Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1911, Image 5

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    THE BITE: OMAHA nil DAY. MARCH 10, 1911
. aw 0 a a a i -a a a v m
XJTm Plan Working- t
Im Plan Working to Help Iti Em-
ployei with Finds.
Minrr la aeroee frosa Rmrk Office
Direct, aa -e atrial Food la
fet Aside ta C a re for Ike
In order to eliminate the salary loan
bark evil, by an order Waned from head
quarter three month ao, the Western
Union Telegraph company. In cases of
necessity, now Warm to lt worthy em
ployes money without Interest up to a
month's sahiry. Thes are honor loana.
note and tin- payment each month of at
least 10 per rent of the employe's aalary.
This tlon wail taken by the Western
Union mnjpany. because It waa brought
to Ita attention that many worthy em
ployee were U-lim imposed upon by loan
aharka to an that In aome caaea
amounted to hardship, one rase In particu
lar waa railed t' the attention ot the
Omaha of f. e. More than a year ago an
employe boriowcd i.O of t loan shark. He
paid Interrat in the loan at the rata of
12 a month until he 1 ad paid . Tha loan
hark atlll held axainst him the original
ota of ta) which If paid would have com-
tnA tha emnlova to pay Ir m
of $20 In a little more than a year.
Loans from Bmrt Off Ice a.
Such loans are being made by all of the
branch offices of the company. Each loan
la handled by the city office. No delay Is
necessary and action on the application la
gotten at once. The necessity of the loan
la considered with the worthiness of the
employe and an Immediate derision given.
Turing the three months this plan has
been operative in the Omaha office twenty
four applications for loans have been made
by the 20 employe. For many reasons it
waa neiry t refuse a small number
of these, t'eath, sickness, fire and many
other thin s may enter In making a loan
a necessity. In the case of one of the of
fice girls, who applied for a loan to buy
an Easter outfil, a loan waa refused.
No fund Is set aside for the making of
these loans, but the money la taken out
of the fund of each office.
Nebraska Soldiers
Eager for Frontier
Uilitiamcn Anxious and Many Apply
for Enlistment Colonel Baehr
J ii Ready for Call.
In the event that militia officera of tha
arlous states are Invited to Join In the
kiln.. i).mnnatr.tlnn kiiinr the RiO
J "
Grande Lieutenant Colonel W. E. Paehr
will be one of the first Nebraska officers
to respond. In fact he says he would not
wait a minute to alap his equipment to-
gfther ana board the first train for tha
However, ha does not regard seriously
the dispatch from Washington to the ef
fect that $000 militia officers would be
Invited to, Join In the movement on the
frontier. .
"What would they do with all ef them
ha declares. "For Instance. If one-third
that number were to respond there would
be a. sufficient number to assign 1 to
each of the organizations now headed for
the border.
"The only plan. It seems to me. would be
to Invite a certain number of officers from
each atatei apportioning them according, to
military strength. In this way the num
ber could be cut down so they could be
bandied. But, It Is absurd to think of
$.000 officers, or even one-third that num
ber, going to the frontier."
Asked what he thought of tha possibility
of the mlHtla being called out. he declared
that the chances are slim, unless hostilities
are opened. There la hardly a man In Ne
braska who would not go. though, says
the colonel. He adds that since the activi
ties of the first two or three days there
bave been at least If applications for ad
snlttanoe into the militia companies here.
Lieutenant Colonel Baehr commands the
provisional batalliona, composed ot four
Omaha companies: Company o. Second
Kebraaka; Company L, First Nebraska;
Company I. Second Nebraska, and a com
any at engineers.
Witness to Jail for
Swearing at Attorney
John Brooki Make Naughty Remark
to Lawyer and Then the Judge
"Light." on Him.
John Brooks swore on the witness stand.
Just one little swear word coat him a few
hours In Jail and also nearly cost him IT.
John Brooke haa foraworn all swearing.
Called to the stand In civil suit In Judge
Sutton's court Thursday morning he was
questioned as to a certain signature by M.
J. Cunningham, lawyer. Brooks lost his
Judge Button broke In at this and fined
Brooks $10. also remanding him to the
custody of the sheriff. He waa taken to
the county Jail. Frlende Intervened. Shortly
before noon the Judge remitted the fine
and had him released.
Brooks Is an employe of the Omaha Mer
chants Express and Transfer company.
The suit was brought against the express
company by Mentor, Rosenbloom At Co..
to recover US from Brooks' wages for a
suit of clothes bought of them.
