THKREK: OMAHA. SATIKDAY. MAKCH 11. 1111. 5 ANSWER TO CADET TAYLOR Bee Publishing- Company Tilfi Iti Efply in label Suit BASIS THE DEFENSE BESTS OS rafcllratloa (lrtr tawaltteci Tret. ..4 C....J M.thn e. I im Jaatifr prlal frit lira. t ut". - n-ff,. !-fit 1" "-t1 t thft i i,tut r-ant h ef v . virc lwk in fie I traced h"m to Mm ami t.Kh tie rn br different Khwl in which tvr no falhf-l or eai ,n thrnw en w rMr-n 1.0 jij cWwe t ivir ifriMM. hich cr"' were c rt"d tf"-KJ i c a ' ' v ty stents rf sl rneMion of It out of the rM A larnc n tiilft of lawycri stJ law thTxnicout te cit hve sitn'lar rump In their hand for collection at tte present per. ' frtttS5ttsttt firm j t On tinned from Firrt rase t mar keel Chiraco 1 City of Omaha and throujhfvit the t-tt-t Nebraska, and to some titrnt In the lnc of t) C. a certain tr 1 of and concern in raid plaintiff of r I-ti a eery la hereto attac hed J'.vhiMt 1' which a.d article waa read ard cxjTiimented ui-on b a lare nunitTr f readers of said Iiaiiy Herald- and the cLarse-a contained in aaid article became a jlvert of general talk, comment and to tor,ty, and thereaier the paid article was nen frreat additional notoriety and pub ic Ity be teaon of the commencement of a A el salt by aaid Maintilf against the Herald ljbliaclnr Ccmipwrir. In the Lis vrirt court of LHJuglas County to recover tne sum of 0.(i. alleged damage to a!d plaintiff by reason of the publication rf aaid article, that said action wee sub sequently dirmlesed by aaid plaintiff at the costs of aaid plaintiff which dismissal ca need groat and additional notoriety. cmmt and publicity of tba charge contained In aaid article ao published, and by reaon of tha publicity, notoriety and comment caused as aboxa stated ar.d tba diemtmaJ of aaid libel ault It became and w aa and ever atneo bu bees a matter of j general know lex! go and tbo common and . (eneral belief of a largo dumber of peo ple In Nebraska and In Washington, V. C . and tba publio feceraiiy that tha said ctargea and statements of and concern ing aaid plaintiff so as aforesaid published la said Iaiir Herald war trua Trwta of Charsea. The said defendant further allege that the certain chart of tad concerning said piaintlff pubUsbod as aforesaid In aaid article In sstd Daily Herald, relating to th control and administration of tbe goy ernTnent pruning office became and was a rubject and tn attar of Investigation by the Congress ct tbo Called State and a re port of said kivestlgarjoa known as House roctunent No. tXO of tbe 1st Ses sion of the soth Congress of the United State was made and published and be came a part of tha publio records of said Congress and the publio librarys of tbe Vnlted States ml such Investigation and report showed that aaid charges were well founded and true and great notoriety of aaid charges and the truth thereof by rea son of said Investigation was given to tha public and a great man? persona and the publio generally ta Washington, U. C. and In Nebraska and throughout the Tatted States knew of the same and be lieved said charges to bo tree. And with reference to the said publica tion of said article in aaid Iail7 Herald and with reference to said Investigation and said report, and by reason of said knowledge comment and notoriety of the sice and the belief aa bercla set forth In the truth of said charges and the truth or said report tbe defendant herein alleei that do Injury or damage was or could be caused or occasioned ta said plaintiff by tbe publication of said special tele gram by this defendant, and that he was not Injured and could not bo damaged by any charge or statement contained or aet forth la saM special telegram or what was so generally rumored, published and gen erally belies ed to bo trua of and con cerning hira. Refera te Exhibits. "This defendant further answering said petition. aJlegea: That prior to the publi cation of said special telegram, to-wit. In the month of February , H. there was pub lished In tbe said Omaha DaUy Bee and la Tbe Omaha Evening Bee. newspapers of general circulation in the City of Omaha aad throughout the State of Nebraska and to aome extent in the City of Washington, D C. certain articles of and concerning aid rlalntiff