CAE VJ MM I I WISE POSTER? ComtcwY, 11(1. I t rur.PtRir A. FTOKF ( OMTANf STREET 9M1TII crlve him. even though she might have Ing but after-dinner talk, my dear fallow, liked to milk him surfer a little from the 1 assure you." tame uncertainty that vrxcd her when she 'Then you have lost filth In the police, thought of htm. "d want to hark out?" Dr. Kamle said "Neither prim e nor knight him the right this with a wink ( himself to w ear token of mine." she declared ' Pn k out ! In n bet w 1th Douglas? Never! Not on your life' Say. I cannot possibly IC -t MWay from th's crowd before eleven. Km onr dinner and go to the show or something and I'll meet you later, any- (MtPTF.ll II Continued. truthfully, looking away from him "Thrn give me the right." he pleaded "That would mean that' 1 must have too much faith In vou." Helen declared, shnk. Ing her head. "If 1 once committed myself where you say." to any knight I should hv to believe In -Why. It a after eight now. Wp'II stay Mm absolutely, even though nil sort of here. Get heie as aoon us you tan." misgiving came to me. Remember that "All rliiht. Hut ay: not a word to them been described to Helen, Maynatd called of the elevator and waved his hand to J0U gnooi, my confidence In you when you about any barking out. You understand?" for Fletcher at his hotel, and together they them. ,d mp t tin t dinner atory." All riKht. lloodby." went up to the club to dine. Of course "Pont foi cot Saturday." he called out. P)e had retained the bantering tone, a!- There waa not much trouble In passing the thief topic of conversation between "Walt n minute, old chap. Come over ,,ough she knew he had glready won the time until Haitlry arrived, which was "Oh! I hope you did not pet Into a row upon their previous acquaintance with !n a public restaurant! crooks and upon a knowledge of their The others did not mtlre the Kngllsli- "Uh. no! It was not the row he got me ways and haunts than upon simple detec mnn's reticence so much, prohahlv b-cause into: hut the dinner, vou know. I was tlve skill. The police are not so clever they were not paying the same close rnd playing billiards with him at the rltib you smart, I think you call It-as people think them was the tilt between Hartley and here.-' Maynard railed In return, and as gmptl, jn(I mor, than faith and friendship, soon after the hour of ten. The dinner Interested attention that Mavnard gave know he put me up for two weeks-whin they are." Maxwell smiled with an ex- Douglas, which Maynard seemed to re- Douglas Joined them and accepted the In- ..,f j cou& fn,i a lady who would re- had o. cuphd more than an hour, and when htm. Maynard had a keen lurtiment .,m- one him no on the 'Phone and n,...i i m. ..... .h.t h.,t . .ninrr unnl ns a hinre ioke. vltatlon to a drink, Maynard added quU- ma,n Unmoed by uppearame or by III the cigars and coffee w ere brought In the of men. and he soon realised that asked him to fill out a little dinner party. she ,.outd nnt comprehend, and thut pe- "Ttn thousand dollars seemed to be a si' ally: "I'o you really mean that you are rrprti he Baui, "if I ,-ould win her while When he told them hs had me on his ,..nin. i.,u -M.1, .h. ,im n,,t mer. l,ille to them." remarked in earnest about that bet w un Jiariicy . j Mm ,vore mv , sor non. I think 1 the young man before him was a person of ninth moei than average In- hands, they stld to bring me along trlligcnce. I'.ut there wi's something nbout "But from what you have told me. Mr. him that suggested, he could not tell Just Maynard and his friends should he nice why. the mysterious, the uncanny. May- people. How did they get you Into a row?" hard thought that his fare, at certain un- Helen questioned with concern, guarded moments. Indicated secret I vrnss, "None better. You see. 1 never saw May- If not actual cunning; and Mavnani yaw. nard before I got into conversation with under the black nuiHtnche, the outline of n man while we were watching a game of the firm Hps. and under fie pointed beard billiards at the hotel one evening." Max- the contour of the square, deterin n -d clilti. well answered. "You Americans seem to They gay that love at first sight In a make aopialntances so freely! After we Comninn ttilnv bc.tuonn 1 1 - .1 I n will ,B,1 . ,t .. , . H , . ABi1,0i, n a lull. H , 1 , ,i 1 . , ,1.. . .. - ., night and what he has been doing since, sometimes find, even In the midst of the a while over one of those queer drinks .... most prosaic Burrnundirgs, a peculiar at- with outland'sh names. Then he wanted traction between persons of the sain" sex, another game, bttt we could not get a and especially between men of unusual In- table, so he took me up to his club, and tellectual power. They will p'rk each other there he Introduced me to everybody, right out of a crowd on boarl u ship, or a com- and left. I never dreamed of such protnls- pany In a cluli, as unerringly hs a s.pJlrr.M cuotis Introductions as you make In Amer- nl again the same smile stole over his will pick out a tree that will furnlsii It lea without asking the consent of either face. with food, no matter how many others party. Among the men 1 met that even- "And do murderers get caught because may he In the woods. ng was Mr. Maynard; but to save my life the police recognise their special style of Fletcher had fasclna'ed Mr. I'uul May- 1 am not able to recall the name of the work?" asked Helen, laughing at the droll exactly like came over his face. Fletcher thoughtfully. "I have heard "If the police had nothing to guide them about largo wagers on Jhe other side, you hut the place that was robbed." he went know, and 1 believe that it la true that on, "very few thieves would ever be some very large bets are occasionally caught. They recognize In the manner. In made; but to be brought face to face with which the house Is