Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till: TIKIv. OMAHA. FKIDAY. MAlU.H 10. 1011.
The omaiia Daily bkk
Entered at Omaha postofflce a second
class matter.
P inrisy Rr, on year 12 M
t-'aturd'nr Ue, one year 1
Dully Hee (without Hundayl, cne year. "
Dally He end Hunday, one year aw
Evening He 4 without Sunday l. per mo..J'if
KmilH Kee (with Sun1iv Per month. 4c
link i.m ilncludlna Stimlavi. ir niont i tin
Daily He (wiihom unniiayi, per month. ,4.'ic j
Address all romifljatms iI it regularities in
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Omaha The Be XiilWllnK.
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KanSH I'lty Kellane Building.
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Communications relating to news and ed
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Remit by draft, express or postal order,
pnaWe to 'I he Bee publishing Company.
Only 1-rent atampa received In payment of
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State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of
The Be Publishing company, being duly
worn, aaya that the average dally cir
culation, less (polled, unuaued and returned
copiea, for the month of F ebruary, l&U, wu
v , Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my' presence and sworn to
before me this let day of March, 1911.
Notary Puhlio.
abwrtber leavlaa; the eltg tin
(orarllr shoald have The Ilea
mailed ( them. Address will be
rktad aa often Ma requested.
To the retailors;
com often. -
Come again, and
Now, you kicker, what have you to
ay about the weather
Lucky Baldwin's will la adjudged
valid. Lucky even In death.
Some of those lame ducka will have
to paddle about very lively now for a
Even retired to private life, Chaun
cey M. Depew should remain among
our best atory tellers.
Mr. Sheehan Insists he will remain
"my party' candidate." Wonder if
Mr. Murphy is the party.
It Is easily believable that Mrs. Bel
mont's suffragette farm la an attrac
tive place for passing farmers.
Miss Jane Addams snys ahe never
spends more than $10 for a hat. Still,
more than double the average price of
a man's hat, '
Dr. Woods Hutchinson says early
rising shortens life. Possibly, but it
lengthens" out 'that-day to beat thai
Lent seems te . be generally ob
served by those who should observe it,
but the Stork apparently has not quit
the job.
Governor pit is not even taken seri
ously by Boss Murphy. Why should
he be, after, consorting all the while
with himf -
A correspondent wanta to know
whether Senator Bailey's resignation
became effective. No, we regret to
ay, it did not.
Uncle Joe Cannon lost 5 he had
bet that ho extra session would be
called. It Is to be hoped he was not
foolish enough to bet with Mr. Taft. '
If Omaha la ready to aettle with the
water company and take the plant, the
thing to do Is to settle without any
overhanging law suits or perpetual
lawyers' fees.
Mr. Bryan eays he gets more satis
faction in seeing hia policies endorsed
than he would in being president.
Tell that to the ruling power of Den
mark, colonel.
Wonderful as Is the age In which
we live, and marvelous aa la Ita speed,
we cannot hope to move fast enough
to see a revlaloa of the tariff that sat
isfies everybody.
The British officer, General Mac
Donald, who waa reported to have
I. tiled himself. Is now drilling troops
In China, which, perhaps, Is nearly
the same thing.
Congressman Lobeck Is not express
ing hia view very loudly on Impend
ing subject of national legislation.
1U, will -gel bt me only after he
reaches Washington.
Rev. Dr. Aked. In leaving the Rock
efeller church oi New York to fly to
more congenial fields in San Fran
rlsro, bears somewhat of a relation to
pan Mathews of novel fame.
Congressional constituencies have
always been Jealous of the wit of their
renresentatlves. manifesting a prefer
ence to. keep U for home consumption
whenever It became too prominent at
Here's hoping that our Fort Omaha
and Fort Crook aoldtera return in due
time without having had to serve as
targets for any Mexican marksmen,
even though the risk of being hit
would be alight.