of which copies are hereto attached marked respectively. -Exhibit t." Exhibit X." -Xxh'bit f and "Exhibit a." which said articles and each thereof, at and Immediately following- the time of publihlng tbe same were read and com mented upon by a large number of the r'sde rs of Mid crwtpspers and tbe charge contained in said srticles became the sub eot ef general taik. comment and noto riety in said Cay of Omaha and through out the Stale of Nebraska and to some extent la the Cay of Washington. D. C-. snd b reaon ff the publk-lty. notoriety and comment of said articles and the ct.rg-s thc-rfin it.ntair.ed and set forth n aaid art lie the aaid charges therein li'tiiained be.kir,e and were and ever since lave been a n;eiur of general knowledge and the common atd general belief of a lare number of pc--P m Nebraska and In W akhir.rton. P C. and the public gener ally thai the aaid charses and statements of and corKm.n taid i'laintiff so a kf'refcSid published in aaid newspapers were trua And In that behalf the said defendant f.tther "Ure. that by reason of the p-jbMcstiori of said rharsea tn said news- rsfers In February. I., and by reason of said kao ledge, comment and notoriety cf the fcame aitd the belief as herein set forth in the truth cf said rhanr-s the J ' " rad it . t f. t e in te c -v- ernmfnt h noVrv !v tm rc ni (rKmri hi uf3 worrr,wn rr.TTlii and con certed the ?me to bi on uw He had . olames of Harir r M mth!) . St. NichMa and o her like pi-b!ica-!or, brund ;n it itny;e M?J snd to-.k 1hrn to h o n j r! a'e-'librnrv He h4 at the tirre ri J larse and expenie oltime bound fnr jhimeelf. contrary to law and in d'finc I to the pigment princ:.lp -.f common h"n- etr He had the bead and othr material ', fT the mha r.r iblican rrid In the .public printlne office. at ri'frnmetil i ,iIr,f 'ifiiM ror wiiich re wr rad a ; cent. He male S pretcnd-d e of tnolflire pre tf E P. Pornetl Co . at merely nominal price end cr.need It to Orrahs a "hf.uF'h-ld oi-," sti It In no, or wj until re- cenii. in :e Tn toe r;-ruoj!csn onKe-. ! W'hn'-li A Co disclaim any kncaledee of j the mutter. the hark tne :thm Talrs grasp thflume In moil inarc-e tl.'y rprew?.t school c i!rtrn ierr.i! were practi'-ally ; city warrant arid other Investment mhich tf-von-i -ecovtry of tr-eir o ner. Yhen'bae ben frwarod to the Tailor con i k r-.Mrn tri.t t. rfrw out t-er de- m t&r collection ud whi. h have been ioit no mutter how rmall the amount, .cashed by its mnai-r they were notified tlat the bar.k would adianthce of t' :xt-da rule and that they could not hae their monej with out the full notice permitted by law. An it"''ire of thee questionable method? i 'if I it 'DERG bUITS ME" but not account fo-. Jn some caees Taylor has even rep- j St resented that the money represented by I J? the warrant could not be co lee'ed. whenljj the records In the city treasurer s office 1 if To Be hciwed that they bad been f-.i.. ... . - I u' er Cor pt-s1oi1 Record frnn the puVej prtntlng lbrary. tore out of them all; lv- contajnlnr reference to John A. j Ixiin and destroyed the mu-liat-1 ty The brousht a rrrf-edy fli to the plan of pub.ic hool children a deposits and broucht the Tajlor bank sliarply to in the Pi'lv part of 1VC Prefli. by Bella F.asbeaaleaaeet. In the mear.while Taylor had be-en con stantly mlt;n in pulitlcs until finally In the fall f be Kecured an erection t0 the city council from the Ki'hth ward i uin the re puhiican ticket. As councilman a new cpenins aji-earcd f r profitable fir.anci' r:riK Hnry Holln was then tra- f the city and became the ready accomplice of TaylcT. Ahhouch the bar.k was riever a tity depository, lioiln had prevkius! had an account with the Glohe hark, in which It l.xd mode unlawful de- h.jj ems l J volumes To dotsii his 'etty theft and peculation would le too tedious to be Worthy the attention of the reader Suffice it to sv that he apparently etole everything be thourht he could safely lay his hand on. "But this sort of thing was not the worst. When the book of the dead and la mented John A. Logan was ready fur the press this infamous creature Cadt Tay lor. It Is assorted by 'those who ought to know, went to the widow and demanded a half Interest In the venture