entered, In the rareful $-J.0" hits in this way Is lather a new way the shades are pinned up. Instead of sensation, I confess." being rolled, or something like that, that "Then thousand, my dear fellow! Why, the Job Is the work of a certain man. Hartley must have an Income of neurly half a million, and as for Douglas, he Is a Never mure, lit my life.' , .....i.i ,,-,f.,rm deeds well worthy of the "Did you ever!" laughed Maynard. "Cpon catise." my soul, but I bcllevPAyOu mean it." "Why. you art talking in exact story- "If you will allow me." Interrupted . k -tvIe i . almost Imagine that your Fletcher. "I think I ran suggest a plan by WHKt)K mick Is a lance." The girl laughed ,r(ion me for culling attention to It. which the matter mignt be senieu to me ns ghe B,d rom ,ne wntl untied a satisfaction of those betting on it. That Is. liuru.h f violets that she wore at her belt, of course. If you have not already settled hmlnt wtn a purple ribbon, llasily dis members cf the little party had settled themseUes down to an Intimate talk. As Maynard poured out the coffee h brought Into full view n r'ng that he wort oh his right hand. liather a peculiar ring thnt. if you will ob- be- Then they lot ate the man they suspect, and try to find , out where he was that on n plan of your own. "You aio the very man we are looking for," said Douglas promptly plunger In everything. Hut. I say! Wasn't thought of several schemes, but the hitch Hartley full, and didn't they go for each a lriHn t ,rry them through. Tho other? And did you ever hear of such executive end . Is alwaa tho hitch, you rldloulous propositions as thry made? To itnow. I know hundreds of men with the get some one to rob a bank-waxn't It? gray matter In their brains full of money- minor cases. That Is where your common and then run away and hide and see if making projects; lint there is not enough engaging the flowers, she tied the ribbon to the handle of his stick with mock 1 have solemnity. Now you have committed yourself. In this, other thieves often furnish valu able assistance and Information; some times to avoid trouble for theniselvcN In criminal la a fool. He should work alone.' the police could catch him!' Haul Maynard slapped his leg red blond and out." In their hearts tu carry them nard. CHAI'TI H ill. mai that took, me to the club except that idea. his first name was Charlie." "Not exactly, " he admitted with a smile. "How funny!" "When a man is murdered the police try laughed aloud at the very recollection of it. 'I took it that Dougl" earnest " "Oh, so he was, my dear fellow! Quite! When Douglas takes out that note book of his and puts down a transaction involv- Helen Ohlstrom was not disappointed. Maxwell not only paid his dinner call, hut he called once or twice aftirward. and he urKert made himself particularly agreeable to an the members of the family. Helen felt, as she had never felt with any other man. Yes. I must look up the register some to pick out the person who is most likely ing tash. It stands; as you would find out day and find out who he was." "Well, go on with your story to have committed the crime. They look the girl for a motive, and from the motive they reason out the man, and then they watch "1 am coming to that now. I stayed nlni KTIa question all his friends, espe there pretty late that night and Mr. May- ,.ay f he has a sweetheart. It is his if you told him you would be willing to pny a hundred and twelve for Canadian Kxprcss stork, as I did once. I gut the stock next day at noon." "And I also took it," continued Fletcher, as if not noticing the Interruption, ''that Mr. Hartley would spend as much again You refer., of course, o the difficulty of finding nn amateur criminal that would wws iulte in consent to be hunted. What would you be willing to pay a good man?" Fletcher Inquired. "Jf he succeeded, any part of the $10.0X) or all of It. I never split hairs In such matters. I would sooner spend $10,000 more thnn to have Hartley beat me out." "That is a very liberal proposition, Mr. Douglas," remarked Fletcher slowly, rub bing his hands. "On Saturday you shall not only have the. scheme, but the man to carry It through, provided my plan meets with your approval." Hoth men looked at Fletcher in astonlBh- served Douglas. "I never noticed it fore. Did not know you wore a ring." "Yes It is odd." said Maynard, taking off the ring and showing It. "The design Is a .small round tnlcct. you see. with a druden f ss cut lightly upon It. liooks as If It had hi en scratched by hand almost. From un- Maxwell asserted. "1 am not a knight who dcr one end peeps a snake s head, and from can permit a lady to laugh at him. I accept the other a fish's. Funny you did not no- your token, and shall hold you to the the Itbefoie." he added with lbs usual pledge It signifies." nerxous Into- iai.gii. "I believe a druden- "It is all a Jest." Helen hastened to say. f,a keeps out the mnfuslon and trouble feeling strangely uncomfortable. "I forgot if j0ii make it jo.tnolf; hut I did not make that 1 was talking to an Fngllshman who this one." does not understand our American humor." "Family heirloom, 1 suppose?" remarked She assumed her most dignified manner Fletcher, us thev turned back toward the city. "No It was given to me." Maynard put "Did ou mean whul you ''aid about be lieving in a person, even though all suits of bad reports might be brought to you'." Maxwell Inquired after they had been silent a long time. "I was referring to an Imaginary knight," Helen answered, with her chin In the air. the ring back upon his f 'tiger as he spoke. "I believe it has quite a history. If I wire superstitious 1 would not have ac cepted il. as it has been associated with two violent deaths." When Hartley in-rived they got down at once to the business of the evening. It ap- herself telling hltn things that she had never spoken of to any other person In th world, not even to her old school girl nnrn wno at-emeo a annn snrl aRKen me TO -i i . i . n.. .. 