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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
Tun ' lw.K: omaita; hiiday. . makcii 10. inn. High School Track Athletes Get Out for Spring Training and Show Good Form LADS' IH PRACTICE FOR MEETS Fiftcea High School Youths Training . for Track Eyenti. GOOD " TEACK TEAM EXPECTED Wand. Renlr-y, Klltwnrik and Millard hniv 1 p la Ffne) form aad Arc Relied frtr Tlmem la Trl- lir Mfft. Ahoub firteen lads wrarlria; Omaha High echool rrark . suits and also class suits, could be ami on the High school campus Werinrfclay atterknorv This was the first appearanr ef the lata for spring practice for the 111 track ' tram. Robert Wood, cajrtaln of the tram, and a few members of lost yr-ar'a team wre llmberlnir up ptellmlfiarr to the regular practice. Sev eral of-.tho fads who will constitute the track team this year made their Initial ai ix-arance thin year In the Young Mrn'i Christian assoelatlpn gymnasium last Sat urday nllfht when , the first All-Omaha Indoor meet was held. Wood scored hlKh man In the. meet, making the moat num ber of jjolhts tnreughout the evening. Wood took first place In the twenty-yard dash and lirnt tlace la the standing broad Jump. If Wood la able to win from the Young Mn's Christian association teams and from BtUevae, who was also repre sented la the meet, he will probably show up Wfll In lbs various high school meets. Andrew Dow, another youth who made several points to th meet, will probably make the team, and will go out for the quarter-niHe run, donides the shot put and the hammer throw. Vergil Hector baa nut yet start! on trark practice, but will begin Immediately after thte basket ball season la flntfhed. Rector has the school record fur the jilgh Jump, and also In the pole vault. Rir-nnon - Rowley, Millard and Drexel, will "be seen this year In both the 100-yard 'anh and the 220-yard dash. Row ley, who has -the school record for low hurdles, has not been out yet for prac tice, but will probahly ' begin the latter part of the week.' I-eonard Lavldge, who took first place m the TrIC'Hy meet last year for the high . hurdles, was out Wednesday and showed the good form which he developed last year. For the big Indoor meet which will be held at the Auditorium on April 1, the Omaha HUch school will enter so mo fast men. Wod, Rowley,' ElNwerth and Mil lard are the four men who will be most relied upon. In the meet, as they are fast and have all made -brUHant records. Prac tice will be held every other afternoon until next week, when must of the boys will practice every day. New York Bowlers Carry Off Honors of Day at Tournament Mailer of Ardiley Club Wini Leader ihip of Individual Series One Hour After Crewson Capture! It. BVFFALO, March .-New York and Brooklyn bowlers today carried off the honors In the most sensatlrrtl day's bowl ing sine the opening of the fifth Inter national tournment of the National Howl ing association. Jacob P. Muller of the Ardsley club of New York won the lead ership et the Individual 'series an hour after it had been captured by Walter B. Crewson of Alliance, O. Broer and Tuthilt, of the Oermanlo Bowling club of Brook lyn won third place In the two-men event and McLaren and Nutter of the Ger manics took tenth place In the same series. In the latter game Nutter bowled 234 In the first. tJ In the second and 232 In the third, a total of 6S which stands as the high record of the tournament for three games in any event. It does not count as an Individual score, however, as It was made in the two-man competition. t'rewbon, the Alliance bowler, waa mill receiving congratulations over getting the top notch In the Individual event when Muller set the eastern delegation wild with erthuslasm by rolling his, 66$ game. Crew son made sixteen strikes, twelve spares and two errors, while Muller bowled a perfect game,' seventeen Strikes, twelve spbres and one spilt. Crewson rollvd S1J, and 217 and Muller made U".. : ai 4 2:K 11 or ton of Yonkers was next beat i die individual, tiulng for seventh place with t3.'