DP . h Vy wjaM.4w"'" 'NMMMflMtb a""U .V igd xsri xipAvi i;r H r ,4 1 - r a ev r M 1 UWEDrJESftS- 7.3.1 S AV THURSDAY SATURDAY. - MfBlO) BP - ; t , "X - - rl f ',' J OB I """""- 1 1 4 fit Y L V A .v. HELP WANTED MALE Afi aw 4 CwwMwwed. GET Jt ta roar pocket Easy, quick. Mak fc-XiO per week. Other are. J. T. Peay, X. C sold 12 m two days, profits !'. Mrs. J. Brown, pa., sold 10. made P first three liar. Only two sales per day Is $3 per week profit. W. K. Stevenson. Tex., ordered :4 In fwe months. H. E. Conloy. N. C. sold U oca evening. prof:ts 81, aav "Everybody Beeda one. Our famous easy way clothes waanr clean family ! In from 4w to 14 minutes. No work, only more kr.ob oc casionally. No. chemicals, no rubbing;. No wash board. Nothing else like it. pric . . ExUUng business, bnow 10, sell I. Get 1H1 rian. Postal now. Harrison Mfg.. Co.. No. sW Harrison Bids.. Cincinnati. Ohio. ItEHE at last. New Invention. Make you $7 to Si1) weekly. Quick sales: one to each, house; per cent profit. A. Morriss. Ohio, mads I & on day selling the Vacuum llolhes Washer. Operates on new principle; washes without work. No rubomg, no chemical. Mads of genuine copper; ever 1 as Ting. Better than expensive washing machines. Women excited; a vents coming money. Carry sampie easv. to-.ns. N. H. as "wife won t wash without ii ' Write Quick for Information Free sample; no tear for territory Want exclusive sales men, in each county. Metallic Mfg. Co., is-l Hyatt Bldg . Toledo. Ohio AGENTS Her It Is Marvelous Nw Fire Extinguisher; wonderful; rtartllng; amazing action of me bancal and chera tal forces puts Or out Iihc magic; create great sensation; will soon be fixture in very home, office, school, factory, farm boiiSA. automobile or motor boat. Edw. McUogh, O., writes: "Mad l. last we-k. boy of 14 scjld I Is 1 afternoon. C E. Mo Nichol sold 2 In 3 day, profit $"0; A. U Hale, Conn., sold 1 ttween express of fice and hi bom, profit $2V Extinguisher guaranteed; used by V. 8. Government; anyone can us, even a child: act in stantly; get an appointment: make .) this year; send ddress on card for com plete Information. I nlted Mfg. Co., lao Mill St., Lelpsic. O. AGENTS Stop right here. Something new. 146 to l a week. Sells on sight. hj per cent profit. No charge for territory. Automatic Rasor Hhsmener abso lutely guaranteed for life. On agent, with- ( out xperlenc. too IT order first day out (sworn tatement: M order next day, pro fit for two day. ST) 30. . sold In four month Phenomenal money-maker. Men everywhere are excited over the mysteri ous accuracy and perfection of thi littl machine. Write today for full detail, free W want a thousand agent In ex clusive teerltory t one. Add res Th Never fall Co.. & Colton Bldg., Toiedo, O.- FOUNTAIN PEN". TOR AGENTS. DEMONSTRATORS AND PREMIUMS. GOLX). 8IL.VER AND PEARL K TX)Z. All pens fitted wtth 14-kt. gold nibs and fully guaranteed. Also large ahosry holder wtth gold plated nib at low price. Dia mond Point Pen Co., - Fulton St.. New York. Largest manufacturer In United states. Sand for price list of our "Marks man ValTt Point ' pens. 36c lines AOENTtS For a vacuum cleanor that weighs only t pound sell for K yet does th work of th more expenstv machine; big profits, liveliest proposition ever off ered to an agent: many agent making $10 weekly; others 175 to 160 weekly; dem onstration means sal; you can sell 10 of our machines to on of any other make; writ at one. P. A W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., 1 West Mh St.' New York AOEJTTB Men and women make money for yourselves in spar time. A fortunate purchase by us at a bankrupt sal of best German stsel. "Colonial" Raxor. t marked H'JS ch on box) enables us to sell them ta rou at 13 no a dosen. Readily sells at SLtt each. Th first order for on dosen ar mor from vour town secures th agenry. No expentnee necessary. Guar aranteed Cuttlery Co., 6u V atain Bldg-, Phils.. Pa.' . HWOe to lljouO made weekly handling ur complete line lui-ict:ng oil, grease, paint and specialties. Fairfsx Refining Co.. Cleveland. O. AGENTS msk tig money selling Stew art' Automatic sewing Awl everybody need one. Mends leather all heavy ma terials. Sampl U.S. Write Stew art-Skln-Br Co.. Dept. W. Worcester. Mass. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple Hn. High commission. IW0w monthly advance and p rmanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Oetrolt. Mich. CHEVTINO GI'M-Sell to dealer In your town: clean, profitable business built up quickly with our brands Four flavor novel package. W rlt today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, o. AGENTS Make big monev selling dhavesy Raxor Guards (make any old iyl raxor afe. Every man wants one l'n Hmlted opportunity Write t.elay for free booklet. Shavexy Co., Faynnes St.. Buf falo. N. T OENERAL AGENTS We offer a new dvtc that poatttvely make I gas lange baraer do th work of a, fave ov.