of Its ruMi cation. He asserted that he hsd written It bodily and threatened her with exposure to that effect. Hie brother. Beach Tay lor, had been Locsn s private secretarv. Vnder these threats Vrs. Losan yielded and gave to this cresture. Cadet Talor. a half interest In tbe book as a projrty. Po far as can be known he never contributed the scratch of a pen or the value of a cent to Ita production. He simply blackmailed and robbed the widow of John A. lxigan out of thousands of dollars at the very moment when a man whom his paper now villlfl es and maligns was pushing througrh congress a measure designed to relieve her financial distreaa. "The career of Cadet Taylor in Ne braska Is familiar to all. He has been personally and through his paper a bull dozer, a blackmailer, an utonionlst and a cringing beggar by turns. He Is known by his dally conduct to be one cf the most despicable characters that ever proailtuted the human shape to the habitation and us- of a brute As a thief, blackmailer and scoundrel he stands without a peer in the present repute and past history cf a state in which that style of creature it alleged to have flourished with considerable lux uriance. That he la a liar and a sneaic goes without saying as necesf-ary to the round completeness of his general char acter. "And" tflis is a faintly drawn rfcture of the man who seeks to lead the respectable Journalism of the republican party In Ne braska and In thus describing him The Herald simply essays to turn a dim and in iuffioieat liRht upon the only man In many thousands who know that he has had the hardihood to villify and slander John A. Methane. Reveling today In the fruits of thievery and knavery, he resides outside the penitentiary' simply by the mistaken grace of those whose duty it was to arrest and punish him." Exhibit 2. From The Bee. February X, 1W: CADET IATLOR S BAD RECOUP. Career or the Bank Wrecker Nominated fa Collector of Cuatoma RELATIONS WITH BOLLN AND BART LET. History of the Notorious Bubble Bank and Other Itiscreditable Transactions for Which Taylor Is to Be Now Rewarded. "The announcement of the nomination of Cadet Taylor to be surveyor of customs at the port of Omaha, although rumored for some time, has r roved a surprise to every body fumllhu- with his unsavory record and questionable standing in the communUy. The seiec lien of a notorious bank wrecker for this res jKmsi bie position naturally re calls tbe many disreputable arfairs with which be kas been connected since he came ta Omaha. "Cadet Taylor was projected iclo this city shortly after tbe advent of Grover Cleve land to the presidency, by whom he was dlalodged from a lucrative position In the governmestl printing office at Washington. Taylor had been made chief clerk of the government printing office under S. P. Rounds, who had been appointed public printer through tbe Influence of the 1111 noie del-ation In eonjrresB, from which state Taylor also hailed. Gaverawaeat Prlallaa Office Jobs. "At the expiration of his terra as public printer tbe late sir. Rounds acquired the now de-facet Omaha Republican and brought Cadet Talor to Omaha with him to assiai la 0e management of thai pti-er. Punng the rloeing years of its bushwhack ing I posi of t tie puhlir funds Tbe account i ; lad heen opened Ju;j- II. wren IK'.O'O I of tne public money was placed there to iTumn n.l3te Ta!or end draw interest iur the prixate purse of the treasurer Thi? deposit reached Its maximum I'eccml-er SI. IKK. when it stood at :i.W. It was frad ually reduced from lime to time until Jan uary 1, 1S.-C. when there was only Cif' T of the city money In the possession of Taylor s bank. On that date Cadet Taylor took b's seat in the city council, and Just three days later the embexxling city treas urer hid placed an additional deposit of tZ.W.iQ with tbe bank. One wetk later Tar Icr was made chairman of the finance committee, with especial oversight over the city money. In deference to this additional prentice another block of S3.n was !l!ecall deposited in hi bank February T, and not a dollar was drawn cut until after the embesilemer.t of the treasurer was dis covered. Haa a Llae Oat with Hartley. Naturally TayKir was one of the coun rilmen who n.