. More than twenty five-men teaiua bowled tonight. It'UHKI OK IOWA RIFLEMEN Tram Averages 1,867 la Match with Gophers. IOWA C1TT, la.. March ..-(Special.) Iowa riflemen are confident of a victory over the I'niversfty of Minnesota In the weekly Intercollegiate by mail"' rifle shoot held today, in whioh the Hawkeye team scored I.S67 points out of a possible l.QuO. Minnesota's aggregation of marksmen has not near approached such a score this season and with the Qopher team out. of the road Iowa has only Columbia to de feat to make Its title clear to the national Intercollegiate chanipionMhlp. The Iowa men scored as follows today: standing. Prona. Total. Rruins 1.. It. teeper. KNott ......... Arneson ., Klmhull 64 .. 90 Campbell m lies ...... m riiiepard si W illiams ....-...',.,v... SH Hansen .1. ......... m Totals.,...? T. PACL TAKK1 FIRST W 193 W 1X3 M 10 M ISO ! is '.'7 m 15 7 1M W lfcft W 17 1.SC7 PI. At E Would Compromise Dispute Over Games in Washington Soon National Bate Ball Commission Ben der Deciiiona Affecting Seven Major League Clubs. CINCINNATI, March ".-Three decision affectlnir seven major leairue clubs were alven out by the National Base Ball com mission late today. They Include a pro posed solution of a dispute between the Washington American haaue club and the Rrooklyn and Boston National league or ganisations over exhibition games In the national capital next month. The Boston club complained that It had contracted for the exhibition games on April 1 and . but subsequently It was noti fied that the Brooklyn tram had to appear In Washington on those days snd that Boston could come April K and t. At games had been booked elsewhere for these days. Boston asked the commission to Intervene. The commission recommended that Bos ton apppar In Washington April 7 and Brooklyn on the following day. It was stated that "compliance with these recom mendations will be compelled by the com mission should Its attention further be called to this case." The commission allowed Vlmer H. teach er's claim of $174 from the Bt. louls Na tional leatrue club, whirh bad released him to Chattanooga of the Southern league. This latter league's season expired before the National and Zacher was granted pay the lost time at the rate of his major leairue contract. The Detroit club of the American league was denied a rehearing of the case by which It lost title to Tlayer Tlco to the Vernon club of Los Angeles. The evidence submitted by Detroit, however, showed that Tlco had falsely represented himself to be .a free agent and he was fined loo by the commission. OMAHA LEADS At OUTSET Takes Preliminary Basket Ball Game from Stromsburg. STATE TOUBMMENT AT LINCOLN I.lucola Wins Its First Cane with ; Tecnmseh and Aurora Has aa Easy Time Trlmmlo Falls .' City Qalntet. Wester Division ! Indoor Hlfle . tau'a Kads Match. ST. rAl'Iv. Minn., March .-I3y wln I !g the la.l match of the schedule from Untie, the &t i'aul rifle team captured ftist place In the western division of the Indoor Rifle league and will shoot for national honors with the team of New Haven, Cons., ut the eastern division. The Rutte team scored S2 tonight, while the St. Paul tram's score, earlier In the week, was ft Taul dm not lose a match during the season. Butte won eleven and lout one. Breoklrs Plays F.rrorless Hall. HOT tfPRINMH. Ark.. March .