1.1 . ... ., ,, . , . l - p. iiiniun inai wnimu.v nriiay nun. iMuny w '.. 'ul m "P lor twoweeas. nnen inai Th. ,rl .h.iddered and involuntarll v to helD the Dollce If he were bettlnn on ... w , .,.. .i.hi.,1 ih.m time la up he says he will get me put up drew her furM closer aroun(1 nor. oWe have them. Money Is a powerful aid In such K00dnight, and left the cafe. ' at another cluh, and then at another, as wamJereJ , onK way trom tne dinner," matters; it enables one to cover so much -That fellow Is the real thing." remarked ground at once. That Is why private de- Douglas, draining hlb glass. "I could use tectlves fall. They cannot afford to put a him In my business." hundred men on the Job at once. Many a man has escaped because his pursuers had tll.H'TEIl V. not money enough to follow up all the - Clues, and then a reward Is such a power- The next afternoon, when Hardy Max- long as I stay. Really, It is a charming friend, Madge, who had share! so many of C0lln,ry. one could not get Into clubs her confidences, especially about men Maxwell had known He'en for several easily as that In Kngland. you know she remarked. "So we have," he agreed. Well, let us Hut what ahout the dinner? These fln'n U up. Douglas insisted that tho weeks, and their acquaintance had ad- prpijmjnur'p,, arA very Interesting, but I I'0"' e could never catch a thief unless he were a well known criminal." he went on. "Members of newly formed gangs, he vaneed far enough for her to go out for a w,nt to know about th lrouble they had warn wttn mm occasionally, wnen one won- yaxwell hesitated. day afternoon she asked him If he would ..Ju.t fHncy a man telling a girl what I '!. were hard to trace. He cited cases not like to go on an plorlns expedition ,1MV( bcRun to tell you, all about a Jolly of the sons of respectable parents who to Coney Island. Findimj him quite will- row ne ajd -itcaiiy i mut not." had committed one burglary after an- lng. she went to get her hat and furs. As "Really you must." Helen insisted. "1 other, without even being suspected, until they left her home she Informed him that want to know what ,ort of Amprran8 yot, they were accidentally caught In the act. winter was the best time to see Coney. are mprtn,. Besides, you have aroused or the' plunder was traced to them. Hartley At Coney Island Maxwell did not care to my curOH,y." she smiled at him; but a laughed at 'mm. and said the police could look at the tawdry plaster fronts of the moment lat llPr face became g(,rlou. and t h ,hpf , tnree d ,f Viti I I A In us n IhniioVi li a ml in It t nrl Ihnf (hnV .... " " . ;. sue watched mm furtively. ln earnest about It. Hut Douglas maln- "Well," he went on. "the dinner was ln tained that If hp absolutely unknown crim- " us take the case of a person not Pfarrl that Maynard and Dr. Kamle had Imaginary. If a man won your friendship. ,Pcn ovpr the ground with Milton Fletcher would you be able to keep your faith In ln a,Vance, and were quite familiar with his Integrity, even though you might hear ,ne ben,e proposed. Tho doctor was full rumors that were derogatory V" ,,f the business involved, and seemed to Again she felt that ne was hiding some- attach most Importance to the proper un- thlng. She was suddenly ofiuld of him, ilerstandlng of the conditions and to tho for she felt that lie had gained a subtle posting of the bet. Maynard. on the other mastery over her. She would have liked hand, was full of the Joko. as he persisted to snatch the purple ribbon fiom his walk- in calling It. Ing stick, but he was wary and kept it Douglus did not waste any llnio In laying well out of reach. Aa Bhe did not answer before them the plan that he had elabor- his questions, he answered them himself, ated, which was that one of them should "You are like every one else, I see. very place. a certain amount of money in a saie J i . . . ...... ...... ,nA M i . . ,,n. ,ii,u hiri unit that I tll'V S II O U 111 ful Inducement to an officer to concen- well called on Helen Ohlstrom for what ....... ... .......i i, tt A,f.,... .i .... ,.. ,.,. .., .iiiv walk It conscious or them perhaps, i anew ine iirsi some nmn iu things slide." was evident to her that there was some It. After this hire man might be very pretty when they were all lit up. The business part of the Island Is not attractive In winter, and the girl and her companion made their way along the sand toward Hrlghton nnd Manhattan, In tending to cross the old wooden bridge at eitorts ana let less important had now become an aunosi uauy .v .,. , u, v .., , ,hl ,, hmi H1,ff l.lent time to get awuy they ivas ... ... ... ... i 0..i,i in I., iim noIicH and mints tho huu "I did not think of that, the whole thing thing on his mind. Kven w.dle he talked dryZUo and cry aVter him. being a Joke. But of course you are quite to her h. was ln""' " up your mind. If I once gained your con- This plan was speedily demolished by right. I see you are a good Judge of hu- his thoughts some hlng quite foreign to f f KlrU.hei. l((mU.