High School Will
Hold Two Sessions
Doable Shift Ordered fcy Superinten
dent to Accommodate Clasiei
During Construction.
Two sessions a day will be held at the
high school beginning April It to permit
operations of workmen In the construction
of the new west and north wings authorised
st the last meeting of the Board of Edu
cation. The change In the hbjh school schedule
waa announced by Superintendent David
son Thursday morning. The new schedule
becomes effective Immediately after Easter
The rreeent schedule ends the dally ses
sion at t:M o'clock In the afternoon. Under
the new schedule the first session will be
gin at t:tt o'clock and end at 12:20; the
second from 12:40 to I SO.
The) high school classes will be divided
Into two sections, one attending each ses
sion. The new schedule will probably be
In effect for a year during the construc
tion of the new parts of the building.
Daylight Robbers
Loot Four Homes
Thieves Making Daring Expedition
Through North End of City Col
lecting Spoils.
Tavllht robbers gathered a varlgated
crop of loot In a canvas of the north side
of the city Wednesday afternoon. Two
men equipped with unlimited nerve and
a spring wagon did the work.
The following robberies have been re
ported to the police from within the field
of operations of the gang:
A. W. HawakerU 2S67 Fort street, thirteen
A. Danlelson, Zfsfc Brown street, sheets
and clothing.
Cora Red field, 25S3 Camden street, line
full of washing.
Patrick Patterson. 11 Camden street,
twenty-five chickens.
tars Absolutely Otsslss Hock Beer,
the F I seat la the City,
rill be en draught on and after March $.
Wore ef It brewed and sold than any other
In Omaha. QL'ALJTT. that'a tha reason.
lhone CI IAS. STORZ. Web. 1J60. Ind. B
UQ, if jroa wish it In rases.
GELTNB BOCK SAt'sAUE. home made
by a Oerman expert. Delicious with Bock
Beer. Jaoob Schmld & Son'a market. 1801
No. lath Be Phones: Web. XTSi, Ind. B-
- BaildtAaT Permlta.
A. H. Ol instead, 21 North Eighteenth
Street, frame dwelling. A. 11. Olm-
atead. 1 Emmet street, frame dwelling
I2.6HO. A. II. Olnisiead, 1'7 Kmmet street,
frame dwelling, tJW; Mrs. O. Mortensen.
3661 liordon sireet. frame dwelling. l; K.
Bwyndrowakl. T7'' Sooth Thirtieth .street,
frame d elilng.' Ur
The many uses of
If you were to use, for
each kind of washing,
cleaning, scouring and
scrubbing, one of the so
called special prepara
tions which are made,
you would have an im
posing and expensive
array of chemicals, wash
ing compounds, cleaning
pastes, etc.
There is 'one cleaner that
can take the place of them
all, and without the need of
borax, ammonia, kerosene
or naphtha, and that is
5 I
504 S'
a v x i ti aj nr
w m . ill !' ii - x m tl.v. i
Befriends Wanderer,
Bobbed for Kindness
George Duncan's Wardrobe Looted by
Boy He Took Into Hit
Home. '
He was a stranger and he took him In.
This paraphrase appllea to either aide of
the transaction by whloh George Duncan,
4101 Farnam street, befriended a wandering
youth and waa robbed of clothes and
Jewelry worth S2M.
Frank Momert, a youth rambling about
tha west at odd jobs. Is held by the Chi
cago police as a suspect. Momert waa given
employment during the Land show. He
was then befriended by Mr. Duncan.
Momert and Duncan's clothes departed
simultaneously Wednesday.
A. D. Braaaele trail Mexlea to
Get Sense Wlssers Roeke
feller'a Das.
"Guardian," a famous beagle, bought
by John D. Rockefeller In England, will
be one of the, dogs shown In the Omaha
Dog show. John D. entered him In the
New Tork show shortly after buying him
and '"Uuardlan" was only able to take
second place. . This waa not enough for
Mr. Rockefeller and he sold the beagle to
George D. Kenyon of Chicago, who will
show him in Omaha Since his defeat in
New Tork, Guardian has won many events.
Two of the smallest dogs In the world
will be shown by .Artbur Brandela He
has Just purchased two. Chihuahuas, down
In Mexico, expressly "for the purpose of
winning the prize for small dogs In the
Omaha event.
As the price-of the. two dors went Into
the four figures it Is, certain that they are
worth considerably mora than their weight
i in gold.
j Wsralag ta RlIre-4 Mea.