Mr. Bryan u quoted aa aaylng that
his advocacy of any measure before
the present legislature would, in his
opinion, be calculated to Induce the
democratic majority to do precisely
the opposite. Still. If so, that is no
aeceearji reflection on Mr. Bryan.
Democrats and the Tariff.
Tliiee touise ui proce-uure by
whiiu tue utiiioci at u,a uttl wilu
jtiuiariu in lue extra session oi tou
. gifc nit) au&seKied uy iuu iiuuntou
rout, (me oi tue patty organs: Ural,
tue tana: revision leKisiatiuii, and tuu
j i ecijji o ity ; secouu, reiipiout)-, ami
jtiitu tail it revision, tniid, tariff io-
vision UgiKiatlou lneoi poi ating tue
! reciprocity blli as a part tnereui.
Hut the Post does not pretend to
I say which com so ahall be selected.
Neither does any other democratic or
an or leader. None of them knows.
The party Is thus far at sea ou that
proposition, important as It is. The
first thing to be done, therefore, la to
decide which route to take before
starting upon the journey. Nor is it
certain that the selection will be made
promptly or without more or less In
ternal discord, not conducive to ulti
mate profit to the party or the coun
try. Some democratic papers Incline
to the belief that the house will decide
to attach the reciprocity plan to the
plan of tariff revision, which augurs
none too bright a prospect for Mr.
Taft'a reciprocity measure. One thing
Is all but certain If the majority be
comes entangled In a party dispute
over whether to revise the tariff by
schedules or by throwing it open to
general overhauling It will be late In
the session before anything la done
and reciprocity may, after all, be ac
corded only secondary consideration.
Appeals of party organs to the dem
ocratic majority to realiae the gravity
of its position are being, made. On
the results of the extra and regular
sessions of the Sixty-second congress,
these papers concede, will depend
largely the results in 1912. Evidently
they believe in the necessity for auch
appeals and the need for a steadying
Influence. They must quake as they
think of entrusting the party's fate to
the hands of leaders as fitful as Champ
Clark and Joe Bailey. . Already some
democratic papers are beginning to
eliminate Clark from view aa the head
of the party and are crowding forward
Underwood of Alabama, the chairman
of the waya and means committee. He
Is being hailed as a steady force and
he will have charge of the tariff legis
lation. Perhaps he is steadier than
the Missouri speaker-to-be. But his
and all the other ballast available will
be required.
Early Bird Vardaman. .
James K. Vardaman, vho aa gov
ernor of Mississippi embarrassed the
whole south by his radical acts and
violent utterances, is out a year and
half ahead of time for aenator to suc
ceed Senator Percy,, whose term ex
pires in 1913. 'Vardaman was de
feated for Senator Money's place by
John 8 harp Williams. He is appar
ently making a lively campaign this
time and receiving considerable sup
port. Friendly newspapers are print
ing double-headed, double column
booms of bla meetings. People are
falling over each other to attend them
and cheer on. the dauntless hero. For
Instance, at Jackson, Miss., the chair
man of the meeting sounded the key
note of the multitude's enthusiasm
What means this sea of upturned faces?
It meana that the people of this city are
for Jamea K. Vardaman and against abuse
and personal politics.
Later Vardaman was classed with
the great men Mississippi had pro
duced. He was the governor who
bade President Roosevelt to avoid Mis
sissippi in one of hia southern tours.
where he was greeted with universal
good cheer. He belongs to the school of
reaction when It comes to the old ques
tions that mark . divisions between
norm ana soutn ana ne would un
doubtedly wield an unprofitable in
fluence of this sort In the senate. He
Is a more forcible character than Jeff
Davis of Arkansas, about as forcible
as Tillman was in his prime, but Mis
sissippi should have men better
adapted to the needs and the condi
tions of the times to send to the
United States senate.
Vindication of John Mitchell.