-The reg ulars of the It rook I. vn team played error less ball today aaintt the second team oi n sain ciuu ana won thr to une. Atrhlion. Kneisrr and lull for tha wm. nlng team, kept the lilts reduced to five ami eacn iiiuma spinud form. McfcJI veen. TonUi. M. laubrt and lluiu mell were the bitters ot the game, each semiring a uoume ana a single, ."v ore: it II v. Heaulars ,.,'.., 1 1 0 1 t 0-1 6 . ;.... i u u v v w u v o 1 ft LINCOLN, Neh., March 9 (Special Tel egram.) Omaha, Lincoln and Aurora were winners In the first round of preliminaries to decide the Interscholastlc basket ball championship of the state In the tourna ment held under the auspices of the uni versity at the gymnasium today. All three winners won by large scores, the respective losers being Stromsburg, Tecumseh and Falls City. Nearly 150 high school athletes are In Unooln to participate In the basket ball tournament. The teams are In charge of a faculty representative. The games started promptly at 3 o'clock, as scheduled by Manager Kager. Crowds of between sna and watchee the,.. play , dmlps; the afternoon. The floor was cleared at o'clock. In order to permit the caret's to, drill. Of the twenty-one schols entered oUthenburg Is the only one which failed to. sbow up, With the default of odthenburg- Thursday aft ernoon, Clarks had no opponent and was advanced to the second round. Friday aft ernoon all of the teams winning the first round will meet for seml-prellmlnarles. There will be five games In the armory. The games are each with fifteen-minute halves. Sidney, representing an odd number, was also advanced to the second round because It had no opponent. Omaha Wins Early. Omaha overwhelmed Stromsburg In' the first game of the afternoon aeries, the final score being 68 to 15. Superior team work and faster Individual play enabled the lads from the metropolis to pile up the score almost at will. Tecumseh proved but little faster than Stromsburg and the score resulted, Lincoln, 40; Tecumseh,- 19. Lincoln excelled In team work. In tua last .game' Aurora defeated Falls City by almost as decisive a score. In the first half the Falls City five held Aurora but were unable to stand the pace and Aurora soon gained a comfortable lead at the beginning of the final half. The final score was it to 17. DETROIT STAKES ANNOUNCED Two-Foar Class I'ace Included in the List. DETROIT, March .-For Its Twenty- seventh Annual Blue, Ribbon Trotting meeting, July 31 to August 4. the Detroit Driving club announces four stakes to close on April 4. They are aa follows: The Merchants and Manufacturers' stake $10,0(10, for 2:24 trotters; the Chamber of Commerce stake, $f,0u0. for 2.13 pacers; 2.11 class trotting, purse, 13,000; 2:04 class pace, purse, Ii.OiO. The first three stakes are renewals and alll be raced three In five heats, while the 2:04 pace Is the fastest ' class of the year to be Included in a stake list and will be two In three heats. One of the big futurities will be raced at the meeting. With the late closing purses, the total for the five days will exceed 00,0jO. STUM FOR THE ALL-EYENTS Clever Work Breaking Single and Three-Game Totals. WB0TH S SPECIALS MAKE MARK Roll 2.4T2, Walrk tilvea Tkesi Seeesd Flare In Five-Men Kveats Old Timers l.e Money Posi tions. In the five-men events the Wroths' $p. rials rolled the fine total of 1.872, which Pisces them In second place. Frank's Colts of the Commercial leajrtie shot 2R!2, which Dlaca tham In riK sltion, the Monte Christos and PeU Lochs losing meir position among the prize win ners. Three teams out of the twelve already rolled have a better total than which In tournament shooting la considered phe nomenal, Myron Stuns broke the single game fcnd three game total of the tournament, shoot ing a 2i7 score In his second game and landing a total of 8fi In the series. Roll ing 632 In his doubles snd then 64 In the five-men. a total of 1.29 for the six games P aces him In position to win first money in the all-event as Anderson fell down considerably In his singles. The five-men event closes after tonight's play. No doubt exists as to the Stori Triumphs being the new city champions. The two-men and single events will con tinue throughout the week. The Brandels Buyers did exceptionally well considering that they were the only team entered that did not want tu finish In first place. Five-Men Standings. Standing of the five-men teams: Stors Triumphs g(rn Wroth Specials s72 J. 8. Cross 2.S48 McCord-Hradv Advos .....'...'.'!!'.! 