Look out for severe and even dangerous
; kidney and bladder troubles resulting from
pears of railroading. George E. Bell. G3j
' Third street. Fort Wayne. Ind., was many
1 years a conductor on the Nickel Plata Ha
j tays: "Twenty yeara of railroading left
my kidneys In terrible condition. There
v a continual pain across my back and
fc. . mnA . .. L n . - ..... w . . -
.ur inv niut.ii jii
trtcs. and the actk'n of my biedder was
frequent and most painful. I got a supply
of Foley Kidney Pills and the first bot'.le
niade a wonderful Improvement and four
bottles cured me completely, fines being
cured 1 have recommended Foley Kidney
I'll is to many of my railroad frteada." Pur
sale by all druggists.
cr? n rrsTis
S"'l in BO we
Sn-l Isfpe pari
shes. 1 he rp
pac k ape ctter s j r-
rrestef exmVTv.
Klsaty BeeeailBg Member, af cot-
tUh Kite Starlaers ta latitat
Oae Haaitred.
lliglity Nebraska Marona are in Omaha l.i
I attendant e for initiation at the annual
P.-otush Rite reunion. The class la the
larger ever to receive the higher degrees
in Omalrn.
The thirty-aeiond degree work will be
j glen tonisht.
j Friday evening Tangier Temple. Nobles
of the Mystic Hhrlne, m 111 Initiate a claas
j of luO members. Many of the Svotllah
j Rite Masons will remala In Omaha to at-
tend the Ehrine festivities. All parts of
the state ara repreaentea in the Masonic
gathering here this week.
Recruiting Station is Ordered to Get
Busy at Once.
Railroads Are Dolns; Their Beat ta
Haatle the Troops to the Front
Army Poata Are Prac
tically Abandoned.
Additional color to war talk came Thurs
day In an order received by Lieutenant N.
W. Poet. I". B. N.. in charge of the Omaha
naval recruiting station, to redouble ef
forts to enlist men In the service. Similar
orders have been sent to every Important
naval recruiting station in the country.
Lieutenant Post is one of a number of
naval and army officers here who have
from the outset looked upon the general
movement of troops to the Mexican border
as something more serious than a mere
"President Dlas of Mexico Is on his last
legs, and just the moment he gives up the
battle of life there is bound to be a general
guerilla warfare In that country. Ameri
can and other interests In Mexico will
therefore be endangered, and I think It is
a wise move on the part of the United
States to send an army in the field to be
prepared In case anything serious hap
pens." thus Lieutenant Post sums up the
Though he does not have any official In
formation, he is firmly of the belief that
the order for more naval recruits comes as
a direct result of the disembarkation of
about &0 marines at the United States
naval atatlon in Guantanamo, Cuba Six
teen ships have already put their marines
ashore there, making more room for re
cruits. "1 think the marines have been put off
at Guantanamo, becauae of lta cloae prox
imity to Mexico," explains the lieutenant.
"From that point they can be readily
transported to Mexico.
Soldiers oa the Way.
In the meantime practically every army
trooper of the 30.000 ordered to the border
has been entrained and Is en route south.
Troops A and D, Fourth cavalry, left
Fort Meade. S. D, Wednesday evening
on two trains, one at :10 and the other
at 40. At Gordon the two trains were
merged Into one. At t o'clock the same
night the train had reached Lone Pine, a
distance of 4 miles from the starting
point. This Is considered remarkably fast
time by the officers of the Department of
the Missouri.
Northwestern officials inform the de
partment that the cavalrymen. Including
headquarters, band and machine gun pla
toon, besides the two troops, are expected
to arrive in Omaha between and 7 o'clock
Thursday evening. At this point they will
be transferred without delay to the Rock
Island and proceed to tl I'aso. Colonel
Eteever is In command, accompanied by
Major Kder of the Medical corps.
Word has been received from Washing
ton appointing Lieutenant Raymond
Smith as aide on the staff of his father,
General Frederick A. Smith, who Is on his
way south to take command of a brigade.
Lieutenant Smith left Omaha Thursday
The movements of troops from the De
partment of the Missouri has left Forts
Meade. Mackenxle and Russell practically
abandoned. a few men and officers
remain to guard property, and these are
soon to be relieved by civilian caretakers.
At Fort Russell, the Sevond battalion of
engineers will take charge, now being en
route from Fort Ajs;nlbine.
Ovlt KLitchema Is
Youjiir Hitclhieini
We offer you our two-million dollar sunlit kitchen in the
cleanest, finest, most hygienic food factory in the world, in
which we bake every day in the year, two million crisp,
golden brown Shredded Wheat Biscuits. Our kitchen is
your kitchen when you eat
the food that contains all the strengthening, body-building
material in the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam
cooking, shredding and baking. It is the one cereal food
that has survived the ups and downs of public fancy
always clean, always pure, always the same price.