(1 0(U ,u greAl wettk. man nature; at least with regard to Hart- the subject in hand. , nothlna- but niv own actions nv which waa that tho whole party She knew he was fond of long walks, ami '-.,-' - A ... ,' , . ,,.. ,,n,. r that wouiu ever unci ou. & hul ii'"- numu iiicv imuij - -m "On, 1 suppose so. sue sain ngniiy. i net aa vvunessea, aim wouiu iib iu uvua, lev." Mavnard added muslnirlv. "He Is one of the kind that doesn't let n,tbini- he had planned a little excursion for stand In his way when the dollars are at ll"'rlu,,m' 11 was "v th,u"" " woiolls s private room and there were only five of us. The host was a Dr. Kamie, but the most Interesting man to me was a Mr. Ueorge Hartley." "You don't mean the president of the there It was a lovely day. One of those clear cold days that give to the American fall the most attractive climate In the world while It lasts. There were many persons upon the beach and along the roads, al- tnal, a newcomer ln the world of. crime. MaKe ut here we are at the club were to commit a robbery without having to take Into his confidence any accom plices, there would be absolutely ng pos sibility of catching him except by trac ing the stolen goods. "That made Hartley positively abusive. Sheepshead Hay and to ride home from MnrdWBr(, TfuM or Bonleth,ng of thttt kind?" Helen Interrupted; "I think my father knew him ln a business wav." "I believe Mr. Hartley has something to He ta,K1 of Siting unheard-of amounjs do with trusts. And there was a Mr. Frank on tne ,knl of l'"ie- Finally Douglas took Douglas, a very" ut his note book and offered to make a "Whv. you don't mean the Wall street straight bet of 10,uo0 that if there waa though the closely nailed up hotels were Douglas, that the papers say has been any way In which Mr. Hartley could ar pictures of desolation where, only a iew connff money lately?" range to have a robbery committed by an weeks before, all had been music, and "Probably. I didn't ask particulars; but amateur, so the amateur should have Just aa they leached the top step 'the sound of a cab door slamming made them turn round. "By Jove! Here's Douglas himself," said Maynard, holding open the door for him. "You fellows here?" remarked Douglas, nodding to each In turn. "Dining, 1 sup pose? Korry I can't Join you, but 1 have a. private dinner upstairs.'' have had some very good men friends, me quarry thcmevUe. Hartley and- Dr. Kamle well ... .u. n....iK tin, j, My where the bite . . - 1 1 . , , ,i Somehow, I am very lucky that way. Fvery ilaynuiii ciciooer ioiiukc o . , , . , . ... ... , , ,.. ... , . , ,., k1,i.11iii, vlhv 1 I1I1V e KIIIIHI1 lino lEII Iiew RllM lVIUCUll LllltlPV" m . . .. w where the views of the Hudson addud both life and peace to the scene. It was one of those exhilarating days that make one feel good to be alive and every fiber ln her body seemed to respond to nature'a mood. She tried to express this feeling to Max well, but could elicit nothing from him man true and straight." in which Fletcher presented nla reasons indeed! You are very fortunate. Few tor disagreeing wlili Douglas. Douglus him. girls as attractive aa you are escape the self was so strongly impressed by the young attention of a few black sheep. Kngilshnian's acumen and foresight that "I never knew any one who could tell the during a pause In the conversation he mutton of a black sheep from the mutton asked Fletcher it lie would not like to of a white one. I suppose It is the same yo into a broked s olficu. way with people. Beneath the surface "uf course, 1 don't want to inquire into flowers, and dining out of doors. The neither of them seemed to think much of twelve hours' start of the police they board waias, pans or wnicn nau oeen i e- kh.ooO. Mr. Maynard. you see. is a retired could not catch him In a month, to sav . .... iici i 11 1 Lvr ur, jtamie. me "Awfully aorry, old chap," Maynard un awered. "We were Just talking about that i...,i- u,,a,ior,ti conscious of their mu Joke of yours with Hartley, you know, tuu, Bncnce and perhaps realising that it when you offered to bet him a million." . vas ns (ault turned to her and Bald "Joke nothing!" blurted Douglas as he QUletly: "Forgive me; but nature seema stepped Into the elevator, slipping his coat to liave a very different effect upon me nis pochet. tou are coming up rnn. ,h;it htch It has UDon you.. At least moved in preparation for tne onaiaugnt oi hmbar n.i i. .mi r n.ih., k. i...ii -..n.i . i... .t the waves from the winter storms, were authori,y on the correctness 'of the form host, seemed to think ' that ' Mr. Douglas nrf Vf 7 Z"" ,n.,tT that 19 BO today not inviting for nedestiians. but all was t Ka. , ,,.hio. f .h.. i ' .' And your friend? Let me Bee; 1 forget the -Sn vou did he a .iu. . ,mv w as aouui rigui, ana oiiereu 10 uei si'V how he comes to Knew an these lien the same way." .i ',T..i Muxw.ll annarentlv " 18 not much difference; but I hate your affairs. Mr. Fletcher," ho remarked, became silent he self Maxwell apparently f much nllgUken thcro , believe anything bad they may hear about a good deal more 'do' than blow auoul their friends, and there 1b nothing makes you. There are great openings ln this coun- me so mad as to have them repeat It at try for young men thut can keep thuir every opportunity before they are ure It mouths shut until they have thought over Is true or even then." what should be said, or until what Is to But It is because they think It la true do is done. 1 could put you Into a place well ln the world so rar as tne pnri ana the young Englishman were concernen. men i suppose. Many eyes watched them admiringly as -well. Dr. Hamle met ua In the hall, they strode rapidly along. Once fairly out n 8eem., tbat he did not know that Mr. upon the sands, beyond where the Brighton ijOUKlat haa trimmed Mr. Hartley pretty hotel has been dragged back MX) feet to Beverey ln tbe atol.k market not long be- save u xrom me sea. me w,ooB m,, .... fore or he wouM nQt hRve ,nvUed ,nem rcean seemeo. to aneci. ine hoi woo buiup' "So vou did name. Oh, yes; Mr. Fletcher. I shall have angwered. ometning to propose on Saturday that hear what I Bald, then?" she that tney helleve u to be the,r to warn where a small partnership might grow into ' vmi silnil thn black sheen." ha lirsed. u.imihlnir wurlh while." "t)h, yes, I heard you." "Well, let us talk about something. I never saw you In such a pocky mood be fore," she said, smiling at him archly. Suppose you tell me whut you think about be urged, something worth while." smiling at her