2,718 FrAhlt'a t ' 1 , ' Hrlen's M on t e ' C h lis toil 2 ' .5 1-1 IS LArls . rlSq Stors Malta . tit. t misha ilicycle in'di'ans.'..'.'.'.'.".'."...";.';.' 2,509 Maseppaa , m l.UXUS 0,-7 Unndels Buyers..., , ltii Laat night's scpres; . j '" , BRANDEI3 BUYERS. T . - , It. 2d. 2d. Total. Iyendecker lhH 2U 615 Deuker 12J 137 4 3f7 Amsden m ISO . 185 4(4 l'iPPld 1M 152 iJO , ii ' JJ( Hi Totals. Jorres ... Cirotte ... Jtennele , Hwanson Weber ., 71 76 STORZ MA1.T3 1st. 1M 150 .k.. ....... .178 153 152 160 T70 470 2.254 2d. 177 165 173 1S4 200 8d. Total. lt 629 4 1 4SI3 641 lUo 144 191 18 Totals 785 898 889 2,671 FRANK'S COLTS. ... . !. 2d. Sd. Total. eekes 2tl 212 199 812 younger iM m lm 48g J-agerberg 173 1H8 wi 662 "7 170 JK3 178 u 631 Cochran i5g 170 171 499 Totals 863 923 906 692 WROTH 8 SPECIALS. u 21- 3d. Total khy -7 183 167 657 i Klr" 1M 1 174 640 Mtddaugh 1 j,2 i61 m Stun!t 181 267 226 C64 TptaJs.)..v.,..T...j 89t IMfl piT Jj5 Two-Men StandlnKs.' Ohnesorg and Berger Jumped Into the lead in the two-men event with a nice score ot 1,221, Latey and Baehr Into second place with 1,304. The tournament standings fol lows: Ohnesorg and Berger 1 Latey and Baehr ,rl Francisco and Stuns !'' Gllbreath and I'ruyn ' Z Balzer and M-rti Hammond and Anderson"!.'!.'.'! Krltsi her and GJerde J ,2 Murlin arA ...... 1,1H .-. .... i innwiier,,, Moran and Bowers Travnor ami 1 1 11 n 1 ,' v m n 1 t'n. ail - - Bjlomon and Hlnrlchs!!!!!!!! 1 n-i Oodenschwager and Cochran.!! Klauik and Zarp '"'ri . ......... Bin. Last night's scores: Ohnesorg Berger Totals ... l.l.'iS 1 I.' r- 1,075 fc7 Travner Prlmeau Totals ..1 Moran Bowers Totals .... Martin Drlnkwater . . 463 1st. . Pi7 1 171 . 338 1st. i lftS . 198 367 1st. 201 2t3 Totals , 404 Pnlomon Hlnrlchs . Totals Latey Baehr ... Totals 174 159 333 1st. ai 12 383 21- Sd. Total. 17 2X 625 li'2 169 Cn) 368 atl iIji 2d. 3d. Total. 192 187 W6 171 187 6i Jta 374 1,075 2d. 3d. Total. 176 1X7 632 187 H5 550 363 152 1,083 Id. 3d. Total. 174 169 644 215 171 6S9 389 340 U33 Ml 194 W9 189 153 501 890 847 1,070 2d. 3d. Total. 2 198 (UK) 224 198 604 427 394 J204 ainales. TEARNKV UKMKS TWO sTOHIKS Colts ttnri'i, Omaan' Deal Hark User. Watch for a BTOKZ sign. Ktep In and enjoy a Us of isTOitZ' DEIJCIOUS IKK'K Uh.KM. n draught on and after March a STORZ' BOCK BEER sets the pace for alH Competitors. Nothing to com pare with It In quality la Omaha. If you lah it In bottles phone CHAii. 8TOHZ, Web. UaO. lud. B tlO. President of Three-I l.eaaue Mays lie Has No Notice. ClIICAfiO, March (-.-President Al Tear ney of the Three-I Base Ball league to nlKlit said he had not received notice from the fnur Iowa clubs In the league that they will not stand any further share of the expense Involved In fighting the Waterloo, la., club. He also denied he had received a proposition said to have been submitted by ball players In Bloonilngton, Ttie BloomliiKton plan la to form a new lu-HUe computed of Danville. Kankakee, Decatur and Bloomlngton for the north wing and Peoria. Bpi lugf leld. Jacksonville and (Julncy fur the south wing. The ap peal from Judse lirldlry s Injunction re straining Tearuey fruin Interfering with the rights of the club has not been filed. Dunne Track Traai Mnlna; I p. CKKTK. Neb.. March 9 Sic4al. Doane collese I. sati.fiKd with the outcome of its first year of basket ball, ls.aue won two sanies by defesting Wesleyan and harnev formal. All Interest In athletics centers at present In the prospects f,,r base ball nine and a track tram, l oach Price has had some m.