It is not fair to organized labor in
general, or even to the whole of the
United Mln,e Workers' union, that
John Mitchell'a enforced retirement
from the Civic Federation be charged
up to it. The blame belongs, and
should be placed, ou the socialist or
radical element. . which, for the time,
holds control of the mine workers' or
ganisation. Mr. Mitchell waa made
the victim ' of certain trumped-up
charges aud given his choice of quit
ting one or other of the organizations.
He haa quit the Civic Federation,
where, as head of the labor depart
ment, he waa in a way to be of great
service to employer and employe alike
In promoting peaceful relations.
The circumstances of this action by
the mine workers eeem to be all to
their discredit. Mitchell waa dented
a hearing before the convention or In
the official Journal. He probably will
get a hearing In the latter, however,
!,tnc the management of the paper Is
to change. He la now free to fight
out thla issue and the best interests of
organized labor, aa well aa industrial
ism, would be benefited by his vlndl
cation, if not hia restoration to hia
former position with the Civic Federa
Thla case serves to emphasize the
need of level-headed leaders In organ
ized labor. It would be a bad day for
all concerned to have the retna fall
Into the hands of auch men as have
deposed Mitchell. Such men aa John
Mitchell are creditable products, of
unionism which both unionism and
nonunlonlam cannot afford to sacrifice.
He Is Just the man for the position he
held, sort of official mediator between
the employed and the employer. Mr.
Mitchell has conducted himself with
patience and dignity, reflecting great
credit and honor upon the cause of
union labor. But those who have
forced his concession stand in no such
enviable light.
Playing Politic.
Notwithstanding the admonition of
Governor Aldrlch In his inaugural, the
democratic majority of both houses of
the legislature are evincing the same
disposition to play politics as did the
last democratic legislature, which by
so dolnn involved Itself in odium. Just
as the legislature two yeara ago had
for Ita chief object fue creation of ap
pointive offices to be filled by demo
crats, and the transfer of patronage
from republicans In other parts of the
state house to the democratic incum
bent of the governor'a office, so this
year the democrats seem to be bunting
for waya to manufacture political cap
ital and put republicans in the hole
on all sorts of legislation.
All The Bee wants to do at this time
la to warn the republicans in the leg
islature not to let themselves be used
as catspawa to pull democratic chest
nuts out of the fire. The people of
the state are In less humor for these
mart performances at playing politics
than they ever were. They do not
expect much from the democrats in
the legislature, but they do expect the
republicans to stand up tralght, to
let the democrats have a monopoly on
Jobbery and trickery and to devote
themselvea to making 8. record for
honest, economical and conscientious
public service.
System in the Army.
The abruptness of the order and the
spectacle Itself of the government's
mobilizing 22,000 troops on the Mexi
can .border are both interesting and
impressive, but aside from these the
ease and facility with which the great
task is being accomplished la moat ad
mirable. Fragments of the army have
been assembled from widely separated
forta in every direction with aa much
order and aa little confusion as If all
the soldiery and the accoutrements of
war had been taken from one depot.
Here la food for thought for some of
our nervous Jingoes, who feel con
strained now apd then to Indulge illu
sions of the possibility of our getting
caught asleep by some gum-shoed
enemy that might slip up on our
shores in the dead of night and steal
the., continent before ,we could get
troops on the scene. The government
explains its remarkable action on the
ground of wishing to make military
maneuvers. Deeper motives might
easily be suspected, but If it were only
to show us how easy it is for the War
department; to move, and mobilize its
forces it . would be compensatory.
President Roosevelt sent ' the fleet
around the globe as an object lesson
of its possibilities. It is a good thing,
once in a while, for the nation to see
what it can do in an emergency.
In this country many people have
grown cynical In their view of the
army, its personnel and management.
For them it Is well for the military to
go on dress parade now and then. This
latest demonstration should serve to
establish the fact that our military
arm Is a very active one; that It
swings easily out from the shoulder;
that it is under superb control.
Facta Wanted.