&ue strenuous efforts to have Bo'.ln retained In office after his defalca tion, notwithstanding his admission of tjuilt, and not until after Treasurer Du mom was Inaugurated as his succeieor was Taylor compelled to disgorge the last cent cf tba funds unlawfully deposited in his bark. Taylor set up the claim at the time that the lV.K' and more found in his bank when Bo'.ln was deposed was school money which Bolln had a right to use as he saw fit. but the records of the city treasurer's office disclose! the fact that there was no money w atever in the school fund, which had been completely exhausted, and that the money In Taylors bank was not only city money embexxled by Bolln. but should have been known to be such by Taylor as chairman of the finance -committee. "To bolster up his Globe tank Taylor bad had his lnt'titutten made a Hate depositor) by fiiine a straw bond, with himself and other officers of the bank as sureties HU clow connection with the late embexxling state treasurer. Bartley. enabled him to procure a deposit of the state funds In the rum or tU.OOn. which, with intereet. a rrepaOng m.sjeJ.M. Is to this day held to the suspended account of the state treas ury, a total loss to the taxpayers. Flue Job ( Baalt Wreeklaar. "In June, 1W. the Globe Loan and Trust company"s tank went Into bankruptcy, with Urge liabilities. Including fcrr.Oon of poor people's deposits and practically no assets. Tbe cash on band when it ciosed Its doors had completely disappeared. Tak ins advantage of a law newly enacted. permitting Insolvent hanks to retain the asoeta under certain conditions without a receivership. Taylor filed another straw bond with the state officers, signed by hln-self and other officers of the failed bank, by which be retained possession of Hot only the backs assets, but alt-o of its books, records and papers. To this day, altl ouen nearly three years have elapsed since it insolvency' was declared, no visi ble effort has bo a made to pay off tbe creditors, cor is it known that any de- IKmor has received back a cent of his money. "Notwithstanding ail " tiiu tun rr.eij'4-i u'i c ii iui vi irr connected with his bank. In other I coiiected money on niortcate paym j without turning it over to the owner for when, he was acting as agent, and be has 1 t-een repe atedly brought to an accounting i on'y by threats of criminal prosecution j1 ' "Among tue numerous pending ctaim. ! involving fraud perpetrated uon clients by Cadet Taylor as manager of the de j f unct Globe Loan and Trust company, are tbe fallow ing I ' National Bank of Commerce. New- Lon don. Conn. &1.IN5. warrants coiiected and r.ot remlttedfur. Claim now In the bands of Logar Hoffman, attorney. J. H. Kendall. Watertow-n. Mass, a claim of $'..K for rents and city warrants collected and Trot accounted f 1 T. Claim lu tin? hands cf McCoy it Olmsted, attorneys. Omaha. ' Firtt National lank of Barnestown, O . ciaira for II W. school warrants coiiected and not remitted for. "Randolph Savings bank. Randolph. Vt., can get neither Its warrants nor the pro ceeds. Amount hot stated." . KxfclMt S. From The Bee February X, 1K: CROOKED DEALS BT TATLOR. Wakes a Good Thing Out of a Building and Loan Assouiatlun. MONET IS TAKEN IN PAID OUT. BUT NEVER Peculisr Banking Methods Employed by the klan Who la Nominated for Surveyor of Customs of the Omaha Port- SUJKC (COS stall Requires brains and good judgment. Having tome of each, we e&re therefore successful a any of our competitors have to acknowledge. And the main item of our great success is "BRAND CLOTHES." As the biggest retailers of men's clothes in Omaha; with an asortment of stock selected from the "world-wide known" superb creations of the "House of Kup penheimer," "Schloss Bros.", Society Brand and Hirsh-Wick-wire, which we guarantee to be three times the sixe of any other stock in town, we give you all opportunity for choics from the very best that cost you no more than the common kinds that have no name or origin. The brainiest clothes thoughts in the world are entered in these makes of clothes we sell, and comparison will convince you of their superiority. See tie new "Burmah" pampas, "Bamboo", almond, beuii and Calcutta