-n out for lrout in putting the shot and tlirowing the ImuuiuT and has also sent a few m. n around the tuck. The outlook In base ball I. a little uncer tain, home nw men are candidates for positions aud they must yet show their ability. . Hammond of Stors Triumphs was the high man in the play at Garlow's alleys, South Omaha. Ills record was 615 and he beat his opponent, Anderson, by an even 100. M. Martin of the Willow Springs made the next beat score bis total being 558. lead ing Balxer by 40. Although Hammond's figures make a good showing for a tourna ment the new alleys did not make for ex ceptional records. The fresh field and the new pins put the players on their skill and these conditions must be taken Into account In passing Judgment upon the scores. The play In Houth Omaha last night was the first round of the singles and the big crowd that hung around the alleys showed the Interest the tournament has aroused. When the contests become closer the Inter est is sure to be even keener. Scores: 1st. 145 Hunt . Hull .. Hammond , .V2 Anderson Brings Hail Kitzeeiald Chadd I'ruyn Krltcher r'rancisco OJerde Zarp f Sildenafil wager Ollhreath ... Solomon Mar.Martln halzvr 157 174 115 177 139 173 1X3 181 176 171 ISO 1) 149 141 170 159 htter 160 llinrli lis 151 2d. W 100 190 159 204 174 l.H) 162 179 193 IV 174 16a 174 11 191 175 16H 133 131 3d Total 175 41 156 L'23 1S2 153 157 1H5 174 167 lss 168 178 171 1VI us HI 19 1U0 lh 4.4 615 515 471 .M18 477 CM 6s 541 r-ri 61 4'3 4' 10 4'l 470 5.-6 616 413 4uH first fi-anii and then null for the test of the nine f'aino, Sternly old 'jnhn Htons ihs It on any of the younsnr Hmrks around , town. His ball la pure a killer.. , Jar-k Kutirey puiieit ami betit and add a mile Ui Iiik to gel old 69, W- work, but there was nothing doing. The Stors Malt veie false alnrms. yr-i. they beat the I'lkew of tl,e Commercial league -out ot their position, Fagerbetg's second game was s'lVely a tough one, three wide open splits ivlid yet he finished with a sicoie of life. Just to show tke hoys he Is still some shooter. Weekes pulled down a MM'.totaJ. Makes no difference te him on what alleys he shouts. PAT'S COMETS TAKK TWO UAH Rt I. S. Rational Hangers Trim Crelgh- ton Dentnls. rat a Comets took two out of three froig Andy's Colts. Baustlan had high' game of 28 and high total of 632 for I'at's Comet. White had high game of 181 and high total of 497 for Andy's Colts. March 9: Andy's Colts against Idlewllds. Score; ' ; .1 PATS COMETS. . V ' tot. 2d.' 3d. Total. Kaynlsh .....X... M3 '170- 148 446 Baustlan ,. 173 . ' - 151 b tt Barton 173 ' 174 169 616 Totals. ...... ......... 479 . 653 463 1,494 ANDt 3 COLTS. ' 1st. r-1. Sl. Total. White m ' 165 151 497 Sweeney in 70 1 43 446 Silk -. 168 157 163 488 Totals...............". 4S2 491 ' 4S7 ' 1.431 The United States National Rangers took three In a row from the Crelghton Dentals. Jai-kson had high - game of 203 and It Swanson had high total of 5-7 for the Rangers. Nelson had high game of 177 and Kllng had high total of 490 for the Cj-slghton Deqtala. . fteore: ... , . CKSIUHTON DENTALS. lt. 2d. 3d. Total. Unix ,.v. U'g H6 i:8 412 riling 140 1G7 . 153 4ti) Nelson lat 177 1.9 444 Totals 406 490 4J0 1,316 V. . NATIONAL RA NGCH3. - Mi- 2d. 3d. Total. R. Swanson 131. in? u 441 II. Swanson....,'.!...... l2 166 21K) ' 5i!7 Jackson ;.k.v-203 ' 168 106 . 477 ' Totals!...,..;.;,...;. ttf' 490 454 1,445 II A CK 1 1 WI.M . FHOjT '. OROIfMAN liasslan . Lion sin pr. Roller Win Matches at Kansas ' City. KANSAS - ClTt,;, Mo ' March 9. -George Hackenschmidt defeated . Henry Ordemkn, ahd Dr: B. F." Roller threw "Amerlcus" In a double event 'wrSstllng bill,' given by the Hmpiro Athletic club hera tonight, Both matches were fast. Roller threw Amerlcus the first tima In 1 hour, 13 mlnues and 68 seconds, and won the second fall In 30 minutes and 20 sec onds. Bach fall was secured with a com bination half-nelson and crotch hold. Hackenschmtdt was the aggressor in the second match and during the entire time had Ordeman nn the defensive. He secured the first fall In 1 hour, 2 minutes and 8 seconds with a, ha.lf-nelnon. and the sec ond in 14 minute and 31 seconds with a double barr arm hold. Movements of Players. NEW YORK, March (.-President Lynch of the National league announced ap proval of the following contracts and re leases tonight: Contracts With Boston, William I. Burke, H. S. Spratt, Frank Pfnffer and W. J. lngerton. The last named la as signed by Vhicagd; W. ilgned by Chlcagd; if . With: Jk-fioklyru ilbur T. Schardt. With Chicago. R. T. Fisher. David Shean. William A. t'oxen and A. F. Hoer man. 1911 and 1912.