A movement is on foot down at
Lincoln to inaugurate tne uouuie-shift
system tor the nie department in that
city, and Omaua is cited as the object
lesson city where the double-shift has
been successfully established.
Sa far aa Omaha having the double
shift in its Are department is con
cerned, that is a matter of record. The
experiment was . begun more than
three yeara ago, and in that time' it
ought to have demonstrated whether
It- Is an improvement or not. The
precise operation of the double-shift,
how much it haa cost the city over and
above what the outlay would have
been under the old plan, whether this
additional cost is money well Invested
or money wasted, whether the firemen
aa a whole prefer the double-shift or
would rather have continued as before
and receive the added cost of the de
partment In the form of increased
salaries, are all questions in which we
are atlll very much in the dark.
As Omaha is, aa we understand it,
the only city In the country of similar
size and pretentiona In which the
double-shift for firemen prevails, it
would certainly be interesting, aa well
aa luitructlve, to have the facts aa to
thla unique experiment fully developed
and disclosed, not only for our own
benefit, but for the benefit of other
cities which might be influenced by
them. An official report on thla sub
ject reflecting it from all anglea in the
light of nearly four yeara' experience
would be most timely.
According to "Chrla" Gruenther
the "criminal Joker" in the initiative
and referendum has been reduced
from a felony to a misdemeanor by
raising the referendum percentage
from 5 per cent to 10 per cent. Never
mind, after the namea of 6 per cent
of the voters have been obtained on
the petition the other 5 per cent will
tome like rolling off a log.
The president of tbe Water board
declares that in the beginning the
board had three options it might pur
sue, Brut, to construct a new water
works; second, to purchase the exist
ing plant under the contract, and
third, to acquire by eminent domain.
In this he la mistaken, as under the
"Immediate and compulsory" mandate
of the law the board had no option to
construct, but only to purchase. It
was a question between the purchase
clause and eminent domain, and the ;
sponsors of the compulsory purchase 1
scheme all favored the purchase 1
clause, pretending that the city would
get the works quicker and cheaper
that way. While the spilled milk can
not be gathered up, It is just as well
to keep the facts straight.
President Taft'a appointment of
Walter I. Fisher, undoubtedly
splendid appointment, rather takea
the edge off that sharp letter he wrote
for Secretary Balllnger, for Mr.
Fisher la supposed to belong to the
6ther side.
President Howard Elliott of the
Northern Pacific saya he has not ac
cepted and will not accept the presi
dency of the Missouri Pacific, so de
spite all assertions that he has, we are
going to take Mr. Elliott's word for it.
Mayor "Jim" finds fault with the
Ad club's commission form of govern
ment bill because It does not Include
the Initiative and referendum. Won
der if he would quibble over the per
centage required for the petition.
According to the Water board
spokesmen, the obligation now de
volving on the taxpayera to vote
18,200,000 in bonds to get out of the
hole, like Topsy, Just "growed" all by
In the meantime the proposition to
vote an additional 1250,000 court
house bonds for furniture, fixtures
and Installation of the new building
has been quite overshadowed.
Will Bill F.inolate Joef
St. Louli Repuhllo.
The country hopes that Senator Lorlmer
will give due consideration to the fact
that It will not be aa hard to Induce the
senate to accept his resignation as It ws
to get It to "vindicate" htm.
Dure Thlnt
Wall Ptreet Journal.
American (Express company, paying a
dividend of 12 per cent on Its capital stock
of $18,000,000 since loos, considers that a
parcels post. would put an unbearable bur
den of taxation upon the public shoulders.
Congreaalonal Vacations In Hock.
Indianapolis News,
rerhaps the members of congress who
are disappointed about their summer out
ing plana, can cheer up on the thought
that there are thousands of other men
In the country with Jobs just as onerous
who won t even get a look-in on a vaca
tion. ' '
A atartllwar Contention.
Baltimore American.