-r S Mr cant of gaa. Retails for C. Irge i . Jt!. ve-f-." .m. F-xcluMv. territory. f' en toj n organisation, now ' ilng from hocse to hc..;,e. O. B. -t- . V E, Kin St.. N. i ' pro given MANAGER WANTED Everv cltv and eoviniy. hand! best paying business known, lewlllmata. ow. exclusive control, no in aurwjio or book canvassing Address. Cbas. Halstaad. 43 West J4th St . New York FRJCE sauiipl No Sal ash Waters) rainer ar winner. I .ally profit S upward 1 jet ti prov it. Send J- mianing cueti. Seed jTlltar Co.. New York WANTEX Four ladies f'.r the road to demonstrate t house-to-ho. i . sa'ary and aspen- Appiy lo W. . Crr. Room i-i. Old oniti Naliooal Bank Bidg. WAJTXr Experienced salesmen to Mil fruit, truck and H.f land under tn tauaous Eiapbaat butte irrigauon iuui at la. Cruces, Nw krioo. wner the rv aniKl la lr-en o n m approximately ki.0uw.gus ia eosLatrucuasi tnt great dam- LiDral sunmuaiiiii. Writ for full particular. sVicpbaat Butt Land ak Trust Co.. i-s Cr ucaa. Nw Msaicu. ' BOYS and GI KI.S Watches, aeroplane, Sviueraa. air rifles, tic. fire. Cataiugu and samples t ,r r...-ne.i Geu.-ge laab 4k Co. leTi Crawford U ad. Cleveland AGENTS Big profits sehlnx Tus.o Klt rbjea spcs'iaitie. new lnv etuiou. needed daily In every iam.!: a) ..d wherever nosn. L tl.ule bl.l iV, Itpt- 4. Cin cinnati. O WANTE1 Reliabl local agent tn Omaha and vicinity lo appoint and handle can vasaini ents tT patented artier. Sens on Si;ht. MM per .eat prof'.t sam(-i sent free to workers Cbapm Mfg. Co. Dept. r.. Lombard. Ill ' MANl'FACTUKER quick selling automo bile and motor boat accessory wants uv agenta ery sesl.- n. for ex.lusiv terri tory. Retails H. B'g cvmniiaaluft. P. O. box !4cO. Huston. Mass ' AGENTS WANTED New household ne CSMlty sell for Jc. Cost c Will pay you luaadsonieiy to investigate, fcvrystoi. M(g. C. )u Jackson St.. Muteie. lad NEW YORK importer wants traveler to carry as aid line steal specialty una of c aad sic La.es. em orudr r ie. laiiea neck- . 1 Wsrstx I Jt-ria) rtxumoiion. y A KKAl KjJTATK ulfMV&a 9 , Kftivcliintf cuufi under txviBm m. Ttal- capabl of smeu. st-cial Lnina and Permanent boeitioa with gond OimU cooipaay la one wno will prove his aoi.ity ea cuuiiiluw trial. Addxva now. J it le ' HELP" WANTED MALE Aareat ss4 Sales wtew Ceatlawed. PORTRAIT AGENTS Send for cut prices and samples. We have discovered new way to make good picture heap. Want l'O agents, 10 crew manag-rs. a.so state manager. Our new proposition is a big money maker. Good men wanted to compete our organization. Model r'ortrail Co., 10 Van Bur en St.. Chicago AGENTS Listen '. Our "Substitute for Elot Machines' sell like wlid-flre. No capital required. fcxcluHe territory. An derson Gam Co.. Anderson, Ind. AGEINTS-IT) agenu to sell a new device, repair a punctured auto tire without it ment m on nun at. Cinch Ttr Kepair Co.. Ik East Main St, Valley City. N. L. IOU ran make M as our general or local agent; household necessity; save ' per cent; permanent business, exclusive territory; salary or commlsion. Free sam ple. Credit. Pitkin, Newark. N. V. AGENTS Improved specialty for autom bile owners, v-l- k sel.er; b g profits. Free jlli-'trted booslets. Write today. Hall brve . Natuma. Kn WANTED Arents for Cinci tire repair t;t; seli rn sight. Bee. sutcrnhlle N n, Ee. AGENTS Sell Roose the great labor sav er. Just out; per cent profit, no money needed, credit given, sample free. Boch Mfg. Co., Inc. Corning SPIJTALTT advertising salesman for Nebraska. Iowa and Missouri by one of th Oldest and largest exclusive manufac-i pointed out In the O. E. C. Weekly Bul etin turer of calendar, leather and clotb Six months trial sui.stcrptlon. l'JC, coin or utilities for advertising purposes, (xn ueistanu-s. Send today. Orients! Esotaric three of four good men. Commission basis , S iet. lifl. Washington, D. C v..;. nifiu rqe. eooer. inuusinous men with good references required. Address with fuil Information. T U, car Bee. SALESMEN Our side-line men rtar ." day while waiting for trains; a thor oughly high-grade, dignified proposition that any salesman can easily place with retailer in any line. Root. Thai. Granite Bldg.. fct. Louis. Mo WAITED Experienced and active land agents, to sell our Canada lands. Stewart Jc Mathews. Co., Limited, Xjo Jackson St . St. Paul. Minn. WANTED Salesmen for city work Call personally. Tho I -ally Nonpareil. Council Bluff, la. ClerleaJ mm Otflwa. BANK cashier, with B 000. N 9TS, Be THE great V. P. R R guarantee you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address tor particular. H. B. Boyle. Pres. U. P. Telegraphy School, Omaha. Neb. SrOVJESTION-e th CO-OPER.TIVE REFER i'ATE (V If looking for employ-1 na ,,; . ' ' rnliM '49 Col ment. WHT? Because their SYSTEM ' Stamp w h appli.