-5 vvitn Cincinnati, 8. v. Pauxtla. With New York, Louis W. Drucke. With Philadelphia,- Karl U Moore. 1911, 1912, 1913; J. A. Rowan. With Ilttsburg, Robert Bvme, H. Cam nltx. John M. Corsiden and W. B. Mc Kerhnie. ReleaHes By Brooklyn to Rocheater (E. L), Thomas McMillan; to Blnghampton (N. Y. S. L.), R. -M. Blakley; to Mobile (S. A.), Tony Smith. By Cincinnati to Syracuse, (N. T. S. L.), S. E Pauxtla. Boxing 'at Cleveland. .CLEVELAND. March (.-Johnny Kllbane of Cleveland was awarded a de cision over Johnny Albanes of Columbus In a ten-round bout here tonight. The ten-round bout between "Spike" Kelly of Chicago and Tommy Gavigan of Cleve land was declared a draw. Walnnt lllil Boys Win. The Walnut Hill, school basket ball team trimmed the lada of the United Brethren church Wednesday night, winning from the church five by a score of 46 to 4. The Hill lads simply went in and bad It all their own way. The Walnut Hill quintet is looking for game from the teams In Omaha composed of players under 14 years of age. "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Ken drlck, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale by all dealers. Mela fatuous Hoi lleer In bottles on and after March (. Guaran teed to be the only genuine Bock Beer brewed In Omaha, Family trade supplied by Wm. J. Boekhbff. Retail Dealer. Phones Douglass Ut: Ind. A-2119 SOUTHERNERS TALK OF PROSPERITY FOR SECTION Commercial Con a re as Begins session In Atlanta, Addressed by Lendlnsr Men. The Bnkonlc I'laaur destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters is the guaranteed remedy, ioc. Fur sale by Beaton Drug Cu. Notes of the Tonrney. Honest John Bengele goes to a tourna ment like a duck to water, kept his scores below the 170 mark. Bob Manley was the -only Brandels man to draw a turkey during the evening. Anderson lost control of his curve ball an-1 Mas forced to fall back on the fast one. Milkmaid Jones his a fine young worm 1 hhii I 11 axes jusi io imnuiea tor uie ban I to hit. i Seemed like fsll around the alleys lust 'n'uht. cherry picking seemed to be every J body's bobby. I I,eyendecker a the only Buyer to shoot tetter than 5u0, but he is a regular leaguer land oufcht to. ' llf.Lin at Ihu ttlBtlilui. Tin.- r- uu- -tll.-U for Ilia ciKara being the last to make a inks, ilarr Maulxy got bu right la Uie ATLANTA, Ua., March 8. The South ern Commercial congreas' first session was devoted to speech-making by well known men of the country and delegates from the various southern states. Kaoh pointed to the increased prosperity In store and the multitude of mutual advantages which are hardly begun to be utilized. John M. Parker of New Orleans, preal dent of thi congress, in a general state ment, explained the aims of the oiganUa tlon and Its conventions. Speeches by Gov ernor Joseph M. Brown of Georgia; General Julian 8. t'urr of South Carolina and I'nRed States Senator Duncan O. Fletcher of Florida and Secretary Edwin L. yuarles of the Southern Gommerdlul congress, were followed by addresses on the general topic "External Views of the South," by leaders In the business and professional world. These speakers Included James Wilson, secretary of agriculture: George W. Per kins, formerly with J. P. Morgan & Co.. and Arthur Kavanagh. cashier of the Na tional City Bank of New York City. Special Medicine far Kidney A 1 1 wen La. Many elderly people have found In Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick relief and perma nent benefit from kidney and bladder ail ments and from annoyiug urinary irregu larities dus to advancing yeaia. Isaac N. Regan, farmer, Missouri, says: 'Foley's Kidney. Remedy effected a complete curs in my case- and I want oth-ri to know ot It." Jr'or sale by ail druggista SCHOOL "FRATS" FAVORED . . ew York Hoard of Kdurntlon Places Itarlf on krrvrd ns