The students of a well-known women's
college will probably be thrown Into spasms
of Indignation by the statement of one of
them that plain- girla go to college to try
to compete with rivals more endowed with
natural gifts lmthe matrimonial market
that pretty and mttractlve girls do not need
college tralnlnn'ita secure, husbands., This
frank oonfesalfltltWia not help to popularize
college education, nor the exponents, either,
ef auch startling-candid theories.
Kansas City Star: It appears, after .ill,
that Senator Bill Bailey waa not the Bill
Bailey who harkened to the refrain:
"Won't You Come Home?"
Chicago Record-Helard: Out In Ne
braska a Judge has solemnly decided that
a farmer's wife la not under any obliga
tion to milk the cows. We hope some wise
Judge will hasten to decide that no mar
ried man Is to be expected to wash of wipe
the dtahes.
Kansas City Times: To offset the sense
of disappointment which Kansas feels aa
the result of the performance of its legis
lature, the state can find comfort that four
of the standpat congressmen Scott, Mil
ler. Calderhead and Reeder now wear the
prefex "ex." '
Philadelphia Record: The Honorable
Joseph Q. Cannon Is one of the best
minority leaders there has even been In
the house of representatives. He haa been
gieatly missed during the last eight years
from a position for which he haa pre
eminent qualifications.
Sioux City Journal: Encouraged by Ken
ator Young's cordial reception, Senator
Gronna. another fledging, decided to mane
speech, and got away with It. The tra
dltlon that a new senator must be seen
and not heard during his first session or
two Is one of the things that were but are
not. Ita passing Is a scalp for the belt of
Senator La Follette, who did the pioneer
tng at much personal inconvenience.
People Talked About
The oldest dancer at the governor's ball
ht Augusta, Me., last week was Judge
Greenleaf T. Stevens, former Judge of pro
bate of Kennebec county. Judge Stevens
Is 80 years old and the ease and agility with
which he went through the dances aston
ished the onlookers.
When Charles H. Jackson, 62 years old,
of Brocton, Mass., went Into a tailor ahop
to get a suit of clothes It was found that
he measured exactly two yards around the
waiat. He weighs 5J8 pounds and wears a
24 collar. His chest measures 65 Inches, bis
arm above the elbow, 22 Inchea around,
wrist 114 Inches, calf of leg 22 Inches and
thigh S Inches.
Fifty-two wives In a Pennsylvania con
gregation defined the Ideal husband as one
who turned all his money over to his wife
and kept only 60 cents a week for pin
money. Also, one who would help with the
housework and eschew tobacco. Needless
to say, none of the men of the congrega
tion la clamoring for the honor of poelng
as the Ideal husband.
Wilbur Glenn Vollva, successor of John
Alexander Dowle In the management of the
colony at Zlon City. III., has Just won a
complete victory over the Independents
at the town election. A triumphant parade
of his supporters on (Saturday waa fully
characteristic of the church militant. Vol
lva, surrounded by negro guards, headed
the Une, followed by a choir of 2"0. the
main body of the faithful and 00 babies
In carriages.
With her trunks pscked. some of them
with presents for relatives and friends In
her native country. Mrs. Anna Sesrup
stood la the parlor of her flat, in New
York, recently, looking like anything but
what ahe has been for many months a
Janltress. and of late entilWd to the honor
of being the richest Janltress In the Bronx.
For Unt week shs received more than ZSO.
0U0 from the estate In Sweden of an aged
uncle who died recently.
Washington Life
oraa Intereatlng Vhaaaa
aa Conditions Otoeerred
at the KaUon'a Capital.
"The Ouard dies, but never surrenders."
wrote Rnugemont two dava after Water
loo. Home of the old guard in congress re
tires, but few of them surrender their
grip on Cncle Bam s payroll. From the
forums of legislative debate and strife,
and Insurrections at home, the members
drop Into comfortable berths, affording a
maximum of rest and a minimum of labor.