-stion I nlted. .4 Col place your record constantly before the I onna.le Lldg.. Toiedo. o. business man. all at thejr office. l'.j-le i City National Bank Bldi;.. and b con vinced that they have tne most I'P-Tu-DATE system In tht city.' WANTED Collector, single man. Zi to year old, who Is a.ojalnte.1 in city. South Omaha and Council bluffs. Salary 113.5 per week, and car fare. C T1 Bee. WANTED-eStenosraphers . bookkeepers, clerks, salesmen, hardware clerk- NO FILING FEE. THE CANO AGENCY, 930 BEE BLDG ATTORNET to take office srace of us and receive real estate law business: rent 119 to tla: telephone and some clerk serv ice, furnished. Addreas G lS. Bee Faetef y aa4 Trade. Dru stores naps). Jobs. Knlest. Be Bldg. A CANDY made fresh every day in Omaha, is worth more than the other kind. If A. T. Klopp. 411 Chicago, will bring this ad to The Bee office within 1 days and identify himself, he will receive an ord- r for a pound of this fine candy. WANTED Good printer, either for makeup of country daily or job work; a g.d job for st.-ady reliable man: no hooxers or cigareite fiends . Address Dally Telegrahp. Atlantic. Ia. Ail-round house repair man for some work each month who want to make a tart to get a home and buy a lot on easy payments. Address L MS. Bee. S4 lH.lljs.saa. TOC ar wanted for government position. $4 month, f" rtt lor list of positions opta Franklin Institute. Dept. ks) D. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. Facial massage Included. Com mission paid for bringing students. Bar bers make mor money now than ever be fore on account of thv many added money making facilities Our course saves year of apprenticeship. Thousand of our grad uates In bum.Mi sending to us for help. We place our men on trains a railroad ' barber. teamh. office bunding, prl- j v.te barber, and valets Positions ..way. aa,r( Wage, In finishing depa-tment. ' , , wm. M(jier Bartr Cok,,,t, Uy la ,.,h s, WANTED Experienced dry goods sales men. Apply superintendent, Brandels Store. Th Barbers' Union has an office In th Labor Tempi. 1H1 Douglas St. Plenty of jobs. Open every day. WANTEI-Experlenced advertising so licitor. Call personally. Th Dally Non pareil. Council Biuffa. la. WANTED at ones Experienced ladle tailor and alteration hands. Apply super intendent. Brandels Store. LOUD OOVE&NMKNT positions spaa Writ for list. Franklla lastltuta Dp4. ISl-D. Rochester. N. I. m MEN to 40 years old wanted at ones for Electric Railway Motormea. and Conduc tor. $u to $.uw a nionin; ao experience nec essary; ao strike; writ immediately for ap plication biana. Address H. C- Fries, r U. ear Be. WANTED Young man with xpertMc In lad.es suit department. Apply superta tendent. Brandi Stores. TT C MONTHLY At.TOI.NfJ M r ALTO Si-HuoU Omaha. Neb. w LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE WANTED A A Co. prtr. Thos Kt Patrick IV iV'Tl'h V I- a, u .hU.k. .4 .- . .... - - - - . . " . . . RuiM crw.i lener ana msurauo klen-unn-anred men. between the age of Is nd tification card of oner. H in tv tju r- cuiaen of th L nlted btatea. of go. si character and t.mperait ratal, who can speaa. read and writ th k-ngu0 ian guaeie Fur tnlormauon apply to recruit ing off'crr. U: n and lKugjva Sta., omtli. Neb ; Maaaa. husetis Bid., euoux City, la ; .u North Tectn t . Lincoln. Neb-; 11 E. Third Bl.. Grand Island, NeO WANTED Man for country home: must understand car of flower and garden: good wa.es. Willm B. Clark. Muiard Hotel. YOUNG men fog railroad firemen, brake meii. t4(gasema. ( I. to start , early promotion, experience unneceaary . state age. weight and half ' I AdJr.ea. ILaliaay Bureau. ?. paaama U.dg . St. Louia. Mo tH W F.EkLY and xpene to trust worthy peoo.e to travel and distribute sam ple for big whole! housi. C. H Emery. V X14, ChU-ago' I WANTED A g-d blacksmith and horse I sboer. Smith brt. k u , Mm and W ool. I worth Asw. HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellasesaa Tvatlaaed. FOR a rum'vr endeavored to fix fruits. Owing to dmard f.-.r navy of ypars the navv ha i a high tar. ird f r re- ' the steadily Increasing I p"itii ns. h'eer. and the limited nunibr f ai ancK-5. th aw department -.. determined I t.ipher the riuiremen:s f to raj!e still ir enii-'irneni. men mcrall . ' and to accept only puked nier.tailv and physically. The navy has mui h to cffer the serious minded younc man cr bv over IT. who i. amuitious to make his Ule a success, who is eajter to win advancement by his own efforts, and no wants to be a.s;rd of retirement with a competency in his de clining ejj"S. Ne er-do-wells and adventurers need not try to join the navy. Even should they rass the recruiting officer they mould n"t find the service to their liking, and their discharges would probably foiiow; but any honest. Industrious yriinic man. of sound Ihjsijue and clean habits, can meet the requirements, and such young men are w elcomed. No man is urged to Join the navy. They are only asHed to Investigate navy life; t'i talk It over with their parents The rst wav to obtain a correct idea of Navy life is to read The Making of a Man- -Wars.mn." It will be sent free on appli cation. Apply t Navr recruitinr station. P. O. Bidn . Omaha. Neb . where ail question" will be answered willingly by men who have had years of experience, or write to Rnreau of N'avtga'ion. Box 3T6 Navy Ee- partment. Washington. D. C THE way to success In life, business, md occultism Is heal; r : new thought DETECTIVES make as high as .T0 per . k u Interesting profession on earth. Write for particulars. Detective School. 