earnestness. ..j don't know anything about stocks," "Yes. Borne men have a nasty habit of r.pu0d Fletcher, with a smile that showed warning glrla against their men friends. j,u wa8 not displeased at the compliment. Black aheep don't bite any more than have a pretty good berth now. At the white ones. It Is the doga that are aup- same time, 1 am seriously thinking about America by this time. Let us see. How Voaed to take care of the sheep that bite, nlaklntf niy home in tho stales, it I can And I suppose you wanted to bet too? wm mak ola Hartley think twice about Oh. but you men are dreadful when you backing the omnipotence of the police get by yourselves, drinking and gambling force of this town;" and he waved his and betting on things." exclaimed Helen. hand to them through the elevator door as "Indeed. I should not have tried to. tell he went up. nem 10- this: I had no Idea It would sound so .d.. j t i . n ... . . .' . , and It la uuunllv the white sheet) that get .... n in v..rir wood of vuii .mh.r Tw or ihr.. niher. r. i b.v- . ... 1 ''"" " ' leauy in earn- long nave you Dcen ncref Deverai weews - --- ----- .. - " - -- thing of their own free and careless spirit, , " ,,, " " u,,, ,w" " oaa' xwe" cr,oa- i-orgive me! "1 est." said Maynard with a laugh us he and now "" bltun' w"enver Per,on te" m ome- to suggest the possibility aavto my future, and she laughed with a childish abandon- , .'"?!,,!; 1" y t don't wny 1 ver ''rred to the In- Fletcher strolled toward the dining room. "America is certainly a great country." lnln na"ly ,)OUt a mutual friend. I al- bul lol- lUv plc.Cnt I think it will be better ment to the pleasure of the moment. lram , , ' i ne moment vMfnti yet something has compelled me to After they were comfortably seated and ho said musingly, as If the subject ap- was thlnk of tne "y tney wiU Probably to flrilsh the matter In hand." : ,", : V T . , connue in you. Bometning tells me It had ordered their cocktails and scanned pealed to him. "Kvery one seems to get lais aooui me some aa. --Let us have our Idea ot wnal migm ue he wanted to go home again, and It was may be ()f nterest to you some day. Some- the menu critically, Fletcher reverted to on 1 have heard of several good openings "'l'"p admlt tll,il 1 estimated your don0t lht,Ui demanded the doctor, to save his dinner party that the doctor ilmea you SPem more Hke a boy comrade the Bubjei.t W,,.n Was cveidently most f,jr a man with a little capital, but not character aright?" he said, smiling at her ,.My lMiill i3 briefly this." said Fletcher: rang up Maynard. He asked us to sand- tha a glrl uppermost In his mind. BO muny fr simple ability, unless you call admiringly. "There are two or three conditions which wich ourselves between the two at tame. .-ror, t interrupt yourself," Helen com- "Yes. I think Douglas Is qule ln earnest $15 a week an opportunity. As a starter told " om bFfore lhat 1 ag vely limit the problem and increase Its dlffl- and to obviate, as much as possible, any man(1(d firmiy. i can n8ten. even though and what is more, I think I could help hi life in New York I would take (10.000 transparent and shallow," she answered, tUlUlB. Jn tho tlrst place, ln case the necessity for their speaking to each i confess to a feeling of-of-trulv fem- hi.n . i.i. vn.. bn..u- . . i nr,fr.n,.. to ibe undiscovered without looking at him. "Hut we have been ..,,.. ur crlmliml Is caught, it will be nec- "Isn't this a delightful payday?" she. ex claimed, taking a deep, full breath. "Are you enjoying It, even with such a dull playfellow?" Maxwell inoulred, sud denly realizing that be had been so preoc cupied by his own thoughts that he had said very little. "Yes, I am hav'ng a very good time.1 she answered. "Hut now that I think of It. I ought to be quite on my illgnltv bo cause you find so little to say to me." He did not reply for a moment. He Inlne revulsion." Hon or two. Were you ever hunted? or still untried abilities of an Kdison. When talking like two silly children." The so. eSBaly UlHt there hhould be some loophole other." "What a congenial party!" Sh, Xruflir4 nn)i ho told herself, yet Tho auddeness of the question made May- jou say tu a man. 'I could be very useful rl"ness of his manner disturbed her ulovl(ed lor his iMupc. It mlglit be shown "Yts, wasn't It? The doctor's plan was , . hmil. tha, -,.f.rvpi.11, ,, rd ,rn rHn . ,hB seeing hi. ... to vou in vour businesa If vou gave me a umehow. With a woman's Intuition she , whole tllnK Was a mlsuke. and all the right during the dinner Itself, but after tm) Fana, Bhe wa, ma,,e hpeny con.lou, barrassment. Fletcher hastened to put the chance.' he listens as If you were telling understood that he had the power to make tnul no ai.lual robbery had occurred. Oth cofee and cigars came In the con- c( tlie mystery of personality which so Idea he had In his mind in another way. him that you would reform if it were no lier "" was all very well to amuse cl.wlsei t u,0 robbery were real, the whola looked al her intently aim me suiue ne v ersation oecame more general, ana it often disturbed her. . The door of his heart gave her, accompanied by a slight cloalnit soon became verv evident that these two might b open to her, but the way to the ci tne eyes, lino h mownum i imc uc". were not incunea 10 enuorsn eacn otners door was a labyrinth. Candidly, I think that Mr. Hartley had mvself- but there "Isn't It dreadful how men drink when they get together?" might mean anything. Somehow It checked hur buoyancy unt I he spoke. "I supposed," he said, "that we had be come the sort of friends that understand each other without the formality of speech, which conceals so much more than It re veals, after all." Helen shook her head, i-millng the while. "Of course you can lead my thoughts, fur I am about us transparent and shallow as the edge of a