Eight republicans and two democratic
members of the noble order of Sons of
Rest are booked for absent treatment at
the rate of 17.500 a year each, divided into
twelve checks of i'S2.", work or play. Sen
ator Aldrlch of Rhode Inland, Benator Hale
of Maine and Congressman Burrows of
Michigan are hooked up In the monetary
commission for an Indefinite period. Thu
nimble Tom Carter of Montana lands on
a cushion aa cleverly as when retired from
the senate ten years ago. With Con
gressmen Tawney of Minnesota and Denhy
of Michigan, carter la booked for a place
on the commission to Investigate ques
tions In connection with tho navigable
waters on our northern boundary, with
special reference to the St. Lawrence river
which power companies desire to harness.
Senator Bulkeley of Connecticut and Sen
ator Smith of Maryland will conserve
their health by supervising the procure
ment of the Appalachian and White Moun
tain forest reserves Just authorised by
congress. Congressman llenry snerman
Routell of Illinois goes to the new re
public of Portugal as United States min
ister, and Senator Talllferro of Florida Is
expected to succeed the late Senator Dan
iel on the military commission. The 11st
will be extended as time goes on. Those
already fixed have reason to applaud a
grateful repuhllo which exhibits fatherly
good will In sweetening the lemon with
Athur M. Travers of Detroit, Mich., chief
clerk of the third assistant postmaster
general, who was dismissed a few days
ago, developed a novel way of fattening
hln Income. His offense consisted In caus
ing certain postage stamps to be so man
ipulated aa to cieate a fictitious market
value for them. In his official capacity
he caused to be delivered to himself certain
rare stamps of great value and then falsi
fied the records of his office by certifying
that a portion of those stamps were legally
destroyed after condemnation. Instead of
having been destroyed, however, he with
held them and substituted stamps In cur
rent ue to an amount equal to those con
demned, disposing of the obsolete Inmie
at a very large profit. "While the phila
telic value of the stamps so disposed of
exceeded $10,000," says a postoffioe off!
clal. "the government haa suffered no
pecuniary loss because of Mr. Travers'
manipulation In substituting stamps of
current Issue to the face value of those
he sold to dealers."
Those people who have the notion that
President Taft Is always good-natured, se
rine and smiling ought to have seen him
the other day, according to the story which
is circulating about In official circles and
printed In the Washington Times. They
say that the big boss was so mad that
old-time attaches of the executive offices
were paralysed by the shock.
Jt was this way: Some senators came
down to the White House to propose that
the reciprocity bill be voted on. but that
it be, killed. They said they could get the
votes' to that end If the ' extra'' session
would not be called. This, of course, con
templated double dealing on the part of
the executive, who had given Canada his
word to fight for reciprocity until the last
When the singular proposal" was made,
therefore, up lnto the air went the presi
dent. He beat the desk before him, he
grew red In the face, and Is said to have
turned upon bis callers with the state-
reont that such an insult aa offered made
It impossible for him to reply In the terms
gentlemen are expected to use. This com
pletely withered the visitors, who hurried
for the open air with an entirely -new con
ception of the president In their minds.
A sad-eyed stranger, wearing a thin
overcoat, shiny at the elbows, came Into
Pennsylvania avenue restaurant during
the noon hour a day or two ago. relates
the Washington Star. He stood about nerv
ously until the head waiter came up to him.
"Got any stale bread?" he Inquired.
Two prominent clubmen were dining at
a table within earshot. Before the head
waiter had time to reply to the stranger's
Inquiry, one of these men had leaped to
hia feet.
"Set that man down at a table at our
table, by George," he said, "and give him
a good meal. We'll see that he gets all he
wants to eat. Why, It's awful to think of
men like that going about begging for
stale bread and here we sit with steak and
mushrooms In front of us. Looks like a
man who had seen better days, too."
Then to the stranger:
"How about It, my man? You weren't al
ways going about asking for the crumbs
off the tables. 111 wager."
The stranger smiled quietly.