347 Railway Lienver. Colo Western Exchange. MAN wnted with rig to take charge of sal of our medicines, extracts. plces s.ps. perfumes, toilet article, stock and poultrv preparations, etc.. in your county. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful. Pleasant, very profitable. References r outred. Write us. We 0,i,f,e8,, Shores-Mueller Company. Dept. M. Tripoli, la.' GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Railway ir.aii clerks, ponofflce clerks and carrier, cjstoms. Internal revenue service, etc Thousands of appointment to be m-' Examinations soon in every state. Full tartlculars as to date and places. slarle paid sample guestlon previously used, etc ...... r ..... - 1'nwr fins iiu.i.ii.'i" . i.- Tuition" evnlained Send for ctr cular IT. National Lor lngton. D. C Institute. Wash- r.r-1-r.Tirpa TVI. lvalitr 11 S Week Kr' 1 rA ' ' .fi-" ...rv YOUNG man to sell Liquor Extract di rect Exceptional chance offered by well known house Experience not ahsolutelv necesharv Free Instructions Salary J1S weekly with g-jarantee. Wellstood A Co.. a Fifth Ave.. New York. SPLENDID opportunity Is open for re sponsible young man to become our rep resentative on three msgaxlne combination at F. cents a week. High s-hoo! student preferred. Small salary and commission. Pearson Magaxine. East 24th St , Sv York.' fKfl monthlv m1 expenses to travel and distribute samples for Ms manufacturer: steaviv work S. Schefler. Treasurer. P 1"4 tlcago ' HELP WANTED MALE MD FEMALE. LIVE man or woman wanted for work at home paying from U to U per day, with opportunity to advance; spare time can be usd; work not difficult and require no experience. Universal House, W Wabash Ave.. Chicaau.' BOYS AND GIRLS Sell IS piece Jewelry at W cents each and get a camera, bracelet, fountain pen and other nic presents tre. We trust you. Hanover Co, Auentown, Pa.' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE U.rM-a sad Vehicle. KORSE. wagon an v. harnesa AYbatsr 1S7. WE buy and sell all kinds of horse. Blue bam. rear MiUard hotel. D. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. A N. litn- UOKSKS AT AUCTION At our itgular auction sal Tueday SJid Wednesday. March 14 and li. w sill have N.ut six nuniired horees and mules of all cia--. from the choicest drafters, driver brood mares, etc.. l liie very cheap kind for ail a org. A horse for everybody, no n.stier how g "m! or how ctiep. you can nnd it at this sale. Ail strictly just coun try hors-s We sell out eery week and hav no stale horses on hand Everything old under lull fuarantee and must be as represented, faie commences at lu a. lu lueMiay, March 14. aO OMAHA 1K.KSE AND MULE CO.. INC.. UNION STUCK. YARi-'S, bOLTH OMAHA. FOR SALE 4-year-old horse, nea and wagon. lao Cuming.' also har- AUCTION SALE of over U horse and mu.ea. Gallup regular auction sale. Union SUica Yaros. tsiuth Omar., Thursday. Marca li. Among thi consignment nay b found choice farm marea. Lavy draft matcned team of farm chunks; alao about M nead of second-hand city corse, most of them a littl fvement ore; iey ell cheap and maa useful horses to take out on tne farm. a Lacy so. -c become sound when u-d on suit ground. 1. C. GALLUP- FV)R SALE Cheap. head of good mares, also t head of good horsrs. B;ua cars rear, MUArd Hotel. Uin and Dougias. SHETLAND pony and buegy: pony safe and fearless, but pleerty of go. Address P STl. Be. HSK closed carriage, tn splendid condi tion, cheap for uuick aaia. m derot wagon; great bargain. s- them at Tb Bennett Co. barn. Lin and Howard. LOST AND FOUND I.OST Porkfluw.k Kl&k ... 1 . . I n l - . ! - , . . , , ' , ward. Noi.fy Jos B. Scbroeder UatM Loyal: or notify W. C. D-e.l, iar oi .d- H eraid. A GOOD REWARD A aaxk of Updike s I rid of Omaha flour will b given to A 11 lara P. Har.a. H4 South iHb atreet, if he will bring tela ad to Th He ofTVc mo n Iun o-y and identify iumaeif. FOUND Te best rrop for waffle, tn th world. If Mrs E. I. Fraaer. D Elder St., Council Biuffa will bring this ad to Tke Be office within three day and identify herself ah will receiv an order tor a can of this f.ne ay ri. LCST Saturday afternoon, near Ben- I aeit store, a Libby. McNeil A Lithy l-rkl us'., in leatr.or cover Will tne two gen tlemen return It tnm.irr - at the Chat-1 ham. UD 8. Uth. Reward ' REWARD FOR P.FTT'RN or STRING PKAKl Ij eT FKIW E 14TH AND DAVENP..RT AND 1TH AM BURT: VAI.l rD AS k. t EPSA hi fci Ki TL IwN BV4 N. lira EDUCATIONAL THE BUSINESS WORLD OFFERS YOU THE GREATEST CHANCES In the bii-'ness wweld every time your :i t'.e TimFii the thorough st nirap fers its bitsest opportunities. Ti e Stenographer is t!.e "right hand man" of the Ws T. trie sten-trapher Is dictate.! ti.e important confident.! letter of the concern He is coriMant . ''JI.; more and moreahout the monev-maalt.i: end of the bu,mess. is .'ornif. daily m.