of Noah turned' away glumly from the shade of the man who was telling about the Galveston flood "I wish 1 could find some .one here who wotildn t try to top all my best stories." he sighs. At this moment a rotund shade steps up to Ii 1 111 and sas: "Noah. I've always wanted to see you and to tell you that yo are all right. If It hadn't been for you I'd never have amounted to a thing." "And who may you have been?" asked Noah. "P. T. Barnum." Chicago Tost. AMI KKMKNTS. A Meeting for Men Only FIRST M. E. CHURCH 20th aad DiTssport Str, Tonight, 7:30 p. m. Auspice Y. H. C. A. Convention Talk by DR. H. J. ELLIOTT of New York City. Special Muslo by Prof. Xtllej and Chorus. ' r . 'i ,-4 ".v-wr-r.Tr.TPa TWO FROLICS DAILY - DEaCXTKAX. TBEITLIia BOUT AN IMPBESSIVE LENTEN OFFEUINO iSS. March 27 to April 1 Ht. KLAW & EULANGER'S NEW AND GREATER FP Fa H (v -j r jii 1 1 mt h ; : ' '"n j I A MIGHTY PLAY STUPENDUOUSLY STAGED BOYD'G THEATER prices I THIS AFTERilOOil 25c AND HKR KXCKIiliKNT COMPAN Y PRKHKNTING I'Al Ii ARMSTRONG'S 4 ACT lt)MKDY "THE HEIR TO THE HOORAII" NKXT WKKK. MARCH i "ARIZONA." TODAY AND Seaion's Sensational Event rirst Tim in Omaha Ths Dlstlng ulshsd Character star IVIr. Hermann And Mi Company of Flayers la "DOPE" OmiaiHAI. HEW YOU COKTAJtT Carroll & Cook Kitty Edwards The Ken or the Hour - English Comedienne O-HIGH CLAEiS ACTS-6 H. "Tur:oy" Beyd McDonald & Huntington Bong and Story Charaottr Singers 3 SHOWS DAILY-2:15, 7:45 and 9:20 C-AXX.T DIME MATIWIE FEW BEBESTED AT 900. SUNDAY BCATIMEB riBST TWELVE SOWS AND BOXES, 20o. NIGHTS-IO, 20, 30c fri . A ft Advanced Vaudeville Matinee Eery Bay 8:15! Erery Bight S:1S. Wiak Starting Matlnu Today The Musical Comedy Star Hilda Thomas And the yualnt Comedian Lou Hal! Presenting Their Comedietta "Tho Substitute." Ed Wynn Late Feature of "The Deacon and the l.ady," and P. O'Malliy Jennings The English Comedian. "DAFFVDJ L8." Direct from the Alhambra Pails Theatre, Tha Flva Armanis Offering a Fcenlc Musical lievlew. Night In Naples." A Thirteenth Annual Tour of James, H. Cullen "Tha Man From tha West." Austin's Animal Actors Chas. M. McDonald The Irish Beau Brummel, and t lie Misses Crawford and Montrose Ernest Yerxa and Adtla Phenomenal Postures. KIKODRQHE Projecting Orphsum Animated Photography. ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA 18 Talented Artists IS PBICES. Mats., 10c. 85c Sat. k San. Mats., lOo, Boo, boo. Errs., lOo, flSo, SOe. San. Eva., 10c, 35c, bOo, 7 60. Phones, D. 494: Ii.d A-1 494. Special: Orpheum Road Show Week Starting Sunday, March 19 Seat Sale Starts Monday, Mann 13 DORGLUr.l PIAMO SCHOOL IKiuKlaa Ktreot. August M. ISnrgluin, Madame Iturxluni luplls of Wnjer Hwaynr, Parts. Iechetlzky Method Public Performance Classes. Ear Training and Sight Reading n rrr HO) Phono D. 1919 . . . TOiSIGIIT MAj wkkk Hogulnr Mnts. SutnUy. Tuewlay. Thursday. Kaiurday mSS EVA LAT1G Bell Douglas ALL WEEK -w. IT IT'S AT THB mm ayetV wm noon Devoted to Strictly High Grade Extravagansa and Vaudeville. TWICE DAILY WAK MAT. TODAY (Engagement Terminates Sat. Mat Tho Talk of Musical Eatravagansa fart BIG SHOW With Bach Notables as IDA CBISPI L1BKT McCAXiB MABOAB.ET BEBBETT COMPABT OP PIFTY and the IIWIS BEAUT CHOXUS AtlfsTAR VAUDEVILLE Includes MARK, fc BOTH ISWI1T,' BIAfiT ai MAKOKEY, CUMaOMaS A OLADYIgOg and as the most pos itive manifest of the Oayety's "class" there Is offered PVTOAI Tho Earth's Greatest ayv Equine Marrel Vuxa eorsirMi)k:" The Moras With a Human Brain. An Act Appealing To All fcovers of Man's Best Animal Prlend. Dear Beighbort I'm an optimist again this morn ing and look fur another week of big business because 1 know you will not regret exchanging your "hard earned" for ull tho good tilings prepare! for your enjoy ment. "Bonnie," tlm educated snow white horse is Mated lo be the rne among tie l.nllc and child ren all IIiIn week. E. If. johmsok, Mgr. Oayety. Evenings and Sunday Maltese 16o, aco, 000 and 75o k Mats. 15c & 25c A LADIES' TICKETS 10c At Any Weak Day Matlnos. SAT. HISHT OITLY, MiftCg 18 Another Ludicrous and Slde-Spllttlns; AMATEUR CONTEST Por Liberal Cash Prites. In Conjunc tion with "PHOTOPLAYS" Orchestra, S60; Entire Baloony, loo. The Tuesday Morning MuBlcal Club presents Lucille Tercksbury Soprano In Song Recital 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon March 14. V. W. V. A. Al 1HTOK11 M. Main Floor 11.00 balcony 60c Members Free. Seats on Sale at A. Houpe's n TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best i'arui Paper la the West.