wave, hut 1 confess I cannot understand you. Many times when 1 think I am beginning to know you it seems as if you shut the door of your real rilf" Maxwell !.to,tel to pick up a shell, and both of them stood Kt ill for n moment. close to tho s.a. He turned to liar and of thing better than calling on me said slowly and gravely: asked lightly. "I had s "I have never shut the Uu r of my heart would come to Hrooklyn last evening.'' to you. Miss Ohlstrom." "It is hardly fair to put It that way; When she heard the words, littered with but to be brutally frank, I enjoyed It last evident purpose. Helen trembled with the night immensely. It was so American realization of a strange happiness. She and so enlightening." knew that she ought to rebuke this man. "And 1 suppose 1 am not AmcrUan and who was little more than an acquaintance, enlightening?" She was going to say "In opinions on any subject under the sun. ..j ,.nfpB., i gnoun bave ba( Ked Douglas "Did you ever shoot without a dog?" "Why, no. I'm not fond of hunting." "1 don't mean hunting. I mean birds." "Well, we call that hunting in this coun- longer necessary to steal, or as if you were nrself with a handsome Englishman, but lot oI llB mlKhl gu to Jail talking about the possibility of selling "ol "" r",n ronae- l)elolu lhu Iact. accessories goods In Mars; but when you say you are quences? Had she not presumed on the looking for a chance to Invest a little capl- nau auoui as mucn cnumpagno as was nia(,e." Maxwell went on. "They simply good for him." aifleed to think it over for & welc no actual bet J0U know; because the birds are so tal, he is all attention ln a moment." ably to let Mr. Hartley cool off a bit. scarce that we have to hunt Tor them. "Don't you think ability will get the But what has that to do with Douglas?" capital some day if the man Is the right "I Bhould Judge that the hunt he pro- Bort?'' As Helen asked tho question she vve.i, uie resi oi us were an perteouy w 8nou,d nlcPt her. a(an npxt SlitUl()av, sober. At least 1 am sure I waa." Maxwell um, tllat If any one had anything prac tical to suggest that would tettle the bet, each of them would put up ten thousand on the result." "And you are going to be a parly to sin il a gambling transaction? And bet on robbers being too clever for the police?" Helen demanded with severe ucciisatlon We broke up with the understanding that poRM wouM h" l"1,e H8 exiltln Bnd even turned and looked him full ln the face. smiled quietly "But how did they get Into a fight If you were all sober?" "There was no fight. It was only a row. All talk and bluster, and offers tu bet thousands of dollars on any absurd proposition lhat might be made." "How lovely! And you enjoy that kind more full of surprUes than shooting with- jt was u look that would have encouraged out a dog." any yuung man. She wus wondering to "Hut you don't for a moment suppose herself If It was the want of capital that that such u thing as that will ever be wnR worrying him. attempted?' "Oh, I suppose so," ho answered, smiling "Such a thing as what? As settling that k Ht hpr ..yu A,m,tl, an Knl wager: Why. yes, I ruther hope li will. At fact that bet: parents had received Hardy Maxwell Into the family almost on the footing if a relative? It was as If he were at least tbe cousin who had sent him to them. Her father and mother had always guarded her with old-fashioned vigilance, and she had enjoyed the unwonted freedom of the last few weeks. She realized that she lould not tell them Just how far her acquaintance with Hardy Maxwell had progressed. With a flush of shame she re membered how she had urged him to re- " Another point Is thnt .lt will be neces sary to commit tho robbery without hav ing to commit burglary or assault on the person as well. You might announce thut nothing had been actually stolen, after all; bul you could not deny that a house had been broken liilo. If U were highway rob bery, the pel on who was held up could hardly clulin, alter tne thief was caught, that It was all a mistake, and thut no ono had ever attacked him. "Any such things as robbery of the malls, or of an exuiens Luiniiany, would never du; least, If a I'lJictlial s'-heme could he found for the test, don't you know." 'TlealK! You airiusA me. What sinuular In her voice. Why, robbers sometimes kill i.i. ,.r .,.,... ..... i.-..i,i,.v,,. i - ... 8na people when they are resisted, don't thev? . ,t . ,, ..... .. .t feeling that you why did vou let yourself U drawn in.,. , ., . ' A ..- - - - ill- i-Acililib il um! I uuin ofrrj oillllilltS til. such things'."' tho ,,he. Uut almply to know that a "Really, I think it is extremely Interest- bank had been robbed and to wait for tho ing, all the moro an because it Is between robber to be caught does not strike me as those two, I am quite sure, if I am any particularly exciting. AH you lould do Judge of human nature, that the police would be to read the paper every moin- would not lack assistance, financial and Ing, and then you might miss the Item." otherwise, if Mr. Hartley had tan thousand Maynard paused a moment us if pondering fiuin from mentioning the dinner storv to know how to spur men on to all kinds of . ,, 1)pt,,ni, incidents connected Willi because tlli-y would not be humbugged eitorts. It reminds me of the knights of lt whll h had allocked her so much. by any stui y of 'n-nhiiig In it' after vhey old. none of whom ever sinned able to d A IfW ,nnute8 alvr a,i th,.y weie bad caught the lhi-f. but would probably anything worth while unless some woman ln ,ne Brooklyn drawing room, where dig out the whole story on the witness tlwl a favor to spear or shield." He heal- f rt ... and ohlstrom awaltln stand. them with the sort of Impatience that tomes of a delay of the dinner hour. IIIAPTKH VI. for daring to speak to her In such a man- tlref,tl,lg-. at ,,. lowlI