-re valuable to the house and to himself--! in direct Une for promotion. j . v. - r... c i t rr.t ci ances are-his! If he has had the RI'iHT All 'J l we iiWFinr. ' . - - tminir.jr in the an.i will be in RIGHT buinei-s college, ne : .... . :i .via ti'ins of big concerns. He ill pe in a recx positions of Head Bookkeeper ;redit Man. Teiegrat.hv I-o v 'U know tat ner i vi ere at or e time, telegraph operator? What four out of evetv five officers were one knights or ir.e xe n ...-ne ...... eight out of ten w-re on. e leainint the art in s. me little Matvoi It jr-ars that ... twerty-flts lailrual prtsidtat' twenty of them worked their wav up m te.egiaph operator. Or, rerharw voj hjv s..me idea .f entering some branch of ..vernment employ ment.' If so. ycii must prepare for the Inevitable Civil Strvtce Examination. BOYLES CuLLKGr: is epcially prepared to f.t you for this high clas of work. Make up your mind right now that you WILL succeed and that you WILL as sure success for yourself bv obtai'ung your training in our coilege- Resolve to come end see us about the Day or N'ght School right away without delay. Or, at ltst. send for our fiee catalogue TODA1' BOYLES COLLEGE Uovles Bid. If. B. B0LLi l'resi.I. nt. OMAHA. Official Training School for c'nion Pacific R. R. Tel graph i'e ai inn -r.i .' THE M.0SHER LAMPMAN COLLEGE Make PERTS. specialty cf graduallns EX- M03HER ft LAMPMAN solicit the pat ronage of young people who are ambitious those who want to be among the best Trier is always a strong dtman.i for t.e services of those who hav acquired a high degree of skill. MOSHER 4k LAMPMAN hv trainen and helped hundreds of students to f .r. i positions. Let them help yoa. For catalogue address MOSHER & LAMPMAN'. 17th and Faniarr. Sts.. Omaha. Neb.' LOST AND FOUND tConunued.) $70.00 Reward Stolen From the pasture of C. G. Prewster. I Irving-ton, Ned . one dark bay mare. IS ! years old. weight about L-V) pounos. neavy with foal. mail white spjt on forehead, barbed wire scar on inside quarter of left 1 front fool. Bears on both hips from being , kicked, knee sprun? a little; owner will j pav a reward of t:- tor the recovery of his i property and Douglas county will pay a reward of $W for the capture and convic tion of th thief. Wire or telethon in formation to C. G Brewster, lrvmgto.i. Neb. Telephone Benson 44- Or E. F. Brailey, Sheriff. Omaha. Neb FOl'ND-The theater where an evening of real pleasure may be had. If Edith Spellman. 2J1 Webater street, will bring this ad to Tl Be within three days and iientify herself, she will receive an order for two seaja to the American theater. LOST Boston female terrier: white face, wan on forehead, tpiked collar; reward. Ml Taylar St. FOUND Ladies' silver mesh purse with inui.fi in it. Call Webster 4.j.' MEDICAL FRIES wssdVaU and rglcsd traatxaeat at Creighton Medical colleg. 14 Lh and intta port bt.; pciai attenuoa paid lo eonXins smdI cases; all treatment uprvued by ouer prufeaaor. Pbon Doua Let calls auswi cay and avKnt. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONE3-Bet rem edy lor itching. bleeding or protuding flLES; ioc postpaid; aamp.es frea. Snr man a. McCcnntU Drug Co.. Oman- MONEY TO LOAN ALAKY A.1D CBLATTalL jsjmv'mjunt us ingtmmimmn NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC $ NEW OD. $1 to $jou NEW PLJLNS. $ $ This la a new firm orgamxed by th $ $ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $ OMAHA To LOAN $ $ to any bonest person owning HOUSE- $ I HOLD Gj-Da. PIANOS, etc, or $ $ holding a salaried Dual Hon. at th $ $ rat of i FErt CENT PER TEAR. $ $ JUST THlh, loo k-AI $iic tnterast on M for on year. $ $ $13 interest on for ct: year. $ $ ti j interest on tou for on year. $ $ AUL OTHER SUMS IN PR" POR- $ $ TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $ $ Reasonaoi Appraisement Chargaa $ $ IME.rb.VPteVl IJOA' 1.1'lirA.AI, $ KiJOM H. W ITHNELL BLDG., $ $ N. E Cor. lit a ar.d Harney. $ inmmmfn,Tfttttt""m"attt'tt'"ttt"f NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you us ti or M u t good advan tage? If so. com to u. don t go to a friend. W loan tooney on fumltur. piano or teams without removal, smail and easy par men ia ia the weekly payment on a ta loan and $1 V is the weekly payment oa a ii loan tor M weeaa otner amounts In tn sam proportion. Writ or pnoa us and w wi.l call en you at once. Au business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington B.k.. lalli, Dodg