shades in our windows, which are way In ad vance of competition, MAGNIFICENT SUITS at $18 TO $35 BEAUTIFUL ONES AT $12 AND $15 The Eots' Spring Suits Xlt Arc Showing i - y t V i - I L "The publication In Tbe Bee of the tacts disclosing the disreputable record of Cadet Taylor, the newly nominated surveyor of customs, has brought out a host of addi tional transactions In which the Taylor bank was used to absorb other peoples money. "One of the Ingenious schemes devised by Taylor for fleecing the public which was overlooked was the Mechanics' fav- mgs, Loajl and KuUdlng association, which j he organized about the end of 1KH. This association got out a beautiful prospectus, the officers of which, however, were sim ply officers or employes of the Taylor bank. Tbe association Issued certificates of membership by which the holders agreed to pay to the secretary, who was Cadet Taylor, 11. per ehare each month, fof which they were to have the privilege of securing loans under stated conditions Among o there, James Gilbert of this city subscribed lor rive snares u eeecurea ui certificate of stock and paid in his money at the rate of FT. 50 a month from June, l5e5, to April. 18SS,' receiving receipts from Cadet Taylor as secretary. When he In quired wny no meeting 01 iiocanumcn or directors w as ever held he found thet the II Yob Wtct To Sec tbe real thing In erring hats, just walk over to our great bat case and Inspect the creations that will be in demand this season from one extreme to another are stiff and soft hats that will become every fnce and figure. The variety of colorings are many, but all are as interesting as tbe prices S2.00 to SS.OO Ak for the celebrated Cravenette Mallory bt $3.00 John B. Stetson Hits, $3.50 u &S.OO And the big array of tbe choicest, crlspest styles are new Idea rational, clean-cut and distinctive. Whatever rour boys' age. what ever yoar taste re ijulres for bim, you will find the model here, perfectly tailored and very modest in price $3.50 to sio Ask for our Special School Suit, at 84.50 d $5.00 They have two pair of troupers. New for Spring New Neckwtar New Shirts New Hosier? New Underwear New Gloves New Collars 34, bad several mortgages In the bands of the Ulote Loan and Trust company for col lection. Although they had reported that they hsd been unable to collect anything on the securities It was discovered thst be these questionable I tween tliiO and belonging to Mr. New- manager until he uccteded In unloading tbe wreoaed institution upon the unfortu nate parties in whose hands it went to pieces in liOh While still In control of this defendsnt herein alleej-e that no ln;ury or j paper T lor was eposed in his shady darr.age was or ecu'd be caused or oc- methods tn a most scathing arraisnment in cstioned te raid plaintiff by the publUa- the editcsnal columns of the Omaha Herald, tloo cf said filial tel. pram by this de- then owned by lien. Jonn A McShana f.iwtart ard that he was not Injured and i In bis Article the refults of the congrea- transactions, cadet Taylor audaciously presented himself In the fall of laX lor renominauon on the republican ticket for thu city council. Itcaten at the republican primaries in his own ward by Thomas Crocker, at present register of deeds, Tay lor sought revenge by running aa an iade iiericixt candidate against the republican nominee with the idea that he might thus e.t-ci the democratic candidate. As was to have been expected, he was snowed un der at the iolls and Crocker, ibeepubLi caii iiutninee. was emphatically endorsed by the people of the ward. Frwadelewl l.Ma Traataaelleae. "Since his exit from the counol Taylor has been pretejiding to do a real estate and loan business as a remnant of his broken back. He has had his hands kept full chiefly dodfrir.g or stra-ehitnin out fraudulent transactions growing out of the bank a business with which he has been cvnitt-ted for years pat. tmly a few weeks sgo the nominal president of the bai-K. who had bc-c-n urd by Taylor as ail intermediary, was arrested on the charce career Cadet Taylor oirate4 as its ! of embexslement of trust funds collected id the name of the trust company. While the prcecution failed. It waa not before Ta lor