OpuuslaaT Hratrlellons. NEW YORK, ' March I -New York s Board of Education, contrary to the policy of many hoards' throughout the country, went on record today as opposed to any legislation designed to prohibit pupils Ut Every L eirsoEi who has played the races, bought mining- stocks or gambled :: :: :: Greeting! world and you have lost And you will play it again and you'll lote again. The wisest man who playi the races, or peculate', hasn't a chance. We are all "tuckeri" together. How do I know? Because I have played both endt and lost I am an expert on horse-racing. I made 17.30 grow into 1,500,000.00 in lets than two years, giving tips on the races. And I lost it all betting on my own tips. I am an expert on mining stocks. I have induced the public to part with $200,000,000.00 for Nevada securities. I engineered the Goldfield boom. I was on "the inside." I got in on all the good things. I haven't got a cent to-day. I have gambled since I was a kid. I have been in all the gambling hells that count for anything. I have as good luck as the next man and a lot more experience. I have won all kinds of money. Hut I have lost every cent. All I have to show for my ten years' work is a large fund of expe rience, some odd recollections, and this firm conviction : The Public hasn'tvgot a chance. I have no intention of telling you a hard-luck story, but I do want to tell you how the game is worked. It's not all bad. It's not all good. , ; It's merely catering to the American people's insatiable desire to ' ' gamble. I want to tell you . How your money goes. Who gets it What they do with it What chance you have of winning it back. I want you to know the game as I know it, see it as I have seen it -from the inside. This is not a moral expose. It's a life story. It's just what the title says: "My Adventures with Your Money." It's a great yarn a real adventure story. And it's true. George Graham Rice. "My Adventures with Your Money" begins in the April number of Adventure. The first chapters lay bare the inside workings of race tipping bureaus; and especially the career of Maxim & Gay7 which Mr. Rice owned and operated. It's a great story. Ask your newsdealer to-day for April A ifh nl f3 VJ WW J 1 I fnB a Pablished by tha PubBiher of Everybody's At All News-stands - IS By mail. One Dollar and a The Ridf way Company centi a copy. Half a Yrar. New York. You are Judged By The Collar You Wear Be Square With Yourself A SOILFD eolUr dntrort your eodre ip- x pearmnce, wear UTHOLiN WATERPROOFED LINEN COLLARS Th ten yeu-RHios isrntawat yos an Juke. Perauneiuly dekn duns cltxh on tb work. Pins somtatc fnltS. tare $16.00 a rear ia laundry billa. Coilm 28 ewe A, Caff 60cm nntr At your snlcr'i, or by sail on receipt of arks The FIBERLOID CO. 7 St 8 WTrly Tern r PL Only Three Days Required To Cure the Drink Habit by the Neal Way. The Most Severe and Chronic Cases Are Completely Cured in That Time The N'esl Three Day Liquor Cure la an absolute specific for periodical and hab itual drunkenness. This Is a strong state ment, but It is Justified by the axperlenoe of hundreds of patients who have left the varluus Neal Institutes throughout the United States and Canada during the past year after only three days' treatment with all desire and craving for alcohol de stroyed, and In a perfect mental and phy sical state. It makes no difference bow long the patient has been drinking, or what ha drlnka, the cure Is effected In three days' time, aud without the uae of painful hypodermic Injections and Injuri ous drugs. The Neal Institute Is receiv ing dally enthusiastic reports from every quarter of the country, aa to the efficacy of the treatment That It does cure, and cure permanently, Is establlahed beyond controversy by the testimonials of hund reds of cured patients, tor booklet "THt NKAL WAY," guarantee and bank refer ences address the Neal Institute Company. O. B . 1402 So. 10th rlt., Omaha. Neb. 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