St Phones: Doug .as 24. Independent A-isaa MONEY TO LOAN, come ia and let us expin our low ratea. K Uail Credit Co . M Paxton B ee TeL Dougias 1411. A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS Low eel rates and strictly private, NEBRASKA Loan CO.. Ui b Bldg Doug. liA. A-1A4. MONEY LOA N ED SALARIED PEOPLE WoMEN hi EEP LN G HoUcE AND oTH Ercs, without aecunty; easy paymestu of fice ia M pribcisai cttiaa. Tu.iuaa. Moeoi j Nw omana National bank kMilf. tUUUAUUNAL watrh ticks opi rt.,tiit lull Au J world of- her or bovkkeen the bu,ne. , i .... , ,V.a i r win get a nooi - 3 hj.iv immn mi details if the financial oi era- line ior i'iimivihih . and the lilner executive posiuons. cent of the railroad ofticiais it me countrv is me-.int pv per cent .i niea,. MONEY TO LOAN Salary awd Chattels DIAMOND LOANS AT 57o W. C. FLATAU, 1S14 Lsxlge street Telet hon- Red iAM MOVING. STOhAGt., CLEAMNU IXPKKS-'MEf; 9 DELIVERY CO Mcv. lag; furniture packing, fireproof torag. City olflc. ils a- ITUl ioug. Ina n-iii OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO clean, your tar(s cn your f:ooi. eiectnc vatuarr. cieaaera. M s. isix.; j a, llta- Lou. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piati movui,'. transfer sum or all kino, lv . Ss. k-tn St. 11 U. L;!s. A. lJlei. OFFEF.ED FOK REM Uaard mmm Khbi. ATTRACTIVE front room with larc a' cgtt; walkina distance, nuiu .yuiiB I boo U.lM w BOARD and room, convenient lur street ear men; aeMrable for one or tuo. Lake. ONE nice large room, wan u.ru. noiue cooking i-fti Howard. NICELY FURNISHED IHXIMS, BOARD. 231 DOUGL.VS. R. 4ssi. WITH ST. ta-.h JAMES. Am. tl.S 4i up; S. 11; Sun. heat, free waly; $i up: naia. jc. PLEASANT rooms, with board. Sth Ave. Extra taoie board. THE BACHELORS. X'th and Rates. Single. to $40; double. 1 Farnam. - lo tda. LARGE front room with board; bom cooking, fin beds; strictly modern; suit able f jt 1 or 1 young men, to per week. UST, Charles SU FINE large room suitable for two. 131$ Ca-s. Doug. as 1C4. FOR RENT Two room, ensult or ingl. desirable for four ladies or gen tlemen, iiio Harney St. FOR RENT Sunny rooms, cooking, lis 8. Xta St. bath, bom FOR RENT Modern. In. Harney St coxy rooms, do NICE room and U24 Seward St. board, private family. TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY. Excellent service, price reasonable. No. 21th St. Douglas tJ STRICTLY modern furnished room and board, walking distance from downtown; be.it of home cooking. 1Z3 S. i)th Ave Tel. I eg. Sea. ROOMS AND BOARD. 3Jt N. &1 SL FOR board- RENT Desirable, !cv Caas St- comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board; location. ZLL2 Douglas St good FOR RENT Nlc room and best board. H7 N. Et St. Nlc seuth, Dougias St Bin-!, rauia. I -irr-Uasx LCLi NICE room and board, !434 Seward St W. li3S. prlvat family. NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, private burnt, modern. iuOl a th. Doug .as 70U. MOIERN room with board, horn cook ing, txv atouti! list St WANTED Two ladle or coup! em ployed to board and ro-m; private family; modern conveniences, 'ptior.e W. Sei. FINE large room. Case- Dou-la 147 i. unabl for two. 1314 Mc DERN. cheery, clnn,: tn. g.od home cooking. Phone Lnug,a lVl. PRIVATE famtiy has nicely f .irni.-hec; and comfortable eat front rom with ex-! ceilent board for two gentlemen, in strictly modern home. Convenient wa king distance west. Reasonable prwe. i'hone Harney fcvA. Faraiahed Hew ass. ONE large front and rear room for rent; walking distance; elegant accouimotla tiuiis; f:rst-ciaj. elegant board next door. L7 S. X.ih Ave. Doug 7ei LOVELY HoME for four gentlemen, do-itoe parlor with piano, reasonable, juui St Mary s Asa LARGE, warm, front room in private hoc . deirat.e fur two: strictly modern, wa.ktng distance, on I4th tt car line. U) N. Sd. Red 4J3i TWO nice. Ht N. ?3d modern rooms; $1 and $1Z STRICTLY first class furnished room; private family, ineirro home, price reas onable, tli Hickory r-t Red 73x. TWO trictly modern rooms tngl ensult. ..llbi for two or ihree. Zt Farnam. D utu. YOUNG lady only; cicely furnished foot room, steam beat in new rat private Uy. jt17 Chicago St Red LUX TWO strU-tly modern rooms, single or ensult. s-ntabi for two or three. "k7 faJTiart, Do ..a .as aaaia. OFFERED FOR RENT Farwlahed Raowsi 1 sallast. TWO furnished rooms. Tei. Wsbsier l."i Kit N. Kta roK RENT Tw nvcwly ratsbed rooaa 111 t U 81 ONE large front room, furnished or un furnished. U South SUh Ave. VETSY desirable furn'sbed room In new ' modern f.at; everything new and strict. y first-class, close in. vl Doug.sa SOUTH fnnt parlor. strictly modern walking distance lii. .a Harney tret. 1 Phone Harney 3172. WAXJvIN'.j distance; rounA iLTT Dcdge. nicely furnished WANTED A nice and respectable, young man to board and room in private fairuiy For information call w 1.-5. t'NE large front and one rear room for1 rent; flrst-cias accmm.uat.ons; maikinsi distapce. i.