"There appears to be some slight mis
understanding," he ventured, quietly. "
waa just trying to arrange with this waiter
fellow to sell me some stale bread for my
"Times have changed." said Victor Mur
doch, the Kansas Insurgent. "A few years
ago when a man engaged to deliver a lec
ture at the town church, say, on "The
Ruina of Babylon," he was 'met by the
pastor and the local committee, who talked
something like this:
'Now, Mr. Murdock. you will please
not say anything about politics. There are
democrats and republicans In the congrega
tlon, and I don't want to stir up a partisan
row. Please stick to 'The Ruins of Baby
"It's different now. The chairman of the
local committee says:'
"We want the real thing. Give us all the
Insurgency dope that you've got. Don't be
afraid of hurting' anybody's feelings, but
hit It up from start to finish. We will be
lust aa pleased If you don't say a word
about 'The Ruins of Babylon." "
Sluis-lr Dream.
Springfield Republican.
There is not and has not been a ship
subsidy lobby. So reports the special house
committee, with the added Information
that "there are no funds for the support
of such lobbies." And have not been?
Then it must be aald that the shipping In
terests In their prolonged, sweeping and
so far unsuccessful campaign for subsidy
legislation have been able to command
an astounding amount of gratuitous aerv
Ice from outside thir own ranks.
Where We Fall Dowai.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
In Germany an eleven-pound package
carried In the malls for 12 tents. la the
I'nited Slates the eleven pounds roust be
divided into three packages, and the
charge for postage Is 11.74. The eleven
pounds can be mailed from the I'nited
States to Europe in one package for abou
H U. But again congress bus failed to act
on these absurdities
Ashland tlmette: The discredit of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan la one of the sttang-st
pararioxea of sll political hlstorv. The
I things he orlglnnted and advocated S'e
kept at the top of the column next to pur
reading matter, while he Is being pushe I j
i lurtrier anil runner away from the pie man am I n
counter. "Yes. sir.'' an-we-rd the betel
I . you ran put up -
wrsn.i ismnn i nnrpenoem : sooner or
latfr the state will have to mke sum
Other II HA nf the Holrilora' llnnif. hut N-n.
hr.,.ka ha. no excuse for trying to cro, 'IVVn
the members of such an Institution Into n I up to Ml vIiI.hko T.lbur-e.
smaller building merely for the sake of
economy. It is a disgrace for a Nibrnskan.
well fixed flnflnrlally as this state Is. to
be thinking shout It.
Beatrice F.xprrss: The "Jim crow" bill
has received Its quietus and nothing
farther will be heard of It at the present
session. This la as It shi.uld be. Nobraskii
was one of the first, if not the first, to
pass resolutions, back in slavery times,
against holding the hlack men In bonilRKv.
and It should never place a Mil on Its
statutes which would discriminate against
the negro. There Is no race question !n
Nebraska, and there never should be one.
Alma Record: t'pon the recommemla'lon
of Congressman Oeorge W. Norrls. A. K.
Huechler. editor of the Urand Island Inde
pendent, has been appo'nted postmaster of
that city. It soems the administration U
slowly but surely recognising ConKressman
Norrls' endorsements for postmasters. Thus
far thero has been no appointment made
at this point and the patrons of the office
are anxiously waiting to see whether the
administration or Norrls will have the say
in the matter.
Kearney Hub: For many years the plan-"
Ing of notices of constitutional amend
ments was a piece of patronage belonging
to the secretary of tate. Two years ago
Senator Tanner succeeded In having It
transferred to the governor, who was then
democratic In order that democratic news
papers should get It. The republicans took
their democratic medicine with scarce a
whimper. Tanner Is In the senate HKaln
and there la a republican governor, the
secretary of state being also a republican,
and now he proposes that the amendment
shall be printed In two newspapers In each
county one republican and one democratic
ar.d that the legal fee shall be divided
between them. And what do yon think
of that!