her heaJ at 8taKe Wr ,,, wa- ,h(, pr()S. ovpr em,.thinK. lier, yet be could not bilieve that he was aml iooked across the bay at the distant taking advantage of the liberty accorded oulines of Sandy Hook, while hs hastened to American giris. f-m men to summon the same feeling of resentment that he liad awakened on the of their first meeting. She really nc nnt to reprov e him, but des ite a new sensation cf t nildlty sii looked into his face, and what she saw there was so convincing that he could only drop her eyes to hide their tell-tale acknowledgment of her trus In him. A few moments later and they weie walking on together with the cool sea. brtfse blowing In their f.ccs. It was not until half an hour lalor. when they were chatting about some trivial tlilnn. that the girl suddenly became uncomfortably con- to say: "Yes. you are enlightening v ery! Hut I thought you wanted to hear the story?' he returned with a look that told her she was altogether charming. "I do." she declared pectlve loser. I fancy a trial of that kind would be as exciting as a horse race. I Should cirtalnly put a bit on myself." Mie turned the conversation tu other matters, and they soon found themselves at the bridge over Sheepshead bay. The dinner story was still running through her question i" neua. but she made no comment unon li hide the answering blush. unlil th,.y wcre nearly home. "To cut it short, the row came to a -i don t know what to think of vou " head when they got to talking about the ew tai,i suddenly with assumed 'cat-ideas. failure of Mulberry street to find Bradley the murderer." "Mulberry street? What Is that?" "i mean tha police, of coarse. We al ways speak of Scotland Yard doing such scious that she had 1. 1 tins Kngtlshmivn things, you know ; so I naturally thought assume the position cf a possible suitor. of Mulberry street over here, don't you Helen Ohlstrom had studied M.ixtvell know." He slopped short after this ex closely. Mis had watched the curious smile planatlon. as If he had been rather con that had attracted Maynurd's attention, fused by the question. ness, "but 1 suppose I shall ask you in to ua. Perhaps I can get hack my first good Impression of you before you return to the city; but not a word before papa and mamma about that horrid betting and robbery buslnes." tHtl'IDH IV. In telling Helen Ohlstrom the story of "You asktd me a very curious Just now," he went on. a little ttnry. li s ri"i a t"ld it several tni'.'S lately. I knew a ; oung man that was bold u;i by three ruffians when he was on his way to see a gill livid out in l!.. suburbs of u. i crtain tow n, and he shot one of them plumb ln Hie hi east with a forty-five Cults. Tbe ltiluw drew up hi right leg sure sign that he was sunt through the heart and staggered 1h kvvi.:d about twenty feet before he fell. F.veiyhody else ran away. Well, the young man rad the morning papers behind locked alonrs for thice weeks sfter that, so that no otic should see him start anif tremble r turn pale when he isnie across the announcement of the finding of the boiiy. "Kvery policeman he nu t fas Inated him. One day, turning round after a look ln a tated a mument. Then he said with much sarinusntss: "Do you know lhat I believe I could accomplish utmost anything In this lountry If I might wear your favor?" "Surely. I shall never find a knight more mysterious," she answered, with a smile. in the Journeys I believe it was the Saturday night came, and the others masked prince who alwuys won the favors 'r al tireen's on time; but Hartley did of the fairest ladies." not appear. The proprietor was very at- "Yes." ho agreed. "The unknown horse- tentlve. as usual, and assured them that lean who had ridden from a far country he would see to It himself that the din- no I .ill tell you ,ni, rcd the lists with' his visor down and ner should not spoil w'lille Hey were trv seciet, us I have Rll!i always the victor. At least, that is Ing to locate Mr. Hartley by telephoning tlie way things went in the romance I to various plans. He asked Fletcher how i;sed to nad when I was a boy. Tne ludy the Atncrh an restaurant pleased him, el liU hea. t leiognlzcd him an her true and bowed at the compliment he dievv krtgnt ecu before she saw his fare, and" forth, afterward paying particular atten- lie s-uili d teuslngly "she trusted him ah- t on to the young Knglishinan. soluuly." When Hartley kw aa finally reached at one "Hut sometimes she was ln doubt." Helen of his dubs, he seemed to be quite taken urged. "She hud to battle with misgivings by surpiie at the announcement that Mr and reports which tiled her con- Frank Douglus was on hand with a propo- st.mcy." Helen spoke In un even tone, but avoided looking at him, so that he might not judge how much she meant him to accept as pirsonal. 'Could you not trust a knight who Is not a piim e, but simply a soldier of fortune?" he asked. bitlun lhat would aettle that little bet. Dr. Uumia was at the telephone. "Why, you don't mean that Douglas was ln earnest about any such absurd pinposi tlon as that?" came from the other end. "He certainly was. You know he booked the bet at the time, on condition lhat some scheme to decide it should be forthcoming "Keen if he kept his visor down?" rhe by tonight Well, he is here with his scheme '- "And how did your friends propose to his first meeting with Maynard, there was h"P wind". ' aw a poliicmun looking questioned and It always recalled her latlur mark, "Queer chap in some things. She find Hradley?" one little detail that Maxwell did not nun- realized that she knew nothing uf his busi- . uh they bad no ,,rop0sal hi make on Hon. This was that In Introducing himself ness In America, or the probable duiatien ,hal ,ubjCct; but Mr. Hartley, who was to the stranger ln the billiard room at the of his stay. He seemed to have frw friends j.