-.h Ave el. gant p. .tne N.ard next UJCr 1 s.ug.as le I L.XDV f.wnirg- beaui:fi:! home de-ires t r. ni t . ref;ne. coui lc .r two- ladle :arg. irjc-i; icail iooal. 'I'nune Hartie l.A A ;D single ro..ni. 21 N. L-tn ! LAR'lE front room, d.siiatle f- r ma, and wife, or two or three gentlemen, als Ictlier r.v.rns. ?(.4 Wer.ster. i TWO dtsirabie rooms, newly furni-hed. i islth ga and pwrreiain bath, sttl.tiv mod- ! (em. J.vT iise. 1'ncnt Harmy -"1. j NICE, sinicle r.Km in private borne eren. es re.iuire.1. J4o Dodge. Hef- FRONT R'XiM, M'U'ERN. -MARY'S AVE. ?"T S f . LARGE PP.. NT R' J.M, Fl KN IS! i ED. STRICTLY MODERN. oi L'LvvEY. D. yC4. ONE large parlor r.x.m. modern, s iitable j for three ..r four gent'emen. aisc two smaller rooms. Corn.r l'tn and IVUi st . North. Douglas i3; A-C:1T. DEWEY European Hotel nth Farnum ! CIJSK IN. two newly furiush.-d front I rooms; furnace heat. Jl N. 2 tn St. No ' s gn. I'hone I'ougias i&'i. M'.tERN rooms for rent. KK N. lTlh si. Bell phone, Webster 4 - TWO NICE rooms In private residence tn West Famam district; refined young women preferred; prices reasonable. Ad dress O 71. Bee. DESIRABLE modern room; private family; good location. 131 N. 31st Ave. T RENT Two new furnished nms. a.l modern, convenient; hot ano cold water In rooms. Kara district, ill. p..r Ave; ren; i reasonable; no other r.w.mns: use of phon and piano, call Marney A ELEGANTLY furnished room In private family; walk.ng distance from w holesale disirut, electric and gas light; hot. cold water: use of piano and libiary; no other1 roomers, m S. nth. STRICTLY T?jZ Kxnum. modern H. -TT1 rooms on car line. FURNISHED tl St. Mary room Ave. in modern house. APE you looking for a large sunny ?ror.t rtom. modern, close in: smaller rcoms. horn cooked mea.s if desired. Call aid ..a! R. NICELY furnivhed room' preferred. Cali after a p. r Kooni li. third floor. rkir.j; girls S. 13th. FOR RENT Large. newly furnished I room, desirable for two people. s Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front room, prl vat famtiy. good location, walking dis tance: 310 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Desirable front rooms, vate home. T10 N. 22d St prl- FOR RENT Desirable notni, neatly furnished front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 So. I4th St. FOR RENT Large (team-heated room with alcov: desirable for three gen tlemen. &X N. llrth St. FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms, good location. lZli S. 17th St. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room, reference required. S3 S. l?th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two gentleruen. 2t: St. Marv a Ave. FOR RENT Three rooms good location, i 1-th St neatly furn'sbed ill modern. 71J s. FOR private RENT Nicely family. 41 S. furnished room Kth Ave. FOR room. RENT Large nicely 2Tju Emmet St furnished FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good location. 2411 Dodge St. FOR RENT Very pleasant southeast room, stationary bowl hot and cold water desirable for two. 2T77 Harney Sr. VERY nice south rrtsi Farnam St. room; good location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated room. bath, cold and hot water, modern. '.! Famam St FOR RENT Neatly furnished, modern rooms. Ill Chicago St NICELY furnished rooms, M3U Cas St all modern. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 214 N. Jith bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. TT, Farnam St. rooms; rVjR RENT Larg front room for two gentlemen, modern In every way. 1.1 a. i.tn Sc FOR RENT On large front room; location Ohio tt good FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par lor. Wj4 So. Mil fct FOR RENT Newly furnished room. M So. BmU St modern GENTLEMEN Tour chance; neatly fui nished rooms, nice, nuiet. refined home, sis So. Stiih Ava FOR RENT Nice front room for two genuemen. good location; close in. Jul Leavenworth St ' FOR RENT Nice front room, ail mod ern. 24 Chicago &(. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished eon nected rooms, on car Una Apt k. "in Oaaiar-d." CLOSE IN, clean, modem, front rooms In in-.at bom, lsirab.e lor one or two. $ and $1 7i No. ZA. FRONT room, tlis) per wek. St W s. Sth VrOT .(r.Kl. 1. . trr.r.t ,.om .,,1. able for two "el a Ave at-le lor two. al . n A or' RfslMS In privt family, hot water heat, i , eiectric light five nilaute off ' busina ; district. u S. l'tn Ave. Usteis sad AM4rtaaiesls. NICELY mtVlfHKD P.OOMS for gea tWmen. THI CHATHAM. 1 S- ltth St i I-OlsGE HOTEU-Uth and Iiodge; all out- 1 slU rwoins, steam heat; special iu late, OFFERED FOR RENT u xntm'ied ) -ROOf modern Tat. 111? S. lit. Thtee-riHm Kainto I'.i.li rrodern Ta' Scare" Bide. St.. S i 1I11: Hall. U 1 oi ii Phones. WALKING distance. Two fine t-room Tats. ni'iOern e ept heal Cottage in rear -li.j Cunur.gs. ln4aire "15 N. iTth M brand new St. Iouis f!t. down stairs, srnrtly uptv-dalc. c.m.iieie .t;t hades. b..:h f:as and eleciric t , ua rani. (. ail Tei. Rnd AP ktmi;nt TTH AND F A 1 1 V A M New apartment house Jut f i t , i h.