had mule strenuous efforts to keep had no money. He discovered that the officers of the bank, outside of the Tay lors, were to all intents and purposes fic titious. The money collected by tbe Me chanics' Barings, Loan and Wuiidmg asso ciation, which probably amounted to thou sands of dollars, waa supposed to have been paid by Cadet Taylor as secretary to Cadet Taylor as manager of tbe bank and swallowed up with tbe other assets when it went Into liquidation. ' Saaee Old baane. ."The New-ton case, which was referred to, seems to bare been a game of the same kind. S. B. Newton of Milwaukee, Wis.. jouid not be danaccd ty any charge or nateirent contained or set forth tn said ipeclal te lerram of what was so generally -umored. published and generally believed it t-e tros cf and raccemtitg him. Fihlkll 1. From the Curaha Herald. Oct. X IsML I "A TRIFLE FKHN'AI. j "The Omaha Republican haa of late a roe-d deal to aa about democratic tneth- j da It has taken pains to dis- eesnmale chars era of corruption acamat the deicratic candidates and especially the candidate for governor. While three charges are untrue and Impossible, it mar be amiss te consider whence they Fiona! latest igation into the office of Pub be It-inter Rounds were made public, de cloting tie fact that Taylor aa chief clerk tad ucgi the govemaient rffic and ma terial fcaT private work, sold veluab.e nia- jchinery aa old Jur.k and wantonly de- stroyed public property without excuse Taylor, to vindicate hlmwlf. brought niit with a great flourish of trumpets f r lt. daniaes to his injured reputation, but as soon as the attorn) a for the defense began ta take depositions substantiating (he charge's be dismused tbe suit st his own cost- Bilae tbe ar Oat ! I eala. "An ssteresting feature of the case la the some, to look behind the newspaper and' fct that the shenffs fee bill for to a was discover the individual who prompts thnn returne lecembr a. lsw. without txu aaa who anay be held reponsible ror tbcm i lion, a after diligent search no goods and and whoee character gives color to them, chattels or lands and tenements of the The Republican ta largely owned and is' within tamed Cadet Taylor are found In aaid ta be wholly controlled by Cadet Tay- j Douglas county, Nebraska The tectimony lor. It la proper to inquire, who la Cadet ' taken fit the oonaressional ineti(carion Taj lor T What kind of a man is he? "It happena that the answers to these duestiotui Is found in the sworn testimony cf Intelligent snd expert men. ta whom the utmost reliance can be placed. Tears ago a opea hearted, generous and unsus picious mil known and esteemed by every ton had been gathered In. Repeated ef forts to secure tbe money having failed, Newton swore out a warrant for criminal prosecution of the president of the bank. who had receipted for the money. Upon trial at the polica court receipt of the money was admitted, but tbe defense set forth that tbe money bad been cor.ecte-d by tbe Globe Loan and Trust company and not by Its officers Individually, and that the Globe Loan and Trust company had takejj the money and turned It over i to the Globe Savings tank, In which it j was deposited at the time of the failure, j and where It Is still credited on tbe books, with possibility cf repayment to Its owner. Upon this showing Judge Gordon released the prisoner. "The case of the National Bank of Com merce of New London. Conn., which has already gone Into the district court, boing found on docket ti. page Ja. represent city warrants collected and not remitted for. Judgment was rendered in favor of the National Bank of Commerce for nearly tlJ0. Tbe warrants were presented by Cadet Taylor la person and the check made payable to bim. Tbe check Is now In the (Cocunued on Eighth Page so danas-ing to Mr Ta)lors reputation n ay be found in l.ou-e document rtion ... rtueth congress, finst session "After unloading h:a tottering neaspant-r Taylor Inveigled a number of fnenda and cap Halt ti into forming a bank for him to maaace. The bank was IncorTK.ra t ed editor, publisher and primer In the north-! under TVe state laws In the year lv under rest, was appo'nted public printer Whie j (na tlft, 0f the Globe Ixan and Trat he wetnt le Washiart ja be nok with bira , corcta". and later evolved a te aad sneer h s chief cle-rk this creature ; prttr,,.t under the name of the e.1 X Cadet Taylor li. w Taylor wormed his way ; fvuog, taik. As Its chur factotum Tay lnu the confidence of Hrims; R. Rcd , w,r constantly , devising Inpenies will alwais be a mystery Rut he id so i , to gall t;.e public ttirongB this He tad practical control of the govemmrtt Unl fr th, pcniary benefit of tumaer.f pnatir.g effice under the adminiraiU..n of arjj J nwa.ea Rounds and te made it a new: of thieves ..... 