"Do you know what to do when a lad 1
"I have a faint Idea." Baltimore Ameri
can. "I understand you took that crippled
chaffeur Into your office."
"Yes, but I had to let him go again."
"He went Joy riding In the elevator."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"What In the world do you want with so
many garden seedsT" Inquired the patient
member of congress. "You surely don't
plant ail of them?"
"No," replied the constituent, "We put a
little milk and sugar on them and use
them for breakfast food." Washington
Star. (
We dined out last evening. Ta disgraced
us, as usual."
"As to how?'
"Hot to the end of the dinner with three
forks and two spoons still unused." Washi
ngton Herald.
That horrid .... prosecuting attorney
charged the man who stole Fldo merely
with dog stealing.
What charge did you wish brought
against him?
l wanted mm inea lor Hianaping.
Chicago I'ost.
There's something wrong about that
new car you sold me," says the man with
he exuberant ears to tne automoone agent.
How's that?" asked the agent.'
I drove It 200 mllea yesterday and didn't
have any trouble at all with it." Judge.
'What do you think happened?"
Tell It." ,
'Conductor saw me running after that
car, and he nem it tin i caught it. What
do you think of that?"
What do I think or it? Why. l think
It's the most original lie I've heard for a
Bread of any kind could not
taste better than when spread
Butterine ms
Swift's Premium Butterine
used for cooking is most sat
isfactory and means a saving
of fully one-third.
It is made under govern
ment supervision is sweet,
pure, clean.
Order a one -pound carton to
day and try it.
Made enly by
Swift & Company
u. a a.
54 years of continuous management; SI years
of ateady growth in Assets; 31 years of In
creasing ability to safeguard thu liureuslug
funds of depositors; tberefere, a good place for
)Ol 11 account and especially your HAVING.
3i Interest on Time Deposits
OimmI n v.
I oleilo
Hro n
one 1 h ii
, I Ml 1 1 1
lilt I
1 I ai l thnt '
" h . t 'ie .-rni null-.- i
hRkf'tt 1-llOt t
nmlies." - ( 'Mc-nc" 'i'i lie
hsKi d l-liot Is s!ns riCll:tw
I I oily
! the
!.. "If
lull at
, R ,,
T,, ,,, ,Hlrrv t. ssed rt 1
Kln 1.. Ml, fr." IrMu' tle
Arthur Chapman in I'. nier l iblii an.
We'd been plannln' lin e in I Act us on our
. one umi k return.
He's been i tin lln s of i omiuei.t tbfit d
make his left ear burn.
He's done tne wrong often, and the
ilKlit tbiiiK not at all.
And we thought wed slum o-ir f.-elln a
w hen w e tint him In a tin 1 1.
We had rigged the plair,um nut . with
some tons of ft utt sriuved
Where the ho s could reach It handy when
we'd finished tbr 1'
We had some lr n lt!tn' and sonie feath
ers clost at hand.
And when the stat-e was sight il t'i re was
music by the'.
But the driver sianeil f r quiet, arm we
stopped mil- 111 lie noise
And he banded us a letter, and Hear Haw
kins read: "Dear boys -
I haw heard of our Intention., and I "i
honored by w hat s up,
Hut le changed tn address re-ent, anil
my home Is now Pup."
When Will.e Vi:iiamt
has hia till.
He : "Thu soup
just Rlli the Utir.
It would make you
hungry just to step in
side of our big soup
You would find every
thing so neat and clean;
so spic-and-span.
Such delicious appe
tizing smells are in the
air. And all around arc
the fresh wholesome
materials we use in
. i
We wish you could visit
our plant. But don't wait
for that. Try one of these
perfect soups for dinner
today. And you'll realize
how daintily and carefully
they must be made.
21 kinds 10c a can
Just add hot water,
bring to a boil,
and ftrrvt.
.,' :!'. . -i ' ml
Joitra Camfbkli,
Camden N J
Look for the
red-and -white
lona time.
jgf r