-.mng more hilarious ev ery minute, talked hotel the name lhat had been given was lit New York. 1'erhaps that was the real b(,al, aboul .,h, fmMl poUc, f(m., M1,lun Ketl.h; not JUr(,y Maxwell. By reason why he devotej so much of h's , lh- wor,d . ,u a o ,hM D time to her. Hi r reflections were suddenly ....... ...... . i...... .... . ....... . ... , . . v. ? until III.- PVUIU III1U tils uiinramcy j r . c J l ine CIUU. JW fugitive, and all lhat sort of thing, don't that name he was known to Paul Maynard interrupted by Maxwell's saying: , ..n a...l . .Itnn.i mth.r iinnmim-lMllv last evening in a restaurant and had rather """"' u' Pon-poonea ...u iu ... u a ,nenas. a curious experience." ,h who1" thing, and sald that If the po- Another trifle that he had overlooked In "Tell me about it," Helen replied rather "l 'r le,t to themselves they could not the narrslfve was that he had changed his als nt nilndedly. catch anybody." hotel next day. and had registered as Mll- I do not exactly know how to tell you." ,1JlJt re ,he' not always left to them- ton Fletcher St the new one. so that when Maxwell began hesitatingly, "but perhaps selves? W ho helps them?" Helen de- Maynard called for him or rang him up. you will forgive me for describing the nianded. It was Mr. Fletcher that was asked for low. at I thought It very amusing. You "Why, my dear glrl-I beg pardon, Mies and lhat responded. Just as it was 'Mr. see. 1; was Mr. M&ynard who gJl nie into ohislroin w hy . I mean you see Scotland Milton Fletcher that was at the dinner. IU" and his check. 1 am to be the stakeholder 1 the laui.hed ut her own sally, and they "Hut, my dear fellow, you must be all walked on for quite a distance without irary. Why, the whole thing wus Just a speaking. As she swung along the coun- little after-dinner argument." try road, her cheeks aglow with the fresh ' I hardly think joj inn say that, Mr. air and excerciae, he made a charming Dartb y. You made the imposition youi - p:cture which attracted many a sidelong self. At least. ou were the one that offered day to this, although ii Is tweniy years gUnce from her' companion. At a place tu back the police for any amount. When und more now. I suppose ti.ett Is no harm ln finishing the Mory. It was I that shot Mm. That is why 1 was lather astonished when you asked me If 1 was ever hunted." St him from acro-s the street. He stood stO' k-sllll until the offh er came over to him and asked It he wanted anything. That woke him up and he tauually got over it." "And what about the man lie bhit?" "Never heard a word of it from that where a stone wail, covcicd with a tangle Mr. Douglas said he would take you on of brown vims. Invited them to Mop for for lie am. you seemed only too willing, so a few moments to enjoy the view of the he booked the bet. I believe the first Idea autumn world. Maxwell assisted Hsltn to was that you were to suggest a test; but "Oh! said Fletcher, half to himself, as a feat. Standing before her he aald: Douglaa and Fletcher aeeoi to have saved If suddenly enlightened about something. The conversation turned to other subjects, 1 must beg your pardon (or presuming you that trouble, and- to hope that you might let me be your and after the dinner had passed off wry knight. I might have known that some pleasantly the two men went Inio the bll- rial prince ulieady wnars your colors Hard room for their usual game together, und holds the pledge of your constancy." About 11 o i lock, us they sat down in the His serious manner und his searching said-no, i uieaa lue police deptad more A day or two after the "row" that bad cf fur a nlghuay, Douglus stepped out .-Uuce were bu-U that sua couU not de- "Fletcher? Who s Fletcher?" The doctor explained, adding: "We are all here watting for you to hear the scheme .and put up your money." "Voj don't mean It? Why. Its the most extraordinary thing I ever heard of. Noln- As one of the conditions of the bet Is thui the polka should not be ablo to Identify the luminal by his work, nor to be led to him by his pals-a very Important condition, by the way-II will be necessary tor the Identity of lhu thief to be a mys tery from the first. This will compel the police to find out who he Is before pro ceeding to the second pail of their task; his arrest. I should Insist on the Import ance of providing against tho possibility of the man's own 1 f: o nus, or supposed frieiKls, bt-tiuyiiiK h ui to the pollio. In naes of lolibi-iy the oilliculty Is always to know who did U. if V" '"'' 'be papers you must observe that. Hut in murders tha dilfi'ulty Is to tui'l the man after his identity Is clearly established." "My. but Dili es a lul tu think of!" re marked the dot tor. "What 1 is this," continued Fletcher. "Home one having about his por tion valuable. JeweU or a large sum ut money should go to a curtain hotel. Money would Iu better, if the sum were largo enough lo Interest the police In the case. Thut the victim had this money about him should be possible proof by Ms having diawn It, received it, ur taken it out uf a sale in the presence of witnesses Just bo dice going to the hotel. "The robbery should take place In this hotel, and tt should be done, without having to break uny locks or climb through any windows, t'rohahly a very simple way would he to suppose thut the money had been pluctd in a pockct-booli and put In the Inside pocket of a coat; whereas It hitd actually bei n placid in the pocket of sn overcoat. This overcoat lould be care lessly thrown on the bed or a chulr upon the guest's arrival al the hotel. Thinking the money was Id tils cost pocket, The guest could mention to the clerk at the desk thut hu had a large sum of money to put ln the safe In a f'jw minutes: but wanted to get some papeit out of his bug aa soon as It was scut up stalls, or something of that sort. (To He Cuntiiiutd,)