-nj S rooms apartments, heat. ;..nuor .t m-s. hot snd cold water. carars. everyhlne trt'tly up to dale ard Zirt class. T, decorate to inur crder THE t l'.HANA. PARK AVI-:. AND H H.W . I'.Tlt one flat J a-t.t! by i nrl . leav-rg I tne city, a ro-.n. tn.i attractive, (-Mce . i ) ri.u Hue two n:ce -r and Jackson St. . ' H.-r. janitor -rv:. mchl m-vierr. . very . 1 1 1 ri. .-1 rut e. MONTH ..n- . ! :T 1:ti- T.ts. rt :1. d ll..t aTl.l O.ld a.nl wfl le j fr.-s-lily decotat.-J. , aiim?t::uX'J-vaiii tv.. T Ur lis! .1-. S. lTtli HKATUi APARTMENTS FOR BENT. t? 3-r . Ki Hurt St. 4; jo 5-r.. 4.1. South t'Ah avenu. ;iXHJE c CO . nty Nat. Hank lildg C 'ilNISH APAKT.M F.NTS S. W. corner i"th ar.d I ;am St fine llve-rom airuiient, 1 THE GI N' i A. SO.' Cass Just ...mpl.ted. j Ap.irtnieni five rooms each. bath, laundry, stora. gi ranges, refrigerators shades, ! rxls tei-phone. water heat. Stri. tly first . lass. ! t residence neiKhb- rhod. Janitor will show you. HlVUTIFCL new. modern flat. All on one floor. uinplete In ail details. Va ant on or before April 1st. f.ne location. Ki and Farnam. ln-tuire il-2 Ktrnam or Tel Harney FIRsT fcor. brick flat. 2JX. North ?kh. I as. ment in brick flat. North ?JtC fl..r. brick f.at. NortjKSih. and -d floors. IKK Hurdctte. each. t irst $12 "-). First $12. . J M JOHNS iX. Brandels Bldg. "Phone D. 4J..1. FolR-RiMiM Tat. with bath. $15: a. so 3-r..om flat. $1. 11.-J So. l.lth St FeU Ilnkerton Co.. 211 Board of Tiade Hlcg 8-IKKJM. strictly m.lern bri. k flat. Farnam carline wlJ So. b th St. 4'n Fwralshed llsasekeewlas; Kosm. . ; Two nicely furnished Mjuth rooms. strictly modem, good location. St. 1 Mary s Ave. i HKtt modern nouekeens rooms. $3j 1 month; coxy front parlor. $3 per week. 3 S. r.tn street. i FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfurl ; nished rooms, walking distance. 1712 liow j ard St. I FURNlSHEf ' and ' roomj. J4j.. Caplloi Av ht housekeeping Douglas 4. . FURNISHED rooms lo. lifc-lit l.ouseep ing. ill So. iLth Ave THREE modern. Douglas rJM clean, cloe In. NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 11 California St. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooui. y-tt S. Dth St. NK'ELY furnb-hed rooms for I fht housekeepins. Isl4 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rdoms for bouseaeeping. SI N. lHh St. OHIO ROOMING HOUSE " Comfortat-ie housekeeping ' and sleeping rooms. 1 !.t .outh 14ih street. TWO large Douglas t. housekeeping room. 171J CLOSE !N Coxy, two or three tnctlv m.elern litrht In. -isekeeping rooms, rea .nable no children.. Also elegantly fur ni.hed rooms suitable for two. ij Capi tol Ave. - REASONABLE. FURNISHED Rooms. WITH OR WITH Ul'l' LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PFU IL EtlES. els S. ? TH ST. TWO irodern furnished housekeeping rooms, $."..00 per week. ;i S. 'th Ave. FIXE light; half basement. ixWn, light housekeeping, l'th and tK1g. 1U1 N-rtn-WUf,lj ii,, A-.lc,". roll RENT To loupie. I furnished rooms fur light housekeeping; heat, light and gss for cooking f-irmshed. tl per month. Lad tvenings or S incuiy. is; S. th M. FOUR rooms. furnishei complete fjr huu keeioni; u coup e without cnildrtn, refrrenci re'ju red. N s'h l"OI. IIENT-Nlccly fjrnished r"otn for lift IA housekeeping -'11 loci ls St. t'af ralsJsed Hosaaktrylai Hoe ass rnsiRABLE location. I Jo S. bouekeeping room. Jtih Ave good NICE. unfurnlshei nxims. private lly, oekiratiie fcr houisekcepin. lktn St. fm- J N. FOR RENT Three huust keepm rooir.a, modern. 1 S. tvth St DESIRABLE front and back parlor for housekeeping. E-l Harney -t. FtiR RENT I v.'rable rooms for licht housekeeping. Dodge M TWO luitea of housekrep ng room a g-.o! locauon. i- ivn. -1 ! . FOR RENT Modern rooms for light housekeeping. HJ7 Dod-;e .-l FOR RENT Two suites of lio is keeping rooms, neai and clean. 1J0 I Keltic. THREE south rooms: very deairab'e; good loatlon. rear lar; good neignoor hood. till) CkeS St. NICE parlor: furnished xr unfurnished. Ul S. ith Ave FOR RENT Nice steam h.ated rooms for light houaekeitng f 1 N. Dtn S'.. THREE unfurnished roon.; g rang and shaues; good location, .l N. nh St FOR RENT Thre room, unfurnished on ground floor. &4 S. itn St. FOR RENT Thre desirable ur.f urnishe'l rooms; separate La'.h and toilet. ll.n N IX ii el. FOUR destrable rooms. KJJ Davenport. Inquire tt'-i Davenjort r-t - .."" --"-'- "" rooms .)f . u DPVt" 'I- jt l i . f 114 nt houseaeepir.g ; separata batri and , tuiMLB. . Ut St FOR ft. ENT Two uefumisbed ro..ins. with gaa, range and shade x-l North Ma I THREE l-e rooms het rd 1 f.t , desired. Call Webster X WALKING d etan. e Tine J-room niin fi'r Very d.enapie for n.ai wife. M.elem. within Liuck of tnre aril tar j lines. Burt. 'f