Always heat the biscuit in oren to restore its enspness ; then pour hot
milk over it, adding a little cream. Salt or sweeten to suit the taste.
Being in Biscuit form it makes delicious and wholesome combinations
with stewed prunes, apple sauce, sliced bananas or other stewed or
fresh fruits. Try it for breakfast for ten days and see how much
better you feeL Your grocer sells it.
TRI5CUIT Is the Shredded Wheat
wafer crisp tasty, nourishing vrhole
-wheat Toast, delicious for any meal
with butter, cheese or marmalades. Al
ways toast it in the oven before serving.
y, -v.
' a Jstesara
th. local situation be cleared up and the
mall service be restored to its proper effi
For soreness of the muscles, whether in
duced by violent exercise or injury. Cham
berlain's Liniment is excellent. Thia lini
ment Is also highly esteemed for the relief
it aifoid. iu cases of rheumatism. Sold by
all dealers.
Charles Yoorhre. Ml.alaa; for Fair
Days mm Hla Frlcade
Are Alarmed.
Search for Charles Voorhees. who rooms
at 101 South Seventeenth street. Is being
conducted by the police. Vouchees haa
been missing for four days.
Voorhees has been in ill health. Friends
were preparing to send him to Hot 8piings.
Ark . for treatment when he disappeared.
Mrta Faasoaa aWck. Iseer
I in bottles oa and March ffth. Aba
I lutely the vnly genuine Bock Boer brewed
in Omaha Family trad, supplied by Mr.
Wm 1 Boakhoff. Retail Dealer, f'hoaso
Uouga U, lad. A-iat.
Chairasaa Black of Civil Kerr ire Coaa.
astaaloa fcale laqalry Will Pro.
reel at Onee.
A telegram was received in Omaha this
morning from General John C. Black,
chairman of the I nlted States civil service
commission, which said that District Sec
ret a ry Morse from I'lnclnnatl would pro
teed at once with the investigation of the
chargea against Inst master Thomas. The
commlositiD does not intend to let the case
rest and will ail promptly la la. .bd that
Laxative Water
Quick (y Relieves
The City tries to guard the
purity of the water but Welch
guards the things you EAT. (These
specials for Friday and Saturday.)
Phone Doug. 1644 or Ind. A.-SS11
fS I
jn. x i
BTJOABV 21 lba granulated
sugar foi $1.00
rXOUm Best patent 24-lb.
aack n. r. for ftaa
rLOVI Best patent 48-lb.
aack her. for SI -SO
BOAT 10 bare Diamond '.
or Beat- ttn-All BAa
STOBT BOA" I bars of 6c
size for ISO
TAX atAatTKA Washing
l'ud-r, c site
lba bki graUe t&a
package for S1.
TABX.B ITBCr Beat gal
lon cana, at, gal a&a
JAFAaT bUOX Beat Japan
nice at. lb Bo
aTATT IliVt-Best Navy
Beans at, lb Bo
IsAOniEt Imported, ilc
cans a l IBs
WXTT1 fill HmoWed, at,
per lb lao
rtn.1. cmsAxc ceibh-
.N. X., reg. lie. here at Boo
COrrXB Beat tic grade,
1 lba. sac, lb Me
Tin Our beat luo grada,
sells at, lb B7a
VZAB, Corn or Tomatoea
duten $1.10. ran lOe
rOTATOSB-Best Colorado
au bustiol BM
ZaTKAPri.a Haw atlan
sliced, Jo can 8S8
ABB or Peaches, larse
lec cana at Is.
UU1 ZAJIS Fresh No. 1.
at, per lb. Se
lalO California sugar
cured, lb. .....Bo
au per lb a.
COBS BEir Plata or
brUk.t, lb Be
B AOO AT eJugar cured, very
lean, lb B3H
OT BOABT With bone
and fat lemoved, lb. ..loo
Freah, at, lb Bo
Here at. per lb. lao
larded. au lb lao
BIB BOABT llir Her.
t. par 1U 1BH
TBIsTa IVABCB Foroquar-
tare, at, lb Bo
At, par lb loo
11. r. at, par lb. I0o
rxCVXO MAM Whole
only, at, per lb. So
rOBI X.ODTB With ten
derloin in. iu. its
MAIL OlSIll filled
promptly and pioclao.
R. E. Welch Grocer as Farnam St.
Bee w$an4 aclta IbFfiogj results