4 a boihouae of Jobbery. It 1. n Jt I - t-e.alea. kecwMary to rwtapitaiaie the evidence to! "r1' f ,b Bit succaful grafts was how that he pocketed thousands of u'ea " u" ,h" s4"'1 children in n.e by coiuaio w-iih those he fur-r"b" schoo'a Ta k procured trrouh ii-d aui4lies te ll.e iuvwaawet It wiJ t Ld-cala. lrmliioa u in- They Are Here! The suits with which the exclusive tailor must now reckon. Suits that fit faultlessly show individuality express style and put clothes con fidence into the wearer. Let us shW yu our new spring cUthine. Come with no thought f buying, Wut cme to take a lk at the choice new things we have chesen for outfitting men and boys of all ages. Look now and buy at your pleasure. New Clotking, new Furnishings, new Hats 'BrovninaiOng 6 Cq 'eUrriWH, PVlMSMiN(3 AMD MATS, OwtAi4. XL & WILCOX. Mt,nBgea, THE ST0EE OF THE TOWN. ai ,m,-mm'-i in iiIlIl Ad Opparfanity io Obtain Abjclulely FREE Several Articles of Gensins Diamond Jsnelry FIRST ITUZE Gecanlae Dianond Kins. SCXXD PRIZE Gen nine Diamond Scarf PU. THIRD PRJZS Ladies' Gold Watch. POCRTU PRIZE Genrleinaa's Gold Watcb. (Warranted 20 Years) FIFTH PRIZE Gold Watch Fob. To all others avaswerlnx this AdTrtlserntet wo will (Ito neat Jew elry prrsrnt, sued other sal aab lerrse-s U abeolutrljr free. CAN YOU SOLVE THIS U PUZZLE? IT CAU DE DOSE! DIRECTIONS: Placa any number from T to U. lnclu s'.ts, la elbt racist dlamonda oa tba above or any similarly arra&cod separate ebeet of paper In such a manner that acy way tbo numbers are added Including tbo number la center aquare) tbo total will bo "31". Tbo same nimber cannot be used more tban once. Wrlto your cams and add rasa really, accurately and plainly on tbo same ibeot, and mall or deliver your aolutlon beforo p. m., Saturday, Marca II, 1111, to tbe Content Department, .Scbmoller Mueller, 1111-111S Farnam Btreet. Only one member of a family may eater. Only one solution will be accepted from tbe same coa tfitact. No one connocied with tbe music trade nor first prUo winners in previous contests may enter. Neatness. l:dt-s tbe correctness of tbo reply sent us, will b taken into consideration In awardlb-f tbe prltca. Contest closes Wednesday, March 16. 111, at i p. m. Bead or bring la your replies aa early a possible. SCUMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 3 Farnam 1G2S; A-1625 B 1311-1312 a Tol. Doug. Gt. HAVE TOU A PIAXO? Name. (Wrlto Plainly) AddreM.w. Lunch With Us Today Have at least ONE satia Jaciory meil It ia aaet. Kn.lce)- j least ONE cup of perfect Coffe Have st Jast one satisfactory lit of well mult, well bakerl pestrr. Vlajj.v things to selact from to nae a quick ana satiate tury Innediite Swticc Try It and see liow differ ent It is liow tiiLicb titr than yon euii eipKL Tl.rt-e L an ay KUoi. THE BOSTON LUNCH lSlt Varaass Ot. leos raraaaa S l0 ZKuaias BL aWwl I aK4 MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, S tWunk trt tm reeertakavaa, taiieiiw. Hti'li i.aul IrMklM, 1erlbl I' I a a r el j a, : a D a t Warn. T"l lirth mp e 11 )4LWI il 4 ffA, IUM. A. i. Ct-tasTKO. Later, si. Y. J) l'i..a - SioFt Mie mm Double Daily Service Low Round-Trip Homeaeekers' Rates to tbe South and bow th ese. I on First snd Third Tuesdays of each month. Low Round-Trip Winter Tourist Kates, tickets on sale dally to Florida. Cuba and all otter Winter Tourist Points ta tbe South snd boutheaat. All lnformaioa regarding bents, rates, etc.. cheerfully furnished. Agent for AH Steamship Lines H. C. SHIKLlKs. G. A. P. V Omaha, Neb. WaUaah City Ticket Office, loth and I (raaui tHreei. Perhistent Advertiring is the Itoad to Big Upturns Tbe Ike's Advertising Columns Are That llod.